i've been getting less fats for a while now i guess
i'm going to edit the pica wiki to include Wendy's hamburgers (but not cheeseburgers) under the list of non-nutritive substances that qualify i wonder how long i can get away with it
happy birthday haruka here's your birthday present >>>/watch?v=BNaCHXrnr9U >>78271 i love wendy's hamburgers i sometimes hate myself after eating them though
>>78278 Yeah, it's listed for every disorder in the DSM-5.
It didn't used to be, though, so lots of idiots and stuff would be like, "oh shit HE'S EATING DIRT"
Also >this page intentionally left blank This isn't necessary in books, you know You can just leave them blank Book presses don't fuck up very much
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i was thinking about that and it's like, what if those are there for the reader? like if i opened my book and there was a blank page, i might be like, oh no am i missing content?
on the internet it makes sense Becuase SERVERS MAKE MISTAKES SOMETIMES and send you blank documents
>>78283 No but that's the thing In books you won't think that It's obviously there for the reader, but it's a book I've read a ton of them, many have had blank pages before or after something Not once have I thought it was a printing error, because those practically do not happen
What if it said "This page is unintentionally left blank."
>>78281 it's significant because it's still some cultural practices to eat clay and dirt and chalk and stuff for rituals or to aid the digestion of other nutritive substances so that's probably distinctly different from doing it without having those cultural social reasons for doing it
>>78287 Yeah but it's retarded to need it listed Like you might as well put up "isn't being forced at gunpoint to continue the behavior" just to make sure nobody makes the mistake of diagnosing someone doing something dumb with a sniper pointed at their head
It should be obvious to any psych that "Oh this is a normal thing in his culture. OBVIOUSLY this isn't indicative of a psychological issue with this person's brain, literally EVERYONE where he lives does it" It shouldn't NEED mentioning Because it's so unbelievably obvious
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's better to have it there than not historically cultural aspects were often ignored it seems obvious but it's not to lots of older practitioners the obviousness of taking cultural aspects into account is really a new thing, like millennial-tier
>>78289 it's a diagnostic manual it should be thorough it wouldn't make sense for an official thing to leave relevant information out just assuming "Everyone will understand this, we dont need to put it in" >>78293 posterity man why leave things unclear
If something needs to be mentioned for every diagnosis in the manual, maybe it's the kind of thing you shouldn't need to mention at all
imagine if the US constitution wasn't clearly defined because back in 1776 everyone thought "Well it's obvious, isn't it? We don't need to include that clarifying detail"
>>78295 Well obviously it won't be there for things that aren't behavioral
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
You know what's a shame? Since they're so much better, Wendy's nuggets are like double the price of McDonalds'. I can get 20 for 5 from there but slightly more than // but for slightly more than 5 dollars I can get the 10 piece meal from Wendy's.
Americans have the right to bear arms, which is why I support their right to also at least have a right to something like a rifle It doesn't need to be semi-auto or anything, but it'd ease the burden on the state trying to provide everyone with a set of bear arms
>>78316 it does, it's just that if you suffer from schizophrenia, it can better explain the consumption of non-food items, so the pica diagnosis doesn't get tacked on unless it's severe enough to warrant clinical attention
>>78321 the thought disturbances sometimes cause schizophrenics to consume non-food items e.g. not understanding that something isn't food, hallucinating that something is food, delusional belief that something is food, etc so many of the symptoms of schizophrenia can kind of facilitate the consumption of it
okay, there we go i don't know why i have such a hard time asking questions clearly i wasn't sure if it was like that, where they weren't aware they were by hallucination, misunderstanding, delusion or if there was a compulsion to do it knowingly that was characterized by schizephrenia, and how that compulsion develops
there can be a compulsion to do it, like if you delusionally believe that you must or if voices are telling you to but consuming non-food items isn't considered a symptom of schizophrenia or anything, it's not even described as a supporting feature of it
so if someone is meeting schizophrenic criteria, the doc would go for schizophrenia but if the person was just eating non-food items they'd go for pica and then maybe decide to see if there are schizophrenic symptoms that have gone unnoticed as well before diagnosing it
can soil really be considered non-nutritive it seems like it'd be full of minerals your body could use
"Often the substance eaten by someone with pica contains the mineral in which that individual is deficient" how can that be called non-nutritive at the same time
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm not really sure haha >>78327 i think it's more like, the substance isn't a great place to get that mineral like the nutrients that you get from eating dirt would be better obtained through actual food
let me see if the full dsm says anything
what about that man who ate a bicycle are bicycles food
>The term nonfood is included because the diagnosis of pica does not apply to ingestion of diet products that have minimal nutritional content is what it says for nonfood there doesn't seem to be an explanation for non-nutritive
but it does say that deficiencies in vitamins or minerals have been reported, but often no specific biological abnormalities are found in the person
warning tallpost Michel was a man of small doses, limiting his metal intake to a kilogram per day. It took him two years to eat the airplane. Here’s the full list of what he ate during his lifetime.
>>78335 >nonsuicidal self-injury and nonsuicidal self-injury behaviors I understand what this means but the transcriptionist in me is triggered by a lack of a better way to phrase this not phrase, but punctuate it to show that the "behaviors" modifier is exclusive to the second compound noun and not the conjunction of the two through "and"
it's written by the american psychiatric association so it can't be helped
it's solid, because there's no better way to do it but it's unfortunate i run across this hundreds of times a day and it pisses me off each time that the english language doesn't accommodate for it you CAN hyphenate everything "nonsuicidal-self-injury-behaviors" but then that makes that noun vague in exchange for providing clarity to the overall sentence this is a constant struggle as a transcriptionist. When vagueness is present (which it always is with english) do I preserve the local clarity of the sentence/clause or global clarity of the paragraph? the best course would be to italicize both of the compound terms but that's bad form for some transcripts >>78339 i would really like to.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
make english great again
I remember seeing a lot of selective journalism using the >They're sending over their criminals. They're rapists. transcript versus the official >They're sending over their criminals, their rapists. that pissed me off a lot
>>78340 I can't believe you're defending his statement!
thanks sk i dont know what i'd do without you around to keep me in check
it's especially paralyzing with the legal stuff, because when a witness is on the stand and talking like shit, i somehow have to derive what they actually mean and it's going to be used for legal purposes. for market research it doesn't matter, they just want the data to write up a report and search through for sound bites but for legal... https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/16/us/oxford-comma-lawsuit.html?_r=0
>>78341 are you caught up on super? i'm about to watch
No, last thing I saw was uh long ago
did you abandon it goddamn we're about to get to the zen-chan multiverse tournament which means we're gonna see more HIT >>78347 nigger you watched 9 seasons of trailer park boys in like a week i'm not buying that bullshit
I just forgot to watch for a few weeks and it's a pain to catch up
>>78346 I was having a lot of fun with that though
>listening to stream between Sargon and Destiny >destiny saying he's big into capitalism and he really loves it This is the man who asked "what's wrong with communism?" Life comes at you fast
I put this in the wrong thread
speaking of which isn't the new season out
>>78355 I think so I didn't watch it yet... I think
it would have been in the last three days so you'd probably remember
>>78390 it's a shame because he and olwen both have two great cavalry auras but they're both blue and i've got two cavalry tomes. if he was red it would be perfect.
The nuke wouldn't be discovered if not for Einstein
probably false a contributor to a field can't take sole credit for the causation of the field's entropic flow
Nobody enjoys being a construction worker
poincare pretty much laid the framework for everything that needed to happen for einstein's contributions anyway he just had the right friends and the right interests the space would have been filled by another person or a collective otherwise
i dont really believe in crediting scientific or mathematical achievements to individuals at all my personal opinion is that the nobel prize should go away. it's done its purpose in spurring activity. i think it's counterproductive now. same with the millennium prize problems. i understand why perelman declined it
The nuke's development may not have been concluded in the same time frame without him though. Which may have had wider ranging impacts on the conclusion of WWII and therefore modern history. But by that point you're really delving into heavy "what if" scenarios.
it's not like it was an inactive field of research there was geopolitical incentive to gravitate towards that einstein was just a player, not a script i understand it not being the same time frame, but i wouldn't say it'd be far off. plus or minus a couple years, tops
Weren't the nazis already working on it anyway
If I remember correctly considerable amounts of American research into nuclear weapons came from defecting German researchers. But it's been a while since I looked into WWII history soooo
The difference if my memory holds up is the germans had NO FUCKING IDEA how powerful this shit was They were in the area of thousands of times stronger than TNT They had no fucking clue
good thing albert einstein was a FULL BLOODED AMERICAN and not a filthy german
anyway, the motivations for the nuke were independent of the availability of the scientific understanding, i believe it's not like einstein made a nuke and they're like "Oh hey that's a good idea, can we use that?" there were other climactic game-enders that the US could have used which probably would have been more exhaustive and costly, but still would have been done instead of the nuke the war definitely would have paced differently but it's really about what cost you're willing to expend to fulfill your motivations, moreso than the novel discoveries i think the outcome would have been mostly the same, but less easy nukes would have still been developed. all the research was already flowing in that direction anyway. they didn't particularly even need einstein's theory in order for it to be put into practice understanding why it happens isn't really important for utilizing that it happens, which wasn't novel at the time
Some people having to stick with shitty jobs is bad We should fix this by importing other people to do those jobs, so the people who currently do, can seek better employment in other parts of the now improved economy
I see a problem here There are still people doing those jobs It's just not the same ones that already do How is this an improvement
>half of my arguments are me trying to find way to redistribute wealth Oh Destiny, I'm starting to see why you didn't know what was wrong with communism, and I'm starting to doubt your claim that you like capitalism
>>78449 calories are energy you can't really base anything off a calorie diet alone in my army days i used to eat about 6000-9000 kcal a day >>78452 it aint bad if it goes straight to your ass and/or boobs
>>78455 Well that is how it was here, though Just the sheer amount of food you ended up eating for breakfast, lunch, dinner and evening snack... and you still might be hungry at night
"I want more people to be able to afford iPhones, so I think the wages of a large amount of the US population has to go down"
Dude the Republicans and the Democrats are both super confused about their place politically This is all some seriously right wing shit
If you said anything like this here politically you'd be fucking dead
>>78456 flight attendant could be a fun job I mean, you just basically serve drinks and food to people and then chill in the background I wonder do you get "shore leave" >>78461 I guess so never flown first class, just business class
>>78460 you have to take care of the first class fliers they can be really rude
not gonna lie i wouldn't mind being a flight attendant though i imagine i'd sweat a lot though and wouldnt have time to wash my outfit between flights
I am quite good at dealing with rude people while laughing at them from the inside. But I do wonder how does it work for international flights, do they sleep sometimes overthere in company booked hotels/loding *lodging and do you have "shore" leave when you are waiting for your next assigned flight to leave etc.
Pilots atleast get quite much off time in their destination places at times.
Holy shit this is so weird to listen to The supposed leftist wants to do whatever is best for corporations, and the guy who's supposedly on the right wants to protect the workers
As sargon has humorously stated several times so far Destiny is privileged and can't see the world from the situation of those whose lives will be made shit from the thing he wants
Also If mass immigrancy or filling low-level jobs that are already actually filled by students/low education people/orwhatever with immigrancy policies actually works. Why is there no success story of it?
LGBTQAA+ aa? Lesbian gay bi trans queer alcoholic anonymous
>rick and morty s3 ep1 aired on april 1st and it wasn't even an A-F
>>78484 that's mostly me except for the anonymous part
The joke that lgbtasdlköhjgöanioanwöp becomes too long to actually say in anyway, is soon reality...
Dave Chapelle mentioned that in one of the two last specials He even fucked up the order of LGBT I legitimately don't know if he did that intentionally
>>78502 You just reminded me of a song I've had stuck in my head but couldn't figure out which is I've been looking for this a long time
>>>/watch?v=pBkHHoOIIn8 someone on Twitter thought I was upset about Trump getting bullied and told me this song would help me feel better it's not a bad song at all
I love how govs are all "if you have nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear" but when their shit gets exposed...
what the h*ck
oh ok still no name on the front page how will i ever identify myself for this circle jerk also i am now back from month long training and i am deployment ready my bn won the battle i defended dara lam
ton/kirara do you know if jan is working right now oh okay
ok i fixed it i got home at 0530 this morning and drank with 4 people it took from 1800 until 0530 for a 1 hour bus ride and a 2:30 plane ride because army wants to do manifests manifests and si checks
I'd say if this is the WSj making shit up, outright lying, then Google has an obligation to swing the ol' mallet of lawsuit But I dunno, I guess there's PR shit going on too
Yeah something fishy is going on though It's pretty obvious that those screenshots are fake judging by the viewcounts even if you don't trust this gulagbear guy
We have old media wanting their muneis and clicks back we have advertisers wanting, well what big corps usually want, more profits and more control we have EU wanting to censor wrong think >>78551 WSJ may've had a part in the whole boogaloo, but you know by this point there is way more than that going on
This isn't the old media This is WSJ in particular, and $50 says someone high up has beef with google Or someone who owns a lot of stocks in google
>>78558 Someone at the WSJ published falsified evidence that racist and extremist videos were being monitized and caused a number of large advertisers to threaten to pull money in a panic. YouTube panicked in turn and ended up demonizating almost every video that contained a controversial idea that could make someone uncomfortable.
Youtube basically works like this >vid gets views >bot throws ads on it that it think suit it somehow >users/another bot picks up the vid may be not actually ad friendly content >gets demonetized >content creator can dispute >resume monetizing/permanent demonetizement and the system pretty much works, aside from some biased views the company holds But in general, extremists, terrorists, violent, and so on and so forth content that anyone and everyone agree should not profit anyone, doesn't get monetized.
Well, let's for the sake of accuracy at least say PROBABLY falsified evidence There's a slim chance, but a chance, that it's real and youtube did commit the horrible crime of showing an ad on a video with Nigger in the title
>>78561 I think youtube hit the panic button that practically removed ads from every video with any kind of flag or report on it, without giving any thought were they legit or not
First I wanna say it's not right to spam someone's phone, and mob justice of any kind is awful Second, he completely deserves it
Apparently Nicas is one of the guys that started the PewDiePie fiasco.
Gee What a surprise
Though it makes sense that someone Stormfront regards as one of their heroes would be watching youtube videos with Nigger in the title It all falls into place
Some of the people that got demonitized are trying to organize their viewers to email the ad agencies with the new info and imply a boycott for hurting creators
Some people are talking about suing Nicas now too. >>78584 Yeah. The media already is untrustworthy enough. Plus this guy is stupid enough to fuck with the most dangerous autists in the world.
dear /sci/, what's the safest way shit my b wrong board
Apparently there's some new Seek app that's like an AR thing You have to go find chests and stuff and you can get real rewards in them like TVs or gift cards it sounds really fishy to me
If you don't, you'll make people feel the way you do now.
if i do, then what people ignore something important not that intent or motivation plays into it i dont care what happens i just want to smash my fist through everything around me and break everything including me
Sk phone
I'd be part of this but I really gotta sleep I know how you feel though, sorta I dunno if my emotions are comparable though
>>78620 I think you have the right to do what you want, so it's not like I'm going to tell you not to do it, but I don't think it's a good idea. I think you'd regret doing that later even if you don't feel like you will now.
tomorrow's day is left for tomorrow's me
i wish i had someone to box with to let all my aggression out
I find that typical ways of "releasing pent up aggression" only serve to create more aggression within one a much better way of dealing with aggression is with passivity you could watch anime or something the new episode of samurai jack is out now i think
> a better way of dealing with things you hate is letting it integrate into your daily life fuck off faggot
I'm probably going to anyway but don't feed me that bullshit
It looks unpleasant to other people Or rather, it is unpleasant to other people So if you want to be aggressive and stuff it might be more appropriate to do it where it won't bother people
Most people probably don't want to bother other people.
I'm not telling you to bottle everything up. I'm just saying if you're going to be engaging in a conversation aggressive enough to have people telling each other to kill themselves, it's not appropriate to do that on /moe/.
That kind of aggressive unpleasantness has historically been bannable at times and discouraged, so I don't think it's wrong for me to ask that language like "kill yourself" outside of a joking context is kept off of /moe/.
i think that's person-dependent and both people consented >>78633 >>78632
In fact, even the mod asked everyone to be nice. So I don't think my statement was out of order at all.
im not asking you to bottle it up, i just want oyu // you to take it somewhere else besides where you and another consenting adult can congregate that offends other people who arent involved
asuka don't talk about crossdressing on /moe/, it offends lobster fuck off for about a year and a hal
I don't think telling each other to kill themselves is very nice.
>>78657 if you don't i'm going to ignore you and sugoi's going to harass you every time you come back
if you do come back though dont talk about depressing things though it's super stressful for us to hear about we have like, real life problems to deal with
good night dont take it as a personal offense it's just something im very passionate about
i just miss asuka so much that it pisses me off to hear someone tell me to stifle my feelings i'd rather the chaos from hostility i know it's not appropriate for moe but it's what feels right to me
i'd rather be chastised for speaking out on behalf of my fallen comrade than regret not saying anything when i felt something no, there's nothing honorable or prideful or helpful, and yes it is disruptive but that's what it means to me
>>78668 I'm going to be gentle with my wording here You've held tantrums for less, and maybe it was acceptable because it was for less, and thus less serious So has Kirara. I refuse to accept arguments like "mod said play nice" on that behalf
Yes, it is because it is less. When I am throwing a tantrum over something retarded, people just go "oh look Rika is being spoiled again" and go about their business. let me finish typing And if I were in the position as Rika the mod, to encounter Rika the tantrum thrower, I would tell her to get over it and tone it down.
When you get into things like suicide, people have trouble dealing with it. It's heavy. And, for the record, I was more admonishing anon for telling you to kill yourself. I don't think you said anything like that to him.
>>78670 And when you throw a tantrum over somebody posting crossdressing because sugoi is pressuring you to and you feel like it's insignificant play and that person who has no venue for relief hangs themselves and then you decide to tell the persons who contributed to that factor out of camaraderie and you don't tell me, their closest friend on the board, until literally 38 days later
maybe i have trouble dealing with what happened and you all play it off like bullshit that you had nothing to do with when you motherfuckers pushed him away from the only outlet he had
I don't really know what was going on with him at the time. And possibly more significantly, I did not know what was going on with him at the time, nor did anyone else.
It's not reasonable to hold people liable for the unforeseeable consequences of their actions once again let me finish typing I also have doubts as to poor treatment on moe being a significant reason he did what he did.
I do feel bad that it happened, but I also feel that it's not good to hold resentment over things that happened so long ago. I know that I also often have trouble letting go of resentment, but I hope that this bolsters my credibility when I say that things like this are bad, rather than making me look like a hypocrite.
I feel more related to anon telling me to kill myself than to you telling me to pretend like this isn't an issue
I think you could have told me sooner than literally a month later
>I also have doubts as to poor treatment on moe being a significant reason he did what he did. Do you realize how skiddish that boy was to things like this? This was during the time that moe and tano were fighting, and he was afraid to go to either board and came to me through messenger literally crying one time because he didn't know how to handle the stress between the board when he wanted people to get along I know you can't know that specific detail, but i know that he did post externally to the main conflict on outer threads multiple times that he was very uncomfortable with the confrontational behavior between the boards I don't assume you can watch every thread to know that either, but i did goad him back into posting, and he was a very suppressed individual who had a very conservative family, and growing up male as a gay individual in that family, he didnt have much outlet I tried to help him. I talked to him a lot here and encouraged him to explore himself. At some point, he did something as innocent as posting a CD genderbent image, and pre-medicated lobster through a hissyfit about it. I've been on your case about this before so i dont need to mention it again. That was the last time asuka visited moe. He visited tano for about two months thereafter before disappearing from there, too. I talked to him through steam after both disappearances and he said the hostility made him too anxious to hang around. You'll also remember he had the family situation with the car accident and his "friends" suing him for driving during an accident, and his family under great duress, during which time he was contemplating suicide very regularly, and I spent probably ten hours a week with him trying to help him cope. I remember, because i was on my bike trip at this time, and continued thereafter, after I returned. I returned though because bryn had been stabbed by somebody who invaded her home, so that caused me enough distressed that i wasn't able to tend to asuka other th
>>78677 than to say "things are bad right now, sorry." There's about eight months between then and when he hung himself, and i talked to him about four times once on the topic of hanging out on moe or tano, which wasn't significant once on the topic of his girlfriend and how he feels about her once about his family, and more extensively on the relationship between him and his girlfriend and the last time was very short because i was busy and he expressed feeling somewhat alone, and I told him to give me a little bit to finish the game i was playing and he didnt do that, and that was the last i heard from him. three months later i hear that he's been dead for over a month, and both you and sugoi knew about it, despite you both being contributing factors driving him off the board, and you were one of the sole sources of knowledge and, despite you knowingly telling sugoi despite him being a contibuting opposer to asuka, and hiding it from me for three more weeks afterwards...
I take back the word despite there, because i don't have anything to follow that up. That's what you did. You gossiped about it before telling me, even though there was plenty of evidence that i was a very close confidant to asuka and that sugoi had aggressed him, which I will make aware that i don't hold against sugoi because it was outside of his realm of expectations -- but this was all after the fact, and you didn't want to tell me i told you back then that i would try not to hold it against you but i am only human and it does hurt me a lot to think about asuka, and it does make me really, really upset not particularly angry, just sad and discomforted so yes, even though i said i would try not to hold that against you i still do it's been very upsetting to me i miss asuka a lot being upset at you won't change anything, i'm aware but there's an element there that i'm upset about
that's all i think i have to say in regards to you on this matter if there's anything more i can't think of it at the moment and i forfeit the rest
i don't feel bad about outletting my frustration either plenty others have done the same for their situations i'll stand my ground that it's worth the criticism i get for expressing myself on something i'm passionate about
I tried pretty hard to do something about the fighting between moe and tano, too. I would have liked it if everyone could be happy and get along. In the end, people really only listen to me when they feel like it.
I don't know what was going on with Asuka the the time. I don't really think this is something that can be helped against me, I do my best to be as approachable as I can. I certainly didn't think he was an at-risk person until it was too late. I try to watch out for people I consider at-risk. Which, at that time, Lobster-chan was very much a person I considered to be at risk.
I can't really remember what the circumstances were like around the time I found out about Asuka and why I didn't tell you. It's hard for me to defend my actions or admit wrongdoing if I can't remember what was happening. Were you not around a lot? Were you mad at me at the time?
>>78681 We were totally fine at the time. I was telling you on a semi-weekly basis about dresses and purses I was making, and you were talking to me through messenger about how to handle difficult crustacean situations That's what made me so mad. There was no reason for you not to tell me. I could have understood if you felt uncomfortable around the subject altogether, but you did manage to tell sugoi, despite him being the sole factor, telling asuka to fuck off with the crossdressing talk (ironic, but that's a less serious discussion) You were happy to gossip about it to people to whom it didnt matter, but you didn't want to tell me. Even after kirara told me and I confronted you, you weren't up straight about it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wew boy it's that time again
>>78683 Sorry, am I causing you distress? I'll stop if it's being annoying
>>78682 I don't know what I didn't tell you, but I do know that I've never been the type to not tell someone something important like that, willingly. Maybe I thought you already knew or didn't want to approach the situation I don't really know.
Which is one of the reasons it's not good to be resentful over stuff for this long, the Rika you're mad at isn't here anymore.
>>78686 I don't recall. I want to say Sugoi told me about it but I really can't say for sure. Someone told me, I remember that much.
Why did you even know before me?
Asuka was a very, very close friend I hope you understand why it was and still is such a big issue toi me
I get it, but the Rika you're mad at isn't in here anymore. I don't know why I didn't say anything about it. I just can't remember. I either had a reason why I didn't, or I didn't know that you didn't know, or I was afraid to tell you because I don't like conflict.
Surely you can see why it's a painful and awkward manner for some people and why they get weird when it comes up.
sorry i just miss him so much and don't know how to express myself it feels like there should be some reason to blame for him not being here, but there isnt there's so much pent up aggression i can't let out i know not everyone was as close to him, but he was really close to me as close to me as kannagi is, i'd say i just really want to cry
Well, I understand what it's like to miss someone. I don't think aggression is a healthy way to feel loss. I think it's probably something that isn't easy to just handwave away though.
I do think trying to let go of regrets and those moments where you wish something different had been done is an important part of going through the process of loss. There's nothing that can be done to change the past.
I have a good point here I can make but it would be sensitive, and so I'm not going to make it I don't think I'm wrong in being this acerbic though Troublesome? Probably. You all have been for lesser reasons though.
>>78697 One thing you may not understand about yourself (or you may) is that you seem to have an emotional depth that is way beyond most people. You can get in an emotion and just wallow in it and feel the extreme depths of it for a very long time. And you never seem to get exhausted.
Most people aren't like that, the depths at which you can go to make them uncomfortable. I'm not telling you this is bad, just that when presented with all this the normal person has trouble dealing with it and gets awkward.
>>78700 No, that is pretty much what I was trying to say. Your capacity for feeling things is extreme, and you can go to places that most people can't go because most people get emotionally exhausted far beyond this point.
I don't mind dealing with the heavy topics most times, but I have to be careful because my capacity for emotion is very limited and I'll sometimes unceremoniously shrug heavy things off and offend people. I've offended you that way quite a few times.
>>78699 You're afraid that I'm going to find something and nab onto it like a leech I can see that you're trying hard to spin a positive light on things You dont have to do that for me I'm fully welcoming of criticism and it helps me plenty. Be as honest as you please; you know I do the same to you.
>>78701 No, that's not what I'm saying. You're certainly nto a leech. A leech is someone who acts out trying to get attention from you, carefully gauging your response the whole time. You don't leech, you have no problem zooming on along on your own.
What I was trying to say was exactly what I said. When you are in the full swing of things, the depth at which you are capable of feeling things is completely overwhelming for the average poster and they don't know how to handle it. A lot of times when you're being disruptive isn't because of bad behavior or anything you mean to do, it's just because of that.
My thought process? Not particularly. I don't have a problem with heavy subjects, but it's because I am always very detached. But most people have trouble dealing with them.
>>78704 Yeah, egg-shell walking I thought you were doing it intentionally but i feel afterwards that you're just trying hard not to hit any triggers accidentally without even thinking about it which is fine but you dont have to be so careful i'm not like i was back when i was on hormones i'm not going to flip out on you
I am saying what I mean to say. Perhaps I am being diplomatic, but I always seek to be diplomatic. I don't think it is bad to be the way you are, all I am saying is that there is a bit of a disconnect sometimes between the way you express things and the way other people do things.
Not only is it grindy, but there are a huge number of menus and they are all difficult. I play kancolle, which is just a series of difficult menus, but granblue is a step beyond that.
At least the anime looks like it might hold up to the same standard of quality in terms of aesthetics. Jan and I watched the pre-air episodes last night and they were a blast.
I like granblue's grind in that I always feel like progress gets made Also I don't f2p and have some pretty good gacha luck
>>78747 Not particularly. I made the mistake of recommending this to someone and I don't think they'll like it. I'm rereading it now because I had the sudden feeling that I just did something bad. I still enjoy it but I KNOW they won't. For various reasons.
I guess the frustrating part about having a character at 5* is that it's hard to get them new skills. Ninian still needs to kill 200 more enemies for me to finish getting all the stuff I put on her. But that's a lot faster to do than waiting for 20k feathers. Well, maybe not faster but more consistent. And it feeds into my own impatience. I can 'actively' gain more kills but to get feathers, there's a lot of waiting Not to mention that there's an ever shifting load of who and what I want to move up and at what time If they cut the number of required feathers in half this would not be such an issue for me. But having to spend an entire month trying to enough feathers to promote only one character is a serious investment.
The skeptic community on youtube is still having heated debates on whether they even ARE a community, but we're just assuming that somehow transgenders are a community despite having like nothing to do with eachother
Like most transgender people won't meet another one in their life
Unless they specifically seek them out, I mean
The LGBTQ community is weird like that too Like what does this group share other than none of them being straight and cis? Some of them are straight most of them are cis Neither are both, but that's their only common ground
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>78781 20k is a pretty high wall too much grindan sucks dude
>>78785 >The skeptic community You mean the "You losers would literally argue about anything" community argue whether they can be called a community. I'm sure the transgender community can have much more in common with each other than people who get together specifically to argue.
>>78820 yeah gab is a fallen angel like lucifer except her only sin is sloth
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
sloth is a weird sin
like, how dare someone spend their time idly not hurting anyone totally on the same level as wrath or like greed
It's based on the ideal ization and respect that hard work and not slacking off has. If those such things are virtues then by reason the opposite should be a sin.
oh hey the real gabbu is back i like this
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>78823 yeah i guess so, more prescriptions for how not to live your life than anything and conceived in a time without automation
Sounds like that parable of the guy who wasted his talents would fit nicely into that ideology.
>>78822 idle hands are the devil's playthings a lot of religious parables are focused around instilling a sense of purpose in adherents for no particular reason than to provide direction in life >don't be worthless basically
i'll form a guerrilla unit dedicated to nothing but undermining and sabotaging the robots when they take over a ROBOTS HAVE NO SOULS THEY HAVE NO PLACE IN THIS WORLD KOROSU
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yes, let the soulless robots do the dirty work allowing us playful souls to take it easy and play games
>>78832 soulless creatures have no place in this world any sufficiently advanced artificial intelligence must be annihilated i will suffer no abominations upon god's earth
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>78836 it would be unfortunate if the robots were controlled by a single organization they must be programmed to safeguard humanity and if they are not we will blow them up
>>78835 I can still hear those robo-screams in my dreams.
>>78844 not if we stop the copying we just have to find the source and destroy it machine sympathizers are no good to me, either they will be deleted from the new future as well
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
we'd have to shut down the internet are you a bad enough dude
shake my head fam tbh (smh senpai desu) my head fam (desu senpai) tbh
laughing my lmao off right rn
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
¿ ¿ ¿
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
YEAAAAAAHAHHHHHHH makin the good good nice job fam
>>79007 on one hand its the same game on the other hand the DS4 is so much more comfy than the DS3 i am getting the PS4 version >>79008 >tfw very anime
>>79033 well i mean i work 11 hours a day usually but if i do everything that needs to be done within the first 4-5 hours then i have to put forth very little effort to maintain the operation of my business
i have to work 15 today and 15 tomorrow and tomorrow's 15 start five hours after today's 15 end i'm so sad
>>79035 it's ok think of all the $$$ you'll make unlike me yesterday where i worked 20 hours and took home like maybe $80 because i counted someone's money wrong
>>79039 no i haven't been asleep yet so that was still today! yesterday i just fucked up because sleep deprivation or something i need to be more careful counting money
>>79061 omg the perfect dog my neighbors got a new pupper the other day hes a little pure bred husky pupperoo so cute he was mad at me when i went outside to smoke GANJA and kept bark but then his bro aniki chihuahua/dachsund mix Pero came up to me and was like "don't worry bro this guy is coo" and then he played with me and stuff
My hand had this blood bag under the skin because of work and hands not used to work But the flick of skin it was under loosened now and there's just fresh new skin under it??? How? It never broke the skin to begin with, how is there new skin under it?
Speaking of dogs I've heard this same one guy ask another person, same person each time, 5 times today whether the other person's dog is cute As though his thoughts would change throughout the day
Not initiating a conversation either. Just the question, an answer, and then silence from both
>>79095 Yes Yes. And it's only the fifth time TODAY
This is like a regular thing and THEY KNOW EACH OTHER He's already seen the dog before!
He was asking someone if their dog was cute? Like "Is your dog cute?" what in the fuck that is the most surreal thing
I am so confused on so many levels he can see the dog -- oh the dog wasn't there that makes a little more sense as to why he'd ask if the dog is cute
Sk phone
No the dog isn't here but he's seen the dog before
i just imagined the dog being there and this guy walking up, asking the guy "is your dog cute?" "Yes." "Okay." and then walking away
Yeah, he seems like he might be, but he is fairly lucid I just kinda assumed it was autisms because he seems bad at social cues
He clearly has some sort of issue though
He was hit by a car once too, which I have no idea if is related He mentioned it once but didn't say anything tying it together with his current state
It's just odd to me, and even if it makes me feel a bit bad i can't help but get a little uncomfortable around people who aren't all there So it stands out more to me, I guess
>>79107 ehh you might feel a little uncomfortable around me then are you going to actually visit us in philly anyways i'm going to be there from the 6th-9th possibly
>>79109 and stalin isn't a terrible person compared to hitler either
yeah but if i'm going to be in philly too i mean it's still a big if though work has got me by the ovaries and is yanking on them i have to fly to new jersey though which is like 10 miles from philly but i dont know when
im not even comfortable around me most of the time
If there's a causal link between being raised by a single parent and committing crime, I should not be able to find anyone raised by a single parent who aren't criminals
Oh, man, this Destiny guy is just the gift that keeps on fucking giving If there's a causal link between gunshot wounds and death, I shouldn't be able to find anyone who survived getting shot 50 cent is proof guns are not a causal factor in dying
>if you open a video in a new window in chrome, it doesn't play it before you swap to the tab Why isn't this a thing in Firefox
Aws loft closed for the ENTIRE MONTH for renovations... I thought it was reopening today. fuck this is awful where will I make an operational base now... I dont want to go to the library all month.