Thread #726371
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hi yuu i need a bit maybe you two can start with araburu without me?
Araburu Kisetsu no Otomo-domo yo. Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru Enen no Shouboutai Fruits Basket --Episode 16-17 Isekai Cheat Magician Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e --Episode 3-5 Kochoki - Wakaki Nobunaga --Episode 2-5 Lord El-Melloi II Machikado Mazoku Tejina-senpai --Episode 4-5 UchiMusume Carole & Tuesday
thats a lot of anime
thanks you too
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ah sorry I got sidetracked abauru enen 3 isekai cheat uchimusume carole
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so abaru okay lets start!
Oh she got real pretty when she tried.
Ah but she's still the same spaghetti queen inside.
Poor guy.
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haha yeah he got messed up
He's such an earnest guy. How cute.
>I've never fallen in love with a boy Oh no braids is hella gay.
Hah hah wow guy. Kind of reminscent of the sensei from the all-girls highschool show this season.
Looks like it's a race between the club president and the writing girl as to who's gonna experience the S-E-X first.
We've already got the wholesome guy in the club president's boy so I'm kind of skeptical of this new guy hah hah. Braids is cute I'd hate for her to be toyed around with though.
Hah hah this gyaru is really trying to take the president under her wing.
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I like this girl that accidentally made the guy sad. You do that kind thing sometimes.
Yeah but he's unflappable. She accidentally lashes out at him and he responds by going full on romantic. Hah hah the pretty one is clever. I do kind of like her though I don't trust her at all.
Ah oh noooooooo She's riding his trainnnn
Oh that's neat. The president's got her cute mode in this ED now instead of her bookish style.
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moon back around?
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hey i was just about to check if you were done with that im here
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good timing enen 3 okay lets start1
Yeah. Reaaaady.
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Oh wow the world is exploded including my home!
Yeah they buried the lead on this series a bit! I mean I think it was pretty clear things were weird in this series' world but things are really weird.
This was the episode that got delayed because of the KyoAni arson attack. I think there's a few parts that got slightly edited because of it too. From my understanding just some visuals that may have topically been in poor taste.
aw haha those are cute
That's a clever mascot team name too.
... Wow.
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Wow it's like opposite shounen protagonist power
Hah hah this old guy is totally M. Bison-ing Shinra.>The day your house burned down and your parents perished in the fire may have been the most important day in your life >But for me it was Tuesday
Being a firecat is a cool power. She seems like a main character too so I wonder if she gets re-assigned to Shinra's department.
this is in the middle of the obstacle course? im lost
I think lower floors of the building are probably pretty difficult to get through. So Shinra's hot feet let him bypass all that. Which is why none of the other rookies have shown up yet. But yeah, I believe it's more towards the end of the obstacle course.
yeah i just meant part of it i didn't miss a scene transition or something this is weird
The scene composition in this series is kind of weird anyway. Like even in earlier episodes it kind of lingers on certain shots longer than it needs to or jumps really abruptly.
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She's totally going to join them
>Complains about being given orders by a guy >Follows orders anyway
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Oh good they didn't forget about the falling part
Hah hah poor Arthur.
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i thought my video froze that was just a really long still
Oh that's kind of cool. He's in the squad that's the watchmen for the othe squads.
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This ED reminds me a bit of kekkai sensen.
I can see where you're getting that from, yeah.
I'm pretty sure this series is running for four seasons too. I wonder how often they'll shake up the OP/ED. david production aren't always consistent with changing over after all.
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isekai cheat okay lets start
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isekai>>726435 wow that's a long time for a show like this
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they're so incredibly overpowered i dont know why they're being cautious about anything
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This is like the normal isekai but you have 4 overpowered protagonists isntead of 1 or 3 or whatever
deshou? where's the tension
that is this, scooby doo
This angry lady really likes her dumb innuendos.
Him and his girlfriend should just swap opponents. Her magic would probably make short work of an elemental.
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isn't he a sorceror why is he trying to fight with a dagger
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Looks like they found fellow overpowered people.
>>726447 His magic is weird and without practice all he can do is reinforce his body and weapons. This series has been also teasing him getting real magic since like episode two but it's been slow to come.
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they've been hyping these two up quite a bit for four episodes i wonder when they'll get to it
She's a real battle maniac.
red is a pretty scary element
Arial is the worst font.
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Oh wow he lost his arm.
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why did they even try to lure them out in the first place what were they trying to gain from that encounter
Sounds like there is a reason but it's obsfucated by EEEEVILLLL
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He seemed not to care too much about losing his arm okay uchimusume okay lets start!
When you're that eeeeviiiillll you can afford to lose an arm or two.>>726463 Ah that's annoying. Do you have the episode?
my net is borked ill start though yeah
Wow these people have whole birth months. We only get a birth day!
they're all older it looks like time is going fast
Latina's wearing some wintery clothes too. Those are some clever subtle ways to show time passing.
Dale's more of a problem than Latina is.
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I wonder if we'll see everybody grow up that would really be a dad anime
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probably so, judging from the OP and stuff dad anime are pretty powerful things
Oh no there's some kidnappers around. That's not good.
oh she's gonna get her first snow
He's such a goof.
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it was a pretty cute thing
She's grown up over the demonkin living longer than humans pretty well too.
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snow is pretty neat the first time you see it! she'll get sick of it pretty fast
Yeah it's nice until you have to start shovelling it. And walking through it. And dealing with it melting and making everything a slushy mess.
aw haha she's got ears on her hoodie
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This old man Jill is a pretty nice guy. He seems like the kind of guy that'll trounce anyone that crosses him though.
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oh magic itme magic time too
Hah hah. That's kind of an abuse of authority to just arrest random people on the street. Even if they're actually bad people you shouldn't arrest people just for no apparent reason!
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i have to get busy on some work now please continue on to C&T without me! thanks for the shows
All right, see you later Moon.
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hmm I can fnish carole but it's also late what do you want to do?
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i could stick around for a tejina though would yall like to do that
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at works then tejina okay lets start
Yeah, seems sensible. I was kind of hoping we'd get a chance to double up the Tejinas since they both fit into one episode but this is also economical too so I'm happy to watch. So episode FOUR (4) of this.
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doubling up would be nice but it's resourceful to have half-episodes available whenever! i like this one a lot
Hah hah he's gone fast from being kind of attracted to her appearance to finding her annoying.
She's kind of sweet though, preparing a whole routine to celebrate his one-month of spending time with her.
oh no they dont have a club
He can't escape her even when he tries.>>726494 It was dark in there he couldn't see very well!
haha how didn't he notice
what was the pigeon's name bahamut
Birds seem like a really stressful pet to have. Lots of care and maintenance required. That's kind of why I like cats. Very little work required!
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They're really not too much trouble but they're boring.
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i like birds!
haha poor sempai
How did those prop swords shred up her clothes that badly.
Aw is she dreaming of being a proper magician.
oh wow she's doing it
oh she got it all but there's no one there!
That's also a little sad. Seems like she's actually decent at the magic but gets caught up in the stage fright.
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yay it's been a while! thanks for having me good night!
Good luck with your work, Moon. A nd good night, Rika.
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thanks for anime! bedtime now
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sleep tight!