Just realized that I can use this site on firefox while at work (IE was not syncing, rip) Missed yall, although I only pop in every once in a while.
Having to use Internet Edge or Explorer or whatever is always a miserable experience. It's weird how prevalent it still is in work environments.
If only I were a better IT, my shop's computers would all have chrome. >: The fed's caught me trying to install an application, but not well enough that it could be pinned on me.. Nonetheless, still a failure. Anyway, I came here to ask if anyone played a visual novel before called The Devil On G-String? I just finished it.
I've read a relatively small part of it but am kind of familiar with the overall plot. Or was, I guess. This would have been like six or seven years ago. I'd definitely say I'm kind of foggy on the details by this point.
Ahh, wasn't feeling it I presume? I'll admit that I wasn't completely sure walking into it, but man, I couldn't tell you how many times I cried. That thing is a work of art I tell ya. If you ever wanted to give it another go, i'd definitely say go for it!! Other than that, thats all I had to share I guess. I'm assuming most everyone went to bed or something?
>>746140 We've got plenty of Europeans and Aussealanders and North Americans on weird schedules 'round here that there's probably a few people hovering around. Activity attracts activity though.
Honestly it wasn't even that I didn't take to it, it was just that I was reading it at a friend's house since I didn't have a personal computer I wasn't sharing with family at the time, so I was always a little cautious about what I put on it. It's thanks to him really getting into it that I'm as familiar with it as I am without reading it. By the time I would have had the chance to really get into it on the privacy of my own machine enough time had passed that I'd kind of forgotten about it. It's always in the back of my mind somewhere though, so maybe I'll get around to it some day.
anbd I would wsuck you all off so like. give me your dicks
>>746141 I'm about as changing force as any old forgotten thing you could find lying around, when it comes to anything.
>>746142 I can understand your fear in downloading it then. "G-String" would definitely make anyone raise their eyebrow and want to check it out. I hope you do eventually find time for it, i'm absolutely obsessed.
>>PAN!! PAN, I miss you.
>>746147 I do not..I was under the impression that you liked Gundams more than Mahjong though?
>>746146 oh god you're right, i thought it was still around 1 am est
Time keeps on slippin' Slippin'
Late summer 'round here is usually consistently dry, which means even as the temperatures cool it's usually pretty easygoing on air pressure changes. But the autumn rains have come early this year and it's making the air constantly flip flap between dry and warm humid which makes for some pretty ping-pong-y pressure changes. I've already had some bad headaches from it and it makes me anxious whenever another one of the swings comes around.
>>746151 Also i'm not a newfag, I used to have a top fan badge here. I used to play Mahjong Titans on my old Windows Vista computer, does that count?
>>746153 >>746154 Well clearly because it's been such a long time since PAN and I have spoken! I even took the liberty of gifting him a Steam game called Bloodhunt, or something, and never heard back! (Granted, that was because he took the liberty of doing something for me that cost a little bit of money..)
i dont even know what that is
>>746156 ;__; You never even tried to play it? I bet you didn't even download it..
>>746163 Hmm, I dont think I left a name last time..But I go by Sastifur by most. I'm one of Kirara's friends. And my job is on a boat. I think thats all I really talked about Oh and one time I came by to sing praises of Fate Stay Night's Heaven's Feel movie.
>>746196 Not at all, but I would kill to have someone to talk about some VNs with for once. I can't get anybody to try one. I also owe you for turning me to them with FSN so many years back. If its your favorite though, i'm sure that it'll soon be among my favorites, if not my new favorite.
I'm glad to hear that! I've just about a week ago had just about the same feeling, somehow. I'm ready to turn over some new leaves. This also may be coinciding with the fact that i'll be stationed in Hawaii soon. And yes. I've also been told i'll have to reinlist or they'll take Hawaii away from me. So, i'll be doing that. WWOIBFLBJK Reenlist*
>>746197 Umineko is a pretty ridiculous ride comprised of eight books!! It's super long and it hits you with ridiculous mind games nonstop! >>746191 is right!
Ohh, Hawaii. Ii na! That sounds really nice. I have a colleague that might be working on the naval base there next summer. How's the wife?
>>746200 Eight books?? How long did it take for you to complete that beast? I do love mind-games, however. I'll be sure to perservere. I hate not knowing how things end, after all.
I'll be there to meet them for sure. In fact, next Summer i'll be sure to just start screaming "KIRARA" at work until they catch on that I know you. My wife? She decided to cuck my G-Senjou for Saya No Uta. ;__; But all jokes aside, she is doing..well. A little stressed from all the stuff we have to do for the move, but she's very hopeful for Hawaii.
Well Umineko was released over four years bi-yearly, so there was plenty of time between volume releases to get to each book. It is definitely a hefty read to do now that it's a complete work though.
>>746207 Umineko is probably like 70 hours of play time. But >>746208 is right, most of us who have played it didn't just binge it. Although I binged the last four books.
Lmao, they're gonna lose their shit. They'll be a psychologist though so they can't be that hard to find. Wow, how cruel! It's good that she's hopeful for Hawaii. are you planning on putting in your 20 years?
The planet stirs. It wakes from its ancient slumber. The miniscule creatures that scurry across its weathered surface unaware yet of the titanic forces that move.
>>746211 70 hours play time? Lol, thats just about every video game I played if you subtract dungeon fighter online, which I had..1600+ hours logged into it back in 2011. I think i'll make it.
Perfect, i'll probably be referred to them as soon as I start screaming. Deshou? She really is. As for the 20 years...I don't know. This place is kinda driving me crazy. I don't think i'll make it to 20 before I lose my mind if I get another ship like the one i'm at. I probably won't be taking my chances. (Unless they offer me a sick bonus that really isn't that sick if you look long term. I'm a sucker for short term wins.)
>>746225 Oh, I know you'll make it. But will you make it with your mind intact?! lol 1600 hours DFO. those were the days. my poor witch, lost to time like tears in the rain.
What do you think you'll do after you get out? GI Bill?
>>746226 I'm flattered that you think I still have a mind to spare. They really were the days..Back when DFO was fun. This new one feels like a job. I quit a while back. It made me feel so gross. I only realized it after trying to suck other people into it again, too.
After I get out..I do think about using the GI Bill sometimes. I guess i'm still unsure. I was thinking of just kicking back and being like, tech support for a small school or something, but thats started to look unappealing to me the more I think about it. Wanting to have an easy job to coast around at just seems to be further and further from what I want the older I get, lately. Somehow.
Enough about me though, what are you getting yourself into these days?
>>746228 that thrives on providing free labor. I'm enjoying my work a lot, though. I love where I work. It's really great. I'm also a zen student now! I meditate a lot.
>>746227 Yeah..I think I got you to come back, but that was clearly a waste of time. Even though I didn't realize it soon enough. I think the new setup they have is just not the same as what they used to have, to be quite honest. But its for the best. Overall, any mmo is really a waste of time, its meant to keep you doing the same stuff over and over, after all. At least with the old one I felt like it allowed you to make friends by forcing you to work together since the dungeons were stupid hard. Now everyone just buys the shiny gear and one-shots everything.
Psychology is frequently on my mind. Its probably one of the few things that i'd be interested in enough to NOT cut corners on, haha.
>>746231 Is that just to say that the money is going right back into the college, or are they really not giving you a single dollar?? I think I just answered my question myself. Forget I said anything. Ooh, meditating..I remember looking into something that had to do with that. I was trying to look for a way to describe..when you're like, in the zone while doing something? You've probably definitely felt this way about something. Like you can do something without thinking, almost effortlessly, even though normally would be thinking while doing it. Kinda like you're in the zone? But a better way to describe it..Man, I forget the phrase. Oh well. I feel like it was Monkey Mind but I might just be monkey brain right now.
>>746231 That's a shame. I don't play games too much anymore unless something specific I'm interested in comes out. I'm playing a lot of Monster Hunter right now.
Psychology is fun! A load of fun. I love it.
>>746232 Technically, since I'm paying tuition, I'm paying to work 40 hours a week. I don't get paid for it. Because it's "experience". I'm a doctoral candidate, though, so soon I'll be out of school and getting paid.
Monkey Mind is Suzuki Roshi's term for the opposite of that! Zen is about being in the moment and just responding in the moment, though. Being one with whatever you're doing and appreciating your life. Meditation is the direct experience of living life in the moment and through it, we develop the ability to do it all the time.
>>746234 Ohh. Is that PC or Switch? I had one for the 3DS I think..
I'm sure you're vastly immersed and learning new stuff every day. I'm salivating over the thought of having all of that knowledge.
>>746234 Oh, that bullshit system. What a sham. I'm sorry. They should at least have to give you a minimum amount..Work is work.
Ahhh. I was inversely close! Yeah, I really wanted to learn how to like, tap into that feeling way more cuz it feels super cool. I forgot to keep looking into it/follow the steps they told me. I think meditating was one of those steps. Or maybe it was all of it. I forget. I'm sure that since you're meditating you experience that state of mind a lot!
>>746235 I play on PS4 but everyone else around here plays on PC because they HATE ME
I didn't really learn much in school but I'm seeing new and interesting things every day which is fun!
Yeah, it's a scam but whatever. I'm almost through it.
I did my first meditation retreat recently. 24 hours of meditation over the course of 4 days. It was really great. I have a really cool zen teacher which helps, though. The zen lineage my master is from is super fun.
>>746236 PS4, huh? I was thinking of getting the PS5 when it comes out, if its even named that LOL. Maybe we can play something on that sometime, when that happens. Then you can give these guys the bird.
Oh. I should've figured that. You can learn a lot of the stuff if you just look into it, after all.
Ohh. That sounds really hard to do..I don't think I could sit still that long. Does your body feel sore after? I wanna try it sometime..A zen teacher would probably be really helpful in getting process on that type of thing. Progress not process, doh.
I've gotta go, but it was nice talking to you! I'll try and get back to you on that Umineko once i'm settled in Hawaii!! Bye byeee
>>746255 But surely a magician would return the Precious Thing that they made disappear? Marisa is none other than a thief. This still won't stop people from burning her at the stake, though.
iphones have a browser feature where if i tap a link to a tweet it opens the tweet in thr twitter app also, logging into the app is the same as logging into the website as cookies are shared does android just not have this functionality?
Kirara 🍄
android does but browser twitter only recognizes one of the several twitter accounts im logged into in the app
i burned the roof of my mouth last night on some hot food and didn't think much about it but i woke up just now and there's like blood everywhere and it's like peeling off and hurts like fuck lmao
God damn How come I can get a full 8 hours sleep and still wake up feeling exhausted.
>>746333 it' s always good to have contingency plans.
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
I can sleep for 12 hours and feel exhausted it could be that your bed isn't that great anymore though too I know mines in rough shape the way you sleep makes a big difference not all sleep is restful sleep
>>746336 no they would let me in if i were going to a recruiter and going through the standard path i wouldn't be able to but with the liaison people who i dealt with in being prior personnel i can get back in i can still pass the physical fitness tests even with my bones, but it's not fun
besides, im a compromised entity so working cybersecurity for the military is a huge security issue
>>746334 are you eating within a few hours of going to sleep
>>746335 That's partly why I recently switched to using a futon. I thought maybe the problem was my old mattress too squishy. But I'm still having problems.
Kirara 🍄
if you sleep for 12 hours, you will definitely feel exhausted that's pretty normal
there's a lot of muscles in your bowels and stuff that work hard to digest stuff having them at work while you sleep is pretty exhausting you don't get fully restful sleep because you're still partially active in digestion so you don't enter that full sleep state
i am always tired when i wake up unless i sleep for like 4 hours minimum
you could eat fruit before the rest of your meal to aid digestion just have some clementine or mandarin oranges or some berries or kiwifruits (with the skin)
Kirara 🍄
if you stop eating, you don't have to worry about digestion just switch to soylent, dude
false, if you don't put food in your digestive tract, it will just digest itself instead
woah you cant just tell an Australian to eat the skin of the Kiwis
>>746356 Well, the girls love gossip and sometimes they have to make their own gossip, you know. I once said that I might not mind being set up on a date, so they probably just went ahead and did it. It's not exactly set in stone, it's all set up and they're like "give the word" and then it'll be set.
>>746357 Well, Fish's circumstances were a little different. That was romance developing between roommates who once had regular drunken flings.
Ready or not is best horror comedy in recent years
>>746370 night drivers are the best i generally have a mutual hate relationship with bus drivers - on nearly ran over me today when i left from home, honked the horn at me too and then dared to go "hey you can't be that close to the road". dude i am a pedestriant on a pedestrian street and you nearly drove into me, you are at fault bitch. but night drivers are bros
the apple is part of the masala flavoring it's ginger apple it's not like there's apple chunks in it it's a smooth, creamy butternut squash kind of curry texture with some corn on top of spaghetti im low on food lol
the doctors found sage 1 breast cancer in her this week i think things will be fine since it's so early but im gonna help her figure out what all the stuff means and figure out a treatment path
>>746441 It was great Well I didn't gt very close It took me like 40 minutes to put on my ear plugs right I started trying to put them on like twenty fve minutes before Slayer started, but because it took so long we weren't able to get very close.
But when the lead singer asked te audience "do you know what payback is" I was the only person in the crowd to yell "yeah" And then he said "do y'all understand what the fucker just said?" And then he said "payback's a motherfucking bitch" So that was cool. Now I have to buy the concert dvd this show is on. Also they had a lot of fire. This was their last Chicago show too
I also saw Gwar, Wutang Clan and Anthrax
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>ear plugs wow you puss
yeah tinnitus is very in right now your missing a good fashion statement opportunity
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
what is the value of earplugs that take 40 minutes to puy in right that is a long ass time
>>746445 My ears are just weird shaped actually. They went in much more easily for the anthrax show I was also really frustrated so that was making it harder
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
i feel like at that point you could just get the disposable foam plugs and just stuff them in for a more reliable
>>746443 I already have hearing loss from going to concerts without earllugs >>746447 That's what they were
Tomorrow I'm seeing White Reaper (my cousin's husband recommended them to me) Village People Ride (gonna check them out) GBV The B52s Patti Smith Maybe Ween Then Bikini Kill
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
owa daim
Also I consider this year's list to be bad It's primarily a punk and metal festival but there's no good punk headliners this year Well I guess Bikini Kill But like Usually they have a bunch of great punk bands This year is mostly pop punk and no name punk bands Oh and ska punk
how can people not like soda water. It's Objectively the best drink.
All the THRILL that comes with the bubbles of carbonated soft drink without any of the sugar.
I just don't really like the soda-y taste. Sodium bicarbonate by itself just doesn't have a very appealing flavour to me. If I'm avoiding a soft drink I'll just make myself some tea.
>>746482 Is there a Finnish distinction for food that is spicy (e.g., spices added to make it taste hot) and food that is spiced (e.g. spices added for flavour but not really heat).
>it costs money to get mods >it costs money to remove your mods ughhh
Ain't nothin' in this world for free
>tried to hide behind a thing >it was a fuel tank >they shot it and I exploded well
>>746504 Doing a little cleaning, getting some stuff from the shops to cook up some lunch might smoke a joint and watch some netflix just chill for today I think
>>746512 Sounds like a nice day. I'm gonna push through Daemon X Machina more I have finally completed the infiltration part of this Now I have to escape.
I wonder if Kimetsu is really gearing towards the end or if it bait and switches into a completely new arc
manga that is
Kirara 🍄
>>746547 >>746548 really feels like the end only way to pull out of this momentum would be failure+timeskip but that doesn't seem thematically appropriate
But I kinda hope it just keeps them omentum and ends there ain't no reason to try to be subvervise or twists for the sake of twists just carry on like shounen and end when it is natural
They're obviously going to kill off at least half of the hashira, so there's no way it'll keep going. You don't kill off your generals unless you're at the end
No shit, I bet muzan will take like 20-50 chapters to kill
Kirara 🍄
>>746554 i was expecting mushirou to die in the latest chapter but no, it's a flashback lol
You ever read Dai no Daibouken btw?
Kirara 🍄
bit 80s/90s manga, but it is quite solid shounen, ofc to a more modern reader it will feel odd just like some older works usually do but it is a solid dragon quest inspired, well it is a dragon quest manga... story hero sets out to beat the demon lord, and so on with many "defeat equals friendship" stuff that is so clicheish now, but ofc back then it wasn't so over used
but would recommend
it has good characters, quite good action scenes and the plot while quite shounen is enjoyable and the villains are also always characters too, and not just card carrying villains which is nice
just came to mind, since ith as something like 50+ chapter final fight
>>746563 it was so cool how tanjirou used it to beat azaka!! >>746564 somehow, but the idea that everyone with the marks die before they're 25 except for moon guy's brother, there's something really weird. moon guy became a demon to keep the mark
Also I don't think the "no-killing intent" is part of the original one that is most likely something that developed over they ears in his family also why his father was dying early and I bet many of his generation, was because of the dance and partially manifesting a mark
Kirara 🍄
>>746566 yeah, def evolving through the generations
they didn't explain Lull in the anime at all btw I think even in manga it just gets a single panel explanation one of my least liked abilities in the series since it is so cool, but it is just "it werks"
>>746570 i hope she didn't go blind. i bet she lost at least one eye, though. if she did go blind, i hope she gets a happy ending with tanjirou
>>746573 she said "nearly blind in right eye" quite clearly But who knows if it isp ermanent they have quite incredible healing techniques in the series
Still kimetsu is a rare series in terms of battoru shounen how the training arcs are of realistic lenght no instant week long power ups or traind for a day and become god
Kirara 🍄
well tanjirou increases in strength pretty quickly during the rehab training arc idk if it'd be possible to learn how to breath that well in just two months
yeah but even that is weeks long and the later training arcs are quite long too >>746589 true but he is MC and he has had quite much experience for his short carreer i mean his what third demon was a former Moon and foruth was rank 10?
Kirara 🍄
yeah that's fair not many people at his level have beaten a former moon or even fought a lower moon and survived
and his first big fight was a demon that had lived in the training grounds for 50 years
But anyhow he is basically getting Pillar training as a side treat from theb utterfly house
also I think he has had even his basic training done bit more than other people ge since he did it high up in the mountains prolly why Inosuke is also stronk, cause he too lived in the mountains >>746595 that too is why zenitsu is stronk too
inosuke on the other hand is a complete enigma virtually no specially training abandoned the training he would have gotten from a hashira raised by boars taught to speak by a random old person that thought he was an animal
I hope they will do a season 2. I want to see it all animated. I want to see my boy's arc
seems to be signal errors >>746605 I bet No reason not to do it I bet there will either be a S2 that will just directly lead to S3 and 4? to cover up rest of it continiously or S2 and then S3... with half a year/year long pauses in between to make it anda lso to allow the series to end
Ufotable said a month or so ago that they'd consider S2 if there was demand for it. And it's so popular, there's no way there won't be demand. Ahh, but I really want it now, you know?
Sad part will be, that tanya won't roflstomp mary sue in the movie like she did in the books since the anime does differ from theo riginal works in some scenes which is not a bad thing, since I can then enjoy the same story in multiple ways
hmm I guess they did a little bit of shuffling to have that britain mission have Mary Sue as an actual threat well it makes it better if they do have brtiain mission in this or not
it still is hilarious how there is a character named mary Sue who is well a mary sue
Kirara 🍄
that's the first mary sue too haha
they changed it to sioux for the anime tho
which is bit weird, cause I think the father was "swedish" and mother s ide was american and sioux would I think be an american name
>>746636 Sioux is a native American name. It's a tribe.
i know...
but do you know what it 100% isn't a nordic surname
hahaha I love the commander of them utlinational expedition force >mary sue comes "WE ARE FIGHTING THE EMPIRE RIGHT FOR GOD YES; FOR GREAT GOD" and he is just >"fuck my life"
>>746653 and this retard goes to melee range with a character that has like... 20 hit points to an enemy who did what... 13 dmg and CRITTED that and he was staggered
but that does require some buffing from other characters or right racial fateweaver is a fun class I think it is pretty much a hit or miss either you just don't really do shit or you plan it right and everything falls into place
forexample their basic spell atm can be either 3 dmg or 18 dmg depending on how you make your moves
oh yeah and the shtick of the class they never roll they don't have attack rolls
I think there is only one ability the class has that actually involves rolling for dmg everything else is a static X amount based on variables
And I am a weird wandering taoist priest with so good fake-nodacchi walking staff, that people in the armoury thought it was useful that it was so useful, when I was wrongly caught of "spreading faith by cheating at gambling" preposterous claim, I got conscripted to the army
Tell me what is the USA "flying device" supposed to be it looks liket he star wars speeders from ep6 the nordic ski+backbag is still solid silly, but if you think about it >get shot down >fall to the snow >can use skiis to get back if magic engine is broken
in the actual novels they all just fly and have tiny devices on their possession, necklaces etc but the anime version is fun too and makes it easy to differentiate between the factions
or wait is /was that the Uk model... they had some weird brooms
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
rolling for havin cash for this cash only establishment #d20 (9) welp its just canadian in there fucc hitting up the Atm #4d10 (7, 1, 8, 3 = 19) incorrect PIN
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
taking a chance on seafood pizza #d20 (19)
>gets saved at last minute after having her emotions take over and going after ther personal villain in a berserk rage DAMN Mary Sue truly is like your average main character
also >will survive all but the last bullets of a luger from 5 m range
but damn that was some good action there were few derp moments, but well the type of cgi animation NUT uses at times does end up derp
HAHHAHA >suggest a new form of combined warfare strategy based on your knowledge of our history >"congratulations, you shall lead this experimental unit" COME ON last time you made this suggestion you got double promoted to a major one would think you¨'d learn
>>746719 somewhere in Orlando idk yet we were aso looking into maybe takin a bus to miami fod the qeekend???
Kirara 🍄
>>746721 oh nice nice miami is a weird place the beaches are good but the core is basically tons of shacks and stuff
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
yea idk if there's ay better way to get there, i am not gonna drive and neither will she most likely or we might just stay in orlando and see dfferent parks if you're nearby hmu w a text
>>746723 nah, eventually there's gonna be a train there or there might already be? it's called brightline i think it doesn't span the state, yet it's not in orlando i don't think but you might be able to take the bus halfway and then the train the rest >>746728 there are some infrastructure problems unfortunately our rail system is 60 years old and the crossings are still triggered by magnetic trip wires so the 50mph cargo trains that use the rails exclusively have no problems but the new train is supposed to be highish speed so the crossings will trip just as the train reaches them which is too dangerous
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
future service to orlando eh
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
wow wow well i hope they figure it out
Kirara 🍄
one of the guys i meditate with is presenting a paper at an engineering conference right now i think about a way to use radiowaves to fix the problem with minimal infrastructure construction or something he was telling me about it but it went over my head a bit because it was pretty technical haha
anyway the bus is probably your best bet i think disney area has a few greyhound depots or whatever
there's a train that goes from west palm to miami called uhh trirail? I think? I've never been on it, though. But I know West Palm Beach has a lot of people that use it
Kirara 🍄
also you're coming in peak hurricane season just FYI make sure you have contingency plans because plans in September and October are pretty iffy sometimes
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
oh, fuck aybe thats why the flight was so cheap well i can always bail
Kirara 🍄
with hurricanes, they rarely hit the whole state if the east coast is getting hit, you can probably head to the west coast although it'll likely be raining if we get hit which might limit what there is to do
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
shiiit well there's always staying in the hotel and eating stuff
There's something really spiritual about hurricanes for me. There's a lot of fear and excitement, and although it can feel lonely, everything feels connected. Although that's not much of a vacation.
Think about it in a funny globl winds level too a hurricane you are enjoying might hit me as a thunderstorm or a week long stormfront or a local high level storm (30m/s winds or more)
I joke a lot about fighting a hurricane, but faced with a hurricane, all you can do is surrender, in a way. There's a point at which you're helpless. You can hear the outside of your home being torn apart, your walls are breathing, and all you can do is wait until it passes or until it rips you out of your home. There's something really special about it.
In 2017, we got hit by Hurricane Matthew and I was sitting in my closet, just waiting and I remember it was the first time since 2015 that I had a sense of actually wanting to live.
>>746740 Nah, Fish was here for Matthew. She'd only been here a week or two, though. Africa was 2018.
is like a blizzard all you can do is take cover and hope for the best, ofc blizzards are quite well covered for nowadays thanks to technology
>>746738 fish dying in africa and matthew coming for kirara was a weird time
well most of 2017 was a blur for me so I don't remember it well likewise of 2016 since october
the only moment in my life that I don't remember which bugs me out, well "remember crystal clear"
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2015 was a mess for me 2016 not particularly great i healed up in 2017 moved 2018 this year has been good
I was homeless october 17 to /16 to august 17 which was a weird time to live
I can see where they were going for the NUTs style of combining cgi with traditional techniques, but just having the keyframes for action scenes looks well not that good
the end result is passable but it looks janky as fuck atleast to me later on they do it a lot better, so maybe there were issues with the in-betweens for this scene, but still kinda weird that they didn't do it better My only guess is, that they had it all drawn, but in the preview it looked bad for some reason, so at that point rather than redraw the in-betweens and recolour them and refit them in and so on they just opted to delete them and go for a somewhat janky scene than really shitty scene
well that is my guess
it becomes especially jarring when just few seconds earlier the action was really smooth and then it becomes jumpy
well hell, it might just be a style experiement from the studio
but because that is pretty much the only part of the movie that has janky animation and that the tv version of the anime neither had any janks that it was some last minute failure
that blind date shit was gay dicks >what do you do? >i'm studying to be an accountant >that's cool, what made you want to do that? >i'm good at numbers >...oh
>>746778 story short played chess game with him am drunk and bad, lost ofc linked a chess channel to him, he said it shit I said Nah he linke his thing I said "this guy has 500k" he said "his 500k stream was cancer" I said "it is actually picture much t=k and... then weird shit started happening
>>746785 no she couldn't or wouldn't even tell me what she does for fun >what do you do for fun >hang out >like, watching tv, or playing games, or? >i just hang out
Irc-gallery, opened up for IRC users in finland in 2000 to share information about IRC users ... so yeah
is this the actually first social media site or not? please correct me that I AM WRONG
Kirara 🍄
>>746802 you will have your account back in like 12 hours most likely
Yeah I was gonna say it's a suspension not an outright boot.
>>746802 I wouldn't believe they're doing a "Three strikes you're out" unless they clearly labelled it that way. Also Kirara has a good bit of experience around people who've gotten suspended so I'd trust him on it.
Kirara 🍄
>>746802 i'm pretty active on garbage twitter and we get suspended all the time i know people on their sixth or seventh suspension
usually it gives a time limit for when I get unsuspended
UNLESS you're part of a secret Twitter pet project where they secretly ban people but just tell them they're suspended and then ghost them. But what are the odds.
Kirara 🍄
ofc i also know people on their 15th or 16th account haha
Kirara 🍄
also trump is trying to make moderation on social media more-or-less impossible so this won't go on that much longer probably you'll be able to say whatever you want soon tabun
there was no literary value in that scene it was sloppy and irresponsible dont get me started
What's dumber is the way all her clothes are tattered up in that shot is actually a tone down from the manga. She doesn't even have any outer clothes on in the manga in that scene it's all just underwear. So the anime toned up the abuse and toned down the fanservice.
>>746812 Doubt like this is one of his actual propable personal goals I would think dunno how senile he is but I think he knows or atleast knew, that social media won him the election so he has atleast tried to keept it safe for all kinds of speech but he has failed that even when he had that "social media white house meeting" it was just blue flag people and practically none of the people who actually supported him directly or indirectly
social media didn't win him the election as much as the DNC's in-fighting and backstabbery lost them the election
>>746825 yeah that is the actual reason and for hillary being well hillary
i got a 100g bag of super speciosa and 100 grams really isn't very much it got me through the week though
im startin to keep an emergency baggo for a 3-day supply in case i run out but have to work i still have plenty of reds left for sleepy but i have to have something to work caffeine doesn't work for me it makes me fall asleep immediately
Jesus a bag of popcorns is like a whole meal in calories thank god I only eat one meal per day
i dont like popcorn it always gets caught in my throat and it dries my mouth out
>>746836 all jokes aside I can imagine some gang leader named that >>746843 for me some always get, not the popcorn but the unpopped seeds get stuck in my teeth
but they are 1€ 3x100g packs of popcorn perfect for finishing of 10l of alcohol you don't really want to drink off but you are too ME to pour away
besides when you made it yourself you don't want to pour it out
Kirara 🍄
i have an aversion to popcorn still the smell just disgusts me physically
even micro popcorn?
popcorn anyhow is cancer, but it does contain salt and fibres salt contains liquids fibres is fibres first of those makes you less likely to have a bladder explosion during a movie just for having drank 0,5l of liquids during it and both of those are quite beneficial when drinking stronk stuff
but anyhow for movies I don't buy popcorn except when I get like a "get 2 popcorn for the price of 0 like the last time I went to movies
I don' t dislike the taste but I don't like the taste I just bought em for a change cause cheap
I don't really care for normal popcorn but I'm pretty fond of cheese-dusted popcorn and caramel popcorn. It's the kind of base that suits a variety of savoury seasonings and flavourings pretty well. Like potachips
these are butter flavouerd cause if I do popcorn I want them to be SALTY
One of these days I want one of my American friends to visit and I can take them to the chip aisle at the grocery. And see how baffled they are by the weird niche flavourings of chips that we've got that hasn't really spread much down there for some reason. Though in my recent visits Stateside I have noticed a bit of a diversifying in chips. But they're still by far lagging behind the weird varieties we've got here.
Apparently Sword/Shield won't have an Elite Four. Instead in keeping with the sports theme of the Galar region's Trainer gauntlet, the post-Gym content will be a championship tournament, presumably of other Trainers that have cleared the Gym challenge.
I think eldraine's story stuff is lame They already did dark fairy tales over a decade ago. And the adventure mechanic is cool But the card layout for those cards is absolutely disgusting. I'm glad Garruk is back though.
did you know if you make a person really hot they too might explode
naw I tried it
See sauna world championships >>746883 it was a russian and he volunteered
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's murder
now if you didn't know about it last Sauna World Championships ended up with the other contender, a russian, dying due to being on intense pain medication with the finnish contender being in coma for a month and having intense heat + burn wounds this was 2010 I think and the last sauna WC ever
>>746879 The heat from the process of making popcorn heats the water that popcorn kernels are designed to store, until the pressure from the water expanding into vapour "pops" the kernels , causing the layers of grain inside the kernel to puff out and let the popcorn take on its typical shape and texture.
so yeah "a finn and a russian enter a sauna" russian dies, finn wins a stove
and yeah the prize was a sauna stove and a medal
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
i'm playing underrail and the bartering system is pretty cancer good thing I made a merchant character *wringing hands*
or you will betray your 100% sense of "not making threads" for having posted in 400, 500, 600, 700 and One time even 300 post threads just this SUMMER so move over or be a bitch that you are