Thread #75251
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ornage for al out
all in
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we're all orange
let's start!
will they fin for his sake
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I guess they'll put the scary guy in.
And then the guy who's head kinda looks like a bean will be the one to stop him.
pillarman vs scary guy tbh
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pillarman is already kinda tired though.
that's true
now that's a jojo
the final boss
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hard boiled coach!
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Wow, they were slaughtered.
sleep my masters
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>you played all out the whole time
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For a guy with black eyes, he was actually pretty nice.
yeah when he's not trying to kill them
tfw no coach
all about
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wow, all this title dropping!
at least now i know the anime name
that was fu n
wonder if itll get more eventually
thanks for anime
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Oh, I guess that is about the last episode isn't it.
Strange for it to end on them getting murdered.
Is that all the anime for you, Ika?
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thanks for anime you two!
ika we'll save everything so be prepared to work hard tomorrow.
hai hai