Ot It has to be intentional how much she looks like lucina
>>722694 It would have to be the other way around. The original VN for this came out in like the 90s. The characters have been visually updated but they more or less have the same designs from since then.
Hah hah The final marble was right under his nose at home the whole time.
I think this is the point where gets to travel laterally through time now.
Her use of the human language really has gotten a lot more coherent.
I wonder if her broke horn is ever going to regrow of if it's stuck broken for like.
For life even.
This girl sure is a devil fan for such a little kid.
>True knowledge Can there ever actually be true knowledge though?
Wow he's teasing her because he's crushing on her.
Oh wow she's an unpleasant person.
;_; Poor Latina.
This does remind me of some horror stories I've heard from my sisters about teachers they had. I was lucky to have decent teachers but they had some real nightmare teachers that were toxic to their entire class.
Oh no.
Hopefully this other temple isn't as racist to demons as that one priestess was.
He's pretty good at being intimidating when he wants to be. It's a real contrast to the goofball he is around Latina.
okay enen1 oh this is the fire squad one right it's supposed to be good
yeah I tried pinging him
okay well let's just do machikado and save this one for moon machikado
okay lets start!
Yeah, the series by the author of Soul Eater.
I get the feeling Moon's not here anymore. It's been fifteen minutes.
Okay, I've changed over.
On the topic of comfy shows though, Takagi-san, that show about the middle school girl who plays tricks on her crush who's constantly trying to outsmart her but failing, is having a second season this season. But it's on Netflix so there's no HorribleSubs rip this season. I want to go look at fansubs since I think there's a group or two doing it. I really enjoyed that series and would like to see more.
Blonde hair's recessive anyway so it's not impossible for the two of them to be related.
Shamiko is still cuter though! She's the kind of hopeless you just can't help but feel you need to protect!
Oh yeah this show has some people with awful aesthetics doing the localizing. Substituting American brands in place of the Japanese ones. Converting metric to imperial measurement at a proper conversion, but not properly converting yen to dollar values. I'm fine with language localization but changing the proper nouns for other ones just feels dumb to me.