Easter week is from the 10th onwards I think. 10th to 15th. you have good friday on the 14th I think and resurrection monday tuesday is something right? maybe
14th is Good friday, Monday is easter monday, sunday is easter sunday so 14th, 16th, 17th There now you are informed
I finally solved the torrent problem a bit ago, too TURNS OUT I was trying to save the thing on my E drive, and that part was working but I also have qbittorrent store unfinished torrents temporarily in a folder on F Which, of course, couldn't handle the size, which was why I was using E So it filled F until it literally had 0 free bytes And then threw errors at me and locked up my whole system
I wonder how hard it'd be to launch a US nuke without being the president
I guess if you figure out who the two dudes manning the keys are, you cou- No, wait, you really do need that code the president has to even fire it, too I guess you could be the guy with the briefcase
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
doesn't the secretary of defense have to okay it
No the president can nuke shit like, at any time Because the potential situation of a nuclear strike requires being able to immediately pull the trigger, there's no checks other than "is it the president? y/n"
Oh So it IS happening once the president hits the button
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>while only the president can order the release of nuclear weapons, the order must be verified by the Secretary of Defense to be an authentic order given by the president (there is a hierarchy of succession in the event that the president is killed in an attack). This verification process deals solely with verifying that the order came from the actual President. The Secretary of Defense has no veto power and must comply with the president's order. i see i see
>>76670 Not necessarily. If the SecDef doesn't want to do it, the President can fire the SecDef at his discretion and the next one in line gets to do it. >>76674 In a matter of seconds.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
so you gotta steal the football, know how to use it, and fool the secretary
I guess the secretary could just NOT verify it and say "fuck it", though
>>76672 How fast can this be done? As in can he replace the secretary immediately? And also replace them with someone without any sort of bureaucracy?
Also the secretary of defense is a female somehow in my mind The title itself
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
the next person in succession instantly becomes the new secdef
City Lights actually has a wide assortment of mixes and even if it gets played twice (or three times, or four times, or six times) in one night, odds are they're different mixes. But there's like two Gakkou Gurashi OP mixes and 99% of the time it's >>76705 this one that gets played.
>>76711 Oh no we're gonna see expansion fetish porn of Spider Man now
>>76664 there are submarines with nukes that have two people with codes. some have orders to nuke if they lose contact from command the assumption being we got nuked
>>76710 i wish that when you link gmail accounts, reading them on your main account would count them as read on your other accounts i read my work/school emails through my main gmail on my phone most of the time so they always look unread in my work/school inbox unless i go there to respond to the emails
>>76715 Yeah it's a situation described in a lot of civil war simulations that would end the war immediately. If these 2 specific people in any of the submarines both defect to the 'rebellion' side, they can win right there. Rebels can nuke the US but US can't nuke the rebels.
>>76723 Oh yeah, if those two guys support the same side, the war ends the moment they realize
Though really Their two nukes will only be enough to take out like a quarter of a state That low amount of nukes isn't civil war ending Or even if you had a lot, a civil war wouldn't be so clearly defined, or have the same kinds of valid strategic targets
>>76725 Well I guess it depends where they can hit. If they hit Washington DC or some key tactical grid, it would cripple the US.
The character designs. Kemono Friends is a stupid show with amazing character design.
The actual show is garbage though
But it had such a ridiculous fan turn out that it pretty much saved the franchise from the trashbin.
Even Yoko Taro watches it I might marathon it sometime
I don't understand people
A bunch of my friends watch it until episode four which is apparently when it gets "tanoshii" and then were completely addicted to it for the rest of the season. I don't get it man. It's enough to really spike my curiousity of it.
But the low budget bus with no moving wheels popped up in my feed yesterday and said to retweet it if I was worried about a deadline err on thursday and I retweeted it and then I did like 10 hours of work in 7 hours and it felt like time was going slow like I was IN THE ZONE so maybe the show has magical powers
That was a pretty good mix too though. Based PandaBoY.
>>76753 so this dog was raised and then put on a wheel where it ran motivated by the meat it was turning until it died
>>76754 Apparntly Ran into it in wot third time in this book so finally looked it up
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
how english
>steam was autoscrolling through a game's like 50 pictures while I did something else >eventually got to the video, while I was watching something >started playing it Confused as fuck for a good minute there
The problem is people like to announce stuff properly in early April because it's the first month of a new season. But then there's also April Fools messing with people.
Oh shit is this leading into that weird Aikatsu song- Guess not.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah that was posted at 12:03 am on the 2nd
And then there's also some studio or something that actually does their serious releases on April 1st anyway because fuck everyone else. Can't remember who it is though.
This is a really nice mix of the Hot-blooded Ping Pong Girls OP.
Melody's set isn't bad but it kinda suffers from all the really good sets from today's MOGRA. This current mix of this fhana song is really nice though.
SHOWED UP JUST IN TIME FOR HOKBOY I guess I missed a lot of everything else though.
You showed up halfway through Hokboy. I don't know if that's just in time.
And you missed a rare PandaBoY appearance so RIP. At least there's still some Oblongar.
>PandaboY FUCK
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it was even a sadpandaboy
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
wow i did not know that in one of the Archie universes he gets shot and dies for a second there I thought it was the main Archie comics and was like "hmm that seems pretty dark"
>>76828 is that river dale TV show I'm seeing ads for some kind of grim dark archie adaptation?
Aw yeah some Macross Delta trumpets. The music for Delta was pretty good.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>76830 yeah i'm not sure what that is, maybe it's based on Life with Archie I guess it's hard to joke around with the gang and have hijinks in a real life adaptation
I'm really glad it's not. It comes out when I'm done with all of my work, like, I can finish my stuff, go home, and play it. But if it were out today, it'd be distracting me with desire!
>>76866 i thought so too but figured they were ultimate the same result he sells children's cores which can be bought for $22000 and then sold elsewhere for $55000 and he sells the Machine Heads fist weapon along with other stuff that was indistinct enough for me to forget
>>76882 Your understanding is wrong. There are three protagonists and you play as all three of them. Moreover, you play as Nines long before Toobie dies.
>>76887 I guess it can't be helped. The character changes was probably one of the best things about the game honestly. And 2B was more interesting dead than alive in terms of the story.
Self-deprecating jokes on April Fools day aren't really funny. It's more like 'here's a day where I can be honest about myself because you might not take it seriously'
>>76910 Do you remember if there's a studio or entity that does legitimate announcements on April 1st? I'm sure I remember somebody does serious stuff on the day and it's always funny since they're often double takes for readers. But I can't fucking remember who it is.
Oh boy ending on Goose House. It doesn't even sound like it's a mix it sounds like it's just the normal song.
I'm pretty sure they've used the KonoSuba ED songs as "end credits" background music before. I think MOGRA really likes them.
They also used Shelter as the end credits music back in the first anisong matrix after it got released. But they have a huge hard-on for Porter Robinson.
April 1st is the best time to float a new project idea to the public If people go "oh lol how dumb, good joke", you scrap it If they seem into it, you go with it
>ttgl is 10 years old and still no anime has done quite the same thing KLK tried but it didn't cut it in my opinion
>2017 will also celebrate Hatsune Miku's original release Er, its tenth anniversary too.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
and code geass 10 years
2007 was like the year japan really stepped their game up
It's so fucking weird how all these things line up. Like, a LOT of it is stuff that I can trace back to, as integral to how I stepped into otaku culture and shit. It's kind of one huge nostalgia bomb.
Also Imaishi has a new mecha project with TRIGGER in the works.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh man i can't wait news like that really gets the drill in my heart spinning
i also got steelbook it comes out when my big paper is due so i might play it when i get home from classes that day i might have to wait until wednesday to start though
>21 item scale assessment for depression >second edition has been around since 1996 >in 2017 there's still no consensus on a factor model to use for it but there are 40+ different proposed models >the models with the most behind them which explain the most are often ignored by people constantly trying to come up with new models >the factor model that was designed for the test originally is considered one of the poorest models >the test is widely considered the best measure for predicting severity of depression but everyone admits they have no idea how it works
>>77007 >there are too many models >I'll make a model that will cover everything
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>77008 wow that's like the worst thing you could have suggested that I might still actually eat
BBQ is good though
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It is, but it's not one of my favorite things. Blind's more into barbeque than me.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>77009 it's like there were shitty models everywhere until 2006 when a really good model came out and since then that model has been validated across hundreds of studies but everyone is like YEAH BUT WHY DON'T WE LOOK AT IT THIS WAY INSTEAD and they propose dumb shit that's already been proposed that's slightly different
i've found probably 20 different models today and only one of them actually a // an improvement on the 2006 model
this is so retarded
>>77011 i literally want to vomit when i taste bbq or bbq sauce
april fool's, barbecue is great
>decide political chart test is something I should retake >Our race has many superior qualities, compared with other races. Excuse me but how is this gonna place me anywhere in particular in terms of economics or authoritarianism? The question relates to neither
>>77016 i would postulate that it's related to authoritarianism the question may not be face valid to authoritarianism but i would be surprised if that question didn't load on an empirically derived measure of authoritarianism
>>77018 Racists TEND to be more authoritarian People who believe democracy is a sham do not TEND to be more authoriarian, they ARE more authoritarian That's the difference here There's nothing inherent in racism that makes you authoritarian
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
but the individual item isn't a scale
your answer on that item is only significant in respect to your answers on other items if people that are more authoritarian score that as "strongly agree" significantly more often than other groups, then it makes sense to include it on that scale
I don't really know what you're saying The question is a predictor sure, but it's perfectly possible to be the most liberal person in existence AND think one race is superior to another The two are only related in terms of demographic overlap, it's not an authoritarian view
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah which is what i mean by, the response to that item is only significant in respect to your responses to other items
let's say you answer libertarian on most stuff but you answer that your race is the master race your end result is still libertarian because the masterrace item only is significant in relation to other similar authoritarian items
Yeah but will it be less libertarian than someone who answered disagree? Because I'm saying there should be no difference in the end score
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Most of them are slanted! Some right-wingers accuse us of a leftward slant. Some left-wingers accuse us of a rightward slant. But it's important to realise that this isn't a survey, and these aren't questions. They're propositions — an altogether different proposition. To question the logic of individual ones that irritate you is to miss the point. Some propositions are extreme, and some are more moderate. That's how we can show you whether you lean towards extremism or moderation on the Compass.
The propositions should not be overthought. Some of them are intentionally vague. Their purpose is to trigger buzzwords in the mind of the user, measuring feelings and prejudices rather than detailed opinions on policy.
Incidentally, our test is not another internet personality classification tool. The essence of our site is the model for political analysis. The test is simply a demonstration of it.
What have attitudes towards things like abstract art and homosexuality to do with politics?
On the social scale, they're immensely important. Homophobia has been highly politicised by leaders like Robert Mugabe and betrays a tendency to condemn and punish those who disregard conventional values. Hitler's pink triangles reflected similar authoritarian hostility.
Likewise, authoritarian régimes frequently attack highly imaginative and unconventional art, music and literary works as a threat to the rigid cultural conformity they uphold.
>>77029 Again this isn't my problem Of course it's POLITICALLY important, but the two dimensions are ECONOMICS and AUTHORITARIANISM, neither of which are related of whether you think one race is better than another Believing one race is superior to another may make you more likely to be authoritarian, but it isn't an authoritarian proposition >>77031 Because that's... that's what left and right are
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
why are you assuming that scale solely measures economics
>>77027 oh you have friends? congratulations rook! i'm happy for you
Thank you moon mom i couldn't have done it without you
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>77030 left-right is economics authoritarianism-libertarianism is social
You can't just slam social issues into it and expect that single dimension to mean ANYTHING anymore You could have a raving racist who wants to kill all the niggers, but he'll be a centrist because he's also a DIE HARD COMMUNIST But because social and economic are the same dimension, he's just as centrist as Hillary Clinton
>>77033 make sure you stay safe if they offer you any cannabis simply say no thank you try not to be too standoffish or they might knife you for not being cool if they try to get you to do bath salts bring them home and let me make sure they're pure before you try them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>the social dimension is also important in politics. That's the one that the mere left-right scale doesn't adequately address. So we've added one, ranging in positions from extreme authoritarian to extreme libertarian.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
ergo that question loads authoritarianism because it's a social issue
But whether you like or don't like gays doesn't say anything about whether you want to oppress them Or use the state's power against them in any way at all
I think your problem is that you're expecting >obvious racist: +100 >obvious communist: -100 >Net Gain: 0 >Output: Centrist When you actually don't really know on what qualifiers do such movements on the scale hinge on.
But authoritarianism is wanting the state to get in on the action
This is like saying pro-charity people are close to communism because they like helping the poor
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>77045 >But authoritarianism is wanting the state to get in on the action wrong
>>77046 The hell that's wrong That's the AUTHORITY within the word
Closer, sure, but not over the line into more libertarian Like his whole shtick waas GLORIOUS GERMANY (and also Austria soon) AND GLORIOUS GERMANS And awful others like THE COMMIES and THE JUDEN and THE whatevers
off tangent, but did hitler do anything right? aside from everything terrible, was there anything unrelated to the holocaust that he did that was good for germany
Well I mean, a war is always good for getting everyone work
outside of war and foreign policy though like for instance, castro massively improved healthcare and education in cuba
Uh, I think he may have strengthened workers unions and some stuff of that nature The Nazis have kinda been a little bit of a template for a lot of europe in terms of worker parties, if memory serves me properly and I'm not just making everything up right now Stuff like social safety nets and whathaveyou Leftist shit, basically
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
in any case do you see why the race question might load on authoritarianism now
i wish i was more politically and historically apt i disregarded it in my youth thinking that history was basically academic stamp collecting and only cared about math and physics like an autistic fuck but now i'm so interested and i have questions that's embarrassing for an adult to be asking
>>77062 No, not really I don't see any authoritarian position that's somehow more authoritarian because the person also hates the blacks
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>77064 it's because as >>77053 explains, this scale is not referring to the style of government known as authoritarianism it is referring to social authoritarianism which is , in this test, considered fascism
I don't think I fully understand political charts Fucking confusing
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>77066 fascism is considered an authoritarian system of social orientation most times, fascism presents itself with racial components therefore in order to measure it, it loads towards the authoritarianism part of the social scale
i think >>77044 might be part of your confusion you're assuming that since you can be racist and an anarchist, race shouldn't be measured on the scale while it's true that they can be, racism is more typically associated with fascist systems of social orientation in fact, as you go down the anarchism scale, it's probably significantly less likely that you can /// you will be racist
so the points aren't just simply like +1 or -1 with answers, it's more complex than that and different questions are likely weighted differently as well
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it might help to read through https://www.politicalcompass.org/analysis2 which explains the scales
i don't really want to disrupt this flow but i'm going to be talking about some things in another thread so that i don't derail this one i try not to blogpost in the middle of conversation as much as possible
Don't worry, I think I sorta understand now Even if I don't really know if I agree
Racism question can literally just be coded as >if fascist, double fascist score That's a very simple way to put it but I'm just noticing that it //you seem to be making a very simple assumption for how things work.
Yeah. That's sort of what I meant earlier by saying the individual item doesn't mean anything, but lots of individual items that create a pattern means something.
>>77092 What's the part he's grossed out about? She didn't?
>>77094 he's talking about the tweet in >>77091 "sliming Hillary"
>It's a sad reflection on our society that something as basic as drinking water is now a bottled, branded consumer product. Like this also isn't really something that says anything about your political stance to me
>The rich are too highly taxed. This is another bad question because it depends where you live A no on this in most of the west lands you pretty right But in a commie country, it would just make you not a commie So anywhere between 90 and -100 on the commie scale
>A genuine free market requires restrictions on the ability of predator multinationals to create monopolies. This is also kinda bad because who said I believe in one at all? I don't want a genuine free market, but one would require no restrictions on monopolies
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you don't have to believe in the free market to have an opinion on what makes a free market
Which is why it's odd to have it affect your score, unless the free market is referenced later in the test
Not necessarily. Your opinions on why one isn't valid is likely to be telling on how you look at the system itself.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>77109 well as you can see in >>77105, people that don't believe in the free market tend to go left which means that if you say that the free market needs lots of regulations, you're advocating for a non-free market
>>77111 No that's the problem If the question never asks me later if I want a free market or not, that question has no way to legitimately affect the score
If I ask you if slavery is allowed in an ideology, and I never ask if you like that ideology or not, what the hell have I learned? I've learned nothing about your position on slavery
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you're assuming everything is simple again
>>77111 Also no, I'm not advocating for anything with that statement
A genuine nazi rule requires a dictator Everyone will strongly agree, but you've learned nothing about whether they think a nazi rule SHOULD have a dictator, nor have you learned if they even support a nazi rule, genuine or otherwise You've aquired exactly 0 information on their stances because you didn't ask a question about opinion, but about interpretation of AN ideology, which they may or may not think is right, and which they may or may not think is the way it should be
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i think you are confusing face validity with test quality
I don't understand what you mean by that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
face validity would be like for example, on a test measuring depression, an item might say "i feel sad much of the time" that's an extremely face valid question - you can tell what it measures easily by looking at it
then there are questions like "I like to read mechanics magazines" on a test of psychopathology you look at it and can't figure out what it has to do with ANYTHING it's not face valid at all but the question there is a completely valid item which does contribute to what the test measures
>>77119 I have found many cute ones yesterday. I was looking for the ULiL Koishi scan and ended up with 20 other images And reading Morino Hon's Omoito series again Because Morino Hon is great
>>77117 I can see why you might think that's my issue here, but I understand that kind of testing But if the statement was something like "a real mechanic magazine will have a tool of the week section", my answer to that wouldn't tell you much of anything at all You only know, from that, if I consider a certain part to be inherent in what I've defined as a real mechanic magazine. It tells you nothing about whether I even look at mechanic magazines when in the shop
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it would if it had been empirically validated in the same way that "i like to read mechanics magazines" was individual questions rarely mean anything on many tests
>Our civil liberties are being excessively curbed in the name of counter-terrorism. Like this too I think the NSA is a fucking disaster and leading you to fucking 1984 at a rapid pace But those aren't MY civil liberties I live in Norway And we're not doing shit in the name of counter-terrorism
So I strongly disagree with the statement
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
alright, so disagree with it what's the problem
I'm saying that unless the test calculates the political climate I exist in into the mix, this will make me look far more authoritarian than I am
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
maybe it looks at the question in the context of the other questions you know like >>77075
But you can't both calculate the world I live in AND the world I want to live in from the same set of information about what I think the world should be like I'm just gonna finish the damn test and see where I end up
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the test measures more than the world you live in and the world you want to live in
Why is ctrl so big on this keyboard ffs >>77128 I predict floating in the centre
"it's not modeled after americans" he said as the test put me so far to the left of Bernie even Bernie himself is getting the pitchfork ready for some McCarthyism
I'm the red dot in >>77105 That means you're close to Bernie The chart I linked is more in depth and historical while >>77137 is for positions in the election
https://www.politicalcompass.org/uselection2016 Like literally right here
One I had trouble with was the idea that first generation immigrants can assimilate. It depends on their culture. Some can, and some can't. Abortion is also an issue that I have a very complex opinion on and a simple question doesn't do the issue justice.
>>77149 Yeah, that too. europeans who have moved here have perfectly integratedm but take africans... Sometimes i meet second gen kids who barely speak finnish
>>77149 The statement is all or nothing though As in it's either ALL X IS(SHOULD BE) Y Or it's NO X IS(SHOULD BE) Y
If I say ALL MEXICANS RAPE, but you know of one who doesn't, then you disagree If I say NO MEXICANS RAPE, but you know of one who does, then you disagree Because there is one or more exceptions to my absolute statement
Like "The government should force bakers to make gay wedding cakes" It doesn't matter if you're netural on it or not, you have an opinion
You either THINK THEY SHOULD, you you do NOT THINK THEY SHOULD That doesn't mean you necessarily THINK THEY SHOULDN'T by the way It means you don't actively think THEY SHOULD
It's not even so much "Keep it the same way." But in terms of RIGHTS, it means that you don't care if it's granted or taken away. And if you don't care that it's taken away, that means you don't believe it's a right.
The jedi were elitist fucknuggets who thought themselves so much better than everyone else, it lead to their entire order's extinction
That's kinda the hook in the statement "If you are neutral on rights, you stand with the oppressor."
>>77177 Also, forgot about the order's purpose, to serve the people and follow the will of the force Went all "muh republic" in the end
>If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. That one.
Inwonder could you bullshit a religion of shirtlessnes and then go about "no shirt no seevice" is oppression?
>>77183 What kind of issue on rights or injustice doesn't involve an oppressed entity?
No I mean any issue, rights or not A stance on whether the government should buy a new jet fighter or keep the old one isn't a question of which side of a power dynamic you agree with But a netural stance is itself a stance on that too Because you either think they should do the thing or you do not think they should do the thing
It doesn't even matter if you'd consider it given two parties being identical except for that detail You still have an opinion on it, even if you just really don't care
I think I lost you. Neutral stances can exist. But in terms of justice, a neutral stance does nothing but allow oppression. There can be someone who thinks arguing between pancakes and waffles is stupid. No one is oppressed by this.
>>77187 But he'll still be able to say if he likes pancakes more than waffles or not If he likes them equally, then he doesn't like pancakes more than waffles If he likes waffles most, he doesn't like pancakes more than waffles
Indeed, IF he actually has a decision out of the two. If he likes them equally, it's essentially neutral. >>77192 It's still a disagreement with both options, but it doesn't reflect ... oh you're talking about something different from me, I feel.
No No matter WHAT his stance, he has an answer to the statement Even if he likes them THE EXACT SAME AMOUNT, he can answer the statement with disagree It's a completely binary proposition
I'm saying there's no question in the test you can honestly say you can't select disagree or agree on because you're in the middle Because 0 of the questions HAVE a middle
>>77194 Patching Guild Wars 2 and waiting. >>77196 Oh yeah, I agree with you there. But I do think neutral stances can exist. Or having no opinion can exist.
But these questions don't really facilitate that sort of thing. Err, better yet, it's BECAUSE they're propositions, rather than questions, that it doesn't facilitate that sort of thing.
>>77198 I did all the lunatic quests, they were moderately challenging but fun. The level 10 training tower quests seem like too big a stamina sink. let's see I have 11 level 40 characters 3 level 39 characters
>>77200 my highest level character is probably lilina at about 33 or so I only have 6 characters about that area. >>77205 But my autism is granblue right now! I can't do both I'll DIE
>>77215 No that's the problem, I do that but I do it in ways that work for me, and my brain is completely fucking weird in how its wired compared to other people Shit just makes sense to me
tfw too sweaty to open a bottle and you have to ask fish to do it
I made 7 minutes 20 second mile today
>>77220 Mno shit makes sense to all people and the true difference is how well, quickly and on the spot they can output their thoughts into a short comprehensible sentence
>>77210 Being able to properly express a point is far more difficult than anyone makes it seem. You have an idea, it goes through your lens, it goes through the receiver's lens, and then they get an idea. There's a lot lost in between all of those commas. >>77217 Yeah, but you said you had problems with it even though your personal thought to it was "Sometimes they can, sometimes they can't."
There's just a lot of things that I don't bring into any sort of expression because they're parts I think are too obvious It's like "if you have 2 apples and I give you 2 apples, and then all those apples double, how many apple do you have?" You won't go over "well since 2 and 2 is 4," Because that's obvious You skip that when you answer
But I do that with a LOT OF SHIT
Which is why I can say shit like "ancap is basically feudalism" and it makes perfect sense to me
>>77224 Mostly, strongly and with a "neither really" is best scaling imo
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
You should have a "don't know" option
This makes it too easy for people to duck difficult issues. By forcing people to take a positive or negative stance, the propositions make people really evaluate their feelings. Often people find they wanted to select 'don't know' mainly because they'd never really thought about the idea.
>>77228 I have conflicts too but I generally know where to bubble. Unless I just don't understand the concept at all. I don't know a lot about protectionism. Or its affects, any examples, etc. But I can understand the idea behind it and agree. If I learn more, I might strongly agree or strongly disagree. But I'm not there yet.
i'm conflicted on lots of stuff but i'm pretty good at picking a side i decided a long time ago not to be indecisive
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
In some cases none of the four possible responses reflected my attitude
One expert in the field suggested that we restrict the responses to simply 'agree' and 'disagree'. But how many do you need? Ten? Twenty? If you choose the one that most nearly reflects your feeling, you'll get an accurate reading…even if it niggles
>>77250 No way, conflict is a natural state when presented with a difficult issue. Maybe it's just because I'm smart enough to process stuff to the point of conflict on my first viewing.
root Every time I log into GW2 now, I have to remember that Demmi is dead and I'm angry. Why'd they kill my squad? Being a Whispers unit is suffering right now.
It's very important to me that MY kid doesn't get taught religious things in school, but maybe I think the government should make it mandatory for public schools to You don't know
Less thinking, less refined taste It's like you're lowering the floor and the ceiling of quality until everything is very even Hold on I could probably make an image of this that illustrates what I mean
okay well now i'm home from work so i'm gonna take diphenhydramine to help me pass out so i can go back to work at 4am until 2pm and then go BACK to work at 730PM until 930PM >>77343 i have pretty bad sleep apnea tbh because i'm a fat shit i want to get a CPAP but they're expensive
Does sleep apnea wake you up mid-sleep or something?
It can, yes Well technically it always does but not always enough for you to notice Like you may not "wake up" enough for your memory thingies to start remembering things Basically it's when your body doesn't breathe right while you're sleeping, usually because of weight gain, and causes you sleep issues, pulling you out of REM because your body is panicking about oxygen, until your brain is conscious enough to move the muscles in your throat to breathe right, and then it tries to get back into REM
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>Average price for CPAP machine ranges from about $500 – $3000, with an estimated average price around $850. wow wtf
How do you know you have sleep apnea if you don't know if it wakes you up?
My local library doesn't carry any of the The Witcher novels
>>77349 I said "It can" and "not always" because usually it doesn't wake you but there have been times when it did wake me and I could feel the horrible feeling of your throat collapsing on itself It also manifests itself as snoring, but not the higher-pitched nasal snores that can happen from allergies or what not, but the lower-pitched throaty snores of air forcing itself through your throat
>>77349 My throat and back-of-nose area, and mouth, are always fucked up when I wake up. Just a general fucked feeling
I've also noticed a marked difference in the quality of my sleep after i hit a certain weight point I gained a bunch of weight after my accident (after losing a bunch too) and I haven't been able to get it back down The last year has been awful
In terms of my fitness, at least. It's been amazing in terms of my happiness.
I have discovered the next step in musical hipsterism Convert your music to MIDI and listen to it played as though a superhuman was playing piano
if you don't listen to your music in Mario Paint you're probably a fucking normie casual
Alright I'm gonna go overdose on antihistamines and everclear see you guys tomorrow night or rather you'll see me Austin-American Statesman obituaries section
apparently the light in my kitchen isn't turning on immediately sometimes when the switch is flipped fish and i were in another room when the light just suddenly turned on it was really spooky
Just transcribe your music into sheet music and play it on piano yourself like a superhuman
>>77351 >>77352 I snore a good bit but my throat never feels bad. I have a weird taste in my mouth when I sleep though.
>>77344 intermittent fasting is good i should do it again but I also should care about my diet and everything else I put into my body again in general
ade you doing 16 hour? Its basically just skipping breakfast which I normally do anyway, so it wasn't that hard for me to do
I am a strategic master at connect four
>>77367 Today my first meal was at 2 and my last was at 8 So I guess that's 18 hour
>>77369 ywa that's pretty good. It's really a question of if you're skipping entire days or not, and just skipping a portion of the day. I never tried just not eating every other day, but even just eating in an 8 hour window didn't cause me much trouble at all and I did feel better
It's interesting how I just didn't feel any hunger until I started eating
Some days I just forget to eat all day but I feel it depends on how much activity you are doing. When you spend all day in bed lounging around ok the computer, you don't need much food energy
I usually eat cereal or an energy bar for breakfast depending on whether I'm running or not. And then I have a banana or an energy bar for lunch. And then I have a nice dinner with some form of meat.
>>77372 I'm definitely a boredom eater, as well as a partaker of other bad habits when I'm just lounging around being bored
Can't smoke crack if you're busy running errands all day
It's a pretty big lunch for me. Until like a few months ago when Fish moved in, it was rare that I'd eat lunch at all. I've never really eaten lunch.
Man so they were selling some really cheap new york strips at a local grocer a while back and I acquired a taste for the finer things in life and now steak is all expensive when I go shopping
>>77718 Gin no Guardian is a Chinese anime that's not even a full length episode, it's more like fifteen minutes. Wasn't planning on watching it myself.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
how do you even taunt in nier
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
turn light on
only a2 has a full taunt but flashing your light at people taunts them too
Full taunt is better though >>77716 Worked 20 hours and lost over half the money I would have made because I fucked up counting money I'll probably pass out before I finish them anyways
It's hard to make viable threads on /a/ these days that aren't general threads or some other stupidity. /a/ has lost much of its spontaneity and humor.
on second thought, i guess it's not actually me i'm just sad that i was going to have sunday off and now i have to open the store leaving for work in two and a half hours
yeah somebody has to go into the systems of any business and place orders to vendors for whatever goods they consume or use to produce their merchandise or provide their services
>>78028 >>78034 >>78036 yeah i'm the guy that orders all the food except for the bread actually another person orders specifically the dough we need because there's so much of it
>>78097 wow i was going to ask you how many breads you have ordered in your life but you don't even order the breads fuck now what will i make my post about
i've ordered many breads
but now i'm the trucksman
I think I put the wrong pressure at the right time on my elbow, and now it's kind of constantly emitting a really slight take on that feeling you get when you ding your funny bone. It's really annoying.
>>>/watch?v=kiwowTlPLqo The studio that will be adapting Bkub's manga looks like they mostly stick to 3D CGI stuff. But they also have a pretty neat style.
What Rick and Morty thing >>78226 I'm usually killed by someone or some thing Occasionally I've simply died from homelessness or whatever though >>78229 >>78228 Oh write Where at?