i just watched the rocket go up and it made me think of you since you're a space nerd i'm dedicating that moment to your nerdiness
Oh yeah, I got home just in time to watch it. I missed the launch itself but I'm watching now.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i saw it happen IRL
That sounds pretty cool, from how far away?
>Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Dems 'Are Already A Grassroots Party'!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>74980 i dunno i think launch is like 20 miles from my house? something like that fish and i watched it from outside
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh yeah, I remember where you live now. Yeah, you are pretty close. You probably got a really good view. How much of it were you able to hear?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Most of it. It's loud enough that I can hear it pretty clearly when they launch the rockets.
It's been a few years since I went down the Kennedy to watch a launch. It was so difficult last time that I guess I just haven't thought about it since.
Speaking of space reminded me of this http://www.geektime.com/2017/03/30/finlands-reaktor-plans-first-network-of-lunar-satellites-as-nasa-esa-lay-groundwork-for-moon-infrastructure/amp/
Well, what they did today is pretty neat. IT is pretty historic, though not quite as exciting as the first time they landed it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I think it's about as exciting! This is a big first! The future of space travel!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I wish I could sneak a peak at Of Course I Still Love You
In before spacex becomes wayland-yutani
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Elon Musk just started a neurobiotics company or something, too. Augmentations soon
The guy really wants immortality in his life time
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Neuralink it's called
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Elon is running like four massive companies Three of which are set to change the world well, two i guess Since he's got SpaceX and Neuralink And he's got Boring Company and Tesla
I dont deny or doubt he will be written into history books as one pf the great industrial minds or however they will be called now But that doesn't mean i need to like the pipedream guy and his semi-religious stance on science
Elon is the capitalism argument
>>74988 It's historic, but not as earth shattering as the first time he landed it. They said that could never be done.
>>74994 >>74991 Elon does a lot of stuff that's just outlandish and will never happen. He's doing a good job with SpaceX though.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>74995 too late man he already is written into textbooks as a great industrial mind
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>74997 The Neuralink stuff is supposedly promising.
>>74995 What he's done with SpaceX actually is historic. He is one of the great pioneers of space travel now.
>>74999 We'll see! I don't know anything about it. The stuff he wants to do with vacuum sealed trains all over the country is one of his more outlandish projects. Some of his projects that have no chance of being realized still make scientific progress though.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Elon Musk pretty much saved the space industry
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>75000 haha the train thing has been shown to be a complete and utter failure so far unfortunately But when you dream big you gotta fail big too
That train is gonna fucking kill someone
Vacoomtrain has been a theoretical concept for a good reason for centuries
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
can you name three people other than elon musk that have come up with a feasible model for it though
I think you mean decades, because I doubt anyone in the 1910s were thinking about vacuum trains
>>75005 I can think of 0 who have come with feasible models Including musk
>>75005 The idea isn't exactly new He's just the guy who's been crazy enough to take it from paper to 3D
I think he could make it work, it's just a matter of the initial investment being too great.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>75007 musk's model is feasible regardless of what thunderf00t tells you the fact that it hasn't been shown to work yet doesn't mean the model isn't feasible since the model hasn't been created
I hope his Neuralink stuff fails though. That's a step towards the future I'm afraid of, we need to be careful about linking brain and machine. That sort of thing needs to happen after we're fairly adept at space travel.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It's pretty spooky
>getting good at space travel before making our brains able to actually achieve that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The initial focus of his Neuralink thing is to make it able to treat different brain degenerative diseases
We already use brain implants for Parkinson's and even Depression sometimes
That sort of stuff is fine. I'm afraid of the future where we're stuck on earth and every human is catalogued and there's no escape from the extremely rich even in your own mind. Even worse is stuff where people are being rewritten. Or where the average human is a slave to the augmented elite.
This may be me being a bit of a crazy religious person, but I think the world will end before that sort of thing happens though.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah, that stuff is scary
Elon Musk ultimately will go too far with it if he can He wants to use it to make humans better than computers because he's terrified of AI
He's scared of AI but I'm scared of humans You can predict AI, humans are crazy
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't think we'll be able to predict ai once it's like, really real
once you create sentient ai, if possible, what compells it to follow say the three laws of robots?
AI could easily outpace humans. But editing the human mind is a lot more scary to me.
There's also a potential future where people are copying themselves to computers and then throwing their old brains out thinking they're getting immortality when they're really just committing fancy suicide that I think is pretty scary.
>>75019 You can hardwire it I guess Put it as a check of every action, in a region of the memory it's not got access to edit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the three laws of robots don't real anyway
>>75020 Thenpeople who envision and hope for this intreque me Haa i'd be writing my thesis right now on something like this if things went the way i desiree
one second you're just scanning your brain next thing you know, it's soma
As far as everyone else is concerned, the digital you is just you You're the only one who will realize something changed, and if there's a soul, you should be gucci because obviously it'll go to the now-you, right? And even if it doesn't, god can't really blame you for thinking it might
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's a digital representation of you but there's no way to prove it's exactly the same as you
>>75027 It <lacks your body and senses, even if it really is you, you have as an entity changed already so muxh that you barely can be called "you" anymore
>>75027 There's no way to prove it isn't you either As far as anyone else knows, it's you. to them you didn't die
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>75029 yeah but "prove it's not" isn't a real argument in this kind of situation
Proving something is exactly the same is proving it doesn't differ in any way And that's equally impossible
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that's totally untrue you can prove something exists but you can't prove something doesn't exist for example
Why would your digital copy be inhabited by your soul?
>>75032 And you can't prove that no differences exist Being the same isn't a thing you can check for in itself, you have to prove there's no differences That the differences don't real
>>75033 It's still you, right, and the other one went away so The soul isn't a body thing, it's not an organ, so the question is how is it attached to begin with?
>>75036 It's not you. You were the brain that got scanned and thrown in the garbage can.
>>75037 So first you aapproach it from spiritual and them jump to strictly materialistoc empiricism
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't think that's what she did exactly
>>75038 Isn't it obvious? What happens if you scan the brain and don't throw it in the garbage can?
You have the original and the copy.
>>75040 Well if our consciousness is our soul, only one of those remains sentient
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
a soul is the thing that animates the body i mean yeah it's a big part of you but it's a part of YOU
ergo not part of a machine that has a copy of you
For all we really know, you die the same way every time you go unconscious or something You can't really prove that you right now is the same "you" as yesterday, other than being made of the same constant parts The consciousness you're experiencing could have been rebooted overnight, and you would have absolutely no idea You remember it as being you, but it's not provable
I think if it's something like a ship of theseus situation where you slowly augment the person, they may be preserved. But if you just copy their brain and throw the original in a trash can, it's totally just fancy suicide.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>75043 the flaw in this argument is that we would have an idea if we became a different person
So what I'm saying is You may die every time you go unconscious, is it really different at all, in any relevant way, if you die and wake up as a machine?
I'm not talking about body switching I'm saying if your consciousness reboots tonight, tomorrow you won't know, and will have no way to know
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah necessarily i'm not gonna say everyone will but the majority of people will
what does reboot even me mean
As in, it stops and starts again Just like it would if you died, and someone turned on a computer with a perfect copy of your brain
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
how does rebooting necessitate a new "you"
Because the reboot is that
Like what exactly IS "you" at this point? What makes you waking up from something that shuts your consciousness down and then starts it again, different from you waking up as a machine after your body is destroyed if that machine is a perfect replica of how your brain operates
>>75047 Your consciousness isn't just gone when you're sleeping. It's just different.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>75052 yeah, this and we can actually prove that anyway
Yeah modern science has studied sleep and such braim activities to answer the sleep question
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
we can also show that brain function doesn't change if someone dies and is brought back to life unless there is organic damage caused by the death
I think we're talking about different things I don't think I'm able to properly express my thoughts on this
No we are not The continuing of consciousness has been around bur it stems from times brains werem't that well studied Or the subconscipus mind for that matter
Of course the philosphical side remains, but for any philospher to just ignore mateeial facts when pondering th3 immateeial would be folly, especially when the whole "are you of tomorrpw srill you" is a debate that arose from
Fucking ctrl pls die
Arose from more materialistic schools of meraphysics during age of enlightement when all idealistic and immaterial thought schools were scoffed as idiocies of the past
i should have let you freeze >>75079 why don't you have a freestyle dance teacher?
Why would I have one?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
So you can freestyle dance?
Even if I can' t, what is that lady going to teach me?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
How to freestyle dance, of course!
YuuKirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
You just don't get it!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I had a really good day today, so I guess I I'll let it slide this time.
What exactly IS freestyle dance
>>75087 This whole line of posts started with me being confused. Of course I don't get it!
>>75089 That's a good question What makes it free What is free What is free love
What is love Love is free
Rdy2kick some ass
I have another interview tomorrow This week is 2busy
The week is over after tomorrow though.
I won't consider it over until Tuesday. I managed to do a ton of really good work today. I still have three and a half more days of work to do, though.
I said on monday that i was going to take the rest of the week off i took none of the week off and still have a long weekend ahead of me it makes me sad >>>/watch?v=-n8fn7k9NiE
My flying team is all 40 now. It's fun to play but it's hard to use in arena because of all the takumi.
has anyone ridden on greyhound or megabus before how is it
I have but it's been awhile.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's alright
are they packed to the brim with people or is it usually just a handful of people they scare me but it's like 20 bucks to get a trip to saint louis or birmingham and that's a good deal since i don't have a car
I don't have enough or recent enough experience to be able to answer that.
>>75146 I'm going to try. I got a book on it. I think it may not happen until next year. It's the time of year that you should start them right now, so either I have to rush or I have to wait a year.
That's really cool. I thought about it after the demonstration at the gardens but I decided I'd just admire beekeeping from afar instead sasuga yuu good luck if you succeed show me lots of pictures
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I have // well my family has a history of bee allergies and things that can end up stinging me tend to be on my bad news list.
>>75148 It may be awhile before I have them set up since I may do it next year. I may just gather supplies and read on it over the winter.
>>75149 You wear a suit that keeps them from stinging you.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORUTalesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't think a suit would make me comfortable around a gorillion bees
>>75150 there's a lot of cool new tech that's come out recently i think i remember hearing some talk about some special starter hives made with 3d printing or something maybe it was just a shitty gofundme project i dunno are you doin it for the honey or more for the hobby? it's pretty awesome to be able to send people jars of honey that you collected yourself for christmas
i lost my centipede farm back in saint louis. i'd like to start a new one but i have only seen one centipede since moving to tennessee. it's kind of lame i haven't been able to collect any honey from centipedes so far though
>>75153 Mostly because it sounds amusing and because I might make some money off it. They're supposedly low maintenance with a fairly high return too. There may even be state/federal money for raising them since bees are dying. And you can get small business tax credits as long as you turn a profit.
That's a good idea. I need to start looking at how to establish myself as a business or something independent contractor taxes are hell i'm going to have to file an extension, and even then i probably will just opt to pay the 0.5% late fee some time next year instead i didn't know they were subsidizing bees now that's pretty cool
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
taxation is THEFT
I'm not sure if I can get money for it though. You may have to live in a place where the bee population is in peril.
It should be easy enough to turn a profit for the tax credits just plop up a website and sell some jars you'd only have to sell a few i think >>75159 oh no where's my detox teas billboard did i delete ie
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
local honey is good for your immune system
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
honey is kosher
Honey sells quite well. I will probably not turn a profit the first year because I have to buy the equipment, but in the years after that it should be easy to turn a profit.
This legal work is pretty fun so far. The pacing is way smoother, courts are nice enough to use good quality microphones and several channels instead of recording from an iPhone in the middle of a conference table it's paid by page instead of by audio minute, so i'm not losing out on money when the attorneys are rattling off six paragraphs a minute ive actually only done like 60 dollars worth of work in the same time i could have made like 200 dollars normally by turning down other work to do this training, but that's why it's training there's so many formatting things i have to keep looking up if i get ready and steady with this stuff i'll be a lot happier and less wound up all the time i think i even get more time to listen to music while formatting and prepping documents, since i spend l ike an hour just compiling cover pages for the documents and stuff plus law is interesting. not that market research isn't, but i don't have to listen to consumer opinions in law
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh i'm ranked in the arena
>>75162 You'll definitely never go hungry if you can learn legal transcription.
>>75163 I'm having a tough time this season. I keep running into Takumi. My current project is the 9-X lunatic quests.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
just kill the takumis with robin
Some of us don't get really good 5 star characters delivered to us on silver platters.
ive got a cecilia who's almost got five merges now four star obviously i'm not even disappointed she's not five star she fits really well with my olwen and kagerou (sp) and liliana
fish stole and is hiding my pajamas holding them hostage >>75166 I meant fRobin
Maybe she would be able to do it if she had Cecelia's thing.
Give her that and Bowbreaker Or just give Cecilia Bowbreaker
I don't have a lot of faith in bowbreaker. Setsuna has it and Takumi still kills her easily.
I did a second roll today and got her so that was a win in my book
My body is made of mobage
>>75179 I'm here to inform you that's a bad idea. Whether you can afford it or not is not going to change how you feel when you start the roll and it's four reds and an uncolored orb, and they're all going to be shit
See this is the problem with having nobody from FE9-10
Where is JILL
I guess I'm going Cordelia I'll probably end up saving all my flags.
okay, it's time for me to complain about video games. Years ago when I bought this game and was playing it. I specifically remember them saying something like "once we go in, there's no turning back." Of course, there's still like... three chapters of combat in between that moment and actually going in but I believe that was part of what made me pause on playing in the first place.
Fast forward to now, I can leave the area and go back and complete more Guild Quests Speaking of which, there are NEW guild quests that only appeared after I left.
Good night
everyone is sleep
wyerns are gonna win
>Cow Dare You >Minotaur is attacking people ...
>eggslut is coming to NYC ... what is this
>Slut: cage-free coddled egg on top of a smooth potato purée, poached in a glass jar, topped with gray salt and chives, served with slices of baguette
Somebody from the national font association needs to address the issue of the upper case i and the lower case l looking the same
l don't see a probIem
world is a fuck
hi moe
world is a fuck
i'm voting for lucina and i don't even play anymore
Any fun weekend plans? I'm probably going to be working through the weekend but if I don't have to then I might take the time and explode
rookworld is a fuck
actually i have sunday off for some weird raisin it's because he doesn't want me to hit over 40 again until i'm salary i think so i only work 3x12 hours this week plus 2x3 hours and 1x1.5 hours i'll still have to crunch some hours to not get OT
>alonetogether >the three performers spend a month in isolation and only contact is with the people visiting their art stand through intetwrbd >12.4 onwards This. Is. Golden
>>75378 have you not looked at twitter in the past 24 hours everyone is complaining about how terrible it is
Dude I played factorio most of yesterday, went to bed, and got up like 2 hours ago I barely even use twitter outside my tweetdeck bubble and nothing changed there
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
well you can tag 50 people in a post and use it to spam gore and porn now
So I guess the change is that @names don't count towards the 140 limit
And there's a cap of 50 @names
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they don't count and also they are tagged above the post and it's hard to untag yourself so every time a reply is made no matter what you get notifications so people are getting like 500+ notifications
I only ever get mentions when it's in a reply to me, or a reply to that again Which sometimes does get a lot, because I'm not exactly the best at moderating my tweets so people will either really disagree or really agree
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i occasionally get a reply from real people if i make an actual comment instead of a shitpost
i need more anime right
I mostly just get likes From "alt right"ers and sometimes hardcore leftists Because I'm not a point on the chart, I'm the coffee spilled over it while trying to put down a point I'm all over the fucking place with seemingly no goddamn rule
Which really, I think is superior I'm not big into having one connecting philosophy for all of your views It may feel good to have some rule you stick to, some grounding philosophy, but if you fuck up in getting to that rule at all, EVERYTHING is now boned as a result
Like what if taxation ISN'T theft once you think about it the right way, now libertarians have according to themselves the WRONG VIEW ON EVERY SINGLE THING
It's better to just consider each issue on its own, I think Not that it's even doable to have one all-encompassing philosophy You can't fucking do it, your brain is gonna have a hiccup somewhere
sometimes i make alt-right tier posts sometimes i make alt-left tier posts sometimes i make posts about nothing
If I have any connecting philosophy, it's a vague notion that the government is there for the people, not anything else The government's priority is the economy only so far as it benefits the people, or else there's no fucking point If something benefits the economy but hurts the people, the choice is usually easy for me
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm trying to get my professor to start doing a reverse colbert sort of thing where he pretends to be a liberal for like a news show that we'd put on youtube
liberal is such a dumb political label The majority of people, to such a degree that it's absurd, would say they're 'liberal' if it wasn't tainted by one political side It's not like "conservative" That's a good term, it means something that's different from the fucking default
Like everyone's 'liberal' it's just a matter of what they mean by the term The left thinks it means more freedom for people, the right thinks it's more freedom for corporations
Heya Moe.
Hey Floop2
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
hi puff
>>75403 >Floop2 Oh dang it. When I copy and pasted that it didn't keep the formatting. And I can't be Floop2. I'm not from the moon. Oh, well, huh. Learned something new. >>75404 Hello, Kirara☆!
Well that was Kinda meh Not bad but not good kinda bland for being gits adaption
>>75421 Woah crazy >>75420 So he has the flag in a cabin in the middle of the woods somewhere, hiding?
Maybe 12.4 is when the stream begins Should I do something with it?
I wonder if you can see the video online or if it's only there
Set up a pole with a frogmask in front of the camera
>>75426 Since it is 14€ to entry I doubt it is available online
Dumb I wonder how to record Shia's reaction to anything
I wish I had a car I'd go find where his cottage is during easter
I'm sure /pol/ will find it somehow
I bet they are at some resort or shit, cause where else would they have gotten three cottages on that short notice, with power and decent enough internet capabilities.
Maybe they are running on generators and Shia will hunt for his food!
>>75433 No, i am just saying there isn't really land and free cottages up there. It is easier to secure a lakeside or seashore plot of land then get a piece of land in the lappland or a cottage just suddenly available, especially with so good upload speeds you can keep a stream like that running.
Lappland is basically siperia, but more bureaucracy
Buit if they do put a hwndu flag on top of the museum, that will be a hard place to get to
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
maybe someone could climb on top at night
Problem is where it at it is right next to central railwaystation, on the busiest road in the capital
and you can't really scale it either
I havn't been in the backstages for years, so I don't even remember how you'd get into the rooftop if you managed to break in or sneak there.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>75438 >>75437 >>75439 oh yeah that looks difficult you'd need some mission impossible shit
You could grapplehook there, but... EVERYONE WOULD SEE IT
I wonder will there be lots of guards around the exhibition, that will throw you out if you start going all pepe
>Confu Shoot >Fatima is confused What's confusion do again? >Fatima's turn >Controlled by AI >Uses strongest AoE skill on team >kills self and two other teammates well fuck jRPGs
Seems forced to me, considering there's no relation between the two uses
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
no the joke is THAT what he talks about isn't related to game theory see >>75459
the higgs boson is forced we can't interact with it in its natural state memes are just localized packets of information, no different than localized wave packets plenty of the packet structures collapse out of their element very quickly
Speaking of Obama does saltybets now shout TRUMP when there is a tie?
is there any policy about whether the president can divorce while in office can a single person be president? is there anything legally stopping trump from divorcing melania and marrying hillary right now, aside from the fact that it just wouldn't happen i'm just curious
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there's no law preventing it no he could be a single man as president and he could marry hillary
that would be pretty interesting to watch an election between two married candidates how romantic would that be i could imagine it happening in House of Cards universe though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
apparently the only presidents that have had divorces are reagan and trump wow >>75475 haha yeah
can't wait for the new season to drop thank god for netflix dropping entire seasons on day 1
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i stopped watching in season 3 is it worth watching more? it got kind of less interesting and way too ridiculous
i know exactly how you felt season three made me think "well it's fucked now, what are they even doing" how far did you get in season 3? as a result, i had low hopes for season 4 and i was fuckin wrong they brought it full circle in a mostly satisfying way i'd say it's definitely worth watching more, but it depends on what it's competing for in terms of time if you've got little time to spare, maybe save it for a time when you're not cramped
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i think up to like episode 10 or something i remember amworks failing and the hurricane
if s4 is good maybe ill pick it up again eventually
>>75476 Wasn't reagan somewhat religious president too?
>>75482 Truly such genius is too much for my tiny brain
>>75480 i don't remember the details to say whether it's good or not i remember feeling that it was very good when i watched it, but that was in 2015 i think it may not have aged well through the political climate since then
i do remember some critics noting how the show was a little too politically whimsical to feel real at some point saying that it fails as a reflection of actual politics i wonder what they thought throughout the last year after writing those reviews
>salty wizard >bet on 1000 matches lol I did this a lot in the past
Speaking of games, [x]Magical Starsign [x]Luminous Arc 2
>beginning of the epilogue is everyone complimenting Karen Because she's the best. Beating the game with the not-quite-canon character makes me feel dirty. >>75491 yeah, I know.
Hey Blue did you see? Nana has willed it. There will be a new season of Symphogear.
> where am I? > why am I fighting giant monsters > who is this evil mage queen boss > get it away > Love Laser this bitch > I am only in this universe to make sweets and bake pies > I'm never crossing the rainbow ever again
also lewd
>oh man, Rina's floating and her eyes are heart-shaped LEWD
>Moose with the save. The Rosetto Rosso are the best characters in this game. Why was only Karen playable? Then again, Moose can't be the greatest if he's always in combat.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Are you having fun?
>>75496 This is the cheesiest ending ever. Or maybe it's just how things are being explained. Or maybe it's just Ayano. >In my 4000 years, I've never been invited to a dance here. Poor Ayano.
>Who throws a party this big and deserve any crab? >but my budget? >This party will come out of your insurance if I don't get crab.
hitotsu hitotsu
>The Dark Witch didn't want to come but her familiar begged her to show up. >"Yeah, Josie dragged me here." >no one makes a look, what the cat dragged in joke.
Animation Production: JC Staff
>gallery unlocked oh snap
someone get shiny out of my head
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>enter arena >takumi, hector, linde, tiki (y)
well, now that's done. >62% completion I am NOT playing this whole thing over for some images that I can find online. Thanks.
I'd rather have take on me on a loop again someone maketh shiny stop
i thought for sure it'd put me more right than it would have 2014
"It is regrettable that many personal fortunes are made by people who simply manipulate money and contribute nothing to their society. " thiso ne always iffs me sure they don't contribute but they pay taxes for all of their profits help companies stay afloat and use a lot of money usually, so keep the gears turning
also the rutheless money grubbers tend to turn into charitable people when death approaches except soros
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
fuck soros shine
"Those with the ability to pay should have access to higher standards of medical care. " and this is in what manner? I mean, those who can pay here, can access private medicine of higher standard but that leaves out public medicine, which is same price and rules for everyone and I think best sytem is where both exist the public available for everyone, running on 0 profit and private to fill the need of those who want it was and better