Ace of Diamond Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Bem Black Clover Enen no Shouboutai Fruits Basket Joshikousei no Mudazukai Episode 9-11 Lord El-Melloi II Episode 9-11 Okaa-san Online Tejina-senpai Episode 8-12 To aru Kagaku no Accelerator UchiMusume Episode 10-11
That's not even really a fanservice moment he just got kneed in the face.
Well she did also lose her skirt.
It's kind of funny to me how much reports get brought up in this series. Like sure they're pretty much pyrokinesis users that fight demons born from spontaneous human combustion. But they're also civil servants and need to properly document their actions!
Amaterasu is such a good name for a thermal power plant. It would be better if it was a fusion power plant but this series doesn't seem advanced enough in the future for that.
The lieutenant can be a good bit of an intense no-fun hard-ass but it's nice to see him doing something like worrying after Shinra and being good with cooking.
If you haven't put out a ping yet tonight it might help. I imagine Moon's probably napping.
Teenage pregnancy is rarely adressed in anime. I think it's kind of a thing the Japanese like to shy away from a bit. So it's kind of neat to see it be brought in like this.
Hah hah hah She really responded with a reflex though.
Well she's being honourable in a sense with Kasuza. Even though as Kazusa kind of thinks, her being honourable isn't quite the same as being fair.
I was kind of half-hoping Kazusa would be faking cheery geniality and hard bitchslap her after getting up close. But I guess she's too good a person for that.
hey i just woke up let me get situated and i'll jump in soon
Heyo. You've got plenty of time there's still ten minutes left in Araburu. No rush.
Poor Kazusa. She's really in a weird situation.
Oh the president is a literal Rika. How funny.
Hah hah what. How on earth do they think they're gonna restrict a whole school of teenagers from not having sex. How dumb.
Oh that's why the president's wrapped up in this. She and her boyfriend got spotted in the love hotel area.
Hah hah they're staging a protest. The way they're doing this and the tone they're taking, there's no way this wasn't in part inspired by the protests and movements of Japanese youth in the middle of the 1900s. The kind of thing Chitanda's uncle got wrapped up in in Hyouka.
That shaving of a pitch over Sawamura's shoulder was pretty great.
>>747768 Yeah, they're doing a bit of a recap from last week's episode. Twenty-five is this week's episode.
yeah it threw me off a bit sometimes i think it's a recap then 10 minutes in i realize it's the same episode
It can be a real thing with shounen adaptations. I feel like it's a blending of a philosophy of making sure viewers can miss a week and not miss out on much and also as a good way to pad out the episode so they don't adapt the original manga too quickly. The One Piece anime I believe has it down to such an art form that they can pretty much adapt only one manga chapter to an anime episode.
I've ragged on Black Clover before for having five minutes of padding in recap and OP at the start of an episode because even at that point it starts to feel silly.
Furuya's really messing up a lot recently. Not just in weak pitching but making some dumb calls elsewhere in the game.
an interesting point about having a roommate is you share an IP so you sometimes see the 4chan ban message meant for them and get to see what awful things they've done to get banned
Here come the mind games again.
>>747773 Wow, I can't believe they'd do something like that.
next year in tokyo, baseball is getting added back to the olympic games that might be exciting ive never really seen olympic baseball though i wonder how it's different
It'll be interesting to see how baseball teams from places like Japan square off against ones from places like the States. They're both likely to be really polished but I can't imagine the Japanese will have an easy time against the (likely) larger and bulkier Americans.
>>747781 I think table tennis is getting put into the Olympics this summer too. That's another one of those sports that's just goofily fun to watch for me. Plus it's pretty good for levelling the playing field regardless of your bodytype.
I kinda thought someone would go mess with the demon lord eventually.
Really she should just stick it to her asshole onii-san and do what she wants. By going along with him just because he's acknowledging her now she's kind of perpetuating his self-righteous attitude.
>i'll believe in possibilities what a strange thing to say
It's the one we're most backed up on so I'd say it's a good choice too.
Also I believe for Kanata no Astra's season finale tomorrow it's going to be a double-episode feature like the first episode was. So it'll be taking up two slots if we get to it right away.
Majo's short haircute is really cute. I normally have a preference for longer hair but it suits her well.
majo is definitely my favorite i really like her
Even more than Yamamoto?
yamamoto is entertaining but i don't quite "get" her as well
Kanade's closet is- Yeah. I expected it to be all button-up shirts like that.
Ah oh no. Though straight bangs like that are pretty cute on her. I think unless you're really confident in your hand coordination it's best to leave cutting your hair to other people.