>>727377 I'll give Claude one thing about his route He spends his time detectiving everything and when you get farther into it it makes the game seem so much more ??????????
Kirara π
>>727384 there are tons of mysteries i don't feel like many of them were answered in blue route
Like I don't know what is or isn't getting solved but I feel like Claude is the go-to for solving them.
>>727389 well, the flayn/claude support is getting very interesting I wonder what answers I'll get
Kirara π
>>727391 linhardt has good supports with flayn, too although i only saw the first two and hanneman and seteth as well linhardt probably with seteth too but i didn't try
linhardt is a crestologist so he's interested but also he has a minor crest of ceth while flayn has major crest
>>727397 It makes sense when you consider the fact that those two saints were relatives as well. But there's something else that makes Cethleann's kinda special and Flayn mentions it in her conversation with Claude so I have a lot of questions about that. Ferdinand having Cichol is one thing. Linhardt having Cethleann just increases the questions. Especially since he also has that
Kirara π
>>727398 they talk about Cethleann a good amount in the last Flayn-Seteth support. It's incredibly interesting and answers a ton of questions, but raises even more of them.
>using Seteth for story purposes\
Kirara π
i like seteth a lot he's one of my favorite characters strangely enough
as an extremely opinionated person i am always willing to give an opinion
my antidepressants run out on the 20th the hospital only gave me a one-month fill and my fucking PCP wouldn't even renew those scripts
so ive got about two weeks, what do you think i should do like do i have to go back to the hospital and make medicaid waste seven thousand dollars so i can get a 50-dollar script filled it's so fucking stupid
Kirara π
if you can't get in to see a psychiatrist, then that's probably your best option
i can understand your pcp not writing scripts for scheduled stuff but not even renewing a script for antidepressants? that's so weird
yeah that's why i was so pissed off she didn't do anything during the visit besides tell me that she won't give me adderall, that i need to self-refer to a psych, and give me lab orders i asked about strattera since it's uncontrolled in the meantime until i find a psych and she said she wouldn't prescribe me anything
ive been having an issue with my right lung lately it feels weird and there's pressure pain that wasn't even addressed im so discouraged by all this i can get by without adderall but man don't make me go off wellbutrin that's what got me to stop drinking and stop a lot of stuff
if i go to the hospital they'll probably refuse to do wellbutrin since it has a black label warning even though that warning is only under the indication for smoking cessation, not when used as an antidepressant
I knew he'd be like this when I asked him about the fishing tournament But it is wonderful to see. Flayn's supports have so much intrigue except with Raphael because Raphael doesn't give a damn about anything but food and muscles
Kirara π
ferdinand is such a loser
>>727442 with blue she didn't get much intrigue most of it came from people outside of the blue students with dedue, she learned how to cook for example
Probably because Blue is the church route. Flayn/Ignatz keeps pushing me towards a certain thought. Well, it was Flayn/Claude B that made me think it But Flayn/Ignatz makes it seem a lot more likely.
or she inhabits her in the same way that Sothis did
Kirara π
i'm not sure if she's literally cethleann, but she's definitely cethleann, i'm pretty sure. that's the conclusion ive reached too. there's even a paralogue where someone calls her ceth- and flayn interupts and tells them to shush
That's why I said Cichol's crest is less interesting. Having it is simple. Cethleann is strange.
man are tou telling me i actually need to read all those lore things
>>727456 no just read supports I still haven't read the stuff in the libraray but the supports are what I love about Fire Emblem in the first place. So I have to get Ignatz/Flayn to A
Linhardt is the heir to the House of Hevring in the empire. I'm pretty sure that's got to be important to figuring out something about his crest. Let me check something.
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
bang bang shot in the family crest no sword of mine balls of lead
In Linhardt/Flayn B, Lin says the chances of Flayn being a direct descendent of Cethleann is very low. He also says it's not rare to possess a minor crest in the noble families. He doesn't seem to think having the crest he does is special even though he agrees that Cethleann was unmarried and likely never had children. In another support, Linhardt suggests crests may be passed down in a manner different than what the Church teaches. Also, Crestology is a new field which Hanneman basically established, so I wonder if maybe the minor crests are in fact not related to bloodline.
I used Mercedes as my dancer originally Which was kind of a mistake because she couldn't take advantage of sword dance
I kinda want to do Sword Savant for Dorothea Since she's really close to both. B+ in reason and sword Mortal Savant* But I don't know if I'm going to use her all these maps are like 11 units max
>All the "acting" titles have been revoked >The annoying superintendent is now a Level II >The lazy talent Level II is now a Level I I think it's time to go back on the tracks. I don't want to have to deal with the annoying guy in the office on a daily basis. He should've taken the job >>727478 That's how MTAfia works.
>>727537 i had a VR sleepover with a bunch of my dorky friends it was kind of fun in a doofy way
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
also that girl from Working
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
also that girl from Nyaruko-san
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Sometimes these random events of chance occur without an explanation.
I'd totally forgotten she also voiced Nyarlko and Poplar.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
who did what? you're speaking gibberish
She hasn't gotten a lot of new major roles lately. I think the last I heard her voice she was a side character in BokuBen. Though she was also in the Non Non Byori movie.
>give two of your students some herbs thanks for the drugs lady rhea
Kirara π
herbs to help with their stress
>>727554 Rather than being an asshole I think he might just be autistic.
Kirara π
>>727557 you can be autistic and an asshole i dont think he's actually autistic though it's far more likely that he's just a sociopath
>>727554 Hah hah, I saw some people sub-tweeting about the historic belief that emotion and rationale are inherently opposed forces and the first thing that came to mind was "Oh no, did Tyson say something asinine again". Good to see my expectations were fulfilled.
Geez fucking louise though. What is he even trying to say. That murderous aggression is nothing more than spectacle? That just because more people die from accidental or health-related suffering we should disengage from the issues of a trend of supremacist-induced terrorism? Like he fucking talks about data but disregards that THIS IS DATA TOO.
he's also ignoring that everything he listed except for gun violence is something we have taken extensive efforts towards stopping/reducing
And honestly that suicide and gun violence have more in common than suicide has with anything else on that list. Not that gun violence lies solely at the feet of poor mental health support infrastructure but such things could definitely help with reducing it.
this is like that "the numbers speak for themselves!" shit it's such an ugly, diluted view of data
Yeah it's the kind of stuff that makes me roll my eyes whenever people start talking about what the statistics indicate or whatnot. It's exceptionally rare that the data they're citing is actually providing an accurate view of the situation.
Kirara π
"the numbers speak for themselves" is what degrasse built his entire legacy on tbh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
this used perfume is burning a hole in my pocket whose the heck is it
Kirara π
>>72756 β >>727566 there's a girly girl who hates training because she doesn't want to get dirty
if it's hilda she won't talk to me so I guess I'm stuck with it.
Kirara π
you sure are
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
added to campaign notes.
used perfume could be manuela oh, it's a lost item yeah then it's only one person
Kirara π
it's hilda i gave it to her on my blue playthrough
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
unfortunately it is not manuela's I have tried to give it to her like 5 times in making my rounds
Kirara π
i gotta work 8am to 8pm tomorrow because big boss called a meeting at 8am out of nowhere probably to talk about how fucked up everything was last week though
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
were you serious about 'just master all of them' because class experience seems to be gained very slowly
Kirara π
yeah you can't master very many of them on normal difficulty but that's generally what you want to do class hop to get abilities
sometimes you can force yourself out of it it's really hard imo to angrily take care of yourself, so doing something that you neeed to do like brushing your hair or your teeth, drinking a glass of milk, frying a plate of vegetables, exfoliating
like you can't really angrily drink a glass of milk
The hell I can't!
take a shower
Oh at some point it became almost midnight, How terrifying.
Hah hah hah it's okay. It's gotten late! Get yourself to bed.
The music in that episode was pretty relaxing I can understand.
>>727569 look if they arent all actually the saints they are at the very least immortal or something because they keep doing this in every support In related news Seteth/Bernedetta is pretty cool.
I'm also pretty sure theyre ...actually im not sure so ill come back to this
>>727733 and this is actual spoiler stuff. i feel i have to say since you never know well its more of aspeculation
how many times have you seen this happen? >somebody walks into a store
A lot.
don't think I've ever seen it
science currently can't explain how it happens it should be impossible with our current understanding of physics
>>727745 with 444/555/66 i can draw a 3 and get 345 / 445566 ippeikou or draw a 6 and get san ankou for 3 han instead of one or draw the 6 man i think that's all the options
with 3/444/555/6 it's just ippeikou either way with just the two waits HOWEVER there are six tiles // oh nevermind that's still worse
also the 444/555/66 would allow for closed quads on the 4/5 wouldn't it? or would that not be possible since it removes a wait on the 3?
There's a bird somewhere outside that sounds ridiculously like a car alarm going off. And there's been a number of alarms going off in recent weeks so I wonder if they're starting to imitate.
I guess you do have to kind of embrace it though I think it's a natural thing to be embarrassed but you have to remember that it's just a feeling that comes and goes
the insert that holds my car stereo came in except it's got a crack dad seems to want to send it back but I kind of want to keep it >>727783 what
uhhh what
>>727783 Metal Wolf Chaos XD comes out tomorrow. It's the fromsoft mech game where you play as a US president who is fighting against a coup attempt by his vice president >>727785 Well for one, it comes out on the 74th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima.
>let's just warp someone to the center platform. What's the worst that can happen? >that entire engagement >realizing the smartest move was to run after spending eight charges
Also, I just don't know what to say about what happened at the end of this chapter. i'm upset.
Yesterday I drove home in the middle of the afternoon and spent all day lying in bed. but not today. Now is the time to rekindle that POSITIVE FORWARD MOMENTUM.
>>727887 is actually more tastier than butter, but dunno about your brands I just don't buy it anymore, since butter gets used also for cooking and baking so skipping on margarine is a slight reduction on my budget, even if it is just lazyness in the end
Also when it really comes to bread spreads liver sausage and cheese spreads are the best Creme Fraiche is da best
I'm fond of cream cheese on bagels but bagel flavour is different from bread. Though the texture is different too and it goes better with cream cheese.
There's a lot of great bread that comes out of North America. Of course there's a culture of mass-produced white bread that is easily available wherever you go but that doesn't diminish the quality whole grain or non-wheat breads that are available, or the bakeries that strive to make quality artisan bread.
Also bagel culture is a thing and bagels are fucking delish.
Nonetheless rye and wheat have very little in common in terms of taste they look similiar, sure so does barley barley just has the longest hair, damn punk
but in terms of usage and taste they are all far apart. also >>727912 you can make bread out of many things I have had even lentil bread, though it made me just ask "why"
I guess I forgot about corn bread.
Although corn bread with whole kernels in it sucks.
one of them, yeah she's a Foreigner class servant which means she came in contact with eldritch truths and didn't lose her mind Foreigner class servants are considered like galaxy level threats
>>727948 Oh I like pink lemonade that'll be nice I bet.
i'm not sure if i'm able to use them or not they're 3mg/6mg nicotine juices i think my thing is built just for nicotine salt juices, which have to burn hotter
there's a lot of technical stuff that goes into this stuff i dont really get it all yet
the blueberry jam one lmao its flavor profile is: 50% blueberry jam 25% toast 25% butter
didn't even taste of sauerkraut which is actually damn good just the juice which is bitter, smelly and bad though it doesn't stick out that bad when it is with the cabbage but I guess as a concentrate, just wew it was so bad
>>727957 Most of these liquid flavourings or flavourings for things like jelly beans are artificial flavourings produced through chemistry. The flavour profile is designed to resemble toast and butter but no toast nor butter is actually harmed in the process of making this flavour.
I think most cheated thing I have faced was a can of "rumcola" that was made out of some wine and cola extract not even like cola drink some fake cola bsically it was 0% rum and 0% cola yet it was labeled rumcola
I bought an airsoft AR-15 in high school. But it turned out to be a bootleg, and you had to load pellets in through the scope because the magazine was a battery. You filled the scope with the balls and had to shake it until the balls fell into the barrel through a small hole. Then you could shoot.
I still remember those weird tubes you used to fill the big gun clips charming
I had few cheap peestols bought from estonia as side arms got a dangerous reputation at one point, cause after a suggestion that "they were more accruate and effective thrown, instead of shot" I started throwing them each time one ran out of ammo one head"shot" later, no one dared to come at me when I ran out of ammo from my main gun, ak-47
>be sol feelgood son daughter animu >have a brief action scene that looks damn much better than anything in arifureta that is an action anime
son daughter... father-daughter maybe instead
The bit with Dale fighting the ice wolves from the recent episode? It was pretty nice.
the stuff she does with her arms is pretty bayonetta too though give her some guns and she's good to go
Oh wow Tower of God is getting an anime. That'll be a fun ride from the start again. Plus it'll be nice to see the earlier stuff with better art quality.
They're really good at making arbitrary connections between linguistic similarities. I can kind of respect that, but I hope they don't do anything drastic because of their perceived connections.
>>728022 Imagine in near future, most likely during our lifetime when house owning is near impossible almost all cars are just rentals etc leases and you practically own nothing everything is a rental service that can be denied for you at any point, if you break some random rules that of course are vague as fuck >>728024 I am going to need some statistics for that, but if they are say bought with loaned money, then well yeah
Kirara π
99% of cars and homes in the united states are basically leased already
everyone has a mortgage on their house. everyone. that means the bank basically owns their house everyone is making payments on their cars
the second you fail a payment they start taking it back
>>728023 yeah that's scary and someone like me who always slips through the cracks would just get denied everything just because
there might be cool stuff in the future but fuck if i'd get to appreciate any of it
I'd just get denied everything because I refuse to be on the social networks etc, that mostl ikely will become mandatory China is testing grounds and their system will be implimented world wide eventually
>>728021 You've got to take your name back yourself.
>>728024 haa makes sernse in a consumeristic society such as USA - stop infecting us with that crap - everything is bought with loaned money, because you ahve to have it NOW not later saving? what is that, your savings are the loans
Kirara π
they will take everything from us until we take everything from them
btw a completely random point, well topic rather, but it comes to mind each year when I am at Assembly event
What is with some people and keeping things tidy? I mean, I wasn't that tidy as a teen/kid and still am not half the time, when the space is my own, but when it comes to public space etc, I almost always have been the type to clean up my shit But why the fuck, good chunk of assembly visitors just litter the place up I mean, you are LIVING in that litter for 4 days and SOMEONE will have to clean it up so why are you doing it ?
not to mention the bathrooms? Why is there a afucking pile of toilet paper on BOTH sides of the seat? why? do you like, get a paper too small to use, so you just toss it to the ground why not toss it to the bowl? it can flush it down I just don't get it
My generation were shitters during our teen years, but the modern teens just seem way worse atleast when it coems to basic manners
We were holigans, even worse in a sense, but we werep roper hooligans burning cars and shit not littering randomly because lol can't bother to clean up
>>728033 Like if my gen wanted to mess uop a toilet, we'd plug it so it'd no longer flush and just explode or something not just toss toilet paper unto the ground for no fucking reason
>>728037 and this stuff was just minor shit imagine that amount on the table and four times on the floor
>>728034 what the fucking hell I mean yeah you have to pick him up most likely but.. why not call a car and give him a ride or something instead of that?
fucking hard to type with bandaids on your fingers from random cuts you got from computer shit why is everythign I won bloodthirsty?
also weirdly my friends didn't manage to finish their Epic HoMM3 game, despite doing it for 13 hours that game sure can take a while
what's homm
Heroes of Might and Magic
is a turn based strategy/rpg game
is a fun game, I've played it some too, but only ever with the undead faction because ofc never join the 3 guy who do that in every lan party, because 1) it would make the game EVEN longer and at shortest it takes 8 hours 12 being average and 2) the more important one, I am not at their level since I didn't play it as a kid/teen as they had, so I wouldn't really ever win it and then 3) it would force us to play on bigger maps, so it would support always 8+ players, 4 humans and 4+ AI, so the game would actually take Forever to finish
the scenario being "kill all AI, then have big fights with the maxed out armies to see who is da best because at some point int he game you just cross a certain point where you can't come back against a super maxed out army especially the max leveled hero leading it
also hotseating a versus game is just dumb because you see everything your friends, in this case enemies, are doing
this toast juice is pretty good but it's making me thirsty maybe a water sandwich would help
Don't be silly, there's no such thing as sandwater. You can either have sand or water, you can't have both.
the smm versus looks so fun it's exactly my kind of game you get to screw people over so hard >>728057 i have no clue there's a rank system though probably once you get out of the trench, players with normal connections are more common
i want to play it and be that person you can steal keys from other players and stuff run back to the start of the level, die and drop the key somewhere nobody can get to
a lot of the levels are built specifically for versus where you can like sit there and wait for people to cross a switch-bridge and then hit a switch to screw them over lots of sabotage
Have they fixed its awful garbage netcode yet.
It's kind of reminscent of the classic versus mode from the original Super Mario Bros. but with the full assortment of stuff available to an actual Mario stage.
you ever find those instant hot water taps are never hot enough?
I worked in a coffee joint a summer in high school and when I was pouring hot water for a customer's tea I looked away and accidentally jolted my hand so the hot water pouring ended up pouring all over my hand. The reason for this anecdote is that no, I think those instant hot water taps are PARTICULARLY hot and I have good evidence for believing so.
well of course they're hot enough for the purpose of burning you but there seems to be this cult of people who prefer the kettle
>>728105 and warcraft reforged buy now our DLC package to get THRALL EXCLUSIVE SKINN FOR MULTIPLAYER USAGE seriously they will do this and people will aplaud for them for it well journalists will
warcraft is my childhood my teenhood and even my 20s
and now activision will ruin it
YES I played wc3 from RELEASE untill like 2016 in bnet actively
Blizzard is trying to break aaway from Activision so hard, you can see it. Look at them actively trying to ruin their games that Activision earns money from. Especially OW and WoW, really.
>>728110 I wish they would do it also why did Blizzard ever merge with activision they were making INFINITE MONEY with wow why did they get bought?
>>728110 They're bleeding talent in the process though. Lots of historic Blizzard employees are leaving the company in recent years. Even if they break away from Activision they won't have the people that made them great anyway.
>>728127 Yeah but you can't make a diablo or a warcraft but activision can and they can rape them they can rape them even better than acti-blizzard did
They can totally make a Diablo or Warcraft. Sure it won't have the name on it but names are meaningless anyway. Attachment to the names is just too much investment.
why would you even GET bought you wre ONE OF THE MAJOR COMPANIES why get merged and become the bitch of another?
nothing in it makes sense
it is like the Nokia-windows co-operation back in the day that just resulted in Windows buying all of Nokia phone-brand in the end, due toa ll of nokia windows phones failing 100% and then windows failing with their nokia stuff os much that a finnisch company bought the rights to Nokia name back from them and are now making successuflly mind you Nokia phones all over again a company made up of former Nokia engineers, fired by windows when the merger happened
>we can do without this talent well you couldn't and now they are raking up the bucks
I remember that summer that one summer I had gotten my fez that year I for NO reason at all decided to take it with me for my annual week-2week long city vacation at my mother's empty place and that is where I watched my first episode of new Who and during that stay there I watched seasons 6 and then 5 of dr who which made it all the morel *love that low quality tourist fez
it's kind of the fate of any insular community we've been here almost a decade the dynamics are just different than when you're first meeting a group of people
those edges of the social structure have been worn off like the ridges on a quarter by now, so there's not much for new folks to connect to it's unfortunate
tbh good advice but like, I'm not going to be weird about this shit or anything. It's natural for young people to be attracted to older ones. Take me for example, still attracted to a 30 something.
>>728288 it's a good way to get yourself into trouble i had a friend who was 22 and had a 17-year-old girl kind of obsessing on her and it can really make your life complicated 17 isn't age of consent in that situation
even just talking about stuff can be legally troublesome
>>728299 im trying to set up a group talk therapy thing in VR for my lgbt group there none of us are licensed therapists though so i wanna keep it more peer support and stuff
would you have any thoughts or tips on facilitating something like that it doesn't have to be anything too much or right now i just thought i'd mention it to you
we have a psychologist who's actually working on making a VR therapy app and doing real therapy sessions through VR but he's too busy to be participating in something like this just as you are busy too
>>728301 i feel like it's hammed up a lot for the TV when he walks away with his hands behind his back too lmao it's so cringey
>>728300 like a support group? usually you need a clear topic for the group which you gotta stick to otherwise the group will fall apart because they'll get off topic and become a friend group instead of a support group
>>728303 well it is a group of friends but like a lot of people are going through a lot of social complications with transitioning and self-acceptance and stuff it's making them self-conscious within the group too, and nobody wants to be a downer so nobody talks about the stuff that's bothering them. it ends up making it look like everyone's happier and doing better than they are, so those that are getting discouraged feel more alone about it
i just want a little peer support group for talking about what's going on in our lives, focusing on goals and thinking constructively about obstacles sharing common issues like having unsupportive families or anxieties about the life transitions
i wasn't really thinking anything formal or special, just some people to get together once a week and chat about stuff but the idea took off with a little different context like an actual therapy thing and i don't think it would be responsible for anyone to facilitate that without training
>>728306 making it into a therapeutic group would probably make it impossible to maintain it as a friend group too but just chatting about stuff sounds fine do you have a concern about implementation of it or something?
>>728311 not really, no i didn't really have any concerns about it but someone else is having a kind of take-charge perfectionist attitude and wanting to research it and plan stuff in a really detailed manner i said ive got a friend who does group therapy stuff and i'll ask them, so i am
i didn't think there'd be a whole lot to take into consideration
Wow this live posting stuff sure is fun
Kirara π
>>728312 yeah i think something unstructured and informal is best for that kind of thing there's not a lot of planning or anything that needs to go into it in my opinion
>>728313 it's pretty neat yeah >>728314 yeah thanks that was my thought too but after seeing the other feedback i thought "oh no maybe i didn't think it through and it's an irresponsible idea" i think im gonna try to just have us chill out with some light music and talk about stuff like goals, concerns, obstacles, helping each other maybe understand what support we need
more than the actual group talk itself helping anything, i really just want people to feel comfortable with it and know there's the platform for those kinds of feelings just to strengthen the bond and support structure a little bit
I got roughed up a bit again at boxing. But the other guy was pretty good and obviously had some experience. I kind of held my own. I don't feel too bad about it.
>>728343 that was a TINY one. barely a concussion.
i just discovered dan cilley and it's pretty horrifying he just films himself approaching every girl on the street in LA and making them uncomfortable and now he's been arrested and registered idk what he thought would happen
i was just looking for twitch cringe but this popped up and sidetracked me ive had people do creepy cringey things at me firsthand all my life so it's not that hard to stomach
the real hardcore cringe is twitch stuff when people's moms start yelling at them one guy was streaming league or some shit and his mom was sitting in a chair next to him and he didn't realize it, watching him play and he died and just screams 'AH my pussy's getting stretched" his mom just looks at him for a sec then gets up and walks away lmao
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I did watch that hour long Idubbz documentary about that obese star wars fan who lives in the mid-west
>>728355 yeah real life stuff is the best some real memorable stuff there videos are meh
you don't get all the immersion and context with just a video, and you're expecting the cringe so it's not the same as when it happens in the middle of your day
>>728359 gosh i'd have to think about that one the first thing that comes to mind is hm i had a girl sexually harassing me on the college campus late at night and wouldn't let me leave the doorways after like 20 minutes of discomfort i agreed to give her a hug and then i left
she was actually really pretty too which was weird
lots of cringey things happened in rural missouri too rural folks are just full of cringe
>>728359 Yesterday I was buying cat food at the store. The cashier looked like a thumb, and when I saw her, I was like, "huh. i thought Araki drew some unrealistic body types for villains as jokes, but she looks exactly like that fisher dude in Part 5" and then the guy behind me leans over to her and goes "do you like these?" and points to some candy bar he puts on the conveyor belt and she's like "uhh yeah i guess" and he goes "they're yours. take them. put them in your pocket. i just had to buy something so i could get in line to see you."
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>728362 >and that, kids, is how I met your father
OH wait i remembered one when i was 15 i was working at a bakery in Colorado this was way up in the mountains and the only internet available was dial-up
for like an hour we weren't receiving any phone calls and this guy that was on the wait staff was just like using the bakery's computer to browse dragonball z fan websites like for a whole hour, and not working
the bakery owner had to come tell him to stop because we needed to use the phone and he was really persistent and like HOLD ON JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE it wasn't even like playing a game or watching anything or doing anything interactive he was just looking at dragonball z websites
>>728367 it's a town of like 200 people in the summer there's like tens of thousands of tourists coming through though but from october to april it's so heavily snowed that they use snow vehicles to get around and the roads aren't accessible for anyone to come up so you have to make do with what you can get i guess
there was an older lady around 40?-ish who followed me to the laundromat one time from the convenient store across the street (i went there to grab tea after starting the dryers) she followed me there and was just kind of loitering around me for like 15 minutes or so and then started trying to help me fold my laundry after it dried that was really weird
there was a lady in the neighborhood where i lived from like 19-22 who would ride around on a tricycle all day long and she had like five macaws that would sit on this wooden rod attached to her bike and one time i asked her what she was doing and she was just like "want to pet my birdies? they're soft" and then she just started laughing
>>728371 where's the cringe here that sounds great
Kirara π
cringe isn't necessarily a bad thing i dont think something can be great and still cringe can't it?
I remember walking home from school once with a couple of friends would have been about 14/15 and a guy in a motorized wheelchair rolls up, and asks us if we can give him directions to the nearest bathroom and we begin describing how to get to the local mall and then, mid conversation, he just lets go and starts, wetting his pants. and nobody wants to embarrass the poor guy, so everyone just kind of ignores it even though it's pouring everywhere and leaving a huge puddle. and then everyone just kind of awkwardly finished giving him directions then walked away
BUT THAT'S NOT THE WEIRD PART - THIS IS we were telling some other friends about it a couple days later, and it tuns out the exact same thing had happened to them, in the exact same place. and I told my brother about it and he said the same thing had happened to him with a guy in a wheelchair in exactly the same location.
So maybe the guy just liked pissing himself in front of kids.
absolutely! i agree one of my favorite memories is kind of cringe
i was at like a neighborhood barbecue thing, im not really sure what the event was really i was just picking up someone
a little girl like 8 years old or so comesup // comes up to me and is like "ummm excuse me but are you a boy or a girl" i thought it was so cute so i'm like "haha what do you think i am" "umm i think you're a boy" "why do you think that?" "because girls are supposed to be pretty!" it was so adorable haha
but her mom came over so embarrassed and scolded her and was like "you need to apologize to her!!" i wasn't offended at all i found it really funny
>>728374 yeah it sounds like he was doing it on purpose and getting off on it
>>728375 I get stuff like that every then stuff like "why do you have long hair" or "are you a g irl or a boy" in fact I got "why do you have a ponytail" today I just laugh it off and give a random answer kids can't help be kids so I don't think it's anyone's fault
I'm trying to work out exactly what I'm doing in my mindfulness group today. I've recently taken the group in a direction where we do an activity followed by sort of philosophical discussion of the activity. But sometimes I worry that I'll break them with existential questions.
ahhh, I feel like the game is close to ending but I want to unlock more support conversations
>>>/@pkjd8I8/1158720689311891457 BEASTARS' anime is looking pretty nice. It's the same studio that animated Houseki no Kuni too so I'm hoping it'll be pretty cinematic.