>>725297 β so they just send you it the moment you move? kinda weird system, considerign all the other costs associated with moving and then you immediately get slapped with taxes
>>725298 You always get council tax letters, you don't have to pay immediantly, at the end of each month you pay your council tax fee. but as a student that fee is waived, it is the same if you do not have a home or are out of work.
>tanjirou uses breathing techniques to become water >zenitsu got hit by lightning
Hah hah, I was talking in the anime thread how I was excited to see how Zenitsu becomes LIGHTNING MAN And then seconds later he gets struck by lightning in the flashback.
... >start a new shogun 2 campaign >it gets ended in 7 turns by a ninja with 100% chance of success, that assassinates everyone and sabotages everyone that I don't ever detect thank you RNG
Agents in Shogun 2 are super powerful. Way overpowered
and with ikko ikki you can't even hire metsukes and when playing hard the Ai just sometiems has WAY TOO HIGH percentages... well lesson learned DON'T ALLY
The AI can spam loads of agents constantly, it used to be like that in warhammer total war but they resolved it eventually.
but one thing shogun 2 does right is the autoresolve it is one of the few games where you actually use it except when "too tiersome ro fight this thing" it actually gives you results that you'd pull out too
autoresolve sucks in pretty much every game
In my dream last night I was being attacked by bunch of birds (mostly small birds) and I had to defend myself by hitting them with a MacBook.
>>725358 it would be kind of ironic if the primarchs gave you power because you're the singularity but they ended up making you kill lyria which killed you too
sun will be pretty passive, but generally fire stuff I need to transform Atma to Ultima Spear, get the hollowsky spear, uncap my fire opus and Colossus, and then Sun too.
>>725381 yeah like what are you supposed to be doing if they had a skill that enabled sleeping allies to attack or something that'd be cool but
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>725383 there was an event that brought back like tons of old characters Phoebe was one of them Meat knows how to kill his own joy but deep down I was hoping he'd get the Phoebe SSR he's been dying for
Ladvia got it instead
food in oven someone tell me to take it out 30 mins later
>>725404 I think concepts like this would be helpful especially how it would help the patients bond together much closer, though.. group games CAN go damn sour
>>725404 I remember a series of stories about someone doing that in adolescent inpatient. Err From /tg/
I HAVE A PPPER MILL AND IAM NOT AFRAID TO USE IT the problem with this game is, that I now in my mind think of it as not alice, but some other mad dark haired girl...
Every time I disclose part of my tragic backstory to my colleagues, someone ends up crying.
Someone said something about me not having a wife so I said I almost had a wife, and they said "sorry it didn't work out" and I said "oh, she died" And she got really embarrassed and started crying. I feel kind of bad.
oh well if Rei's going to talk about something unrelated I'll mention that had you been here like a minute ago you could have had sick free Grande pass.
It can't be helped (both that and the crying coworker). You've got a lot of stuff behind you after all.
>>725420 Kirara, one of my therapists is playing Dark Souls and he's stuck on the capra demon. So one of the other guys in my therapy group told him the strategy to beat it but didn't tell him that the capra demon is an optional boss.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Capra demon isn't optional if you don't have the master key.
A while ago, like last semester, one of my colleagues realized my cat was named after my dead friend and that made them cry.
I also made someone cry by joking about my alcoholism. They said they'd have a drink for me if I didn't make it to dinner and I said I can't drink for myself, and they got really embarrassed and apologized like a thousand times.
He can only play 30 minutes at a time, because thats how long his kids nap for.
christian did indeed turn out to be a male therapist
the secretary just thought it was a female name so selected that for me when i said "no i need a female therapist" >>725440 huh no i said it does matter i need a female therapist, thats why i asked for one
if i said something didn't matter, i was talking about our discussion about it being a male or female name it wouldn't matter since i'd find out today anyway
i didn't want to be mean to him so i did intake with him but i probably will call up and complain about it later it's really dumb. the secretary specifically changed my therapist to them because I said I needed a female therapist and they just assumed Christian was a female
i would assume the secretary would know the staff there it's not a huge place
he was a nice enough guy but some things you just can't talk to a guy about
I think my idol aura has been in overdrive for a while now. Everyone is being drawn to me. The art therapy group that I took over for the person who got a new job used to have 2-3 people in it at most, but today I had like 7 people, mostly people that weren't even assigned that group.
Apparently some 6-year-old I've been doing testing with thinks I'm his best friend, too. Today I made someone cry tears of joy. Although I also made someone cry from embarrassment, haha.
I know I talk big and stuff, but I don't actually think I'm really anything special. I mean, I think I'm pretty cool, but I think the amount people seem to like me is disproportionate to how likeable I actually am. And lately, I'm just being showered in praise almost constantly, and it's really weird.
what if you are the only one who treats them people`?
Kirara π
nah, everyone is really good they like the other clinicians too
god I guess it is because I like the character of alice in wonderland and doubly so in the mcgee version of it that the story of how Alice got FUCKED by everyone during her brief lapse into insanity prior to "return to madness" storyline that the story references as you discover her past
story short her family died in a fire, that wasn't her fault, but she blamed herself and this made her go mad + the wonderland stuff included into that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hey kirara if you like free shit you should consider 58349837
I'd like to bitch about the "thumb up" scores batoto had I liked those just because it was fun to figure the timing, what kind of post and so on gained thumb ups and what didn't
I was making SCIENCE out of upvboats
Kirara π
linhardt get welcome to my class
>>725492 Do you rwad this? *read https://mangadex.org/title/35247/the-whimsical-cursed-sword
Mainhand is Xeno Ifrit Axe, which is a fantastic mainhand and Massive EX mod Seraphic is self explanatory, the gun is the new ROTB magna weapon with SENTENCE which is fantastic Ultima Spear gives Normal mod and DATA, and I'm going to get Skill Cap Up because of how Athena works. (and some other stuff but mostly Athena because she's dumb) Colo Canes are still not great pure statwise but the Big Magna mod helps. I'd replace them if I had anything better. The middle scythe is the Opus, I need to FLB it and I'll add Ougi cap up. The katana is Ixaba, Sturm's katana. It might be normal mod, but it's a Massive mod + Stamina so it's pretty solid anyway. Baha Dagger is the baha weapon of this set. And an ancient ecke, even though they have the weirdest stats in the game and only go to SL10, are still super strong once they kick in. If anything I feel weird about how few magna mods there are but this is fire so it can't be helped.
My Colo is recently FLB so that helps my numbers a bit. (the estimated damage is from Colo FLB + Shiva support)
>>725497 is colo really ideal when you only have 4 magna mods?
Going to go Sword Savant for Lysithea although Gremory would probably be best... I can probably just go towards Gremory now that her Sword level is C. It's really up to whether I want to use her as a healer or not.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>725500 Not gonna lie, for the longest time I went double elemental in Dark with double baha. Not a good idea.
Kirara π
>>725502 yeah and i guess you get more out of colo than agni
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I actually happen to have Agni but F2P Agni isn't great. Now if I had 3 more FLB Ixabas...
the fact that my fire and water have gone from trash to actually fun is really nice.
Oh also, one thing that is a mixed blessing for me. I still need to get Hollowsky Spear, it's an EX mod which means I SHOULD replace the Xeno, but it's a slightly worse mainhand than the Xeno. I'd probably have to MH the Ultima Spear.
my fire is actually pretty good but it's not close to ideal i can add another stick but im reluctant to level it since im reaching HL soon and will be replacing one of the bahas with seraphic ssr
>>725509 it might be, but that's why I want to test it. Baha dagger is like uhhhhhhhhhhhhh 32% ATK 18% HP, that's pretty dang good, but it's on normal mod Hollowspear will give 20% ATK and 10% HP but on EX mod
Kirara π
>>725512 won't you get more out of a second EX than another normal?
Ixaba and its ilk with their Massive Normal + Medium Stamina are fucking great, though they're normal mod and best suited to primal grids.
>Critiquing Marianne lmao never Since there's no Master Class with Bow outside of Bow Knight (which requires Lance), I'm gonna have to turn Claude into a WAR MASTER WITH HIS FISTS
anyone who goes against lady rhea gets declared an enemy of the church and executed by the archbishop and im over here like "yeah but i gotta teach these kids how to KILL"
>>725572 well the guy who is the yuri authority says "meh" what doyouthink
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Double U?
>>725575 >>>/watch?v=Ps_KxgKCxZc check out this maze-switch level around 9:40 i think it's a pretty neat idea like a logic gate maze i think you could make some really fun stuff with this idea
i also forgot about the low gravity night theme but you might be able to do something fun with your drop level with that too, like an alternate version in the night theme to REALLY draw out the airtime in new soup you can stay airborne almost forever because of the twirls
>>725576 >logic gate I forgot super Mario maker was Turing complete.
>>725576 Yeah that's neat. I was thinking about what sort of logic gate puzzles you could make in Super Mario Maker the other day but my experience with logic gates is pretty limited, so it was hard to conceptualize.
Also I was goofing around in the maker a bit back and found this dumb thing you can do with springs and conveyor belts. If you set up one of the smallest conveyors (three blocks long) and stack springs on both sides with a one block space in the middle, once the map starts running the conveyor will push the spring pillars off. If they only have a one-block fall after that they'll skid a very short distance and form a V-shape of springs that's a pain in the ass to get out of. Not particularly difficult, at least if the spring pillars don't go more than twenty-three high, but they can certainly slow someone down.
>>725588 there's a neat thing i might have to draw or something to explain but you could have a section of the map that's like an "inventory" of items, like a shell, spring, P, pow, galoomba, spiky, or whatever enemy/item
and you can set them in their own little chamber and have blue skull platforms that you can activate for each one that will carry them to a location and plop them on top of each other
you can use this like a puzzle or like an encryption system or lock where you have to activate the platforms in the right order to achieve the effect needed to complete the level
figuring out the mechanics of what order it needs to be can be the puzzle itself, or you could have it off-map and have sub-rooms give clues and the person has to figure out the pattern from clues given to solve it
there's a lot of complexity in the options you can do
Marsh shitposting on the go via TelephoneSearch [iqdb](2.4 MB, 2256x4032, 20190731_134847.jpg)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Found it doing stocktake in the children's section
Well Cosby did a pretty good job of keeping himself the family man for a long time.
>>725723 It is super cute, I love paxiti's art. I dump photos unorganised into a big folder which is not great on this laptop. If wanna post a pic on moe I need to be particular or the trackpad will click on whatever
>>725725 I wanna get one of those trackball mice. I used to have one and it was comfortable as heck to use. it was big but not having to move the mouse physically saved my wrist and helped on a tiny desk. Need to get rid of my pc mouse, the bright blue light on it that is always on is obnoxious.
yeah i like them a lot i like to lay in bed with my laptop so i just have my mouse on my abdomen while im laying down and don't have to move it or worry about the surface or anything
they're not as precise in movements as a surface mouse but with a little practice they're still easy to use accurately and saves a bunch of wrist discomfort and you don't have to sit upright or any of that nonsense
things haven't been too good lately we shouldn't focus on that too much w when do you get in to your new place it seems like it's taking a really long time
blazblue mirrors are a turbo chore but a sick meme
Are those like beating a CPU opponent that mirrors your moves?
>>725730 The gap between my moving out and moving in was an issue for a bit. but I'll be on the 2nd so not long now!
I hope you // I hope things improve for you and you can relax without stress about medication and work.
>>725732 no it's when you pick a char and your opponent is the same char
tager vs tager who wins that matchup answer: nobody
>>725734 Ah I see. I don't really get into fighting game culture so it went over my head. Makes sense though.
idk based on my list here, it looks like i won tager vs tager
I hate those car headlights that are insanely bright just why
Kirara π
>>725766 literally none unless im at work all my work that needs to be done is work which involves writing notes in our electronic medical record software or my dissertation
but more importantly how am i going to watch onegai muscle
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>725768 Because he's the Alpha male and you low-beam beta fucks need to just get out of the way.
This guy got me to print stuff out for him at the library today but he was really weird about it
I was just going through some notes on this SQL database bullshit and he sits across from me and says something like >pardon the intrusion, brother and I'm like >yeah man don't worry about it and when back to *and went back to my work and then he said >No. Brother. Pardon the intrusion but I need one massive favour from you >you see I left my Student card at home and I need to print out some documents and I was hoping you could help me out.
and I'm like >yeah. Maybe. I guess. Depends. How many pages are there and he was super vague and said something like >one or two. maybe, there are a few different files. two pages is like 20 cents so I was like whatever.
Then he said, something about also giving me some money. And I said if it's 20 cents don't even worry about it. Or if he wanted more pages maybe just give me like $2
And so he walks away for a few minutes comes back, introduces himself properly to me but when he does he slips a folded up $20 note in my hand while we shake like it's a god damn drug deal or something instead of printing pages at the library.
Then he sent me the email, and it turns out there were like 30-40 pages.
what did this guy look like im thinking of this guy like a massive hulking man with a deep voice and hands bigger than your head because he said "pardon the intrusion, brother"
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
so I think he felt kind of like he had been deceiving me because it was a lot more than he let on. But it's about 10 cents a page and even if I printed 40 pages for him I still come out way ahead.
a lot of black people, hardcore Buddhists, hardcore cult members, nation of islam members, people like that religious people in general in my experience at least i get called brother a lot and boss a lot
>>725790 >>725791 this is racism they're denying the primals the ability to show up twice even though they can canonically manifest themselves multiple times at once
Jessica's godsend trigger deals damage and heals everyone every turn it activates. Jessica's buff is three turns of inhales? ATK DEF DATA Debuff Succ and also 'supplemental' damage after a certain level of stuff.
>>725805 Nope, some overwrite. I guess it's because Ayer's come from his ougi and Cain's party echoes come from his ougi too
Kirara π
>>725802 echoes can overwrite? i thought each echo was a new instance
also her third skill is just "Oh my friend is immune to damage for a bit and as long as he doesn't take damage he gets echoes"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
when a friend is nearly dead (oh hi Ayer you punched yourself to 2 hp? cool) she deals guaranteed triple attacks and her healing increases. and her every-turn nuke can get extended with every ougi she does (the same nuke that heals for 1000)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
to say she is core may be false but she's Jessica and is cute and is Ayer's sister and I would love to have them togheter.
>>>/watch?v=TStYMnZ2k-o I'll keep posting it because it'll take Kirara like a month to hit 120 at best
Kirara π
https://open.spotify.com/album/54hb2cgal71xCmoC9EB4IW?si=g5heZMmLSwC739z2mz-4SA carole & tuesday vocal collection 1 is out hopefully mine comes in the mail soon
>>725814 they distracted a giant octopus demon with the power of Siren's song and tore open a portal in space time to seal her in there. and now we're gonna beat the shit out of her until she decides not to come back out
it's not but I have a capture card. I just play from my switch and use OBS Streamer to view it from my PC. I just use the preview without turning the stream on.
Wait no iit not I was just confused because i thought i saw it for sale in the humble store.
I don't know what the hell to do with Flayn She's got qualifications to go mage and pegasus knight But Pegasi classes can't use magic and she's got little Str But I want a pegasi... screw it, Cyril is my only flyer, I guess.
>>725848 your fliers cant be weak to arrows if you dont have any fliers
I'm unexpectedly working 5 hours later than I planned to today because of emergencies or something So I went out to get something to eat and when I got back, I found out there's going to be free food! Mou!
I listened to that mermaid song from C&T in the car that is like motherfucker motherfucker motherfucker god damn holy shit or whatever And now it's stuck in my head
Good news everyone https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/human-animal-hybrid-japan-stem-cell-research-tokyo-genes-a9027131.html
Kirara π
>>725885 >>725886 im trying to cover like four jobs for four people at once right now so that everyone else can focus on preventing one of our clients from becoming homeless in literally 5 minutes also i have to coordinate with a catering thing and idk what's going on haha today is incredibly hectic
technically he's 30 days late, as there was a clause in the lease agreement that extended the period the deposit can be withheld to 60 days rather than the texas maximum of 30 but such a clause is not permissible by law and is invalid i may be entitled to no more than three times my deposit if i seek damages in a court of law THAT SAID i don't really want to lawyer up i just want my fucking money reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
What a hectic day. Put out so many fires! But it was a good day. Someone got kicked out of one of the sober houses and the staff is really split on it. I am, too. I understand why it was necessary but I don't think it was fair how it was done. But at the same time, I don't know how it could have been done better. Everyone kind of wants me on their side of it because I'm really big advocate for whatever I believe is right, so it's a little crazy. Not being able to use my laptop today was kind of stressful, too.
But overall, it's been really productive. I feel like everything I did, I did well, even though I have no idea what I've been doing.
There's a girl here that's 20 and she's been here for about a month but she's finally ready to admit she has an alcohol problem. She's really socially anxious, and tonight was her first night group which is very focused on substance abuse. Usually those groups are 6 people but it was 11 people tonight, so it stressed her out, haha.
my sweet baby boy dimitri lost an eye and now he's super edgy he just wants to kill it's all he talks about oh where did i go wrong sensei haa failed you
the people who drop aspirations for wealth and normal careers and run off to do other shit like becoming nature hobos long term starving artists world travelers etc. do they all just have dead parents, or what? who is taking care of their demented, diaper wearing mom while they're off meditating and doing odd-jobs in canada?
>>725956 Their other sibling maybe. Or maybe the parents are at a nrsing home that's being paid for out of their retirement? >>725958 And also this question right here
I'm probably going to regret this but why do you think all elderly people need such accessories. All my grandparents are in their early nineties and not one of them needs diapers or help because of dementia.
>>725958 forgive my ignorance i have only been exposed to elderly people of that kind, so i guess that's the image i have
okay fine i'm actually just complaining about the fact that i'll never be able to become a traveling hippie because I have to help my mom pay the bills
Well that's the bigger stopper than parents honestly. The people that quit jobs and do worldly things are usually the ones that never had much worries when it came to money in the first place.
or if they have dead parents and no other such obligations
yeah people with dead parents have it so easy
Unless the death of your parents drives you into a delusional revenge-driven escapade to clean up crime while galivanting around in a ridiculous costume and gear paid for by your parents' ridiculous fortune that could have been better utilized improving infrastructure and offering programs to improve the lives of the disenfranchised.
>>725964 *Gallivanting Also you know Bruce gives like hundreds of millions of dollars to charity right? And fighting crime and saving lives improves lives i a different way. If not for him there would be many villains creating all sorts of havoc all over gothanm. Hell He's saved the city probably a hundred times over.
i wanna live out of a van not really but i'm sad
wear out your vans instead
vans are too uncomfortable for me to willingly spend money on :(
they know their audience use it as your motivation! teach the top! reach too
push it to the limit
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
add me on granblue
Oh no Samu don't fall for the grasping claws of the gatcha. There's only misfortune and despair down that avenue.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh no first FEH now this what am i gonna dooo
Sounds like one of the fire alarms in this house is low on battery. It's beeping like every ten seconds. How annoying.
Had to go on a hunt through the damn house to find the device that was chirping at me. Was a carbon monoxide alarm down in the boiler room. Though the noise was just it warning that it had been in use for seven years and needed resetting, probably.
took the batteries out of my carbon monoxide detector because the beeping was annoying and was giving me a headache
I made sure to check to see if it was an actual alarm and not just an indicator! The device makes four rapid beeps if there's actually a dangerous amount of carbon monoxide in the area.
I hate when you're looking for something and it turns out it's RIGHT IN FRONT of you
That damn detector started up again but I finally got into it and pulled the battery out so hopefully it's quiet for good now. Had to brute force open the battery cover though so hopefully I don't get chewed out for that. But I'm not sorry for it, next time people should buy devices that don't have fucking impossible screws to unscrew so I don't have to go at it with leverage instead. How annoying I just want to clam down and get some sleep.
just gonna note for posterity that ive removed that stuff from the other thread it's been up three days so there's ample time for anyone to have processed it.
ive removed it so that the web archiver doesn't permanently record it into the internet's history, and that's all not to hide anything i don't want to get accused of that later on
with that business out of the way good morning /moe/
i am having donuts for breakfast or "rolls" rather
the cashier scolded me for saying i had six "donuts" in the box when in fact long johns, bismarcks, and fritters are "rolls", not "donuts" and thus are 10 cents more expensive each
i never get to eat this unhealthily it's great
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>726132 What's the occasion? >>726131 That's not so bad I remember ordering a replacement battery from Dell and it took like 10 days
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Not that i am trying to undermine how much you must be suffering Not being able to watch anime over breakfast
not being able to watch anime with breakfast is literally worse than the entire holodomor ESPECIALLY not being able to watch my muscle gyaru waifu training documentary
>>726133 id have to take my hard drive out to access my files haha but we get two day shipping here in the promised land of america
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>726135 I'll Onegai Muscle extra hard just for you
Kirara π
>>726136 thank you. you are the best friend money can buy
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I had to get a spot from some random guy at the gym today And i felt a bit like Bocchi Politely going up and asking permission to be friends
>Your Skill at Brawl has reached D GAUNTLET UPGURADO
>>726158 yeah. its my day off so im gonna be playing
Kirara π
now make shamir into chris
oh and now that she's level 20, I can make her a Paladin. lol
its just so funny galloping in on a horse yo your opponent just to get off and beat them with your fists.
I miss the FE9/10 method of weapon crafting where I could just adjust the stats and crit of a weapon for more money and then naming it whatever I want. because I want crit gauntlets
Kirara π
there are crit gauntlets that you can get later i think
Kirara π
i should go get hit by lightning so i can get super powers like zenitsu
the milk i bought had a half-removed tamper seal on it so i had to pour the whole thing out and i dont get milk with my donuts what's wrong with my shitty life why can't i have anything
the cap was removed with the seal unbroken i.e. pried off and not twisted off
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
who would do that and why
there's plenty of cases of tampering for malicious reasons but even then turbulence from shipping can cause stuff like that to happen and i dont want a milk that was opened during transportation >>726178 not really the cap was not unbroken, the cap seal was unbroken from the cap that is separate from the jug
what? you're talking about the twisty thing right? Was that broken or not
the cap was connected to that little band that you have to twist from the cap that whole piece, connected together, can be removed from the jug
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
can be but was it
yes because the seal underneath was broken
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you just said the seal can be broken during transport without the cap being removed
no i didnt i said the cap+seal can be broken from the jug without the seal being broken you asked who would do that i said people could and have done it but it can also happen during transportation
>>726188 ill probably start playing once Im done with the front yard. just gotta water this grass.
actually if i thought someone had maliciously tampered with it to put cyanide in my milk i'd probably just drink it but if it's just bacteria i dont want to get sick
Kirara π
my mom saw this thing on fox news about people licking ice cream at the supermarket and putting it back into the store fridge and now she thinks all the kids are doing it all the time so she told me not to get ice cream if there's no tamper seal and i was like, what the fuck ice cream doesn't have a tamper seal
yeah it's got that plastic thing you have to peel off
Kirara π
right? ive never seen ice cream without that so i told her the video they showed on fox is probably fake, someone did it as a prank or something they probably peeled the seal off first and then got the ice cream or threw it out or something like that and mom is just super paranoid about it
well if it didn't have a tamper seal i wouldn't buy it that's a given
i always forget grimnir has feet his legs look like they end in spikes
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
spiked chuuni feet
Kirara π
which i guess is fair i mean what do you do with your feet when you hover you probably just let them relax and hang down or something right?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara π
it'd be weird to keep them parallel to the ground if you're not walking on the ground
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you just watch someone float by and their feet start spinning violently you ask about it and they're like 'yeah it's my propulsion system'
Kirara π
their legs just do a split and their knees bend up, putting the propeller feet above their head they give you a smug look and just ascend like a helicopter
everyone's decked out in armor but MC's ready to have a nice relaxing vaca
Kirara π
gran is the craziest dude jumping off islands into the sky on a fuckin impulse and shit him not wearing his armor would not surprise me he's a fuckin god
it's already thursday ive only had one day of work the past week ugh i had everything going well and was trying to land a new contract and took on some additional stuff and the past two weeks just went to complete crap can't work can't cope can't get any help siiiiiigh
im never going to be medicated again fucking michigan i should have never moved now i can't even go back to my old doctor
Kirara π
when was the last time you were medicated, again?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh shit it's a new touhou all stars >>>/watch?v=2fhxw1gvNck I know what I'm doing for an hour
>>726212 end of may which is when i went to the hospital (early june) and sought continuation of healthcare they told me that if i just wait until my primary care appointment, they'd prescribe me stuff so i reluctantly waited two months but PCP won't do anything
now it's been two full months so i can't even say those are my current medications everyone's treating me really shit about it too like it's outrageous for me to expect to have medications that ive been on for almost a decade
Kirara π
do you have copies of all your medication history and stuff?
yeah nobody's even looking at it i bring it with me to every appointment i say i have my medication history from walgreens, medical info from my last doctor, full psych eval which originally diagnosed me and has my scores i say i have it and they say it won't matter anyway, so they refuse to look at it
that PCP wouldn't even refer me to a psychiatrist, saying they're all self-referral when i called up they berated me for trying to set an appointment without having a referral like i feel so helpless nobody cares everybody's just treating me like shit
Kirara π
have you tried calling 211 or anything? maybe they can help you find a psychiatrist you can self-refer to
i can't talk
Kirara π
you don't have VA benefits, right?
no i dont i might be able to get them if i fight for it but i can barely do anything right now
Kirara π
http://www.centralmichigan211.org/ your relevant 211 has texting, online chat, and email maybe they can help you find resources some 211s have social workers that can help too but idk if this one has that service
thanks i'll take a look
Kirara π
good luck
i was trying to talk to my therapist about it and stuff they kind of help with that sort of stuff but he was saying im pretty fucked trying to get any scripts im unlikely to get an appointment with a psychiatrist at all let alone one that will prescribe me anything
we called up one place during the appointment and even with him there it went bad like they wouldn't accept me as a patient because i had the hospitalization but at the same time, CMH says i dont have enough hospitalizations to warrant seeing a psych
Kirara π
these people seem very unprofessional (not the therapist) ive never heard of anyone having this kind of experience here there are tons of clients ive had that have psychiatrists and have been hospitalized numerous times, sometimes even 5 or 6 times
it just depends on the place each place has different protocols for that shit idk, medical director or something decides that
the one we called to is really picky about who they take the other one i called to needs you to go through -their- therapy intake then get an internal referral before they offer psychiatry but their therapy openings are months out
i could have got in with a referral from my PCP but she was being a jackass she saw i physically could barely speak and was having a lot of issues but just was like "im not giving you adderall, go take these labs to get done and see me again in six weeks" i asked if she could even give me strattera or something uncontrolled and she said she wouldn't give me anything, even uncontrolled
im just so fuckin discouraged man i'll quit whining about it but goddamn i can't get a break i try to cope with one thing and everything else gets worse
Kirara π
i can definitely see how it'd be discouraging but it's good that you're still trying anyways
Moving my stuff into my new place tomorrow. in the meantime I was meant to get prescriptions delivered to me but they went missing which is fustrating.
wish me luck /moe/ i'm leaving texas for the first time since summer 2010
this laptop im using at work is really solid i was thinking it works so smoothly and has crazy battery "i should see if getting this model would be feasible for me aa as a work computer" >$1000 laptop
>>726238 you can a class anyone with that level only one s i think though
if my female friend tells me her friend is attracted to me will it be weird between us (me and my friend) if I starting courting her friend start*
Won't know until it happens.
Kirara π
>>726242 probably not usually that information is relayed with the intention of pushing someone to make a move or reciprocate interest
>>726244 Lysithea can use Catherine's Sword's skill.
I'm trying to save the villager all the way at the back in one of these chapters by using Bern to pass everyone by But if I do that, she's in range of the commander AND SHE'LL MURDER HIM if he aggros her.
Kirara π
>>726245 holy shit catherine's like, her relic skill?
i have to do tia/celeste hl more to get the centrums since you use five of either dark or wind for hosting Tiamat Malice which i need to start doing a lot
Kirara π
perhaps we can do them together
Kirara π
or not i-its not like i wanted to do hl or anything with you baka!
Yesterday at the store, I was buying milk, and this employee came up to me and said "nice date?" And I thought she was asking me if I had just been on a date because I had worked and was dressed well. So I said no, I've been at work all day. She was like "I meant the milk"
Like, what.
was the tamper seal in tact
Kirara π
it was in sticky tack
>>726299 it's ok i guess but i dunno why i have to wait so long before i can drink it
Kirara π
then she asked me where i work, so i told her and we have like, counseling, in our clinic's name and she goes "oh, is that a school?" lady, first, what and second, the fuck
When I told her we do substance abuse treatment, she asked me if that has anything to do with the full moon. I was like, uhh And she said that the supermarket gets crazy on the full moon, and lots of babies are born on the full moon, so there must be something to it. So I laughed and was like, yeah who knows!! and then said I had to get going.
I had a weird experience with the natlabs rep today, too, that awkward musclebound guy. He came over to check on us and make sure we were happy with their service. That's commendable, and I appreciate it. But he's like, "can I bring you lunch" And I declined, and then when he showed up, he started telling me about his dog and wanted to know if I thought it was okay to give his dog CBD oil. Then he asked me what I was doing over the weekend and then just kind of abruptly left.
In my defense, I didn't find the natlabs guy. The front desk lady/yoga instructor found him for us!
Someone who overheard me and the natlabs guy and who I also told about the milk thing concluded that I must attract weird people, though. It's a little troubling that people I've only known for two months are realizing that already! Crazy Train is just too powerful.
>>726305 Did you tell him it wasn't okay to give cbd oil to his dog?
>A small cut on an Ohio woman's arm and a friendly lick from her dog led to what a GoFundMe campaign calls a "perfect storm"βand to the amputation of all her limbs. Stark County salon owner Marie Trainer's ordeal began May 10, when WJW reports Trainer didn't feel well and went to lie down on the couch. She woke up from a coma 10 days later with both of her arms and both of her legs partially amputated. Her family initially suspected she had the flu, but when her temperature started wildly fluctuating, Trainer was rushed to the hospital. Despite aggressive treatment, she started developing sepsis and her limbs developed gangrene. To save her life, doctors were forced to amputate all of her limbs.
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
And you may ask yourself, βwhere are those four limbs?β
>>726326 fraux is one of the hot new grind characters that would take a great deal of time to unlock let me grab an image do you want with or without blatant excuse for pantsu that demonstrates powerful kicks
>>726336 sam said not to you can open the gbf fraux wiki link and click second art
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
i got the gunner girl too idk what iβm doing but iβm workin my way thru the story and the pinboards
>>726339 wow you got two cute summer limiteds omedetou
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
beginnerβs luck baybeee
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
there are so many random corners in this game itβs super random and sprawling what the fuck are the devs doin is it designed to overwhelm and confuse
>>726349 wasn't jan going to participate? or was he not going to i'd step out so he'd be able to ok >>726355 okay i wasn't sure about that thanks for the info i'll try to work on my stuff
I wonder if big cats like tigers see small cats like household pets as kittens. Or if they're capable of the slightly complex thinking required to realize they're smaller adult cats.
i don't think they would. im not sure it'd necessarily be more complex thinking to realize they're adults either
i think they'd recognize it as something foreign first so the concept of it being a kitten is something that would need more clueing in and consideration vameronasal senses are gonna be the strongest and first communication there so everything else should come after
probably once they notice fear and aggression aren't there they're just being curious all that rubbing and chuffing they're doing are friendly and curious greetings if BUB wasn't so well behaved it would probably be totally different
have you ever seen adult tigers meeting their own kittens, or baby domestic cats? they usually run away because they're SPOOKED
in the wild, i think if you find yourself near someone's babies, you've wandered somewhere you shouldn't be and are probably in a heck of trouble
>>>/watch?v=1J0C2HlC38c#t=618s this guy has some pretty crazy videos this is just like his back yard he has all these rescue habitats oh whoops i linked it in the end
he has lots of fun videos though like giving his tigers whipped cream they go hecking mad for that cream
i mean, imagine if you were out in a public shopping area or something and there was a toddler alone in the human world we'd probably try to help them find their parents, but still the sentiment leaks through
like if you go up to that toddler and it starts crying NOPE there's no way that ends well for you even if you have good intentions you're gonna get some protective mother's scorn
i think cats are pretty keen on that kinda stuff they don't welcome that kind of trouble