Yeah, I'm here. oh my name fell off. I may leave suddenly though if a friend drops in.
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou DanMachi Dr. Stone Enen no Shouboutai --Episode 1-3 Fruits Basket --Episode 14-17 Granbelm Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e --Episode 3-4 Kochoki - Wakaki Nobunaga --Episode 2-3 Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] --Episode 2-3 Okaa-san Online Tejina-senpai To aru Kagaku no Railgun
I wasn't expecting to have to download stuff or set up a list tonight hah hah Plus you showed up just as I started a game of Mahjong so it's been hard to keep -to juggle all these things.
is railgun just accelerator im confused by the switch
Yeah sorry. They both do the To aru Kagaku no X and because I was doing all these things my muscle-memory kicked in.
His power must be a bit of a nuisance though. Imagine burning the bits off the bottom of your pants every time you want to rocket. Maybe that's why his pants are kind of short.
Hah hah that's a good compleminsult.
Oh they even talked about adjusting his cuffs for his ability. That's neat.
So not everyone in their team have super powers huh. That's interesting.
Their vehicle looks more like the Ghostbusters car than a firetruck.
Oh no he's panicking
Ow. That probably hurt.
who's in charge here they're all just kind of standing around
I think the musclehead with the kind of nasal voice is their captain. The guy in the glasses is the lieutenant. The girls and the MC are just normal officers.
>normal officers you mean not officers
Fair enough yeah. I don't really know chain of command titles well. Or really at all.
>>723306 >>723298 When they were suiting up for this mission it showed all their names and whether they had powers or not. The other two guys are unpowered. I think the girl who has a maiden's heart for a brain is also unpowered maybe.
so they're still addressing housefires and stuf but they made it where there's a demon in every fire so fighting the fire involves fighting a demon?
i think regular firefighting would have been interesting enough but ok
I think regular housefires can still be handled by the mundane fire service. At the fire they put out at the end there, there were already fire trucks and people, but they couldn't put a dent in the fire because of the demon.
right but storywise they're trying to make it interesting by including demons
reminder also that a few malnourished vietnamese can thwart a whole army of trained, fed soldiers with gunpowder and steel by using just sticks, leaves, and poop
it took an entire six minutes for me to download this
i have a feeling sadpanda closing and my house's bandwidth dropping to near zero aren't unrelated my roommate must be doing some heavy hoarding
The dumb thing is, it's only the panda that's going down. The public-accessible portion of it will remain open. So it's only the loli and shota content that's not on the public site that went away. Which I don't really know if the people who would archive that stuff are people I'm all that bothered over anyway.