Araburu Kisetsu no Otomo-domo yo. Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Bem Enen no Shouboutai --Episode 1-2 Fruits Basket --Episode 14-16 Granbelm JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Joshikousei no Mudazukai Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e Kochoki - Wakaki Nobunaga Lord El-Melloi II Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] Tejina-senpai To aru Kagaku no Accelerator
Moon may not be around until around 01:00; he was having a bit of a bad headache and wanted to try to nap for a bit. We can start with something though until then.
Especially when you're wriing erotic stuff. But yeah hah hah. Getting your information on how to write lewd content from sexting people online probably isn't all that useful.
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou --Episode 2-3 Bem Cop Craft Enen no Shouboutai --Episode 1-2 Fruits Basket --Episode 14-16 Granbelm HenSuki Joshikousei no Mudazukai Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e Kochoki - Wakaki Nobunaga --Episode 2-3 Lord El-Melloi II Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] --Episode 2-3 Tejina-sempai To aru Kagaku no Accelerator
This is everything we have available to us tonight, Araburu excepted of course.
the intro of this episode certainly didn't help my headache any i hope they don't do a lot of that
Yeah, sorry, I didn't know it was gonna be like that. From the snippets of art I saw from this manga I thought it was a good bit more lighthearted. Kind of like how Railgun bounces back between drama and action, and the SoL bits.
hospital is a bad place to deal with a necromancer
Yeah but anywhere is a bad place to deal with Accelerator.
They all seem to be coming to this hospital an d Accelerator's just trying to read his LNs.
I wonder if these are some kind of fake Antiskil- Oh Accelerator came to the same conclusion.
I'm also wondering if these guys are operating under Aleister or if it's some other rogue agent.
Not like there's any -real- rogue agents in Academy City. Everything operates within Aleister's planning.
um what how did that get there
He just manipulated it's vectors!
that laugh lmao
Yeah Accelerator was a good bit of a nutjob back around this time in the series. I wonder if we'll get to see him chill out a bit over the course of the series.
did you get to hear kirara laugh in philly lmao
Well there was that one time in the first visit that his knee gave out when we were touring a castle. He just sat down in the lightly rained-on gravel and dirt laughing at it all.
cool i think this will probably be interesting depends how much story they try to pump in there
might get boring if they focus too much on accelerator things but are light or slow in the story
She had some paper talismans earlier and controlling dead bodies is definitely magic-people talk.
>>721310 Accelerator can be more engaging a character once he cuts back a bit on all this "gya hah hah I'm evil lol" attitude. His character arc in the Index series that aired recently was really, really good. But chronologically, we're a long way off even getting close to that in this series.
sorry im quiet im having trouble paying attention even with flux all the way to redmode it hurts
A three monitor set-up with CRT monitors looks kind of funny.
>>721321 I understand. Sorry it's a rough night for you Moon.
I think Flat is the protagonist in a series of LNs written by the author of Durarara!! and Baccano!. He steals a Servant relic Waver gets his hands on and runs off to America to participate in a Holy Grail War there. Which is kind of poetic when you remember the events that lead to Waver participating in Fate/Zero's War.
He seems like a decent kid but also a bit of an unsufferable brat.
is Sir his name or are these translations weird
The latter. Their teacher is Waver Velvet, who was one of the Masters in Fate/Zero's Holy Grail War. Though he's also now Lord El-Melloi II so maybe that's why they're calling him Sir.
This old guy isn't exactly making a very good argument for his killing of people.
Well that's a shiny werewolf.
Oh they were electric rabbits not electric sewer rats.
I think he's just using the bill as evidence as to why he knew this old goof was here.
The poise and menace Waver learned from Iskandar helps him be a pretty good detective. Half the work of being a detective is intimidating your culprit into thinking they've lost!
He doesn't seem to have and arm in the op oh well there's on at the end of it maybe he gets it back soon
Yeah it looks like he gets some kind of magic artificial arm. He's also got an eyepatch so I guess he loses an eye at one point too.
Oh they're adventuring in the land of Tortoise.
Poor Sensei.
That guy with the narrow eyes and brown hair looks like he's going to be trouble before long. Though it looks like he's been trouble already.
It kind of looks like he's forgotten about everything but surviving and getting out hah hah.
I find the magically made gun kind of dumb the rest of his adventuring gear is actually pretty snazzy. I like the the travel cabinet he's made out of parts he's gotten from adventuring.
Man he'll eat just about anything. I think at this point he can afford to be a little selective.
im really confused didn't we already watch this?? am i having a stroke
Hm, we did episode one a few days back. I'm pretty sure you were here for that. Did you watch episode two, this episode, back then? This is my first watch of episode two.
i must have watched episode two last time then oops
my eyes are so bad i can't see that stuff
i probably said really out of place stuff then
Honestly I don't think so. The arc of both episodes has been kind of similar up to this girl. Just him going around killing monsters to eat their powers. Maybe now that he's got himself a little child things will shake up a bit.
haha yeah i went back to the thread im talking about totally different stuff and like "huh" that explains that
it's hard to pay attention
The outfit he's got at the end of that ED makes him look particularly like an edgelord hah hah. Where his new girl tagalong looks like she's just wearing a school uniform and lab coat.
It's pretty good. I caught some of the first few chapters when they were getting attention for their scanlations and it seemed fun. Though I was worried it might get kind of annoyingly lewd but it looks like it hits a point and doesn't go past it. So that's nice.
i always thought my magic was so cool haha i bet everyone was like "Oh it's that kid that's autistic about magic again i wonder what it'll be this time..." haha
>>721386 the sleight of hand stuff is actually pretty hard and technical im kind of bad at that stuff.
i don't have the dexterity for it and i'm kind of clumsy so i made a really dorky magician haha
what really fascinated me is the performance and organization it's not like knowing how to do one cool, specific trick to show off it's about knowing a few hundred tricks and then navigating a participant through something like a CYOA where you just adjust the trick based on whatever the changing situation is
like sometimes the trick is just that you know every trick so whatever comes up you're prepared for, and then making it all look like it was intentional i'm really good at making things look ilke they're intended when im clueless
I don't think I've got the slender, dexterous fingers that are well-suited to sleight of hand stuff. And trying to get my fingers to act not in unison and do things indepedent of each other is something I struggle with. It's why I have a hard time with piano.
Being a performer is also pretty anxiety-inducing for me, always has been. So doing something like that with people focused on me just seems hard to be driven to try out.
hm, it's the opposite for me being myself in front of people is horrifying pretending im someone else is like being invincible nothing anyone can say is going to hurt me because im already projecting out some form of parody
im really good at like faking accents on the fly to get out of awkward situations like pretending i didn't understand something or making it seem like i'm foreign or even from a different area, like new jersey or philadelphia or stuff i can't really do it in a planned fashion but when i get an opportunity to and i just do it's so easy and fun
i love acting a lot i kinda wish i did drama or something in high school but i dunno
Yeah, I like the concept of acting but I'm so self-conscious when the focus is on me that the thought of that is kind of terrifying. It's much easier to be when people aren't paying attention to me.
yeah, if it's like stage acting it's hard because it's too theatrical and that's about not being realistic i'm only good at hyper realism so that's why i take to street performance better where at any given time nobody knows you're trying to act and aren't seated and waited to be entertained, but are just having a casual social interaction so have expectations of realistic subtleties