Araburu Kisetsu no Otomo-domo yo. Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou --Episode 1-2 Bem DanMachi Dr. Stone Enen no Shouboutai --Episode 1-2 Fruits Basket --Episode 14-16 Granbelm JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Joshikousei no Mudazukai Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e Kimetsu no Yaiba Kochoki - Wakaki Nobunaga Lord El-Melloi II Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] Okaa-san Online Tejina-senpai To aru Kagaku no Accelerator
I haven't seen anything from Moon since the early hours this morning so I don't know where he is. Sending out a ping might help but it might also just be us two tonight.
All these bystanders are excited for a game but on paper it's so ridiculously one-sided. The Hestia Familia has like two members and Apollo's is probably mucn more numerous.
Oh I guess though if they some how win this War Game that might explain how they upgrade their residency. ... Especially if they're trashing the church anyway.
oh yeah It's been awhile since we've logged this. er played this
and sorry I am here but I'm also managing people in another window
Tell 'em to shut their yaps and let you watch anime!
Rittoru Ruukii
That still gives Ais a lot of free space if she wants to move around helping Bell though. She just has to be careful to keep it secret.
It's kind of dumb though. They've started this game against Bell and Hestia but the terms of the engagement haven't even been set. What are even the win and loss conditions of the game? The god of the respective familia yielding? Killing everyone in the familia?
>>720476 i responded to your mail Are things okay? i am too socially stupid to tell if this is some subtle way of asking me to stop but I'm keeping my emails down to like two direct sentences and you're sill getting confused.
you can just tell me if it's a bother
oops orange
I hope more of this gets picked up for adaptation in the future. The consensus I see seems to be that the manga is heading towards conclusion so it's feasible to get the -get a full adaptation in a relatively short time frame.
>>720477 Nope, your emails are welcome! My inattentiveness lately is a combination of my natural inattentiveness things combined with my internet presence being terribly stretched thin between multiple communities. I feel bad for neglecting /moe/ a bit but I'm just so stretched thin lately.
I feel bad for those demon slayer corps people that are super weak
their mooks seem to be really week
I think this particular family of demons is also pretty powerful though. The only reason Tanjirou and the other two got called in was because that girl had one of their crows sending out a forged mission order.
Hah hah hah. Inosuke's determination to always 1-UP Tanjirou is pretty adorable.
Is cutting it apart a good idea the blades still have webbing attached
If they can cut it to banish it fully I think the bladearms would also disintegrate. So as long as they had done it like they did here there probably wouldn't have been a problem.
oh this is neat
Yeah this is kind of enchanting. Tanjirou is such a sweet boy.
The sound of this rain is really soothing too.
Hopefully Zenitsu can catch up to the other two before they come face to face with the dad of this spider family. He'll probably be pretty tough.
Yeah I think he's gpong tp going to end up a bad guy. he dresses like one too
There's a BEEP BEEP BEEP at about 2:45. It's in every episode's OP but that was the timemark this time. But every time I hear it, it makes me jump. It's not even close to the sound of the alarms I normally use so I don't know why but it drives me crazy.
Probably pretty inefficiently. Senku was saying bronze doesn't rot but there was definitely some decay going on there. If he pried around those decaying parts he might be able to get some off.
To really throw Tsukasa off their trail they should have made their tracks abandoning camp go a different direction than their intended direction. Considering how he's acted so far Senku really should have considered he wouldn't take long to see how they were trying to fool him,
regular combustibles would be plenty effective and easier
primitive guns are actually pretty crappy they're like slingshots
actually slingshots would be simple and effective, and slings
Yeah, to make a gun you need some sturdy metals too. Even iron and bronze probably wouldn't work very well. So along the way to guns they're going to have to figure out a way of making steel, which isn't exactly an easy process.
He'll get primitive guns if he's treating black powder as if it's most of the job
okay do you want to do 1 or 2 more?
I can go for two more if you can. We can keep with Okaa-san and then maybe close on Fruits Basket since we've got Moon now. There's three episodes of that out by now, we're falling behind!
We haven't started it yet, yeah. Ika mentioned he'd watched the first episode of it which is the main reason I've kept it around hah hah. It's apparently a kind of cheesily EDGE isekai I think.
Oh no he's been disarmed. I think he really needs a hand now.
imagine dropping a picture of yourself when you die as loot
I read an article that the author of the original material for this saw the first episode or early content of the anime adaptation and was really disappointed with it, hah hah. To the point where he got them to pretty much scrap what they'd done and begin again. Which just sounds crazy to me. I can't imagine that happening for an anime adaptation.
I think so, yeah. I was saving the article for a while since I wanted to share it with Ika but I kept forgetting to and eventually just closed it. I'll go see if I can find it again and get my information clearer.
tl;dr, the author wrote a blog post complaining about his dissatisfaction with the adaptation content the studio was sending him, after it was announced the adaptation would be delayed from April 2018 to this season. While it's not certain, it's very likely the author's discontent pushed the delay and also the firing of the adaptation staff.
Oh I guess this where the MC goes full EDGE.
This first episode has been kind of confusing though. I get they probably wanted to do something different but the jumping back and forth in the chronological order of things is just confusing.
i like this one so far [}{]=[}{]_{][}_[}|{]-[{}]-{[]}
It's pretty funny. I only knew about the illustrations and the opening premise I didn't know what the actual content was going to be like. So it's fun that it's goofy too.
Hah hah hah. She's not wrong, but calling someone a "walking coupon" is kind of insulting.
>>720577 Yeah it's always been the kind of thing that entices me. But at least with MMORPGs I can never get engaged enough to get to the point where I feel I'm actually doing things.
WIse is kind of like a cross between Aqua and Megumin from KonoSuba. She's got the the ego and attitude of Aqua and the one-trick-pony-ness of Megumin. And a damedameness to put them both to shame.
what was it i missed at the start? >>720612 what is danmachi again is it something we hadn't seen yet ohhhhh that danmachi i know now we hadn't watched it yet though huh
is it something we're going to continue? if so i'll catch up
DanMachi. I don't know if you've caught up yet but I think we've watched both episodes of it without you.
>>720611 It's an older series that got its season two this season. The English name is something like "Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon?" There's a recap episode zero out if you never watched the original too.
>>720611 I think we did episode one of the new season last week, on a day you were either late or absent. I really enjoyed the first series of it so I'd like to keep up the new series too. It's a fun game-y fantasy. The title is kind of a misnomer too. While there's a bit of trying to impress girls by dungeoning a lot of the series deals with the various groups of people and the gods and goddesses they follow.
>>720613 ah okay yeah i'll try to be late or absent less but it's actually really hard for me to be consistent with the changing meds i can't really control when or how long i sleep or when my thoughts start racing hopefully i'll get all that sorta out soon
araburu looks really good, i want to enjoy it
I can understand the trouble. Not trying to be judgemental about you missing, just factual. Take the time you need to get things properly alligned. As long as it's not a bother to try to bring you in when you're having a hard time on your own, I'm happy.
well anime time is really important to me i want to be better about it but sometimes my brain just isn't right and starts thinking other stuff that keeps me from appreciating it still trying to figure out how to get that under control adequately