>>731488 curious I had so good dreams that I just ended up going back to sleep for the whole day, which turned out bit oversleeping it. I knew I was tired and had the day free, but to sleep like 18h
The sensitiveness of my back has spread a little bit. But there's no rash or anything like that. It's a little concerning, but I don't have health insurance, so what can I do, haha.
maybe it's from the cold turkey? did the cold turkey come into contact with your back at all
It's hard to consider the possibilities because everywhere talks about pain, but I don't have pain, I have discomfort and sensitivity. Are people mistaking pain /// discomfort for pain? Is my pain tolerance just so high that I don't notice I'm in pain? Google is useless
>what a google: skin sensitivity histamine >what i get: Histamine intolerance is not a sensitivity to histamine, but an indication that you've developed too much of it. Histamine is a chemical responsible for a few major functions: communicates messages to your brain. triggers release of stomach acid to help digestion
right? isn't it so difficult i was having sensitivity in my fingertips from contact while typing >fingertip pain typing IF YOUR HANDS HURT WHILE TYPING YOU PROBABLY ARE STRAINING YOUR WRISTS
if i am getting shingles i'll have to find a way to work with it if i can't go to work, it's going to cause a lot of trouble since we already have four fewer therapists than we should have and i'm picking up a ton of the extra work
i'll still be able to do assessment and stuff because i can interpret all of that from home maybe my boss can work something out
>>731508 potentially there's a hipaa compliant video chat client we could maybe use if i got a decent webcam it wouldn't be as effective but i could still potentially see my clients leading group might be possible like that as well
when my dad had shingles when i was young, he laid on the couch smelling like a corpse for a few weeks i don't know if shingles is really that debilitating or what though so i can't accurately predict my ability to move around and speak clearly if i do have shingles
i think the intern that's going to be below me is starting this week so i could have her set me up on video and disseminate necessary materials
is working while you have shingles a thing you can do
Apparently shingles isn't contagious, so as long as you don't have big gross blisters showing, it's fine to go back to work when you're able to unless you work primarily with children.
But I'd have to run it by my boss and see what he says. Maybe I should go to the doctor tomorrow. Ah, it's gonna be so expensive, though. My school health insurance was supposed to kick in on the 10th, but it didn't.
do you have some temporary relief like baby powder or something to hold out another couple days
hm, well you might just be imagining it you already said it wasn't a heat rash so that's probably not it but you could cool off a bit with AC or something i guess before you have to leave for work
if you do get shingles you should let me come take care of you you need it, im not doing anything better
plus you can write me a letter of recommendation since im looking for live-in maid positions if i can just stay somewhere free i could save up so much money i wouldn't even need pay, i could just do my other work while NOT paying rent
im trying to be, yeah ive been a caretaker and stuff like that my entire life
even though my shitty family is fucked up and im happy to be away from them, the past few years with bachelor roommates has left me feeling really disappointed and feeling useless from not being able to do stuff for people im not sure if it's shallow or not but i crave validation and that kind of servitude makes me happy i was going for the husbando search to fulfill that but ive got too many trust issues and im too easily taken advantage of and vulnerable to want to do that anymore
im gonna try to find some kind of live-in aide or maid free room and board, and do like 20 hours a week of my other work to save up about 300-400 a week
once i get a little bit saved up i can do those classes and certifications i want to do, after paying off my taxes of course but finding those positions is probably hard
i gotta find someone trustworthy too. i don't want to end up getting accused of stealing or caught up in any drama between other people just by proxy or have illegal stuff going on and be complicit i don't want some drunk asshole to attack me or something either because he can't handle his temper
im not sure really. i think im going to have to do some personal networking to find something i know a few people who might be a good start
the whole thing is gonna depend on personal credibility though so im gonna have to have someone vouch for me, and also vouch that someone else is a good client and good person i have a friend in security consulting who probably knows some people. im going to ask him, but i havent talked to him in a long time so i feel bad only showing up to ask favors
i offered to rika too, of course, but i dont really expect that to happen haha i dont think she actually needs one anyway
yeah hime-chan probably already has a thousand servants nanchatte she probably wouldn't accept someone she knows online for something like that at least
it's weird how everyone wants to help vets but when you are like "can you donate $12 worth of dog food so my client's service dog won't go hungry", they all start talking about they can't do it you just told me you are putting millions of dollars into building homes for vets, you can't spare a bag of dog food?
i can donate a bag of dog food can i paypal you 12 dollars
no, that's okay! we want to get it specifically from a charity because we're trying to get charities more interested and involved in our work so they can regularly support our clients and offer us referrals there's one that i know will help but we use them a lot already so we're branching out before we go back to them
i am super on my game today i caught my clients totally off guard a few times in my habits of wellness group
the paranormal investigator was saying he's not very spiritual and i was like "you believe in spirits though" and then the sex addict was talking about how he had women calling him Saturday night but he took three Tylenol PM and went to bed so i said "instead of taking the girls and going to bed' and he lost his shit
Kirara 🍄
my job is so fun
Was the paranormal investigator also a good sport about your comment on his spirituality?
Do spirits watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?
Yeah, he thought it was hilarious. He was like "not that kind of spirits!" I have a really good relationship with most of the clients so I can give them a lot of shit therapeutically I love seeing the same people every day in IOP and PHP because I can develop relationships with them really fast and we can match our pace easily and have fun
earlier a client was asking about individual outpatient prices so i said $50 for intake, $120-150 for sessions and they were like "can i just do intakes?" and i laughed because i thought they were joking
the therapist was getting terse and frustrated with me for not knowing what my therapy goals were he kept asking me what my goals were that i wanted to work on while i was there and what i wanted help with and im like idk man i dont know what that help would look like and i dont know where to start
he got frustrated and is like "well im trying to help me but youre not giving me anything" "do you want help with your anxiety? depression? do you want to learn breathing exercises?" i tried to just free-flow about my problems a little bit and hope he'd infer enough to get a starting point but he's just like "i can't help you if you dont tell me what your goals are" ok dude i dont think you can help me regardless
Kirara 🍄
the most helpful thing he can do would probably be to refer you somewhere else he sounds like an idiot how old is he
idk like 25 maybe could be 30+ he's hispanic so he looks younger i told him how i asked for a female therapist like four times and told him how the secretary was like "oh ok i'll give you an appointment with Chris then" and he's just like i see how that can be frustrating
fuck man he doesn't even try to make the rapport-building try to sound natural when you can so easily notice when they're referring to their training dialogue, it really kills credibility
he sounds like my colleagues i cant trust them to treat anyone
half of the people getting trained just dont have it in them there are so many incompetent therapists, it makes me sick
there are definitely good ones though everyone where i work now is amazing we're all the proper kind of crazy and it works for us everywhere ive worked, there have been one or two good ones but most i just can't trust the system is broken
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>there are so many incompetent therapists, it makes me sick you can say that again most of them are clinically stupid
>>731595 it's that the training is worthless so all these loser rich kids get into psychology because it seems easy and the training gives them nothing whatsoever and they lack the cognitive ability to learn on the job so they get their degree and they just continue to be horrible
The last therapist I saw didn't realize at all that my mom had a genuine mental illness and insisted I move back in with her to give her "one more chance" after all the abuse. ayy lmao
>>731597 im easily coerced in the moment because im vulnerable so i didnt think too much about it while i was there and tried to cooperate as best i could but now that im home im really bitter about it the more i think about it i probably won't go back i dont like him or that place
my clients are always like "this fucked up thing happened" and i just go "that's fucked up" like not trauma but like when the VA tells them to just be homeless because they can't help im like "that's fucked up, what a fuckin scam" and they really dig i it and then we look for alternative solutions
>>731603 why is it a scam I'm curious about this situation you're describing
>>731603 i just put up with it because i dont know what real help looks like i just assume all help is this shitty and figure it's what i have to deal with if i want to get anywhere
it's a shame i can't refer you to clinicians i know and trust everyone i know well is here in florida and i don't know anyone i trust that has contacts out there
i keep falling into this trap of thinking that because someone is nice, i should confide in them i guess it's some sense of cosmic justice that i want to believe it matters but it doesnt
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>731607 hi yes I'm in florida, this would be useful knowledge >>731608 tl;dr most people suck
giving a referral would involve me putting a lot of my private and professional information in vulnerable position i can't do that for someone i dont know, ive known moon for like 8 years and i feel safe with him having that information about me gomen
someone just told me Snickers is just milky way with peanuts and I'm gonna lose my mind
I found a manga about Aspberger's and its autobiographical Which isn't surprising What is surprising is that this is the mangaka >>>/@akagikuro/950713249288241155
Since autism and poor self care go together so well I'm surprised her being successful cosplayer.
>>731618 I think they have ruined their tastebuds with soemthing
>make coffee at 17 >pour it on cup >forget about i >reheat at 19 >take it aside for bed to drink before taking a nap >forgets it >remembers it now and reheats it now this is cafe au lazarus
>>731618 what's the worst candy bar without getting into obscure off-brand shit
hershey's is definitely ok but it is very low tier chocolate. like if it's available I won't mind it but pretty much everything else that's branded as chocolate beats it.
i had an oreo candy bar one time that was really good but ive never found it again i really like payday though
we don't have that many here, especially ones you'd know, but if I had to pick one I'd say mars it is overly sweet and there is so little texture I like my candybars chewy snickers is a lot better, cause it hs dem nuts
Kirara 🍄
i wont eat Hershey's it's so gross >>731637 snickers doesn't contain nuts you silly goose
interestingly enough those little fundraiser candy bars are dope
Kirara 🍄
yeah they're mid-level quality but they're small enough that it just works low quality chocolate is impossible to make good but mid-level and up is good
>>731658 they used to have that here it sold like bread and yet it was pulled from the shelves no one knows why, maybe it was just too expensive to produce
Kirara 🍄
it's hard to find here too it's not very popular here though
and then there was fazer's "maya" bars, they had some corn and very good chili in them didn't sell at all well, guess finns weren't ready for chili choco at the time but damn I loved those
Kirara 🍄
there's a lot of corn in Hershey's if you like that
Fazer does it quite clever here whent hey try new flavours, they produce them as small 5 piece candybars and if they sell well enough, they will sell them as full sized choco bars >>731662 naw the corn just gave it that crunch which was fun, it wasn't in there for flavour
think of mint-crocant choco, but instead there are tiny bits of chili and corn inside
Kirara 🍄
what if you got a wonder ball and you opened it and instead of little candies inside it's full of teeth
crystallized ginger covered in dark chocolate there's something like that i really like
>>731674 they are very sweet and the toys are boring as fuck nowadays you don't get to build an overly complicated mini-ikea furniture anymore it is just some movie or tv show related figure
Kirara 🍄
>>731672 we have kinder somethings they're the same thing
>>731673 Jesus Christ Hope *How Horrifying My fucking autosuggest lied to me
>Kimetsu no Yaiba author said she liked episode 19 so much she cried, watched the episode 20 times and even sneaked on the anime team's production: " I'm so grateful that they worked so hard on the manga adaptation, and I hope you enjoyed episode 19 as much as I did."
I have toured all the cheapt o moderate price rum raisins sold here and been disappointed through and through I suppose cheap and rum raisin don't go hand in hand and alas, there are no ice cream vendors in my city, for some reason
if nothing pops up, I just might start living 20-08 and not the opposite sure, I will have to sleep during bright finnish late summer and the DRILLING, but atleast I won't ahve to be awake then which is far more annoying
Machio's English dub voice is a bit too nasally I think.
what do you expect a good dub on a weekly anime or >a good dub
why is he speaking like that too his tone is so bouncy like he's reading a children's book or something
>>731739 I'm not expecting anything. I'm just remarking on what I see as imperfections.
>>731740 voice acting is hard I guess trying to be easily uh... understandable while at the same time doing a voice but still doesn't excuse these kinda dubs
Kirara 🍄
he sounds like he's got something in his neck mountains
I guess the last protein shake must have gone down the wrong pipe.
>>731750 good luck if you've taken // been taking any kratom by the way you should invest in some magnesium it can clog the pipes a bit
>>731752 if it's what i used to get then the sensitivity slowly wears down it was definitely diet-related for me
at the time i THOUGHT it was from eating a lot of wasabi but thinking back on it now im pretty sure it was because it was wasabi-covered peanuts peanut oil and sesame oil and stuff like that can fukk you up
right now the signs are pointing to shingles or it could be related to an undiagnosed back injury
i'll find out tomorrow if it doesn't go away hopefully it will be gone in the morning and i dont have to pay a few thousand dollars for evaluation and treatment
oh since 2017, we have began to vacciante against it too
Kirara 🍄
there's a shingles vaccine but you can't get it unless you're 50yo lol
same here
>>731771 I am guessing its effects on younger people is just useless medicine?
Kirara 🍄
well until recently everyone refused to admit that people under the age of 50 can even get shingles so most of the shingles specific measures are designed for and tested on old people i doubt there are many studies on efficacy of the vaccine on people my age
well it is a quite damn rare disease like 1/500 of all ages get it
well that is quite common I guess, but you know not bad odds
Kirara 🍄
apparently prevalence rate for people 20-30 is 200 per 100,000 or something
The bright side is that if it is shingles, it's rashless, which means I could continue to work and stuff because there's no chance of spreading chicken pox. Also it means I don't have to worry about becoming a monstrosity for a few weeks.
But the downside is that rashless shingles have a substantially higher chance of resulting in nerve pain for 3 months following the shingles clearing up.
>>731781 >But the downside is that rashless shingles have a substantially higher chance of resulting in nerve pain for 3 months following this is a wild guess, but I would wager, that it might just be because there aren't symptoms the patients don't rest, allowing the disease to take better root
>>731785 I'd still wager that not resting is a factor, but who knows. Just in so many diseases there is the "can result in" and that usually is just because people don't rest enough or resume their activities too early
Kirara 🍄
ugh, my neighbor gilbert is hotboxing his apartment again it smells so fucking bad
>>731793 Welcome to Gboard clipboard, any text you copy will be saved here. Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Use the edit icon to pin, add or delete clips.Touch and hold a clip to pin it. Unpinned clips will be deleted after 1 hour.
some google clipboard thing that apparently got turned on i can use it to set like text macros or something
at least id be here to catch something like that imagine accidentally posting something sensitive and like welp i'll wait til tomorrow night to get it cleared up just sittin there in the meantime
Well Rika would probably be around in an hour and a half. That's still a fairly long time for what might be sensitive information to just be sitting around though.
in this case yeah, but i was thinking about worst case scenarios
>>731797 Should I get this? https://www.ebay.com/itm/6pcs-lot-Fate-Grand-Order-Saber-Gudako-Mini-Action-Figures-Model-Toy-Gift/332502233943
Shit these are cool too https://www.ebay.com/itm/43pcs-FGO-Fate-Grand-Order-Saber-Tamamo-No-Mae-Gudako-Suitcase-Stickers-/183515736757
as a care provider or something can your institution get some kind of discounts on academic medical journals
>>731806 I have some other expenses this week but I'll probably buy it next week. Although I might buy the stickers tonight. Girls I haven't used *god I haven't used ebay in years
imagine if clinicians actually had access to new literature that would fuck up the whole system how are we gonna make people pay thousands of dollars for continuing education if they can continue their education at home or at work on their own time
I always slightly fringe when I see a finnish man with a south-east asian wife/gf I can't help thinking that she just married him for the money, but welp if they are happy, who cares
Huh there is a native word for raccoon "washbear - pesukarhu" "supi" I thought that was an other name for wolf "susi" well that makes sense with the raccoon dog - supikoira (lit. the same) name
anyhow, the raccoon dog spread all around europe, due to soviets implanting them into their western territory for hunting purposes and fur production the hunting purpose just spread on their own, while those damn fox girl hippies, let the fur animals free which led to it invasively spread all around europe
I doubt they're as bad as regular raccoons.
no they actually are
Do they have opposable thumbs?
>>731874 did raccoon invade an entire continent in few decades and cause countless local fauna and flora to go extinct?
No I meant worse as in "nuisance to daily life of humans"
>>731876 not really, aside from eradicating actual more tastier animals, since raccoon dogs taste quite bad and occasionally ruining farmland and gardens or killing hens
The one place that has both *in the The raccoons drove away te raccoon dogs *the
also in general being dumb as fuck animal that gets so easily run over by a car you can see so many rdog carcases around all roads
well nothing compared to mink that fucker has killed 50+ birds from our woods nearly
And guess why they exist here got "loose" from fur compounds as in them fucking fox girl hippies
don't free fur animals and shoot all humans who do that stuff
oh yeah fun fact in the mink farms, it became a large issue when recycling the skinned carcases as fodder for the animals started spreading the mink version of mad cow disease, causing lossess of entire "crops" at times. cannibalism never pays
also I love how the finnish and english version for fur farming are so different in finnish version there is an entire section for other usages of fur farming, like fertilise production, bioenergy in form of biogas and diesel and using the fur farms as solar plants and so on
That's a good idea.
>>731867 well probably not a good idea to call people "creatures"
It's a pun I call congress people Congress critters
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>application for parts delivery driver >asks for Cover Letter, 4 Professional References, & wants you to specify your high school major/field of study
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Male Saber is sick and wrong. King Arthur is meant to be a cute, sexy waifu. I don't care for any of this genderbending nonsense.
Oh man just wait until the Fate/Prototype series hits.
these gold rooms are tough people play so fast and punish HARD you know how bronze cats just call everything aimlessly?
in gold, people start doing that but with a real plan behind it if you make a big call like on dora tiles or if you're building up a hand, people just constantly call to deny you the chance to finish building it you get NO leeway in taking your time you have to be really decisive in the direction you want your hand to go, because if you waste one turn on indecision, the opponents won't it's not even feasible to go for big hands unless you can do it in very few moves
people are really good at snagging up all the good tiles and not dealing them too if you're not riichi by like the 9th turn, everyone knows what you have and wont deal into it unless you intentionally compromise your hand value for a strange wait
>>731893 Sounds like a fun complexity to the challenge. I do kind of already take a wide look at my hand at dealing and make a decision on where I want to take it, but it sounds like I'd probably have to even further refine it to keep up with that kind of playstyle. Plus I don't know what the weird hands are all too well; I really need to do better research on those.
It's neat to hear that players will know what you're trying to draw or get dealt, that's something I assumed should be happening at higher skill levels but hadn't seen outside of Mahjong in anime or manga.
i have thrown out documents that were urgently needed because I had faxed them over yyesterday and now they are saying they never got them ad need them by 430 hahahahaha WHAT A WONDERFUL MORNING
Oh no. Do you know if the waste has already been taken out?
yes like 30m after it was taken out, they called
It's stuff like this which is why fax is DUMB SHIT.
yeah p much our fax tells us if things send but they lose shit all the time
Toilet got clogged so I tried flushing it a couple times because the plunger is up in my parents' bathroom and I'd have to walk through their bedroom to get to it. But now the plumbing is leaking onto the bathroom floor and I'm just frustrated that I couldn't just get this resolved and there's more of a problem and I still need to use the washroom. For fuck's sake.
well did you go get the plunger and fix it now every bathroom should have one
On a second inspection it looks like it flooded over instead of the plumbing being at fault, which is kind of a blessing. But it still leaves a messy washroom floor, ugh.
>>732031 No because I'm not going to walk into and through my parents' bedroom to get it.
I'm kicking myself because the last time this happened I told myself to tell my parents to always bring the plunger back downstairs when they use it because they're not the ones that need to disturb people at three in the morning to retrieve it if it's not in their bathroom. Of course I forgot to actually do that though.
That guy from the testing lab brought us a printer so we could print the labels to send the urine specimens, but all we needed was a simple printer and he brought us a really big office printer without even seeing if we had space for it. So we had to tell him to please replace it with something smaller we can actually use, and we explained we just need a simple printer without any scanning or copying or whatever. And he emails us a picture of a label printer and he's like "like this?" no dude we told you letter sized paper We were all in the same room when his boss told him to get us a printer and what kind of printer to get us, but he's so dumb
what will not hurt your business : youtube videos sharing your music from your games what will hurt your business : mass removal of the most common way to enjoy music from your beloved IPs
i would never have played etrian odyssey without listening to its music on youtube tbh
is it possible to have twitter stop sending me this news i dont care about
so I had a terrible cramp in my abdomen yesterday and couldn't resolve it just fell asleep and now it's mostly gone??? also i still haven't done a #2 what is goin on down there am i gonna have to get an appendix out?
>>732096 did you take anything weird did you eat a lot of peanuts or take any druqs
But really, the best thing about FATE GO is that it gives you all these complex choices for dialogue. It really makes you feel like your decisions have an impact on the game.
but then again i get too protective of children so im not really cut out for child therapy but it's really frustrating to see someone suffering like that and i'm just not the right person to help
>>732120 Summer is busier in my line of work. What better time to spend 25-40 hours a week in therapy than summer, when you're out of school! Or whatever. And all the annoying moms want ADHD testing on their kids.
they had me downstairs today so i had to work more than usual today hopefully my voice doesnt go out
its not particularly vital but did you ever get my email rika
>>732121 my PCP said id have to go to a psych and get ADHD assessment done before anyone's going to give me meds is that true even though i already have a diagnosis? is another doctor's diagnosis no good or something
Kirara 🍄
>>732123 people get really paranoid about adult ADHD these days it's harder to find a PCP that will prescribe stims without a psych eval
>>732124 It was sarcasm, I've known several medical students who got their pcps to prescribe them adderal.
>>732124 i brought it with me to the PCP she wouldn't look at it i grabbed it and tried to hand it to her and she just ignored it and said it wouldnt matter anyway
Kirara 🍄
>>732129 be like "here's the adhd assessment you wanted done" maybe she'll pay attention then is it the one you showed me that one time, from the military?
even if i got one done right now and brought it to her she wouldn't use it she said she'd only prescribe if it was an assessment done by an in-house psych at that clinic and they dont have a psych there
yeah it's that one i showed you but it's not military it was from the university i went to after i got out
Kirara 🍄
that sounds extremely unethical
like you said, everyone's paranoid about adult ADHD i get treated like such shit im automatically treated like im drug-seeking it's hard enough having the issue, let alone bein ignored and treated like shit for it
sorry i really wasnt looking to derail the thread i was just asking a question please continue
Kirara 🍄
the adult adhd battery that i usually do is MMPI, WAIS, and CPT-3 even that will cost like $600 if you have a really friendly evaluator although i can usually do it as low as $400-500 at my current work
i reas that as really friendly elevator
>>732135 WAIS-IV WIAT-III WJ-III IVA+CPT CARRS-S:L PAI Clinical interview Incomplete Sentence Blank - Adult version
that's what's listed on the evaluation procedures on this
Kirara 🍄
>>732137 lol a RISB for an ADHD assessment was the place a training facility or something?
i can see doing a WIAT if it was at a uni though
it was a broad psychological evaluation i was there all day
Kirara 🍄
you did all of that in one day?
yeah literally the whole day from day start until after dark
Kirara 🍄
that's a torturous battery to do in a day all one test administrator?
yeah, all the same person
it was at the university, yeah it was given by one of the grad students and supervised by a phd i dont remember if the grad student was doctoral or what but he reminds me a lot of you
Kirara 🍄
i bet his supervisor made him do it all in one day i'd never subject myself to that torture let alone a client at least two days i mean shit
it might have been two days, i dont remember i might have came two days in a row but i think it was all one day
i brought it along to my therapy appointment too and he wouldn't look at it either im like "yeah i have it here with me, if youd like to see it?" and he just ignored that and started talking about some psych places we could try calling we called one and they wouldn't intake me because the hospitalization and they're picky about who they intake
Kirara 🍄
so strange
how's your singles
Kirara 🍄
i think they're mingling some of the hypersensitivity is lessened but it's spread i wonder if i'm successfully fighting it off or something
is it still only on your back
Kirara 🍄
it's spread to my left side almost to the front
did you take any nsaids it might just be a finnicky autoimmune thing
Kirara 🍄
yeah i did no luck
Kirara 🍄
tried benadryl too
you can borrow some of my skin until yours gets better if you need
Kirara 🍄
that'd be great actually can you mail it to me?
i was talking to my oldest sister a couple weeks ago and she was trying to buy a six-legged taxidermy sheep someone else beat her to it though i didn't figure out if it was naturally six-legged or if it was a taxidermy project though
Kirara 🍄
maybe it won a six leg race
that's the sister whose son just turned 14 and he wanted me to send him surgical videos for his birthday or maybe it was my sister who wanted me to, knowing he'd like them
Kirara 🍄
i think i got a lego set for my 14th birthday
i had tinker toys legos are kinda static, you know there's no mechanism there
Kirara 🍄
yeah I never had tinker toys i got kinects sometimes i had a kinect motor piece
My parents never got me k'nex bit *but I played with them at other people's houses And also at an after school program Did you ever make rubber band guns with them?
Kirara 🍄
no I didn't really do much with them kinects are kind of boring
did you have dino mountain i did
Kirara 🍄
no but i had a hot wheels track with the spinny things that shot your car really fast
i never got that much excitement from hot wheels i didnt have them but i didnt really want them either
Kirara 🍄
one time my mom got mad at me in the car and she took one of my hot wheels and pretended to throw it out the window and she said it was gone forever it really fucked me up and i got upset and then she gave it back when we got home i think that's one of my earliest memories
i asked for a violin like every year for christmas or birthday one year my dad got me one, but before the gift day i asked if i could have a violin so he said no and returned it to teach me not to be so entitled
Kirara 🍄
one day i got home from school and my mom had sold all my beyblades and a ton of my gameboy games even stuff i worked for most of it i worked for and then she kept the money and said i was too old for those toys
Oh crap I totally forgot to clean up all my testing materials at work from the assessment I did today Shoganai na I guess I'll have to go in a little early tomorrow
/moe/ i need friends with similar interests for FUCKS sake
>>732180 hmmm i dont know it's possible i guess but it's a little bit assuming to think the older one was taking advantage or exploiting somehow, though that is a possibility when i was 16 i could have seen myself being into an older guy of my own volition
and if someone would have said i cant because it's wrong, id feel irritated and annoyed by being dismissed as a person with my own feelings and intentions like "fuck you im not 18 but that doesnt mean im a dumb kid, i know what im doing" by that same virtue i try not to treat other people that way
to be EVEN more fair its possible that he's messed up in ways that aren't the old guy's fault
Kirara 🍄
>>732182 i'm sure you would feel like that and probably most 16 year olds would feel that way but those feelings dont change the situation i don't think even 13 year olds would have those feelings >>732185 yeah a big one
it might just be because i have a lot of case experience with grooming and shit like that but this totally looks like grooming and definitely doesn't look okay a 50 year old finding a 16 year old on a dating app and connecting with them romantically is not wholesome and there is no case in which it could be wholesome psychologically and developmentally, it's all detrimental to the child
well i dont really know what to say about that stuff i dont understand grooming and can't see the old guy's perspective
i can relate to the young guy though and don't like calling his decisions and intentions horrible maybe he's messed up but he's where he is now and he's 22 you can't undo stuff and he seems confident where he's at
idk though im messed up too
the older man is definitely disgusting but it is assumptive to say that there was likely prior grooming
Kirara 🍄
even if there wasn't prior grooming, it isn't assumptive to say there was grooming because during ages 16-18 for them the adult by definition was grooming the child
>>732191 the kid's decisions aren't really up to be called horrible because he was too young to be making those decisions whatever happened, the old dude is the villain
Kirara 🍄
there are a number of pretty alarming things about it though that are definitely indicative of grooming in the full video I can't even watch the whole thing it's so disgusting
>>732196 that's pretty high for a touhou isn't it I feel good
Kirara 🍄
yeah that's pretty good
>>732193 im not talking about his decisions when he was 16 im talking about his decision to be there now that he's 22 setting the issue of six years ago aside, i dont think the age gap for a 22-year-old is a big deal >>732200 yes, because you're correlating all parts of this story with the worst part of it by proxy saying all parts of it are guilty of the same thing and what im getting at is being obfuscated by "but the worst part of it is bad"
>>732199 his decision to be there now is made after grooming, though yes, it's his decision, but he's essentially been brain wormed by this point by a predator that's how these situations work if he started dating a 55 year old when he was 22, that's fine and dandy and not a problem at all the problem is that at 16, it's grooming we can't just take his decision now and pretend there isn't a significant context to it i'm not saying they need to break up or whatt i"m just saying there was clearly grooming going on and the guy is predatory and it's disgusting
>>732206 you can't ungroom people this is why most people who are groomed spend the rest of their lives in therapy because the act of grooming is so detrimental to people's social and psychological development, even if there isn't any traumatic experiences
conditioned to want to have*
so, what's horrible about a person who's psychologically stunted being in a situation that suits him
that it happened in the first place? yeah no shit but what are you gonna do now a lot of the LGBT experience is trying to find accomodations after being fucked up pretty bad ive been fucked up pretty bad if i go pursue a relationship that is built around the ways ive been fucked up and people post it all over twitter saying how fucked up it is and having an echochamber argument between a bunch of white cis folks who dont understand me at all, it's not fair to me to be represented by them
so that's what i mean by not meaning his decisions at 16 but now >>732211 im not happy about this conversation im just gonna drop it it'd be so easy for some coked up asshole to stroll along right now and paint this conversation really badly for me and say im defending the old dude for sexual predation
My concern is that it's a very, very bad thing that happened; a predator // predatory and pedophilic relationship, and that predatory relationship is being presented as a good, positive thing. Which it is not. It's bad, and it's gross, and pretending it's good only hurts people
how do you know it's that guy who messed him up a lot of times these situations arise because the person is being fucked up at home and find some outside adult to confide in
graham norton from monty python was in a situation like that and had a relationship with a 16 year old boy who left his home the parents didn't care or even want him back graham was an alcoholic shitbag at the time but he was still less bad than the kid's home life >>732214 and where is this occuring at 16 is consentual in some places alaska comes to mind, with the natives there often having shit lives and getting married really young being grandparents before they're 40 sometimes
my point is this stuff happens a lot, and gawking at it like twitter is doing is aggravating what about those girls who get pregnant in high school and stuff too just gawk at everyone's fucked up life and righteously say how horrible it is let people speak for themselves goddamn oh he can't, he's not capable of speaking for himself because he's been fucked up so he doesn't know idk maybe these twitter people are the ones who dont know
Then the 49-55 year old managed to take advantage of a child's weakness and that is still fucked up. Like maybe if they weren't in a relationship like this you could try and make an argument of a confidant like that but they're literally fucking.
Kirara 🍄
i didnt say the old man is the only thing that fucked him up, i only said that grooming is detrimental for children's social and psychological development
Kirara 🍄
i'm just saying it shouldn't be presented like a good thing
yeah it's a marketing blunder they didn't think they through probably because it's the age of consent in that area or something so it didnt innately seem like they needed to be judgmental and censor this relationship from the world and refuse the submission those two filmed it themselves and sent it in what are you gonna do
Kirara 🍄
it's more than a marketing blunder age of consent isn't the problem
I ended up getting quite a bit of sun when I was out with a friend this afternoon. It's pretty noticable on one side compared to the other, hah hah. Guess I've been cooped up inside a bit too much recently.
that's good but try to put it back when youre done other people need to use it too
It was a really gorgeous day! I'm sure there was more than enough to go around. August is a really nice time of year 'round here.
what have we got tonight
Well there's still plenty on the list, but new stuff is Astra, Cheat Magician, Maou-sama, and another episode of Dumbbell.
my brain is a little rattled tonight im gonna go try to unrattle it if im not back by the time anime starts, i will be shortly after so if you have something to start without me that's fine, i'll be around for show number two at least no need to ping me
i think ive been too paranoid for /moe/ lately i feel like im a negative impact to this board im too territorial or something or just cramping people sorry i should retreat for a while
i hope i didn't spook her off i keep spamming her inbox with all my problems it's probably getting annoying she's not my therapist i gotta stop doin that to people
I think she'd be upfront about missing anime if it was that strong a reaction. She probably just got invited out or fell asleep. It's summer, after all.
i dunno i feel like im really oversharing and people are discomforted by it i kinda thought all my odd little quirks that made me up were facets of my personality and stuff but that conversation got me doubting a little bit
if that's how people think of me, then a lot of my little quirks and odditiies become manifestations of my victimhood and im weighing on people and making them uncomfortable with things that i think are being casual and easygoing
>>732246 Well I'm a poor metre stick to look at what's normal socializing like oversharing so I can't support or refute what you might be thinking about it. I'm not particularly discomforted by the things you talk about though, at least no more than I am when I feel lost about what to say. But that's something I'm just poor with to begin with so I don't want you to think it's because of you. It's a problem of internal origin for me, not an external origin.
>>732246 Is not overshadowing, but if you do want an honest take on it, it is more like well when it comes to me "ah serious stuff, better not take part in it" No need to pop up to talk about random stuff or accidentally stir the pot in the wrong way, as I do tend to
ah, thanks, i dont mean the posting content on here though not conversation or anything but something kind of different it's hard to explain but dont worry about any of it
it's more about perspective ive been interpreting things one way because i thought i understood the way other people saw me, or i thought they could understand my perspective better i guess but some interactions make a lot more sense when i realize that perspective has been a little bit different perception of me
some of it's good, some bad, some mundane but it's just a bit disorienting and i feel unnerved by it i dont realize the things other people dont see and can't consider how it might come across from what they do see
haha, that's like >you critique capitalism and yet you have an iPhone?
I wear glasses but that doesn't make the institutions that made my glasses possible less fucked up Civilization totally sucks it's all fucked up It's gonna die eventually so there's no need to mourn it too much We just gotta let it go when it's time for it to go And we might as well enjoy ourselves as civilization crumbles
>>732375 haha i remember these days in undergrad, i had a professor have us read some articles and answer a few questions about them answers could be a single sentence
but all of these morons couldn't even do that single sentences was too much work for them
>>732375 isn't the common thing on more theory based paths to have like 3 books average per course to read which would be like... 20-30 pages by week, if you read them as the course goes by what are they complaining about?
and since you usally have 3+ courses that sums it up to 100+ pages per week or some 2000+ on the exam week if you were me
yikes is good because it sounds innocent it's like "wow, i am tarnished for having experienced this" yoinks would be pretty good though generally people say oof or yikes right now oof sucks though has no personality
>>732430 I just find it stupid why not just say side story paralogue isn't and old term, it is someone's new-ism using greek to construct a new word entirely
paralog is used in genetics so far not in reference to storytelling
so why paralogue now?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
why not
Kirara 🍄
>>732433 because it was originally a clever a joke based on >>732425 and genetics for most of the instances of its use, that's what it is
but now it's just used to mean side story for now at least
I've done pretty extensive self-evaluation The hypersensitivity is my only symptom
The spread and location is what makes me concerned about shingles but it's been 72 hours since onset of symptoms and it would be expected that symptoms worsen by now. So I'm wondering if my body is successfully fighting it off somehow.
Yeah I mean, shouldn't shingles cause something visible or you are just eating it up already if it was that
Kirara 🍄
There is both /// There is also rashless/internal shingles, so I can't rely solely on visible symptoms for it, but yeah, there should be symptom progression. I've had some headaches which is a symptom but I'm hesitant to connect those to the hypersensitivity.
still bit too long to be just some random hypersensitivity
of course it could jsut all be stress stuff
I mean >insurance >marriage >fish >school >job whatelse?
Yeah, stress has been considered a factor in activation of shingles, though. It may be stress related, but who knows.
At this point, it's not particularly unpleasant but I'm not sure if that's symptom reduction or me getting used to the discomfort.
if you do have shingles indeed it is stress related
just keep a lookout on it and your general health, okay?
btw sorry to ONCE again be this ass and ask about the dnd campaign but I will remind, that it does happen at a quite inconvenient timing for me, since you lot all are american so it takes a bit of preparation for me and shit
>>732468 btw >>732466 to both of you as a reminder, people will need to create their characters and not everyone is a pan and will do it on the same day etc
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hai ton des
Kirara 🍄
>>732469 pan and ton already have their characters done
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
character sheet
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I actually had a character sheet written out but I may change a talent.
I won't do that untill I can use the d20 thignie for it like how long did I take for soili? 40 minutes?
yeah we'll get the game set up this week or early next week
just kinda annoys me that we'd well most likely NOT considering the personal stuff thath as happened BUT POTENTIONALLY could ahve actually completed the short campaign I had in mind
no rush of course kirara but I will be doing stuff next week so if you need me around for troubleshooting our ghetto rigging of roll20, it'll be less likely to happen during the week.
>>732480 like jsut annoys me on just a personal leve lof wasting time or something
>>732479 this week that would be today if it is still thursdays
my mother texted me this morning to call her, so I do and she tells me there's a dead cat under my car and that I'll need to go remove that before I go anywhere so I just finished that up yee haw
Poisoned sandwich tea party starts now! Eat up, if you're lucky you won't rot Eat up, it's your turn, eat till you drop Eat up, maybe this time you'll be caught Eat up, fill your stoomfhckflph god I hate being finnish at times
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Why do they seem to aim it to make it hard for me
>>732501 if you take pity on me do sing the ga1ahad part
>>732546 This manga is really good. https://mangadex.org/title/40535/the-customers-are-gods
>>732548 Touhou manzai is p. fun. I watch a whole bunch ages ago. kinda nostalgic now >>732549 Yeah it's fun. I haven't kept up with it - I don't think. There are a bunch of neato conbi mango
It's very important to me that animators include a "boing" sound effect when a character has large breasts. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to pick up on the subtle context clues.
>>732555 Waste all the budget on sakuga animation for the boing
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>732556 how else are you going to understand the key literary themes?
The jacked guy who works at the front desk of the gym keeps asking to take a look at my workout program and I'm too embarrassed to tell him that I basically just show up with a vague idea of what I want to do and then from there I just wing it.
this guy has showed me his plan and it's like full /fit/ autism in that he's calculated all his One rep maxes and then figured out what percentage of that he wants to lift and how much he should increase that percentage by over the next four week cycle
And I'm like m8, I just want to show up and lift heavy shit until I'm too tired to keep doin' it
my big spec ops with arms thicker than my skull colleague wants me to go to the gym with him and the vets in treatment but all the times they go are really inconvenient for me i do wanna go i might be able to clear up one of the days though
If anime has taught me anything, it's that you always just need to show up and Ganbatte your best.
Planning your percentages in advance is like placing an artificial limitation on yourself what happens if I can lift more than 82% of my 1rm on that particular day? should I plan to fail?
I just need to work hard to believe in myself and the power of friendship. That's the true secret to getting jacked.
>>732583 oh yeah, that's how I figured it was him. ToN said he was fighting a turtle and it talks and I remembered that Seteth tells Bernie that "Indech was a man who hid himself at the bottom of a lake."
>>732591 it's basically a map made of bridges and you have to defend an area while simultaneously killing the enemy general who is really far away and the enemy has unlimited flying reinforcements i just didn't want to deal with it
good for xp but i didn't have the patience for it i had no flyers and it would have taken like 20 turns to get through it without them a bunch of the enemies had brave weapons so it was too dangerous to just send one unit even petra with like 60 AVO was getting fucked up
Thanks to climate change, the name will become apt soon
Kirara 🍄
Oh, good point. I guess Trump is just thinking ahead.
Greenland probably won't even be all that green once the climate shifts though. Most of the country is tundra, which is pretty much cold desert. Maybe more like scrubland than desert, but it's probably still going to be more grey and brown than green.
>>732624 haha no way ive done two routes and im not even at 100 hours lol
>>732624 he did his first path on easy, which I honestly should have done I think if I do another path, I'm going to do easy. >>732627 the one that isn't Hard mode