Thread #623868
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Beelzebub-jou Conception Cooking with Emiya --Episodes 10-12 Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Seishun Buta Yarou Bunny Girl Steins;Gate 0 Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san Tsurune Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru
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Oh is there a new steins gate?
It's that OVA episode that came out shortly before Christmas. I forgot to add it before. I think it's mostly a fanservice episode without much plot relevance.>>623874 Yeah, that's the one.
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>[HorribleSubs] Steins Gate 0 - 24 [720p].mkv this?
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Well I let Ika know I'm thinking bunny girl conception steins gate juliet
owo whats this
Maybe Beelzebub and Tsurune instead of Conception and Steins;Gate if we have Jan.
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Oh, that's fine. We do have Jan. So bunny girl tsurune juliet beelz
He's usually not here on Friday nights I think so unless you're partying we can probably clean up the stuff we don't watch with him tomorrow.
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Yeah, that should work.
l@dy for bunnygirl oh i didn't notice he oh okay haha this one's got the OP at the start of the episode
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It may be a minute before Ika appears.
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Oh, that was you. You looked a bit different. okay orange for bunny okay lets start!
New Year New Squid>>623886 Well it's getting a movie in the new year, so there'll be more eventually.
final bunny>>623885 is it a sequel or unique movie kinda thing
>>623886 It'll adapt the next novel in the series after the one this arc is adapting. So I guess a sequel?
Haato no machin gun
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The hikki version of her seems cuter.
I like this one's voice better. The attitude was a bit more unique when she was KAEDE though.
Wow he's really heartbroken over this.
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when your cute imouto turns into some thot
Oh his scars are acting up again. This Shouko looks older than the one we've seen recently. I wonder if this older one appears when he's in time of desperation.
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>>623893 she TORE HIS HEART OUT
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that looks painful though
Wow girl you can't just go taking someone's diary and read it like that.
>>623898 shoko can i suppose
Doesn't even cut up the tomato, just bites right into it.
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Yeah the old version of her is kinda bitchy.
She's really nonchalant about him being undressed, hah hah.
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Wow, things just keep getting worse for him.
Things really aren't working out for him.
Oh no.
Hah hah hah. He's being spontaneous again. Reminds me of when he first went on an impromptu trip with Mai before they started dating.
Oh shit they've got an ED version with all of the girls singing.
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I kinda figured imouto was stuck the way she was. Can't really undo something like that.
Yeah. At the most I was expecting maybe a small bit of bleed-through or maybe one last goodbye this episode. But the episode focused a lot more of Shouko, Sakuta and Mai than I expected.
>>623908 this version is so upbeat
The movie should focus on Shouko I believe. Hopefully it doesn't take half a year to come out. ... From when it eventually actually comes out in the first place.
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tsurune okay lets start
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>>623912 well camrips aint too bad honestly
Tsuready>>623914 I dunno if I'd expect a movie
The grumpy one tries so hard to be stoic but he's just as upset about glasses being missing.
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he was so close to smiling but got cut off
Clever doggo
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These guys are kinda intolerable. Everyone in the back is probably wishing they'd stop fighting so they could hurry and get done with the shrine visit.
Yeah these twins are real shitheads.
The otouto did a good job of defusing that situation.
Hah hah hah. What a nice relationship.
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how heartwarming
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wow he actually said it
Yeah he just went all out on him.
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well sensei did say he hated when he got asked that question so i guess he understands
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juliet okay it's 12 let's start!
Reaaaady>>623931 Twelve.
juliet is it 11 or 12
romiet and julio
Wow this guy's got style.
This is some Umineko climbing down the drainpipe shit, hah hah.
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There's really no way she could pull him up when he has all that momentum from jumping out the window. She's a pretty small person too.
There are some pretty terrifying people in the White Cats.
What the fuck man.
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Oh, I figured he was just a very manly looking girl. But I guess he is a girly looking man.
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Here's the final boss.
His brother might come awfully close to outing them infront of both dorms though.
Hah hah his brother's case would be more flimsy if Inuzuku wasn't such a dumbass.
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whoa he has a crazy piece of evidence
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They've got a lot to fix in 10 minutes.
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Maybe they'll keep true to their namesakes and kill each other.
Persia is pretty hardcore.
Oh now he's getting into the role of it.
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They can be together if they kill each other.
Seems like their gamble paid off. The two of them get some perfectly undisturbable alone time now.
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I was hoping they'd beat their prefects and be able to be together openly. But I guess you only get that if you buy the LNs.
This one's a manga I think, actually. But yeah, it's an ongoing series, so they probably can't get the final conclusion so easily.
RIP Inuzuka.
Oh no.
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>>623949 Liked this anime
I keep hearing this errand boy as "fug boy"
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beelz! okay lets start
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beelz me up scotty
A bit of deja vu.
This show has probably been my surprise of the season. Most of what else aired has been within my expectations, for better or worse. But I didn't go into this show expecting to enjoy it as much as I have.
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mofe mofe oh no i mess ed it all up mofu mofu
>Trying to learn how to knit by just putting threads together It looks like her puffball pets absolved her of that issue.
fume fume mofe mofe
This guy is such a nice guy. Every time he shows up he's got consideration and kindness to dole out.
Dantalion and his caretaker are quite the duo.
Hah hah hah. What an unexpected way for a succubus to act.
>90% KFC
They even have the "It's finger lickin' good" catchphrase.
The girls in this show are all pretty adorable.
Fuwa fuwa fuwa fuwa
Hah hah hah. Poor office co-workers.
I think that's everything for tonight?
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looks like it maybe the other two had a nap
Yeah I mean I knew it was the last show of the night but okay.
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uh yeah sorry I fell out