Thread #624446
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Conception Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-12 Irozuku Sekai JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Steins;Gate 0 To aru Majutsu no Index Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru Yagate Kimi ni Naru
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I dunno if Ika will show or not. In the meantime let's do emiya. emiya 10 okay maybe he'll be done when we finish emiy lets start
I think Jan's doing stuff with Maria for a bit so he might be busy. There might be a bit of time where he's free though.
I'm sure Ika wouldn't care for missing Conception though. He seems to really hate that show hah hah.
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I don't think he cares that much for conception, yeah.
School festivals are always so fun to see in anime.
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I wonder if this will be a lancer episode.
Well he's getting some spotlight either way!
It looks like he's cooking for the student council this episode
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They really want his cooking.
Well he's pretty amazing at it. Looks like he's making them some karaage. So nice.
Oh that's a neat trick for frying chicken.
ready for after
Perfect timing actually.
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Yeah, that was well timed. lets see here jojo steins gate idnex tonari we'll switch it up and possibly add one if jan shows
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jojo! ikaaaaaaaaaaaaa okay lets start!
Bento Oreo
Why are there so many mirrors just laying about the ruins of Pompeii.
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I can only assume mirror guy set them up ahead of time. That's what I'd do if I had a mirror stand.
Yeah but that key was like half a metre from one of the mirrors! You'd think he'd have found it already if he went around setting the mirrors up.
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Oh I see. I guess it was shattered and it exploded nonsensically.
Oh that was pretty smart of him.
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He's half stand now. That's pretty cool.
Half man, half Stand. ALL SALT.
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Maria's afk eating dinner for a bit if you guys want to watch one show in the meantime.
We're about nine and a half minutes into JoJo at the moment. I can give you the time if you want to join, or if there's time yet after the episode's over we can do a show we can watch with you.
>>624487 I got Jojo, what's the time?
11:15 11:20 11:25
alright, thanks
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I knew Jojo would have some bullshit ready. well Giorno
He's a JoJo too! (Gio)rno (Gio)vanna
Giorno's pretty nonplussed about being infected with the wiirus though.
Looks like Illuso could use a hand.
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In reality a wound like that would be a death sentence without immediate medical attention.
Hah hah hah. Gold Experience is such a ridiculous Stand. It can pretty much do anything.
... That's not really how immunity works Araki.
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Yeah, it's a stretch.
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>>624498 Oh just wait, it's really gonna be able to do anything. >>624499 Just handwave it away with stand magic!
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Got time for another, Jan?
>>624502 Probably
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hmm, do you watch index?
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Yeah, I do I also watch yagate and irozuku Oh, looks like maria's done already, actually. My apologies, I'm gonna go back to watching gundam.
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perfect index we'll watch those too if you're sticking around okay lets start!
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Oh okay bye jan thanks for anime!
Lots of people are gathering around Touma again.
That's a really OP power. It's almost as crazy as Imagine Breaker.
Oh shit it was Acqua's huge-ass mace all along. Man how many forms does that weapon have.
So is this gonna be Touma and Acqua against the princess now? That would be an interesting impromptu alliance.
Rika, Moon has a question you might be able to help him with in the main thread.
Oh Index was actually in that carriage all along, hah hah. I thought it was just a sheet Touma had mistaken for her.
>I bet you came here with another girl you don't even know! Index knows the pattern of things by now.
Hah hah. At least he knows who to ask about electricity.
vilian more like villian
>>624525 She's the good sister though! Probably. Maybe they're all plotting their own coups and it's just the other one that executed hers first.
This has taken a turn for the silly fast.
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I like the smug pink nun.
You say that every week!
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I like her every week. okay steins gate okay lets start!
Taimu reap
Oh they're using the winter version of this OP for this OVA episode. Guess it's chronologically accurate at least.
Kagari's acting like she did before she realized Mayuri is her mom.
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Kinda weird seeing Kurisu like not dead or a phone or something.
Here comes a problematic person.
Oh no.
>Heisei chocolate
All the girls are here, huh.
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Except Kurisu. I wonder if these scenes occured in any of the other materials.
Hah hah hah. I can be a fair bit like Maho when it comes to cooking. Give me a measurement and I have a hard time disregarding it.>>624541 Maybe in a bit of side material writing or a drama cd. I have a hard time imagining it being in one of the VNs.
Oh are they going to try and strip Ruka. Yup. Oh no.
Nae's a drill sargeant when it comes to cleaning even with the girls.
Feyris is a shrewd businesswoman.
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okay tonari! ikaaaaaaaaa hmm I sent ika a reminder message but he's still not responding well let's start he can ask for the time when he gets here
Bampaia Yeah I tried to get him up too and no luck.
Wow that's a real problem to deal with for vampires.
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I feel like there are lots of ways to get around that kind of problem, though.
I guess it's not really a problem if it grows back in like ten hours tops though.
Oh no she's going to starve unless she sucks some of Akari's blood.
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It seems like they're going to stay strong.
hello friends sorry i had to do something i will start watching now
7:10 7:15 7:20
got it thianks
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They really really don't want to suck her blood.
Sophie's humanized enough that it probably feels weird to suck the blood of a friend. Looks like the HUNGER is getting to them though.
>Action movie This'll probably be bloody.
That's a pretty sensible reason for it though.
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>Goes flying >Is worried about wearing shoes
Yeah for someone that can lift a steamroller with ease, a teenage girl probably isn't much of a load.
Dogs know a real monster when they see one.
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She wants to walk in the dark woods with a vampire. oh looks like she just wants to go back to their firstmeeting.
Yeah I figured that would be it.
Well that was fun.
wwas ok
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thanks for anime should be around tomorrow, see you then
Okey dokes, good to know. Thanks for amine