Thread #728634
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Ace of Diamond Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Black Clover DanMachi Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru Fruits Basket --Episode 17-18 Granbelm Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e --Episode 3-6 YU-NO Lord El-Melloi II --Episode 4-5 Machikado Mazoku Tejina-senpai --Episode 5-6 To aru Kagaku no Accelerator --Episode 3-4
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hello hello any sign of moon?
Hm, Moon was around earlier but I'm not sure about now.
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Well I tapped him to wake him up.
hi anime! sorry i had to go do something
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ace of diamond black clover Arifureta fruits basket dumbbell
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sounds good! someone in new york made fradulent purchases with my information so i had to get that taken care of tilde still here?
I'm around yeah.
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okay ace of diamond okay lets start
I wonder if we'll get to see the first years do anything but be cheerleaders this season.
does baseball have cheerleaders i know that's not what you meant but still
oof can't be missing the catch
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In America cheerleaders will often cheer for all the teams But I'm sure it's different in Japan.
that's neat
poor first years
Well they're forming their own bonds. Once their sempai graduate they'll be in good condition to shine.
Hah hah poor kid. I know what it's like to get excited and then immediately mess things up.
Bunt always look a little dorky. Bunts even.
is this a new ed
Hm, it's been around a bit. I think they probably changed it up around the usual thirteenth or so episode season end?
huh weird i dont remember it it's ok i probably just had a stroke
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black clover! okay lets start
black clover!
Kuro Kusoba
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what's your guys' favorite black clover OP? SC wants to know
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wow there have been so many i'd have to review them I did really like the first one
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the second one is really pretty but they all have nice songs
I haven't really been keeping them in mind.
>Licht >Rihito I think "rikuto" is closer. Maybe I just read the katakana wrong.
that's not what tornados look like
Yeah but this is a MAGIC tornado.
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So the guy using light magic is not licht.
Well the swords he makes are light swords. Maybe he steals the first Wizard King's grimoire too. So Licht has a kid with the Wizard King's sister.
This girl that's narrating doesn't fit in. Like there's the other distinct characters here are people we already know, or kind of know. But this one that's jealous of Licht's wife doesn't fit in.
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killed by light
Oh the girl is the one that becomes Vangeance. I guess that's why there's a sleeping Licht in their secret hideout.
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bounce y banana
Go back to sleep Kirara.
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wow it ended on the same exact cliffhanger as last time
Yeah that was a really long, drawn out flashback. I guess we'll see who's been turned into elves next week.
>>728679 they're recycling
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ari W what ep of this? okay lets start
Fure Episode four. Er five sorry.
okay im washing sheets sorry if im not posting too much i am watching though!
Wow they're both naked.
o no gross!
He's really missing a lot of his body.
i lost my body can i borrow yours :)
thank gosh she's finally wearing clothes a clothe something
I wonder if the other kids will eventually get deep enough to see Hajime's progress.
he's seen enough of that already what's the big deal
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oh he finally got hi arm his
He's really a bit unncessarily angsty. Like maybe chill just a bit.
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okay fruits 17 okay lets start
Time for more delinquency!
oh no
what a cozy home it's not much but it's cozy
It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it!
aww this is a sweet episode
;_; Wow don't bully Tohru she did nothing wrong.
Kyouko's got such STYLE. What a wonderful mother.
Hah hah that was a weird localization for "ane-san".
yeah haha im not sure i guess it gets the sentiment across
Yeah it properly carries the sediment.
This is a pretty soothing ED. In both music and visuals.
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Are we all still awake for dumbbell? im ok with stopping here if we want either way
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I can do one mroe but I can't promise being awake by the end of it
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why don't we just call it a night then? or do you need a little more comfy fuel still
We could do an episode of Tejina instead, that'll only run half as long.
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okay tejina okay lets start
Episode FIVE (5) of this. Uh yeah hah hah. I was gonna say wait, where's Moon.
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ah sorry i have sleep brain waiting okay lets start
sorry! i had to grab it i got it now
who's that fatty we haven't seen him yet
Are are Okashii na
>>728718 I've got a feeling he might be the science girl's onii-chan. He seems to at least be the target of that orange girl's affections too.
>At this crappy club?
hahaha that worked
It was actually a decent presentation of the trick.
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is it possible to be attracted to someone and utterly despise them at the same time haha
Oh this girl is a cute nerd too.
oooh she's gettin a crush
Oh no.
they're gonna find her dead in that box one day
Maybe that day will be TODAY
oh no he's being mean
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She's such a spaghetti queen.
that's a cute outfit
hahaha wow
oh no
Hah hah she's even got card suit pyjamas. How cute.
what did she get wrong i feel like i missed something
It was n't made very clear but when he was sitting on the box she was hiding in he was initially talking about her but then started talking to Behemoth the puppet thing. So when he talked about something he loved being fluffy and soft to the touch, he was talking about Behemoth.
oh i didn't realize he was talking about that haha i thought he was just messing with it that makes sense now thanks! good night rika thanks for anime!
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h thanks for anime night
O ya Su mi
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i still want to get my friend mabel to join us sometime we're like halfway into the season now though
Well you joined us in the middle of the last season and that worked out well. If they want to join in I'd be welcome for more people.
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i'm a seasoned anime watcher though i dont think they've ever used an imageboard it might be weird