Thread #76016
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chaos child hand shakers youjo senki maid dragon>>76020 yes it is
isn't that webm great
wait, maid dragon? for real? yattaaaaaa
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>>76022 yes, for real
i thought i had missed it
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yeah maybe we can watch it next week when I get ika and tilde to pay attention.
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Calm your whingy bosom I'm currently experiencing technical difficulties.>>76031 No these are the previously released episodes. I use my torrent list to try and keep track of what I download and what I haven't watched yet.
wait is granblue out
Well I should have enough downloaded to start now.
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can you start with youjo?
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now ika is being difficult I may just give up
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angry loli
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i'm watching meidoragon one way or another
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youjou senki okay let's start
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This is the last episode of this, isn't there? er isn't it?
Should be. don't think it's a two-cour.
This guy kind looks like he's got pigtails from the front because of his lame-ass hairstyle.
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Tanya is cranky because she's up past her bedtime.
And also because they're letting the French chain of command escape to their colonies to regroup and form resistance.
She makes a good point. Applying pragmatism and rationality too much is just as bad as strictly sticking to your emotions and feeling.
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Everybody was ready to be done.
Everybody except the Republic. And Tanya.
Oh shit it's Mary Sue again.
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Time for some scratching and hair pulling.
Oh she lost it.
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I bet her troops are terrified okay let's chaos child okay lets start
>Death penalty for sure But he's a minor. And Japan has the death penalty?
Huh I guess they do. Also,>Most executions worldwide take place in Asia. Though that looks like it's mostly thanks to China, North Korea, and a few Islamic Asian countries.
Oh that was the Shibuya crossing there. Looked less crowded than it normally does though.
this show sucks
The SciADV games are plagued with poor adaptations. The only one that really got a good one is Steins;Gate. And maybe Robotics;Note but I've heard that may have only been because the original material wasn't good to begin with, so a good adaptation was still kind of lame. I think for the most part they just try to cram normal-length VNs into single-cour series. Like how the first season of Rewrite was kind of lame because of how compacted it was.
the main character and bad guy are so lame
At the least the main villain has an actual relation to the MC this time. If I remember Chaos;Head correctly the villain just kind of showed up at the end without any foreshadowing.
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I don't think this was really a good story to begin with, yeh. The protagonist was really lame this time.
did he really just slash his foot three times
The crazy dad's sword seems more like a blunt weapon. It wasn't really making any incision into his foot.
>I don't know how these people can get so excited over a single tweet Quotes for the modern world to live by.
Was that supposed to be a really emaciated MC there or the MC of Chaos;Head.
Well that was a better ending than Chaos;Head's adaptation at least though. Har har har.
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I think it was him, they have the same eye color. proragonist-kun that is
the ending wasnt that bas bad* it seems the VN ending was different though but it ends up with redhead becoming a normal girl still and not knowing mc
There may be an OVA or something in the future which will cover the true end. Or something.
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hand shakers! okay let's start!
I don't really like how the last boss kind of came out of nowhere for this show. He shows up once in the early stages and then all of a sudden is the main villain.
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Oh yeah, Koyomi got boobs.>>76146 He shows up to be intimidating a few times if I remember.
I only remember once. But I may have skipped one episode or so.
This series was really kind of style and not much substance. There's a lot of aesthetic aspects that are really cool about it.
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Yeah, I guess it's kinda like that.
What happened to them meeting God after defeating all the Handshakers.
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Maybe they missed one?
The aidoru arc was still the high point of the series.
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Or maybe it doesn't count as defeat unless they break them like they did that first guy.
Or maybe it's because we're gonna get a movie.>You're nice
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K was pretty well supported, so I wouldn't be surprised to see this get a move or a second season.
Yeah there was a lot of popular response for K. But I don't think this is doing as well because there aren't fujobucks to rake in.
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Yeah, this has absolutely no value as a fujo work.
Okay yeah it definitely looks like there's more to come.
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I guess Koyori always had boobs and I just didn't notice.
She wears that really loose big sweater a lot. Her breasts were just kind of hidden by lazy animation and obscuring clothes.
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okay let's maid dragon! okay let's start!
bang i hope i'm on the right episode
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This was a pretty good show. I guess this is probably the last episode.
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We'll probably see the Rika scene this episode.
she better not chop her tail yet
wait yet? at all
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She stopped dressing like a slut. I wonder how long that will last.
Until the weather gets warmer. I mean it is the middle of winter.
This instrumental track that has elements of the ED in it is nice. Masumi Itou is such a good OST composer.
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Wow her horns popped out of her head. I've not noticed her hiding her horns this whole time.
yeah when she's at school
Where as Tohru just doesn't give a fuck.
I expected him to lock the door.
me too
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There's definitely going to be weird food waiting on her.
Kobayashi is a great drunk. I want to get drunk with her.
that's a big fucking sword
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Looks about normal to me. That's the size of the one I use.
I kind of expected her to have a different voice for this flashback. Apparently Tohru talked like an old man back now.
>>76222 rika the size queen
I was sorely soerly -sorely tempted to make a very uncouth joke about it.
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you have to go for the subtly uncouth ones
Being subtly uncouth isn't as fun as being outright uncouth.
See Kobayashi really is a Rika.
oh wow tohru is drunk
Search [iqdb] (46 KB, 356x624, [HorribleSubs] Minami Kamakura(…).jpg )
I'm not that foul and I'm way better with alcohol than that.
Yeah but you've also admitted to getting frisky when drunk.
>>76228 for you maybe
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>>76232 yeah but it was hetero frisky
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why is this spoilered i need to go drinking out in the mountains and get me a tohru i am sick and tired of doing laundry and dishes
>>76234 Anything between Kobayashi and other girls may as well be hetero.
wow fafnir is useful
Faf-kun is pretty cute.
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I thought his roomie was a fellow neet. And he wasn't using his -su particles either.
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that instant no from kanna was funny
Tohru is a bit of a tsundere.
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OH I SEE NOW i think that's what i'm supposed to feel now
The choice between being a criminal or being a slave echoes for a lot of people even in our modern world.
technology is just too strong nowadays if i could have lived in the time of cops and robbers or sheriffs and bandits....
Oh that's cute. You don't get that little bit of the meido-chan in the manga.
you know, one of the central themes of this show is homogenizing with society which i feel is a very japanese thing
oh yeah there's 13 episodes btw
I didn't know that.
one more ep
i meant to tell rika when she said this was the last one but i got distracted by my maid, tohru
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Oh, that's a nice surprise.
>>76247 I think adapting to society while carving out your own niche to be personal and eccentric in is a fairly global idea. At least within the modernized world.
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i just want to make enough money that i can feel safe and then i want to do dangerous things but in a way that i control the danger
>Emperor of Demise The PV makes me think it's one thing but the next episode's title makes me think it's another. I don't know who's going to show up! How exciting!
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Next ep looks like it will have about 2 minutes of drama.
It might have a proper fight scene in it. Which means more KyoAni sakuga.