welp, guess indeed experts are right it becomes a lot more comfier in terms of backpain when you do some working out + stretches also why the fuck is this not healing
>>724194 I can sit full lotus, but I usually sit half lotus. There's no requirement to sit lotus, though. People also sit seiza, seiza with a stool, seiza with a cushion, upright in chairs, normal crossleg, or burmese.
>>724196 Yeah. The stools they have at the zendo for seiza are pretty cool, though. One of the guys there can sit using it for hours. Or course, we get up and stretch every 30 or so minutes, but he still can do it.
Most of the people at the zendo are like 60+. I'm the youngest person there by far, so most of them can't sit lotus anymore due to aging and injuries and stuff.
>>724200 Yeah, there are three chants that we do. The first in a vow // is a vow of atonement. Then we have one about the Tathagata 's teachings being a formless field of benefaction. Then we have the four great vows at the end. We do them all in English and say each one three times.
>>724219 Greeks were weird btw if you ever want something amusing and historical to listen to, go through dan carlin's King of Kings series is about Persian empire and that region damn amusing once it gets to the persian wars with the greeks that is
like the whole marathon seems like that "to you it was the most significnat thing when Darius graced your lands, to me it was tuesday" you rarely end up thinking about some ancient historical events from the "non-'us'/winning perspective"
>>724217 There are some folks who furiously deny thereβs anything gay about europa and gabriel and its kind of hilarious
>>724228 Even if there wasn't any actual fucking, you could definitely say there was bonding and hell, even if you take love love out of it, any master-student relationship most likely becomes a bondship like parent-child or siblings
Kirara π
>>724229 i thought feminism was about equality fuck off feminazis
what the fuck /moe/
>>724232 hitler was the first feminist he wanted to eliminate most men from earth
yeah you eat her back she's just a disfigured backless person now the whole crew is really mad at you
now tney can kill me the real goal
Kirara π
i dont think gran kills
gran has probably killed a person at some point
Kirara π
they should do an event where everything is presented like a funny goofy event but gran spends the entire time trying to cope with the fact that he just killed a man
Kirara π
actually they should do that for the season 2 anime another sky episode
Anyone remember a game called Haze? or something it had a fun premise, tho it ended up being a boring brown military shooter by like 1/4th into the campaign you had these "benevolent government enforcers" in high tech combat gear, who got juiced up with Haze combat drug, that actually also made them hallucinate their enemis looking lot worse, removing some gore and so on
that would be a fun premise for a series the game didn't really play with the haze at all, like once you got out of it, it was just "rebels good - government bad" and you didn't even need to use or get to use haze anymore >>724260 it was a bland game I never finished it and sold it back to some gamestore later, but the premise was interesting but once the haze part was out and it was just a "take down the ebil guvahment" it just turned boring as fuck, with as bland gameplay as any shooter of that era a
tried to kill halo ended up being fucking 20 millions times worse than it pathetic
yeah, it delved into the combat drug shit, like how soldiers hype themselves up on some opium shit and kill indiscriminately
It could have just been so much more like both sides using haze and both sides being shitty and who knows
also like giving you the option of using haze in every mission or not and if you use haze you are god of war, but if you don't it is damn much harder, but you never do anything fucked up like killin innocents or brutalizing people etc
but it really just became a "take down guvahment" so quickly I think say like 3 missions in, you got off haze and by 4 you were with the rebels 100% >>724260 So many games tried to do that, with resistance being sony's big thing that was a damn solid game for singleplayer, but it was never made with multiplayer in mind they tried the multiplayer angle in the sequel, but FOR SOME REASON they removed local play, local-coop and entire COOP CAMPAIGN out of it replacing it with some damn boring multiplayer coop story missions thatn obody cared or liked
if a game says it has a morality gauge you expect it but if it just suddenly blasts you with what you have done, without hinting at it yaeh then it has impact
Kirara π
yeah that's how you gotta do it i like the idea of tricking players or forcing them to do things they don't want to do like in bioshock 1 when you kill the guy after he tells you he's been controlling you you don't want to do it because you're like fuck you i wont do what you tell me but you have to because you're not in control even though you are
>>724271 I think a kind of system, where you can actually NOT do it, but it is really well hidden and whole game just has you do shitty things with "I was told to2
>>724271 and then after that "would you kindly overwrite the control system" and you just have to do it to progress the game
battlefront 2's campaign, the original one is kinda like that too there is a quite damn good piece of narration in one post mission screen all >none of us would have made it out without her help (talking about a jedi) >what we did to her, none of us could ever face her or something the jedi the clones, the blue twileek woman, shoot in the back
back then there was no CHIP or anything in the lore, just the clones doing their orders it made the Order 66 seem damn dark and overboding I totally recommend picking it up from steam and playing the campaign through, though the spacem issions on kbm are cancer
Kirara π
it's easy to fail in your attempt to do it too and if you do, god help you you'll be a meme forever like no russian
>>724275 yeah!! that was really good battlefront 2 is my favorite starwars game i had it on xbox 360 the space fights were so much fun why can't they make a good space fightan star wars game
The single player game is damn hard on hard, btw like you have some missions where you need to capture some point and you have 20 supply hell sometimesl ike 10 or 5 and your AI companions just waste those in an eyeblink, meaning YOu have to grab the objective with just one life
>>724281 3 looks hype >>724279 I'm not sure I ever played it on hard but overall that's one of the best star wars games hands down it's a game with almost no flaws I still can't believe the remake was so horrible when they had the perfect model already
>>724282 Well it was test grouped for a wider audience and had to modernised to appeal for modern games, who demand constantly for LIVE SERVICES and you know, no one wants to play single player games, they want games with community and community support and stuff to keep you invested in and spend money on
Kirara π
I think another big part of it is that Bf2 infrastructure can't be easily ported to new console infrastructure compared to how easy it is to use the existing infrastructure you have from your last FPS. So they just reuse everything and make a crappy cashgrab game instead of going all out.
>>724284 amusingly there is what 3 sw titles out of EA since they got the license, two of which are battlefront, with battlefront 2 basically being a 59,95 expansion set to the first one and something like 10 cancelled projects
I'm dreaming of you am I really having another delirious night
Apparently you can't raise women to be FISTS in the new fire emblem. Women can't have any of the fists classes so they can still use them but they can't ever get the bonuses and abilities to make them viable
I actually ended up getting the game yesterday since I had such an awful week and wanted to do something nice for myself. I thought I'd go with Red, but when I got to run around and meet the characters, I ended up with Blue. They're all so earnest and kind. They're a bunch of naive kids. Red and Yellow were full of kids that I don't trust. They had too many shady folks!
I raised my lance skill to recruit Leonie and I wanted to turn her into a
This is definitely a game you gotta play on Hard, though. I chose normal difficulty with classic deaths so it wasn't too hard but I still had to be super careful not to let people die.
But this is way too easy. Half my units take 0-2 damage from the enemies. Occasionally there's a few enemy units that can fuck shit up but most of the mooks are utter garbage. I don't really want to start over just to play on a harder difficulty, though.
If i have the option for it in fire emblems now ill probably take the non permadeath stuff because restarting is just annoying
>>724311 I want Petra too. Yellow is definitely filled with shady people. The leader primarily. But also, permanently depressed girl. There are too many mysteries to pass them up.
>>724316 Yeah, but Blue has Mercedes. And Mercedes is love.
>>724314 The harder difficulty definitely is difficult. Just about every archer is actually "Archer" class meaning they have that natural +1 range where they can't be attacked from. >>724321 it's really hard to aim for both Mercedes AND Bernadetta because they both want very opposite things. I don't know if I'll make it in time.
I spend my time on Mercedes but I haven't been getting the stats.
Dedue is really cool, too. I thought he'd be boring but he's really interesting. And I thought I'd hate Sylvain because he's a skirt chaser but he's actually a really thoughtful guy.
All of these characters are incredibly engaging and I'm really surprised since the last few main FE games had like 100 people in them and of those, only 15 were worth talking to.
yare yare da ze am i going to have to buy a game i wasnt going to buy but i gotta buy doujinshiiiiiiii
I knew Dedue would be cool. He looked reliable. >>724324 Sylvain is what Lorenz wishes he was.
Kirara π
dedue is a fucking impenetrable wall i will trust dedue forever with my life
NPCs are really racist towards him though they are talking shit nonstop i want to fight them for dedue's honor
Yeah, I kinda want to take Dedue but I don't think he can be recruited I should go check. There's usually one person in each team that can't. >>724329 yeah, that
Kirara π
it doesn't look like you can recruit a house leader's right hand man which is dedue for Blue
thereβs something to say about me anticipating the new nep and getting it and playing for like 30 minutes and not liking it and intentionally wanting to skip fe3h and then wanting it now thay all my friends are playing it
Also, Lysithea does not get much Str but I want her to so I can use swords on her normally. Or maybe I can just use this Soulblade thing all the time because it's great. As long as she gets that to A, it'd be alright. Even without Str.
Kirara π
if i actually manage to finish the game and play a second run ill do Red since i love edgelord
Kirara π
"if you stand in my way, i will cut you down until you have no blood left to bleed" edgelord, calm down. this is a practice match. you shouldn't talk to sensei like that anyway
Lorenz also really upsets me because his Personal ability gives him more damage when he has a battalion but he's got shit for Charisma. Like, CHA, the Battalion stat, is his shit stat
Anyway back to playing it. I woke up like 30 minutes ago. Seeing how I didn't sleep at all the night before. Can press the stream button if anyone feels like watching.
Kirara π
sensei is like "uhh" and she's just all "haha just trying to get you fired up sensei that's all"
Stream is on and for some reason I can't do the thing where it puts the chat on the screen so I'll figure that out later I'll just have a window for it. >65% chance to become monk let's do it >failed
>>724354 imagine taking some low quality cheese and melting it then you take your favorite cardboard box and you drizzle the cheese all over it you put some cheap pepperoni on top and warm the whole thing in the microwave that's little caesars
>>724374 Canadian pizza chain. Though I think they mostly just have places here in Toronto.
Kirara π
there's some merchant in FE3h that has one of those really exaggerated bad Japanese accents where they're like AR EE GAA TOO GO ZAI MASSSSS It makes me laugh every time
>>724378 have you accessed the Marketplace while on the battlefield?
hey fellow moes if a characterβs normal attire has visible underwear does that count as a rule violation
Kirara, do you oike the flaming lips? *like
Kirara π
>>724387 depends if they're show panties or not for example nero from fate is generally okay but a character from a porngame who is always in underwear wouldn't be
hey whats up not much cool >has left the conversation
same I got more fire emblem going if you want to watch I should get my ice cream out of the freezer.
heck yeah leave the ice cream in the freezer that's how it stays ice cream it's not going to be ice cream if you put it inside your warm body
Maybe Blue wants some thick cream in his belly.
it's not going to be cream at all it's going to melt very fast and the water is going to be sucked out and it's just going to be a pile of denatured proteins and a lipid puddle
https://www.twitch.tv/nilixblue/ there we go green tea aisu on deck
>>724430 yeah i might actually go for that we'll see work is super inconsistent though and i have higher tax obligations than normal now so im spooked to spend 200 on anything i dont have to
i should just enjoy all the games the free way, by watching others play
glad to have her on my team even if she can't be a fist class
She really should be. She wants to be just like Jeralt but she's got all the PUNCH vibes
i'd massage her fists any day
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
not digging the katsute kami datta first episode I hate when anime adaptations get rid of non linear plot elements and do them linearly it was supposed to be in media res
i'd say 90% of the stuff to do there is not gambling they have -VERY- affordable entertainment venues, a lot of natural environment to explore, and lots of casual hangout stuff because the locals to vegas don't really gamble and it's an entertainment city
>>724494 yeah me too i really wanted to go to a show like a traditional show like cats or something ive only gotten to go once to the fox theater in missouri to see phantom of the opera and it was a really amazing experience i feel like im missing out on a lot of great things
wtf is gay hell i aint gay
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>724500 there's a city called Hell that was named Gay Hell for a month
thats a dumb
im still like 10 chaptera away from michael raid quest thats 40 skips aiiiiiids
>>724501 makes you think did they really think it through since it was supposed to be pro-lgbt move, but if it is gay hell, is it like... conservative christians everywhere, going "sodomy bad, mmkay" or the exact opposite
>>724513 I guess it just falls to any outlet talking about it didn't really pay it much attention still a fun move to do
Kirara π
well it wasn't really news but yeah it was some silly fun
I just remember opening one linked article about it and beyond the initial "TITLE GAY HELL TOWN" whatever and then the hilighted text that explained that "guy paid money to do this" anything below that was just all political spin to it
Also it would most likely look damned soulless the early bleach characte designs, both in manga and anime just looked a lot more personal than what the series ended up looking like
is this girl talking to bees oh it's a boid
imagine a naruto reboot but with a plot
Kirara π
>>724524 well kubo wanted to end it earlier didn't he by the end it was probably a slog
didnt he want to end it back at soul society
imagine a sailor moon reboot with boys
Kirara π
i wish reboot would get a reboot though for real it was pretty good
imagine a sailor moon reboot but the only change is removing Pluto
>>724528 The series didn't quite get the momentum it was famous for in Japan until around Hueco Mundo. At which point the editors pushed hard for Kubo to start drawing out the series and making it run long-term because they were obsessed with the Big Three thing in Shounen Jump at the time.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
man pan I don't have SSR Sun or Sun at all equipped yet that damage can go higher
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>sun would also let me give double strike to the first two units of my team jesus
>Can't learn to ride horses unless proficient in Lances this is dumb
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh wait sun is only turn 1 after FLB
Kirara π
>>724537 yeah you can you can just skip intermediate to advanced or master if you have the seals
The advanced one needs Lance Thing is, if I ride a horse early, you can just passively gain horse points in combat. and then I wouldn't have to bother much with Lance past that point. but the people I want to have use Lance are at E
if he can't learn to ride a horse how is he going to learn to ride a seal cmon man think
it feels pretty contrived i don't see any reason why streaming functionality wouldn't be built directly into the device other than that the companies that make capture coulds wouldn't have any purpose anymore i feel like the only reason we have to buy capture cards is to enable companies who make capture cards
obviously professional streamers and stuff would still get them for higher quality content but making it mandatory for the casual user is unnecessary i think
altough I think the playstation has a functionality where it prevents you from streaming certain scenes in certain games err a thing that lets devs make certain scenes uunstreamable (through the ps4 builtin function) which is fucking lame
Kirara π
xbox does too it's usually enabled for scenes that are spoilery around when a game comes out and then they drop it later
didnt tales of zesteria have the entire game blocked or was that // oh wait it was persona haha p5 yeah they had the entire game blocked for a long time
>>724562 >>724563 I don't understand why its reasonable if streaming a game is allowed why disallow certain scenes from being streamed and also if the person uses a cpture card instead it completely bypasses it so its pointless
it's pointless in your mind just because you can't understand it doesn't mean it's pointless in the real world
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
then tell me what the point is
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
to try and enforce people to play the actual game instead of solely watching the game be played
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>724571 oh that makes a little sense but I dislike it
>it's unreasonable for devs to want to encourage people to experience their product firsthand
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>724573 it's only a point in your mind just because you can understand it doesn't mean it's a good point in the real world
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>724574 I'll recant my claim that its "unreasonable" but I will state that it is restricts the user's freedom to do they want with the game (ie streaming the whole thing) and I think those types of restrictions are bad
fucking devs and their *squints at hand* trying to sell me their product
>>724578 because it takes away a freedom that people have had since streaming became a thing the ability to stream an entire videogame playthrough
Kirara π
>>724579 doesn't streaming take away something devs had before streaming was a thing?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>724580 an expectation that people experience their games by playing them? no, because sitting next to someone playing a game and watching them playthrough it has been a thing since the first videogame existed
yeah because sitting next to just about anybody for a full playthrough sure is exciting
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>kumbhira capping WOT
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>724580 also the devs lose a certain amount of control once they release the product, just because they have a certain idea in mind about how people experience the game does not mean their expectations will come true
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>724581 there's a difference between sitting next to your buddy playing the game and having it be recorded and broadcast to upwards of thousands of people.
Kirara π
.>>724581 oh looks like ton is saying what i was gonna say
doing laundry by hand is kinda fun i dont have an effective way to dry stuff, though! i wish i had a drainable bin too so i could cycle the soapwater out as i bringe // bring the rinsewater in
if i had that and something to dry stuff with, i'd be really happy a spin dryer could work but i haven't found any that look sturdy. a clothes press would be really fun but they seem expensive then there's some kind of insulated chamber that you stand up and put clothes in but it seems to take up a lot of room
i could use a hanging rack for outside but i feel like doing that is going to get a lot of spores and allergens in my fabrics and that's not fun at all
right now im just wringing them out a lot then rolling them in a clothy blanket until i get a chance to take them up to the laundromat down the street and i'll use their dryers just so everything's not hanging out damp. it shouldn't take long at all so it'd be cheap enough to use the dryers compared to using the washers and a full dry cycle
>>724659 it'd be easier to list what isn't wrong with it. foremost, these people are miserable. they're mostly depressed, drunk, high, or all of the above, and it's annoying to try and become less like that myself when I'm surrounded by it every day. also, there's no room to advance. working in a gas station isn't a fucking career, it's a joke. The position I have after 5 years is the best I am ever going to get because the store owner isn't going to sell the fucking store to me while it's still making money. Usually people just save up and buy another location once they get to where I am but
There's no way I want to do this bullshit for my whole life. It's not even a good way to make money if you do own franchises. I'm waiting to hear back from where my Dad works as an electrician, I'd be doing more manual labor outside to start off, but they at least offer good life insurance and will pay for a 4-year one night a week class that I can get certified as a journeyman electrician through. Then after I get the qualifications I could either choose to continue working there as an actual electrician installing stadium lights and stuff for a good wage, or work as a contractor pretty much anywhere. I'd basically have no time to do much other than work 6/7 days a week, but there's a future in that job that could bring something more valuable to me. Plus I'd have sunday off. So I could finally go hunting with my dad and uncle again.
Plus if my boss texts me and wakes me up at 6 o clock in the fucking morning one more time I am going to have to get a cab to irving and stab him to fucking death.
>>724664 A skill trade like that could also be forwarded towards a hobby or other stuff, like going into home renovation or whatnot. Definitely more on-paper versatile than working a gas station. Seems like a good shot to me.
>>724666 well I already know basic enough shit like how to install cable to serve power outlets in homes and that. I've done that kind of thing a few times helping my dad when he was doing jobs for friends or freelancing. There's even some home out in Nocona, TX that I installed most of the electricity for when I was 15. It hasn't burned down yet to my knowledge!
>>724864 Can you really count performing your duty in a role of test subjects as an actual bonus, though? That's something you're rendering to them, not something you're gaining. >>724865 Funny video..
It's great how all the moms have ridiculously OP skills and the kids just have middling average powers. Totally intentional game design but still funny.
Porter's mom must be dead. She'd never abandon her mom otherwise. She's too pure and wholesome.
Man that would be a real mid-series hook to throw at the viewers. Have this goofy and fun series and then reveal it's a "You die in the game you die in real life" series.
In order to facilitate closeness between mother and child, it was necessary to put them in dangerous situations! It's the suspension bridge effect! >That's for sexual love!!! Teeheepero
>>724905 Though taking Wise as a model it seems like magic users have access to revivification magic so maybe it's not a big deal. Or maybe it's like D&D and there's specific rules for when reviving spells can be effective.
Wait, yeah, the way Wise talks about it, it sounds like you stay dead unless you get res'd. Does that mean you end up getting stored on some computer in the Diet somewhere or something? Haha
I'm pretty sure we're supposed to handwave all the weird isekai/trapped in a game elements in the series but yeah, who knows. This series kinda pretty unabashedly swims down the middle of the two genres quite happily.
Yeah we did Vinland and the last three episodes of Golden Wind last night. Normally we probably would have done Kimetsu but the occasion was different.
It's usually an ASAP watch though. I'm sure we'll get to it tomorrow...tonight? Tonight.
i hope they make part 6 part 6 is really good part 5 is not very good but i thought the anime made it a little better than it was in the manga the manga was so unbearable that i actually skipped chapters around the plane scene when trish realizes her stand part 6-8 are all amazing though
>>724914 I'm pretty sure they announced their intent to animate all the parts back when they started the JoJo project, and at that point Jojolion was still only like twenty or thirty chapters in, so at the least we should be set until the end of Steel Ball Run. Which I'm hoping they get to because SBR is so fucking good. It's the only JoJo part I've actually read in full hah hah. JoJo's still super popular so I'm sure they'll adapt Stone Ocean especially since Jotaro makes an appearance for it and Japan fucking loves Jotaro.
SBR is probably the second best Jojo part although 8 will probably rival part 4 when it's done I need to catch up on 8 though I haven't read it in a year because the updates are always so sporadic
skinny jotaro who gets a CD pulled out of his head!!
Stone Ocean Jotaro is more like Jobtaro.
I can't wait to see what Stairway To Heaven's altering of the Stone Ocean OP is going to be like. I love DIO's interruption and Kira's rewind. King Crimson's was pretty good too stylistically but it didn't produce the same effect.
Haha, did they even leave Florida in Stone Ocean? Most of it is in a Florida prison and the rest takes place around Orlando. Well, I guess it all does since the prison is in that area.
I wonder if Araki visited that prison or the area.
>Hey Editor-san I'm going to Disneyworld in Florida for research for my next JoJo manga
>>724924 I wouldn't have a clue I actually don't know all that much about Stone Ocean's fiddly bits. Just some of the characters and how it ends.
Only defunct ones, yeah. To get a tour of an active prison, you need background checks and you usually have to know someone that can get you in.
The prison I toured last year is the one around Orlando, where Stone Ocean would have been set.
I know it's probably been a while since you read Stone Ocean but did it seem like Araki got the prison accurately in the manga? He might've just visited a prison he could and used that visual as a basis for the interior at least.
I vaguely remember a scene of an open highway after they escape the prison that I think could be accurate to the area, but I dunno. Stone Ocean also takes place 20 years before I saw the prison, haha. So even if it were based on it, it might be hard to know since they've expanded.
Yeah, that's true. I know prisons are usually not exactly the most well-kept places but they might've renovated or refitted it in the time too. So even if parts of the prison in Stone Ocean remain they might not look the same these days anyway.
Not usually renovated (the ones in Florida still only have AC in 1-2 rooms in the entire prison) but they get expanded a lot. Oh, I guess they get new doors and stuff sometimes.
But yeah it's been so long that I can't remember if it's accurate. I didn't even realize it was the same prison until we were just talking about it, haha.
i'm gonna do it i'm gonna get Petra, Mercedes, Annie, and Dorothea. Ever forward.
Kirara π
you got good taste they're my picks for best too i gotta grab petra and dorothea
I also want to get Ferdinand or Sylvain but I don't think I'll be able to manage that.
anyway, I'm going to go to the bank and then take a nap. tbh, I should probably just sleep at the office because I feel like I'll crash completely and not wake up.
>Bernadetta is 1 point away from D Riding >fails cert exam ehhhh 65% chance pls
All the bastards in my school program who have been talking shit for two years or trying to get me kicked out can eat shit because I brought my performance up from a 2.3/5 to a 3.42/5 according to their stupid little evaluation thing. I scored higher than half the people in my program even though I was the bottom scorer for the past two years.
one of the things says i engage in "Herculean endeavors" lmao
Kirara π
"his incorporation of feedback is commendable and demonstrative of his mature character and professionalism as he strives to be better. He is definitely a step above the rest in this domain which makes it far easier to work with him." like, shit who is the professor that wants to fuck me this bad
Haha, it gets a little creepy, though. I know I'm cool, but you don't gotta froth at the mouth over me. Lately, everyone is praising me a lot. It's really weird.
I think the problem is that I'm just too secure in my own existence. Insults and praise mean almost nothing to me. I want to see more subtle manifestations of people's feelings towards me!
Maybe that's why your Zen meditation stuff is so important. It is only through internal introspection from within that you'll realize just how much of a faggot you really are.
maybe by letting go of the body you'll be able to connect with the Grand Unified Consciousnesses that connects the divine spark within all living beings. And that higher level of intelligence from a part of the mind beyond our understanding
>>725027 Yeah I really like it. The work is comfy and the pay is great. And I think I've been doing a pretty good job so hopefully even after my contract ends they put my name down somewhere to potentially work there again in the future.
Kirara π
my first job was at a library it was super comfy
>>725023 i have realized that I actually need to recruit some boys ;__;
>>725034 So far, my favorites are Mercedes and Flayn. Flayn is so innocent and naive. I'm going to turn her into a fantastic killer. For the boys, I like Dedue and Ashe.
>>725035 Oh, yeah. I don't really use Leonie, actually. Ingrid is way better. Leonie can't use fists classes, so what I wanted her for has kind of gone out the window.
I'm going to get Sylvain and hopefully Ferdinand. Sylvain is what Lorenz wishes he was. but that'll all happen after I get my girls I should get going. gotta catch a bus
>>725053 Yeah, I joined Blue. Dimitri is probably upset because he had to kill some family members during a rebellion or something. He's angsty about it but he rarely talks about it.
>>725055 >>725056 I hate Felix, tby tbh He's a dick and he's racist too
>>725057 he hates dedue and calls dedue a cur and a dog and shit like that blames dedue for the duscar rebellion
I was wondering why he called Claude "the boar prince".
Kirara π
felix hates Dimitri too their first support is just him calling Dimitri evil and malicious and a psychopath he calls dedue a boar too
Kirara π
Is Claude from Duscar?
We don't actually know Claude is the son of the Duke who runs the alliance but the original heir died and Claude wasn't even known to anyone before that happened. So some of them don't even believe he's legitimate.
Kirara π
Oh, interesting.
>>725030 tbh anything sounds better than kitchen work rn do you get to read in downtime or do they frow.n on it?
Dimitri and Edgelord are apparently childhood friends and step-siblings. Edgelord taught Dimitri to dance as a kid so Dimitri gave her a dagger as a sign of his affection.
>You taught me to dance so I'll teach you to KILL
Kirara π
hey that's racist! he gave it to her because his people view blades as symbols of choosing your own destiny or something
I'm doing the event to get my last needed damascus crystal now but yeah basically.
A couple of primarch raids I did today gave me earth halos so the bullying-me-by-giving-me-ones-I-don't-need has started especially since I got two at once one time
gyudon is so good I used some sesame oil for the first time. It turned out well.
Yeah, beef and rice is an excellent combination.
I used some sesame oil to fry some dumplings a couple weeks back because we were out of any other cooking oil and I was surprised to realize the scent of the oil was a component of East Asia cuisine that I was familiar with but had never figured out how to add it. I'm gonna have to use it more often when I'm making fried rice or other food like that.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>725077 fuck why is the doctor design so good even Gran-Doctor is fuckable holy shit
grind like 27 hl colos for me while im at work so i dont have to put in the effort
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>725080 if you just need red centrums just wanpan
Fuck man, i can barely keep my own life together I don't know how I'm going to help anyone else
If there's anything I've learned over the past five years the people best at helping others keep their life together are the ones that can barely manage it themselves. You'll do fine.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Maybe these whiny first years just need a bit of Tough Love
I still have a slight chuckle each time opening my dl folder with it sorted into "by time" and upmost is "sometime in future" and the symbol of Adeptus Astartes
I kinda of predicted my local council would be fuck ups. I told them I was moving and I knew that they would forget I was a student and send me a council tax bill immediantly. and they did that today. Fun, I wonder how long it'll take for them to resolve it this time.
>>725293 You have to pay council tax in you live in a property It goes into the funding for the local county council to pay for NHS, road repair, schools, police and aocial care. I
>>725293 Why does this girl looks like she's going to start exterminate heretics 20 minutes in of netflix and chill