long story short they tried to sell one of these rare knick-knack collectible things and people got annoyed at the asking price so they asked for water instead now with the attention they got they're destroying it live on air to protest cyber bullies idk
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>we were getting suicidal threats what
>>726548 should have said death threats I'm guessing they meant homicidal?
if you don't sell me this Children's toy for less than five thousand dollars I'm going to kill myself
i mean that's grossly simplifying it but yeah when you get into a heated, invested argument with someone and telling someone the stress over a situation is making you want to do something
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
seems more likely that >>726549 and they just misspoke in front of the Camera.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>726552 the stress over not getting sold the toy they wanted?
idk man i wasn't there people do stuff like that because the reach is actually there homicidal threats over the internet don't make sense because you can't really get to someone to do anything to them what you can do is hurt yourself and blame someone else though it happens all the time
I'm guessing they saw the value of the little collectibles our store is giving away and presumed they could replicate it these stupid things were selling for up to $400 or something when they first came out for like a complete set or something
Piano is getting married so I've got a year to become fly as hell to kick open the door and get some great food because I'm actually really happy about this
i wish i had any control over stuff like that everyone ive ever lived with just throws shit anywhere and everywhere if there's open space it's gonna get used for the most random shit
I'm trying to be productive and work during this team meeting but everyone is just shouting and talking about their sex lives and stuff. Even though we have more clients to talk about! Mou.
yesterday i fell asleep watching it and kept waking up to you screaming haha
>>726599 lmao I kept getting angry Also, i was falling asleep while playing
hm there's no sound at the moment which is fine just letting you know
ah, I had it taken off should be coming on soon
yep there it is
Kirara π
someone was asking if i knew about shaboomie and i was like wtf is that and she's like "it's japanese, some kind of zen thing" she meant shibumi
here a vada, there a vada, everywhere a vada
Kirara π
searching for a work laptop qnd this question on amazon is "What is the battery life?"
answer: "1-2 hours of battery life while in use." - by Joy Systems Inc [seller]
?????????????????? 1-2 hours?? is it 1990 why is this Dell Latitude E6440 getting so little battery
Kirara π
why is it even so difficult to find a normal, non-touch screen laptop
Kirara π
also i don't want this slim shit give me something that isn't gonna snap in half as soon as i put a book on top of it
Kirara π
all these 2-in-1 things with unreliable looking hinges
they had a bunch of shit on prime day i thought about buying some basic laptop just for backup in case anything happens to mine but i didnt
you should be able to find stuff i wonder what the problem is
almost the entire first 40 results are like all chromebooks wtf
Kirara π
i know, everything under $500 is a Chromebook now just about except the acer aspire 5 which everyone says is great but my personal laptop is one of those and it turned into a slow piece of shit within two years
literally i just want like 6gb of ram an i5 or some shit a screen that works without touch screen and a workable battery life something that i can use without internet too
Kirara π
my requirements are so like close to the bottom that it should be a breeze to find one that seems satisfactory and YET it's 2019 and you want me to believe a lower end laptop is $1000 again? fuck off
Kirara π
i cant even find reviews on google to look at >best college computers college students are notoriously poor. surely this will be what i want >all $600+, "great for winding down after classes with some GAMES" >best budget computers under $500 >they're all chromebooks except for one which has an i3 with 3gb of ram or some shit
Kirara π
and everything on amazon is being sold by some random company claiming to be a brand and they've all got like 10 reviews there what the fuck even how is this so difficult in 2019
weelll I'mmmm I'm not sick but I'm not well
>>726615 what about stuff like this https://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/cty/pdp/spd/inspiron-15-3580-laptop?view=configurations i dont really know current hardware stuff i just did a search for office laptops
i figured office laptops might be more generic, unspecialized shit that people would buy for employees to use whereas work laptops might be more personalized and stuff
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
just use newegg my guy
Kirara π
>>726617 this one would be fine but it's $600 if i want the one with an i5 the i3 one has 8gb ram which is good but i don't want an i3 i guess maybe i could settle for an i3 if i have to
i didnt realize that i didn't look very close do you have anything that really demands it at work
Kirara π
i do a lot of multitasking my current computer is an i3 and having a browser and 4-5 pdfs up slows it down considerably even more so if i have Outlook and word open heaven forbid i open outlook, word, and excel
fuck man ive got a good gaming laptop and word still slogs like shit what an awful piece of software it's disgusting
Kirara π
if i open two word docs and shut my laptop to move it somewhere
my laptop takes like 5 minutes to start back up when i open it again
this is what im using at work it's like a $1200 laptop it's the most smooth thing i have ever had the pleasure of using a latitude 3590 but why is it even so fuckin expensive the stats do not warrant the price tag
Kirara π
i5s have existed for 10 years there is no reason they should still be so expensive considering all of the innovations we've developed since then
You know they come out with different i5s every year right?
Also, not all i5s are equal.
Kirara π
yes i am aware of all of that
if you're in the computers section in amazon, you can click "laptops" and it'll have subcategories like traditional laptops, 2-in-1, chromebooks i clicked on traditional laptops and it's still showing a bunch of chromebooks
Kirara π
fuckin right? it's ridiculous why the fuck
Because someone somewhere fucked up Or is stupid Or both Miscategorized items on online stores really irritate me.
>>726630 look at this shit i hate this fucking feature so much
then ignore it
Kirara π
this dell site says "customize and buy" but when you click on it, the customization options are: windows 10 home or pro basic hardware support accidental damage coverage
The person in charge of our sober houses wanted to sit down with me because she knew I was uncomfortable about the way that client was expelled from the house the other day. I explained my concerns in full, what /// that I support the decision that was made about removing the client from that housing but I think it was handled poorly in a way that jeopardized the client's health. She basically told me that I didn't "have the full story" and assured me that "everything was handled ethically" But she refused to tell me the full story. I'm just supposed to believe her that everything was fine and not unfair at all just because she said so.
I'm in a weird position because our program is sort of divided between sheepdog (the veterans) and the civilian services, but for the PHP, the clients are together. Most of the clinicians only see civilians individually or only vets individually. But I'm really involved with both sides individually, so everyone wants my support on their side of the dispute, especially because I'm considered highly competent so I'm a useful asset. It's putting me in an awkward spot.
One side thinks the expulsion was completely fine, the other thinks it was handled poorly and unethically.
Luckily the place I train with is pretty careful about that sort of thing. When I got hit the other night, it was by accident. We were only meant to be doing body blows but the guy was a good foot taller than me and had about 15kg so it wasn't on purpose, but some of the shots aimed down at my body caught me on the head.
And the place almost never does full contact sparing. If it does happen, it's few and far between. Personally I've only had a a full on proper sparing match once. And that's in months of doing it.
So. I do take head trauma stuff pretty seriously. My thoughts are were all of my brilliant ideas live. >>726692 brutal.
This dude in my php program has had 7 concussions and he's only 24. From football mostly, but he also flew though a windshield and got his face half torn off or something. Apparently one of his eyesockets is misaligned but he doesn't want surgery to fix it for some reason.
He's like a space cadet. He's a good guy, but he's really out of it.
>>726691 >my thoughts are were oh no. it's happening
oh sam, kirara and I can try to direct you to some of the sode stories that have nice stuff
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
i tried to play the summer chronicle but got bored after ch 1
Kirara π
gbf story shit is an acquired taste luckily you can skip through it and re-read it later if you want to some of the side stories that are available give you new characters or SSR summons or SSR weapons although the love live collab side story gives you three SSR characters
Kirara π
any weekend plans yall
I don't really have anything planned, no. Maybe if the weather's nice I'll do some biking.
Kirara π
gonna move mountains
Don't be mean to the mountains what did they ever do to you.
Kirara π
how is that mean
The mountains are perfectly happy sitting where they are and you're just going to up and move them. It's practically cruelty!
its ok to be mean to the mountains because they never give back what they take
Kirara π
>>726713 if they're happy where they are, why are they moving on their own
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
please stick to the rivers and the lakes that youβre used to
i'm starting (again) to take the meds to help racing thoughts i went full off meds for a while and it was going pretty good but things got bad again
i feel like im slogging through mud it's so hard to think the therapist at PHP said yeah that's how normal people feel i'll get used to it but i dunno about that
it makes my stomach feel like a lead brick though
Kirara π
she told me she was gonna kill me and she attacked me!!
but other people i killed just were like "i gotta retreat!!" for some reason bernie was the only one that died
>>726775 nah bernie got brainwashed im pretty sure i didn't know there was a time limit in which i had to recruit people so it can't be helped
giraphael is so easy to please
>>726776 you should have knocked on her door every day
Kirara π
>>726778 i did but i didn't want to focus on bow because bow was useless to me i figured id do it eventually
but i don't really have strong feelings for bernie although i do feel a little bad i would have liked to have spared her but she wouldn't stop attacking me i used subdue to take her to 1 but then she attacked and got slapped back bernie is dumb as shit
except Felix fuck Felix no peace for him >>726782 yeah, they're all that's left.
Blue is an eroge master yku think hed have any trouble convincing people to join him?
Kirara π
what the fuck i guess i should have looked up a guide or something if id known there was a time limit i would have done more
I didn't use a guide but I knew about the year time limit. So that's what I spent my time on. That's why I was panicking about getting those five girls. I got all the ones I want The only girl I didn't get was Ingrid lol
Kirara π
ingrid is really good
she IS. She dominated the Eagle/Lion fight It's a shame. Her and Caspar were so standout and they're the ones I'm not getting >>726790 F U C K E L I X
>>726785 why didn't you call the nintendo tips and tricks hotline like a smart gamer
Kirara π
felix is one of the strongest units too
Kirara π
also felix started being a little less racist after he grew up
Kirara π
why didn't you recruit rhea, blue
>started being a little less racist oh it's Pewdiepie
I don't think I can That's just the support list The "Other Houses" support list.
Kirara π
felix might be a little tsundere too
linhardt is a sociopath he keeps talking about how he didn't mind killing people he used to go to school with he's just like "it's weird but it doesn't bother me at all. i should take a nap."
I feel like Yellow team is almost out of the loop of the greater story that's happening.
Kirara π
that's my impression while playing blue it's like, why are you even here yellow
also i hate claude because he is so stupid and a horrible leader
There's something that's happening beneath the scenes here too but I don't know what that even is yet
You're gonna have to unlock the secret TRUE END route to find out!
Kirara π
why is someone from work texting me at 11:30 on a Friday night asking how i want a client scheduled what the hell
Kirara π
i should have gone to sleep like three hours ago
Yeah I was wondering why you were still up this close to midnight.
Kirara π
i got sucked into fe3h and before i knew it it was midnight i stopped in the middle of a mission to get ready for bed
>>726811 a Swiss weeb that is super creepy and incredibly rich and spends his time making videos of him fucking dakikamuras and stuff he was pretty famous on /a/ and stuff like 2011-2013
for some reason there's a lot of stuff that isn't loli/shota/guro/western copyrighted on ex I was surprised at some of the stuff that was missing from e-h
the duality of wanting to open blueβs spoilers proper but wanting to wait to see it myself
Kirara π
>>726819 are these tags you have a vested interest in?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>726822 not the ones I listed I'm talking just like random shit that wasn't on e-h for no apparent reason although according to other people there's a lot of flat chest stuff thaat gets put on ex even though the character(s) are clearly adults
>>726824 I went to download a couple rewrites. History must know of my expository text.
According to my fairly prudish artist friend there's a good amount of high-quality artbooks on the panda too. She was really upset those might get lost.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
although if anything good came out of it its that I still have like 99,000~ credits
Kirara π
>>726829 yeah there is >>726828 i still have my typesetting files but this way people will see my hard work still
>>726836 rip i got her good but that's because she's a unit in a bunch of blue route missions
>You have missed the opportunity to deepen this bond well No Rhea for me.
She was only accessible during one mission in Yellow and it was one where she didn't move
booty booty booty rockin everywhere
Kirara π
blue route is super churchy that's why i said i thought i might be the villain
Kirara π
idk but i think rhea might be my real mom? or she killed my mom and did something to me i dont trust rhea at all she's an insane religious zealot i think she wants to resurrect the goddess and use her to destroy the world or something >>726841 this is all guesses though nothing that i said in this post is stuff confirmed in the game to me it's not any more spoilers than theorycrafting is in a madoka thread
>>726844 Listen, I have assumed this since the Pulse mechanic came to me. I was full of oh nos
Kirara π
>>726849 well echoes also had pulse mechanics but no time loop pulse is already established mechanic so i didn't think that was too related but i guess you're right
yellow team keeps showing up when im with red team and they basically shout WHAT'S GOING ON?! and start screaming about how we should be friends while attacking
I was watching this really big GBF stream, and they were talking about an upcoming CD that's being released. It's a CD for an in-game aidoru group. ToN preordered it because usually you get a cute character skin/outfit with the CDs and stuff, but it hadn't been announced what the bonus was yet.
So on the stream, they show this picture of a bird. It's a really good looking bird, but it's a bird. And they're like "this is the job outfit that will come with the aidoru CD" and ToN texts me "I bought a cd so I could become a birb..." And then the voice actors for the game who are on the stream are asking Fukuhara, the game's director, questions about the bird, they're like "haha what the fuck dude. is it the size of a human?" "No, it's the size of a bird. About the size of a pigeon." "Is the skin voiced?" "No, it's a bird. Birds like that can't talk" and ton texts me "I'm a little upset"
I've been laughing about this for like half an hour It's so funny Zannen desu
Maybe he should stop wasting so much money on dumb mobage! Maybe this will finally teach him the lesson he sorely needs! Of course this won't actually be the case!
Hah hah, I've actually seen that Grinch movie way too many times. We have it on VHS up at the cottage and that means whenever we're up there around the winter-y times it's getting put on. After the first dozen or so times all feelings of terror or humour just kind of fall off.
Kirara π
watching the grinch in a cabin in the woods saying jim carry's name three times in the mirror and turning around five times with your eyes closed and when you open them again the grinch is standing behind you and he whispers in your ear
that's basically the humor in a nutshell either referencing something crude or hinting at something crude
Reminds me of the N64-era Rare humour. They did all sorts of stuff like that in the Banjo-Kazooie games.
Oh, it's the first Saturday of August isn't it. MOGRA's anisong'll be starting up soon. Shame I'm all tired because I messed up my sleep again and I'm really tired after being up all night. I guess they'll be doing their three-day birthday party later this month though.
Oh it'll also be their tenth birthday too. That'll probably be exciting.
But she's really not autistic at all. And she's not sheltered, really, either. She's just a little airheaded. But she's extremely powerful and I don't want to spoil anything but y'all are completely off base on her.
I'm not sure if it's because I'm going to marry her or if it's a story related thing that I've somehow completely missed, but an antagonist was interested in her. But then he never said anything about her again and died without doing anything to her.
actually if anyone in the game seems autistic, it's the main character their defining traits are the symptoms of autism and everyone is always talking about it
The MC has actual autism. Like, you go through the story and it's actually autism.
you think it's just a thing that the game does to make them seem neutral about everything and after a while they're like "wow, i have never seen you smile before"
Kirara π
"i didn't think you had emotions because you never express yourself" and then MC says inappropriate things at bad times like making jokes she repeats what others say constantly they're like "ill take responsibility" and she's like "take responsibility..."
>failed with 89% chance come ooooon
Kirara π
dude i got a success on a 39% chance yesterday
I got one like that too. I can't remember who though Marianne is just shy of Holy Knight now Raphael is finally War Master though
Kirara π
i got it on MC for gremory
Kirara π
the felix-flayn supports are hilarious she tricks him into doing her chores like chopping firewood by acting like he can't chop firewood in the air with his sword so she throws an entire pile of firewood at him and he chops it all then she gets excited and wants to make him chop fruit and he's a bitter racist asshole so he just loses his shit
and wow, you went all out on the magic MC
well, not that all out, since it was only 39% wwwww
Kirara π
i love magic i have A rank reason and faith now i just wanted to get gremory before i really was ready to have it reason is almost A+
Mine is Sword/Bow/Faith I don't think I'm going to put him into a Master Class. to be honest, he doesn't really do much
Kirara π
EO unique class is probably the ideal class for endgame MC but i am doing other classes for bonuses my MC fucking rambos through shit nobody has managed to hit her in like 5 battles not even once and she's critting nonstop it's ridiculous but she can solo pretty much anything
Doing supports post-time skip is like this weird mind loop Like, there are characters who have gotten better at things and if you start doing C supports, they're completely weird.
Kirara π
>do C five years ago >do B now "the other day i offended you. sorry" that was five years ago my man
>Cyril/MC support post skip >"I like keeping the cathedral squeaky clean" *giant pile of rubble in the background*
honestly, fe3h is a lot better than i expected this is a lot better than any of the last few games it blows them all out of the water both in gameplay, characters, and writing
Marianne is great. She keeps to herself and doesn't want to be a burden to everyone because she has low self-esteem and everyone's like "no, you're great. what are you talking about" but off the battlefield, she's a giant klutz and it's just so much
i can choose to share my life with Mercedes but it's also giving me the option to share my life with sothis to think my conviction could be tested so easily
oh are you almost done?
Kirara π
i dunno? maybe i thought the game was supposed to be like 60 hours per route but im at like 35
i think it's so quick because im on normal mode normal is way too easy i finish lots of main missions in fewer than five turns some of the recent ones have been challenging and ive had to pulse, but they've mostly been too easy but by the time i had gotten bored with the difficulty, i was too far in to start over
ah I see
Kirara π
oh, im at 40 hours but yeah it's too easy im gonna do hard next
i did easy+classic because i thought the permanent deaths of classic would give me enough consequences that normal mode would still be difficult but i was totally wrong
haha you're on easy mode that's okay try to get home before sundown i made you some Little Prince's extra mild curry and a grape juicebox ready for you for supper
Kirara π
surprisingly nobody in the blue story has even made reference to a fire emblem unless you count the crest of flame usually there's some mcguffin called the fire emblem that's really important i guess it's probably in red route
>>727023 hey idk if you'd know but are there still modafinil suppliers to the US? after modafinilcat went down it's gotten kinda scammy legal suppliers i mean
im gonna get some adrafanil since you can get it over the counter but the metabolism of this shit is so hard on the liver in comparison you have to take a bunch for it to metabolise into just a little bit of modafinil and i don't really want to trash out my liver
i gotta figure out something though since im not gonna get any scripts i might see if i can go back to my old doctor in missouri but i have an unpaid balance there so probably not
Kirara π
well you need a prescription for it but yeah it's still being produced as provigil i mean it's not prescribed that often anymore narcolepsy is usually just treated with addy or concerta and it's out of favor for other stuff too nobody wants fake stims anymore
oh yeah, i know scripts for it aren't really possible mainly because it's like 900 dollars a month and insurance would never do that adrafanil is OTC but mod/armod isn't. it is OTC in other countries though and modafinilcat used to just ship it over the stuff gets seized sometimes if it's in distribution quantities but personal use never really was a problem they shut down though
im doing ok without any meds but my normal me is a little bit crazy i need to get on something if i want any stability idk why they're causing me so much distress about getting a damned script it's not that absurd for adult ADHD to be treated with stim medication
Yeah, but the laws are so severe that the consequences if you prescribe addy to someone and something happens, you're liable. For example, lots of doctors won't prescribe addy to people with any history of suicidal ideation unless that's been treated, or untreated depression. And even then, they'll often do it with weekly prescriptions until they're certain everything is fine. People with anxiety have difficulty getting addy, too, unless they anxiety is being treated. Because if you prescribe addy and it makes someone's anxiety worse which causes any kind of trouble, you're liable.
i guess i need to try to get an appointment with my old doctor and shell out the 300-whatever dollars out of pocket
i wasn't able to pay my last copay though and it went to collections so i feel like they won't give me an appointment but i dont know that doctor is really old too she might retire
that hospital got so much shit wrong the crisis i went in for was uncontrollable impulsivity and fear that i'd hurt myself, not suicidal ideation and wanting to or intending to and they marked down substance use from the biopsychosocial when i told them i drank from 2015 to 2018 i used alcohol during that time and i dont anymore and now i have substance abuse on my medical history
new doctors won't want to prescribe me anything even then im clean from alcohol for almost a year, minus a little bit i had in april for one night idk okay i vented im done
>>727028 That stuff doesn't necessarily follow you, though. Only if someone has the ability to request information from that hospital, and you have to grant them that permission.
Do you have alcohol use disorder listed as a diagnosis or does it say you used alcohol?
hm, im not sure i can check on the patient portal it says substance use disorder and it doesn't specify what substance so i think it's pretty unfair i don't think it's a diagnosis, i think it's under medical history or something
i dont really even think my alcohol use was that bad in retrospect i think it was my paranoid worrying that made me want to make it a bigger deal than it was, though it's still good i stopped
ive been having trouble lately though without lorazepam. like i said, i hadnt been taking it since like january up until june, when i started taking it when freaking out about IRS stuff im pretty good without it on a daily basis but the past couple weeks have had a lot of intense things going on and i haven't had that to stop me from really panicking hard when stuff gets overwhelming i think if i could manage that kind of thing better then i probably wouldn't have all this anxiety regarding not having my medications
Kirara π
yeah, it's gonna be hard to get lorazepam from a psych you're seeing for the first time it's unfortunate how bad the system has gotten
im really regretting moving away from saint louis i wish i didn't have to, but i didn't have a choice i could have just kept seeing my doctor.
im good without the lorazepam, though. coming off of it wasn't even a problem tbh. i definitely felt the difference of the withdrawal but it wasn't hard or even unpleasant, other than thinking a little bit more about eku, asuka, and other stuff like that that i couldn't block out as easy. crying feels good though so it wasn't a problem. ive gotten to the point where i dont want to block out those feelings because it feels good to feel them even though they're painful
i do feel like i want to have some on hand though for panic attacks and stuff, like if things get really bad just to know i can stop it. i still have three of them left, but that's not very much. it helps knowing those are there, though.
the effexor is helping actually with PTSD stuff a bit but it makes me feel so stupid it's like if you were gonna try playing games on a console with a controller, but some kid was eating waffles with syrup and playing games at the same time so the entire thing is sticky and hard to use that's what my brain feels like it's so uncomfortable
depression i used to be really health conscious about eating well and getting the right nutrients, supplementing my nervous system health, exercising and all that then everybody died or left and i stopped caring and stopped being able to talk or leave the house
that was all before i started ADD treatment too from my psych i didn't realize how big of a problem it was until i was treated. it made a big difference, being able to socially and academically function
the basic level of health management i had done prior didn't have that kind of efficacy. it helped in some ways but not that much
oh are you done with the stream
yeah i need to sleep a little I have work today
okay thanks for streaming! sleep tighty
Kirara π
i think one of my antagonists just became a rocket ship made of rotting flesh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I didn't know we were playing 2.5
Kirara π
>enemy with vantage, desperation, and wrath oh god
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
just one shot them lol
Kirara π
>five mages with range 12 magic Jesus Christ i guess they got mad that i said it was too easy
what you can't do that in one hit? I thought you were a GAMER
Kirara π
man this level is so fuckin big and ridiculous that i almost don't even want to do it there's like two hallways that i have to go through to reach the enemies and as soon as anyone goes through that they get targeted by 6 enemies
But I would also submit that it's different watching people get a bit roughed up in a fair competition that both participants voluntarily signed up for
than if it was just someone getting messed up in another way or hurt in an accident or a malicious attack. There isn't any pleasure in watching that unless you're a god damn psychopath
There really isn't a difference for me! I'm not saying they shouldn't do it if they want to. People are people they can do what they want. But I don't get any enjoyment watching it regardless of how much consent has gone into the process.
JUST GOT GAY MARRIED IN FEMBLEM WOO I even gave Mercedes a ring!! >I love you Mercedes. Let's get married. best fire emblem love finds a fuckin way
Kirara π
holy shit there are special waifu CGs for the marriage proposal
yee haw i cant wait
Kirara π
oh damn some other characters got gay married too
Kirara π
>Manuela was forever alone after my game i should have tried harder for her
begone thot
Kirara π
oh no. leonie became an all-powerful alcoholic who used her unparalleled sword skills to avoid paying her tabs at taverns where did i go wrong
Kirara π
shamir became an anarchist who spent her life robbing rich people lol I really fucked up a lot of my characters
>>727087 are they they don't have anything to do with the story and are only really related to my game since you'll all get different endings for them based on your choices
what if i told you that these are technically spoilers
:^ )
i might be cranky from odd sleep but i dunno they are still character epilogues
and besides i gotta get that all three route experience
Kirara π
itβs ok im going to chalk it ip to being irritable
>>727086 You couldn't be the hero sensei your students needed!
i hope food tonight is ok they dont post menus on the weekends so itβll be a surprise
I'm going to let this teenager break my heart. It will be so invigorating. also, fuck your fire emblem 3 heroes shit sickening jk
Kirara π
the MC's whip sword is really fuckin cool
>>727093 Bring your own food and you'll never have to be surprised again!
>>727097 i sure have materials to make food at home i could bring the frozen parm but i like the cafe food i could have brought the leftover pizza my mom bought while i was sleepijg but i ate that earlier
Kirara π
chicken parm with CoT
the heck is cot
Kirara π
cream of tomato
poor blue
oh thank god one of the books i want will probably be available for purchase finally
now i gotta wait on another or stop caring
Cream of FUCKIN' tomato
Kirara π
>>727103 his voice when he said that is forever burned into my mind
Man they've got that lucrative Gaijin market down to a fuckin' T.
Gore Gore Gore
Edgy Edgy Edgy
Kill Kill Kill
Rape Rape Rape
Grim, dark murder. Mature animation for mature, sophisticated adults
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
It's like printing money.
Kirara π
it's pretty popular with kids yeah
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>727112 no way bro its not for kids theres so much blood and sex and stuff i had to ask dad for special permission to take the age restriction lock off the netflix account.
You don't get it go back to your babies shows
Kirara π
only KIDS have blood or sex lol grow up
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>727114 your probably just scared lmao. Not me though I watch everything I've seen all the Saw movies all the Chuckie movies. Blood and voilence and stuff. I don't even give a fuck. I'm pretty much totally desensitized. i just watch it for fun lol.
i bet you've never even seen a porno
Goblin Slayer was pretty fun. The elements it plainly takes from D&D are really cool to see in visual animation. And some of Goblin Slayer's antics for slaying goblins were creative, like the pressurized water scroll cannon.
I liked the show too. I thought it was a fun watch. I just also think it's amusing that they're producing these darker shows to deliberately appeal to a certain kind of audience and people lap that shit up.
Goblin Slayer's been a pretty popular novel series for a while now though.
>>727119 Devilman is a classic manga by a famous old mangaka that had long-standing fan interest in Japan long before it got this modern anime adaptation. Its director is also a pretty well-known person too so people are going to get into it just because of him.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
But look at how popular something like Attack on Titan is in the West and that other netflix one Devilman crybaby
Kirara π
>>727115 you watched all the saw movies? didn't your mom tell you not to??
>>727118 Yeah but then why would all these foreign investors be suddenly willing to back it in 2018 unless they knew exactly what would appeal to the Gaijin market.
I'm not saying that this kind of stuff isn't popular in Japan, or hasn't been around for a whiled *while. Because obviously it has.
But what has changed semi-recently is that they know how to pander this stuff to the West
iβve gotten more calls tonight in one hour than all of last night
>how bad can it be lol? ive already watched goblin slayer it doesn't get much worse than that!!
>>727124 animation production committees even care about how their piece will be received in the broader world than Japan. The only studio that consistently takes that into consideration is Studio TRIGGER. Watanabe, the director of Space Dandy, Cowboy Bebop, and more recently Carole & Tuesday probably also likes to be affiliated with productions that engage the international community as well but by and large most anime productions don't care how well they are received outside of Japan.
>>727129 I'm not going to believe they particularly care without cited evidence. The Japanese market is more than enough to make considerable revenue on the projects they invest in when it comes to anime. It's like how they don't really care too much about the international market for shows they develop for English audiences (specifically North America). Is it nice that a show can appeal to a broader international audience and bring in a larger viewership? Sure, but it's not necessary, especially considering most anime productions don't require as much funding as an equal number of episodes for a high-quality live-action production. Netflix knows all they need to do for an anime they get the international licensing for is slap subs on and people will watch it, which is a ridiculously miniscule amount of work compared to the wider anime project, so naturally they're going to care more about what brings in Japanese viewers.
But they still choose to fund certain projects and it seems self-evident that projects than an international investor would choose to produce are ones that would also have a global appeal outside of Japan.
And the shows that get produced have certain characteristics namely, sex , violence or a more "mature" kind of feel.
Here''s an article where the anime guy at Netflix talks about how devilman would have been only possible to do on netflix https://www.japantimes.co.jp/culture/2018/02/25/general/netflix-animated-anime/
So absolutely they care about the global appeal of certain shows and for shows to have global appeal it seems they have to be Dark.
>Only possible to do on Netflix. Please that's just corporate "we're the best" wanking. There's been far more fringe shows created and adapted on other platforms. Nothing about Netflix particularly engenders them to be the ones that could have only created it.
Yeah I was going to bring that up too. Oh that snipped poorly how annoying.
But Hisone to Masotan is a very cutesy, heartfelt story about girls that get eaten by dragons to be pilots. Forest of Piano is a very bland romance series. Violet Evergarden you could maybe say is dark or edgy but I'd strongly, strongly disagree that a tone like that is the broader series feel. Carole & Tuesday is definitely not dark or grimdark in the slightest.
Of the series I'm familiar with on this list the only ones that I'd say are grimdark or edgy would be Ajin, Children of the Whales, and maybe Kakegurui? Even that doesn't sound right though that show is just kind of fringe weird more than anything.
there was tbat seven sins thing which seemed shonen from how little i saw of it while someone else watched it
Fuck all my Fate girls died because I was too busy trying to convince people on the internet I was right to pay attention to the battle.
>>727135 Nanatsu no Taizai is definitely more of an adventure/battle shounen than anything. It's not really something I'd consider grimdork.
>>727137 yeah i was just saying it seemed shonen and not dark
its the only anime i have immediate exposure to that i knew was netflix
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>727134 so do you dispute that Gaijins like things with a darker spin on them more than the Japanese audiences? or just that Japanese studios don't care one way or the other
what japan loves that stuff
>>727140 What Moon says. The international audience and Japan both have people that love that dark and grim stuff. Honestly there's far more grimdirk stuff adapted by productions NOT funded by companies like Netflix than shows that Netflix has put money into. If Netflix is sponsoring a dark project like Ajin or Children of the Whales it's not because it appeals to the international audience (I don't even think there's any international name recognition on Children of the Whales even after their did that), it's because these series are popular or are predicted popular in Japan and any international interest is just a bonus.
Then why is everyone around my blowing their load over Attack on Titan
checkmate atheists.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>727143 Because it's a vicious fighting series with some silly plot mysteries and a lot of "I'm gonna beat the bullies that bullied me" stuff. Also it's popular with kids around you maybe but you're not taking into account that it's also filthy popular in Japan as well.
Also this isn't even relevant to the Netflix discussion because Netflix isn't affiliated with the production of the anime. Like maybe they have the show on their service I don't know but that would be because they bought the international license for it afterwards.
Kirara π
>>727143 attack on titan isn't really grimdark or even dark
And there's always going to be some shounen series that is fanatically popular because popularity once sufficiently large becomes a gravitational well for more popularity. These shounen action series are plainly accessible for anyone and pretty much anyone could find a facet of it they like. It's less a testament to people anywhere in the world having a particular liking for grimdark or violent stuff and more these broad-appeal shounen series include that kind of thing plus so much more so there's always something somebody will probably like.
Kirara π
if people just wanted grimdark and dark stuff akame ga kill would have been incredibly popular in the west but nobody has ever heard of it
mahou shoujo no site was great you can tell it's incredibly deep because they cried blood that's too deep for most people to understand
O' *I have had people before, that I'm way into anime and I tell them nah man you don't even know. There are people out there I know on the internet who are so much more into it than I am. makes me look casual.
Hah hah hah There are depths here that most people never even come close to plumbing! I've made peace with this being a cultural sphere I've dived far too deep into though.
>>727163 ay' I don't broadcast that shit either. I'm actually thinking of a specific interaction with a kid at work who was talking to me about Full Metal Alchemist or something. And he asked me if I watched anime and I said yeah, a bit. And he asked how much and i told him I watch one or two episodes a day and I've probably seen a couple of hundred series. and he was staggered by that.
I've had some online friends who know I've watched a lot of stuff ask for recs or my thoughts on things and those discussions usually give them an idea of how deep my rabbit hole goes. At which there's usually an incredulous remark or something. But most people don't know I watch a lot of stuff, or know I watch stuff at all. It's not really something that comes up in casual conversation.
Though I also have the benefit of not knowing a lot of people that would potentially discover that.
>>727167 Between work and school an' stuff I don't actually get a whole lot of free time. Sometimes at the end of the day I'll just unwind by reading or listening to music or something
I do like international travel though, and I try to do that whenever I get a chance. But sometimes it there can be long periods where that's not possible to do.
But I'm not that interesting, haha let's talk about you. What do you like to do in your time off?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Fuckin' Nailed it. Crisis averted. They don't know about the Chinese cartoons.
Kirara π
>>727173 what do you like to read? i like to watch tv in my time off. have you heard of game of thrones? it's really original and cool it has dragons!
>>727172 oh i love elder scrolls skyram in play station vee arr
ive never played the vr version but yeah ive sunk a lot of time into skyrim. might not be the best game ever but it s very easy to have a good time in.
>>727167 I tell them I watch stuff, read books, and play games. Some times I'll throw creative writing in there if I've been doing it recently. People don't ever really press further than that.
Kirara π
>>727176 you should come over some time and try out the vee arr! just be careful not to take an arrow to the knee! π€ͺ
>>727178 Very, very rarely. I can't even remember the last time I got asked about what things I watch. I I'm happy to talk about anime with people providing the topic ends up naturally there since that's usually a decent indicator of people being open to talking about it. But I'm also happy to not talk about it with people I'm acquainted with. Plus I think reading is generally seen as a more rare and curiousity-inducing hobby and if it gets mentioned people tend to ask into it more than stuff I watch. Which is easy to just talk about fantasy novels or other fiction I read occasionally. And gaming is cool so that gets more interest too.
Honestly it's kind of weird I always expect I'm gonna have to figure out a good answer for things I watch but it never really comes up.
Kirara π
>>727181 haha is that that hent eye thing? I saw something about that on the news
Smells like a skunk skunked right under my bedroom window. It's bad enough that the smell is giving me a bit of a headache.
i made way too much hot chocolate i got some gourmet chocolate truffle hot chocolate and made a gigantic glass i'll never finish it!
I haven't had hot chocolate for quite a while. Was checking to see if we had some cocoa powder like maybe a month back but we were out. Maybe I should see if some's on sale next time I'm in a shop.
>>727196 look up sillycow on amazon they come in fancy glass bottles
im sure there's cheaper stuff that's OK but if im gonna bother with hot chocolate i want to feel special about it
I like making hot chocolate from pseudo-scratch. Cocoa powder and sugar, add hot milk. It's pretty straightforward and I feel silly buying hot chocolate powder now instead of just doing that.
Sillycow is also like sixty dollars Canadian because it probably doesn't get sold up here so exporters are all "Get fucked we get to jack the price up all we want".
holy carp yeah it was 9 dollars per bottle, which a bottle makes plenty but i got a sampler pack of four different flavors for 28 dollars so that was reasonable i think i couldn't go through that in four months i dont think
Yeah I saw the nine dollar price on the American website. I could probably order it from them anyway and only pay like fifteen dollars for shipping fees. But still I can get a can of cocoa powder for like five bucks from the store and that'll be good for dozens and dozens of mugs of hot chocolate.
yeah it's not particularly expensive for how good it is and how long it lasts, i'd say, since you dont really have it every day
im having a virtual reality sleepover with my LGBT friends they're such dorks it's great we played pictionary and had story time and watched bedtime story videos on the integrated youtube it's pretty pathetically wholesome
i realized a way that i can direct port anime to a world without having it uploaded through youtube though i'd have to make the world myself in order to set it up, which i can do i wonder how the experience of watching together in VR would work
Is it only YouTube that's integrated or can it pick up video players from other websites? There's still a few active streaming anime sites that you can watch anime from without having to have the file on your computer.
Though if porting anime is straightforward enough I guess at that point it's probably not that much less work.
i know it does twitch livestream but just like twitch and youtube, and it can have pre-loaded assets but that's not feasible to have a selection of stuff preloaded every time a person enters the world
i mean like having a room with a poster up for each of the currently-running shows (this is what gave me the idea) and you can click on a poster and click on the episode number and an XDCC prompt will get sent out to the corresponding bot and port it into the video functionality it's basically just improving the user interface of it all for a streamlined experience, but i wonder if watching anime in VR is worth the effort
i certainly enjoy being able to sit around a room and talk with people in a social environment it syncs up and stuff for everybody too
talking over a show is pretty triggering to me though so i don't think i'd want to unless i was showing stuff to other friends maybe
I did a PC reset and Windows update and now the audio in a game I've been playing is different. Kind of both sharper and feels louder, even though I don't think it's actually increased in volume. But it makes it a bit grating on the ears. It's not a PC-wide change and other games don't seem to have the changeover so I'm a little confused by it.
hello /moe/ how are you?
Hey ho Roc. I'm all right, kind of the usual, been better, been worse. Enjoying the summer weather.
How's things been for you?
takin ot I easy as usual lookin into starting n EMT cert or maybe staring nursing as you can tell from my posting speed im p fucked up rn
hey rook EMT is a super stressful job but it can be great if that drives you a lot of my firefighter unit were EMT or paramedic in civilian world
lots of trauma and stuff
I'd like to be a gire EMT fr bit
And if you use it to drive the ambulance, hoh hoh hoh. I know two guys that made their living for a while doing it. Seems like it can be unnerving work some times but if you're a hardy person it's probably manageable. Plus it probably pays decent. And
hello rook
hiya ton how's the gacha hell?
>>727214 less dreadful than working for Mazaaon I bet.
y ah, Amazon n van can suck it i stepped down from my position because they kept pretty mising asalaried position fr m // from for me and nwver even gibing an interview had to fight HR for weeks to get vackpqy //backpay for all the extra work and did
more importantly how have yu flks been?
that sucks amazon is turning into a monster
>>727219 eh im getting by can't get healthcare as usual same old same old
I've been trudging through school, though less so recently because summer. Really need to find some work but it's just hard to get motivated. Having money would be nice, but when I think of all the reaching out to job applications and anxiety of communication involved with being in school and part time work it just gets me frozen up. I'm not good at just jumping into things and that's something kind of needed for applying to jobs. Things aren't so bad for me beyond that at least though.
it's really bd bad
>>727216 pretty good i got lucky on free rolls and am grinding things
naisu how are yu hndling tis
// this pokemin scandal
There's a Pokemon scandal? Or are you talking about them cutting some Pokemon from the upcoming game.
national dex crisis upsets me but i cant just stay mad i want to enjoy pokemon and hope it doesnt cause a trend
yeah that and the terroble animat
The visuals in general are pretty terrible! There's been some visual comparisons of Sword/Shield and Breath of the Wild and BotW just blows the new Pokemon games out of the water.
>>727227 βwe needed to save space for animationsβ
>>727229 >>727229 >>727229 for real tge only reaso we gt ahit framerates in sun/moon was so they coyld port over te models
i ahd more thoughts but not te energy to type them
The models in Sun/Moon are supposed to be future-proofed too, good enough to just put into future games on better devices (like the Switch) without any major updating. Yet they make claims of not having the time or resources to put all the old Pokemon into the new game. There's just a lot of doubletalk and maybe even lies it feels Game Freak has been giving for why they don't want to put all the older Pokemon in.
If they don't actually want to put all the Pokemon in because they actually feel it's better for balance or because they don't want to engage in all the work required, I'd still be annoyed but fine. All these vague reasonings they've been giving and the general "Yeah we hear you but sorry we're not doing anything" attitude they've been giving has soured me a fair bit.
At this point I'm more excited for Animal Crossing in early 2020 than I am the new Pokemon games.
hamf o. gotta year
teae up yhe flopr
game of the year i think i make that mistake a lot it's fine
Yeah. I'm sure it just looks a little more wild because typing on a phone is hard when you've up to stuff but make sure you're not being -too- wild.
It's good to hear from you. I've seen you pop in late at night on occasion and not have anyone really around to say hi back. So it's nice to catch you this time!
tear upthe floor is what i meant
floor of the year
ok the molly really hottomg now adios i lpve ypu/moe/
love you too rook bye bye
Love you too Roc. Tell Molly I say hi she seems like a great girl.
wow dude your phone got more fucked up than you for shame
yeah what a little bitch this phone is buying a new one right now fiscal irresponsibility
Kirara π
what kind
the galaxy 69
pixel 3a I like the pixel 2 a lot so fuck it
also I accidentally spilled water on this girl and she turned around, took ice from my cup, and put it down my pants I've never had more respect for someone before
good for you man I hadn't done anything but smoke weed somtimes in months too I figured a year break on molly was long enough, and as much fun as it is I problaby won't go back to it for a long time
speaking of I'm boutta toke up to help with this comedown where the marsh go >>727248 hey fucker it's mornign over there or something right?
hell yeah since i started meditating and doing zen i feel so healthy that i haven't felt like drugs would do anything for me except alcohol i still get cravings but i haven't had any
>>727267 yeah, I saw some of that the couple times I've peeked into /moe/ it seems like it's helped you a lot, I'm glad it's working well for you I saw you reccommend beginner mind and I bought it a while back but I still havne't ready it
>>727269 that's a great book im doin a five day meditation retreat this month come sit in silence with me for five days it'll be fun
>>727257 Aw shit the 3A looks nice. I've been thinking I need a new phone but I'm pretty poor. But once I've got money I'm definitely thinking of getting one. I don't need a super high-tech phone and the 3A is cheap and does what I need it to.
>>727273 I'd love to but I got no time off plus I'm doing a lot of overtime these days to save a little extra planning on going to slchool in a month and I might have to bump down to part time so I want to get a cushion before that happens >>727274 yeah i'm glad they put out a cheaper model the 2 was great but it cost me like 600 before trade ins this one seems more affordable and barely a downgrade from the 3
you can come meditation retreat later let's enter samadhi together
I'm going to take an EMT course, hopefully get some fire training, and work as an EMT with firefighters at least for a while, I'll do it for a year or so and then probably go back to school for nursing I just want to get a steady job that is explicitely not amazon
Emilia Mega Tenshi!
Kirara π
>>727277 that is fuckin cool i remember you talking about that like five years ago jan is gonna go get his electrician certs and stuff
yeah, they took it off the tuition program back in chattanooga before I could start it now I get another chance >>727279 yeah he mentioned that I think he can go far with it even though he might not think so
Kirara π
>>727280 the three of us together will cover all the important parts of a human the mind the body and electricity
>>727281 the necessary elements for human survival
honestly though I want to work as a fire EMT because maybe somehwere in all the tragic fires I'll catch a glimpse of what my mom went through before she passed I want to face it head on, even if I end up unable to stomach it
and of course I want to save people and be a hero or whatever
tell me your honest and true feelings (rage) about all this sword n shield nonsense
>>727304 im tired of being angry about it but it does make me really upset im looking forward to it but i hope they dont continue in the direction of making bad decisions and having bad excuses
I was a bit ambivalent about the pokemon limitations at first since I ususally play with a full team of new mons anyway, but after letting it stew it really is fucking ridiculout ridicoulous you get it pokemon is the most money printing franchise on the planet ever I see other games with rosters just as big pushing hard to have everything hell the FIRST thing capcom said after world came out was pretty much "hey we know the roster is tiny, we're busting our asses to get as much in a soon as possible"
Kirara π
ton is firmly in "will get mad, will say yes" territory on this one
>>727307 I was there, now I'm in will get mad will say no
honestly i wish my switch was old enough to be homebrew so i could pirate sword/shield and be able to have my cake and eat it too
>>727308 hmmmm mmmmm >>727311 same honestly I've really grown out of the just pirate it mentallity compared to my younger self, but I don't like it one bit
Kirara π
>>727310 im in won't get mad, might say yes im not very passionate about pokeman other than mimikyu
I keep trying to check my phone like I can see anything
>>727313 I'm not very passionate either but gamefreak has gotten to sit on their asses and honeslty push out kinda subpar games for the last few years while the most popular franchise of all time makes them right and then they don't hire enough people to make the full game or even to make good animations WHICH BY THE WAY the shit modesl from sun and moon where shit and had bad framerates specifically so gamefreak could port the higher res models to switch and now they say they had to start modesl from scratch but they're all the 3DS models? >>727316 one of my roomate's cats, sasha, will aways jump on my sink after I take a shower is one of the few times she loves being pet so I take advantage of it but the reality of that is I end up standing in my bathroom naked for 30 minutes petting a cat and asking her "who's a sasha?" ove r and over
Kirara π
my cat likes to sit on my chest and chew on my phone while i try to post on moe
lazarus wants to be pet 24/7 and can't stand to not be in the same room as me recently he started trying to drink my bath water i'm worried he might be becoming a gamer
he's gonna rise up soon and yell and minorities laz looks like a cool cat to have, very chill my roomates two are polar opposites sasha is a cold hard bitch with a heart of gold that she'll only show you once she likes you and cole is a baby back bitch that will run away from everything unless you start petting him and then he can't get enough it's funny watching him go from sudden stress to constant purring but I wish he wouldn't stress so much he's my good buddy
I'd love to maybe around/after christmas? I have a bit of time off now but I'm planning on going to dragoncon with some friends back in chattanooga so I'll likely use all my time there I should have enough by the end of the year to plan another trip though
or you could bring laz out here he can be your emotional support animal on the plane
>>727323 >>727324 wow lazarus plane trip he gets stressed out in the car though sometimes i take him into the car but he flips the fuck out when it gets turned on
let's have a big meetup at my house we'll do florida winter things like go to the beach and play with my cat
we gotta do florida winter and then like toronto or montreal summer the weakest season in their respective location though I know it gets really hot in Canada still
>>727325 also how's your work going? last I remember you were kind of starting somewhere new, or at least you started chaning // changing a lot of things at your workplace
>>727327 yeah i work at a place that does intensive outpatient program (9 hours of therapy per client per week) and partial hospitalization program (25-40 hours a week) now i love it there it's so fun im super busy, though i run 4 groups every week, minimum i come up with all the group curriculums for my stuff too i also have 4 individual clients right now, and i do all the psych assessment we have a special veterans IOP/PHP and they all love me too it's good work even though i don't get paid since it's "practicum"
oh, so you don't get any reimbursement at all? I guess as long as you can support yourself it's fine though, I'm glad you're turning your degree into what you want it to be You've always been driving towards this it's nice to see it actually happening you've grown a lot my man
i get paid in experience even though everyone says i'm already as competent as licensed clinicians
i'm probably going to get a paid job here later though after my internship i wanna come back and work here they pay really well too you know it's gotta be a good gig if im willing to stay in Florida for it lol
thanks! a lot has happened in the past few years i feel like ive grown a lot
>>727341 hahaha yeah i love gate guard give that guy a medal
dishes washed. kitchen cleaned. no one's awake. perfect. Fire Emblem and with no reason for anyone to bother me for the day
Kirara π
end that war
Kirara π
I noticed immediately that Edgelord's route starts off like "there is blood on my hands and i will kill whoever i have to to complete my goals" Dimitri's route starts off like "haha! we're all great friends, here at the academy. i love gardening and hanging out. everyone i love is dead but im doin good" it's a big difference
>>727345 i'm doing the bernedetta/petra paralogue and I am livid.
>you can either get to this location... or you can rout the enemy >might as well get all the exp I can so let's rout the enemy >2 units left Hubert out of nowhere with another 15 units from the corners >change of plans: You HAVE to rout the enemy >oh, and protect that one location you could have won at