Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. DanMachi Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru --Episode 5-6 Fruits Basket Granbelm Isekai Cheat Magician Kanata no Astra Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e --Episode 3-6 YU-NO Lord El-Melloi II --Episode 4-5 Machikado Mazoku Maou-sama, Retry! Tejina-senpai To aru Kagaku no Accelerator --Episode 3-4
tilde can i have you test out some training materials later on maybe not tonight but maybe
Yeah I was going to ask if you were on a schedule that had you awake in the morning because I'm gonna try and sleep early-ish to wake up in the morning proper. I'm probably free enough that I can help out when the time suits it.
okay thanks i'll hyu in the AM
This is a fantasy world that sure, has a bunch of Grecian gods as active characters, but how does she know what a Trojan horse is. There was never a Troy to Trojan in this world.
I wonder what this elf girl's story is. She showed up I think in the first DanMachi series and in that spin-off one with that doofy elf mage as the MC. She works as a waitress in a pub but is stronger than like any other person in the series.
they all just gather up and watch it huh
It's a very god-poi thing to do, really. Nothing like all getting together to watch the dumb mortals fight it out.
gotta find some way to pass ETERNITY
Talking about information as a weapon is really topical for Hermes.
Overconfidence is a slow and insidious burn
Hah hah wow that's kind of pathetic. Having your stylish snake-y sword broken buy a kid with a knife.
bait and punish blazblue 101
A good fighting game strat in general.
it's like this novel insane tactic for these legendary warriors but every 8 year old in japan knows it by hearts
Wow, that would be kind of harsh. If it wasn't pretty much exactly what Apollo was threatening her with. Hard to have sympathy for him in that case.
kind of a generic OP to be honest it's not bad it's just kind of yeah
Yeah it's not bad but it's not particularly something either.
Se tsu ge tsu BAIKA
haha these little mechas just feel funny it's like in kirby
Kirara and Maria were talking about them when this series was first coming out. They're kind of in the SD vein of mechas, which they both found hard to get excited about. It's not the kind of thing they get excited about getting a model kit of and building.
i admire how devoted mecha otaku are i must have missed something in my weeb development i feel lost on mech
I wouldn't say I feel lost on mecha but I also don't have that passion for it that mecha otaku have. It's fun to see in a series that uses them in a fun way all the same though.
we should have an otaku type chart for /moe/
Well there's a lot of overlap amongst /moe/s there. And ones that kind of dip their toes into a bunch of genres without really going otaku-hard on any in particular.
i really like that cloak thing it's cute
Well that was pretty cool. I guess her mecha's got an artillery mode and battle mode.
Oh she even shed the cloak she was wearing. That's real cool.
this one's a little batty
Just a bit. She's really hooked on vengeance.
the lavender one is cute i like her
Her mecha's one of the most SD-poi of the lot of them. It just looks really cutesy.
i think my issue with mecha shows is the constant scene jumping throws me off my visual attention is so bad
For a girl who joined this fight kind of on a whim and is rather mild-mannered she's getting REALLY hot-blooded in this fight.
yeah she's loosing it
That went to pretty fucking crazy awfully fast.
that girl looks way too young to be a mom
Her family seems to have some weird problems with bodies maturing though. Nene is the oldest of her sisters but she looks like she's the yuongest.
it's fun watching the mild-mannered ones lose their shit
This lady that sings the ED's voice kind of reminds me of Rie Fu, who did some really nice anisong back in the early 00s. I think one she's really well known for is Life Is A Boat, one of the really early Bleach EDs.
Yeah. There was one in last week's Caroel & Tuesday too but they did give a kind of weird reason as to why. But they don't seem to be giving any weird explanations for Luca.
Yeah I agree. The explanation in Carole & Tuesday was one of the only real drags in the episode. That and they were able to see Earth like it was the Moon from Mars' surface in one scene.
title wave!!
Trouble in paradise!
that's not a tsunami you doof
Tsunami are pretty normal after-effects of earthquakes, aren't they. What makes this not one.
Hah hah he got Luca fed up with his "I have no friends!" nonsense.
this fuckin dude yeah that probably hurt like fug
He's all ACTION and no brains.
>It's okay bro I LIFT
It's kind of funny how Luca tucking a bit of hair behind the ear really accents femininity.
oooooh one of them is lying! or more likely she's lying about having an eidetic memory because that's a MYTH
>>729206 yeah it's nice i got worried for a minute is was gonna turn out just a one-dimensional trap character
it's nice they're exploring it with more depth and complexity it's dumb how simplified anime has made those types of characters in the past
I mean it would still make it technically a lie but if she does actually remember all the faces of people she meets and just happens to incorrectly call it an eidetic memory, I don't know if I'd say she's lying.
>>729209 it's totally possible to have that good of memory and stuff but it's not anything different it's the same type of memory just trained for those purposes
there are supplements and things that give people really intensely sharp memory for a little while, some of the stuff they're testing for alzheimer's and stuff good choline intake too
I know, but the pop knowledge idea of photographic memory of any kind is the eidetic memory. So I can totally see someone who does have an excellent memory like that saying they've got an eidetic memory. And while it's incorrect I don't think it's a lie.
i can run pretty fast but not for very long! my endurance is trash except for biking! i can bike for days
I've got a kind of good endurance for biking. But I need to stretch before getting on or else my knees start pulsating in ways that makes me feel the muscle's gonna stretch. And I also need to not stop for too long in the middle of a bike or else they get too tense by the time I get back on.
Hah hah they fumbled the baton. What an unfortunate turn of events.
That's such a dumb technicality why are they caring about something like that for a high school athletics day.
really? that's surprising since you swim a lot they're nice you should try it
I think I've only been in two, a small one my grandpa made at the cottage he and my grandma used to own, and one at ... some kind of travel resort. Might've been a ski resort I don't remember too well.
sensei's rockin it
She's too cold-hearted inside for a sauna to effect her.
girl you're rich you can buy one you can buy the gym and have all of them
She probably would consider that dishonorable or in poor taste.
I think the final girl of the main cast will show up in the next episode, judging from what I've seen on /a/. Showing up six episodes in is a pretty late appearance for a single-cour show.