Thread #626748
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Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 04:13 No. 626748
can't stop he's just a sandbag
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 04:14 No. 626750
Search [iqdb] (6.9 MB, 2548x3497, 0283db8d2f2427770ff75b1020de1aa4.png )
hey hey hey
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 04:19 No. 626752
yeah I heard you want a pic of my mom I can get you one eventually
it's cool, pan's got me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 04:22 No. 626754
... Now I'm curious as to why PAN has pictures of my mom
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 04:27 No. 626755
you didn't know? he's taken a bunch of selfies with her
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 04:28 No. 626756
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1164x1164, 0073478a1700f36fda629d3762e391ed.jpg )
ok like for real are you serious because I know he's had to spend a lot of time with my mom what with groceries and stuff
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 04:31 No. 626757
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 04:31 No. 626758
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You know if PAN and my mom were fuckin' I'm thinking she would definitely tell me.
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hi guys
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 04:32 No. 626760
Hi mom have you been messing around with PAN
watched the mortal engines movie with friend i think she was falling asleep at the middle of the movie
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 04:34 No. 626762
>>626758 would she why
the movie has terrible pacing lol
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 04:35 No. 626764
Search [iqdb] (206 KB, 1000x1000, 694d39a7cbda4cd0d7d4ca78ed7d70f4.png )
>>626762 you know I don't know but I feel like she would
>>626764 zombie
>>626759 mon
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 04:45 No. 626767
Search [iqdb] (145 KB, 1264x1819, 9ccfc132fc17f843138192da76e80f07.jpg )
>>626765 yeah
>>626767 AI chan za zombie
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 04:47 No. 626769
Search [iqdb] (226 KB, 500x1000, b51475adff438757e50fe58f51d8a2dd.png )
speaking of aichan I wonder when my Kizuna Ai figure will ship
>>626766 rook help
>>626769 it's already been shipped straight into the fucking trash bin where it belongs
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 04:48 No. 626772
im sorry ton that was really mean i should try to be more considerate and supportive
>>626770 I can try but I probably can't
>>626774 can you help me find D
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 04:51 No. 626776
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when she down smashes u in the butt
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 04:52 No. 626777
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Come home aichan
>>626775 have you tried lookin 4D?
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i hope you boys aren't sittin there in a hotel room talkin about me teehee silly boys
who are u calling a boy
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 05:18 No. 626781
we smashin
is jan fuckin you'll up
No i am
as expected of blue
>>626782 with no protection samu is our only hope
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sammy's there too? im really missin out every year im a big party pooper
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 05:30 No. 626787
yeah we got 6 peeps
i hope i can go next year or something
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 05:43 No. 626789
every year our trip grows
in 2020 we are gonna be in here with like 8 peple
im glad you guys are having fun
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/05 (土) 06:08 No. 626792
Ugh 2020 is almost here The new year always makes me feel like shit
>>626792 the year always makes me a fucking shit
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 06:14 No. 626794
this is my new spell i call it death
Wait you guys are in Philly?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 06:29 No. 626796
what is phill
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 06:31 No. 626798
what is love love is free
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/05 (土) 06:35 No. 626799
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkklmmmkmlllkkkkkkkllllllklllllllkkllllllllllkkllllllllklklkklkkllllkkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmnmmmmmnmmmmmmmkmmmmmmmmmkkkmkkmkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmkkmmmmmmmkmkmkmkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
"I eat people" -jan
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 07:01 No. 626802
"slugs are candy" -jan
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>>626802 they LOOK like candy dude it's much different
>>626803 WHAT
rook he be sleeping in the floor i did that and it's a bad time
but tilde that guy still sleeping until we're half bottle in what a trooper
now he be trying to for it sorry but he's trying to survive in the chair and I'm here loling
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we stan our queen hatsune miku
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>>626814 !
honestly, biggest same
I am taidama'd
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aoba dess
you have 10 seconds to explain why reddit is a bad thing
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the app sucks the memes suck shit fuck fuck
that was more than 10 seconds so i am invalidating your correct answer
I have 27 reddit points how do I convert these things to something of worth
i'm still working on that step of the master plan
Search [iqdb] (695 KB, 743x1000, DVhAk0yVQAAoGMJ[1].png )
my friend used reddit and became a jordn beterson fan so that's almost enough reason for me
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 12:44 No. 626828
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sam is pretty fun to hang out with this philly crew is top tier
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is this your first time meeting Sam?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 12:50 No. 626830
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yeah! we got sam, rook, blue, tilde, jan, and me full party da yo
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sweet sounds like a lot of fun
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 12:57 No. 626832
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it's super fun
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DJ Koi on the 2s and 4s
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>>626833 cool , are you gonna be in the next mogra?
Nah. Mogra happens in like 2 hours i dont have time to get up there
>>626836 oh they're live soon might as well listen
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>>626838 Yup
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>do you really want to spend $20 on an aux cord Best purchase this entire trip
OH NO you can spend $3-5 dollars on an aux cord and it'll do you well I guess if all you have is gas stations though it'll do
coming from a guy who spent X dollars on a charging set-up a couple of days ago
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A gas station would have been nice but we went to CVS. Today's gonna be extra sweet
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nice, it's been a week or two without?
just this year
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こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/05 (土) 15:49 No. 626848
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 15:52 No. 626849
hubba hubba
>>626842 wait why you coming from a guy
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 16:25 No. 626852
what's wrong with coming from a guy
i didn't know he likes it down under
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 16:28 No. 626854
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omnissiah save us
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 16:46 No. 626856
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 16:51 No. 626858
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I had an idea for what PAN and JAN can do while you're at a party but 1. I don't want to force them into something and 2. It could be better as a full group But it was a good idea
Let's hear the idea then.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 17:00 No. 626860
let's just take them to the party
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 17:01 No. 626861
Search [iqdb] (189 KB, 848x1041, 0f5dd53351cf2f6d159e49a50c79e632.jpg )
>>626860 This was admittedly my original plan. I'm fine with either, experimenting is good for me. The idea was that there'd be an adventure hook to go find a relic in a location I had thought up a while ago, and I had shenanigans planned for Chaska, Lee, and even Troy. They'd have to man a boat across a particularly old lake. For Kirara's sake I'll simply say SOIYA SOIYA SOIYA
>>626860 no PARTY SPLIT
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 17:20 No. 626863
>>626858 look i don't want to hear your fantasies about what me and pan could do together I'm not gonna stop you buti don't have to know
oh you mean the game
>>626863 gondola
gondor belongs to gondola
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 19:49 No. 626869
hark the Harold angle sings gory to the new born ling
>>626869 gory newborn huh born in blood bloodborne 2 confirmed
>>626869 save the zerglings
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/05 (土) 20:17 No. 626872
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/05 (土) 21:08 No. 626874
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 21:11 No. 626875
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blooming bunion
get them good steaks
get some scraamp
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 21:16 No. 626878
they're putting skyrim in smash
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 21:17 No. 626879
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Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 21:17 No. 626880
they're putting ton in smash
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 21:19 No. 626881
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that's not a good idea
Wailing on you sounds a bit like a good time though.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 21:24 No. 626883
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/05 (土) 21:26 No. 626884
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 700x700, 017e8f4361c39ce84e0d7bcf4274e55e.jpg )
>>626882 don't bully
Come to Philly and stop me boy
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 21:43 No. 626886
hi, i'm daisy
Hi Daisy, I'm dad
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/05 (土) 21:50 No. 626888
die, dad let's fight
get the fuck out of my room dad
I literally don't have anywhere else to go here man don't throw me out like this
okay I have this mattress you can sleep on just don't wake me up
not this shit again
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 00:33 No. 626893
would smash anime wendy's
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 00:55 No. 626894
god damnit magicka 2 isn't so fun as 1 and actually requires skill
>>626892 wendy waifu
>>626894 you are a dumb bitch
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>28 guns I pity them
Ahhh Welcome to The Problem Of The Night
>>626899 what is it?
Jan missed checkin by 2 minutes
>>626901 so he missed his homeflight eh that is bad
i am the DUMBEST MOTHER fucker
He is rebooked for 6am
yeah the rescheduling shouldn't be a problem
>>626903 It was a group effort
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 01:33 No. 626907
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oh jammy jams
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what if we make jam out of jam?
>>626906 idk man I had all the power to change change my destiny
>>626909 So did we Lets get some fucking parchments
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/06 (日) 02:08 No. 626911
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>>626911 dry skin mate
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/06 (日) 02:12 No. 626913
not really
looks like it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 02:17 No. 626915
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 700x700, 017e8f4361c39ce84e0d7bcf4274e55e.jpg )
oh afro is noctis for this cosplay saturday
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/06 (日) 02:20 No. 626916
>>626914 idols don't get dry skin
>>626916 in that case I am an idol
god I wouldn't want to sail around cape horn
most stormiest strait? in the world and sailing around it requires you to sail down south all the way to the arctic so first you face MOST hellish storsm on the planet and then you freeze
master and commander is a movie everyone should watch
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/06 (日) 02:35 No. 626921
can you believe this shit? what the hell
que? also you once again drove all the way there, yes?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/06 (日) 02:41 No. 626923
huh no
I guess flying is the wise choice which is the cheaper, though btw?
If your vehicle gets good mileage, driving. Tine effectiveness is an important consideration though.
last car I drove got 5l/100km, and with US what 2 dollars per gallon? prices that is cheap as hell mileage
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/06 (日) 02:44 No. 626927
gas gas gas
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how much is it per gallon in US nowadays?
>12 whips for not saluting an officer
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/06 (日) 02:58 No. 626930
>>626928 2 2.50 here in Philly 1.98 in Melbourne FL 1.89 around where jan lives
>>626930 south be praised is 1,440 here per LITRE so uh... 4,40 about per gallon
well € so 5 dollars per gallon
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we're like the equivalent of 3.48 a gallon here if my maths is right I need to do more maths
>>626934 you need to post more aobas
and also watch master and commander
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if you wish
it is my favourite movie
ever I doubt another like it will be made in my lifetime
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I need to fucking read that book series
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/06 (日) 03:30 No. 626941
me: only fools fall /// only fools rush in blue: yeah well only fools fall in love so enjoy your marriage you dumb bitch
>>626941 #rekt
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I think I began this habbit in 2017 but still yearly watching of this movie DONE GOD I LOVE THIS MOVIE
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Most likely I will watch it a SECOND time this year since I watched it so early
I wish i could like pay DLC microtransactions for this movie
>why don't you buy it I already own it twice
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 04:01 No. 626948
>>626948 you watch master and commander: far side of the world
>watch favourite movie >FREEMAN'S MIND 2: EPISODE 8 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA world is mine
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 04:06 No. 626951
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>>626951 wtf ptda?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 04:11 No. 626953
>>626952 Nah, an even newer one Daughters of Ash They have custom bosses, things are moved everywhere, and the general level order is different.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 04:12 No. 626954
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>>626951 oh yeah I should finish ds1 to make use of your early christmas gift not that you will ever use my gift
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 04:13 No. 626956
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1630x2489, 1e94b86a31dd2c11064eb55f0a708bf3.jpg )
Legacy of pain
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 04:20 No. 626957
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never finished this run though
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kira queen
fuck i forgot how empty airports are at 2am
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this place is dead inside
that's really spooky bet you could steal shit really easily
>>626961 lol yeah man there aren't any tsa officers or security guards here man it's just a US airport
>>626962 just look at those rolls of paper down by the cleaning equipment Could easily steal those
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/06 (日) 08:12 No. 626964
there is like no place to buy anything to eat or drink here at all haha I'm gonna be so fucked up by the time I finally get home i should have eaten something at least
>>626963 yeah man I'm gonna steal their supplies and clean the airplane they're gonna be so confused trickery incoming stupid plane guys
i hope they at least let me drink on the flight
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/06 (日) 11:24 No. 626968
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wow it's so dead it's almost like we're all just hanging out in person instead of online
>random app ad >tagline >kill someone unforgettable
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>>626968 wish I was
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back in my own bed back in my own head get a feeling so complicated blue always effects me in a good way let me know if you have PayPal or some shit still gotta pay you back man
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/06 (日) 15:21 No. 626976
>>626974 we'll get the cost break down when i get home tomorrow
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when you're losing your do but it's alright>>626976 alrighty then i haven't texted or called my boss since I was like HEY I'mma be out of town till Sunday and he was like "you didn't tell me?" so I said yeah i didn't, i gotta stop drinking and he said "oh Lord" when I got back i sent him a text saying "2 right?" >2 PM. "got it, I'll be there">thank you sir. working for Indians is the fucking best
what are you nerds eatimg
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Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/06 (日) 15:46 No. 626981
>>626979 french towst
>>626979 benedict arnoldo
>>626980 they're trying to find the Canadians to bac 'em
We spent last night playing Nine Parchments and there were parts where i wasnt moving because i was literally falling asleep because i was super tired from the moment we got back but we had to stay up to make sure Jan left on time. Im certain we died far too many times than we should.
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>>626984 aw you didn't have to stay up with me i would make the same mistake twice but not on meds they make me reliable sorry bout that gonna catch another nap now though time to go back to life
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/06 (日) 16:22 No. 626986
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Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/06 (日) 16:22 No. 626987
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>>626986 what is that powder?
sugar>>626986 im really envious
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/06 (日) 16:41 No. 626990
>>626988 cocaine
Search [iqdb] (325 KB, 600x600, 70b12a958a53a16301cbf4f861552b54.jpg )
coincidentally how would one's digestive tract react to cocaine?
>>626985 I wanted the parchments. God knows when ill be able to multiplayer that game again. It was fun even though we're terrible at teamwork.
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... I don't remember taking my clothes off before sleeping
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#flip (true) #flip (false) if true pizza if false burger burgah
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>>626994 I should have known something was up when those aliens bought me free beers and cigs
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>>626991 it's metabolized in there at roughly the same rate but slightly shower than mucosal membranes the vasoconstricting aspect causes a number of side effects including most prominently constipation and an even bigger negative effect on appetite mostly if you do a lot of cocaine it will end up getting metabolized in the stomach and intestine due to constriction of the vessels and drying of the membranes reducing bioavailability to the point it drains into the digestive tract after being soluble in the sinuses but unable to be readily absorbed
slightly slower*
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 800x1016, __lucina_fire_emblem_kakusei_a(…).jpg )
basically there's an upper limit on hasty absorbtion producing the desired effect and there overflow is drained naturally to the rest of the body produces a similar but not as desirable effect due to slower distribution into blood>>627000 baking cocaine will burn it. you would need to isolate the drug from coca with different acids than hydrochloric then you could make cocies
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Joshiraku_-_04_[8D188886](…).jpg )
cocaine cookies cocies
>>626999 add it after baking them then as the frosting
huh I was suddenly reminded of a cartoon show where they added LSD to the cooking in some cooking contest between the characters
or something
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Joshiraku_-_13_[D8667F4D](…).jpg )
I walked into a wall. my knee freakin hurts.
well atleast you didn't get stuck
>>627006 oof
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 604x790, 1486502102089.jpg )
Oof indeed
if you get the stucc you get the fucc
>>627010 Is that your personal experience?
if only
>>627011 it's his fetish
i have many fetishes but that one isnt particularly mine
damn they didnät give me ketchup for fries
Search [iqdb] (3.4 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20190106_110735.jpg )
>>627014 >says that after posting dozens of kancolles stuck in walls
im about to eat some sick ihop>>627017 yeah but those are funny
>>627016 doesn't look that appetising
peko peko pii
man the perkolator makes good coffee
aura pekoni btw just means blue-cheese bacon aura being most famous finnish brand for blue cheese and in many places is synonymous for it
>>627016 That camera really made that image bad. Is that a desset? Dessert
>>627017 Those were tame
rivers in the dessert
aa my tongue god i wish at times to file down my k9 s they too sharp
good burger
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magicka achievements are always amusing
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looks greasy
the bacon is nicely crispy
thats vanilla rather than greaae
sweet merciful shit there is a damn pickle rick on the back of the car in front of us
>>627030 I'm super hungry now pancake hoshii
Search [iqdb] (170 KB, 1000x1467, IMG_20190104_092201.jpg )
yeah all this foodposting is making me hungry
this is quite the drop in temperature we've had went from mid thirties to wet and rainy and cold
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/06 (日) 18:39 No. 627038
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crazy train
buy it
>>627038 Are you in an art museum.
Search [iqdb] (183 KB, 1312x1036, Di1LAHaU8AAxyUZ.jpg )
It is already Monday
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>>627041 not so fast John Sunday will last forever
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>>627042 Sorry Garfield Your Sundays end here
Search [iqdb] (43 KB, 578x531, images (61).jpeg )
>>627043 You're wrong John I'll keep rewinding time forever and your Monday will never come
turns out that the groundhog was garfield reborn all along
>>627040 Philly museum of art. You'd probably dig this place Kannagi.
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>>627045 That groundhog just really hates mondays
I really hope I didn't do anything weird last night
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>>627048 define weird
well waking up in your living room in nothing but a towel and a blanket is a start maybe I wanted to take a shower and forgot
#10d100 (48, 46, 94, 25, 82, 5, 21, 87, 53, 55 = 516)
>>627050 seems like "tired, but could shower, rest a bit and fall asleep completely" sometimes done something similiar drunk
yeah I was fairly drunk
weird thing I notice, that whenever I got o sleep after drinking my glasses always end up on the floor despite me placing them on the table I must always put them in some position, where they get pulled to the floor (or sometimes my chair) when I get up
ah it was so fun wtching master and commander again yesterday so good movie
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I just want to stare at this koi and tell her how my day was.
>>627056 change the expression slightly and she becomes sadistic mocking koishi
>>627056 i know this feeling
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>And when I asked she said it was cream of tomato. Can you believe that? Oh no. Im entertaining delusions again
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>>627060 now have delusions of this
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I wonder is there a better eng patch of wait there isn't I wonder why the eng patch has
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 1280x720, th155_2018-01-02_02-05-02.png )
this problem
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/06 (日) 20:41 No. 627064
aah I had most o the tenshion pics from pixiv that is why they didn't show up in search
Search [iqdb] (823 KB, 1287x1110, 236fe4d996afbc6eeeda4a152d2c1829.jpg )
wonder hwo many duplicates I have of each pic, gotten from different eras of danbooru naming, pixiv and other sources...
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 752x1062, DwNiUy6VsAAXd-m[1].jpg )
hat on hat
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/06 (日) 20:57 No. 627068
Is that like Blonde on Blonde?
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 1000x779, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
blond on blond is rare in manga romance
Is that like Blue on Blue?
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/06 (日) 20:58 No. 627071
>>627069 It was a Bob Dylan reference.
Search [iqdb] (614 KB, 600x1000, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).png )
>>627070 yup>>627071 and?
>>627072 hat>>627071 did they take a blurry picture of Bob Dylan on purpose that album cover always bothers me
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/06 (日) 21:04 No. 627074
>>627073 Yeah, probably.
well it sucks
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>>627073 facehat
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here we go, here come the construction workers
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/06 (日) 21:08 No. 627078
TN, do you read this?
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Nice transparent album cover
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th fuck is that name...
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 21:21 No. 627085
>>627082 yeah that's the one I meant
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missed hat
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 563x800, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
holding a hat damn
levitating the hat
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 21:35 No. 627089
>>627086 oh shit my wife
oh shit it's your wife
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] THE iDOLM@STER (…).png )
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/06 (日) 21:51 No. 627093
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home is when I'm whenever with you
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>>627095 shouldn't it next to you or somethign? that seems kinda mouthful and weird way to say it
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hello hello
>>627096 supposed to be "wherever" not "whenever" my bad>>627099 usually hello I don't check who it is
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out of the blue, but how do you all answer your phone? just "hello" or "check who is calling and pick answer" or general "nameetc"
>>627099 "はいもしもし"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 22:01 No. 627101
>>627097 hello hello
moshi moshi
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 22:04 No. 627103
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How much longer is everybody going ot be on the trip?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 22:13 No. 627105
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I know blue and jan aren't there and I know that I'm not there.
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Yeah but like when are they getting back?
they're staying until the 7th I think so maybe the 8th
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/06 (日) 22:30 No. 627108
Kirara and Sam leave tonight Rook leaves tomorro tilde also leaves tonight
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/06 (日) 22:32 No. 627109
I don't know how I'm supposed to save Owl this is ridiculous. fucking protect object missions where the object moves around and stays in the middle of oncoming fire
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can I get uhhhh a twitter app that actually properly saves an image
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Ah, I see. So anime soon!
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/06 (日) 22:36 No. 627112
so I guess back usual dead then
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 22:38 No. 627114
>>627109 wait what Owl needs saving explain what happened
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/06 (日) 22:39 No. 627115
owl unlocked
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/06 (日) 22:42 No. 627116
I can't drag and drop images into Firefox anymore for some reason
Search [iqdb] (191 KB, 1720x2328, IMG_20190107_094602.jpg )
should not have had those smokes last night
>>627116 hmmm
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/06 (日) 22:52 No. 627119
Search [iqdb] (190 KB, 1280x720, DwQxmPNU0AEkY54.jpg )
I restarted my browser. It works now
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holy carp video games
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/06 (日) 23:02 No. 627121
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>>627111 more importantly, you'll have unfettered access to your bff and favorite idol!
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/06 (日) 23:10 No. 627122
(both of those are me)
hmm fresh flowers at the local train station must be from that time I saw a bunch of police there wonder who died
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/06 (日) 23:20 No. 627124
I beat the game
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 415x645, ak3 (2).jpg )
>>627121 It will be nice to have all you guys back.
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/06 (日) 23:21 No. 627126
>>627124 CCongrats
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/06 (日) 23:21 No. 627127
>you just give back the parchments what fuck that LAME
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I like hamburger
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 23:26 No. 627129
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1164x1164, 0073478a1700f36fda629d3762e391ed.jpg )
Yes Unfettered access
that sounds weird
like you want access to their butthole
daisuki hambagah
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/06 (日) 23:30 No. 627133
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 800x729, DSxaJZyUQAAjc5e.jpg )
watashi numbah- oh shit wrong song
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>>627131 What is wrong with you.
everything, duh
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Gaki is a lot of fun.
hello everynyan how are you
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/06 (日) 23:47 No. 627139
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/06 (日) 23:47 No. 627140
i am sorry to hear it but glad to see you let us get straight to the point who has wronged you and where do they live
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/06 (日) 23:48 No. 627141
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/06 (日) 23:48 No. 627142
Wait no Depression
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/06 (日) 23:48 No. 627143
>>627124 omedetou>>627142 depression lives in the brain so i will need unfettered access to same
>>627138 Hello! How are you? I'm good. Thinking of making soup
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 23:56 No. 627145
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1164x1164, 0073478a1700f36fda629d3762e391ed.jpg )
Have you ever had not the urge to do something but the thought of doing something you know you dont' want to do like not the urge to drink bleach but the thought of drinking the bleach
gonna need unfettered access to your frontal lobes
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/06 (日) 23:57 No. 627147
>>627145 Yeah
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/06 (日) 23:58 No. 627148
Ok cool
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/06 (日) 23:58 No. 627149
It's pretty normal. Although if you get a lot of these maybe you should talk to kirara about it.
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/06 (日) 23:59 No. 627150
burger urge
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 00:01 No. 627152
>>627145 that's thinking
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/07 (月) 00:01 No. 627153
>>627152 that's scary
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/07 (月) 00:01 No. 627154
Just the thought of things you don't want to do forcing themselves into your brain
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 00:02 No. 627155
Yes *yee Intrusive thoughts
Search [iqdb] (375 KB, 541x624, 1483216925199.png )
Intrusive thoughts are a pain especially if you are having a lot of anxiety, try and relax and watching something distracting.
I just remembered the nail clipper gif thank you bang
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 00:08 No. 627158
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 00:08 No. 627159
Here, watch this funny video.>>>/watch?v=I_NkCpd_jbg
I'd rather not
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/07 (月) 00:10 No. 627161
>>627159 this isn’t funny at all! i demand a refund
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/07 (月) 00:11 No. 627162
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/07 (月) 00:11 No. 627163
check out this garbage fire of a match Game and Watch VS King DDD>>>/watch?v=LdNoorA_gEQ
wow don't post our smash matches online
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 3294x1896, IMG_20190107_112034.jpg )
what is this terrible song playing at this shopping centre
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 00:27 No. 627166
i did it i got through security time to take five and a half grams of kratom
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/07 (月) 00:29 No. 627167
congrats papa kirara
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 00:29 No. 627168
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/07 (月) 00:31 No. 627169
>>627166 isn’t six grams the danger zone hmm i’ll pray to your homie jesus
highway to the dangerzone
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 00:36 No. 627171
>>627169 i can handle ~5 when i took 6 and got sick my usual was 1g my usual dose is 2-3g now im really just gonna take 3 though i think hmm just sittin at the gate beltin back pills
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 00:37 No. 627172
there's a sports bar near my terminal buncha people SCREAMIN and clappin and gettin r o w d y
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 00:38 No. 627173
Go bears
go beagles
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 00:41 No. 627175
>>627174 did tilde get a flighto
working on it now I think he's set now
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 00:43 No. 627177
awesome rawesome
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 00:43 No. 627178
i sent fish one of my jesus selfies and she said "wow" Bad End
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 00:45 No. 627179
i should change into my new socks to wow her upon landing
damn that jesus really got some noodle arms you'd think carrying a cross you'd be a little shredded
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 00:47 No. 627181
Search [iqdb] (4.7 MB, 3024x4032, 20190106_194650.jpg )
my new socks
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 00:48 No. 627182
>>627180 nah, rook figured it out he gave away his body that means he lost his gains
that's pretty cool could've done a few curls while he was up there though
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 00:53 No. 627184
one of my colleagues has updated their assessment of my selfie skills to A++ thanks jesus
>>627181 very kakkoi かっこいい
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/07 (月) 00:54 No. 627186
>>627178 lol that’s ominous or not are you gonna show her your collection?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 00:55 No. 627187
gonna start off with like 3 and gauge her reaction how many did i even take 30 lol
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 00:57 No. 627188
>>627178 she should send you a selfie with like matzah ball soup or something
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 800x1201, IMG_20190105_194000.jpg )
>>627188 FINALLY
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 00:59 No. 627191
>>627189 nah with a whole ass torah scroll lol those are like a big as a person
tilde's flight is at 4pm gonna have a spiderman deito
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 01:05 No. 627193
>>627192 oh man hell yeah you gotta elevate
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 01:06 No. 627194
i can see your reaction when you /// i get off the plane i only took 2g gonna take another 2 on the plane
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/07 (月) 01:06 No. 627195
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 600x775, 210b6b0e0393851e489cbc5e7fc1be61.jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 01:08 No. 627196
>>627195 what color my pantsu
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/07 (月) 01:08 No. 627197
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 01:09 No. 627198
can you see my socks?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 01:09 No. 627200
oh shit are you wearing those
no, I'm saving **those** for tomorrow
I forgot how doushio works doushio~
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 01:10 No. 627204
>>627201 hell yeah art socks buddies im gonna wear my naked venus to work tomorrow
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 01:13 No. 627205
i sent fish pics of my socks and she doesn't believe i bought them wth
but why?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 01:16 No. 627208
>>627206 maybe she underestimates me
>>627208 what if she hates them? could you handle that?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 01:18 No. 627211
>>627210 she won't she can't they're amazing
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 01:23 No. 627213
i will teach her she will love them
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 01:26 No. 627214
boarded tfw leaving my brothers in arms
Good luck safe flights Kirara
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 01:29 No. 627216
having a normal one>>627215 o7 thanks
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 01:32 No. 627217
i want to watch the credits from the spider verse movie they were so good best credits ive ever seen
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 01:33 No. 627218
gotta go hard im gonna let em hate
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/07 (月) 01:34 No. 627219
good flying!>>627217 trippy credits, reminded me of some of those 90s demoscene demos
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 01:35 No. 627220
>>627219 oh yeah seriously i want 4k screenshots of it for desktop backgrounds
>>627214 adios byebye
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 01:37 No. 627222
>>627221 im gonna miss you
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 01:40 No. 627223
off i go
mamaaaa uwu
whoops looks like someone caught on to one of my stuffups at work hope there isn't dire consequences
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 500x429, 1449941016861.png )
what did you do?
>>627221 take care
Search [iqdb] (454 KB, 1920x1080, 20190107035337_1.jpg )
>you need 200 fats I love how I have people called FAT
>>627226 these people supposedly "didn't get their delivery and were supposed to get a refund to pay for their redelivery" and I guess I was supposed to collect payment from them however these people are poor and always make a fuss, which I can't blame them but I just didn't want to deal with it and so I told them to not worry about it
Search [iqdb] (2.9 MB, 2480x3508, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
>>627229 uhh>these people supposedly "didn't get their delivery and were supposed to get a refund to pay for their redelivery" and I guess I was supposed to collect payment from them what does this even mean
I don't even know
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/07 (月) 02:15 No. 627232
Search [iqdb] (231 KB, 1280x720, 20190106211527_1.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 02:22 No. 627233
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/07 (月) 02:22 No. 627234
Search [iqdb] (375 KB, 1280x720, 20190106212239_1.jpg )
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tweet me like a piece of shit
Search [iqdb] (570 KB, 2048x1590, IMG_20190107_134029.jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/07 (月) 03:19 No. 627238
can you say bonfire mimics
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 03:39 No. 627239
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 03:40 No. 627240
Oh yeah, my friend tried the sour patch kids cereal. He said its okay.
>>627238 that would eb fun
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/07 (月) 03:51 No. 627242
>>627241 I'm dealing with taht
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 03:51 No. 627243
the seacat has landed
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 03:58 No. 627244
Search [iqdb] (192 KB, 640x755, IMG_20190104_103932.jpg )
landed 30 minutes earlier than expected woo gotta get home and sleep i got work in the morning
Search [iqdb] (231 KB, 621x616, 2019-01-04_19-37-13.png )
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Search [iqdb] (10 KB, 316x251, CRHv7PCUwAIvuDt.png )
>>>/watch?v=IxM1tjTvFAc open for awesome
jan's incredibly long and perilous day is finally over fuck and nobody is the wiser as to how fucking messed up my body is right now >>627252 wow sweet usually my reward is just finally getting some fucking sleep and relax action thank you suomiklaus
Search [iqdb] (416 KB, 1235x830, __eila_ilmatar_juutilainen_str(…).jpg )
open above youtube link is your reward
>>627251 Jan Jans Jolly Jaunt
>>>/watch?v=CADVNXAozzo for more awesome
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 04:54 No. 627255
i gotta elevate
>>627250 that's real fuckin nito
>>627255 man where are the spider verse ost mashup memes
>eat cheese >accidentally inhale while swallowing cheese >goes down wrong throat >cough it out >then blow your nose >out comes cheese why ish uman body so shit
upgrade to a cyber body today only 699.95
Search [iqdb] (20 KB, 400x400, __mizuki_pokemon_pokemon_game_(…).jpg )
damn I actually have a decent plot figured out for a china campaign
>>627258 >wrong throat you got more than one throat buddy?
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>>627261 there is food throat and breath throat
>>627262 haha i figured what you meant usually they call it wind pipe en englais thought
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I just went 1:1 fin-eng translation without thinking about it
in finnish when you wound up with food or drink in your wind pipe, you say "went down the wrong throat" meni väärään kurkkuun
also kurkku - throat kurkku - cucumber "let's slice up some throats" katkotaas kurkkuja "let's slice up some cucumbers" "want to eat a throat sandwhich" maistuisiko kurkkuvoileipä "want to eat a cucumber sandwhich
>>627253 jans ginormous journey>>627266 how do you designate different interpretations for the same word? just context?>>627268 hm sounds kind of confusing in writing i guess not really an expert on language though so i dunno
"kurkkua kurkkuun" lit. cucumber down your throat tl. "eat some c ucumber"
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Finnish has some near infinite potential for word plays and puns
>>627265 usually the phrase is similar in English but they say hole instead of throat at least with my experience locally there's usually regional differences in generic sayings
>>627270 like moon rune comedy? who's the Finnish nisioisin
coincidentally wind and food pipes? are called henki- and ruoktorvi lit. breath and food TRUMPETS
>>627272 too many to mention
>>627261 dick throat
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Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 05:12 No. 627277
things i don't remember
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 05:20 No. 627278
What about them?
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dressed up alligators
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 05:24 No. 627281
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>>627279 howdy pardner>>627280 disco dancing neighbors
>>627281 hey see >>627250
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 05:26 No. 627283
Why are the hats still on?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 05:26 No. 627284
Sam's been celebrating >>627282 later
>>627281 cum on the piano>>627283 the official guy gave us the official word that it was to recognize
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>don't watch streamer for few months >he streams with cute kitten
the party in Philly and definitely not because he's too lazy and easily distracted to work on the site in his free time
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now it's time to party and we'll party hard
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I party this hard
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helloo hello
man I forgot super mario Odyssey was a thing
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>>627291 hallojaa how has the year been treating you?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 05:40 No. 627294
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>>627291 Hi!
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 05:41 No. 627295
>>627291 Herro herro
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ehh things
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>>627290 i don't know how to party but i can definitely get fucked up!>ad for YouTube song is an entire fucking song from some unrelated artist wtf
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/07 (月) 05:51 No. 627298
>>627287 it is the truth>>627292 i will corroborate that it is indeed a thing>>627296 h0i
>>>/watch?v=t-5_zoEsY6c woah hbomb did an lisa analysis
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>>627297 that's really weird
>>627299 who the heck is hbomb all i really need to know is the game is awesome beat it twice through never got to playing the sequel though
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>>627297 thank youtube gods that you don't get 2 ads for every video 2 same ads just those two nonstop nothing else
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 05:55 No. 627303
>>627297 >not using adblock
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>>627301 he's just a guy who talks about video game stuff I'm gonna save that for when I play the game I have a copy of lisa in my steam folder I've been meaning to play for ages
>>627301 a faggot
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 06:01 No. 627306
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i am officially HOME
>>627303 >adblock on youtube app on phone yeah
>>627306 did you choose bath, food or
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speaking of who here are part of the BATH OWNER elite?
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 06:02 No. 627310
>>627307 >using the official youtube app on your phone Well there's your first problem.
sc2 is fun to watch I guess I can thank serral for winning last year for getting me into this scene is damn good entertainment
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 06:07 No. 627312
alright official /moe/ "sharing a bed with ranking" here jan: kicks in sleep will wake you up might push you out of bed 7/10 tilde: takes the form of a lifeless object, will not move at all whatsoever will not move into your space 10/19 rook: chill moves around but stays on his side even if he's in the bed alone 10/10 actually tilde snores (sometimes) so he's like 9.5/10 sam looked like a good sleeper but i didn't sleep next to him blue:
what are you IGN?
>>627312 now we need a score for you too
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 06:12 No. 627315
>>627312 blue: will sleep on the couch and defend the couch with his life, will not share>>627314 yeah we do
>>627303 i am currently using my tablet since my laptop is kill unfortunately don't have a lot of shit that isn't for viewing manga or mobile games installed on this thing
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 06:12 No. 627317
>>627316 Android? If so install ublock in your browser.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 06:13 No. 627318
also rook gives the firmest hugs
>>627318 what about handshakes?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 06:13 No. 627320
i only shook Sam's hand everyone else was hugs although did a fist bump with blue
>>627314 sleeps with a fucking knife/10
>>627320 i shook all their hands and it was soft except Sam when he was salty about smash and pretending to be nice about it
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 06:14 No. 627323
not in Philly lol i didn't even bring a knife
>>627320 really? weirdoes
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 06:15 No. 627325
>>627324 huh what's weird about that
>>627323 the key is an honorary knife
>>627325 reminder that I am a finn
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 06:15 No. 627328
>>627327 uhh ok>>627326 that's fair
personal space and all that shit we don't do touchy feely
>>627318 this is really true though rook gives those S tier hugs
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 06:16 No. 627331
>>627323 Why not? Or did you only have carry on?
>>627331 why would he need a knife
>>627330 so is this a comic about rook?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 06:17 No. 627334
>>627331 only had a carry on >>627330 for real >>627332 i feel uncomfortable without a knife or something
>>627333 yeah that's rook he's a cute 2d girl too
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 06:18 No. 627336
>>627332 He wouldn't neccesarily need it but its better to have one and not need it than need one and not have it.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 06:18 No. 627337
can't walk around philly with a knife anyway
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>>627334 i used to carry a knife because it made me feel a bit safer walking around i guess i stopped though
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 06:19 No. 627339
>>627337 Not even like a swiss army knife?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 06:19 No. 627340
philly has strict knife laws last i checked
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 06:19 No. 627341
That's retarded
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 06:19 No. 627342
>>627340 philly is UK secretly
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 06:24 No. 627345
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my cat is ridiculously happy to see me laz won't leave me alone
>>627345 must have been lonely
I still remember this one time my cat got REAl mad at us
basically, we used to do a lot of 1 night away trips at some point and the cat was used to that but then this time around, instead of just staying fri-sat, we stayed th whole weekend and came back on sunday evening and we had told mittens "we will be back on saturday" AND BOY SHE WAS PISSED she came to each of us me, my bro, my mom and meowed and mourned for 5-10 mins at us following us wherever we went not the kind of "I missed you meow" or "gimme food" or something just "I am annoyed and loud" meowing for a good solid time while looking straight at the person she was "chastising" it was real weird, like she actually had a concept of "okay they will be back tomorrow... wait a sec they LIED TO ME" and the amusing thing is, this was the ONLY SINGLE time we went away for a trip, and beforehand had said "we will be back on X" and then didn't come back on X
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 06:26 No. 627349
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Netflix is controlling my actions
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uh oh it's gone sentient
>>627345 the two that usually like me were excited but the boy was spooked and ran away haha
>>627349 me and my friend from the future
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 06:30 No. 627353
fucked your day up good and proper
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 06:32 No. 627354
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jump out the window then put the mask on who's the bad man that a man gotta bash on reminds me of when imats used to sleep-post
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 06:33 No. 627356
That was pretty funny.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/07 (月) 06:33 No. 627357
i sleep tweet now
>>627355 que
oh no
>>627358 what are you que-ing
>>627360 que
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/07 (月) 06:34 No. 627362
>if I am a piece of shit I am selfish >if I am a giant piece of shit, I am super selfish >But if I am the shit, I am great
>>627361 motherfucker I will throw a boomerang so hard it hits you
>>>/watch?v=RAGcDi0DRtU Holy Hell Ismo has been on Conan
>>627364 hit or miss i guess you never miss que
half ass my ass you badass piece of ass
>>627355 i prefer the profound questions like what happens if you break Mr mimes hands
he'd be a deaf guy with no way of communicating
not a guy a pokemon
sorry I don't play nerd shit
>>627371 can I have this black on white signed
sure if you have a copy of black and white to sign
a copy of pokemon signed "sorry i don't play nerd shit"
I mean the best I've got is pokemon typing adventures I can sign that
good enough i guess
I don't mean pokemon I mean ANY nerd shit
well it's too late give me your address so I can send you a signed copy of pokemon typing
>>627378 goblinroad finland
hey tn, do you know jukka hilden?
who doesn't know the duudsons? also don't use that name anymore
reminder that dudesons are older than jackass
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or that finns had their own 4chan kinda thingie before 2chan was a thing
we should nuke finland and remove finns
we even had facebook before facebook in the form of "irc-gallery"
>>627381 here he is playing Unlce Death>>>/watch?v=veY1-ucSpKc >>627382 >>627383 huh, is that so?
>randomly wound up on the one lecture I gave on that one anime convention man that thing was so fun to do the whole presentation was planned with "let's make it as annoying to read as possible"
oh I think I remember you posting that
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just look at this
look at the text
good half of the stuff we did for it we did with "what is MOST annoying to read"
haha why lenin
>>627392 because it is dealing with 1910s and 1920s history between russia and finland and japan
and why not? seriously, we got feedback for "your powerpoint sucked" and "it was hard to read at times" and we just wenthigh five SUCCESS
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just look at the first slide
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the only thing that went sour about it, was me getting excited and starting to speak on fast forward basically doing 15-20 minutes of talking in 5-10 mins
and apparently I cursed and swore a lot
>>627386 Holy hell that is so finnish
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feels like a really grasshopper manufacture thing to have>>627400 ya got steam?
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but if you wanna see the whole thing I can priva link it if you swear not to share
I have lots of steam
>Pikachu #HITorMISS# who the fuck is this
>>627402 uhh sec jesus christ why did he delete all the previous info I think it was wulf
maybe wulf
makes sense that godamn furry
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he likes that meme more than most
the meme is bad, but the girl is cute
weird all those dudes that thought she was a guy imo
hmm I think I am at 1 litre now yes 1 litre of hard liquor down
not even feeling it I mean I have been drinking damn slow but still 15 hours
>>627408 well yeah... there are many trapcossers afterall
I mean just ask ton
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... I mean I'm into that and didn't think that guess people will come to their conclusions somehow>>627414 who are you the spanish inquistion>>627415 why do you ask?
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>>627413 why are you into penises?
also how short term fucking goldfish are you
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>>627413 cause i asked
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I have a lot of problems focusing and stuff I guess I don't think it's add or anything or there could he I dunno
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hey I am not making fun of you, I am just making fun out of it if that makes sense Meself I kinda never forget a damn thing, but uh well I am me I could write a fucking essay on it, but best way to ever see it is to see it live butofc that will never happen but I do bare the name "madness" for a reason
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do you seriously only anymore post at mats and in the anime thread?
>>627410 i used to drink a liter over 7 or 8 hours every Friday night when radio was here wasn't really a good habit i don't keep liquor around me anymore outside of special occasions so I've dropped weight class a bit
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>>627421 I have been a little less active lately but I've been busy.
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>>627423 If you die, that is the end of this site so... I was bit worried
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hmm what is this shitty gif>>627418 there's nothing wrong with asking I have bad short term memory because of the focus stuff long term might be a bit better but it's all useless to me
>>627422 yeah same but I am like 0 effect ofc that isn't the actual case, but I do fucking know myself and how i feel when I get drunk so is kinda amusing to notice that atleast on the first week of the year, I am at my MAXIMUM power level
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>>627424 I don't really think that's the case.
>>627425 looks dutch but I don't know the series
and the boobs are too small so it isn't dutch
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>>627426 i seem to get into bad habits around winter a lot January last year i was drinking like 4 cans of malt a night which is the equivalent of about 16 shots or 700ml of liquor at normal contract
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>>627428 >>627429 I'm not dutch,no the series is shimoneta fun show
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>>627431 uhh that wasn't what I ment I was thinking it was some dutch show and made by dutch
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Dutch might've seen it>>627434 same Dutch is a lot of fun to post with I loved sk's observations on politics and video games and stuff>>627436 I only have Sk on twitter it's kind of the same but not
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I miss dutch and sk
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Socializing with these guys is so much work.
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>but madness you hav both of them on steam
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>>627433 I just like SK as a person, despite his faults and everything and forever will and dutch is super amusing
I could just go and say hi but... I don't feel like it would be proper or something
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>>627437 yeah I can see that
this brandy will be the death of me
uncle "tn" is feeling nostalgia
kele? pk?
what is the new name for me now
jojo works
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I don't like coming up with names I'm really bad at it
same i was good at it during chuunibyo years>warlockofchaos >seventhson >tyrantofterror >theClairvoyant >RookofTwilight >TheMagpie >DrM4D hmm and LOT MORE
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man I'm really craving more booze shouldn't have drank so much in Philly
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you booze you lose
some of those names were fucking celebrities on Bnet Northrend WC3 back in the day...
one reason we kept making new accounts was because we kept becoming too famous
>oh shit it is that trio might as well not PLAy since we will lose
I think the most humiliating thing we did was beating CLan BFME's best players in their own Battle for Middle Earth map as both Evil and Good in a row 3v5 they fucking perma banned us from that point on
in normal gameplay we'd lose but in the custom maps we were the kings I really doubt I could play that well anymore like how long would it take to develop that reflex+muscle memory+shit
and that distraction(s) aside, why did someone even ask if I had steam?
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>>627447 how much did you drink in Philly?>>627454 I asked for a long term thing and also wanted to see the powerpoint maybe
why would you drink in company of mats?
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>>627456 because he is a fucking big boy and can make his own decisions i asked him if he minded if i drank when he went sober and everyone else has as well>>627458 yes i am sure you know very much about my best friend lol
>>627457 no this isn't "oh he will be tempted to drink" but "he must hang around with drunks as sober" and that sucks been there done that a lot
>>627402 the frenchman
>>627455 so what is your stem
>>627459 i have zeeg as steam friend? the hell
>>627460>>627459 what the hell fucking zeeg
>>627457 I am not claiming I know him or anything I just approach it from my own perspective I wouldn't want to hangaround drunks as sober so I wouldn't drink around someone who will remain sober, more than just few beers
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>>627455 not even that much really just most of a 750ml of Gin and some bar drinks >>627463 he generally finds the dumb ass drunk behavior funny not really sure if he found me sleeping in the bathroom funny actually i don't even know how he woke me up i thought i locked the door
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>>627462 you have a finnish clone
>>627464 I don't like gin at all sounds like you guys had a lot of fun though>>627465 weird
>>627464 even if someone else finds something okay I generally follow "do unto others" policy
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>>627467 i don't really mind being around people that are intoxicated while sober any more than i mind being around people while sober but being around people who are intoxicated while sober is not usually a problem for long
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never finished this series
>>627468 >but being around people who are intoxicated while sober is not usually a problem for long so you would think
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>>627466 i love Gin it tastes comfy like teauila tequila rather>>627472 other way round for me i can't do vodka straight but it's alright in drinks>>627470 usually it just turns into getting intoxicated with people
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>>627471 I don't like gin that much either gin+tonic good gin meh vodka good
tequila sniff salt lemon in eye tequila raw
don't forget the punch in the eye at the end
rene is a poopbut
oh shit im sorry
don't forget that shit is for when you're taking shots of garbage tier tequila
I've spat tequila on a wattress from that
what a waste of bad booze
to be fair she got to hit me in the eye after
socking you one isn't going to make her day any better someone spit on them
that's true she got paid heaps in tips though
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Screw it. Finished every thing Tired.
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I should eat
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ba ng
>>627486 hey hows it going this year mate?
it sure is going
how about you
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I had a lot of fun this start of the year
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someboda touuch ma spaghettiiii
>>>/watch?v=B3VDjhTv0PA >>>/watch?v=fX9jewlvadE feelin real 2017 rn
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Going all the way to manhattan for a sandwich then back
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/07 (月) 11:45 No. 627498
good taste
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>>627501 → >>627501 → >>627501 →