>>724673 extreme doubt unless you're talking about people that barely exist here like whoa and beta
whoa is still a fucking weeb actually so nevermind just beta
>>724675 bang and beta and sugoi now too i guess he just plays wow >>724678 yeah that's not exclusive anymore
bang has fucking anime figurines
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Arifureta Shokuyou de Sekai Saikyou Bem DanMachi Enen no Shouboutai --Episode 2-3 Fruits Basket --Episode 14-17 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure --Episode 37-39 Joshikousei no Mudazukai Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e --Episode 3-4 Kochoki - Wakaki Nobunaga Lord El-Melloi II Tejina-senpai To aru Kagaku no Accelerator Vinland Saga
Wow it just VANISHED
yeah ive been inspired by tejina and started practicing magic again
>>724691 even is a pretty cool show about firefighter knights that fight demons
okay lets start!
>>724688 i don't really give a shit i just want to be difficult because i am pissed off
don't know what enen is though winland >>724690 ohh its that one yeah thought the PV for that looked pretty sick whatever we watch is fine i don't give a fuck can't believe you people saved fruits basket fucking idiots
>>724691 there's been lots of new stuff to watch anyway
>>724691 We've been watching like five shows a night and STILL the list is growing faster than we can clear it. There's so much to watch this season.
>>724693 well so long as nobody cared too much about watching it soon it's whatever i already watched it though >>724694 goddamn haha this season is pretty stacked i guess
we've all seen the original fruits basket anyway we aren't missing anything
I read it but yeah.
I don't think Rika's seen any of it before though.
rika's seen the original i talked with her about it before before the new one was even announced
>>724696 the new one has been overall better than the original don't @ me
but yeah there's not a ton anyone that watched the old one would be missing and nothing someone who read the mango would be missing
time please ty
2:25 2:30 2:35
this guy is me when i lose hanzo 1v1
he is like changing size every time the scene cuts haha
That's his secret to remaining unbeaten. No one can hit him because he keeps shrinking and grownig.
it looks like i missed a beatdown
>>724706 ginger man hulked the fuck out and broke a lot of bones >>724705 maybe he's like retro hulk
actually changes size depending on how mad he feels
oh yeah bjorn
>tfw your dad literally names you bear
His dad had some good intuition.
they changed the OP or did they haha what is this
oh no they didn't it was always like this
this OP doesn't feel brvtal enough to be in Vinland Saga tbh
What about now.
>>724710 All old norse names are stupid shit like bear, fern, carp, mountain etc >>724714 It's good but I don't think melodeath is hard enough needs MORE VIOLENCE
They should have just gotten a Blind Guardian song for it. PK probably would have died and gone to Valhalla.
yeah that would have been perfect for this show give me some japanese power metal
well blind guardian's not japanese but you know they wouldn't actually get blind guardian to do an anime OP
>>724716 also even if this adaptation was god's greatest gift to mankind animated by 7,000 clones of ghibli in his prime PK would still say it looks weird and the manga had better visuals
>>724719 We had him along for episode three and he seemed more than happy with it. Though I think he was also pretty boozed up too so he might've not been in a sense to complain.
could you imagine if that guy was .05 seconds slower he would be missing legs from the knee down >>724721 i am fucking shocked honestly
though this has been a generally good looking show so far
vinland and fruits basket are all i have watched from this season
Some fucking keikaku doori
>break other guy's sword >your sword doesn't even get so much as a single visible notch wat
I dunno his sword was also looking pretty beat up.
there are cracks in it which doesn't make a lot of sense unlesss they are supposed to be scrapes and i can't see shit
oh there were notches in the blade in that cut
probably just inconsistency between frames
haah waaw so fahny joek
Oh no.
kill him bjorn kill thorfinn hes a fucking bitch
you will regret this
I mean with how that was, it probably would have ended with Thors, Ashklad, and Thorfinn all dead.
why did he do this i still don't get it guess he figured winning the duel wasn't enough to make sure thorfinn was safe maybe it was all a 900iq gambit to surrender and die and save his son
shut the fuck up thorfinn
no matter what he did, he couldn't stop the people from attacking his people whether he killed the leader or died or anything they could just still take everyone slaves and he couldn't stop them, just kill a few of them
>>724737 yeah that's what i'm thinking he could have killed askeladd but that wouldn't change much, his men would likely kill him and his son too afterwards
kill them thorfinn kill them all
Kill them with your bear hands
thorfinn lookin 30 years older in the face
Kid's got anger issues.
motherfuckers aren't laughing anymore
20 years from now askeladd be like ah fuck why didn't i throw him overboard
except that he gets revengecucked since someone else does the job
getting an ad is like getting to eavesdrop on other people talking about you
you get to hear what companies think about you it's kind of exciting
getting an ad is like when someone cuts you off mid sentence so they can be like "oh hey by the way did I tell you about this thing that happened the other day with rebekkah?" i hate ads they are fucking annoying and intrusive and make me hate whatever they promote even more
what if companies paid drivers to use their ads on the bumpers of their vehicles and then deliberately drive in front of one person all day long and keep cutting them off
Ah eughah I hate the visual of things going through hands.
King Crimson talking while still being all bug eyed is so funny >>724765 eh there's a gap between the skeletal hand around there not like it broke any bones just kinda parted the tissue and muscles/ligament
>>724765 if you've ever done it you'd know it's not as bad as it seems thinking about it is worse than it actually happening
Yeah but thinking is all I'm good for.
Bucciarati is a legend what other anime character can claim to have died mid-season and been there for the finale
He was the strongest zombie.
and about here is where araki starts pulling shit out of his ass because he realized there is no logical way to beat King Crimson
>>724777 araki forgot is a meme for a reason i guess
he also forgot where the holy corpse was after steel ball run, forgot giorno existed in part 6, etc
I just always figured Giorno was just unaware of the events of Stone Ocean and then the stuff happened at the end and there's no escaping that.
Oh no RIP Giorno.
Hah hah hah. The fuck is with Diavolo's butterfingers.
>>724781 The only reason he wasn't aware was because Giorno is too fucking overpowered and the stands in part 6 are kind of esoteric and niche idk why maybe he realized niche powers are more fun to write around or didn't want to make anything too good after Gold Experience and Gold Experience Requiem or King Crimson Until the finale of 5 stands kind of had a power creep until they culminated in this very episode and right now look it's the most broken thing ever conceived by anime
The power to give life to whatever you touch multiplied by fathoms and in addition, the power to invalidate any action from whatever you touch, the opposite of giving life. Beats everything bullshit
Maybe Araki had to go through this experiment to realize how far he can go before Stands get too Stand-y.
KINGU CURIMSON is still one of the best Stand call outs though.
>>724796 YOUR HONOR... mY CLIENT... says he fucked your wife. Right in the gills. What's that? Okay. He says he's going to slap the shit out of your son. For being such an ugly fuck.
Sorry if I was late to ready up I was explaining what kind of powerup Giorno just got to my sister.
In case you were wondering she said "that's stupid". She's not wrong >>724798 My older sister.
She came to my room to let me know she got me the limited availability skin in the Overwatch event and said some stuff about a funny thing she did in one of her games or something.
Mista what the fuck. This is around the dinner table.
Oh shit Giorno did that famous pose DIO did in Stardust Crusaders.
also what time are we at I clicked the wrong episode, got an ad, and then another ad on the right one >>724801 it just sounds appealing to you because you only hear the things i think are noteworthy and nothing about what's difficult
>>724817 He's going to get to experience every possible death in every way for the rest of eternity because GER inflicted the power to return to zero upon him on the moment he died. Edgiest thing in jojo
Mista you tasteless fuck you're all eating dinner.
bigs are not herbivorous! neither are chickens
I wonder why leaky eye luca had a leaky eye before it was leaking blood from the fractured cranium i mean
Choke on an actual dick and die faggot I am just kidding It's funny cause the stand namem // name of the silly looking thing I posted is "I am a rock" and he is dangerous and Tilde said what could a rock possibly do
haha what
you guys really gonna leave episodio 38 on that cliffhanger though?
you could just watch 39 right now it's already out!
Yeah thirty-eight and thirty-nine were a double-feature special this weekend for the finale of Golden Wind.
I literally already know how both of those shows are going to do things so I don't give a shit I haven't watched jojo 39 yet whereas I have watched all of Fruits Basket though I will barely even pay attention to whatever you choose
it's a little mean to ignore what i say when i tell people twenty or thirty times to watch something without me and i'm going to watch on my own regardless then have them not watch without me and pretend they're saving it for me despite me specifically and explicitly instructing them not to i don't give a fuck and i don't feel bad fuck you i only feel angry that most people here don't fucking listen to anything
except tilde you're alright
If Jan's already watched Fruits Basket we can probably save it for when he's not around.
no you're fucking not asshole you literally never thought about it until i expressed how annoying what you and rika do rika still ignores it and i've told her many fucking times
with that said time to watch some unlucky diavolo die the death x1000
you guys gonna post something or what
guess not why even bother keeping this tab up then i already know what's happening here
Well Rika rarely says anything and you might've scared Moon off with that.
I had a really bad itch that needed scratching.
Oh well, if he got upset it's his own fault because he never listens to anything I fucking say anyways. >>724849 What itch did you scratch?
My scalp. This humidity gets my scalp really irritable.
>>724862 edition of Jojo. How did you guys enjoy it?
It was pretty fun. I heard that the Golden Wind manga was a bit hard for English readers to follow because it was originally DWANG scanlations and a bit messy. But the anime added some little stuff to tie some things that were more disparate in the manga together.
I liked the main gang in this one a fair bit. Giorno was more of a secondary protagonist to Bruno but the cameraderie in the gang was nice. Plus the Italian setting was neat. Fun to see more of the world again after all the time spent in Morioh in Diamond Is Not Crash.
I kind of expected Giorno being DIO's son to be more relevant but nothing really came of that,
>>724868 Gotta be honest, it was just hard to follow in manga form. Duwang added an additional layer of impenetrability but the paneling and format of a lot of the fights, particularly involving King Crimson, made it extremely challenging to understand visually.
The anime did a really great job in that aspect, it dispelled any notion of incomprehensibility that the manga's representation during King Crimson's activation spawned.
I'd probably put it above part 3 and 1 anime-wise, but it's still second to last in terms of how it ranks up to the other parts for the manga.