Thread #725105
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Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Arifureta Shokuyou de Sekai Saikyou --Episode 3-4 Bem Cop Craft DanMachi Enen no Shouboutai --Episode 2-3 Fruits Basket --Episode 14-17 HenSuki Joshikousei no Mudazukai Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e --Episode 3-5 Kochoki - Wakaki Nobunaga --Episode 2-4 Lord El-Melloi II Tejina-senpai To aru Kagaku no Accelerator
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i pinked moon, hopefully he will show
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araburu arifureta cop craft hensuki joshi araburu is the okada one right
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araburu is this one yeah
Oh whoops I never entered this weekend's Kimetsu no Yaiba into the list, sorry. That probably shakes things up a bit doesn't it.
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i got your ping quick yeah if you want to watch araburu that's fine too though i have space stuff okay! kimetsu is good
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oh good images are back it booted me yeah especially since moon showed quicker than i anticipated let's sub kimetsu in first kimetsu oh hey whoa-kun kimetsu is good>>725113 nope i want to watch kimetsu! okay lets start!
whoops i like the basket imouto shes really cute
Okay. I had accidentally never actually downloaded it, that's why I hadn't put it on my list. That's all remedied now.
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there she be
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>>725118 yarr there she be she must have nice abs
Nezuko is a good girl that just wants to protect her family.
Hah hah hah oh no. What a terrifying creature.
It's like that dollhead thing out of the original Toy Story.
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He's having a fairly mundane issue compared to everyone else okay less mundane now
I wonder if this is how things are always going to be. This doofusfsdfdsd fsadf Gosh I really don't like big hairy spiders. But I wonder if Zenitsu is always going to end up fighting when no one else is around. Never proving to people how strong he actually is.
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haha it's so horrifying they're really taking the extra step to make it extra creepy
Oh gosh no he's even poisoned.
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Him passing out is the last thing that the spider demon wants to happen.
Hah hah hah. He's such an endearing coward. I love this loser.
I guess his hair turned yellow when he went full LIGHTNING MAN.
Oh I didn't expect him to LITERALLY become LIGHTNING MAN.
Hopefully he's got more than that one stance. Oh maybe not. Well it's an attack like lightning so he just needs to use it once.
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he's just a little bit cool like this just a little bit
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He's definitely going to settle it in one flash. slash
WOW that was mean
Oh man he's eyes open now.
That was so good wow. Hah hah hah he just lands with a THUD on the house.
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haha that birb
It's such a good bird.
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I was wondering killing the spider might not stop the posion i guess that's true it doesn't
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it's venom, not poison! maybe it's just the paralyzing kind and he'll be fine as long as the spider isn't there to do stuff
Oh no.
oh that otousan
Tough enough that even Tanjirou's blade can't cut clean through his arm. Man that was a pretty intense episode.
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Wow what a place to leave off.
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arifureta play okay lets start!
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epiode three here right? ready!
Yeah, episode three.
Oh well that's unpleasant. Is he going to try and eat that too.
Man what the hell maybe there's some things you should NOT eat?
only one way to find out
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Eating is a good way to power up
Wow is she a vampire.
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I guess that's the significance behind her red eyes.
Maybe also why she was locked up in a prison for centuries. Vampires are dangerous creatures.
Everyone else in his class have skills that work well with standard fantasy weapons and here he is using guns and modern weaponry.
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i wonder if the monsters are tasty
I think they were pretty unpleasant for eating at first. But that was before he could cook them. Maybe they're better cooked.
>A lot about me has changed >Hair has gone completely white >Eyes have changed to red >Doesn't even talk like he used to I think he's understating how much has changed.
Hah hah why do these giant velociraptors have flowers on their heads.
Geez girl he's only got so much blood in his body.
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He's a demon or something now so he probably doesn't need a lot of blood
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It's a pretty goofy face. Oh no he got SPORE'd too.
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he's too edgy for flowers
Hah hah hah He's such a smartass.
hahaha i like him
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he was so excited about it haha
Oh nevermind he's just tactless. How cute.
Well I figured this was going to happen eventually.
I thought he was trying to get out of this labyrinth. I don't think going down is going to produce that result.
wnq snazzy music
Yeah. The OP's pretty snazzy too.
Is he going to find another loli behind that big door.
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Yeah it's about time for him to recruit another harem member.
Well he's already got a second one in that girl that was sweet on him in his classmates.
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maybe one that's less allergic to clothes clothes are pretty i dunno why she's got such a problem with them
She's probably an elite vampire that never learned how to make her own clothes and I guess he's been too lazy to bother making her smoe. So she's stuck with the bear fur toga.
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cop craft ok lets start!
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this has quickly become one of my more liked shows this season this girl is really good the guy is pretty good too
It's pretty good, yeah. This author consistently puts out solid series.
what other notable stuff did this author do
Full Metal Panic and Amagi Brilliant Park are probably the ones he's also most notable for.
ohhhh that's whoo okay yeah
Oh man ow that probably stings a bunch.
Okay good they disarmed him.
Aw, that's really sweet. And also sad.
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I like shows that put characters in different outfits.
agreed some sorrowful music there oh hi
It's always a little sad when life returns to normal. But I guess it didn't stay normal for long.
that's a cute look
Hah hah. I guess she still needs to learn to not cut people up unnecessarily.
what haha this guy
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Oh that was a good scene transition. I thought we might get a bit of an epilogue episode but it looks like we're going straight into the next plot arc/
>Asking a corpse examiner to give you the time of death on a mummy who knows however long.
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i want to be a doctor for dead people they're a lot easier to take care of than live people and complain less they don't sue you either!
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>>725204 I bet she can do it.
Ah oh no. She still needs to learn a lot of how a proper detective should act. Though I guess Kei isn't exactly a good role model hah hah.
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this is our second autopsy this week!
Dead people are everywhere I guess.
I wonder if there'll ever be an arc where Kei goes over to the isekai world. Wow she resuscicated fast.
i think it's funny when they artificially animate camera shake haha
I really like seeing dynamic camera motion in anime. There's been some really excellent examples of it in recent years too.
yeah i think it's great i love when they do it right with parallax too sometimes they just pseudoshake by moving the scene around and it looks cheesy though haha
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okay hensuki okay lets start
ready why is hensuki 650Mb when joshi is 150
HorribleSubs does really lazy encodes of anime. They're not about efficiency, they focus on being fast.>>725221 Yeah but a lazy encode isn't always larger. But when you get a show like this that might have a wide or constantly varying colour palette, a lazy encode really bloats up the filesize. Or something. My knowledge of encodes is pretty weak honestly.
they're all horriblesubs though
I'm pretty whatever about these kind of chou-normal MCs but I do like it when they give fast retorts like his one.
tomoya set a pretty strong standard for that archetype i think quick-witted and playing situational pranks make for good VN material forimmersion
Hah hah wow. She's a lot of more genki hanging out with these two than she usually is.
She's being way too ambiguous about what she wants. You've got to be clear cut when you want your two guy friends to make out!
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This is a pretty good show, I like it.
There hasn't really been a memorable normal-y harem romcom recently. They're all kind of far-out weird. This one is pleasantly normal. Like the one about the team of creatives making a VN with a boring heroine.
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the art is really interesting it makes it feel a lot more like a VN with the illustrations
Oh I guess Bunny Girl had the trappings of a harem romcom but it was pretty obviously just a straight romance from the end of the first arc.
You've got to beeeeeeee careful when someone asks if you can do anything.
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did her fujo glasses pop on out of nowhere haha she didnt have them at oh okay they even explain it
Shouta keiki!
Hah hah she's a rival in the competition for his heart in a way.
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she's really committed
Oh the mystery photographer is just going to blackmail him with it instead of exposing him. How exciting.
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that episode was a good bit better than the rest so far it's bringing a lot better dynamics into it it was a little stale with just the two bdsm girls
Just need to reveal how much of a degenerate his imouto is now and we'll have rounded out the full cast. Though the OP hints at even more characters too.
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Probably next ep! joshi okay lets start!
This is a good absurdist comedy. A bit like oh I can't remember it's name anymore but that one about the three girls that got up to weird antics from a few seaons back. Though that one was an intense experience.
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joshi!>>725238 do you think his sister is the one lurking around and stalking him from the lockers i dont think so there's a voyeurist in the show though so there's probably an exhibitionist too it feels like that might be it
Considering the parallels of Uh okay. Considering the parallels of the sadist and the masochist, yeah, I can see the fujoshi being paralleled with his imouto. But maybe she's watching him from the lockers while naked or something. That's a pretty exhibitionist thing to do. So is walking around school no-pan so it's a reasonable candidate for his Cinderella too.
>And I thought it unreasonable to go to school both in reality and my dreams Man I wish that was true.
haha why are they just yelling pizza what's wrong with them
Well Baka's gonna baka Hah hah is she going to try and impersonate Baka to get along with Robo. That sounds like a bad idea.
hahaha what the f girl
Oh what the hell.
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I don't like her haircut.
Would a crew cut be an improvement though/
they're trying to figure out one good thing about her haha
There really isn't one.
And now she's a thief too. I bet her stalker notebook is in that pile too.
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oh that would be scary
Ah yup there it goes. Good thing Baka is probably too stupid and too egotistical to realize what it is.
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she probably didn't even notice she just copied them regardless
Wow that's a really mean thing to say about someone. Shoelaces aren't that grand of a thing.
Hah hah I kind of feel this girl. Can't help but be a way too serious person and gets all anxious about talking casually.
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i feel like // yeah i feel like i know this girl really well
Hah hah oh no.
I feel bad for her mother a bit.
oh good i was waiting for this girl
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She seems like a bit of a misfortune beacon.
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are these two girls friends they make a nice fit together
Wow she's kind of princely.
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i like those two haha this is a fun show
Yeah it's really goofy and fun.
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i did a lot of the stuff majime is doing doing really stupid and goofy things to play off awkward situations i mistakenly convinced a few people i was cool even haha those fools
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okay im going back to studyin the ice giants thanks for pulling me in i had a good time good night yall
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that was a good ep thanks for anime!
Yup yup, thanks for anime.
anime is for fucking NERDS i think i'm gonna re-watch madoka next week anyone wanna join? i was thinking i'd do the movies on two seperate nights
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was this still on the cards, bang?