i always get really reluctant to check if james randi is still alive so i put it off and dont think about it for a year and then im always relieved that he still is every time i didn't think he'd make it nearly this long
in my lack of socializing from 18-22 i didn't get to notice how impressionable people are i just stayed in my own cynical isolated world since i was like 16 i gotta be careful in managing my expectations responsibly
i just got to do a joint session with a DID client it was really cool we were explaining to her that she has DID and stuff it was absolutely fascinating
i wish someone would explain to me what's wrong with me
hold on, let me look up how a potluck works oh, okay. that's simple. But I'd have to cook something I guess. barbecue jerk chicken would work. or baked ziti.
Got hailed down by an eighty-three year old man looking for directions to a driving ... academy? 'cause he needs to get his license. Guess he let it expire so long he was out of the grace period for renewal. All he had for directions though was a map book that looks like it's out of the eighties so I had a bit of trouble parsing it to get him on the right route, hah hah.
Kirara 🍄
those old maps were good but it took so much to learn to read them
>>747125 Yeah it's an early content release It'll be fun to see all the World newbies get to experience the Rajang. A Zero Horizon Frozen Wilds crossover is a good add-on for the Iceborne DLC.
It's a shame Glavenus was the only of the four Generations flagship monsters to make it to World. As far as creativity goes it's the least exciting of the three I think. At the least the giant woolly mammoth and the bubble Chinese dragon are cooler, if not harder fights.
This professor has some early twentieth century experimental cinema running during the break and at one point when I was queueing to ask a question I glanced up at it to see an up-close scene of a man cutting open a woman's eye with a razor.
maybe i'll try my hand at it i dont think anyone would pay for my work but im pretty sure i could get people to pay me to not draw any more of it every month
Dear Nintendo family, if you receive an email telling you that you're a parent now, it's okay you're not actually a parent. I just panicked and pressed some buttons. But nothing that matters really changed.
certain gene expressions can cause iris color to change based on intraocular pressure, or even the ambient barometric pressure! it's quite common mine turn grey when my blood pressure goes up they're kind of greenish otherwise
Playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes can be funny sometimes.
>>747218 No, she was weird, of course. I asked her what she does. She says she working to be an accountant. I ask what got her into that line of work. "I'm good with numbers."
what do you do for fun? "hang out" oh, watching tv? playing games? or? "i just hang out" ok
It was mind numbingly boring. No personality at all.
no photo or video once the event starts so no clips this time im taking a seat in the back section this time because it looks like alot more people. spyair had jumping room. this is... even the VIP box looks kinda cramped.
I made myself a cup of tea after I'd gotten home but it slipped my mind before it cooled enough to drink. So it's just been sitting here since then. It's only been around three hours though so while strong it's probably still fine.
>>747247 gramercy theatre >>747248 that was last time this is Man With A Mission
>>747249 Who would've thought NYC had enough weebs who were willing to buy tickets. Wait how much are the tickets? >>747251 Yes
lmao are you kidding
like 30 bucks it wasnt a lot
I definitely wouldn't spend that much to see any anime related band except for Mosaic.wav or the pillows.
I pretty much never pay over $25 to see bands.
spyair was amazing and this is starting off pretty good too.
also the WOLF HEADS I WANT One
Speaking of concerts I just got an email reminding me that the list of free concert tickets for radio station volunteers updated Looks like I might be seeing tom morello
Kirara 🍄
>>747253 man with a mission is better than pillows
Blue you need to report back if they play RAISE YOUR FLAG or DATABASE or WINDING ROAD. These things are important.
"everybody in the house sit down for a bit"
"OKAY NOW JUMP" lmao not on this knee but i respect it >>747260 i am so mad. i sould haave brought the trini flag
You had your chance and you BLUE it.
me and my partner in art are having creative differences we released our audio project recently and I didn't use the denoise and debuzz effects on our software this time because i find that they damage the quality of our voices in the recording, making us less audible. my m8 recently re-edited the project and reuploaded it, using the denoise and debuzz effects. he of course had to passive-aggressively state that this mix brought him to tears with how much better it sounds tham the previous mix. except i listen to it now and half of it is nearly inaudible. the denoise function has served us well and i think it does more good and less bad than the debuzz function, in previous projects. so i'd like to meet in the middle with him and tell him that it sounds like dogshit now and maybe we could just use the denoise effect but without hurting his bitchass feelings and stirring up my rage towards him any further by means of his bitchass passive aggressive tendencies
pls advise
>>747259 II've heard some of their stuff and I have to disagree with you.
>>747281 Whaaaaaaaat Oh gosh I hope there's still tickets available.
I CANT believe they went from MY HERO TO DATABASE JUST LIKE That hoooo .my god
>Fall Out Boy ???????????????????
>86 missed calls New song time
>>747284 They've toured with Fall Out Boy in the past. I think it's thanks to them or FOB's record company in part that they're able to do this outside-Japan tours.
how was your work day? you always have weird stuff happen
lmao i for real could have gone to work right after this concert. about to go to the quarters just to get my bag and use the bathroom
no don't do it it's a trap >>747307 pretty standad Sunday some drunk (presumably) fuck ordered alcohol and then complained when I arrived within the window because he saw he estimated time and thought "better stand out the front of my property for an hour waiting" than /// nobody could apparently could make sense of him when he called
>>747308 Must be convenient to have a place like that in the city you can stopover at whenever you need. Gnew Yak is big I bet some times that's a closer place to stop at than your own house.
>>747303 she doesn't even argue semantics with Kirara anymore smh
>>747309 he must have really wanted that alcohol he sounds like he lost his buzz while waiting
yeah i think that was probably something along the lines of what happened you'll have to forgive my email etiquette I haven't used it in a few years scent
did you want steam or something for smoother correspondence?
I think it should be fine, I haven't logged into steam in ages anyway
dang its a shame that twitter accounts cost so much to make oh wait no you can be unsuspended for free and all the people that blocked you will no longer have you blocked :) d
>>747484 Yeah but it took me 5 minutes to make aa new account =[
>>747490 >referring to manzu characters as cracks Ewwww >eight jokers >EIGHT One is too many
>>747494 Damn those are some sick robots Love the dude in the singlet >The charleston Oh my god I hate American mahjong Although the mechanic itself sounds kind of interesting Might make a neat custom mode
>circles, also called dots, or dot
wait until you see the beautiful character artwork it really gives mahsoul a run for its money
did the anime friends watch the masamune-kun OVA yet
Nope. I I'll bring it up if I can convince Squid to come back and watch anime once the autumn season rolls around. Ika really liked the series I think. I mean I'm sure it's fun enough that we can bring Moon along and it would be fine but as far as sentimental value goes it's just Rika and I at the moment. If Squid's still a no-show maybe Rika and I can slip it in somewhere some night.
>>747496 >well guys I got myself a 80085 here looks like you're all going to the shadow realm. >Not so fast y'all. I got myself a 1775 in cracks and the square dance
>>747504 now hol'd it rite there pardner where you think you goin with that read em and wheat tiledrop that right thurr is a fourth a july now gosh dangit someone grab the paper towels yer gettin bacon grease all over the tiles again
the new kamen rider is really silly the main character is a failed comedian so he just constantly makes horrible puns and then nobody laughs it's a good gag
>>747505 20 fries and five hanburgers That's a rodeo!
surprising it is actually located in the "nowhere" part of russia
Is it really? I would imagine being "Nowhere" is a pretty good place to keep a comprehensive collection of dangerous viruses.
release them in the seed bank
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
I wonder if they store the viruses dead or alive
Life and death are kind of different experiences once you get down into the relative size scale of microorganisms like viruses.
Kirara 🍄
Viruses are functionally immortal. That's one of the reasons ice melting is a problem, it can release viruses that humans haven't seen in millions of years. You can make a virus go dormant, but it can always wake up unless it's broken down into proteins and stuff. Although not all viruses can really be broken down properly.
first of all, why are you texting me while i'm obviously in session? i can't reply second, why dont you just make fucking copies you absolute mo ron
ugh, i hope she doesn't embarrass me tomorrow in front of everyone at the treatment provider meeting for the county i offered to bring her because i thought itd be good for her training but she's so incompetent
how many people work in your office at the same time does she have anyone else to ask questions of oh, well, I guess she just needs to start asking people thigns thighs
she also let a client bring his boyfriend in to a session mooooron
>>747540 today we have maybe 10 people yes she could be asking anyone else questions there are plenty of people i'm sort of her supervisor or whatever but still
you know, ive had market research clients for all kinds of various industries phone service providers, fast food, air condition repair, tire treading, water heater installation services, water supply services, state marijuana messaging, kodiak bears just to name a few
i wonder if anyone hires conulting agencies to go collect market research interviews on sex toys i should offer
Quick question: Do any of you plan on playing AI: the Somnium Files? It's the new Uchikoshi game. Because if so, I won't say things but if not, I might need to like... VENT ABOUT NONSENSE because you know how he gets and how I get because of how he gets.
i am so excited the network finally let us connect I wanted to play at midnight but it was locked until just now I just need to finish this playlist and then I'll play. It's looking really nice already
would be pretty good if someone started trying to market black snakes as a white power symbol like when they tried to turn the rainbow flag into a racial segregation flag https://i.imgur.com/1EboXQu.jpg
>>747571 so what the AC is running too cold and condensation is fucking you over?
>>747571 It's good. oh man, this game is good. I don't know why I thought this game would feel serious. Fucking Date, man. Master Dumbass Protagonist Creator Uchikoshi
skyrim really has 2 modes works goof or hours and crashes every 10 seconds
Kirara 🍄
>>747572 the ac froze over 8 inches of ice and then the AC people told us to melt it without telling us the drain was clogged so 8 inches of ice melted and overflowed the drainage pan which overflowed onto my desk
I think my game is bugging or maybe it was just that session or whatever mods I have make the legendary difficulty just impossible >vampiric drain does 200hp/s >random mooks deal over 900 dmg with lightning spells
i cant believe i dont have squid on steam how am i supposed to turn the tablea and start telling HIM to come back to /moe/
i could do t for you or just give you his discord
ive got his diiscord, but i dont hvlave // have or want discord on my phone
just call the ocean and ask for squid
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
tell him i said he was the big gay
"hello, ocean? can squid come out to play today?"
what the... a mouse
Life ... finds a way
well I hope this piece of life found its way back out too and doesn't come back maybe there is some weird tiny hole behind the fridge
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
A question for my American friends: There was recently a high profile case here where a public servant got fired from her government department for talking mad shit about her department (and specific members of that department) on twitter under an anonymous handle. And it was ruled by the High Court that it was appropriate to fire her for that.
Would that gone down the same way in America, do you think? Or would that have fallen under the first amendment
depends on if it would be ruled as defamation/slander or not
>>747604 i don't think the first amendment protects work agreements government employees are representatives as well, so i would imagine it depends on what capacity she was posting, even anonymously
e.g. posting like "im an anonymous employee of the government and here's stuff about my department, colleagues, and job" or if it was anonymous plus also disconnected from the entity like if you were to go on twitter and post about a government entity without attaching yourself to it internally
for it to be an unidentified employee of the government probably seems like grounds to at least investigate the matter and take disciplinary action, which the internal investigation would look at the findings and see what disciplinary action is appropriate
regardless of the first amendment, government employees are still beholden to a lot of policies there's a zero tolerance policy for racially offensive comments for instance, and those almost always end up with the disciplinary team terminating the person because it's the policy they put in place and they have to that's obvious when they're on the job, probably, but if they're publicly connected to the department and using a public platform of identification to also voice commentary that is inappropriate, then there's grounds for them to be fired im pretty sure i know you said anonymous, but that's why i was making that distinction if she was still identified as a government employee but just unnamed
>>747631 I'm getting by. Today was really weird. 2 gallons of water poured down from above my desk today at work. The AC went / was still out, and we went the whole day without internet. And then the group schedule got kind of messed up, too. But my day is finally over so I can go home and eat dinner.
>>747637 The AC died yesterday because it had 4-5 inches of ice on it. It was because the drain was clogged, but the AC people didn't realize that or didn't tell us. So today it was like 8 inches of ice. They turned off the breaker for it to let it melt and it all overflowed down from the second floor onto my desk.
>>747643 No, thank God. My incompetent intern noticed it was starting to drip and she moved my laptop and stuff since I was in a session. It got way worse later, but my stuff was protected.
Haha, she's so incompetent. She got completely fooled by some clients today. If I hadn't reviewed her work, she would have made some really bad clinical decisions.
These clients tricked // This client tricked her into letting him bring his boyfriend in. Then he guilted her by saying if we say he'll need treatment, he'll miss his deadline and his probation officer will send him to jail.
And so she comes out, like, "i dont think he needs treatment" I start examining her on the client. When did he last drink? Oh, his boyfriend's birthday? You just told me his boyfriend is a recovering alcoholic. Why is he drinking on that day? What's his arrest history? Oh, public urination? Criminal mischief? Contributing to delinquency of a minor? Open container? Domestic violence?
local ton definitely didn't just pay an exhuberant amount of money ro a figure
What figure?
>>747652 >Contributing to delinquency of a minor That's a very specific crime that I don't think I've ever heard of anyone being charged with previously.
Today a client told me they have a weird obsession with asparagus where they eat a ton of it and then drink a ton of water and pee and then they smell the pee
and im like "yeah, that's kind of weird" and he goes "i was telling someone about it the other day" and i advised him not to tell people outside of therapy that
>>747705 Uncertain. There's a lot of accounts of it having an origin in immigrant communities in the UK but there's also accounts of its origin in India. It is considered a dish of national celebration in the UK though, yeah.
Means I used pre-pureed tomatoes and ... well I didn't bake the naan myself so I guess that too. It's still about as home-cooked as you can get without doing the pointlessly tiresome prep work.
My imouto was talking about a friend she'd made in her classes at dinner today; a girl who had a picture of Trish from JoJo part five as her laptop wallpaper. I'm kind of envious of her ability to approach someone and talk candidly enough to make friends. Just the thought of trying to open a conversation on a topic like that is enough to make me feel awkward and uncomfortable.
The only friend I had at university has moved to Scotland this semester and probably won't be back except for brief visits for at least a year or two. So I guess the thought of feeling isolated because of my own social ineptitude is particularly on my mind.
the connections i make usually end up dissolving pretty easily it's easy to plan stuff out but usually people just don't care enough to follow through or even really continue a social connection i'll do stuff with people once and then never see them again or hear from them again since it's really just not very meaningful
when i think about how that turns out, i don't feel bad for not taking the initiative to make those connections in the first place they're usually awkward, uneventful, and not altogether meaningful
that would probably be different if i had more solidarity im constantly having to play pretend irl though and it's exhausting
There's a mouse hiding in my room underneath my bookbag. But I'm in the middle of a Mahjong game so all I can really do at the moment is keep an eye on it in my periphery hah hah. It's just a mouse though I'm sure it's not a big deal.
My boxing coach to me: >good job tonight Marsh >you know, when you first started coming here a couple years ago you were a pussy >now you're looking pretty good
Umm Thanks
>>747847 Nice one Marsh I bet you could beat the shit out of old Marsh
The first time he used 4chan, he immediately got our household banned by shitposting on /g/ asking about how to stop people from stealing his internet waves
>>747884 i dont really feel like going back out to get it hopefully this phenylephrine helps out i guess i didnt really need to make this unsubstantive post
>>747888 a bottle simple, mouse gets in, and usually even if it is sudewaysnit can't get out but placed upright like that it definitely can't climb+squeeze out
conceptially works on rats too, but you need to widen the mouth and a bigger bottle and welp hope it doesn't get hungry or panicky enough to chew tgrough the bottle
did you ever see that shawn woods youtube channel where he just makes mouse traps and stuff and uses them in his barn there's a lot of simple solutions like that
I said "This is a professional meeting, so you should be dressed like you are going to work at least. If you don't have time to get changed, it would be better if you didn't come."
>>747903 how... this is somethibg i expect a teen to already know
she's so incompetent so bad at communicating so bad at planning is she really 23?? i told her i would take her there from work at 11:30 because i don't trust her to get anywhere on time
of course every psychologist must contract with an entity in order to be recognized and to attain psychology powers our clinics are typically contracted with a larger entity to ensure smooth running but business will fail if the entity becomes displeased with you it will demand sacrifices and sacrifices it must be given
I could stream. I wasn't since everyone I knew who would want to see it also wanted to play it and it's the sort of thing that you don't want to spoil.
i hit a major breakthrough on my paper, the ones i had to stop working on when i went to the hospital and haven't touched since i can't stop obsessing over the new information to process
i mean i really can't, since im not medicated, i don't have any control over it at all to set it aside for later it's gonna consume all of my functioning unless i figure out how to either control it or until i publish
I heard skittering so it definitely either has made a hidyhole in my kitchen, or there is some hole it sneaked in from there now if it just would go and have a nice meal in my trap
Yeah, Mayumi is back up on the list of people I want to have murder me
>>748056 He is giving us the real final season Live
you btw ever have that weird moment of watching say a yt video then the quality (auto) for whatever reason lowers down, say 1080 to 720 and then for a moment, you not noticing it think your vision is going borkey
btw awhen people sub on twitch, if you know, do they pay just for a month at time or the whole say 12 month at once? if the latter sometimes the >100month subs are fucking insane
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>748059 one a month but you can set it // well it's a subscription so it autorenews if you don't shut it off
Well that's where the sub from 'sub'scription comes from. Though I guess for a lot of magazines or newspapers they would always be long-term payments like for a full year or whatnot eh. But I think with most Internet services they like it when you pay month-to-month. Spotify, Amazon, Netflix, etc.; they all default to monthly payments.
>>748059 I believe the sub format has been around for a decade now even. So some people are coming up on that milestone, the first people that jumped on the subscribe bandwagon.
>>748061 oh so it just hilights how long you have been kay
>>748062 If they should have not been released ... how did this guy from Blink-182 get them.
he founded the academy that is researching it or whatever
Well if he founded the academy and therefore is likely responsible for the photos, wouldn't he be the say on whether they get released or not. Unless they were provided to the academy by the Navy I guess.
It just feels like such a weird ball of technicalities.
Kirara 🍄
it's a very weird thing
>>748066 not really if im sent audio to be transcribed for a client, i don't have the say on whether those transcripts are published it's probably really not a big deal but NDA is standard with any military related stuff
you can probably just send them an information request and they'd provide information to you, they do that, but probably have a "use this for private use" agreement as opposed to say publishing anything and making it look like an official statement
they have people who determine what information to release publicly to the press and all that so there's probably such a distinction that documents or information requested are just collections of information and aren't official statements and as such shouldn't be for public use, but still are public access by request
i assume it's something like that anyway
>>748062 Just because they're UFOs doesn't mean they're aliens.
I'm working towards finishing BL, then I'll do not-BE and then I'll do Deer
Kirara 🍄
>>748084 im halfway through goldo deer i did blue and red already but im takin a break to play other games now im playin monhun and the new uchikoshi game
>>748085 BL was really good I don't think the other routes will beat it for me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>748087 That's how I'm feeling about BE but I've heard very good things about GD so
>>748120 Not really sure why I'm extra tired, just am. Maybe it's work busy catching up with me.
My sleep schedule's been haphazard for a bit now. Not even poor, though I guess the end result is that anyway, but just all over the day. It's making me particularly tired tonight too,.
>>748123 Yes, but I'm going into a busy week next week and I have to start preparing this week. I really should have started prep today but I was too tired to really get into it.
>>748132 Sometimes. Need for stimulation is associated with ADHD which is associated with lower working memory and processing speed. In neurotypical people, there's less of a link between the two. Curiosity is associated with greater cognitive ability, though.
>>748136 Oh, that's not too bad. When was the last time you took a vacation?
Nah. She's not cute or attractive. And her personality isn't cute at all. She's trying hard but she's the normie type of dork that uses words like "bamboozled".
Thing about total war games that always annoys me is running it with mods going with your usual difficulty and then noticing with the hard or very hard modifiers, the game is impossible the AI units just have so high morale, they just fight to death always
I was explaining to her how a client completely played her and going through all the factors that show me he's lying, and she got upset and said "I got bamboozled!!'
It was really an obvious con, too. The client had 10 years of substance abuse related arrests, and she told me she didn't think he had a substance abuse problem.
>>748146 It's a normie dork word. Like Big Bang Theory watcher "im a cute dork" stuff. It's not cute when it's coming from someone causing me so much trouble!
You should take a vacation! You're always working so hard.
>>748143 Hey how dare you I have never said a word ironically in my entire life.
>>748165 I guess hibernating is like vacation. You should take a little time off sometimes!
It's kind of normie. She's super normie. She wants me to shop at Target with her to decorate her desk, even though I'm her superior. She has no professional boundaries and is super normie!
No, sites have to be accredited. There are a lot of clinics that aren't CPA or APA accredited, but I can only intern at accredited ones. There aren't any accredited substance use sites there as far as I know.
>>748176 that and the fuck uh i think its heroine? i forget this area is like one of the worst nation wide for something
Kirara 🍄
heroin probably yeah you probably have flakka too
Kirara 🍄
>>748177 ill come eat at your restaurant and then get sick because no soap and sue the restaurant
Probably opioids in general including heroin. The opioid crisis is pretty severe all down the eastern seaboard in the States from what I think I remember.
we used to then we ran out two weeks ago and i guess its just been considered a luxury >>748185 okay yeah that were in that
Kirara 🍄
>>748182 then when i own the restaurant you can manage it and call it SKULLS Diner
>>748174 >Provincial government rejected applications for fifteen additional supervised sites >Cut back funding for existing sites Well never mind accredited or otherwise we might not even have ANY if this keeps up. I loathe these fucklechucks.
>>748188 if this place falls into my hands, ill fulfill the owner's son's wish lights OUT
>>748214 yeah fuck em act all desperate on their ads but then when you go to donate suddenly your blods NOT GOOD ENOUGH
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>748216 Their loss, baby More blood in my body left for me
I read like 3500~ pages of manga today.
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
did they not give you a blood money check cause of your aids or are you one of those people that have a useless blood type what was it ab- or something
>>748212 she got a new outfit from a promotion sikilar to kashima with lawson from what i can gleam plusbshigure is still popular in her own right
>>748215 extrenely lewd new pasta loli like what were they thinking
>>748224 The middle one's wood piece is too steep.
last appartment had shoddy bathroom diy this one has shoddy kitchen diy first molf mold then mice i wonder what i'll get in my next one...
atleast i found the breach will have to see if i can plug it after the mice are caught or domething whoever made this kitchen deserves a cactus fisting
>>748220 shig's always popular eh >>748221 well they're really afraid of the loli crowd so it doesn't surprise me
>>748230 afraid of losing the loli crowd you mean?
not afraid to dabble in the loli crowd words are hard but yeah that too