cop craft and joshi would be nice im open to whatever though!
Rikaaaaaaaa It's hard for me to know you're ready if you're not linking the anime thread in the general thread!
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Cop Craft DanMachi Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru Fruits Basket --Episode 17-18 Granbelm HenSuki Joshikousei no Mudazukai Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e --Episode 3-6 Lord El-Melloi II --Episode 4-5 Machikado Mazoku Okaa-san Online Tejina-senpai To aru Kagaku no Accelerator --Episode 3-4 Vinland Saga
im thinking about getting some personal display glasses for watching stuff and for multitasking with work they're supposed to not matter with vision impairment so i could read stuff without so much eye strain and it'd just be neat
maybe i'll get that instead of the mini switch
Did you end up not getting that mini side monitor then?
Apparently Askeladd's name roughly translates something like "Ash eater" Which was a kind of derogatory term for someone so useless all they were good for was staying close to the fire to make sure it stayed alive.
I kind of get Ylva. The best kind of way to handle grief is busy yourself so much you don't have time to be sad.
cop craft! >>728116 it's good. im enjoying it oh no rika that's not tilde >>728115 wait
>>728117 ep5 and 6 are going to be anime filler, which is okay if you ask me, but I kinda wanna just see the story to skip to teenage Thorfinn so we fget to the MEAT of the story, well actuallty PREQUEL
Hah hah hah. This guy is such a stereotypical Bad Cop guy. Is kind of racist to Tilarnia but defends her against other people that are prejudiced to her.
haha that comedic pause
Weird use of 3D CGI there.
Kei's crafty and resourceful but he's still pretty out of his league going up against these magic-using fantastical creatures.
He's lucky there was a fountain there though that wouldn't have saved you in real life
I guess the vampire makes a good point. When you've been deprived of food for probably centuries that hunger is probably enough to make you consider eating anything.
it's really reckless to shoot when tilarna is in the same direction
Oh that sounds like the red-coat evil guy from the first arc. I guess he's a persistent thorn in Kei's side.
ew she doesn't make a very good sound hitting the pavement
i felt like we were hooking into a larger plot arc but i guess it's kind of episodic for now
we're only five eps in there's still time i hope it builds towards something
I could see it either being the extra episode chapter in the first novel or one from a later volume that's a collection of one-shot stories. The model of this series lends itself well towards both over-arching plots and episodic one-shots. Which is pretty nice. Kind of reminds me of The Dresden Files a bit.
oh wow it's not just a voyeurist it's a blackmailer oooooh
And an aggressive photo-stalker too. They've got a lot of pictures.
Oh I thought it was going to be his imouto because she was an already-introduced character but it looks like it's one of these other girls from the OP.
i dont think she has the kind of foresight necessary for extortion forethought* rather
stalker and voyeur would be different things right? this is a foreign world to me
Hm, I think they've got a lot of overlap but the thrill seems like it would be different for the pervert. Stalker is a little more active it feels like? Where as a voyeur is probably happy to just look.
i think the thrill for a stalker is the predatory instinct
voyeur would be... i dont know i think voyeurists want to kind of retreat from the world and be passive observers to observe things in their natural sense without any interference
stalkers would do weird stuff and revel in the discomfort they cause others
Yeah that's kind of what I meant by active. There's a thrill of the hunt there that a voyeur probably doesn't possess.
I wonder how long it'll take for the imouto's brocon tendencies to go full throttle.
She's pretty pure-hearted despite her obsessive tendencies. It's kind of cute.
Oh looks like her mom magick'd herself a body more to her preference at some point. Looks like she looks a lot more like Wise does normally.
>miss mama
His mom's name is a translation headache really. Her name is Mamako, so calling her Mama-san is actually both a descriptive and sensible nickname. But if you're localizing the translation to remove the Japanese honorifics then "Miss Mama" makes sense on paper but it also just sounds silly.
localization should be just for dubs idk why subs need it
Hah hah Shirase was actually dead in the game anyway. Oh hah hah okay.
rip haha
Mamako dropped an NES/SNES reference in the first episode of this but has seemed pretty unfamiliar with game lingo otherwise. It feels a little weird for someone familiar with NES/SNES games to not know what a chiito is.
Wise's mom seems to be pretty tech-savvy though. Shirase was talking like she knows how to hack the game and manipulate stuff she shouldn't be able to as a normal player.
they have to callback to that so much haha
Oh she's just been enabled to cheat stuff it looks like. She does talk like she's at least kind of familiar with video games though.
parents who blame their kids ugh
Well Wise seems like a bit of a problem kid though that's probably also her mom's fault anyway. But yeah her mom's a bitch. And a pretty awful parent.
what an awful person
It's really apparent when put up against Mamako and what a lovely person she is.