One of my clients has a service dog so I'm gonna have to do individual sessions with a dog in the room
Fun Chris-chan news
>>728420 How do you not know who Chris-chan is? Oh Man
Explaining this is gonna take a bit But basically he's the incredibly autistic guy who created his (original character do not steal) character called Sonichu aand does comics about him and has been oon a "love quest" to find a "boyfriend free girl" for like 19 years.
Oh that I don't commit those names to memory, you know
Chris-chan is a very exceptional individual. He is also probably the most documented living person in the wworld.
atleast outside of celebrities etc
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what did you roll today kirara
>>728425 Probably more than celebrities I don't llknow oof any other person with their own wiki. He so releases a lot of videos and tells people way too much about himself (including very disgusting things about his hygiene)
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
what is with these mf incels and their obsession w virgins
So you need insurance to be able to afford any health care, but they don't cover mental. Welp Insurance companies are such assholes everywhere, tho
Kirara π
Some do. But insurance doesn't cover health expenses. They cover necessary health expenses. And your ADHD testing or gifted testing isn't "necessary" even though it is. Sometimes they'll cover but rarely.
I've got four more notes to write before I can go home. But I have to pick up something to eat, too. I wish I had Fish at home to help with meals since I'm so busy all the time. Not that she ever really did when I asked her to, though.
I'm really tired today. Hopefully I can make it to bedtime without dozing off but the last time I did that I ended up sleeping like twelve hours anyway. Sleep is hard work.
>>728447 Yeah but because I don't have any sleep habits sleeping forever throws my whole sense of tiredness out of whack and I can't get to sleep when I want to after sleeping forever anyway. Even with 10mg of melatonin last night I could barely get to sleep after laying in bed for over an hour.
One of my clients came out as an exhibitionist today. But she doesn't want to be one. Poor girl.
Is she at least good looking? Speaking of exhibitionists My friend was driving on tge highway the other day and saw like ten cop cars and in his rear view mirror saw a naked woman run across the highway.
She obsessively and compulsively pursues physical wellness in order to maintain an attractive physique. She's in her early 40s and you can tell that she works very hard to maintain her figure. She would probably be considered very attractive to most people.
>>728460 I wish I obsessively pursued physical wellness.
There's a point at which it becomes problematic. If you want that kind of single-minded focus on exercise, you should just become addicted to drugs. Then when you become sober, you can channel your addiction into exercise and work hard until you hurt yourself.
a bunch of vets at work feel more comfortable talking to me about their trauma than they do talking to the trauma specialists about it somehow ive really ended up on the "vet side" of things i'm not exactly sure what i did to get vet respect because usually you need military background to get the OK with these guys
i wonder if my work with the fbi is what got me past that barrier
>Yasuhiro Takemoto, Anime Director, Died in Kyoto Arson Attack aww
they are /theys till havn't updated all the deceased?
Kirara π
no, they're still releasing names
Kirara π
Takemoto was really special this is a pretty big loss
O hyeah that was the "untraceable one" I guess the family didn't want to release the info untill they had some peace
Kirara π
>Mr. Takemotoβs father spoke to The Mainichi Shimbun, a Japanese newspaper, while holding his sonβs white cat key chain, recovered from the fire. βIt still smells of smoke,β he said this makes me emotional
I'd actually go on to say that nearly all collabs are boring. They're basically commercials for other products and as such you only really see the glossy commercial side of whatever the collab is. I found the idolmaster collabs for granblue to also be extremely boring because the idols all got very limited time to show each of their major features and never had any conflict or remotely controversial moments because it was basically a commercial.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>728498 Maybe you could get them to grind fate materials for their beach waifus
Other collabs like Sakura Wars, Street Fighter, Code Geass, all have actually decent stories that are well written and show off the characters very well
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Rika if you want a controversial event the Love Live one in Granblue was because it askedy you to play as a girl so you could not disturb the losers
>>728504 I mean You don't like the idols You're not an idolfag. Collabs aren't to interest you in the other game, they're to interest players of the other game to the game with the collab. The reason you don't like those collabs is because they're for people that already love those idols and want to use them in the game.
Nobody is expecting people who aren't super into the topic of the collab to super love it. You're not the target audience for it!
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Aww Now i feel kind of bad A guy was trying to bench and he got stuck under the bar a nd had to wriggle out Then he caught me kind of smirking at him Just because it looked funny It was a reflex I wasn't trying to be a bully ;_;
>>728521 You must hate events, too, then, since they don't typically move the main story forward. That's a little weird considering events are the lifeblood of mobage, though.
events are amazing when all your favorites get togehter and have fun
Like I mostly only like 2-3 harvins in the entire game but the Lunalu event was super fun All the little friends got together and made fujoshi doujins together.
>>728536 Rika, I proposed like last year. We've already agreed to get married. We just don't have a date. This wasn't a proposal, this was me saying that it would save me thousands of dollars and tons of stress if we just got married now instead of putting it off.
yeah you could just do the paper wedding for the official stuff and still have a ceremony at a more convenient date, when you want toa ctually celebrate it.
>>728541 Yeah, and we can do that when she's ready to. But unfortunately, I don't have health insurance right now and it takes like an hour to get legally married which would solve that problem. If she's not going to live with me and she won't marry me, and we barely talk, what's the point of it all? I don't think my desire to get married is unreasonable. I have needs!
Yeah, but I need insurance soon. Talking about it in a month will cost me a few thousand dollars.
Do you think she'd agree if you asked her if she'd help pay for the out of pocket fees? I know that's not something you'd actually want to do I'm just curious.
Yeah, I remember that being the case. Personally the difference between relying on her for her rich person insurance and relying on her for her rich person resources feels kind of ... a negligible difference but maybe it's just me.
>>728555 No. She could give me like 20,000 or something and I could get a good healthcare plan on my own but I'm not going to accept money like that.
And I can't get a crappy healthcare plan because I'm not eligible for Obamacare.
The only healthcare plan I'm eligible for is the one my school offers which is like the lowest tier of Cigna and will provide for virtually none of my needs but will also cost me $2000 a year.
It's so stupid you have to agonize over how to get the healthcare you need to not risk dying or severe injury. Shit like this is why healthcare should be universal.
Used to be that you could stay on your parents' health insurance for virtually forever. But Obama, ever owned by insurance companies, worked hard to ensure a law would be passed preventing us from staying on our parents' plans after age 26. So now we lose our insurance at 26. It's supposed to incentivize us to get jobs or whatever. But I work 40-50 hours a week for no pay. So...
Anyway, she's my fiance so she should just hurry up and marry me.
vote bernie
okay do obviously, vain and insecure girls on social media always use certain angles, postures, filters, etc.
but do you think that it is common practice to suck your stomach in, when taking tthese pictures? i've not really considered it until recently, and it just seems like a huge leap ahead of the other things
Kirara π
bernie from fire emblem or the shitty real bernie
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
fuck I haven't played fire emblem today I'm out of bernium
It can't be helped. Society has pressured them into that shit through unrealistic body standards and most people are too stupid to understand or realize that they're just feeding into some stupid fake cycle.
its always made sense to me that guys obviously flex their muscles and abs in every photo because that is of course a key feature of male beauty
but these pretty ass girls are already so attractive without sucking their stomachs in, its such a weird extra thing
you've made me come to realize that I don't especially like most of the boys I don't dislike them and a lot are good but like none of them strike me in particular.
felix is mean to dedue and i will never forgive him for that!! dedue is my precious son >>728586 most of the students are cool with him even though he's duscarjin but felix calls him names and is racist !
>>728582 when dedue came back and he was older i was so excited. gilbert kinda sucks. I wish i could get dedue on all my routes
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
from what I can gleam like 99% of people are mean to dedue
Kirara π
people are pretty racist to Petra too but they quickly stop doing it probably because she's really smart and pretty and can also kill anyone
someone just made a buncch // bunch of unauthorized charges with my information somehow they bought like 200 dollars worth of grubhub orders in new york idk
paypal's closed right now but they'll fix it up tomorrow chattin with grubhub now good thing they have online chat
That would probably get me pretty panicky if it happened to me. There's been a lot of information breaches with companies recently too so I guess it's pretty inevitable.
I'm lucky I don't have any credit information tied to my Twitch account when people got into it earlier this year. All they could do was just throw my Prime sub at people, probably themselves.
It's weird, yeah. It could be a Grubhub breach; I wouldn't be surprised. They are far from secure. It's possible I hit a skimmer at some point without realizing it. I'm pretty keen to those things so I don't think I would have, but it could have happened like while I was in Chicago or something and just nobody used it until now.
That's usually how that stuff works. The person who collects information doesn't use any of it. They are just sellers. The people who use it buy it from the seller whenever they intend to make some purchases. They really didn't get a good deal buying my information, if that's the case. I'm poor as heck. I had about $200 in my paypal so they got that, but that's it. Hardly a juicy target, especially for whoever is living in New York. They got like two grubhub orders out of it from Applebee's and some other fancy place.
Grubhub is a dumb decision though considering the food gets delivered to you. Whatever address they put in better have been a drop spot and not their actual address or else they screwed up bad. Paypal's usually good about this stuff though. They do a quick investigation and block or refund the charges. I hope I'm able to get to them in time before the payments go through, though. I kind of had something I needed to order tonight but now I can't because I dont have any money, but eh, I'm not gonna get wound up about it. It'll be fine.
>>728608 Yeah, people who are smart don't let the account owner know they've been infiltrated. You see some people who have no sense and just go messing with the accounts or making Xbox Live charges to buy skins in Fifa for $12 just dumb criminals can be pretty stupid too
I didn't even realize people were in my accounts until they started accessing my Spotify while I was in the middle of trying to use it myself, which was a really obvious indicator something was amiss. Though honestly I should have noticed earlier with some other things that were happening (like my Prime sub never being available for use) but apathy really makes putting all the dots together a chore. I've been keeping a decent eye on my credit statements since then though to make sure nothing too important was a part of that.
the fact that all the orders were through grubhub is sus
all three charges were from the same card (i have two) so i thought it was probably skimmed somehow but all the orders were food from grubhub. maybe it's a problem on grubhub's end and they don't actually have my information but can just spoof the credentials
not that it really matters, but im just curious
skimmers these days are really clever though. i can't think of where i would have swiped my card at all. >>728610 nah that isn't something that can happen accidentally i mean, the kind of internal account architecture that would allow that kind of thing to accidentally happen would have to be intentionally designed that way like intentionally implementing a system where mixups can happen like that
i enjoy this kind of investigation stuff though it's the kind of stuff that's easy for me to focus on
Or maybe some data got crossed and someone's order just accidentally got charged to your information.
on july 8th i made a transaction at a place where you dont personaly swipe your card you have to hand it to the cashier and they swipe it behind the counter
it's kind of a little hole-in-the-wall place where i bought that trash kratom while waiting for the good stuff to get shipped to me a little smoke shop place or the one where i bought my vape juices possibly, same thing
those places are so small and dingy that one of the employees can just skim information and go sell it months later without anybody catching on >>728612 well, most of it happens at ATMs or gas pumps but that's up there yeah
>>728611 Iirc, most skimming a happen from employees who you give your card too.
>>728611 Small places like those are places I always try to have cash on hand for buying stuff at. Or like mom and pop corner stores. I get that's probably a bit harder if your income comes out of PayPal though. Or is it. I'm a very normal person money-wise. My credit card pretty much only exists for use for online purchases and large chain businesses.
yeah i have to pay a fee to get cash out of my account, so i try not to
i left the shop an anonymous email tipping them off that an employee is skimming info it could have been something else but i'm like 80% on it
it never hurts for those places to be more wary anyway
I made chili tonight and as per the usual a fresh pot is far too tempting and I took way too large a bowl. It's hard to remember that I shouldn't eat so much but good food - and chili is probably one of my favourite dishes - makes it even harder.
oh, this is interesting apparently they made a charge on the 3rd too, which i didn't notice the receipt in my emails
that makes sense, because usually you want to do that stuff on the weekend so there's more time before the banks can reverse the charge i was wondering why they'd do it on a tuesday.
but when i go to my paypal to look for the charge there on the 3rd, it doesn't exist meaning paypal automatically reversed it without my input. Paypal is really good to me for all the problems ive had so far i trust they'll handle this fine which is good cuz i still got 10 days to get through on these meager funds i can't afford to lose em
Yeah it's nice to have those securities in place with financial institutions. I've never had someone use my credit information but my parents had theirs skimmed and the bank actually called them when the card got used way outside their normal pattern of use.
Ooh baby You know it's going to be a Fun class when there are Game of Thrones memes on the lecture slides.
>>728623 Going on imageboards during lectures is probably not the greatest idea.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I am eating lunch After the lecture
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Using my car as a table
>>728623 Like season one through three Game of Thrones references/ Or did the professor update their repertoire to be caught up with the later seasons?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Like an image macro of Ned Stark saying something like >brace yourself - exams are coming
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
It was very cool. Trust me And as a member of the youth, i felt like i could really relate to that reference to pop culture
Okay yeah those are some waaaay outdated references. That guy's been dead since season one.
Call me when they start using some mother fucking JoJo's Bizarre Adventure references
i took today off work i have a doctor's appointment at 1 but otherwise i can relax i deserve it since i work so much although i have a "vacation" in two weeks where i'm taking two days off for a meditation retreat
>>728775 I have to see my cardiologist once a year for my heart problems to make sure things aren't getting worse. So some old lady nurse rubs goo all over my bare chest and runs a wand around it to see my heart, and they'll hook me up with wires and stuff like that.
Every time I get the ultrasound, it's the same old lady, and she's always like "looking good" as she rubs goo onto my chest. It's kind of uncomfortable. Although I probably wouldn't be so bothered if it were a cute girl doing it.
Haha, I'm probably one of the youngest people that visit the cardiologist too. I've never seen anyone there who wasn't at least 50. Even my grandfather went to this guy.
>>728788 >oh hey. I saw you watching some stuff tagged as 'animation' >I know what that means >you must love Family Guy >here's "Best of Peter Season 18"
what if youtube knows more than you do what if you watch those videos and enjoy them
You should see the nutrition log of one of the clients I've got. It's so bad. His diet is like, a peanut butter jelly sandwich around 1:00pm, another around 5:00, then at 8:00 he eats an entire box of hamburger helper and a porkchop, then he finishes off with a bottle of coca-cola and a share-size bag of sour patch kids. Every night.
i have like 20 grams of kratom for lunch and that's it
>>728812 That diet really needs some more fruits and vedge tables. I mean besides the obvious stuff. People should eat more fruits.
haha that dude is so fucked up I think he killed some people too He used to be in a gang or something? I think a lot of it is posturing but it seems like he really did something bad at some point He has also had like 7 concussions and his brain is like molasses
Actually all of my clients are kind of dumb One of them recently started vivitrol to prevent alcohol cravings and he's supposed to carry documentation that he's on it but he doesn't because the med-alert bracelet is "dumb"
What do y'all think about Okaa-san online? I thought it was going to just be lots of funny stuff but it seems like it's starting to take itself somewhat seriously...
it's all just talking about how wonderful mothers are now and what it means to be a good mother there haven't really been any jokes in the last two episodes
>>728825 the last stage was fuckin ridiculously big in Blue
warp is so fucking ridiculous why did they give it to lysithea
Kirara π
i didn't get anyone with warp in blue route but in red it's chapter 7 and i already have one
doesnt Manuela learn Warp?
Kirara π
apparently but i didn't actually use her
ah welp lys is broken and not even just for damage reasons
like lysithea just kills reinforcements and drains HP with Nosferatu when people show up in front of her and warps my high crit units >>728833 oh i just went all in on Holy. err Faith. Holy Knight isnt worth it. Physic has such a large range that you hardly have t move her. That said, if you do her Paralogue, you'll identify her Crest's actual name and also get BLUTGANG. Marianne would probably be good at Gremory or Sword Savant i you spend time giving her Sword and Reason Mine is Bishop bcause I dnt have time to invest her into other stuff im really sad about Holy Knight.
Kirara π
what did you do with marianne I don't really need another mage so i might make her into a paladin or something
Kirara π
i bet she looks funny jumping and flipping around as a mortal savant
Blutgang would b worth it. for real
Kirara π
on NG+, you can give any crest to anyone, pretty much so anyone can really use blutgang technically although i haven't been using that since it feels broken the crest thing i mean i dont wanna minmax you know
???????? you can WHAT
Kirara π
you get items that someone holds and it allows them to act as though they had that Crest so they get the crest bonus and can use relics you get crests for the characters you had unlocked and then can buy more with renown
Kirara π
only one of each item no dupes
Kirara π
i dont think they stack
wow ng+ is whack
Kirara π
but ill probably give bernie reigan and failnaught if i get that again just for laughs
wait how do you get failnaught in blue?
Kirara π
you save the alliance from empire invasion, then claude gives it to you and says he's leaving forever to pursue his goals and the alliance is dissolving and becoming one with the kingdom again
i missed a few relics in my first game since the paralogues were too easy and not fun so i skipped some but on hard mode they're actually challenging which is nice
Kirara π
I actually ran out of divine pulses on a map yesterday on normal mode, that didn't happen even once
>using grubhub or any of those delivery services last time that happened, the delivery guy kept my number and kept trying to sell his album to me so no, it wasn't me
>>728884 The Wind Caller already confirmed it for me so it's less of a speculation thing now and more of lol this is funny
Kirara π
>>728885 ive noticed a lot of stuff like that, like flayn's lost items are an ancient map and an antique hair clip. after battle of lion/eagle, she says she hasn't had that much fun when she was a kid a very very long time ago. seteth talks about how his favorite saint is Cethleann. lol
>>728887 don't click them. It's the most fun mystery of the game. >>728886 Bernie/Seteth was a lot of fun. She drew a picture of Indech and Cichol and Seteth was like "who is this guy? it looks kinda like me"
I wonder if this is a Yellow/Blue difference or we made certain decisions in our paths that affected this. Like I feel as if I fucked up or something. I have been really sad the past few chapters but I have no idea what could be done to change this.
Yellow is the path that I "most support" according to what I've heard about others. However, the things that happen along the way are not making me smile.
>>728896 Blue route was full on HOPE mode. A light shining in the darkness. But the ending made me a little sad. I don't know if it would have made sense any other way, though. Dimitri approaches the defeated Edelgard and offers her forgiveness. She throws the dagger he gave her as a kid into his chest and he kills her with his relic. Then Sensei and Dimitri walk away somewhat somberly.
I know we have vastly differing opinions about the show but the way the emperor dies in Yellow gave me the exact same feeling that I had when Five died in Zankyou no Terror. Like FINALLY. WE ARE HERE. WE CAN END THIS. WAIT NO. DONT END WITH THIS KIND OF FEELING.
I'm going to set aside my impending dread and try to continue enjoying being a happy little sensei
Kirara π
>>728901 yellow feels like a complete outsider to the story it's hard for me to picture how their route goes and harder for me to picture them saving anyone
Kirara π
either way this is probably the best fire emblem story ive played before it's so good
for all the stuff i always complain about that goes wrong, im happy to have paypal. they're really good to me when shit like this happens they handle everything and give me a provisional credit almost right away thanks paypal
i contacted grubhub about it last night too! since the payments were made on my card, i am going to be given the informations regarding the payments including delivery names and addresses too things are gonna get fun soon
i thought the things were ordered in new york, but that's just grubhub's info they were all local things here
i already know where my card got skimmed and by whom, but i dunno their name
>>728984 too bad they can't prescribe anything for being a manlet
Kirara π
>>728985 if i take enough estrogen to trigger a second puberty and then enough testosterone to trigger a third one surely i will grow taller what could go wrong
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>this isn't even my final form
Kirara π
i cast chain puberty i enter puberty three additional times at the cost of my sanity i can become a monster
>>728992 yeah but i'm not short enough that i can't reach shelves at the store and even if i were tall, it would be impossible to reach the top shelves in my kitchen cabinets anyway
aah turns out if you kick a 10 kg weight with the foottable like a football it hURTS like fuck
Theorycrafting and solving all the mysteries is so much fun!
I got something spoiled by my crew chat and Im wondering how important it is and when itll come up but itβs certainly interesting
Having the mysteries just revealed to you is fun and all, but the REAL FUNβ’ is when you have already solved the mystery on your own by the time the narrative reveals it to you
I didn't work at all today. Although I walked someone at work through some software but that was only 4 minutes and I was walking out of my cardiologist's office so it doesn't count.
Eventually. I don't own it yet though. It's been looking like it's a lot of fun. I'm mostly just waiting to make sure I know my financial situation for the upcoming school year before I get another game.
very fun probably the best fire emblem ive played
Yeah Kirara's been really happy with it too it looks like. And Blue seems unhappily satisfied too.
why unhappily
Because he gets really worked up over characters and unhappy endings and so he really enjoys himself when things go to hell but it also makes him feel awful. He's probably really happy with the game but the story is making him FEEL THINGS.
naruhodo fuyukai desu
Kirara π
i think my game is glitch dorothea was removed from my roster and i can still talk to her but not give her gifts or lost items or anything
Maybe Dorothea just hates you
are you playing FE ton its really fun i nolifed it really hard first week i think i was like 23 hours in 4-5 days
Kirara π
i have like 60 hours i thought i was going pretty hard but blue has like 110 hours or something
Have you beaten any of the routes yet Squid?
yeah i beat lions i think in total im around 60 hours? let me check no im at 52 hours
>>729032 why garden though is she growing eggs i guess
after i beat lions i barely played as much think im scared of burning out or rushing it should start playing more this week
Kirara π
beating lions got me more excited to play moe more so many mysteries actually i was kind of hoping to burn myself out haha so i would be motivated to take a break but it hasn't happened yet
It'll be neat if you're playing other routes and in addition to getting answers to mysteries in the first route you played, you get to see mysteries set up in those other routes you already know the answer to.
Kirara π
that's already happened with my red eagles route haha it's pretty cool
i'm going to side with edelgard
Kirara π
i found her really sympathetic even in the blue route i wanted to support her throughout
I'm probably going to do Yellow -> Red -> Blue when I play. I like the premise of the Yellow house.
>>729048 i am, im still in my first run im doing red because free bern
Kirara π
i think red is probably best second since there's a secret route or something that comes from it after doing the other routes that way you dont have to do the same stuff twice in a row you know
oh guess ill play this game like four times
Kirara π
blue spent 100 hours in the game and hasn't even finished his first route
He likes to take things easy.
what is mr blond+blue eyes that is obviously best route
Kirara π
dimitri it's the HOPE route
there is no hope only sad
Kirara π
nah blue is all about finding a light in the darkness there's sad but we move on to find our own happiness and cut the path to our own destiny a very relatable route for me
by the way itβs me im gonna be the dark mage
Kirara π
toki wa kita
Hokey toki honkey tonkey
hey kirara can you give me a basic reminder of what i get to keep for ng+
Kirara π
nothing but you get to keep renown which you can spend to buy previously attained skill levels, class skills, and supports
and i take it i get to restock my renown again by playing the next route?
Kirara π
>>729077 ok so this is literally the tales of grade shop i can do that no problem
not that it matters since you can walk over to them but do the statues retain what they have or does it flow back into your pool
by the way the gameβs music is kind of kicking my ass like i go do a paralog with some bandit shmucks and i get this dramatic stuff and itβs great
Kirara π
it's the way to be more strong
Kirara π
rhea's singing is nice
Kirara π
i dont think she's evil anymore though ive reevaluated her now i just think she's nuts
i mean ive only met her for like 7 months and she strikes me as a religious zealot which makes sense given her position and those kinds are always crazy
sheβs teaching me how to faith good at least, though i dont think i need much more training in it (at least not faculty wise)
Kirara π
i think i understand rhea at a deep level if i'm right about her goals and motivations
Grubhub only gave me the first name and street name of the individual, and not house number or last name
I'm going to contact the restaurants directly and try to weasel that information from them. Otherwise I have to get a subpoena for Grubhub as much fun as that is I'd rather not
Grubhub probably wants to be as minimally involved with a skimming investigation as possible, eh. Plus if they make it as hard as they can for you to do it and it ends up making the drive taper off they don't have to potentially worry about dealing with it period.
>>729061 i think you can do the alternate route ont on the * first run but you gotta be careful not to miss the window
>>729092 it's just a liability thing probably it's fine though. i have enough to work with
the first name alone is enough for me to call the shop where it was skimmed and let them know who it was they can't just take my word for it and fire someone from that, but tipping them off is enough for them to look into the matter themselves and make sure i should be able to call up and figure out if that was the place or not though easily enough with a bit of snooping
ive already left an anonymous tip by email and as soon as i confirm, im going to leave a google review people actually read those because they use google to find the directions in the first place
Oh I thought the name you got was the person from New York that used Grubhub. >>729096 Ah I see okay that all makes sense now.
oh, whoops i should have mentioned New York was just Grubhub's payment processing place like "payment made to Grubhub NY" the person ordered and delivered locally lmao
i even know what street it's on and the zip code but the address is blacked out, as is the last name crudely blacked out so i know the last name is about seven characters long and that the house number on the street ends in a 7
With the zipcode and a bit of luck it's even possible you could pinpoint exactly the house in that case. Though I don't know how wide zipcodes in your locale cover I guess. Here a single zipcode goes for like maybe a dozen houses in this city so given a zip code I can pretty much find anyone not living in an apartment building.
>>729102 I'm alright, a little nervous as I've got a training session for a new job soon, but hopefully all goes well. Just finished my A.A. so I'm waiting on them to approve my degree application. A little worried about my roommate, he's at 38 hours on a wednesday night and on-call for another few weeks or something. Doing anything else besides shitposting?
>>729106 thankies just playing through pokemon games right now while I wait for job news, currently on Emerald. I actually like the Pokemon from this gen, many of the new ones are shit though
>>729296 i'm working on helping this client at work get into shape this dude's diet is like, a pbj at 1:00, another at 5:00, an entire box of hamburger helper and a pork chop at 8:00, then an entire share size bag of sour patch kids at 10:00 drinks no water, only soda and he just got out of rehab for heroin
I was talking to him about his physical health, and he was like, "i can't even run from the cops" He's really dumb. Seven concussions at age 24. He's pretty honest, though. I think he's gonna relapse eventually.
Last night I was going to give Edelgard a gift and suddenly I got this ERABE screen It said ~Your choice will drastically change the story~ Edelgard was asking me to go with her somewhere for a few days or stay at the monestary while she does something. What a terrifying screen! No context! Mou!
>>729338 Nope, it's Claude's paralogue. So I don't think you can do it in any other path. It's a pretty high level paralogue. Just have Flayn attack the boss
oh right, she's locked out from that class. I kinda want to do to Flayn what I did to Petra. Vantage Wrath Swordsmaster Oh, or Sword Savant oh yeah, my Flayn's CHA is super fucking high lol 36
I think the ideal set up would be dancer->assassin. You get sword dance which scales off charm, which Flayn dancer has like 60% chance of stat up on. Sword dance increases avo a lot and that, with assassin's stealth, she should be able to dish out damage without getting hit. Dex+4 will help. Maybe weight-5 to help ensure double attacks.
Kirara π
S rank sword gives you +10 sword crit and swordfaire too so she could be pretty ridiculous like that, I think
Kirara π
although alert stance+ gives 30 avo on wait, so that'd be great with her too bait attacks and have her retaliate although then sword dance isn't as useful most of the timr
You also have Sword Avo+20 , I'd rather use that. oh yeah, prowess is like a given.
Kirara π
Sword prowess gives +20 avo to sword too i think
Kirara π
>enemies hitting everyone but flayn >blyeth: how aren't you getting hit?! >flayn: lol just roll good
>got like 80 Avo
Kirara π
warrior dancer flayn is going to be fun i should start working towards that sword time, flayn
>you have to pick before you do the fight wow wow wow bullshit
and here i was about to save scum my way through all of them
now I gotta do the whole month again
oh boy oh you can see how things will likely end up through the Close Allies window >>729379 i haven't played mtg in a long time. I played EDH a little but those days are gone
i'm a little sad there was something i hoped would happen during the fight but it didn't pan out to anything that's not what I'm sad about necessarily i'm just swimming in this strange peace
how do people immediately jump to another path after this? Especially after playing Yellow
Blue, I temporarily have access to a switch right now, wanna play smash?
Like, I'm really happy and at the same time really morose especially with how my supports turned out MC/Bernadetta Claude/Lysithea Hilda/Lorenz Raphael/Marianne Ignatz/Flayn Petra/Dorothea
Claude/Lys is... a ride. although Ignatz/Flayn is kinda lmao
i wonder what happened to linhardt he showed up during one of the fights but I didn't kill him he might have died story-wise because of what was going on but i'd expect that to be shown
In my mindfulness group today we were listening to music mindfully and I got the instructor to lut this on. *put this >>>/watch?v=0vBhkMYE980
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
huh I don't actually have that album
>>729429 I got it on cd for a buck three weeks ago. sold it to myself at the record table I was managing.
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
all these years of hoarding VCRs have finally paid. off
Nito I only have one vcr but its very high end.
Haven't used u in a while though. *used it My last one was busted by a doctor who tape and it was a tv vcr combo. So it stopped me from playing vidya in my room at my last place.
Man I got assigned my mentee for the Student Mentoring program. I was imagining it would be some wide-eyed first year fresh out of high school who knew nothing about getting around on campus. TURNS OUT it's going to be a mature-aged student I think in his 40's. Don't know what I'm going to be able to teach anyone 20 years older than me but we'll see. Should be an interesting one.
I don't really want to, but I'm thinking about it.
If I take him as my own client, he becomes my client, not the clinic's client. So I could potentially get paid for that client, since I'd be working as a contractor. So I'm considering it.
So my colleague at work stopped me today and made me show him my socks, which were my pink Michaelangelo David socks. He lifts up his pant leg and he's wearing the same exact socks, but in blue.
What the fuck
Unknown sock buddies! That's a little weird though, for you both to be wearing your respective socks on the same day.
My first day of high school I remember seeing another guy with the same shirt I'd just bought, we pointed at each other and it was a magical moment as well.