Thread #624890
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Conception Cooking with Emiya --Episode 11-12 Irozuku Sekai Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru Yagate Kimi ni Naru
Odd set of scraps tonight.
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I let Ika know what we were up to.
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well while we wait cooking with emiya 11 okay lets start
Oh are we finally getting an Archer episode.
This casual wear Archer is pretty nice.
EMIYA can't bear to lose in something to Shirou, eh.
Oh it's an Archer and a waifu Caster episode.
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Archer and Emiya is a good pair.
>>624911 Emiy a and Lancer that is
Yeah I guessed that's what you meant.
ready for anime after
Oh Rin's playing around now.
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>>624916 Come back in 4 minutes!
Getting the Saber seal of approval is pretty good.
Hah hah. This Emiya is also rather competitive.
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We really needed a few more cooking with Emiya episodes since cooking with Emiya is also cooking with Emiya. okay conception maid yagate let's do these three.
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oh goblin slayer 12 is also out now. Should we save that for Jan?
Yeah, probably. I'll send him a note in case he's not at work.
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okay then let's start with conception okay lets start
Oh yeah he shagged the red panda last episode. Man this show has been weird.
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For a series about a game that presumably has a lot of combat in it, there's been practically no combat so far.
Well maybe they were aware that those are usually the most boring parts of JRPGs to adapt anyway.
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I'm sure she'll be all right.
Or become stardust, okay.
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He became gundam.
There are worse fates.
An instrumental of the OP playing in the middle of the final fight is almost as good as the actual OP playing.
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>love is good because the star children were born >the star children blow themselves up immediately after
Oh no is he taking his whole harem back into the real world.
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I was wondering when the mascot thing would do that. maid okay lets start!
Oh yeah she really freaked out at her last episode.
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Oh yeah I forgot they were having problems.
If Misha didn't instantly freak out over someone being in her mom's room she'd probably realize the footprints in the room are too small to be Tsubame's anyway.
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I think the maid outfit probably involves heels too.
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Looks like they apologized in the end anyway. Oh and she noticed the footprints too.
Midori is a high-level doofus.
The sheer perversion of her kind of delegitimizes a lot of what she says.
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Yeah, it's hard to take her seriously as a human being.
The eyepatch never got explained, huh.
Oh there we go. Kinda.
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You just know she's going to ruin this nice feeling bny being a pervert.
Looks like she held it in long enough for the scene to cut.
That fourth one is a logistical concern anyway.
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there it was yagate!>>624972 Nope, fine with saving it.
Would you two be against saving this for Jan as well? I know he's really enjoyed it. There's also pretty much nothing airing in the next five days except for some OVA stuff. And there's also some movies we could maybe get into over that time. Like the KyoAni Hibike movie I mentioned a few weeks back. And maybe something like the first Heaven's Feel movie.
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Okay then, let's save what we have left for Jan and stop it here. Thanks for anime!
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Okay. Let's see if we have Jan tomorrow and if not maybe we can figure out some kind of movie. see you guys
Toodleloo. Thanks.