I haven't touched Arena in a couple months so I'm not even sure what that is
>>729516 It's not in Arena because Arena is standard only.
Well And draft And sealed But only ffrom standard legal sets.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the only time I played MTG was arena
>>729519 You should play it for real Like go to a draft or something.
Well, I don't know where you live so I don't know if there are any game stores near you. But one of my favorite ones is
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I dunno dude, I don't really want to play magic, especially in person. Everything bein treated as spells + blue having "negate spell" as handtraps is kind of stupid
If there's absolutely nothing you can do besides play one card against something that you have to predict and can come out of nowhere as long asy our opponent has MP, it's kind of stupid.
I do dislike them though.
>>729529 You can say the same thing about burn spells
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
like good god
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah but burn spells only do damage they don't literally prevent your opponent from playing
Blue can probably explain this better than me because I'm a weirdo. But like That's part of the game Like black having destroy target creature cards
And that contributes to my reasons to not play magic.
Like I don't play yugioh anymore either
>>729535 Check out this deck for example. https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/ruric-gwar-16/ It fucking destroys blue decks Oh but the rules are different in edh, in edh you have a Legendary creature card called your general and it's kept outside of the game but you can cast it And if it dies you take it outside the game again and it costs 2 more to play So in that dck ruric that is my general (also that is my deck)
What you're going through right now is a common phase of mindset for beginner magic players.
I strongly suggest you bring this up with blue. He'd definitely be able to give a better explanation. But strategically there are things you can do to work around it. Like looking to see what lands they have untapped, how many carfs they have in their hand and then getting familiar with the meta. That can allow you to better account for things like that. You can also play cards like duress (which I think is in standard) And remove a counter soell from your hand.
that said, they exist to keep every professional deck from becoming Ramp and turn 6 Plus Ultra Combo so there's value in them. You don't have to worry about excessive permission decks that much unless you're playing Standard and the dev team had the bright idea of making three very efficient counterspells in the past three years.
every day is a biggu day today is gonna be hectic as i work non-stop to ensure a report i wrote yesterday is as good as it can possibly be in hopes of convincing a military bigwig that a client is not ready to return to duty and that doing so will worsen their mental health substantially it would not be surprising if the client killed themselves if they had to return to work right now so we're fighting hard to keep them from going back to full time duty
i hope paypal gives me a provisional credit today im starting to get hungry i have spaget but i can only eat so much spaget in two days i have this dude's name and address im trying to figure out the appropriate way to get back
calling his workplace and informing them he's skimming cards is a start i could tip off the police but fuck i dont wanna ask the police for help i was thinkin i could drive by the address and see if i can hook onto his wifi and pilfer his payment information from his machine, and order a bunch of furry porn on amazon and deliver it to his address so the bank won't dispute the charges that's just fantasizing though, of course im not going to do anything like that
his PTSD is really bad but he also has severe moral injury he was not supposed to see combat but they randomly forced him into it he was a medic so that fucked him up but then he saw someone being sexually assaulted and he blacked out and beat the perpetrator to death with his bare hands he essentially woke up after turning this dude into hamburger meat, he went way too far
>>729667 yeah haha it's funny but best saved for fantasy
i also gotta try to find charities to help a client stay in a hotel a little longer while we find housing for a client since the client got kicked out of sober house right now semper fi is helping her but that ends on the 14th
it's unfortunate but our best chance looks like it'll be getting her into housing under a friend of one of my colleagues but doing that means someone gets evicted that person is three months behind on their rent but i still feel bad about it
>wait I bought the Expansion pass for FE3H >what was even is this except for the new outfit >More Battle Maps in October >More Quests and Costumes in January >New Story Content in May whaaat
>>729673 are they making an effort to acquire the money for rent? the one potentially being evicted i know it's hard but sometimes people know they're not gonna be able to and know they're gonna get evicted so are just waiting, knowing it's gonna happen it is taking up a spot someone else needs, looking at it objectively
>>729675 Yeah. My client is extremely limited in where she can live because they need to accept HUD Vash vouchers, otherwise she can't pay rent. The current tenant there can live other places, but my client can't because all of the HUDvash places here are full. So eviction for this person means housing for my client.
I don't know anything about the other person's situation. The landlord told us the current tenant has been neglecting the residence pretty badly. My client needs housing for herself, three dogs, and her two kids.
>>729677 that's hard, yeah. i had some assignments for some housing thing in san francisco which it's really bad there because even "affordable housing" is still insanely expensive it was a lot of situations like you're describing now.
i need to talk to the counseling centerabout putting me on a list for affordable housing i have to start facing the reality that i dont have anywhere to go in march and without my meds i might not even have stable income i'll always have freelancing but it pays lower than my current contract. which i haven't gotten work from my current contract in over 10 days
i did ask one person about one thing but i havent heard back. im sure it's a no already though
>>729678 >>729679 I wonder what the new story content will be. I know people like Monica and Jeralt and Rhea have playable versions in the game that people have been able to access through manipulation and stuff.
>>729680 This place is 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, for $800 a month. It's really cheap since it comes from my colleague's friend.
Can your counseling place do that? Here, you need to go to HUDvash or something (for vets). We wouldn't do all that for outpatient clients, although I do that for some of my PHP clients as part of my life coaching. Most of them do it on their own with my support, though.
>>729683 they can help me do that stuff they can't do stuff like that for me but they can coordinate it for me since i can't talk and have no way to navigate it on my own
>>729687 he insisted on weekly but i told him i wouldn't come if it was weekly i got him to do every two weeks i really dont want to go see a male therapist at all it's fucking dumb i shouldnt have to ask this many times for a female therapist
and i had that one female therapist designated but missed the appointment and she never would call me back, nor would the office answer that's the one you tried to call on one hand i feel like im being heavily dismissed all the time in these last months of healthcare but on the other hand i feel like im being too whiny and demanding for medicaid and i should be grateful i have anything even this trash-ass primary care gosh i really dont like her
nevermind that im getting caught in racing thought loops again i can pull myself out of that
i sent you an email like a week ago no pressure or anything i know youre busy but i was just wonderin if you saw it or not you dont have to respond really, the anxieties are starting to ease up
Ever since Google discontinued Inbox and made me switch to gmail on my phone, I feel like I've been having a ton of issues with using email on my phone. The app is slow as shit, freezes all the time, randomly loses my drafts, and crashes every day. Sometimes it crashes when it's not even open.
it's pretty borked by browser too now that i think about it if you sign into multiple accounts, it'll work for a little while, but after a bit it'll just default to the same account even when you click switch account, so you can never access alternate accounts i actually have to use different browsers depending on which account i want to use
this new nudge feature is driving me crazy too i already obsess over unresponded emails enough as it is i dont need google adding to my anxiety telling me HEY THIS PERSON DIDNT RESPOND YET FOLLOW UP NUDGE THEM DO IT
in bright orange text >moon that feature doesn't exist you're seeing voices
>Purchase Date: 8/2/2019 >Arrives: 8/9/2019 - 8/14/2019 >Items in this orderTracking information will be available when your order has shipped. If tracking information does not appear and your order is shipped or delivered, we are waiting for a response from your carrier.
Why did I even pay for shipping if you're not going to try to ship it.
Give me my laptop, Dell.
>>729694 I've gotten that like, "you didn't respond to this yet" on my school gmail account.
everything was easier when your Neopets email was also your work email
>>729697 mmm since you did read that email i guess could you at least just answer yes or no whether you do or dont to that initial question i ask to allay my paranoia
just a constant headache probably cause I can't get enough water -due to a sore throat and lack of appetite I guess build-up of mucus and a constant cough
that's ok i got your answer here thank you for letting meknow >>729704 are you logged into multiple accounts by phone? that's so weird dont worry about to me but i hope you're not missing other emails for work that you've been trying to send or anything
they're seen as a common burg ingredient over here even maccas capitalise tyem
that's neat i like beets a lot and im crazy about turnips wwww beet burg with turnip fries would be good
you can bake beets into bread too and make them into muffins or rolls or something
if you just take a couple beets and a couple onions and drop em in a pan and bake them like potatoes it's pretty good too they're really versatile
Kirara π
>>>/@gambabiondo/1159439200397094912 i don't understand the process someone's mind has to go through to think this is a relevant reply or even a reply with substance
hm it seems like a "I know that thing you referred to!" kind of thing which is ok at a dinner party or social i guess as a backchannel/talking point idk on twitter though
that person has 1100 tweets for just six followers it smells like a facebook user or something
Kirara π
the added "i'm too good for it" sort of implication is weird to me
i used to really like watching critical analysis videos on youtube like deep looks into film or TV series, like video essays i think they're called
but man they're getting worse people are making them with nothing particularly insightful to say or that are drawing really loose conclusions or just glossing over stuff idk maybe im just irritable but it seems people are lazier and have shittier opinions now or just the bar is lowered for content standards, probably
like all the people that emulate digibro and stuff there's just a lot of crap out there
>>729718 gotta let people know you aint mainstream >oh you like [band]? of course ive heard of them! Meh, they're okay but you should check out these obscure artists im sure youve never heard of because you don't have as refined taste as me
>>729720 content is all quick, easy, and simple now it gets dumber and dumber by the day
you can make those video essays by just saying fuckin anything and then grabbing a clip from the show that illustrates it afterwards you dont even have to connect the points with any real meaning or insight just "it's only funny because ____" [show clip] "if it doesnt have that, the humor falls flat" [show clip of another scene/show that isn't funny] people don't even notice they're just watching
>>729722 idk honestly im honestly not familiar with bukowski
Kirara π
everything bukowski wrote was about being poor and fucked up it was pretty raw shit i think he was alright his content was better than his writing, his writing was really blunt
sometimes you gotta get out of your comfort zone and just be rich and mentally stable for a while give it a try dude just stop being poor and fucked up for a week
anyone here
use ebbs and salts for their muscles or whatever how do you find them
>>729729 find what i think part of your post is missing
oops like do you find them effective or useful?
epsom salt baths? yeah it's good when i was a firefighter my muscles would get really stiff and sore from the lactic acid buildup the epsom bath helps the muscles release the lactic acid to ease the soreness and tenderness it's very comforting too i highly recommend it
these twitch streamers who get explosively angry and break keyboards and throw shit are they just hamming it up for stream or is this that toxic masculinity i hear folks talkin about it's such a weird thing
it's always white boys too
Kirara π
probably toxic masculinity getting attention for it on stream encourages more of the behavior so they become more and more volatile and angry because it's so rewarding
definitely a bit of both good morning I mean, what's a broken keyboard or two when you get paid to play video games?
well im just sayin twitch streamers because those are what gets recorded so those are what i end up seeing in videos do non-streamers get that mad and destructive?
i know kids do sometimes but that's different, they're kids and are easily overstimulated
yeah, a lot of adults do it's extremely common adults are constantly punching walls and breaking shit when they get mad presumably that behavior is the same with breaking keyboards and stuff
I don't think anybody actually wants to be mad all the time for a stream but I think streamers don't mind letting their natural anger run it's course on stream
>>729765 keyboards are so delicate and crunchy there's a skeletal feeling to them that makes them really satisfying to break
i have intentionally broken old keyboards after replacing them before, because it's really satisfying but ive never like impulsively broken one that i still needed and i used to gamble online i definitely had high-intensity moments ive just never done that kind of thing with the yelling and flailing
it's funny to watch i like breaking shit though but in controlled settings
One time my dad got mad and slammed his fist down on his laptop, split the entire thing in half, haha I was able to recover some stuff from the drive at least
It was like a revelation of scrolling down >MY YOUKAI WIFE IS THE CUTEST >wow navel >MY YOUKAI WIFE should not be wearing this out in public okay lets go home >>729772 it's got those thigh holes dangerous ones
Oh Kirara I think I decided on disregarding bald man of cat loving and decided to skip the middle man and just get everyone's favorite cute cat Sen
>>729781 im pretty sure that's cloth underneath the folds don't make sense and it's pinker >>729784 does she have ball joints or something why is the pelvic crease all the way up to her waist
>>729788 you're right, it is kinda long But I don't think I'm wrong either.
i definitely see what you mean though it's just in that grey area for me i couldnt decide which it was supposed to be it's not fully convincing that it's a garment either maybe she is a garment
>γ―γγ¦γͺγ It's tagged with "bottomless" so yeah, there's nothing underneath there
i can see what moon sees too but also the flipside I don't know much about the drawn anatomy but my assumption is a lot of artists have a fuvked up view of it
>>729792 that could mean bottomless like a bottomless pit, as in she keeps going below where the frame ends
man i can't even look up videos of kids getting into a cringey rage on xbox without getting all these staged videos staging a rage and acting out a fight is pretty cringey in its own right but i dont care about it
>>729794 >Oh no, My Little Sister's Legs Go On Forever!
kids are gonna learn that they can film themselves breaking a $300 TV and upload it to youtube and make $1,500 from views it's so dumb
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
unless you say the fuck word and get demonitized or something
watching this staged drama is so gross and it's gross that like 6 million people view it and can't even tell it's fake when it's carefully set up and they have two or three cameras set up in the right places beforehand i need to staaaaaahp
how's that granblue event thing treatin yall my roommate's been sucked into it pretty hard i think
we went to the convenient store the other night and for the five minutes he was inside he asked me to please continue grinding for him for that five minutes haha
amusing that when applying contacts, for my left eye, withmy left hand it is a simple plug and play but for right eye with right hand 5min+ you'd think it'd be the opposite being right handed
Play magic Might have a friend over to watch anime and or japanese bug fighting DVDs and then grill some meat. My mom's out of town so i can turn up the stereo prettyuch as loud as I want. I might put on earplugs and put music on at maximum volume.
Oh also im going out with friends for dinner tomorrow night and one of their parents is paying for it
Kirara π
bug fighting dvds, huh
>>729863 Yeah She got them at the Japanese dvd/BD rental store Well, they also sell them
Kirara π
there is such a thing? neat
It's at the Japanese marketplace, which we will probably go to if you ever come and visit.
Although if you had to choose between the largest arcade in the US and a Japanese marketplace with a food court, bakery, high end sweets store and supermarket, which would you prefer?
I met my colleague's dog today. She was a wild dog he found in Afghanistan on or around their encampment. He tamed her and taught her to fight and then eventually brought her home. It totally looks like a wild dog, too. But she was beautiful and really friendly. Dogs and I don't usually get along but that dog was great.
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
>>729869 Actually super easy, barely an inconvenience!
what did you guys think of Violet Evergarden. I've been told by my normie friend to watch it
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
The same one who didn't like Hanebado
Violet was great. It's got some really nice themes of connectivity between people and language, and how war leaves painful echoes even after it's over. Plus visually it's absolutely beautiful. By far the prettiest KyoAni televised anime to date. Would recommend.
Kirara π
it's good
normies know about it because of Netflix
Kirara π
the unification of fΓ³dlan has begun
Crush them beneath your imperial fist!
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>729887 >>729888 yeah I watched the first episode. the art is beautiful
Kirara π
>>729890 i will destroy the church and free the world? i'm not actually sure what i'm doing but i'll do it my hardest!
Destroying the church is usually a really good idea.
like... just have your phone ready for the day the groceries come it's frustrating trying to call someone and get nowhere because their phone is off or some shit
i need groceries delivered can you bring me a bunch of beets
i got chicken and brown rice does that work?
yes hi whoakun
disease of aways being synchronized
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>729927 I've got a lot of serious problems with Brian too Fuck that cunt
i just realized ice cream is a dairy product noooooooooo
Where did you think the CREAM part of ice CREAM came from?
paypal hasn't credited me yet so my dinner tonight is wheat spaghetti and wasabi ive got a small container of ranch dressing i might add to the next batch of spaghetti
spaghetti and tap water yum
how hot is that wasabi never been a big fan of wasabi
uh i mean it's as hot as wasabi normally is i like wasabi and horseradish and stuff
fair enough
Do you know if it's REARUβ’ wasabi or if it's just green-coloured horseradish. It probably doesn't make much of a flavour difference but I'm just curious.
it's horseradish and wasabi leaves it's powdered so i had to mix it with water and let it sit
i had some real wasabi in a tube but it has to stay refrigerated and it expired i like horseradish though too
I'm not too big on horseradish but I like a dab of wasabi with suitable Japanese cuisine. My parents are big horseradish fans though, they always have some when we make roast beef and stuff like that.
my friend sent me a really fun thing https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/154528119276044288/609683329931018290/FireForceYura.mp3 damn this url is long\
>>729972 there's no point in thinking about such a thing your only option now is to move forward with your head held high so you can track down someone with that book and take it
>>729973 but thatβs a crime thereβs an orchid page but i dont know if thatβs crime worthy
>>729980 well the thing is the teeny page preview for the orchid one shows her wearing 0 gloves when you normally wear uh two so my brain exploded and assumed βoh sheβs using her boot instead that is clever and cuteβ
>>730040 All of those names have something to do with gold, too. More-or-less.
Oh boy graduation! >>730044 I was thinking that, I don't know the connection with Oram but I like the theme. All my names are just Kannagi, Kananananagi, Nagi, add and remove Ns as mood applies. add stars and sparkles too
I remember playing that game but it bothered me that none of their mouths moved. >>730128 I never even got that far, but that's what happens with most NPCs
what's bothering me is that they bothered to put in a 524 school roster and like 80% of these people have nothing interesting to say
>I don't know how they found out but they know we're part of the secret "Go-Home Club" >EHHH, HOW COULD THIS BE >Obssessive social media poster you just met: ~it is a mystery~
... isn't this the voice of that instagram guy from CarTue?
>"Mad" Mike Hughes β a flat-Earther, rocket builder and daredevil who previously launched himself 1,875 feet (572 meters) into the air on a homemade rocket β will attempt to launch himself again to a much higher altitude this Sunday (Aug. 11). The attempt will be filmed by the Science Channel for the upcoming new series "Homemade Astronauts."
>In March 2018, after a few failed attempts, Hughes successfully launched aboard his rocket and survived the trip, landing via parachute. The then-62-year-old Hughes walked away with some soreness and a compressed vertebra, he told Space.com. In the upcoming launch attempt, Hughes will aim for an even greater height: 5,000 feet (1,500 m).
i don't know if kannagi is still watching but I got to make phone calls
I don't think I farmed in this game... I just went and did what I had to but I went and 1-turn'd the boss
I love how everything is Kotaro's fault
>>730142 I've been leaving it in the background as I do things. I kinda wanna play it now, I haven't played a jp game in a while.
Although it's not neccesarily a turn one win. If your opponent has two simian spirit guides in hand and two lightning bolts phage will get torched before the greaves get equipped.
trading depends on bothparties being weak. if one party isn't, they won't need the other party and just will walk away. therefore, any trading parties have an incentive to keep each individual party as weak as it is, or even make them weaker. this suggests an argument to consider trading immoral.
>>730201theoretically, if we understood how a mind can work, we could engineer a single cell organism which would contain mechanisms for sentient thought.
humanity's greatest mistake was the division of cells
el welp it has been a while since this happened, but I got after a few years break a phone call "Hey PK, mind opening le bible and finding this passage for me" from a drunk as fug friend
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>730215 but then we wouldn't have breakfast tacos.
> And he said, βNaked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.β
>>730219 if you go in the menu and hit support and hit R it shows you "other houses" which is the list of all the units you don't have
interesting hilda wont talk to me but sheβs gettable? do i need to yeet butter at her
what do you mean she wont talk to you
>>730225 the options dont come up like youd get talking to the other house leaders
OH So Hilda is the mainstay Like Dedue and Hubert I thought it would be Lorenz but I guess not
but yeah, you can't recruit Hilda
Yeah if you exclude Hilda and non-students, i have all the students
good job screenshot your MC so I can see what your stats look like did you buy gifts?
i forcefed the last couple people gifts yes
but i saved some pitcher plants and forget me nots because those are special cant just give those to randos
>>730244 there once was a Fortnighter named Ross all he wanted to do was Floss He got the Victry (cut down a syllable in pronunciation) Royal and got all the hot gals And everyone called him a Boss.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Yuh see. Yuh see how easy this is.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I'm gonna Ace this class, I'm telling you guys now.
"Old English wærloga "traitor, liar, enemy, devil," from wær "faith, fidelity; a compact, agreement, covenant," from Proto-Germanic *wera- (source also of Old High German wara "truth," Old Norse varar "solemn promise, vow"), from PIE root *were-o- "true, trustworthy." Second element is an agent noun related to leogan "to lie" (see lie (v.1); and compare Old English wordloga "deceiver, liar").
Original primary sense seems to have been "oath-breaker;" given special application to the devil (c. 1000), but also used of giants and cannibals. Meaning "one in league with the devil" is recorded from c. 1300. Ending in -ck (1680s) and meaning "male equivalent of a witch" (1560s) are from Scottish. Related: Warlockery." hmm
Lately at work, all the vets have been referring to me as a "nerdy brainiac guy in their corner" I have just been laughing it off because I don't think I'm that nerdy But yesterday when I was reporting the results of my psych testing to all those air force commanders and stuff and i was able to just go over everything clearly and concisely without any rehearsal i realized that i'm a huge fucking nerd
after all these years
>>730291 Well you have been working towards a doctorate for like eight or so years now. You don't stick around academia that long without being a huge fucking nerd.
>pay for entry >possible queue to enter >everything is overpriced >no snacks/food >loud >loud music I don't get it I mean I get it, if you are out "playing the game", but otherwise don't get it way better places to get drunk, starting from just "do it at your place/hotel room" to have that privacy, and not needing to MOVE anywhere, when you have had enough and want to slep/passout
the animation and direction was really amazing in this episode based UFOtable
>>730322 damn I love how they keep the manga's style so few studios can do this proper dance of the fire god is so good
and yeah mc - fire his senpai - water the loser kid - air/lightning boarboy - earth they fulfill the elements
I think I remember you and was it pan? talking about the series, how FIRE would bes o cool, but the MC uses water and I was just "hmm should I say something or just wait"
But I really do wonder is the manga headed towards a climactic end or is it a false ending some shounen have done this before
With Dai no Daibouken, a dragon quest inspired original manga, being one of my favourties where the hero party end up facing the demon lord and then the DL just pwns them and then the series goes on for another 200 chapters
Coincidentally, it is easier to fall asleep if you have eaten and a lot harder to fall asleep if you havn't, but that obviousness, there is that hunger+eating trick to reset your sleep schedule, without oversleeping or overstayingawake
>>730351 why I don't really care what kind of a woman it was, I want to do my groceryshopping unbothered and I presume same applies tot he opposite sex
One of my colleagues has a unique approach to helping people become more comfortable with talking to people, where he gives people tasks that they have to do, but the tasks are like "talk to a stranger at the supermarket" When the client told me she had to do that, I was like "i hate when strangers talk to me at the supermarket"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>730351 I watched the critikal commentary on this sort of thing
>>730355 yeah that's what led me to this video haha >>730353 yeah dont ever try to hit on someone at a grocery store it's fucking weird
Uh yeah the type I use is "pour solified acid pellets" "pour water over" "wait overnight" but in terms of work you need to do is "pour two cups" "sleep" "open tap to leti n more water in the morning"
Kirara π
yeah, the snake is way faster if a snake would work, might as well
Anyhow, the acid method depends som uch on CAN you even use them even here there still are pipes that would just actually melt from the acid
Kirara π
yeah we don't typically use strong acid here for clogs because we all have 20-60 year old plumbing
also never buy liquid drain cleaners those are waste of money you need to pour so much of them, the bottles arel ike 1-2 uses the pellet shit that isl ike 4 years of usage
if the pipes you can see in your house are plastic, then you can use almost whatever if they are metal, well then start asking around if you wanna use the stronger stuff lead I think can take most stuff but other components are a different question >>730378 copper is out
Kirara π
they're typically metal here a lot of pipes are copper which, yeah
Kirara π
i do know people who have destroyed their copper pipes like that
Also well dunno how these uniforms are made, but shouldn't it be thight on shamiko compared to momo? there is a quite big difference between their chest compartment afterall