This job as a library assistant is the best job I've ever had. I wish it was permanent instead of just short -term.
yeah I'd like a comfy job like t hat what's the pay like? not that I'm overconcerned with that considering the work >>721833 cute
Yeah, I'd also like something like that also for the sake of being around books. Would be comfy.
Ugh I'd love to work at a library but my local library rejected my application and the nice one in the town next to me is really picky Also they have a lot of positions filled by volunteers Those fuckers
imo hensuki isn't really pulling its weight it just seems kind of low quality to me but maybe yall think differently on that
and the enen one we haven't even started maybe it would be better just to not even bother isn't it about fires and stuff it's gonna keep makin me think about kyoani probably
It's about supernatural firefighters, I think. The manga is written by the author of Soul Eater so I've been kind of curious on it.
But the third episode is delayed at least a week because of the KyoAni arson so we've got a bit of extra time when it comes to that show.
im not sure how much i want to watch a show about firefighters but it might be good i'll try it
Oh I was wondering why the first episode of Takagi-san season two wasn't showing up anywhere. It got picked up by Netflix so no one's doing a weekly rip of it. I'll go see if there's any good lesser groups ripping or subbing it. Takagi-san is a great show I want to watch more of it.
>>722007 how does your schedule look today? can i send you some luggage via email sorry i dont want to take up a lot of your time with dumb shit i know you are busy
Kirara 🍄
if you're willing to bear with potentially slow responses, you're more than welcome toooo
i need to go collect clips from both of these shows they're both so ripe for it i wish there were an easier way to make trims. there has to be some program somewhere where you can just start pressing a button then let go of it to capture a trim during playback
and i mean a direct trim, not something jank like setting up OBS to record the window that it's playing in
I don't actually really know how to do anything like that. I mean I'm sure it isn't hard but I've just never looked into it. All the stuff I've got I just collect from other people.
there's a lot of ways to do it but the way i do it i think is pretty interesting if you open a video file using PHOTOS, it's basically just a folder containing every frame of the video and accompanying data. you can actually play mkvs in the photo viewer if you want, which is kind of funny. but you can just trim "folder" basically starting at the frame you want and ending where you want and then save it as a video file
for audio i just strip the audio and pull it up in audacity to get the samples that i want the most efficient thing to do is just make note of the interesting bits and their corresponding timestamp
tbh i could open anime in my transcription software and use the hotkeys for play/pausing and use the text field to take detailed notes with timestamps if i wanted to maybe i should do that sometime
it's a shame those soylents are no good i was planning on skimming through the rest of the month on pasta and soups and having some meal replacement shakes to provide the extra nutrients
i should have just gotten those Boost or Ensure drinks, or even Slimfast haha I'll try them again later but I can't afford to get a migraine today and tomorrow and miss my appointment
>Shish Kafta wrap >A skewer of ground lamb mixed with onions, parsley, and spices charbroiled and rolled in pita bread with tomatoes and turnips. oooh this sounds pretty good mediterranean restaurants are so cool
Oh yeah that goes sound really good. I had some lamb shawarma with Rook on the last day in Philly in January. Though I think he got chicken. It was some really good lamb though.
i'm not gonna get it though it's like four miles away not that that changes much
i want to get some hummus though from the store and put some of this squash soup into it and make something more like a sauce consistency for this wheat spaghetti i bought
ive never been really big on tomato-based spaghetti sauce
oh i want some beet juice too beets and purple carrots
I'm a big fan of tomato sauces in general, whether for pasta or other saucy needs.
i don't think it really lends itself well to spaghetti unless it's a meat sauce tomato sauces are a fine base with plenty of tanginess to it, but just the tangy tomato with spaghetti is awfully plain mushrooms add a little bit of savoriness, meat adds a little heartiness
i tend to like a bit more mediterranean stuff though more creamy sauce, so like roasted pepper hummus and sundried tomatoes and a bit of squash or a bit of oil and spices
Hm, if I'm going for a creamy sauce I think I'd prefer something a little more cream or cheese-based. I'm not really big on hummus. Don't dislike it, but I'll generally opt for a different option if there's more available.
chick peas are super versatile they're good for everything hummus has like the perfect texture for anything, spread, sauce, dip it's so hearty i love it
"I'll be ready when it's time for two turnips in heat"
err when we need two turnips in heat*
Saying "We shall play it by ear, don't rush" makes it sound like you're about to kick off a heist you didn't have time to plan more than a group session.
when i was a kid my pediatrician used to make me take off my pants and underwear and she'd do stuff and i thought it was totally normal until i was an adult and i thought about it and was like HEY WAIT WHAT THE FUCK
it's completely normal is that the joke they have to check that stuff
>>722089 presumably the unknown masked guy from arcarum that hasn't appeared in the new one is his evoker. or at least I don't remember his appearing in the new arcarum stuff
I like Lunalu and Nio in particular, Melissabelle is ok and so is cock, but I generally also don't care for harvins. But that event was Lunalu centered and all about the definitely-not-comiket rush
allowing someone like that to join the crew seems incredibly out of character for MC whose sole identifying quality is that they immediately jump into action to save everyone they can
the process of Nier's joins-you fate is (in short) as follows >Villagers are spooked by a ghost >go look for ghost >it's Nier >Villagers find you after you know her backstory >Villagers attack Nier because she fucking killed her family >MC literally takes a bullet for Nier >Nier goes to kill the people >"no don't do it" >Death doesn't kill them >Leave >Nier has Death kill them without you knowing
In all actuality it may end up being the power of friendship does successfully make Nier chill out but considering they're going with more mature seinen or what have you type storylines for the evokers maybe it'll be more complicated than that.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
although there are characters who have died in their 5* fates so that sets a precedent. Danua shouldn't be able to fight anymore either since her puppets are gone after her 5* ends.
I'd rather they write the story they want to and have some gameplay-story dissonance than restrict them. If Nier has to die I'm fine with that but you better make it good.
>>722178 I'd appreciate that in a game that's a different format than granblue. Like NG+ in an RPG or something that lets you have all your characters is fine. But you can't NG+ granblue.
I'd rather have a meaningful death that feels weird in gameplay than a meaningful death that gets changed in story five minutes later.
Kirara 🍄
you can't have a meaningful death if the character continues to live after it
like in fate for example a death can be meaningful because every instance of a servant is a different instance unconnected from other versions so they can have characters die in the story and the fact that you have that servant in your party still isn't a problem because it's a difference instance of that character
>>722186 I can sympathize with the desire to be loved and acknowledged. I also don't follow the idea of "Nier did nothing wrong" because the fact that Nier did things wrong is part of what makes Nier good.
Nier was also lied to and betrayed repeatedly, although her already deteriorated mental state may have made things worse than they were (i.e. the closet full of boyfriend corpses).
Like she's loved by her family until her sister is better at magic than her to the point that they forget she even exists and talk trash behind her back. So she goes and learns FORBIDDEN MAGIC that no one else can do by means of using those same boytoys who inevitably betray her. So then her dad is like "yo wtf you learned the forbidden magic that's awesome write it all down" so she does and then he's like "thanks now we can't have you murdering people to learn magic" and she's like "but" and then they throw her int a dungeon and starve her and eventually her sister comes down and taunts her barely alive body until she decides to yeet a fireball at her and as Nier lies dying betrayed by everyone she's ever loved Death appears and is like "I know how you feel." and they accept each other and Nier escapes from her cell and has Death slice her family to ribbons.
And then she runs into the party pretty much.
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
open parentheses closet full of boyfriend corpses close parentheses
Kirara 🍄
>>722191 is death a god or something who would win in a fight bahamut or death
yeah but i thought bahamut was the god of death or something and life
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE oh my gosh
>>722193 Death is a primal beast just like the other arcarum, so no Bahamut would utterly destroy them since Bahamut is granblue god Death however is apparently a strong primal beast because all of the arcarum are subject to the will of The World except Death, who can betray and destroy him (which was part of Nier and Death's plan if it came to it)
no, Caim's Arcarum is the hanged man But Caim himself is the Fool see >>722092 The Arcarums all say that they are bound to another Arcana, which is the Arcana of their Evoker
Kirara 🍄
he's a primal?
Kirara 🍄
oh the evokers are also tarots?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Death's in-game description: "This fate-affirming entity takes the form of a bearer of demise, swinging scythes in elegant strokes. It offers intimate destruction to all those who embrace profound transition. Celestially bound to the yearning Lover, zealous passion shall be drowned in an exquisite and eternal adieu."
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
and since we talked about Fool/Caim, here's hanged man's: " This fate-affirming entity takes the form of an inverted man, hanging by an ankle as punishment for his transgressions. It bestows twisted trials upon those who dare oppose it, inciting enviable—or even undesirable—evolutions of their spirits. Celestially bound to the glorious Fool, an encounter with The Hanged Man may yield rebirth through calamity."
>>722196 why does it automatically move to the next step after clicking? when i click, it should just show the preview in the window and ask to confirm
Back on the subject from earlier but just for a second, Nier approaches the level of character I like where it's hard to put into words what I like about the character. >>722272 oh no
I just don't think they make them for people like us. people who don't have the time and attention even mobile games kinda seemed like that at first but the more you play, the more you realize that you just gotta put more time (or money) into it.
>>722289 it's so crazy when i was 20 i was like "this game is only 8 hours? what a rip off" now im like "you can do REmake in 2-4 hours? holy shit this is perfect"
im getting monhun iceborne mostly because it has no story or anything and i can play for like an hour without getting roped into anything
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I wish I could play Atelier Sophie but every time I play it I fuck around for like an hour grabbing materials and accomplishing nothing. I need to optimize my cute girl + awesome music jrpgs
>>722291 I am not sure I was ever into a game simply based on hour count If anything, hour counts bothered me in the same way movie lengths bother me. I have to walk in knowing that I'm about to spend an incredible amount of time on this and my brain doesn't like that.
>Why Are Millennials Killing Their Bosses Kirara.jpg
Also shut the fuck up cereal is a great breakfast.
millennials are killing this woman's baby she finds out why and thanks them
I was playing a modded gacha game earlier I can only imagine how annoying it must be to actually play it. Battle Cats has Eva stuff so thats pretty cool.
This Cadbury pretzel and peanut butter milk chocolate is pretty good. That salt and sweet combination sure is dangerous.
i dont know what kind of stuff im supposed to do to prepare for a first time doctor visit im so nervous
they're gonna ask me something and im going to say i dont know and they'll call me stupid and won't give me any medications and then they'll call the police on me for being stupid
Hm, when I did my first appointment with the doctor from my university's medical services. it was pretty much questions on diet, sleep, physical. How regularly I dealt with anxiety and motivation issues and what I did when I did. But I was going into the appointment with the understanding by the doctor that I was addressing a likely problem with depression. She was a really nice lady though.Was happy to let the information draw out through a guided conversation rather than looking for answers. We also discussed my issues with focus and how that incorporates into my stress and motivation. This all was like in November or December though so my memory of it all is a bit fuzzy.
Plus if you're going in for more of a general address rather than a focused concern it might be good to have the paperwork of previous assessments? Do they even give those to the patient? I don't really know how these institutions work.
I guess the best thing is just to approach it with the assumption the doctor is giong to be genial and wanting to help you with your problems the best they can.
i have a lot of focused concerns, though. the most immediate is resuming the care gap that occurred as a result of switching providers which has left me without medications for two months i've got some paperwork from my initial psych eval to support that but it's a big pamphlet and it's almost a decade old
ive got some medical history stuff like heatstroke and rhabdo that are kind of important to note, and ive got family history of MS, personal history of trigeminal neuralgia and migraines, and current ongoing bone issues
ive got my current medications list but im going to have to explain how this medication regimen was remedial from the hospital as they don't prescribe controlled substances and it was meant for temporary management. i don't know if any of that information gets forwarded to the doc from my PHP setting, or if that's not done until after my first visit with the doc and signing patient release stuff, which seems really useless to wait months for an appointment just to sign a paper that the doc could already have been informed of
there's a lot of other issues too that i can't really think of and i don't know if they have a means of discovery for my issues through their questioning or if im supposed to inform them of every possible thing i think could be relevant. that's an exceptionally large patient burden i think
The towels in my washroom have been removed for cleaning and man it really makes everything way more acoustic in there.
>>722325 It's all a field I'm pretty thoroughly unfamiliar with, sorry. I dunno about the physical health side of things but Kirara might be able to give you an idea of what the psychological side would appreciate you being aware of or be prepared for.
You'll have to deal w/ so many people prjecting themselves onto you, no matter what video game you play. They would even spoil whatever single player story game you're in the middle of. What sick fucks.
if i dont get my meds im gonna be so distressed i need to remember a lot of things to tell her about though like ptsd, bone pain, blood pain, kidneys, neuralgia if i dont tell her about my kidneys how is she going to know i have them
my biggest fear is she'll say she won't prescribe be those meds but can refer me to a psychiatrist which would be like a four month wait and i'll get so frustrated i'd scream
ive almost lost my contracts and a lot of stuff from not being able to work without my meds i stalled out on what i wanted to publish and now im gonna have to work to catch up to afford tax payments and everything if i dont get my meds i'm gonna loose it
my thoughts are racing and im getting panicked about other stuff now thinking about the time i missed my appointment because my grandmother scheduled an appointment the same day and decided to wait until 30 minutes before my appointment to tell me about it so i missed it and lapsed on my meds for an entire six months after that that was probably the worst six months of my life
im just escalating and shit and i can't calm down sorry
shit dude when did anime get so BIG a single episode in 1080p is 1.3 Gigs
back in my day
you could download a full season for that much memory
Kirara 🍄
it's because of daiz if only yotsumoe had succeeded the mp5 would have saved us all
>>722534 Barely any sub groups anymore. well encoded videos brings the filesize down dramatically. Horriblesubs is just fast crappy encodes so they are huge.
I don't wanna go to school Just let me go to work!! Mou
I gotta take a class on how to do consulting lol ive been doing consulting for two years as a psychologist and longer before that i was a contractor for the fuckin fbi why so i gotta take this class yo
>>722537 Watch it now and then again later with better encode. Do your reps! Watch it multiple times!
>>722538 get this: if I want to round out the Arts part of my law/arts bachelors with a major in literature I've got to take a class on writing children's stories
>>722541 haha someone told the clients at work that i was an fbi agent in the past because i said i did contract work and it telephoned out of control and even though i correct them every time they keep saying it because it sounds cooler
>>722542 you spend tons of time watching CHILDREN'S CARTOONS so it should be easy!! haha why do you need that shit for law humanities is important but law is basically a humanities
>>722543 Every time I think of an FBI agent I think of Dale Cooper and I kinda wanna try a cherry pie. You should put in your CV that your an / you work for the FBI and have tiny writing clarifying
>>722543 if I was going to do it over again I wouldn't do law arts maybe law/commerce or law/economics, or something like that. But we're IN TOO DEEP NOW I only have to take two more lit classes to get the major
I blame 20 year old me for signing up for that shit retard but that dumb kid didn't know any better.
I have the baseball mom one and everyone thinks it's hilarious Even the program director at school thought it was funny Dumb t-shirts only seem to work when you get the irony just right
correction, Kishida Kyoudan and the AKEBOSHI ROCKETS are going on tour. And they're playing their touhou songs. err, not on tour, they're just having an event. I just WISH they would go on tour. I believe they're also going to re-release the songs into an album which is the august 6th thing. Which makes me really happy because REMASTERS YEAH
>Picross: Lord of the Nazarick >Experience the story of Overlord through Picross ????????????????????
Everything in the known universe shall some day be expressed through Picross.
who killed cock robin
picross is fun
Kirara 🍄
my dissertation chair is trying to make me stay an extra year in the program because she doesn't think we have time to complete my dissertation which is her fault for never working on my shit
Did you tell her you're finishing it this year come hell or high water?
Kirara 🍄
yes i told her several times that i will sooner drop out than stay an extra year eventually she got it through her head but she's still trying to convince me
Kirara 🍄
basically i'm going to gut the study and make it as simple as possible
That still sounds kind of disappointing though. It's a study you've put a lot of research into, isn't it?
Kirara 🍄
honestly, as it is, it's not even what i wanted to do it has all this extra shit that she forced into it i almost want to destroy it
Well by gutting it, you'd be doing that, in a sense. That still sounds pretty rotten though.
Kirara 🍄
yeah she's fucking ridiculous if i drop out because of this im going to run her name through the mud
Kirara 🍄
but im gonna make it work if it kills me
Don't get yourself killed Kirara this world isn't done with you yet
>>722596 Their host said they're dropping them And the main dude is calling it quits
Eh, I've barely ever used exhentai, all I really know is it has a lot of touhou doujins. a lot of japanese only stuff - lots of japanese uploaders on it. and that the owners likes MLP
Most of the stuff i like is on g.e anyways But that's also going down
I've come to realize something I should probably salvage from there while I can. How troublesome. Now that I buy the things that I'm most interested in I thought it wouldn't be an issue.
THere are torrents for a lot of stuff, I think? you can just collect loads of magnet links. I imagine a lot of people are going to do that too.
I thought exhentai was crowd hosted with the hentai@home thing?
oh most of these don't have torrents anyway never mind I can be lazy
Kirara 🍄
all that porn lost like semen in the rain
Flowing all down into the drain. clogging up the sewers
wow people are actually really upset about this
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Yeah I'm actually pretty bummed.
looks like some people want to work with the admin to make a replacement with loli/shota removed but the rest of the stuff transferred over. I don't mind if they capture all the non-hentai stuff. it is like a good place for sfw touhou and really old doujins. Japanese sources of old doujins are a clusterfuck. and Perfect Dark is the worst for anything.
I don't really care too much about it now because I can buy any sfw doujins I like now. and I used to care about perserving old doujins but I don't care about it anymore. like I don't care to translate old tenchi muyou stuff.
I was really bummed about /a/ archive going down and the 4chan download board. there were so many old mini manga and doujins that were fun on that
Kirara 🍄
losing /rs/ was the fucking worst
It was old and rarely used but damn I found so much fun stuff on it. Anime cursor packs, entire zips of the habanero manga, touhou midi stuff
>>722612 In apparently the next few hours, so grab your favourite doujins quick. 4chan is panicking and really mad right now haha. I'm completely fine with this
I imagine just like with manga, something new will surface to replace it. Probably more quickly and with more purpose since people take porn really seriously.
It is kinda hilarious seeing how hyperbolic these guys are getting. I imagine some of it is ironic and some of it is legit seething anger.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
kirara are you 101
>I don't want it to be over. I don't want the world to become a censored, sexless, inhuman mess THe internet is brimming with porn everywhere. I doubt exhentai is even like a dent in it.
Sadpanda has the advantage of collecting stuff that people on /a/ and /jp/ and the like prefer though. Though there's probably already parallel services that offer doujinshi uploading and galleries. I guess Sadpanda was one that offered stuff that other services might squick at though?
I wonder what happens to the servers themselves. Is some guy going to have a bunch of hard drives in his closet with more porn on them than he could ever use?
>>722620 I think the site's closing down because of legal changes in the site's home region. So they'll priobably scrub the drives that are in their closet.
>>722620 Probably remotely stored disks, I know the admin is making back ups sans any loli/shota. so some people with all have some porn filled disks but the servers are going to probably be auto wiped and the account closed.
This makes me think of those threads on /a/ where people brought physical h-doujins and had them on their shelves, I guess their value has skyrocketed. There will probably be posts bragging about owning copies of rare and much wanted porn haha
Kirara 🍄
imagine 30 years from now you've died and your kids find some old hard drives in your closet they boot them up and see what's on them 40 TB of hentai
And lots of embarrasing anime memes about ahegao faces
with moving, staying at my sisters and this horrible heat that stops me sleeping. I've been having really bad tension headaches. They are driving me nuts. god help me
Well, Fish didn't actually respond, I guess. Even a client provided more emotional support. I told the client I'd do something for them and forgot about it, so I did it after they reminded me and I apologized. They were like "It's okay, it looks like you're having a rough time"
As far as I know Fish's mom is okay though They're trying some kind of alternative treatment last I heard cancer-curing essential oils or some shit
Ah oh no.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ah yes essential oils
Oh, I've missed out on news, is Fish alright. the last I remember is Fish being away for a long time
She's away because her mom has cancer. She's with her mom right now in California. Unless the long time you mean is last year when she went completely missing for several months because she was dying in Nigeria.
>>722638 >>722639 Fish's mom is a model. Apparently she doesn't want to risk "disfiguring" her body.
>>722641 No, I don't mean that but that was so traumatic shit. I meant recently you mentioned about Fish being away for a while and not being able to talk to her.
Her mom having cancer is really sad, I'm sorry to hear that. although I hope she goes for a good treatment, steve jobs apparently passed on actual treatment for herbal remedies
With how rich they are, I'm pretty sure they'll just get the best treatment money can buy when they give up on the oils and accupuncture and whatever.
I have some weird strong health phobias, I sometimes have to convince myself I don't have cancer or something bad because I become stupidly afraid that I'm ignoring the signs of cancer and that I'm too unhealthy. If I got told I had cancer I'd probably be really fucked up. I don't actually know why I get so bothered by it when I don't really care too about a lot of other things.
I don't think I'd be afraid if I got cancer, but I would probably be pretty annoyed about it. It seems like a really big inconvenience.
I haven't really been too scared of death since I almost died as a kid.
I get lonely really easily, cancer isn't that bad to me but anythign with sudden death or sudden attacks is horriying to me, I don't like the idea that I could be all alone at the end, I'm scared of a lot of things, heck I jump at sudden noises all the time. most of it is unhealthy paranoia that I have with health anxiety and mood swings sometimes.
On the other end of the spectrum, you have me, with virtually no general or specific fears, which is equally problematic
I thought I saw a guy holding a gun at the supermarket the other day and I just immediately prepared my body to jump into cover luckily I finished processing it and realized it was a price checker before I had moved into cover I'm really hypervigilant but I don't really have much anxiety or anything Honestly if someone had had a gun and was shooting I don't know if I would have been scared
I find it interesting, my mood over time can really dramatically change. before 2018 I had never had seriously strong panic attacks, or rather my idea of what a panic attack was, was completely wrong, I mean I called an ambulance thinking I was having a heart attack. I've had health anxiety since childhood but I figured it was just normal. When i stopped interacting with people and everything and only went out at night for months I was less fearful or even emotional but I was depressed. Now I'm over my panic attacks, I think? but I'm emotional and my mood does move around a lot. I am generally more shocked or scared by sudden sounds or panicked if I think something has gone wrong.
When I was in first grade, I almost died because my mom refused to take me to a hospital until I started vomiting bile I think that's probably when I became detached from my own death And probably when I learned some other important lessons too
I have been shot at before, like, twice, but I don't think I was scared. I didn't want to get shot, but not really out of fear. I mean, gunshot wounds aren't even that scary, though.
I dunno, though. My mental health was really poor for years. Right now I'm the healthiest psychologically that I've ever been in my life.
>>722654 kirara she didn't prescribe me anything she just ordered some labs and gave me a list of psychiatrists i can call im back where i was before i went to the hospital
>>722656 i either need readmission or i need to try again fruitlessly (remember this is why i ended up at hospital the first time) to get an appointment with a psychiatrist i need help making an appointment with a psychiatrist but the people who offer that help will not call me back to schedule an appointment (the therapist) and ive degraded to not being able to make calls again i can't talk without having a breakdown the nurse practitioner realized this and didn't want to deal with it so got a behavioral health person to deal with me but she didn't really do anything not that it mattered there was nothing to be done
they thought i was making shit up or misunderstood something when i said CMH wouldn't give me a psych until i had at least two more hospitalizations but they called them and verified and were like "well i guess you can go there" yeah i can also come here, you're a nurse practitioner and are qualified to prescribe things and i have ten years on this medication
i can't afford to spend two more weeks without work going to a partial program, not to mention the whole reason i went to sparrow is that the CMH psych told me that i shouldn't be in the CMH program because i'd be around people with violent tendencies in group and given my issues that would be bad for me
i really dunno what to do anymore besides give up hope that i'll ever be medicated again
nothing else got addressed at the session though i thought i'd have an examination or something you know nothing, just looked at my paperwork ordered labs and that's it
there wasn't even a spot on the paperwork where i saw an opportunity to mention having bone issues
crank the resistance on the elliptical machine to Max to simulate running up a mountain and then do that while I'm grinding Materials from the Summer event in Fate GO.
Why don't you ditch the kuso mobage and go find a REAL mountain to climb.
Well a big enough flashlight would make a pretty good bludgeon. I'm pretty sure they even make security flashlights which are supposed to double as them.
oh you do spoil me so I got this car system as a present but it's kind of bootleggy supports "mp5" and "muisc tag" beats listening to silence or the music on my phone
Put that butt away.
that's more GIMP hours than I am willing to commit to, to edit that
My strategy for thayt shit is that I just got more outlets. More people to intertwine with more shit to shoot. it's fun. should prob go to therapy soon fuck lmao
okay, I've spent like 30m relishing in this feeling. time to play fire emblem until I stop playing Fire emblem
The Fire Emblem mobage or Three Houses?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>722799 People hated Jesus because he told the truth.
>>722801 I would not mention playing the mobile game it's boring and also I uninstalled it
Oh congratulations. Now you just need to get rid of Dragalia and you're finally free.
I won't be free.
Also I'll be interested in seeing what you think on Three Houses. I'm considering getting it so I'll be checking in on the people I know who are getting it.
I'll have you know that I'm terrible at finishing RPGs and at RPGs in general
Well this one is purportedly over two hundred hours for all three routes so yeah. Even if I didn't already know you were bad at finishing RPGs I wouldn't have assumed you would. I'm not going to wait until you're done anyway.
>>722809 i've been asking myself if I even enjoy video games for a while now.
>>722808 I will probably get one route almost done until I drop it for ASTRAL CHAIN or Deus Ex Automata
Daemon Ex Machina I completely forgot the name
My anticipation for the new Animal Crossing is bad enough that I'm already having unconsciously-prompted dreams about it. Well just one but still. I've got to hold out until early next year though.
>>722851 You can't let yourself lose! If you're a man, you'd better become gay enough that no amount of homoeroticism will make you uncomfortable! Aim for the top!!
oh. you can't pinpoint with the moe youtube inbed i wanted the line from 2:01
yeah it's 116s in the embed thing is a bit borked I think >>722855 rip MCA
Kirara 🍄
MCA died of cancer or something, didn't it?
Kirara 🍄
yeah in his glands
Kirara 🍄
in his glans
man that's fucked up
>John Burley's parotid gland tumor in the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. These specimen is a part of massive tumour of the parotid gland. It was removed by John Hunter from a 37-year old man called John Burley on 24 October 1785. The tumour weighed over 4 kilograms and took twenty-five minutes to remove. Hunter later noted that Burley 'did not cry out during the whole of the operation'. man that's crazy
>>722855 oh yeah I've been watching bits of this lately
>>722863 Every episode is up in full on Youtube and nobody seems to care I play it in whenever I want something in the background >>722864 Why do you avatarfag as the fat one?
Oh yeah, Pk, I wanted to ask if you heard about this game called Iratus: Lord of the Dead. You play as a necromancer and adventurers are invading your dungeon that you're trying to escape so you can take over the world, and you send your crazy monsters to kill them and harvest their pieces. to make more beasts
no wait Ether is 100y later >>722874 someone is spying on US
Today is my favorite client's last day of treatment. We're discharging him today. He's come so far! He's ready for discharge. But I don't want to see him go. He's fun to have in groups and he always talks a lot. He loves to talk about abstract stuff so he makes my mindfulness groups go easily.
>why isn't myp hone charging from the usb hub it is attached to >maybe if you attached it to a POWER PLUG it might have more than usb 3.0's power to power 3 applications eye am genius
hmm they sure are pacing ahead in UchiMusume I s'pose dropping stuff like 2 chapters of "how magic works" is fine and prolly another 3 chapter long storyline will be moved later but that they start school with that thing, instead ofh aving school go along and then do the thing is bit rushing ahead imo
I generally thinking pacing in adaptions has gotten worse
>>722913 actually anime never does this to me but manga does >notices ap age is damn embarrasing and next page is even more so >goes to do something else or an hour before reading next page
this primary care refused to give me a referral for psychiatry but just gave me a list and told me to call them myselves i said i wanted a referral otherwise it would take months to get in and she said no it's self referral only and humiliated me for having issues making phone calls so i call the psychiatric offices today, nervous, and get shunned for trying to place an appointment without a referral that i'd at least need to go through their therapy intake and get a referral from their therapist, but there's no therapy openings for four months out
It really sounds like there's no communication between these services that really rely pretty thoroughly on each other.
i suppose if its a clinic they arent familiar with that sort of info can get missed
it's because i'm on medicaid they want me to use the cheapest services possible which are meant for general common needs and every place that sees me takes a look at my documents and stuff and realizes they don't understand any of this and want a specialist to handle me so they don't face malpractice for trying to do something they can't
so i end up not getting any care while the payor and provider try to out-ignore each other
is Christian a girl's name? i felt like that was a boy's name i requested a female therapist so the secretary was like "okay you'll be with Christian then" i would assume the secretary knows them though >>722928 yeah this is about what i thought
im not doubting that a girl would be named christian i just feel like it would be my luck that i'd get a male therapist and the secretary would be like "oops, well i thought that was a girl's name. my bad"
it’s probably able to be used for both
>>722926 more likely to be a male's name, especially if anglo, but can be a woman's name too
I wouldn't blink at a girl named Christian, but I might call them Christina from time to time by accident. I would agree it leans towards male usage, mostly because there's the female alternative in Christina.
coincidentally Kristian for men, Kristiina for women here.
Actually come to think of it I've seen a Krist-something or other girl's name before. One that ends in 'n' instead of the 'na'. Parents give their kids some unusual names some times.
did you see the name written? the person might have just pronounced it weird and it is actually some christiana etc
god damnit I broke a glass I quite much liked it had written on its side recipes for basic drinks and how much to pour to which point in the glass etc and I got it from my mother who got it from some other older gen relative and now I elbowed it into my sink, it split in half and my kitchen is filled with glass shards that I can't clean, since too late to vacuum thank god I am wearing socks >>722932 Can't even imagine weird to even have to do this stuff for 3 days, when you'd figure it would be dealt with in a day or so or 1 day this week, 2nd day next week...
Sorry to hear that, I've got some mugs I'd be upset to lose like that.
Do you not have a dustpan and broom? We never vacuum glass here, just brush it up and put it in the trash.
>>722936 I kicked it into a corner and can't be bothered been meaning to get a dustpan and a broom, but... never remember and I don't want a one i have to crouch down with, which for SOME REASON makes them cost like 30€ in every store not fucing paying that much
Get a piece of paper and write "VACUUM" on it and leave it in the middle of your kitchen.
put a towel over the glass and you can't step on the glass permanent solution
welp everything I can see has been cleaned with good old "paper + hand" and I just have to remember to not walk barefooted there god I still remember that tiny micro glass shard I had in my foot for 2 weeks+ before I realised it was even there and not just infested wound
I wonder do the people grilling outside hear my NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo
Probably not.
it was quite loud and I have my window open and they are maybe 15-20m away from me prolly not who cares
what annoys me most, it was on the spot I constnatly move tall glasses away, cause I know it is occasionally in "elbow space" and I had noted it an hour earlier that "it is in the way" but IW as using the microwave at that point, so I didn't move it, cause it would have slightly blocked the micro door
The director for Hyouka, Dragon Maid, Lucky Star, and the Haruhi movie passed away in the arson attack on KyoAni.
>>722948 I would say no but judge for yourself
The head mercenary in FE is the same VA as Gus in Carole Tuesday and it's great
Does Three Houses have dual-audio then?
Gus' seiyuu is Otsuka Akio. He's done a lot of great characters in the past. He's also a pretty decent singer, but he doesn't really place -play characters that do singing parts these days.
>>722960 1. chinese so that is evidence against I can't see any sign of an apple in any pic, not that some have it that visible but still but who knows
an honestly cares
pee pee hard nothing else matter
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>722962 It's important to investigate these mysteries.
It goes without saying but mysterious green hair girl is super cute and I am very happy about her place in this game
Akio does a lot of narration, yeah. He does the narration prelude from Carole & Tuesday. His Wikipedia page even comments on his tendency to do narrator roles.
>>722965 well duh dragons are the fucking best also >>722970 CHIIIIINOOOOOOOOOOOII
aren't there btw even when it comes to just legs, some structural differences between men and women or is it just the usual "most likely is thicker, due to alrger mass"? >>722969 >>722992 btw look at dis shark
you need an external thing to stream from the Switch. I can stream it if you want to see but i'm going kinda slow. I'd probably go faster if I was streaming thouguh
>>723024 what if the rika had a text to speech device
>>723025 I'll turn it on. I mainly play from the streaming program anyway because it's so much easier to grab screenshots that way I just don't press the stream button half of the time.
>>723024 i liked this artist’s kagerou class gloves collection and now get to enjot their granblue version what joy
that artist also did an // a potentially morbid image and i really like it
And I am talking about LotGH, cause I had that pick in my dl folder and each time I scrolled past it thought "why do I have a pic of reinhardt named dimitri"
Everyone at work is constantly telling me how great I am and how the clients keep telling them they love me and stuff. Of course, I am an idol! But it's weird, haha. I'm not really doing anything special. All I'm doing is trying to help the people around me who need help.
The vets keep saying they feel really good that they have "a little nerdy dude in their corner fighting for them"
I'm getting praise every day. A lot of it. It's kind of a new experience. I've always had an implicit sense of being appreciated but nobody has made a big deal out of it until now.