Ace of Diamond Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Bem Black Clover Cop Craft Enen no Shouboutai --Episode 1-2 Fruits Basket --Episode 14-16 Granbelm HenSuki Joshikousei no Mudazukai Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e --Episode 2-3 Kochoki - Wakaki Nobunaga --Episode 2-3 YU-NO Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] --Episode 2-3 Tejina-senpai
>>721790 Yeah. It's kind of like a noir cop genre where there's monsters and twisted humans going around doing bad things. And there's these three demon siblings that handle the problems where they find them because by their understanding being a benevolent force like that is the route to becoming humans. Except the first episode at least, is told mostly from the perspective of a young police officer who finds herself wrapped up in this stuff because her sense of JUSTICE is too strong.
It's apparently an old series that's like fifty years old that they're remaking.
>>721805 it's gotten kind of backed up now. i do, but it's like dirty dishes that i don't want to start on because it's a bit chorish we've lagged behind a bit and the list is long right now too...
This isn't really a request but more a curiousity but are you not all that interested in continuing Fruits Basket Rika? Moon and I have both said we probably shouldn't save it for Jan anymore.
Holding on to hope since there's lots of other stuff to do.
>>721804 Well of the stuff I've been tracking this season, there's like thirty shows a week. Even if we're doing five shows a night Sun-Thurs that still means we'll always be running an excess of five episodes a week. So the list is going to keep growing no matter what we peck at.
An office that has a proper room for napping in sure would be nice. Though I guess it would take an institution like a police station that runs 24/7 for it to actually make sense in.
I wonder what kind of thought went into making the language they use in this series. It kind of sounds like there's some construction behind it. But it might just be the author substituted phonetic syllables.
What's funny is I suspected the police captain but because I'd confused him for the terrorist guy in the trenchcoat. But it turned out he was still the villain all the same.
I like this guy's motivation. I mean it's a vile motivation but it's a more complex motivation than you see from a lot of series like this.
seriously this soundtrack is beautiful it's been going on a long time for thi secne too
Yeah that building climax as she stood up was fantastic.
Oh wait I think this was the sereis -series this season with the OST by Iwasaki Taku. He's done some really good OSTs for shows in the past.
Lots of story building going on this ep. ah here's the action
Yeah they've had a good balance so far. They put out the mysteries of the series in the first episode, relaxed with some SoL in the second, and now they they've got people either waning in interest or hooked, give us the juicy stuff this episode.
my ADD is really bad haha i have no idea what's going on i just keep staring at the pretty colors and sounds and spacing out
Well the one girl getting info from her sisters is the grumpy oh okay sorry.
you don't have to explain it won't do my any good either haha it's fine im just saving you the trouble
Yeah but the spelling had no Us? I mean it seems like the GRANBELM robots all derive names from different languages, MC is English, that girl just earlier had on e in Chinese. So I guess that's a name from something but I don't know enough languages.
all the neon explosions and pink and blue flames are really cool haha it's such a light show
This white girl has the strings for her robot like one of those koto instruments from Kono Oto Tomare. It's a bit different from the rest of them.
i wish my brain could work right though this ED is really good
she had the strings like the koto, but earlier she was playing it in accompaniment with the piano soundtrack i think maybe it's supposed to be pianoy or maybe thats someone else
im making butternut squash soup while i watch with apple and ginger
Another week another pervert.
>>721902 Apple and ginger and ginger and squash are two pretty good combinations. Haven't ever encountered the three of them together but I can imagine it can blend well.
Oh so it wasn't the red-haired girl taking stealth photos of him and the pet girl. The dominatrix probably isn't the candidate either. I guess it's his imouto then?
did it? she's into voyeurism i think it wasn't explicit but that's what it seems like
It's a kind of voyeurism but not one that was really conveyed with what she said at the end there. The OP gives a pretty big hint towards what hers is but it's kind of a blink and you miss it moment.
>>721979 yeah it's nice though i wish i went to an all girls school
It's pretty surprising that an all-girl's school like theirs would allow for such diversity in the clothes they put atop their uniforms too. I mean I get it's so the characters all stand out from each other but looking below the meta it's a pretty uncommon thing for a school like this to be that lenient.
DLoHB had a really toxic subset of fans i remember so i couldn't watch it at all it's really easy for things to get ruined for me just by the people who like it
but i don't really hang around /a/ generally anymore now that i have /moe/ for watching nichijou was a real treat though