Thread #722328
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Ace of Diamond Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Black Clover Dumbbell Enen no Shouboutai --Episode 1-2 Fruits Basket --Episode 14-16 Isekai Cheat Magician Kanata no Astra Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e --Episode 3-4 Kochoki - Wakaki Nobunaga --Episode 2-3 YU-NO Maou-sama, Retry! Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] --Episode 2-3 Tejina-senpai
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ace of diamond black clover isekai cheat maou-sama dumbbell
Let's do Kanata no Astra instead of one of those. Maybe Isekai Cheat or Maou-sama.
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okay well sub kanata in as #4
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sounds good!>>722335 it's in the morning, yeah i'll be fine this is my morning
Oh yeah Moon are you going to be able to make anime the eve of your appointment? Or is it tomorrow?
Okay good I thought that was the case but I wanted to make sure.
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ace of diamond okay lets start!
Eesu>>722337 Beep boop Rika
can you give me the xdcc code for this my torrent didn't start
nvm it's starting sorry, sec
ok sorry
It happens. Some times I just pretend to start and put a stopwatch on when I realize too late that my torrents messed up and I need more time to get a show.
yeah i would have but im cooking too atm
That wouldn't stop me! Probably for worse though hah hah.
Ore-sama taipu!
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This guy is a new pitcher. Havent' seen much of him.
He sure likes to play with his tongue. Could play with a bit more dignity.
This other team's catcher hardly looks like a high school student hah hah.
Why ... shouldn't he watch the game tomorrow?
Silly adults, getting dreams into the heads of kids.
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Can't wait for sawamura to become ace.
Oh no. Clock's a' tickin'
Search [iqdb] (♫, 5s, 1.4 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hachigatsu no C(…).mp4 )
it's such an action-packed scene i like to rewatch it to relive the thrill
You get thrills from some weird places.
I wonder who's gonna get handed off the Captain role once their current captain graduates.
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show won't be the same if he does. black diamond er black clover okay lets start
Wrong suit hah hah There might be a Diamond Kingdom arc at some point though.
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tilde was talkin trash about this show when i joined you guys first but im enjoying it a lot i dunno what he's on about 🦉
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eh close enough
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oh yeah this should be an interesting ep
I think they changed up a bit of this OP animation for this latter part of the arc.
These robes the Wizard King are wearing really aren't well-suited to combat.
Yami riding a broom is a pretty silly thing.
Man they're really trashing the castle.
wow how does he use it
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Final boss is jobbing.
>>722367 Grimoire possession seems weird in this series. People seem to derive power by possessing them but you don't necessarily need to be looking at it or holding it to use the magic from it. Though people seem to normally have to have them somewhere on their person. I guess the Wizard King is the Wizard King though.
Oh it's the edgelord's dad.
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I though it was just the edgelordl
Well this is a flashback, the Wizard King isn't even the Wizard King yet! The edgelord would just be a little kid.
He's got some real pointy cheekbones.
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this is a pretty ED i wonder if there's an extended version
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This show has had good EDs and OPs. It's the only thing consistently good about it.
There's got to be a full version, if not already out, coming soon.
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yeah they have a nice feel to them
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isekai cheat okay lets start!
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He's sure losing it.
yeah same
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There's really a lot of isekai/fantasy stuff this season.
Well I'm happy to get more fantasy stuff but the isekai structure wears thin after a while. These are some pretty uncouth guys at this bar.
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>>722384 it's definitely getting to be a bit much it's going to cause anime indigestion at this rate
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I like good isekai.
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Do you like this one?
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hmmm I don't know about this one.
That's a pretty oni-poi ogre.
What an underwhelming one punch, man.
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im having trouble keeping track of which one is which this isn't the one that had the giant panda right? that was a different one?
That was Nakanohito. It's hard to tell if that one's an isekai or trapped in a video game or just a bunch of kids that got kidnapped and put in a spot with weird challenges they need to overcome.
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my ADD is so bad lately im having trouble paying attention to the show as i watching it let alone that there's a bunch that feel the same im getting mixed up hopefully that'll all be fixed in a few hours!
This lady is acting all evil but man she has about the most mundane appearance.
>>722397 Best of luck.
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kanata okay lets start
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this one's really good
She's a real Polyanna being able to be so excited while stranded in space.
oh crap my save image key slipped by mistake now i have a picture i didn't want to take of gross skin
It's a good thing those pictures are easy to erase.
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i love this thing so much
She's a good ventriloquist too.
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this is a good one though
Ew a whole planet covered in moss. How terrifying.
imagine if we got to mars and found life but the astronauts got hungry and ate it
haha these candy wrapper illustrations this show has good comedic sense
They like flowers that make you the characters in Umaibou.
Wow Ulgar don't be so mean.
Hah hah the biologist guy is getting a bit too excited.
this would be so fun this type of forensic investigation of a planet's ecosystem
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That orphan girl has crazy eyes.
I guess the imouto's power is she can talk animal.
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Oh the candy plants go bad fast. I guess all those sugars aren't meant for preservation.
dehydrate them
Wow that's another kid that's being senselessly mean ther. Mean to her even.>>722423 Well Ulgar's got some angst problems and the other guy has already shown to be a fucking dumbass.
what's wrong with these people
she's not even big at all
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I guess food probably is a big concern there.
>>722424 I think she's tall relative to most the other kids. All the other girls at least. And she's taller than Ulgar and the other bratty guy.
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tall girls have it rough
Oh I feel this girl quite a bit.
yeah same
Well I guess that's where all the dead herbivores are coming from.>This planet is ruled by mushrooms Oh I bet Kirara will get a kick out of that.
dorohedoro foreshadowing they're really clever about the worldbuilding
Man this is some TENSION music. Like the kind of music a horror game plays when it's trying to tell you to run.
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wow, that's a bit terrifying, drowning like that
A mushroom species that controls the ecosystem of its environment is one of those things that does feel like it could be real. Reminscent of those spooky-ass fungi that get into insects' brains to mind control them up to the highest point they can reach to spread spores.
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there's a lot of systems thinking going into this show that makes a nerd like me real happy
Alien planets sure are scary in deep space.
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i like space
Space is pretty cool.
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okay muscles! okay lets start!
I'm not really a fan of mussles or scallops.
dumbbell!>>722441 scallops have eyes
Yeah and who would ever eat something that's GOT EYES.
Search [iqdb] (♫, 8s, 431 KB, 1280x720, [Golumpa] How Heavy Are the Du(…).mp4 )
I guess it'll be time for Hibiki to realize just how distanced she's become from normal people who come to check out a gym only to flake out a week or two later.
I'd rather have more SUUPAA SENKO-SAN TAIMU
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kanata no Astra(…).jpg )
free weight bench presses terrify me ive used them before but i really can't stand the fear of having something go crunch on my neck
Yeah, I'd rather just use a machine like this.
Search [iqdb] (204 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Ki(…).jpg )
>>722449 i spy a similarity
These two goofs just fondling themselves in public.
Teaching boxing classes as a teenager is a pretty impressive feat.
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A lot of these girls are tanned.
You get tanned pretty easy during NA TSU
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i wouldn't mind tanning up a bit ive gotten paler than i used to be
Uh okay.
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oh is this an isometrics episode all my workouts are free body cuz i aint going to the gym
This is a terrifying human bean though.
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Boobs and underarms are important places to work on.
I feel this exercise is very easy to mess up badly.
ya i thought this would happen haha or they'd tip over
I was thinking of damage to the exercising person too. Like sink too low and you can't get your arms -your shoulders back above the chair back and you get stuck there in a pose your shoulder muscles aren't really supposed to hold.
i want a summer vacation
Hah hah hah. Here the lakeshore beaches get closed because of e.coli levels and general polliution issues. Over in Japan they close beaches because of fucking SHARKS.
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 01 [(…).jpg )
rika-chan take us to your private beach please
Oh wait I read this chapter hah hah. I'd forgotten until burpee. What a stupid name for an exercise.
Getting all sweaty at the beach you can't actually go swimming at feels kind of unpleasant. Though I guess showering when you're at a beach like that is common anyway.
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 02 (…).jpg )
hibiki looks like she's getting a little bit squishier every episode it's cute though
She'll become the sumo wrestler she always had it in her to become soon enough!
Search [iqdb] (♫, 15s, 1.9 MB, 1280x720, [Golumpa] How Heavy Are the Du(…).mp4 )
Yeah but what IS the ideal upper body? Is this like a sixth Platonic shape?
Or were there already six making it the seventh. I don't remember the Platonic shapes were dumb anyway.
Search [iqdb] (♫, 6s, 1.4 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai -(…).mp4 )
thanks for anime! ganbare your best tomorrow yall
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yeah, thanks for anime!
Mhm, thanks. Good luck.
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i want to squeak in the new tejina senpai tomorrow though to carry me through the weekend! just a heads up
I'll mention it tomorrow if you don't get it in again tomorrow. Might be best just to make sure the request isn't forgotten.