>Update of my old release of the Psycho-Pass movie. Like the old version, this splices the Japanese and dub tracks for the movie in order to remove a lot of the Engrish. interesting
>>723159 How are you going to learn self-control if you keep yourself out of situations where you need it? Why are you afraid of liking her, anyway? Aren't you underestimating yourself?
>>723164 Yeah, but pulling away is also a show of a lack of self-control. You wouldn't say you're in control of a car if swing the wheel all the way around as soon as you go out of your lane and just fling yourself out of your lane on the other side.
>>723175 btw imagine a black man, like african black with long blond hair silky smooth long flowing blond hair not like european silky smooth, but the asian smooth but blond, natural blond man would that look weird
>>723178 Isn't being alone because you put too much distance between the girl you like and yourself kind of lame, too, though? You should just go for it! Everyone is pathetically needy and alone.
>>723184 It's the start of a summer romance! Or I guess it's winter there, huh. Don't grow too cold!
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
It ain't like that.
Well that's fine too. But really man, let other people be the monitor on whether you're being too close to them. You're an accomplished, interesting guy. People are probably interested in having you around and being friends with you.
I kinda find it funny, how this boss in diablo 3 that was in diablo 2 was in ALL difficulties in that "Immune to frost" or atleast immune to freezing but in d3, despite being basically still just "this fucker freezes and colds you" he is vulnerable to freezing also izual in d2 was FAST slow aura ice attacks occasional freezing attacks bitch was an annoyance to kill, especially singe 85% of sorcerers dealt ice dmg
>>723211 Deshou? It's been a stressful week. I think I can afford to sleep late. I thought about maybe getting up at 6:30, but that's way too late. I can't go that far.
Jesus... why does wizard teleport have a fucking 10? second cooldown, but you can nonstop do actually BETTER dodge manuever with demon hunter wish wizard could spam teleport just like sorcerer in d2
so in diablo 2 a major plot point was "destroying the soulstones the 3 prime evils were trapped in" I guess, with them shattered to pieces and their souls still tied to them, they could neve manifest again as demons and angels in the series are essentially immortal and even if killed truly, they will just reincarnate
So issue #1 The soulstones of Baal, Diablo and Mephisto were shattered so they shouldn't have been able to return #2 Say they were somehow able to return, how did they get bound to the Big soulstone, that could contain all of Evil within it #3 At the end of the expansion, the big soulstone was shattered, how did this release diablo, instead of causing the same effect as shattering the smaller soulstones in diablo 2, which either vanquished or banished the evils (for a time)
the people really are bad at their own lore Reminds me how they use Deathwing's own creation against himself, despite that being something it can't do in wow that is
i really didn't look into much of this game at all. just, FE in school, you can walk around, and there's a war soon I don't want the war to happen. I want peaceful sensei days.
You're both so billegerant it makes me feel so good.
>>723235 >>723236 well you see the airlines has souls stones FUCKING phone have to be shattered on that anvil in hell you go to in D2 to actually kill them
baal and Mephisto should be wholly fucking dead, there's no way they had to come back in any form
diablo however was more powerful and had the dark wanderer (warrior from d1) sire children while carrying Diablo's soul in him, and had an anchor to assume physical form when his soul was dispersed upon the soulstones destruction
if you don't destroy the stones on that anvil it doesn't kill them for some reason can't remember but they talked about it in d2, they are just set free as ambient forces
but baal and mephisto are supposed to be 100% dead and gone for good period
>>723322 if you're not Slayer Lvl 99 you're fucking dead to me
>>723355 well you knew what i was talking about so you're pretty close regardless
anyone who has 99 in a combat skill without getting 99 in the skill that makes money through combat is a fucking degenerate probably some NMZ product that can't get their fire cape fucking losers
Ren~ they did what they should have done. they performed to the best of their ability. I'm really proud.
>>723381 nice that looks pretty good i didn't know they had released a console FE
play ogre battle you fucking casuals it's a goddamn masterpiece no offense blue all offense anyone else
It came out earlier today or yesterday, hah hah.
>>723386 Listen, I have spent like six hours in this game I have done THREE (3) battles I am not in it for the tactics, I'm in it for the school life. >war yada yo
I confessed I'm a non-binary so I might as well go all the way in
my wrist i injured it about a week and a half ago hasn't been getting better
What did you do to it?
big baka like give it
>>723388 i don't know anything that happened since like two or three weeks ago ok >>723389 ONE endgame battle in Ogre Battle takes 4 to 5 hours it's a fucking diamond a goddamn flawless strategy rpg but if you aren't really big on that shit no problem if you don't think micro managing everything and still losing sounds like crap >>723391 fuck do you mean >>723392 fuck do you mean
That's also kind of concerning. What about the wrist is injured.
i injured my wrist a few months ago and my ability to control my pinky and ring finger seems permanently fucked up oh well lol
not like there's much use for a pinky and such
Yeah I remember the wrist injury from back then. I didn't know it was still being that serious.
I wish I could advocate getting a medical health specialist to look at it but I know that's not really an option. How annoying.
it's a minor annoyance at best i don't really give a shit thankfully it affects unimportant digits anyways bit further left and i might have a useless hand but could haves and maybes are no concern of mine
I mean my own struggles are my own? I could share anything with you, you know. Just ask.
>>723399 Well the problem with persistent damage like this is it can develop and worsen over time. And the fact that it isn't getting better is kind of indicative of it, well, not going well.
Can you at least still play guitar despite the injury?
You're fucked/ hand it down to people here that could understand your struggle shit peace
>>723400 okay bitch >>723401 true enough, perhaps one day I'll have a completely fucked up hand.
as is it doesn't cause much trouble, particularly guitar-wise, i don't have to use my left ring or pinky too much, and chords are adaptable.
if nothing else, could just learn to left hand Strom strum. right hand still works great despite the majority of bad damage being directed there, I've learned simple shit with one hand so I'm sure i could do it again.
look guys i understand what whatever you're talking about probably seems worth it to you but we need to talk about exhentai being gone and how the age of darkness has begun for my dick
Just use g.e- I doubt you actually care about loli and shota stuff that they took the panda down for.
yeah no but come on this is a CRISIS start fucking panicking already dude
g.e- is literally the public-accessible fork of the panda there's practically no difference.
every day is a crisis for you bang
>>723412 shhhhhhhhhhh SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH lalalalalalla i can't hear you
alright i take that back i can't actually hear you because posts don't make noise but yeah you get it man
Well I mean you could always just be celibate I don't want to hold you back.
look man it's really trendy right now to be sad about exhentai going and you're really killing my vicarious-victimhood buzz here
I've never been good at following trends.
the big downside here is really just that g.e- has an absolutely disgusting background color who the fuck even thought
>>723433 and you may ask yourself how did i get edgeguarded os fiercely? and you may say to yourself i don't have double jump and he's countering on the ledge and you may tell yourself i wasn't going to queue for glory tonight
>>723443 i remember most of what i say to him becuse he's the only other person here that has played the masterpiece that is the legacy of kain series everyone else is fucking baby tier with their interpretations of shit games with shit stories
MC has one but it's literally just Sol. Hers? She's a healer with hardly any attack and suddenly the crest goes off and the opponent DIES to a sword counter attack
>>723470 desho tho why did it take them that long to realize people aren't even able to appreciate the music they make it just switches after ten seconds instead of playing through and then starts over again how long does enemy phase even last
the new FE sounds kind of boring people are saying you only have a battle like once every couple hours because there's so much meaningless filler content like teaching >>723480 wow ok im leaving FOREVER
you sound kind of boring
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what if the teaching content is like playing Persona 5's real world though
>Nintendo Replaces Fire Emblem Three Houses Protagonist Voice Actor Amid Sexual Assault Allegations >"After assessing the situation, we decided to re-record the characterβs voiceovers in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem Heroes with another actor. The new voiceovers will be included in a future patch.β
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah I'd heard about that they've already swapped them lightspeed er, found someone I mean
>>723479 Not gonna lie there is a lot of filler content but I'm also not gonna lie I like it. Probably not the best for serious FE people And I'm sure once the school arc is over, that will probably change a lot.
And that's actually happened too On the 16 hour bus ride between Varanassi and Kathmandu Some people brought beer at the lunch stop and started getting pissed up the back of the bus.
theyβre ysing outfit in the not-game sense im pretty sure but people are suspecting the water trial unit that isnt released could be gab >>723518 that is a fair point
Kirara π
they're saying left-oriented is the home screen version though that implies there is a version for the home screen
oh man that'd be awesome if they release gab i need that
>water gets water sandal who is strong >gets cog who is literally meta changing tier >gab??????????
>>723563 You will pass your mother fucking dissertation bitch. there's nothing about this game that's really that important. I don't want you bullshitting it and then playing the game after and being all "wow, there's all this filler shit."
Kirara π
>>723564 lmao my dissertation is all fucked up anyways i can't "work" on it right now because i'm still trying to figure out what i'm going to do to make it simple enough that my chair won't fuck it up and make me stay in the program an extra year
Damn, I should fillered my dissertation.
>>723566 just fill every page with "git gud faget" cite HE'S BACK on YouTube as your singular source at the end
Kirara π
i already have 60 pages and 120 different citations though
>>723665 Intercourse Pennsylvania is probably the best name of a town in the US. Hell Michigan was my previous number one, but they changed the name to Gay Hell, which lacks the simplicity.
>>723674 the presentation after was kinda boring this one might also be but theres aperson here with the title of Netflix Narrative Designer so they might be Bandersnatch?
they want $1 per 100 mb data add-on if i use a daily plan or any plan for that matter but other plans are 10 for 1gb instead
that'll work fine since i dont think i'd even use 100mb but that's pretty expensive for data
it's $2 a day for a daily plan that's actually not bad i should just do that all the time since i use my phone like twice a month and nobody calls or texts me
>>723682 I need a small favor finding some journal articles i sent you the details over discord not urgent but whenever you get a chance to think about it
there's this game here called Can Androids Pray? and I guess I'm all fucked up for the rest of the day.
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Jesus?
can god hear circuits
>>>/@WritNelson/1155152301235089408 >the developer is right at the front of the entrance so he's likely to be the first game you play if you go in order
>>723681 Oh, cool Well, I mean it was kind of cool to have it be gay hell fkr a month too.
This manga is good. https://mangadex.org/title/36934/shark-girl
thereβs a graveyard out back one of the many rooms on the main floor has baskets randomly hanging from the ceiling there is an appropriately creepy basement accessible from a small door in the kitchen there are two (2) staircases from the main to the upper level
Kirara π
>>723706 hahahaha this is hilarious where did you find this place
>>723706 where does the water from the sink go? do you have to scoop it into the toilet once you're done
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
>>723710 itβs an airbnb! near Coatesville or whatever itβs called thereβs also a mysterious set of paths out back leading to a charming fire pit area with fairy lights and about a billion insects
>>723711 There's a slim crack at the back of the sink. Water trails down the slope to fall through it.
i would really love to be an interior designer consulting as one would be really hard though because i'd constantly be telling people "gosh dont waste money on that, it's so expensive" but setting up airbnb's to be both profitable and tasteful sounds really fun
>>723731 sammy drew that in the sequins you dumdum
the lengths to which these companies will go to make it sound like it's just totally okay and normal to pay someone else to do your dissertation for you is laughably cringey gah
like people realize this shit isn't just for your class or program it's public record with your name attached if you ever do anything with yourself, people can look back and see you wrote something that looks like a high school essay for your dissertation and is heavily derivative if not outright plagiarized
lmao reading these reviews are so funny because people get so pissed at these companies for giving them trash and ruining their programs but they're the dumbasses who paid a couple thousand dollars to have someone else write their dissertation in a week
>>723737 it's a ridiculously massive business i've known people who do that kind of stuff (writing it not buying it) i used to write essays for people when i was like 14-16 but that was high school stuff or like sociology undergrad major stuff nobody cares about anyway i would never do it now; i'd tell someone to get fugged if they asked me
it's just so unbelievable to me that i can't stop looking at this stuff i don't eat popcorn but i'd grab a bowl if i did and do this for my weekend entertainment
Kirara π
the majority of people ive met who have completed dissertations are people who seem like theyd pay for someone else to write it though
right, you know i used to gamble for some reason, there was a cross-section there with a lot of people who did that type of stuff
of the probably 30-ish people i knew relatively well around that stuff, most had research-heavy graduate education chemists and mathematicians and stuff they were able to make steadier income doing services like thesis writing than trying to find research positions i mean they did that stuff obviously but fellowships were inconsistent so they did other stuff like that and the gambling to fill in the gaps
one friend of mine was getting his MBA and actually kept asking people to do his business ethics papers and stuff for him but those were just papers not anything huge still academic dishonesty though i don't know why it's so rampant
>>723755 fuck they do lol i can think of like three people on this whole board
>>723760 Well it'll probably just all be girls I knew back from high school so it's likely inevitable. I'm happy they're inviting me out to stuff but man it's hard for me to get places this late at night!
Especially when the damn bus doesn't stick to its damn schedule.
nao kamiya >>723765 I found a lot of parts rushed and hamfisted lacked a lot tension and atmosphere the original carried things that had a lot of weight in the original were over in a third of the time in comparison and yet I was still bored >>723768 yeah it's catching a lot of flack online haha
oh there's a new one lmao shows what i know oops
the original had some pacing issues of its own too it uses a song to montage the passage of time after simba leaves and it uses the passage of time to signify change so he can go back and things have changed but the story didn't really change or do anything there were no trials or major growth hurdles in that time passage, but the story kind of leverages it as though we're bonded to that time
he sang a song with timon and pumba and then ran into his female friend again as an adult then came back they just gloss over a whole few years and it's really stiff it had a lot of other things going for it though that still worked in its favor though
i didn't know there was a new one out but if i had known that there's gonna be a new lion king id probably guess it would be pretty meh
a good 40 minute conversation with my mom about how beer is chemically composed and how natural elements like heat and UV rays can affect it then she was like "you know a lot about beer why don't you make your own" and i'm kind of wondering about it now
could easily afford a carboy and herbs and airlock wonder what i could experiment with though
i kind of always wanted to try a beer infused with coffee wonder if i could brew something with that kind of gimmick
there's a bunch of microbreweries in this metroplex bet i could pitch something to somebody if i do brew something i think is satisfying
if i ever make anything i'm satisfied with personally i can basically guarantee others will like it cause i have insanely high standards for anything i do personally
>>723778 it was a joke because I'm still pretty much a weeb but also. You haven't seen the majority of Japanese majors they are normies.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
all the japanese majors (3 or 4) I've known were huge weebs
All // A lot of the ones I know are fairly well off people who want to visit Japan or have visited Japan with their Father's company or on missionary business. a few think its an "easy degree" in the bag for something they are mildly interested in. I haven't met any huge weebs. Most of them people who are going to inherit a position in a family business so are just getting a degree for whatever reason.
>missionary business Ugh I dislike missionaries The whole idea of spreading Christianity has caused so much damage to cultures all over the world
The worst is when they go to Africa and preach that birth control is evil.
Getting killed by someone whose culture you came to destroy.
a lot of times missionaries are doing things like helping natives have access to clean drinking water to limit the spread of disease and stuff it's not particularly focused on religiously converting them all the time
>>723790 You can do that without soreading christianity. That stuff is fine.
A lot of the people I've seen who are missionaries are just there to travel with a group without having to pay a lot. Not many of them seem very devout especially the young ones not to say there aren't any devout ones but I get the impression it is like a club activity that reglious zealotry.
>>723791 they do do it without spreading christianity it's a christian mission performed by missionaries
I sent a bunch of stuff i'm going to regret saying to a friend again l o l tfw i have to delete three 25oz cans of 8% shite beer to get drunk now meant every letter i wrote though i'm sure he'll understand >>723796 makes me think of those dreams where you're trying to move and everything is fucking difficult for no reason so you can't move right
>>723797 I hope your nerdy letters pierce your friends harto
>>723798 they won't and they don't have to i'm already okay with how things were feels good to say it directly though maybe he'll just be like wtf fag and we won't be friends anymore that'd be fine with me too i guess more than likely he already figured as much cause he's a goddamn genius however
>>723801 i have a couple i've only worn one or two times haha got a panda one and a batman one that he bought me actually
i don't wear that kind of stuff to bed though cause i usually sleep naked or with underwear on at the most
i also have a few other gimmick outfits i have only worn in private like a french maid outfit sometimes its nice to indulge in that kinda stuff
>>723802 Wowww, I kinda wanna get one. The cat bed suits are fun looking, I've been really amused by having a shark kigu for bed.
I like trying out outfits, I'm not comfortable with the cosplay but sometimes they look cool, I'm not sure I'd ever french meido. >>723804 I wouldn't get an anime kigu unironically, but I'd definately get one for a halloween party or something like that. It amusing the hell out of me
>>723803 You've been talking about that on and off for years. Would you get an Arcuied one?
i guess technically it's two french maid outfits though had to order two sizes cause im a boy and the small top fits but the small skirt is too small it digs in
huge fucking waste of money there >>723803 i'd like to cosplay sometime but i don't go to events for games and anime or anything i'm ok at sewing and stuff but the idea of dressing up and playing as a character sounds really fun i'd have to go to an anime con first to get a feel for what's adequate visually to bring to public events
>>723803 An Arcueid one wouldn't be an anime one because there is no Tsukihime anime.
>>723803 *amuses >>723806 Yeah thats why its a double halloween outfit.
>>723805 I'd go to events with you! I wanna do stuff like that but going publically out in cosplay makes my anxiety go nuts. I used to know how to sew, I haven't in a long time but I love the idea of learning how to make my own dresses. I want to design my own fashion. the idea of making my own long couture and alternative style clothing is super appealing.
I have some nice dresses for the summer but always wanna tweak things.
We can go to a cosplay event and win awards as huge nerds.
>>723806 what makes you say there's no tsukihime anime
huh it werks! didn't werk when i first saw your post and didn't werk after refreshing but werks now i remember seeing that post being authored too maybe i'm losing my actual mind
i don't get that meme anyway though the tsukihime anime was pretty good
>>723821 it is entirely obnoxious that a legitimate aspect of societal knowledge shares a name with the slang ascribed to stupid edits of a goddamn frog in a webcomic barely anybody reads
Ironic absurdity memes are weird when people start making unironic absurd memes.
>>723823 They don't share a name They're the same thimg
>>723825 you're right they don't share the same name they share a descriptor and classification and yet are also not fluent with the other definition of meme used in older literature or philosophical writing
>meme /mΔm/ noun an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.
you actually halt discussion for these pedantic comments please be considerate
>>723828 thus a pepe meme would be drawing another character doing the pepe face
posting pepe doing whatever isn't a meme. it's just an image. the
memetic interaction of pepe's many faces being transposed onto other characters, edited or imitated without directly copying the source, that is actually a meme. sadfrog.jpg isn't a meme classically.
The idea that pepe become some political thing felt like parody spilled into real life. Although I am continously feeling like real life is parody nowadays
I played pepe guess who in tabletop simulator earlier today.
>>723830 the original meme was fire wow bruh deep.ogg
I also won
>>723822 they re like poket sized cards not a board Game at all
>>723834 what is pepe guess who? i should play more tabletop sim its got a lotta fun shit in there >>723839 okay what is guess who guess i could just google that actually >>723833 people who define themselves via politics are fucking despicable
>>723845 why's it called Cluedo anyhow. Cause you do stuff based on clues? >>723847 Does tabletop simulator have the gmae I made when I was 12 with my dad's woodworking expertise to guide me though?
blue's cluedo
>>723848 Look, it's all proper British stuff mate. >a play on "clue" and "Ludo"; ludo is Latin for I play look it's got latin in it, innit.
>>723848 No but you can add it to steam workshop and then it will.
>>723850 Oh, I finally get it. After years and years of asking what cluedo is supposed to mean in shitty 4chan threads. Somebody explained it in less than 10 words.
Cluedo is kind of a cute name actually.
Guess the pun's probably lost on most kids though. Kids have purchasing power here, they direct their parents towards what games to buy and such.
>>723850 Yeah I can see why they changed the name for the US I'm still mad they changed the name of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone though
I'm more suprised they didn't take the u out of it. since you lot take the u out of colour and honour fer no reason .
>>723855 We take the U out of colour and armour and so on. Yet the american english pronunciation is the same
Meanwhile the american pronunciation of "the" is closer to "da" "fifty" is more commonly, "fiddy" any of the numerical teens, such as thirteen, would drop many consonant phonemes, becoming "thiteeen" or "fiteen'
>>723857 Wow you unequivocally have to be the hugest dork. >>723858 America moves further away from god's light
Wait is i really spelled tumour over there? That was a joke
>>723855 It may be apocryphal but I read somewhere that American newspapers had their third-party articles sold by the letter, so penny-pinchers would take out letters where it made sense to, such as the relatively useless U's in those words.
>>723858 >the american pronunciation of "the" is closer to "da" That's regional
>>723860 Yes, all you need to do is take a long time spelling and remove random u's to make the words american
>>723862 It's regional, yes, but almost universally as such. I've been to about half the states, most of the west coast and all of the east coast, and people enunciate "the" clearly only in the far north bordering canada with the exception of wisconsin and michigan and surrounding states where they have that uniquely fucked up dialect/accent.
>>723861 I thought it was some American school teacher who hated the British and wanted to modifiy the American language to be suitably different. yeah Noah Webster, he hated the British ruling class so did a huge reformation of the American English spelling
>>723864 All my southern relatives and east coast relatives say the.
>>723869 >american families >small sample sizes oh you poor child. My extended family going only as far as one generation apart includes 14 individual households. >>723872 Yeah, we certainly do. I don't usually enjoy it but I got to hang out with the cousins I actually like last time.>>723873
>>723871 Americans really love finding every living genetic relative and inviting them to consume turkey. I forgot this. Over here we don't go really often talk to extended family beyond great grandparents if people are lucky to have them. it is just me, my sisters, my parents, my mother's grandparents and thats it really, I rarely interact with my uncles and aunt and to be honest I rarely interact with my grandparents either
>>723869 Also it's not just family but people in movies and tv as well
Which is definately accurately representative media
Let's keep in mind that I live in the US and have met thousands of Americans and that "the" is one of the more commonly used words in the English language. You know what I'm going to look it up
>>723872 Thanksgiving is truly an amazing holiday I get to see twenty or thirty people I'm related to and I don't know a shit about them at all. It's like some kind of mix and mingle except I'm not looking to fuck and i've already met everybody here but simply forgot who they were.
>>723879 uhh let me know if there's anything actually fucking good haven't seen anything remarkable enough to make my hall of fame in fucking three or four seasons >>723880 that dub is pretty fucking funny for the wrong reasons though
>>723882 THere is a lot to linguistic analysis, i doubt you can just quickly google and then declare some sort of definitive truth.
>>723884 The original claim was literally just "more people in the US pronounce the as da". And I didn't declare a definitive truth so much as point out results from a small search.
>>723883 kanata no astra is looking really good so far tilde and i think you'd really like maou-sama. it's not a high quality show but i enjoy it and it feels very you
cop craft is really cool tejina-senpai is my favorite thing this season it's just a 12-minute show about magic
>>723888 yeah i'll start watching maou-sama with you if you want i think there's four episodes so far but i'll restart it with you
>>723885 There is literally no way for you to do this properly without having them phonetically spell out their "da" and actually look how close that matches with linguistic analysis of american speech phonetically. also pointing out results from a small search is hardly useful. someone is just giving their experience. fact checking on /moe/ doesn't seem strictly necessary tbh
>>723886 ok want to watch maou-sama right now? i got about 3 hrs before i should be asleep and i've officially completed 90% of the content of Final Fantasy XIV Online: Shadowbringers
>90% okay that makes me sound like less of a loser i have done everything the expansion had to offer except one boss I haven't beaten with a pug yet like 700 sidequests, both new jobs maxed out, all dungeons and almost every "difficult" trial/raid finished
i even solo killed two A-rank hunt targets which are group oriented enemies
killing them took over an hour around 80 minutes
>>723887 Fine I for one don't say "da" instead of the.
All anime should be dubbed like that. basically like commie subs
the voice actress is doing a really good job actually but whoever's writing the lines just crams everything in uncomfortably and unnaturally they ram too many sentences togehter in ways that don't work
I didn't wanna sound
RACIALLY CHARGED but 'da' and other common vernacular abrading is endemic to lower class society much of which is made up by colored folk but the language is endemic to middle and lower class americans almost nation wide >>723900 im fycjubn downloading ep 1 ok i think i got ep 1 where are you.
are you downloading maou-sama jan let me know if/when you want to im gonna start cooking spaghetti in the meantime
>>723897 The VA does sound good and really emotive but it reminds me of really awkward and liberal commie subs in terms of what is being said. >>723900 Japanese birb cooking spaghetti
>>723900 i have gigabit internet you fIUCK i pay $135 /mo for this shit by the time i finish this post all the eps of that show are gonna be done dling
>>723903 aight go ahead bud doubt she gives a fuck she don't even know me not sure if she was keen on this show anyways >>723903 i find it hard to believe someone i've almost never directly held a conversation with knows me no offense kannagi but we haven't talked much far as i am aware not opposed to doing that however i don't think i know you well either
I don't think anyone knows me well tbh. So i'm not offended, I like moes and I was thinking of asking to join in but I don't know if my laptop can even run anime. I'm not in my own house at the moment, I've moved out and staying at my sister's place while waiting for my tenancy to start my new place on the 1st.
I don't think id' want to force you to wait for me to install a media player and see if it works. althought I guess I don't need to get a good quality release? >>723906 I've ran that before when I tried to use a /g/ thread and it crashed my pc. but I can give it a go on my laptop
>>723905 i am pretty good with hardware download this https://www.ccleaner.com/speccy and screencap what it says when you run it and i can probably figure a setup that can run most illegal encodes of taiwanese cartoons >>723905 that's fucking hilarious probably your pc was running some OS that didn't support ambient calls to device status like ME or early xp unless it was mac i have never used an apple product
>>723908 64bit OS running 32bit programs is perfectly compatible. 32bit running 64bit is usually compatible because software typically runs some failsafe checks before trying to thread a process on more instances than a 32bit OS can support. >>723912 ah 64bit XP was pretty incompatible since it was experimental nowadays 64bit systems fall back to 32bit operation simply enough for lack of a better word well, so far as windows goes anyhoo. never used linux much and never touched any kinda apple.
>>723911 i had 64bit XP and i couldn't use any 32bit stuff but that was when 64bit was not well ironed out anything after XP was planned for a lot better
>>723912 Was it even amd64 or the other 64bit architecture? Cause there was an early 64 bit architecture that died out pretty quick
>>723913 im not sure it was something my dad threw together we were always making scrap PCs out of whatever we could get ahold of i think it was the early architecture yeah it was actually so horrible i couldn't do most things right even things that were compatible suffered a lot of issues >>723911 yeah that makes sense. that's kind of what i thought
I was told this laptop was fancy but it has issues, also don't judge that it's windows 10. I hate windows 10. why is the search an internet search.
okay you have two options Either VLC which will probably have trouble with 265 playback (so you are going to want to download reencodes into lower bitrate .mp4s such as from Deadfish) or gomplayer and it does not even support 265 mkv last i messed with it >>723920 your CPU is extremely efficient and yet simultaneously such a low clock speed i doubt it can handle many modern programs efficiently meanwhile your onboard (as in a subdivision of your CPU performs the work of a discreet graphical processor) is wholly abysmal and hasn't existed in commercial production for almost a decade. but you can still likely watch china cartoons anyways, just try and get an .mp4 reencode since .mkv is a bit too demanding to reasonably play back.
>>723919 Is that bad ? I notive *notice it has issues running stuff sometimes so I was hesitant about it being able to do anime but I also know this is like a hand-me down and could be kinda fucked up.
it's pretty funny that Photos plays anime so smoothly there's no way to have subtitles on it though unless they're hard-subbed, but i use it for trimming files all the time to get those little mp4 clips it's super easy to do >>723924 deshou haha
intel provides barebones support and updates for the iris line of integrated graphics they introduced in 2013 as a "high end" version of the "HD 3000" series of onboard video processors. there's a bunch of economical laptops and netbooks that use it as an alternative to intel's HD 4000 series of integrated graphics processors, which succeded Iris as the best performing integrated gpu on their CPUs. Iris 540 has a clock that can reach up to 1040MHz, but suffers in terms of output compared to discrete GPUs that are capable of that maximum clock, due to being co-dependant on the CPU and deferring power to the CPU whenever possible.
Here's a comparison of that particular integrated GPU to the one I bought the other day for $220USD on sale. https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-GTX-1660-Ti-vs-Intel-Iris-540-Mobile-Skylake/4037vsm37386
The clock speed of mine is only about twice as much but it achieves much more with twice as much resources acting independently of the CPU on specific tasks. Particularly 3D rendering and quick trigonometry to do so. CPUs are more specialized in simultaneous computation of simple variables and exchanging information with other hardware such as memory and the GPU.
i'm really enjoying this show too it's like a cuter, mobile suit madoka it's got amazing sound design though and im taking all sorts of audio samples to do remixes with >>723928 you know a lot! i understand the hardware itself pretty well, but the interactions with the operating systems interface is a lot more complicated for me
kannagi's good! nice! >>723930 you could always get the dubs if subs are no good haha
I got it. I think it runs well with VLC. I couldn't get the subs to work in anything but VLC. so I'm ready. Do we make our own thread? >>723931 The mic on this is horrible and I'm trying to be quiet while my sister is sleeping in the room next door. but you can have my discord tho Kannagi #0327 I mean I have silly sparkle emojis all over the name part lol but I don't know if that makes a difference.
>>723930 Great! VLC is really efficient nowadays. It even runs on my mediocre tablet wonderfully. Now what's your Discord tag. Let's get in voice. >>723929 I don't know shit dude. Just some stuff I picked up from the free courses the local college has available and knowledge sought specifically
the show gets better from here imo i like it quite a bit did you want to watch more, jan, or was just a taste good for tonight? we took a while getting set up i know
This ED still doesn't really make any sense though hah hah.
>>723984 ehh i don't really get that last thing I watched that really struck me as similar to old stuff was Megalo Box and they kind of did the retro style badly in my opinion good show regardless
>>723987 I meant in the way they paced the story. and also the character design. Its like someones doujin became an anime
>>723988 ahh yeah Storywise it was really brisk and intense went from set piece to set piece and didn't linger on scenes of psuedo intellectual dialogue like a lot of modern shows try to do
I was kinda suprised that the ring became so self aware and then suddenly it shift scene. self aware is a bad word I mean like aware of the setting. maybe self aware is the right word. I don't know. but that whole ring thing was so brief
>>723994 yeah i'm down i don't have shit to do for an hour or so could get on XIV and try to get my weekly raids cleared but only got like 2 bosses left and have til tuesday to do that shit only people that're around this time of night is lion, and he's a fun aus drunkard but i am a tank and always end up main tanking so he isn't much help
wow this OP. I didn't pay attention the first time.
What's weird is they completely change it out for a new OP in episode three. Like it's not like some filler scenes from the anime because they couldn't finish animating the OP in time. Episode three has a totally new OP animation with a totally new song.
this is pretty fun one more? >>724054 well i only got about 3-4ish hours of sleep last night but don't think it matters much >>724055 hmm i probably resumed a bit too far forward when i accidentally changed the split-screen program
I can do it if you've got the time. The next episode is a lot of fun.
Is your episode already over though? There should be a few more minutes left.
>>724053 oh did you miss anything i wonder they camped in the house, had a run-in with the holy maiden, maou-sama spanked her butt a lot, then took her money and went to town and bought aku a ton of stuff he used a really big gold coin to buy her outfit and people started spreading rumors that he must be royalty or someone special
ahh looks like i skipped from about 4ish mins to around 6 don't think i missed much though >>724057 KIRA KUWEENU DAISAN NO BAKUDAN BAITSU ZA DUSTO >>724059 ewwwww at least play an AP mage for well-hung chads like Ryze or TF
my net's back now anywho prob were doing routine maintenance on the AT&T server farms they usually do it around this time of night when they decide to >>724067
>>724067 girls are weird >>724068 how do you sleep comfortably with that much stuff on you
>>724073 i guess that's reasonable its too fucking hot for me to sleep clothed usually even with my "broke motherfucker" window AC its like 85 degrees in my room in the summer not a lot of insulation here
well im glad i rewatched these i missed a lot of stuff that makes more sense now i haven't been able to pay much attention to it >>724102 yeah haha we're bringing jan up to speed on maou-sama it's such a jan character
I had a dream I had a son and we were mourning my dad's death in a tower overlooking the ocean, and there was this dude in a yukata that was really annoying and asking for tea, then this black dude came up to me on an elevator and told me he was an inventor, so I asked him what he invents, so he pulls out a Yeti cup, a calculator, and a paperclip. I'm like "what the fuck are these??" and he goes "watch!" and he drops them off a balcony like three stories and the cup just bounces but the calculator shatters, and he is all "amazing, right?" and I told him one of them broke and he was like N-NO And I woke up laughing
that im not here
had a dreamn that will not heal
I had a dream that you were right here
so I knoiw it's just a dream
>>724111 so basically what i'm understanding is that you had a vision of the future and both saya and blue were at your dad's funeral for some reason
yo thi s server is a cirlejerk
Ah, I think I walked a bit too hard tonight. My ankle hurts pretty bad if I flex it too much.
>>724117 not any more or less than your average niche internet group
at least nobody worships admins or powertrips here
I had to help with the cleaning when my sister woke up. Sorry for disappearing in the middle of anime. I hope I didn't hold you up.
>>724120 we went to episode 3 and stopped no worries you should start joining us for anime
>>724121 I might do, my sleep pattern is a lot better since I starting going to bed earlier to do moving stuff and staying with my sister. I can probably make it for 7am anime times. >>724123 I don't think I have the time now. I only popped up to apologise because I felt bad.
I don't mind watching it with you guys at another point though! also make sure you get enough sleep!
>>724128 it was the paperclip that killed the calculator
>>724127 wow that used to happen to me I'd get sync errors from wifi drops because my old router was so shitty. >>724131 I'm concerned about everything so it isn't any special effort but I do care about /moe/ because it is basically the only place I have to relaxing talk I mean in like I don't have to worry that people I talk to here will cause me stress. I guess it is kinda selfish, but I remember everyone on moe but I'm anti-social.
>>724122 okey dokey try not to be too concerned over internet stuff though >>724124 internet exists in real life but it isn't actually real
i am currently sending strings of on/off indicating states sequenced into sections of 8 strung together into larger encompassing sets of state indicating flags they are read by a program that moves different sets of on/off flags that program displays graphics based on what flags it is fed
>>724131 your ethernet probably is encoding data through a return-to-zero function rather than on/off states you would probably like the ben eater networking videos they're really cool i learned a lot from them
Kirara π
why is it called ethernet if it doesn't connect me to people selling ether
where's the shitty internet isekai where it's just a bunch groups doing net stuff
>>724134 We can see all the ghosts around us but all our information just flows throught them, it is quite disconcerting for them.
the house has had a real problem with ants yesterday so there are all these ant traps in the kitchen which are basically little squares of cardboard with this sticky glue bait stuff on top. And I keep forgetting it's there and then it's stuck on the bottom of my shoe. and I've done it about three times now.
>>724133 that's kind of interesting i probably don't have the attention span or creativity to learn more abstract concepts anymore though i wasn't so good at it to begin with before all the brain cells brutally slain
>>724146 why not just seal the route they are invading from you're making me think of those videos from i did a thing where he introduces toads in his pond to kill bugs which get killed by lizards which he relocates to his house to kill bugs which kill // which are just getting in because he leaves the front