>I have been using audacity for years, but this was the first time I read what noise filtering options actually said >and I realised I have been using it wrong for years
>>730441 Why do you think I watched it Just started it and then just stuck to it since he knew NOTHING about lotr and shit and needed constantly someone to keep him on track and eventually I just went "wanna have me as on voice chat"
>boss >I am paying your unpayed wages now from last month >"kay" wait what? >check over my accoutn info >I didn't get paid for last month huh I mean, I had so few hours that it was a small sum, but still should have noticed
>>730449 not here It jut means he thought I'd have more work hours than I would have so the end result was "Pay it later, when all the hours have been done" and then he forgot
>>730458 Lois is the author of some really good classic texts on drawing human figures. And is heavily recommend in /ic/ and on any board in the drawfag thread whenever someone asks "I want to be a drawfag, where do I start" people reply with "LOOMIS!". Well actually some of his books might cover things other than figure drawing.
I am watching a 19th century chess game between a fictional death guy and fictional death in a fictional show drunk and thinking "how much booze I have for the rest of shit I plan before slep" am I something?
>>730472 I am pulling this shit from my memory I don't remember how long each season exactlyi is except 1st season which is four 90+ minute long movies
>>730464 I'm here but I'm new and mostly been lurking the past few days.
But when I was actually asking "who here" I was meaning that for the annos because >why are you anno on this board and >why do you go back to anno on this board do you just hate us with negative -5 on anno detection?
>>730488 so what you can avoid post-defacto of "search find X" you really do that? for yourself? and besides you can still scrollover each thread to see how much you have doen shit, since ONE WILL ALWAYS KNOW THEMSELF
well there is the google spiders that come up maybe I would be less hessitant about a name if the archve was not around not that I dislike the archive but being publi c is a bit embarrassing
>>730505 Oh RIP I'm too tired to grok that roght now
Although if you had a name you could ask the admin to remove every post you've made from the archives Someone did that before and he did it Though I have mixed feelings about that kind of things. *those kind of
isn't there a sandwich lemme turn off my flux capacitor for a sec
>>730585 starting from centre you can see a suika with a bottle of booze clockwise you will see a bowl of chips and cheesestuff and then a bench and then a bowl of soy and maybe you can barely see a bowl of soba-noodles that soy goes with, before the soy but I doubt that
Typing posts "online" (directly typing the final edition of the post without ability to go back and edit the text) is somewhat difficult for me, i am used to going over the whole text a few times, reread and edit it, possibly completely rewriting the post at an occasion. To have a chance for that on this imageboard, i would have to preedit the text in a notepad program, but then you would immediately see the whole final version and the live typing feature would be defeated
cont. >>730591 even in IRC i think through and edit whole messages, thanks to that in IRC the submitting granularity is a message, which is a whole line
>>730596 Yeah, it's pretty good. Might ticket it if Nao's Triad Primus SSR isn't out by the next non-limited ticket. Nah, sadly her and Akari are the only new girls left voiceless.
>>730598 But all of them so called "advanced forms" come from here and how many of those branches have survived the test of time? While we buddle here big fish eat other big fish and we swim on
>>730601 I'd be playing except I uninstalled and reinstalled and now my game is borked plus I had to start another account and just I hsven't had time recently
>>730608 Always seemed easier this way to me because as long as it's downloaded the updates download automatically VPN or not. Are you iphone or android?
>>730619 I think the screenplay is about 1:1 manga, and I personally think it makes it even more amazing HOW MANY TIMES HAS THAT ACTUALLY BEEN DONE especially when it comes to so action heavy manga as Kimetsu?
Kirara 🍄
The mangaka said it was so beautiful they cried several times. It really is beautiful. I've watched that like 20 times.
Let's get a real argumentation going on I watch about 4 anime a year in terms of what airs per season this is one of those 4 >>730656 this guy here watches like 50% of seasonal anime
so which do you think actually has sensors like you, mr blue who watches 1-4/anime a year of that year
>>730659 it sounds like you didn't understand my post
>>730661 yeah and I have and know stuff on nico on yt in other sources on stuff that I have you need to pa money for on the kind of ASMR that blue likes
If we're talking about what he actually wants, the answer is that he doesn't want to watch anime. I thought we were talking about what we want him to want.
>>730674 I will feel bad about that if that falls off but like make a bet against me that it won't or something like it with a big sum of money and you will win
but that sillyness aside, I think blueness has gone asleep
I've found that say taking precemtps from my evil step father or father they don't that much 65% maybe but... neither of them share my omnicidial tendencies
I think most people understand my humor pretty well, although I easily keep pace with other people, so my humor naturally adjusts itself to a presentation they can understand. If people saw the jokes I make in a place like this, they definitely wouldn't get it.
my humor gets lost in the abyss sometimes some people think i dont even have a sense of humor and think that tapestry ive woven in jest is the real thing
Oh gosh that's a whole lotta waits. With that many tiles left in the wall there's good chances too.
ive been drifting away from tanyao pinfu as my bread and butter in favor of honitsu it's not always doable but it often is, and i feel like there's a lot more control
ps i removed everyone because the rank was tilting me i lost so much and just wanted to shut everything out for other reasons too once i hit that expert threshold though i'll readd everyone or try to
>>730730 this is 100% outside me, but please explain better, for those maybe affected, cause I think this might lead to miscommunication otherwise.
>>730730 To be honest I hadn't even noticed. MS's contacts are kind of squirrelled away and don't have much impact for me.
I paid about $400 for a Dell Inspiron with an i3, 8g b of ram, and an SSD. I paid more than I wanted to, but I think it's reasonable considering the prices of other things. I think the SSD will make up for only having an i3. It should be a solid work computer that will hopefully last me several years.
>>730756 I've never actually had the good fortune of having one, but they seem great.
Someone in the parking lot asked me to roll down my window so I did a and then she said "you can't drive like this. your car is going to explode" so I was like "wut" She told me to listen to the sound my car was making so I tried to explain it's just my compressor dying.
Make sure to give it a proper funeral when it finally passes.
Kirara 🍄
Every time it dies, I just hit it until it works again. It's got more life in it than it thinks!
>>730777 managers are a true blessing servers are just entitled little sits
>>730781 the manager didn't even offer me a discount or anything though even though i was brutally assaulted! nay, murdered! i was murdered in that restaurant!!
Your world is much colder without it. That episode is a masterpiece of directing, acting, animation, and musical direction. Absolutely phenomenal and extremely hype. Watch it right now! Gush over it with me!
That would be mean to Rika and Moon though. You wouldn't force me to be so cruel to them like that, would you?
I've watched the episode three times and a certain scene like 20 times. Just rewatch it later! It's not you being cruel. They're being cruel by holding you back!
this is one of those 'oh this is cute' things and then you open the twitter preview, and you see the R-18 in the corner and you just don't know what happened to the opinion that you just had. It's just fucking gone
you don't remember me being incredibly excited to read about the real-life story of this person's kidney stone dilemma which he turned into a koishi book? Because I was in 'translations when' mode for a while.
Its pretty funny.
It's extra funny because koishi means little stone.
>>730802 I don't remember a lot of things. But when you put it that way, yeah, I do.
that said ke-ta's book is available and there's also an RD-Sounds album cover book which is like... hold on 84 pages https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=528440
ke-ta, hm.
there's also an unofficial senko book by the author https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=535205#gnav
Yeah I saw them Tweeting about it earlier.
>>730811 I was sad that I missed out on the book he was selling when I went to comiket.
have any of you read this
>girl is kinda chubby >the entire party makes fat jokes it really is high school why is this girl so angry about fat people existing
Down southern NSW is probably where most of the snow action happens Places like Jindabyne have snow fields and stuff And of course Tasmania gets it's fair share of snow
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
time for things to maybe go horribly awry
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh wow
Kirara 🍄
yeah same gave up for the night after using all my pulses twice ridiculously hard map time for bed
>>730860 In full : Chou Kadou Girl ⅙: Amazing Stranger In part: probably A certain scientific accelerator
I'm a few weeks behind though
how do you find them are they enjoyable?
I like them both a lot Although your mileage may very with accelerator cause I'm a pretty big raildex fan and will pretty much watch anything they release (although i still haven't seen railgun s, the index movie or index s3) I've read a shit ton of the light novels too
Nights have been pretty cool here for the past week or so. It's made putting on a long-sleeved shirt possible despite being the middle of summer. I'd kind of rather have the warmth of summer last a bit longer. Though it normally goes well into September anyway so I guess I'll get my season's worth.
I haven't been sick since like 2016. After I quit drinking cold turkey, my immune system got fucked up and I was sick for like three months. But then I was strong again. I didn't even throw up when I had those concussions.
>>731038 Anyway, for the moment I'm sick and your healthy so you need to bring me my homework sheets from class after school and then wipe the sweat off my face using a cool, damp cloth. Just like the animays.
It was really nice to (kinda) hear from Nezuko again too. We haven't really heard anything but muffled grunts from her for a good while.
Kirara 🍄
That animation was so amazing.
The part where Tanjirou and Spiderman were ducking and weaving through the forest was really well-done. ufotable has an excellent sense of 3D space in animation.
Kirara 🍄
And every frame of it looked beautiful, too. Truly a masterpiece.
Kirara 🍄
My body is still weirdly sensitive today. My skin, I mean. Especially towards my lower back.
I wonder what Tanjirou's dad meant by wanting both the kagura dance and the earrings being passed down. Like the kagura dance makes sense but the earrings are still a mystery.
I wonder if I'm dying. I wish I could check to see if I have a rash or something but I'm at work. As soon as this guy finishes his testing, I can leave. My skin on my back is so sensitive that my shirt rubbing on it is painful.
What would be killing you? Is increased sensitivity on your lower back indicative of some fatal abnormality?
he’s got a flesh eating disease idolrot
>>731072 radiation poisoning can cause ths // the skin to slowly slough off there's probably some itching and agitation involved before it gets to the point where they have to start doing daily skin grafts and manually hydrating you in a hospital setting it happened to some japanese guy in the 80s or 90s that's probably what's happening here
I could also be getting Shingles. I need to check my body closely to make sure but i can't do that at work. Needing to do that and not being able to is giving me anxiety because shingles treatment needs to start immediately at the first sign of symptoms. Not that I have insurance.
It could also be neuropathy but I haven't had any experiences that could cause nerve damage recently and there's usually more pain with that stuff.
It just started this morning and my lower back has felt sensitive to touch all day. I thought it might be a histamine reaction, but it's been too long without any changes in the condition to be one.
Kirara 🍄
leaving work 30 min early
this is gonna be an empty pay period for me it's so depressing
One of my clients signed up for Rev. You might find that funny.
>>731080 nothin too funny about it i'll be doing work there this month
the platform itself isn't bad honestly it suffers all the problems that a high volume, automated place is going to have, so a lot of foreigners trying to buy accounts and other weird shit
the pay drop means it's slower but i can still do like 10-15 dollars an hour there which is completely doable
She's trying to find work to get her some money to help her feed her dogs and maybe herself while she's on the verge of homelessness. Right now a charity is paying for her hotel room. She was talking about getting a medical transcription job at a place called Transcription Panda but they review applications once a month so she has to wait until next month. I think the plan is to do Rev in the meantime.
medical transcription is a good gig but the industry is so butchered i get how she feels im on the verge of homelessness too i think im pretty sure this contract is doneso
rev is designed to weed out the weaklings though and doesn't start paying off until you can get into Revver+, which means getting enough work done at high enough grade to access more files that's where all the good jobs are at. the pay is the same but they're better quality files and a lot easier to make reasonable money on
a lot of people are only going to get the trash bottom-of-the-barrel assignments while they're new and say "wow this place sucks" it's ok if you can stick it out though
I think she will probably be able to stick it out. She's pretty strong. She's the one that suddenly got kicked out of the sober house. It was really messed up. We've almost got her housing but it could be 30 days away.
Semper Fi fund is doing a lot of good work, helping her with the hotel. Even though she wasn't a marine.
things are really linin up pretty hard on my end i got forced into those tax payments starting july 17th i thought it'd be fine since i'd see my PCP on 25th and the psychiatrist at my partial program said "i don't see any reason she won't prescribe you your meds. you've been on them a long time already" but nope now i run out of my antidepressants in about a week or so
trying to think about it gets me feeling really overwhelmed and frantic, even just typing like this, and i have to try to stop that otherwise i can't control myself but soon enough i won't even have the meds that are helping with my racing and intrusive thoughts so idk probably not gonna last too long, im really disappointed with the way things turned out. i don't know what i did wrong for stuff to turn out this way. i feel like ive done all the stuff right so why is it like this
Kirara 🍄
would your insurance potentially pay for treatment in another state?
i don't think so but maybe i thought about trying to see if my old doctor would take me back and just paying out of pocket but i'd have to buy a ticket to get there and pay for my meds out of pocket if i even did get them and i can't even work to make enough money for rent and taxes and bills so idk i'll need to make like 300 with rev by the end of the month bring my funds up to covering bills and rent and food which is no problem there but after that im pretty fucked since i'll have no paycheck going forward
i could refer you to someone i know that does intakes for the company that owns my clinic, she's really great, and she could potentially get you in for PHP somewhere in the southeast but it would be dual diagnosis PHP i don't know if your insurance would cover it but they could find out i think
i have therapy tomorrow idk what'll happen there, i'll see i dont really want to go it's 15 dollars each way if i get a lyft 30 dollars a week to get to a therapy session insurance covers it's so fucking stupid not even a female therapist like i asked for
i swear if i go tomorrow, or if i call and say i dont want to, and complain that i dont have a female therapist he's gonna say "why didn't you ask for one?" and im gonna fucking lose it because i did, four times
well, let me know if you want that referral she's /// she might be able to get you into somewhere with housing although it would be residential or sober housing
well i'll be at this place until march so i'll be looking at options in the meantime though i'll let you know thanks
nah it's fine thanks for listening there's just so much dumb shit happening i just needed to complain i can deal with shit but i don't like having to deal with shit that nobody knows exists, you know
like having to cope with difficult stuff and nobody knows you're dealing with it so they say mean shit to you not knowing you're going through anything
what are yall havin for dinners paypal comped me finally so i want a good meal all ive had is spaghetti and beets for a few days and butternut squashes which i love but im thinkin about MEAT
i noticed the convenient store has some basic groceries at marked up prices, you know, like eggs and cheese and lunchmeat and stuff like four bucks for a bag of shredded cheese which is a lot more than what it should be, but not really unreasonable for the convenience of not going up to the grocer
but i noticed they had a package of bacon for 10.99 lmao it's like three bucks normally
convenience tax getting out of hand
>>731095 My mother wants to make chicken parm so that's what. Good think -thing I like chicken parm/
wow i mean i may or may not have a shipment of comiket items coming my way and some of those maaaay or may not be lewd but that doesnt mean i have an addiction
"porn addiction" always seemed like one of those things that doesn't really exist but is just said to make it sound worse i mean, i guess you could have a really high sex drive but is that really an addiction?
help im addicted to food if i dont keep it going i'll go through withdrawals that might even be bad enough to kill me
Kirara 🍄
people absolutely get addicted to sex and pornography/masturbation i have two sex addicts right now that i treat
Yeah, you had that patient that masturbates lile ten times a day and runs a taco truck
Kirara 🍄
he's down to four times a day
food is required to live but porn specifically is not, i dont know if thats a reasonable comparison
internet addiction video game addiction porn addiction shopping addiction gambling addiction
i dunno there's so many weird things i think it stretches the boundaries of addiction enough that it probably needs its own taxonomy compulsion seems fine
Kirara 🍄
they're called behavioral addictions and they affect the brain the same way as a substance addiction does, in many cases
the pathology is really different though
Kirara 🍄
i don't really think so certainly it's different than substance addiction but it's still an addiction many behavioral addictions occur in tandem with substance addictions, too they're definitely connected the stuff that gets talked about online when people talk about behavioral addictions is usually not behavioral addictions those are usually compulsive behaviors there's a big difference between people with addictions and compulsions
just like there is a difference between someone who gets an urge to drink and someone who gets a craving
that's probably the difference then yeah im just so flooded with social interpretation that i can't shake the misconceptions especially hearing a lot about china's views on internet stuff i dont think anyone knows what they're talking about
and my crazy ass family
my cousin filed for divorce because she found out her husband was looking at porn theyve been married like 15 years she's the same cousin that is trying to go to school for paranormal psychology
>>731168 So she didn't even consider counseling? Just straight to divorce?
Kirara 🍄
one of the sex addicts i know tried to go cold turkey no sex or masturbation and he got sick, like legit shaking looked almost like those tremors you get before the DTs hit
>>731169 i think they worked it out eventually but yeah people in my family are the type to overreact as hard as possible right away idk >>731170 ive been sick and shaking lately maybe that's my issue
>>731153 its really bad he makes me sort all his porn for him the things ive seen
can you get sick from cold turkey? i thought you had to keep it cold so it doesnt go bad i havent had turkey in a while but i had some hot dogs i left out for a bit that's probably what it was
wait this boss has 70% damage reduction an additional 50% damage reduction can't be crit gains +30 dodge against melee weapons can counter attack from anywhere on the map can't be moved negates abilities and some special attacks and always calculates damage against my team using our lowest defense stat
also when you get it to 100 hp, it gains +50% crit
>>731186 i bet when it is down to 50 or 25 itgains something nasty again
Kirara 🍄
it also summons 3 strong mobs every few turns and buffs its allies occasionally without it counting as a combat action
Kirara 🍄
well if i just give up and let everyone die i can get this over with this map has taken me four hours and i dont know if i care anymore i just want it to be done
sounds familiar
Kirara 🍄
lmao yeah
also i dont have a single unit that can survive an attack from cyril on this map who has 75% chance of dodging, a base 37% chance of crit, a 110% chance of hitting, maxed out speed, and a brave axe which means he hits any unit he targets 4 times for a total of roughly 200 damage the highest hp unit i have is 65
haha no it's regrettable but i hate this map a lot more than i love bernie i'm going to let her die so i can move on and have fun it's the last map anyway
well, bernie can't be protected there's no way to do this without letting her die or spending another four hours on this map
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>731199 you literally know nothing about bernie you mosnter
Kirara 🍄
Kirara 🍄
cyril had a 73% chance of hitting her and four strikes with which to hit her and she dodged all four strikes and then she dodged another attack from another enemy
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🍄
also astra on a crit build is fuckin ridiculous
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah my awakening save could tell you that much
Kirara 🍄
i can't believe i did it without anyone dying what the fuck
"family name swett" >so if i is a boy it is dick if it is a girl it is . actualyl what would it be?
Kirara 🍄
>Richard Nelson "Dick" Swett (born May 1, 1957) is an American politician from the U.S. state of New Hampshire who served as the U.S. Representative for New Hampshire's 2nd congressional district from 1991 to 1995. He also served as the U.S. Ambassador to Denmark from 1998 to 2001. HE CALLS HIMSELF DICK?
>>731233 i "play" feh but thats it of the consoles i own, one is a gamecube i haven't unpacked since moving and the other is ps3 that is in ton's possession
it was UNBELIEVABLY hard ugh once you're adept 3, you start losing a boatload of points on lost matches and you just keep queueing into cats game after game who throw chiis at each other all day long and keep dealing into each other's hands because they dunno how to read it's easy to reliably beat them but the punishment is harsh, and chance still has it
scoring first in 2 out of 3 games is only enough to stay even when you're docked over 100 points for a loss
Hey rude I'm a cat.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I just read all of the certain scientific accelerator manga so I no longer need to wait for the next episode of the anime to know what happens
i feel like i had to re-learn how to play without my meds it's ridiculous how difficult it was just to think straight to play
That might be a bit of an advantage for you though, especially when you get medicated again. Since this current headspace might give you an additional perspective into how other players are thinking when putting together hands.
>>731272 it really feels like im playing a different game entirely there have been a couple times ive been really deep in focus and felt as though i was playing some variant of mahjong and not the normal game
there's also the skill shift too though, as ive moved up a bit ive had to force myself to view things a different way in order to acclimate to a different level of play that's probably the big factor, more than meds
>>731263 yeah i didnt really use it much outside of playing with him, so >>731265 pc
Dolt of a player on the last hand got a Ron off of first place to end the game. But it was only worth a thousand points and didn't even pull first down into second or put the dolt up from third into second either. Just ended the game with them in third.
BTW I find it funny how there are so advanced artificial limb technology in fantasy worlds behind us in technology, compared to stuff that is very recent here.
so we need to smell super strong to cover your smell? Weird standards
fuck i downloaded the black desert ps4 beta todaay and just got off work, ready to play it and literally as I'm selecting a class for my character the servers shut down because the beta period is over