>>77949 In fairness this is actually stuff that was covered in the manga. The manga gets chapters every now and then that kind does exposition pieces on villain motives or designs.
Invisigirl is pretty great. Even though she has to go around pretty much naked to properly use her power.
ok now go ask your friends about how they felt your performance was and tell them grandmaster grandma said you were weak and not be emo and mope about it for a week
how the fuck do teenage girls have enough money to afford a good electric-acoustic
Space seems to be full of horrible teachers. They just say vague stuff like "think about it" or "you're the weakest" instead of offering helpful criticism.
Twintails is a bit of an ojou and she had a really nice guitar laying about the house.
>>78072 i meant the panic attack the MC was having was making me feel an incredible mix of sympathy and second hand embarrassment
the show itself seems alright
Oh I see. There's a lot of secondhand embarrassment moments in this show. I really don't think highly of it so I guess it's hard for me to feel sympathy for the characters too.
it's not going to make it onto my hard drive after i watch one episode like this shit or anything but it's not terrible i guess it's hard to judge the quality of something from one episode
i've felt the same as the MC in that situation before though and its really embarrassing when you're trying to speak and it won't come out good
>>78102 i'm still watching this 10 minute metal album cover
3 mins left
How electrifying. I'll stick around.
>>78107 alright i'm ready when you are okay 3 2 1 ganbatte
Okey dokes.
i liked this game a lot but my crappy wireless at the time prevented me from enjoying playing it constant disconnections and WOW THIS HAS A COOL ART STYLE HOLY FUCK
I liked the aesthetics of the game but the grindiness you have to deal with once you hit the mid-game was suffering.
Also yeah the artstyle is really nice. Reminds of a bit of Occultic;Nine from a couple seasons back.
i couldn't even make it to the mid-game i was still in early game when i quit basically the game would crash about 50% of the time when transitioning from battle to battle and about 15% of the time every time i attacked or used a skill requiring a reload to fix i downloaded some chinese app centered on asian mobage to get access to the android app and it didn't even help it >>78115 sounds like it yep
Oh huh is this Bump of Chicken. Man I love me some Bump of Chicken.
>>78114 Yeah I'm familiar with that problem. My cell provider is kind of clunky a lot of the time and there's a lot of parts of the city where I'd get that happening.
>>78116 this was actually on my WLAN that's how shit my router was my house is very very small. from my room to the router on the other side of the house is probably about 30 feet. from that distance, my mobile data actually secured a more stable connection before i got a new internet provider and modem/router.
Hah hah, that's really abysmal. I used to have super slow Internet but my connectivity was always pretty good. As long as I wasn't trying to download anything massive I was good.
yeah, my sisters and my parents didn't seem to have the same severity of issue with connectivity though something about where my room was in relation to the router was fucking me up i actually got a BETTER connection in my fucking backyard on my back porch than in my room
not to say it wasn't bad for them either, though they are a little closer to the router, they just didn't have the inability to stay on the WLAN for longer than a minute without dropping for 10-15 seconds.
Gran's all armored up like he expects to get into a fight on this peaceful farming island.
idk my guy didn't look anything like this loser he had a cool hat and made fire with his mind
I wonder if they'll bring in any of the fancy class outfits for him in the future. Or if he's going to be dressed like the default class the whole time through.
they rarely reuse frames (mainly for talking loops) and almost every motion is accompanied by completely redrawn characters for each unique frame in the motion it makes it feel like the character is moving more than layering digital frames and changing only what is strictly necessary
Like I mentioned earlier, there was a show a couple seasons back, Occultic;Nine, that had a bit of a similar aspect to it. Not nearly as high-quality as this though. The actual show was kind of all over the place, but the animation was really nice.
I also really like how there's a lot of broken lines for the linework in the show. It kind of makes it feel softer and puts emphasis on the actual thicker lines.
yeah they use variable line widths instead of one static width or a couple different widths and sometimes the colors simply bleed into the borders it makes it look like the characters blend in with the scenery more like they're actually a part of the tangible world on the screen or something i guess
yeah that was the best thing i watched tonight easy i hope the rest of the anime is as high quality as this wait this is a regular series starting now right?
Yeah, it's a television anime this season. The first two episodes got pre-aired some time last season.
Cygames has a metric fucktonne of money they've made of the mobage, so maybe they'll actually pay for enough people to keep up the quality of work in the series.
saturday is once again the day where the good shit comes out for me i guess works for my schedule this is right after the toughest part of my week >>78148 they never made a penny off of me only because i couldn't figure out how to spend money on it though
Shingeki no Bahamut was similar. The actual quality of work put into the entire anime series was really, really good, surprisingly. And since they're both Cygame mobage adaptations, that's kind of promising for the Granblue anime.
>>78149 Yeah Cygames games are really hard to spend money on if you're not in Japan. More mobage companies need to be more open to letting weeaboos spend money on them.
>>78150 i probably would still be playing the game if they would just have let me give them my money they don't know what they're missing they should ask gumi how much $$$ i dumped into their shitty mobage
Like my Vietnamese friend was whaling HARD for Fate/GO from the moment she started playing it. Sure she's competent enough to figure out how to pay Cygames really, but like, all you need to do with Fate/GO is just go through the basic Android service for spending money on your phone. I'm pretty sure that's got something to do with why Fate/GO makes such an obscene amount of money.
>>78152 I'm 100% sure I could figure out how to spend money on granblue if I set my mind to it but that's not the thing! The thing is that there isn't just a little button I can press to say goodbye to $20 instantly while I'm still in the game. If it was supported to pay simply with USD I would have already spent hundreds for sure just like your viet buddy. It's all because it's not just supported by the google play payment services like you said I think.
Yeah if you make it easy for people to buy shit it only makes them buy shit in ridiculously higher magnitudes. That's one of the most ubiquitous laws of the Internet.
>>78154 Yeah that's it, really. They didn't even have to offer me anything really special or cool and I blew like $200 on FEH. I enjoyed every second of it too! I wish I had that $200 back right now, though! Damn, I'm stupid!
Hindsight is always 20-20. Did you want to watch the second pre-release or save it for next Saturday to watch it "on time"?
>>78169 >gran's mom has been faithfully sewing him a new hoodie every year since he was 6 years old >the 2017 model is ruined thanks to HIDORA DIE, BOURGEOISIE wow i spelled that right on my first try even though im this dornk
Loan words are always an accomplishment to get right on the first try!
I really like this lighting. Like man it's just so soft and orange I could sleep forever in it.
>>78174 yeah it's really nice like when it's about an hour before sundown and the world is bathed in that orange glow slowly transforming into a purple and then dark cold blue
Dusk truly is a magical time.
Katalina's trying so hard to be stuff. Stiff, even.
>>78176 Dusk and Dawn are when the world enters great transitory phases there's something about the timing that incurs important events to pass
Oh I guess he's wearing the old 2016 hoodie model now.
the 2016 model was when his gramma thought he was still serious about school but he just hadn't decided to drop out and pursue adventuring for sure yet
I wanna travel the endless skies.
Poor Aaron just doesn't want to say good bye to his best friend.
i must have missed the part where they got a fucking batman style airship in the game
Adventure romance fantasy really is the best kind of fantasy.
>>78186 You never see the tiny airship Katalina pilots before shortly crashing on the island where they find the Grandcypher. It's a really cute little airship though.
>>78191 i'd rack him if you know what i mean >>78188 i want a little bitty airship some real wright brothers shit or amelia earheart it seems like it would be really fun to try to fly in a biplane or self-propelled glider
It kind of reminds me of, from Cowboy Bebop, that tiny little ship that Spike personally used. I always loved the idea of a little private ship like that.
>>78189 also same this show will be good i can tell i have a sixth sense for anime ratings i'm giving it a 9.5/10 there's going to be just one nagging flaw that drags the rating down for most viewers as close as you can get to being Perfect 10/10 without also being Texhnolyze >>78193 yeah that always seemed really comfy i bet it would be really nice to be in one of those deep diving apparatuses they have in some science subs all alone in a little bubble slowly drifting down into the literal unknown
I could never get enough of heartwarming adventure really.
Oh yeah, they're practically a one or two-person minisub, they're pretty much the same idea, just for underwater. That would be pretty neat. I wonder how expensive one is.
>>78196 Hit me up in 12 years when i'm a licensed and practicing surgeon and i'll let you know if i can manage to afford it or if food is still more important.
Or you can hit me up in twelve years when I've won the lottery and I'll let you know if I can manage it or if I've blown all my lottery money like most people who win it do.
>>78200 i'll still be bitchin about how i don't have enough money to eat at work today while i rake in thousands an hour of your lotto money >>78201 fair enough i actually sold a $100,000 winning powerball and a $250,000 winning scratch off ticket to two people while I was at work
now, who has given me more generous tips, them or the man who works at the auto shop next door? go ahead and guess
I'd probably say the auto shop man because that's how this usually plays out, eh. But who knows maybe life isn't always so cookie cutter.
>>78204 the correct answer is complicated as life usually is on one hand the $100,000 winner is the man who gave me the reference and address needed to get my little sister a job at the place he works at (a good job, at that) on the other hand, the guy that works next door has bought me some random shit damn near DAILY for the last year or so the other day he even bought me some beer what a fucking homie
Hah hah, that's really cool of him. I've never heard of stuff like that from 'round here. And what about the $250,000 person?
>>78206 I was so happy when it happened man he came up to the counter and was like, "hey, you want a drink too? I'll buy for you, you guys are my buddies." I told him my preference and he asked me if I wanted one or two. I said I don't mind, either way, so he got two of them. When he paid I gave one to my coworker and we three talked for a little while before he headed off to go home. I barely know the guy beyond that he works next door to me on the same shifts I generally do. Makes me feel some hope for humanity.
Just yesterday, in fact, I felt the same thing. A guy came up to my register at 12:01 and I had to turn him down for his purchase of a Modelo tallboy. The guy that I had previously rung up, who had purchased a 12-pack of the same beer just before alcohol sales ended, opened his case right there and handed the guy two. I was like "Go ahead man, I won't tell." and he took them and was super grateful to the guy.
Maybe that's the solution to social decency amongst strangers. Making alcohol available in even small-scale convenience stores.
But your time restrictions on buying alcohol are still abhorrently stupid don't get me wrong.
>>78208 Sharing alcohol amongst strangers uninhibited is a way to invite danger and unnecessary drama, too. I have issues with drunken people pretty much every day I work second or third shift. Really, it depends on the person you're dealing with. Generally the people that shop at my store are honest, hardworking, but financially disadvantaged. I've even seen a guy get arrested right in front of me for robbing a local's apartment. Tonight I actually got to see that guy for the first time since he got arrested. I guess he's on parole now. He's a decent person aside from being an accomplice in some delinquent's robbery. That delinquent's father actually visits our store pretty much every day. After they got arrested, he just talked shit about his son pretty much every time he showed up, haha. The person who was robbed visited as well, but she seems to have recovered mostly from the robbery, after notifying the various businesses they returned her stuff at.
Also the alcohol laws here are quite archaic, I know. Until 2015, you could not even sell liquor in my city AT ALL. The bars have since expanded their menus incredibly, of course, and various locally owned liquor stores have popped up with excessive success.
People are gonna get it one way or another and it has massive demand unlike many other highly licensed or illicit products.
It's just really weird how alien your life is to mine.
>>78210 That's what you think but I have met people who act like it is the end of the world they can't buy their booze or cigs at the local 7-11 Just today in fact I heard someone open the door to the beer and I said "Time's up!" and they responded with a "B-BUT I ALREADY HAD IT WHEN YOU SAID THAT"
Alien how?
Partly due to the aspects of lower income environments. Like, I've never really experienced interpersonal relationships with people from that social class so it's a life I just don't really "get". I can sympathise but I've always been an observer looking in. And then there's the more inane details like the alcohol cutoff which is just funny and unreasonable to me. Here if a store is open and sells alcohol, you can buy alcohol. It's as cut and simple as that. People like to rag on our two countries for being super similar in culture but personally, I've found there to be pretty clear divides. But this has kinda gone a bit all over the place 'cause I'm getting tired.