Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. DanMachi Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru Enen no Shouboutai --Episode 2-3 Fruits Basket --Episode 15-17 Isekai Cheat Magician Kanata no Astra Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e --Episode 3-5 Kochoki - Wakaki Nobunaga --Episode 2-4 Lord El-Melloi II Maou-sama, Retry! Tejina-senpai --Episode 4-5 To aru Kagaku no Accelerator
Hestia's probably enjoying getting to toy Apollo around. He's such a petty brat of a man. Pretty suitable for a Greek god honestly.
Even the other gods agree he's petty!
I guess she did never officially leave her familia when she got picked up by Bell and Hestia. At least that makes the Hestia familia two in number now.
And three and four, by the looks of it. It's nice to see their familia growing.
I didn't realize it until it was pointed out to me but all the planets they arrive on are anagrams of their unique aspect. Shummoor = Mushroom I don't remember what the previous one was called.
the idea that all these people are gonna gather around to comfort someone and say nice things about them is the least realistic part of the show
Hah hah they're all upset about leaving the goofy creatures behind.
>>726030 I think sometimes it feels pretty organic to just chain praise someone that's having a hard time. Especially how they feel all isolated and that probably makes them eevn more reliant to lean on each other.
>>726032 I like that she's gotten her hair out of her bangs but I'm kind of whatever about the rest of it. Er hair/bangs out of her eyes.
All these other parents are way too content to just go "Yeah my kid's dead RIP them". Aries' mother is the only one that feels like she's being parent-y.
I like scheming protagonists. I think there's a few other popular isekai series that have scheme-y protagonists too. Maybe they'll get anime soon enough.
That kind of face that fits the conversation about Jason, hah hah.
Kyo and Yuki are such doofs. Though I guess that's what happens when you're a Souma.
Shigure is an A-class schemer though.
oh that soud eek that spooked me
>trips over nothing and barely falls OH NO ARE YOU OKAY if he had said no it'd look pretty embarrassing
Oh no
We haven't seen them as animals recently.
Hah hah hah that pose Yuki is striking as a rat is really funny.
They're going to be both poofing back to naked before long now. Right in front of her.
yep poor tohru
i really like seeing new outfits each episode
Yeah the hairstyle and outfit changeup in this series is great.
Hah hah Ayaka. My friend in high school who was also a big Fruits Basket fan hates these kinds of kind of flamboyant, slightly wormy characters. So she was real distressed when she discovered he was her animal sign.