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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
last time

the group suckerpunched curtis and stole his book, and then escaped on a giant owl eddie
eddie passed out and the group carried him back to the boat where they then returned to the guard camp
they soon returned back to the mansion with sicily and eddie, only to find it empty!
and a letter saying they had gone to Lander, Wyoming to claim another book
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Several days have passed since the group returned and there has been no word from Archie or Samuel.
A sense that something may have happened to Archie is felt throughout the group.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The group meets up in Archie's office to discuss a plan of action. The tea, left on the desk, has long gone cold.
Thomas O'Neil
"I'm willing to bet at this point that I'm not the only one thinking something went wrong with Archie's trip to Wyoming." Thomas says, looking at the tea.
"It's hard to say for sure. In Boston and Florida, we were there for a couple days at least finding his books.
Maybe the two of them got similarly tied up. They're both eccentric enough to get distracted by something, I imagine."
"I'm happy just to leave them to their own devices."
Thomas O'Neil
"Even though you won't get paid? At all?"
VV scoffs. "I don't need the money."
Felicity Davis
I frown. "I however, could. Even with that though, do we even have a way of getting to Wyoming? That's more than halfway across the entire country."
Thomas O'Neil
"If it were possible to refuel that plane and our pilot was willing, I imagine we could take that."
Felicity Davis
"Oh they're still keeping around? This estate is so large it's easy to go days without seeing specific persons."
Rather than looking for him, I think we'd be better served snooping around here, now that I think about it."

VV starts to snoop around the office.
Thomas O'Neil
"Don't forget to break Hoover's neck if you want to check the secret place."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Various books and illegible notes are scattered across the desk as always. The bookshelves lining the walls are still full of books in a multitude of languages, many of which are full of notes and information about the books. All things considered, the office is remarkably normal for the office of such a strange man. The oddest thing in the room is the bust of Herbert Hoover.
Thomas O'Neil
Considering the recent events revealing Hoover as a more important character than previously thought, Thomas tries to observe the bust more closely.
VV searches more closely for anything that may offer insight as to why he wants the book. And for ap lanner or something that may shed light on the wyoming trip.
aaaand spends a point of library use to help with the search
Thomas O'Neil
"Don't forget if you need any help reading those books I'm here."
Thomas O'Neil
"That's not a jab at your intelligence either!"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Although she fails to find insight into Archie's motives, she does manage to find a small leather-bound journal. In it are notes in various tribal languages. As VV flips through the book, she finally finds a page written in English. It contains the /// contains a note about the trip to Wyoming.

"It seems that my sources have located the next tome in a town called Lander out in Wyoming. The town borders on the local Indian reservation so it is of no surprise that a book would be found there. It seems that the townspeople are disappearing at an alarming rate and my sources suspect the book is somehow involved. I informed Master Hoover of this and he insisted that we get our hands on the book immediately before Curtis' minions do. He did not seem willing to wait for my team to return from Florida and so I will go with Samuel. Samuel is capable and will be able to ensure my safety and the safety of the book while we are there."

It's a very nice, bronze bust.
Thomas O'Neil
"Figures. VV, did you find anything?"
"Master Hoover?"
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas gives VV a confused look before trying to read the note over her shoulder or the like.

I guess he could have just asked to read it.
Thomas O'Neil
"Well, if 'Master Hoover' is in his notes, then Curtis certainly wasn't fooling around when he told us about that. It's a little concerning but I guess not surprising?"
Felicity Davis
"Maybe it's something like the Stonemasons. People doing good things in a strange way. We already know Hamlin is...strange at best, but he's shown no indication of being vile."
Thomas O'Neil
"That stands to reason. I still want to help Archie anyway.

So, what do you think we should do? It's entirely possible they're fine, but if they aren't then we're in a serious pickle. Plus we have no other leads."
VV shrugs.
Thomas O'Neil
"How's the therapy going, VV?"
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas nudges VV.
VV stomps on his foot.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas tries to hold in the pain.
#d6 (1)
he fails miserably.
Felicity Davis
"Well fine, if there's a cheap way to get cross-country, I suppose it would be fair and reasonable to collect Hamlin and bring him back here.
I'll go see if I can negotiate a flight with the, erm, good man who piloted us to Florida."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Kinzo and Battler are likely hanging out where they were last seen - by the local airstrip.
Felicity Davis
Leaving the office, I make my way through the mansion and down to the airstrip.
Approaching the two of them, I ask them about flying to Wyoming.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas gathers up his things, including his bulky bag, and heads out to the airstrip.
He waves to the pair casually.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Kinzo looks at them curiously. He's wearing a black bathrobe today.
Battler waves back. "Sure, we can get you to Wyoming. I guess if old man Archie is out there, someone's got to go get him. I wonder how he got there without us, though."
"I can't believe we have to fly with these people again."
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas reaches into his bag and pulls out some granola and offers it to the rest of the group.
Felicity Davis
I massage my shoulder. "This is going to be an even longer trip than the one to Florida. Hopefully it doesn't fall apart this time." I wave aside Thomas' offer and climb into the back of the plane.
"Wonder if there's anything I can use in here for earplugs," I say, rummaging through my bag.
Thomas O'Neil
#d6 (6)
Thomas gives Felicity a set of earplugs.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Battler gets the plane started. The propellers start spinning loudly.

Kinzo stands proudly in front of the plane with his hands on his hips. His bathrobe ripples and flows in the wind. He does not seem to have anything under the bathrobe.
Battler soon calls Kinzo into the plane. He takes his seat at the cockpit and gets ready to take off.
Thomas O'Neil
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The plane takes off, roaring into the sky like a large, beautiful, crippled eagle.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The hours go by slowly, made all the more slower by the screaming of Battler who despite going on every flight Kinzo does, is terrified of flying.
But they soon land in an airstrip outside Lander. The doors open and Battler rushes outside for fresh air.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas stretches.
Felicity Davis
I step out of the plane and take a look around at the area around the airstrip.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Mountains line the horizon and the grass is healthy and green. In the distant, /// distance, a town can be seen. There aren't many people at the airstrip.

The cargo compartment of the plane bursts open and out steps Sicily with a yawn. It seems she slept through the flight. She takes a look around and shrugs.
"So how does on go about finding a couple of crazies all te way out here? This place is quite far removed from civilization."
Felicity Davis
"You could have rode in the passenger cabin if you wanted to, you know."
Thomas O'Neil
"We look for the town closest to an indian reservation, just like before."
Felicity Davis
"Yeah, we should see about getting a car and heading in to town. Hamlin and Samuel are strange people, someone ought to have noticed them."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"Yeah, I didn't want to." Sicily replies in a snarky tone.
"So, a car? They have those all the way out here, yes?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Sicily sighs. "You can walk there, can't you?" She points in the direction of the town. "That's only a few miles away."
Felicity Davis
"I suppose, but we may be travelling further afterwards. But if there's no cars around, I guess we walk."
"Do they have horses here, at least?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Sicily starts walking towards the town. "Of course they do. But I don't see any around an airstrip."
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas starts hoofing it.
VV sighs.
"Why would one build an airstrip but provide no transit from there?"
Felicity Davis
"Horses probably get too easily spooked by all the noise of the aeroplanes."
I catch up with the group and walk towards Lander.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Sicily continues walking. "You've got transit. It's called your feet."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Battler looks on in the distance. He is upset that nobody thanked him or said goodbye, but he does not let it show in his face. He knows he has to be strong.
Thomas O'Neil
If Battle looks closely he'll see a granola bar in his seat.
Felicity Davis
With some time walking, we arrive in the heart of Lander.
I look around at the city centre for anything that stands out.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The city appears to be full of cowboys. That stands out a little bit.
The wooden and brick buildings of the town are all rather small and line the main trail through it. There is what appears to be a train /// a set of train tracks towards the end of the town but curiously they stop abruptly and continue no further, seemingly unfinished.
A generous estimate would put maybe one hundred people in the town.
Thomas O'Neil
"Wow, real life cowboys. I thought they were just a myth."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
sorry, one thousand people, not one hundred
"Well, if we want to find the people it may be wise to look for the book they're after. Perhaps we should start by finding a library?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Looking up and down the town, no library can be found. Plenty of saloons, brothels, restaurants.
Sicily raises an eyebrow. "If you're looking for missing people, don't it make a tiny bit more sense to ask if anyone's seen them?"
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas looks for the first reliable person, which is probably a cowboy, that he can find and tries to speak with them.
"Excuse me, we're looking for some friends of ours. Have you seen two very eccentric people who are definitely not cowboys?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
He spits to the side onto the ground. "Ain't cowboys? What, like miners or somethin'?"
Thomas O'Neil
"Think aristocrat."
"Excuse me, is there a library around here?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"Aristo what?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Cowboy Joe looks VV and Thomas over. "Y'all ain't never been in this kind of place, have you?"
Felicity Davis
"None of us have, my good man. We're here looking for our benefactor, an older man of good social standing, and his manservant. They're good people, but likely to stand out compared to you and your fellow men 'round here."
"Surely you have some sort of library. It would be negligent to run a town without keeping some sort of public records. Do you not have a place to go to register your livestock? A place where criminal records are kept? It's madness to think that you don't have some sort of books somewhere!"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"We got a sheriff if that's what you're lookin' for."
Thomas O'Neil
"That would work."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"He ain't around no more, though."
Felicity Davis
"Gone and disappeared?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"That's right. Disappeared the other night. Couple a' deputies, too." He looks around as if to make sure nobody is listening in. "You ask me? Them Injun folk're castin' some kinda devil magic."
Thomas O'Neil
"I'd believe that."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"I say we should go and give them the what-for, but some of the other folk don't agree."
Felicity Davis
"Well sir, it wouldn't be just and civilized to go after someone without due evidence now would it?
But I believe we may be of some assistance--if we can track down our benefactor. He's experienced in dealing with Injuns and their rituals. Finding him may give information into what is going on."
"Can you show us where the sheriff's office is?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Sicily walks off while everyone is distracted by the cowboy.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
He points to the inn. "Bloody Mary at the inn might know somethin'. If visitors came through, that's where they'd go." He glances at VV. "Sheriff's department is right next to it, but ain't nobody gettin' in right now since the sheriff and some deputies are gone."
Thomas O'Neil
"Thanks a ton for your directions."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
He tips his hat and walks along, his spurs jingle jangling.
"Well, it's no library, but let's go look for hints at the sheriff's office."
Thomas O'Neil
"Why not go check out this bloody mary person? Though there's no reason we can't do both I suppose."
Felicity Davis
"I want to ask around at the inn first, at least. I'm worried we might need to sneak in to the office if it's closed."
VV shrugs. "If they don't have a library, I can't see why they would be civilized enough to have locks."
Felicity Davis
"Which means they'd likely take intrusions like that with a swift and harsh reaction. And I don't feel like getting shot at.
We can check it out if there isn't satisfactory information from the woman the cowboy mentioned earlier."
"We can just tell them we're federal agents. It worked in florida."
Thomas O'Neil
"And if they're as unwitting as they seem I can see it working here. Hopefully."
Felicity Davis
I shrug. "Fine, let's give it a shot."
I walk off towards the sheriff's office.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The sheriff's office has several crusty looking cowboys sitting outside of it.
Thomas O'Neil
"I guess if there was every // ever a time to ready the 'federal agent' card, it'd be now. Unless they just, you know, let us in."
Felicity Davis
"Afternoon, gentlemen. We're here on behalf of the federal bureau of investigation. If we're correct, there have been disappearances in Lander recently, correct?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
One of the cowboys with a cigarette raises an eyebrow. "That's right."
Felicity Davis
I lightly clap my hands together. "Well we're here to see what assistance we can provide in resolving the situation. Our sources also specified your town's sheriff is also part of the people that have gone missing. Was he doing any investigating himself before he up and vanished?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The man pulls a large key from his belt and tosses it to Felicity. "Take a look inside, fedsie."
Felicity Davis
I catch the key. "Much appreciated. As you were then, gentlemen."
Motioning the other two to follow, I unlock the door and look inside the office.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
A shriveled human corpse lies against the bars of one of the cells inside.
Thomas O'Neil
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"That's the sheriff", one of the cowboys outside nonchalantly explains.
Thomas O'Neil
"How did he go missing if he's actually right here?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"He ain't actually missing."
Thomas O'Neil
"Is anyone actually missing then?"
Thomas pauses. .. and stops to wait for a reply.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"They's missing alright. Missing their blood. Sucked dry."
Thomas O'Neil
"Any clues on the cause?"
Felicity Davis
"That would have been nice to have in the report. It seems like we're dealing with a whole different matter entirely here."
"Did the sheriff keep any documents before he 'went missing'"?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"We don't know anything. Sheriff was investigating until he gone and got killed. I don't see any papers in there."
Felicity Davis
"Would it be all right to look over his person for anything, or has that already been taken care of?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"Take all the looks you want, fedsie."
Felicity Davis
"Thank you."
I go over to the desiccated corpse and rifle through the clothes for anything out of the ordinary.
Thomas O'Neil
"Fedsie..." Thomas says that out loud to himself.
VV looks around for anything that could have the sheriff's documents on/in it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
There do not appear to be documents around.
Just by looking at the body, you can tell that the arms and ribs have more or less all been broken pretty badly. Around the neck is a single gaping wound as if a railroad spike had penetrated it . On his person is his badge, clothes, and revolver.
Felicity Davis
I check the revolver for ammunition.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It has not been fired.
Felicity Davis
I store the revolver in my bag, and share the observations with Thomas and Miss Vane, then turn to the men who were keeping watch.
"Is there anyone else in town who may have been looking into the, erm, blood disappearances?"
"It's strange to me that they would keep bo
no records. America truly is a savage place."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"Two guys came through askin' about it the other day. Don't know where they'd be now. They ain't been found drained or nothing, at least."
Felicity Davis
"I see," I say, nodding to myself. Looking towards the other two, I ask "you two finished here?"
Thomas O'Neil
"You had it pretty covered, so yeah I'm done. We could drop by to see that Bloody Mary person in the hopes of learning more about where Archie went, but at least we know they definitely passed through here."
"There's nothing to research here, they don't keep any notes..."
