
Thread #77068

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I'm making an advice thread here to ask people for some help on some concerns, but it's not necessarily centrally focused around me. I just wanted to talk about more RL things without being disruptive to the flow of the other thread.
There's a lot of work stress i'm trying to cope with, and financial management that's just a bit overwhelming.
It feels more appropriate for me to phrase concerns in the first post rather than on the OP so I'll do that in a bit once i formulate it.
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So this potential new job, it's mandatory for this job to have Corel Wordperfect (which is probably one of the best word processors anyway tbh. the whole Corel suite is amazing.)

Bills are outrageous this month and both me and my roommate are a little strapped, leaving very little wiggle room. I'm in essence going to have to
wait 20 bucks
really is that all it is
i thought it was like 100
i did the free trial version in order to do the training thus far (Ive got experience with it in the past, and it's always been my favorite. >>77076
20 bucks is totally reasonable
was that a digital copy? or did you have that mail ordered on a CD to you?
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I use wordperfect. Got it for 20 bucks on amazon.
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Do you need a specific one?
I just got home and office and it was like 20 bucks.
in the meantime, i'm a little fussy about having to buy both software and hardware just to complete training when these guys are slowpokes
i skipped out on about $200 worth of legit work last week so i'd have time for training and it pisses me off
everything about this is frustrating, including that they asked me to do a training project and send it in, which i did, and instead of sending me feedback they just gave me a finalized copy and said "look at it, understand why this is different from yours, and send us back your finalized copy and we'll pay you for it"
and then i'll be sent more work and i'll get paid for this work, but all their pay is by CHECK
and i dont have a banking account for reasons ive expressed and dont want to get into
i feel like i'm going to end up sacc'ing work that i could be doing right now for work with this company and a paycheck that i wont be able to do anything with
it's super frustrating
maybe it's just the jitters accompanying a new job
but it's super frustrating.
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The digital version was more expensive, but the disk was 20 dollars. Let me walk over and look at what I actually have.
This is what I got.
It's not pro or the latest version or the office version or anything like that, but it is cheap!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Yeah, you can get WordPerfect 7 for $20 on Amazon.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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You can cash work checks and stuff. It'd mean you'd be slow to get paid but you could still do that.

You really wanted the law-related transcription job, right?
You could also just pirate the software
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have you done this?
do you have any idea how hard it is to pirate corel
even adobe has stepped up their game
Corel is bulletproof, unless i want to have a separate entire system which is permanently not connected to the internet and port everything over by USB
yeah but i'm currently logged with about 34 more hours of work to do by tuesday
i'm straight passing up on a bus ticket i had to go see my mom for my birthday, renewing my driver's license, and filing my taxes just to get this extra training done that i'm getting paid half-pay for

one of the questions i was going to ask you guys is whether you think it'd be appropriate for me to ask the company whether they have corel licenses available to distribute for their contractors
that would save me money i can't afford to spend at the moment

i just feel overloaded
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You could grab the thing off of piratebay and just firewall the software off so it'ss not allowed internet access, I guess
I haven't pirated that software in particular, but X8 is on piratebay, at least, and I've had firewall software that just blocked shit off'a the net on command without issues
I dunno man, I'm not saying to pirate it, I'm just saying it is an option if that's the hurdle
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I think it would absolutely be appropriate to ask the company if they provide Corel licenses.
Contractors provide people with that stuff often although obviously they don't always.
does it seem unreasonable that i'm asked to spend $50 on hardware and 20-50 on software (depending on physical CD vs digital download) just to be able to complete the training
i can't handle this shit i'm gonna go on the street and give handjobs for benzos
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I wouldn't say it's reasonable, but I think it's common. Especially if you have to use those things in the actual job.
>we havent accepted you for the job yet, but want you to buy all the things needed to do the job in case we do
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Yeah. Lots of places are like that.
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it's really hard to function without my prescriptions
no adderall for my adhd
no benzos for my crippling anxiety
i just want to cry all the time
but i have to work through it anyway and nobody cares because that's what people do and it's normal
but for me it's so hard
i just wish i had healthcare
i wish things weren't so fucked up
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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i don't really have anything helpful or good to say but i am here for you
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I get anxious about stuff but it usually doesn't get in the way of me performing the things I need to do.
not to be rude but i'm not sure our anxieties are comparable
i'm sure yours are very valid but mine are crippling and it's a constant struggle
i really dont know what to do sometimes
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I don't think they're comparable either.
i appreciate your help though
i can't really expect other people to know how to help when i don't know how to help myself
it's a struggle
just having the support helps though
april fools
i'm actually a completely well-adjusted individual with no problems whatsoever haha
got you guys good
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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you're one of my favorite posters
when I become incredibly rich and wealthy I swear I'm gonna pull you out of this pit you're in
i mean it
thank you i appreciate that but money is not my problem
if you find happiness or time in transactionable amounts, that would be much more helpful
thank you for your support though anon
i dont know why i'd be your favorite anything
What's on your mind?
april fools
i dont need any help
i have enough ammunition to last me the rest of my life
Are you gonna stage a revolution?
Ow I just knocked a painting on my face
something's going to revolve, i guarantee that motherfucker
I hope it's the revolving door of success
i dont want to do this anymore
>listening to stream between Sargon and Destiny
>destiny saying he's big into capitalism and he really loves it
This is the man who asked "what's wrong with communism?"
Life comes at you fast
how do i save and make money when im on a salary and have payments
