he's banned from /vg/ or /v/ for possibly being in close proximity to cp maybe? or for posting granblue lolis in fire emblem's thread from what I remember him saying last night
>>625956 yo blue how would you feel about seeing spider verse again bc i told tilde we could try to catch it and i really want to see it again i figure we can see it at night when there's nothing to do but hang out in the hotel but if you're not interested maybe we could see it before we pick you up
Hm I think I do want to see it again Should be fun
>>626005 Not recently. It's just that time of year. Today's my two year anniversary of sobriety. Tomorrow's the four year of Teacup's death I'm also going on a trip tomorrow and I'll be away from Fish so I'm anxious about that. It's just a hard time.
At the shop just now, I was assailed by an urge to die. It's only fleeting and obviously I'm not going to do anything. But I just feel unstable right now. Today and yesterday. I'm well enough to be aware of that and control myself, though.
>>626010 yikes that's no fun hope you feel a bit better on your trip
>>626012 haven't you ever like felt the urge to throw your phone out of a moving car or something it's like that except with yourself >>626014 how the fuck do you feel like you want to die on a small scale like you feel like you want your left foot to die?
>>626016 I definitely have had urges to do things that I don't actually want to do >>626016 Well no but I would think that the intensity is different. How long it lasts, etc.
>>626023 Let's do our best. I still have a week before I start working again. It helps that I only work mon-wed, and I took tomorrow off. So I'm really only missing one day of work.
>>626041 someone said the n word then someone else said the person that said it should be thrown off a roof then a friend of mine said that they should not be killed for saying the n word
now people are claiming my friend is defending saying the n word and one group of friends is defending her and the other group thinks we should all cut ties with her
>>626063 I'm not really supposed to put earplugs in because i have a lot of earwax and the plugs push the wax farther in and then it presses against the eardrum which is bad. So i usually put a cotton ball in (not very far) and then basically just keep my head and body tilted in such a way that no water gets in. It's very irritating.
https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwj61tqDp87fAhUMNrwKHekvBl0QzPwBegQIARAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gamesradar.com%2Fsoulja-boy-is-selling-questionably-legal-plug-n-play-consoles-and-what-is-2018-anymore%2F&psig=AOvVaw2umpffLbbka-v_WkY6fD2w&ust=1546491261758368 aw fuckin hell
https://www.gamesradar.com/soulja-boy-is-selling-questionably-legal-plug-n-play-consoles-and-what-is-2018-anymore/ this is the link I wanted to post fuckin google
that's a really annoying way to have a "share link" function
it's too late haha they pulled them from stores a while after a release
>>626066 I have a friend who accidentally branded himself doing that. He had a a cross on underneath the shirt and stayed on that part of the shirt with te iron fir too lobg. *for too long
why would you iron your clothes while wearing them just take them off you dummy
>>626079 To be honest I don't remember off the top of my head. Well That was a lie I just don't feel lke explaining it But uhh Trademarks are usually short things, like character names Okay here's an example So Spider-Man is a trademarked name, but the contents of a Spider-Man™ comic book are copyrighted. Nike's tagline "Just Do It" is trademarked and their logo probably is too.
hmm I see thanks maybe I will dwelve into the wild world of intellectual property laws one day
assembled my bed and a lamp booya new apartment is starting to take shape
You got a stereo?
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
nope we have very little well i have a sound bar packed away anyway i'm not living there yet i still have more to move
>>626091 I knew he wasn't Caucasian but I didn't know he'd been born and lived somewhere not-UK until he was in his teens. He did adapt really well to English though yeah.
yeah it is I find it funny that his measure of being rich is ramen every day though
I'm sure he's in part just making a joke. But I'd also be not surprised if he had a hard time affording ramen noodles every day some point in his past.
If it's a joke then it's good because he amused me Being able to eat ramen every day is rich relative to the people who would be assisted by donating to his recommended charities, so he's not really wrong even if it is a bit of a joke
yeah running a bit late and to be honest I slept until like 3 PM today which means I won't sleep well tonight anyway and I've resigned myself to not having a lot of sleep tomorrow. It all averages out in the end anyway
I stayed up until 4 or 5 and woke up at 2pm we'll see how that flies when I try to sleep tonight
I was up until four or five too, at which I passed out from little sleep the night before and having had a fair bit to drink. Though I didn't make it home and ended up sleeping at the host's place, two guys I hadn't seen since high school, like a decade, hah hah. They were surprisingly generous and chill about it. Then when I got home I fell asleep again until like 20:30 because sleeping on a couch while inebriated is a recipe for shitty sleep.
I gotta drive four hours to dubbo tomorrow I hope I don't screw that up >>626121 I'm sure they don't mind loaning their couch out for an old friend
The couch was apparently already called earlier in the night by another guy, hah hah. I wasn't informed until the morning. They really could have just woken me up and gotten me to move! Honestly I probably would have even gone home if they'd done that. Which would have been useful to be honest. Though I did really appreciate the after-morning care too.
remind me what time you get in, tilde and where should we meet up? baggage claim? ill probably wait in all the seats in the terminal since i land at 7:30
>>626142 That fluffy finish around the neck looks comfy
>>626158 My landing's due for 10:04 in terminal D. I can't remember the layout of the airport well enough to know where -know if it funnels everything into a place or if we'd likely arrive all distanced. >>626164 Probably? When I had to stay at the airport the first time we were there because I messed up my departure time I was able to post on /moe/ all night long.
Oh yeah tilde is gonna be out of town. That means anime will be tough for you for awhile huh?
Yes Rika I've been talking about this for a couple days now. Thankfully, as I've also mentioned in that time period, there are very few things airing in the first week of January. Nothing that is leftovers from last season is airing this week, and there's only two or three shows that'll be airing maybe in the 4-6 time period. It would have been a neat chance to watch some of the movies that have come out this year but oh well. There might yet be a couple days after I get back that there'll be empty or lighter days too.
>>626163 Okay, cool. We can figure it out when you land, then. If I can wait in T D, I will, though.
I'll give a map of the airport a look after anime and see what it's like. I'm starting to remember a bit of what it looks like from the boarding side though. Not like that's too helpful in the situation, hah hah.
Kirara, the Cat
Well, it'll work out.
Do you know if you'll be up for the rest of the night?
Kirara, the Cat
I'm on my way to the airport right now
Oh, I didn't know you'd be flying so early. When's your flight leaving from Orlando?
Kirara, the Cat
Kirara, the Cat
we pick up blue at 3pm hotel check in is at 3 too so we'll find something to do while we wait for blue
Yeah that's no problem. I'll only have my bag and a small travel case so I'm pretty mobile.
Kirara, the Cat
we'll have the car after 10am
also blue's down for spider verse
Kirara, the Cat
how was the P5 anime? We haven't seen it yet
Ika didn't seem to enjoy it too much, and I think he and Jan were the ones that actually beat the game before starting it. Though it seems Rika beat it at some point I think. As someone that has no experience with the game, I found it a pretty enjoyable experience. I think the adaptive writing was solid and it kept me engaged. It could get kind of QUALITY at time though. There's still one more OVA episode coming out in March that'll wrap up the finale though, so we'll see if it sticks the landing.
Kirara, the Cat
that's cool i guess we'll keep waiting
According to Rika it's a faithful adaptation of the game, so it might not be as engaging for you two since you've both played through it. Plus it'll be more apparent where things are compressed or skipped. But that's just what you get with adaptations.
Kirara, the Cat
Fish really loved the game, so i think she'll want to see it haha
Oh yeah Kirara you know which terminal you're landing at in Philly?
Kirara, the Cat
Okay. I probably won't have to check my bag, so I can head straight to baggage claim B/C if you'll need to pick up yours. Though I guess you'll have plenty of time to do that anyway. If you find yourself a good place to be comfy in and wait out the time I'll find you all the same though.
Man this line just doesn't end. I turned into an entrance expecting to be at the end and I'm only maybe two-thirds there.
Kirara, the Cat
I should be able hang out around the D gates looks like
Kirara, the Cat
wow i could have steak and wine for breakfast at the airport Philly sure is something
Security done, now I get to queue for customs. Man I'm spending more time in lines for the airport than I'll actually be flying. Though not really, but close.
Kirara, the Cat
did you eat anything yet? I didn't have breakfast or anything but if you didn't eat yet maybe we can grab lunch and figure out what to do while we wait for blue
kid got injured but is ok nobody's reporting the rhino got hurt so i assume they didn't kill it or anything
My flight starts boarding in five minutes. Departs in thirty-five. I'm still in line to leave fucking customs.
Kirara, the Cat
neat can't wait
I'm actually kind of worried. There is a huge crowd here. I'm definitely not going to be through before the plane starts boarding, but hopefully I can make it through the line in half an hour.
Kirara, the Cat
Uh oh. Do they have a wait time estimate?
No clue. I do think they usually do calls for missing passengers though. I've still got twenty-five minutes though and I've been making good headway through this queue.
To hell with your government shutdown though. Fucking pay your border security.
Kirara, the Cat
is our shutdown giving you trouble?
I've heard border security in airports is reduced because, as government employees, the security officers aren't getting paid due to the shutdown. So I guess that results in reduced service.
yeah that's probably true most are working without pay so they're not doing their best job
>>626261 im gonna be livid if you miss your flight because of trump
Fucker can't do anything decent.
Kirara, the Cat
they have a Japanese sushi and noodles place here chicken ramen hmmmm
>>626263 he really can't he's holding the government hostage
I know, I keep myself posted on the details. No wall is worth this much nuisance in TSA.
>>626264 Chicken ramem is pretty tasty. Ramen even, phone please. It'll probably be quite filling though.
Kirara, the Cat
it is when you have a private jet and no consequences for your actions
>>626265 yeah, definitely would be filling haha maybe ill get some before my flight back home
Well I think I'll make it. This line moved faster than expected. Still gonna be close though.
Kirara, the Cat
Good luck!
Kirara, the Cat
blue is gonna bring his new game artbook im hype
Plane got delayed twenty minutes hah hah. All my panic for nothing.
Kirara, the Cat
that's lucky! the world sure works in funny ways
Sounds like some United plane was in the gate or something and messed everything up. And my seat got upgraded to business? This does mean I'll probably be half an hour late though.
Kirara, the Cat
that's fine, that just means less time to waste while we wait for blue which is easier imo
>>626312 why the fuck is he in Philly going to Canada anyway i would have interrogated him and fultoned him back to mother base
Kirara, the Cat
haha idk maybe a connecting flight
no way we don't want this dude on our mother base
wow that bad? what did he do?
Kirara, the Cat
he used to dream about eating his mother all the time and he's always just been kind of off he left treatment before we really got anywhere bc of insurance stuff
Kirara, the Cat
tilde should be landing soon woo then we can go get the car and lunch
>write three paragraphs regarding ban >denied i don't even. do thry even read?
Kirara, the Cat
usually not
>>626321 but I'm innocent. i think my Ip is ddynamic
>>626318 like... consuming her flesh? or eating her out? fucking strange either way we could use him as a distraction or something. Fodder him off.
Kirara, the Cat
>>626323 consuming her flesh yeah i don't think it's a good idea
>>626387 I would not like to listen to jazz while on the toilet. I barely like jazz iin the first place.
what if they had an aux cord >>626388 huh, I would have thought you like jazz >>626390 Bluetooth is still pretty sucky but it would still be good someone would still try and mess with it I bet though
>>626389 It's a publuc toilet, it would definitely be broken. Bluetooth would be a good idea though.
>>626389 >>626391 I like some but not a lot. I don't have the proper vocabulary or general jazz knowledge to describe what tyoes I like and what I don't.
>>626389 Yeah but they couldn't break it permanently, that why its a better choice.
>come homu >chilled to bone >time for hot bath >start filling bath >get in >is cold >oh, no hot watet... the fuck i pay for, if i don't even get hot water during winter...
wish i actially ownd this place so icould complain properly
If you pay for it, you can complain.
yeah, but due to being a tenant and not property owner, my words bare less weight
If things are broken I talk to the property owner/landlord and if they don't do what they should I can raise a legal complaint. is it different over there, I would have though property rights were better up there. #
こい of Many Browsers
HOW UNFORTUNATE good morning mk.2
>>626422 things aren't broken just that the whole appartmrnt complex hasn't either gotten enough hot water to their reserves atm or the whole district heating has failed
but man this weathet >tuesday 5 >wednesday 0-> -9 >thursday -15 to -10 >friday +2 >sunday -15 agaim
or alternatively, some pipe busted due to cold or construction work happens a lot too just hate it when it happens with no info
Yeah. Cold as fuck all over
waited 50 mins for busin -15 then the bus wasn't heatef metro and bus2 were heatedproper, but by then chill had seeped in and only cure is hot water and no such thingfor ol'kele what will i do with my cold toes now
it's a thing that adds some convenience to granblue without doing anything particularly bannable but lately there are people reporting people who they see using it on twitter
>>626481 Christmas present from my best friend. He got it at Kinokuniya. I bought one of those gundam orb things. They were out of green ones so I bought a red one, cause its faster than the blue ones.
This one https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B079JP1JSY/ Anyways, the Gundam section which was bare last time was full this time. Although the manga magazine section was barren this time.
Kirara, the Cat
>>626474 i did not speed, i sped up to the speed limit
>>626449 yeah just tried to catch up on sleep just then because I decided to drive straight home after but yeah i had a good night got to see people from I hadn't seen in six years *people from school and also got to see my buddy get hitched
>long ago in a distance land >said theme was bad >dared to make one >didn't >same themes for years now ... I think I should have made shitloads...damn my laziness involing CSS.
Why is there so little back-up threads? And replies... Is /moe/ a barren wasteland now?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
h0i is that who i think it is how ya doin
#bokuimage I am currently sick, and all my tech has been exploding! Phone battery dying autoly if not plugged in, laptop roared like a monster and then needed to be wiped. Been playing click-click games and looking for Coding Apps cause I'm too dumb to read a crapton of books--or ask you to be a Sensei, I guess.
Yes-huh. The ones that teach ya like the "Hello world", mess around with HTML--don't need CSS, crap is easy. HTML, Ja--no Java is shit...my brain is blanking out, I can't think of the code I actually want to learn! --it'll come to me in a second.........
>>626546 i think theyre set for march radiant dawn is this month
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
modern javascript is alright ES6, ES7 i dont know what you’re lookin to learn tho
I think it was C++--even if not...I always run into shit that meantions it!
>>626549 Urgh...will please some/most people...but I hate Ike and his games. I even hate him in Smash--hard hitting motherfucka.
How is shit here? Things get cra-crazy for X-Mas / New Years? --I also now can't think of Party Hats without thinking of Runescape Party Hats.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
we had santa hats on christmas! i dont think it was like _crazy_ crazy but it was decent it feels a little deal right now since people are getting back to work but also there’s a moe meetup going on in philly as we speek speak
>>626552 hi hi i don't even need to scroll up to tell who that is! it's good to see you oh the hat is blocking my name
>>626553 Anyone get that rare black Santa hat? Pffft, having work! Don't they know that /moe/ gets loney and sad when dead? Hmm...far away--but do remember you guys seem to meet-up alot more now...for REASONS.
>>626554 I guess I'll never know who you are then! A mystery foooooooooooreveeeeeeeer
I am the sick. But I timed my /moe/ trip for after the hollydays since last time I appeared around one everyone was getting hammered. >teetotalism I figured it was time again to try to intergrate into fellow humans--trying to get /fit/ and "happy"--err...or close to it...more of the time.
>>626560 i don't think there's really an "again" to it my situation's been declining a bit i've moved up to michigan, which is really really a frozen hell have you ever been? i dont suggest it!
yeah, the cold is tearing my bones apart i'm pretty limited in my mobility, and have to walk as little as possible i should be exercising some to keep my muscles strong but it's really hard i can't really go to a doctor and get checked out easily, but it seems to be the same as my sister's stuff she went to Mayo Clinic and they thought it was MS, but weren't certain
it's really effective at killing /moe/ i found out, being a crippled piece of shit i hold all the power... haha yeah, there are some actual anons one from canadia, one from australia i think, and then occasionally some older folks stopping by to say happy holydays
Why do you always move around?! I think every time I've spoke to you, you've moved or at least traveled somewhere!
Did you do all those end of year papers for Hospital shit that TV reminds everyone? Mine was chaotic and we had to pull 250 out of nowhere to pay for my new plan. --do what I did! ...get a phone app that yells at you to do stuff. I got 3 weeks of 4/7 exercin' done already cause almost mono-tone phone speaker voice female.
I think /moe/ is naturally good at killing /moe/! Do any anons call you senpai? Or...some at least common-ass regulars?
He talks to me on Discord--I do not need too! Has he been showing you dudes his adventuring photos?
oh you screwed up now now that i know you're on discord, i'm not letting you go without getting you on there
yeah, he has been showing us his photos. it's really a lot of neat stuff. i love hearing his stories and all that. i don't think i'll ever get to go do all that stuff, so it's nice to hear about his travels.
i didn't get any of those forms things done. there's so much to do, and a lot of issues with state stuff i have to somehow prove i live in michigan with utility bills and stuff, but i don't have any utility bills in my name, and i have a missouri license still. i dont know what to do about that kind of stuff. they also gave me very little time -- sent me something on the 30th of december saying i had to have those forms in by the 2nd of January, but i had to work all four of those days yes, i worked through the holidays, by choice because it was less stressful than doing nothing or talking to family on the holidays
i need to think about purchasing a cane soon i want something with at least a little bit of style, and not something that looks like it came out of a hospital
>>626564 Cause you naturally give off the Nice Wise Older Senpai feel! Or just cause you're one of the oldest users of /moe/--err...not actual age...just been here long.
Should be easy? Email seems to add to your clusterfuck of things to do...seems like a bunch of papers, movin' about and all the fun-stuffs. --why do they want you to prove you live there? Is just fucking being in the state not good enough for 'em?
He's a real vagabond in his heart.
If you were just closer I'd let you handle my Grandfather's cane. It's abit big for me, so trickyrrrr for me to use.--it also has a badass spike if you take off it's handle. At least I'd know you'd treat it well...than it just sit behind my door and make me sad over my grandpa's passing.
>Why do you always move around?! i missed this part it's... just hard i couldn't keep staying where i was. it's complicated but there were a lot of reasons that might life physically and emotionally difficult there i fortunately had a friend who needed to find a roommate out here in michigan since my job lets me work from home, i can live anywhere, so i came out here he is very high-level otaku, so the place is.... not in the best condition it is okay though. he's a friend so he doesn't judge me either
i will need to move again at some point... not sure when or how. i make only really enough for the week ahead, and can't save up anything
yeah i feel bad about not emailing you back it's kind of hard to explain but communication has been difficult it's a little better now, but i couldn't really even talk to anyone for like a month or so. it was just confusing i blame it on family probably
that sounds like a nice cane. i bet it's lovely. was your grandpa's passing recent? thoughts of loved ones passed enter my head a lot, even not recent ones, like my grandpa from 15 years ago now he was so sweet and gentle it's the living people i tend to not like too much
>>626568 Why is otaku always insanely clean or insanely messy? You get your own room? Or is it basically a figma storage?
Should try to chill (hahahurr) and just weather the bad chaosic shits before thinkin on that movin'...being relaxed proaby would help a bunch.
It's half why I picked it. Email is like...never a rush or super important to people no more--it's just there and respond whenever. But for you it does seem just a negaive...you seem to perfer that insta-poke of "hey you on, whatcha doin".
He passed a little before I appeared last time on /moe/, I had popped up then to try to--not really forget...but take my mind of it.
>>626570 i definitely prefer being engaged directly, like on here or in discord email... email feels like the transition step between having someone in your life and having someone fade out of your life it makes it kinda hard... it's also not as fun as knowing there's someone here right now
but it wasn't the email that was the issue, i couldn't really talk to anyone in person or anywhere else either it felt like i just couldn't get any thoughts across to people and nobody knew what i meant it was really frustrating
>>626580 opposite here i need some real food my pants have gotten too loose again even my belt is too loose i must have lose like 30 pounds this winter
>>626578 that's a good question every cat i see is pretty fat a fat cat is a happy cat but not a healthy one i personally don't do wet foods, and i don't have fat cat problems i've always spoiled my kitties with purina naturals, in the green bag it's dry food, but it's really tasty and wholesome, and they won't even eat canned food if offered
good morning
>>626582 Purina's huh? Should try it for the tubbster--but...a big but--he seems to really dislike dry food.
And after his near-death experiance and vet trip...he now started spraying furiture.
the second kitten we had couldnt eat hard food and we didnt realize it at first had to get them wet food and slowly transition
>>626585 Maybe can pour like...a tiny bit of his wet food into the dry one--and keep lowering it till it's just the dry one...
But we still gotta watch him...his vet trip was cause he--I think he got like...crystals or something in his......um...blader and his well--not pretty way...his dick-hole. I think it was cause one of the old foods he had.
Sure--just not after it. I still can feel my back after rod-placin'.
Cat sign there was a problem...he went willingly to the vet--no yowling or fighting it. I wonder if a cat there told him to piss/spray on shit while he was there.......never did it before till that life-savin' trip.
Here's an image I took at a Con.
that's pretty horrifying
i've been learning a lot from surgical videos lately they're really fascinating but nobody seems to agree when i called my older sister for christmas, though, she asked what ive been up to just watching surgical videos and she got really excited and asked me to send them to her her son is about 13 now, and she wanted to give those to him to watch getting to that age, i guess, that you start getting interested in the human body
The dude also had a soundboard under there...to pull off that laugh those Star Wars dudeos do.
It is fascinating! Fiddling with inside a body...what could rival that? --should have went with that when I was 13...but I instead found the CourtTV/TruTV and all the murder shows. Watched that shit till everything I saw was reruns.
Meanwhile "How to make a cheesesteak" plays in the background...
how to make him a steak - a professional guide
>>626591 i do like court stuff, but things like judge jugy or judge mathis are just too meh... i really like the long stuff, like when im transcribing court cases and it's just hours upon hours upon hours in excruciating detail
this surgery ive actually been looking for for over a year i knew it was out there because i stumbled on it before but lost it and finally found it after all this time it's four hours long they're doing a cystectomy on a lady, and at the end they have to repair her bladder they do so by using some tissue from the intestinal tract and making it into a new bladder it's actually so amazing, i love it
im thinking about getting into taxidermy like my sister
>>626593 The Judge/Jury stil is usually the low point in most--unless you get a real nutter...like the men that want to be their own lawyer, always goes well.
How do you find such longers? And have you watched any animal ones?
Get on that, once my cat kicks over...you can make him art! Fat art.
i hadn't thought of checking out veterinary surgeries i bet there's probably some material out there
finding the long surgeries just takes a looot of looking around i really am bothered, because most of them are like 30 minute videos that are compacted they just show a few key moments throughout the surgery and narrated on top or they just talk about what the surgery will be with some diagrams surgeries take hours and hours the most interesting parts are the things that make it take so long, not the main objectives of the surgery the things you are trying to get done, like remove a cyst, it's pretty simple it's the whole process of examining everything, clamping and cutting the ligaments to make areas accessible, burning through some lining, all the obstacles that make it fun
otherwise it's like "oh, i heard this was a good book so im gonna look it up on wikipedia and read the plot instead of just reading the book"
which reminds me, your thing i did read it! i felt like i wanted to know a little more though im kinda slow in the head these days and it was a little jumpy lot of laying out the information, telling me what's happening and it's hard to make a mental picture out of that, for me i really like being shown what's happening, if that makes sense some more vivid imagery and buildup of anticipation i wasn't sure how the characters felt sometimes by their words alone
>>626599 I would think it'd be easier to find. If not on Deep Web, I bet it takes a buncha time to find those videos. --though I only know the "documenting reality" fourm on Deep Web, not surgery stuff..but I havn't explored around it much anyway so...yaaa know! What you said however sounds like when animu goes >AND THEN THERE WAS A GIANT BATTLE >never get to see the battle >announcer sums it up simply ...Katanagatari...
I can tell you stuff about it in the Discord--I don't feel good talking about it on /moe/. Already think I'm a shit writer...don't need /moe/s telling me so. But I've been trying to get my old drawing skills back--cause I fucking hate writing...drawing my stories would be best. Marsh seems to prefer written stuff tho'. >>626602 No biggie, not like it's important stuffs.
oh im sorry i didn't mean to bring it up here if // i can't even say that i didn't about it, sorry
i didn't finish it i missed a week after like episode 7 then forgot to continue it's okay, i think it's a little overhyped
normies are goin CRAZY over it though
it wasn't bad but had a few boring bits the feel of the show being a tabletop season was pretty good
I was a manga reader and was greatly pleased how first ep was handled--and the fucking salt from the SJWs and shit. I think it's fault is the first part is the best part--since I'm always hoping the side party dies.
Cow-girl's voice is also bad. Lizard-man is best side-man with Lancer.
>>626611 "lizard man" makes me think of dorohedoro have you read yet?? this is probably like the fifth time ive asked you that
What was best animu of 2018 for /moe/?
>>626614 my phone blowing up hasn't helped, muh manga reader app--but then I remembered it's apparently done? So was gonna use my animubytes to download some snazzy high-rez scans. So sadly no, not yet. I'm terrible with manga and any sort of reading. Animu though I can usually do decently.
fuck I noticed recently that I have a leak in my shower pipe and just duct taped itover, but ofc that isn't a good solution and then I began to think of a better tmp fix for it and remembered this thing in my head but wasn't sure where it was from
and then I started rereading historie out of the blue and BLAM