>>622963 his parent, my sister, is a taxidermist she asked me to send it to them haha man this shit runs in my family
taxidermy vids might be cool to see
The hats on mobile are hilariously broken.
my aunt once called me because some skunks got ahold of some of her chickens and eviscerated them through the groin she's like "i've got pictures do you want me to send them to you" (awkward pause) yeah of course
>>622967 Man we were just talking about earlier or last night about how skunks will go after and eat chickens. Weird.
yeah they're vicious they specifically target the groin and then eat their way into the intestines it's pretty gross!
wew didn'tthink skunks were predators more like scavengers and opportunists
yeah they will go after dead stuff usually but they will also hunt if they need to did you know squirrels are scavengers? they'll eat rotting meat off of pigs and stuff they hoard that shit
Squiirels also eat oversized candy bars.
i think they'll probably eat any sized candy bars to be fair
Yeah but i almost lost my phone for a picture of a squirrel eating a crunchie bar.
don't fuck with squirrels kannagi you're gonna lose your life doin that
I dont fuck with squirrels. I straight up dont fuck. ✨
same actually was your lie in april any good or is it just pretentious
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso rather
It probably toes the line at times. I think different people would consider it as or as not. I didn't think it was particularly pretentious to the point of annoyance though. It also has some really lovely piano and violin animated performances in it.
>>622978 >>622979 I love that you say pretentious and then post the Japanese title like that. Weeb level.
>>622981 well, you know, it's gonna be what is dealt with here im dealing with my fuckin normie ass team that wants to keep talking to me about anime and i tell them no i dont watch that shit it's for nerds and then they're talking and like "oh i heard about that but it wasn't on crunchyroll so idk how to watch it" and i just loose my shit
>>622983 I lied to classmate about watching anime and they looked at me shocked and tried to badly explain a bunch of anime to me. I don't understand how people can be like that.
Kirara, the Cat
>>622978 i dunno rika said im not allowed to watch it lol
isn't it a great feeling to lie to people and feign ignorance and watch the shit they say when they think you don't know
P If you feign ignorance people can say some shit.
>>622985 I would say the statute on that has passed, hah hah.
Kirara, the Cat
>>622987 because it would be bad for my mental health
>>622989 she said it still applies this summer so idk
imo like no offense but what the fuck would she know
sorry that sounds not as light-hearted as i meant it
Its the fuck, it makes things not light,it Is all fuck of fuck
i should have said h*ck but i dont like that word
>>622985 I might be remembering wrong but was Fish still missing at that time? Even if you knew she was in the hospital though that was probably a factor I think.
>>622993 for me that's the irony because i really wouldn't honestly use curse words or swear words i only do it when it's overtly animated but i forget there are real people like that so it sounds like im just one of them
what the fug
What the heckers
Koi of Many Browsers
Sekai Maou was good I'm glad the translation finished the final page about God deserves its own chapter though
I haven't watched any anime in nearly 2 years i think.
My birthday present was 200 USD hah hah hah. Spending money for the Philly trip.
It's nice though since that was going to be money I waa going to budget out of my own funds. So maybe I can get myself something nice for Christmirthday as well.
>>623002 The worst currency. GBP >>623004 Still there! I'm waiting on Christmas lunch. Were having aveggie lunch.
my new year's resolution is to make even a single friend
>>623001 same I don't even know what the last anime I saw was
knosuba maybe?
Kirara, the Cat
konosuba was 10 years ago i can hardly believe it
that's so old how can anyone watch anime that old when there's new stuff with good graphics??
Beribe it
Kirara, the Cat
habeeb it
Kirara, the Cat
do you ever wonder how
How for now
is eating part of christmas usually
eating is part of christmas but also living too
ive never been much for celebrating christmas anyway
it's pretty meh
Kirara, the Cat
ill eat some food on Christmas
nice water you going to have
Koi of Many Browsers
i got a lot of stuff to figure out also last night was a complicated situation that I may have not supposed to show up for Have to wait for Thursday to ask someone I should take care of this... everything that I'm experiencing right now brb
>>623028 It always has been for me. My mother usually spins up pancake mix for breakfast along with one or two other breakfast-y dishes. If we're at the cottage she's probably been cooking scones and cookies the days before. And then there's turkey dinners later on at night, with cheesecake for dessert. I don't know how she finds the time to so it all she's absolutely superhuman when it comes to cooking.
Gonna have i got 5 on it in my head for months thanks
Kirara, the Cat
>>623053 hey man you gotta watch the new spider man movie maybe we can watch it together i think you'll dig the hell out of it
Kirara, the Cat
miles reminded me of you in it
I wanna go but every time I think of going i super sleep And now i feel sick.
Kirara, the Cat
there was a really good joke about banksy in it but i was the only person in the theater who laughed i think even fish didn't she didn't know who banky is
>>623091 like the first time would be “oh is that ky sister or is that someone else” and then this time ”oh i hope that’s not my sister no wait it couldnt be false alarm” i dont see these people often after all
i have a uh lot of relatives
We're all relatives when you get to the bottom of it.
>>623096 naw he's a cool guy even if he's sending me vaporwave tier clips
Send him shittyier clips in return.
i couldn't possibly hope to compete with this man he sent me a fucking geocities gif for Thanksgiving he doesn't even know how high level his shitposting is he's a natural
the last time i slept at a relatives my mom got upset and claimed everyone would think i was a stoner but she’s mellowed out since then
>>623114 what the fuck lol how does being a stoner have anything to do with sleeping over
I think he means falling asleep while visiting relatives like for a Christmas party or Thanksgiving. Which is still kind of a tenuous link but I think I can see it
>>623116 ahh okay but still what usually at least half of my relatives pass out Midway through Christmas or Thanksgiving
i mean i was just a sleepy boy
at least today id have an excuse but ive got steroids fueling my system so i dont have much choice than to be awake
wow you're all roided up on Christmas? maybe your mom was right
roid rage in
>>623120 amusonglynenough i have noticed i was more irritable the first day or so haha hopefully this sickness goes away soon
>>623128 lolidunno id say cold but its more miserable when intreated than im ised to for those >>623127 yeah that sounds about right
ive got rare cough with mosty congestion but sayurday or friday i had one instance of diarhhea and i had some stomach pain tbis morning before taking everything again
Could be a mild flu bug.
>>623129 they also have quite the opposite effect on muscle growth and protein retention so make sure you eat MORE MEAT
hello hello, merry Christmas.
Kirara, the Cat
Merry Christmas, Rika.
it's hard to get the hats on the heads
one withmost hat hits, gets a reward on 31st
BOOM i am the fuckin greatest
it's so perfect
merry christmas rika!
How's everybody doing?
Kirara, the Cat
I'm alive! Fish's dad is mad at me because fish didn't go to their family Christmas that i wasn't invited to.
How are you?
im sick but otherwise fine eating good
how are you doing rika? have you had comfy family relations today i saw my dad’s side of the family today anyway nostly mom’s tyesterday and not even really ers as much as her sister in laws
im now at my aunt’s through mom’s she can be a little crazy but the food is good
>>623140 >>623142 Oh, I'm doing okay. I'm enjoying the time off.
>>623140 I guess it's a good sign that he wanted you to be there.
Relaxing is important
Kirara, the Cat
>>623143 No, he didn't want me there. That's why Fish didn't go. But now he's mad at me because she didn't go.
Ah, I misread that. I guess that makes things a little more complex.
Kirara, the Cat
>>623146 Yeah. I told Fish to go, but she didn't want to go without me. So I guess my hole is dug deeper!
at least you get to spend a cold (?) winter’s day with the girl you love, right? so its not all bad
It's central Florida nothing's truly cold down there.
>>623161 I hope you guys are able to make that happen! I think it will happen eventually.
eventually is a really vague estimate
any good christmas dinners moe
Kirara, the Cat
>>623171 I hope so but I'm not very hopeful about it. It feels like it'll never happen.
I think it will happen eventually. Fish and her mom want it to happen. He's being stubborn about it. When it comes to family dynamics, smart money bets on the women to win.
whats the difference between smart money and dumb money >>623173 rattlesnake or fish head?
Kirara, the Cat
>>623175 Eventually isn't good enough! What about my rose colored family life with Fish's family!? I'm missing out! But more importantly, Fish is missing out, and the longer her dad doesn't accept me, the more Fish misses out on valuable time with her family. She gets along with her family. That's something I don't have. I want to make sure she can get as much out of that as possible. Her dad's got heart problems. He's not going to be around forever. And I want them to be together until he's not.
>>623178 rattlesnake or fish head christmas dinner
>>623177 All you can do is do your best to fix it. Fish wouldn't want to leave you behind, either.
Kirara, the Cat
>>623180 Fish spending time with her family on special days is more important than whether or not I'm alone on those days
Koi of Many Browsers
Is it though?
Kirara, the Cat
She should be with her family. Having a good family you love is something I don't have, so I want her to take full advantage of it. I want to be a part of that, but if I can't, I don't want to keep her from her family. I love her. I don't want her to have regrets later.
She gets to pick who she gets to spend time with, too. I think her dad is in the wrong here and I'd probably make the same choice in her shoes, and I say this with the perspective of having arleady lost my dad. Hopefully the frustration of missing out on Christmas with her will spur him to think about some things.
Koi of Many Browsers
I wouldn't necessarily say he's in the wrong (though I do believe he's a dick). But that's essentially the same conclusion I came to. You're about to be her family. As much as she might want to be around her parents, she's clearly made a decision about which one she wants to be around primarily.
Kirara, the Cat
>>623187 I guess that makes me feel a little better about it.
I still think she should go sometimes, though. She hasn't seen her dad since she got back from the hospital. Except through like FaceTime. Her mom stops by a lot, though.
>>623188 He's totally in the wrong. I didn't do anything!
Koi of Many Browsers
The only reason I say that I wouldn't "necessarily" call him wrong is because it's totally fine to not like your son-in-law for reasons. But I don't even know those reasons, really. He's allowed to be mad. But he's also gotta pay the consequences for being mad.
Kirara, the Cat
He hates me because I didn't want to marry Fish when he wanted me to. And now he's just still stubbornly mad about a fight we had about marriage like a year ago. Even though I'm marrying his daughter, now... He even said I couldn't have his blessing!
>>623190 Any time one person wants to talk things out and the other doesn't, I assume the person who doesn't to be in the wrong. Especially in a setting like this where the conflict troubles other people. Additionally, he's not doing a very good job of respecting who his daughter wants to be with. It's really easy for a father to pick a bride for his daughter, but she's the one that has to live with him, have sex with him, etc. The dad doesn't have to do that.
So he's double in the wrong.
Koi of Many Browsers
While I don't share the first sentiment, it fits in this case. The second part was really my thing. She has the right to choose where she spends her time.
Kirara will make a great bride.
Kirara, the Cat
>>623192 He's triple wrong because he doesn't like me in particular and I am definitely not the worst guy!
anyway, you don't have to push her to go see them. let her do what she wants. love is weird
Kirara, the Cat
I don't push her to do things like that. I don't want to pressure her to make decisions.
Kirara, the CatYuu
I like the double hat on phoenix.
do you think they named them kidneys because they look like kidney beans
adam and even named the plants and animals right so they named the kidney bean but they wouldn't have known about kidneys yet
what if kidneys are named after kidney beans Like a few years later Cain killed Able, looked at his kidney and thought "oh that looks a bit like the bean" and called it a kidney
Gotta beat the heat. It's pretty chill around all those people. Guess it's better to stay in the water and cool if it can.
>>623221 >man I don't even care if I get shot I'm not leaving this pool
I hope they were able to get it out probably not nice to see a kangaroo drown in your pool
>>623223 Seemed like it was doing alright Looked like a pretty shallow pool So unlcess it goes to sleep it'll probably just chill
>>623225 That's true, but it's not like nature doesn't have its own pools I imagine if kangaroos weren't smart enough to not drown falling asleep in billabongs then they wouldn't exist anymore
Yeah but how good are kangaroos generally with foresight. Humans are smart enough (usually) to not fall asleep in drownable water because we can see the drowning that will happen if we do. The roo might just go "aw mate this is so comfy Imma gonna snooze for a bit".
Really though the fact that there's a bunch of people around means the kangaroo's probably not gonna be able to relax enough to fall asleep anyway.
>>623225 i think you probably don't need foresight for that i think there's innate sensitivity around those organs and parts of the body that are important like the snout and ears i would imagine they would not like to be submerged, especially while they are in a relaxed state and not on guard
like you're specifically in a stimulated state i dont think they'd fall asleep in the middle of taking a #2 for instance, or in the middle of eating a sloth might though
Fair enough. Kangaroos look like moderately ... if not intelligent, conscious-enough animals from what I've seen in the past that I can't imagine they'd do something like that anyway. But I figured an actual Aussie would have more experience with something like that than I would.
they're pretty alert creatures at the least they seem to have sharp senses
Guess you got to be to survive on a continent where everything is trying to kill you.
hey Rene do you see kangaroos very often? In all the time I spent in Australia, I don't think I ever actually saw any outside of trips way away from home and the zoo
Yeah I see them all of the time, maybe not so much where I live now but at my parents home and in the area I work I can find them pretty easily If I wanted to I could drive in town to the local mental hospital and go see them there, that place has built quite the reputation with tourists to the point to someone saw it as a business opportunity and started a bus service down there
i can't afford mental health care in the US and down there they give it to kangaroos for free??? ridiculous
>>623232 Damn Guess they just weren't hanging around my area That's kinda cute though
>>623233 Nah they're just baiting the kangaroos with it so they can cull them all in one place
>>623234 whereabouts were you livin there's quite a population on the central coast
>Kangaroo population 2017: Roos outnumber us by two to one holy shit it's over fellas >>623236 there's probably a population going somewhere in Melly dunno that area well enough to hazard a guess where though
>>623237 You can still make it mate. The roos aren't like the emus. Every aussie battler is worth at least 100 roos I think I was just too deep in suburbia for kangaroos to be a frequent appearance
every time i think emus i think snes games because the rom site i used to use was emuparadise and it sounds like a derogatory term for Australia brain is weird
Emu's a pretty common shortform for emulation yeah. I've seen it be used before and there's always a dissonance there.
emu is a term for retatd here dunno it's origins and ain't in use either
if only we had that sociopathic guy who ran over those emus back then
yakuza vs house wives
>>623252 gambare enjoy the feeling of "did i fuck anything up" haunting you for days once you have finished and filed them
>>623253 ... And they don't have anyone spotting you or giving you instruction? Seems good.
It's like they're trying to fuck up and pay people less
Maybe I'm a little bit stupid but I just realized you can shift-click on Chrome tabs to select a bunch at once. And then use that to do stuff like drag them out of the browser window to make a new window of all of them.
Okay Amazon.
>>623259 huh, didn't know that >>623260 nice it's a shame it wasn't one with the padding in that are supposed to be good for your wrist
>>623261 That's because it's only one version of a few. The actual item page has a bunch of style options which are far, far more normal. Stuff like an old-fashioned world map and images like that. This was the only option that was this ... lewd.
I thought I recognised that art https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2526528 >>623262 I wouldn't mind one of the world map ones
the legends are true the sun exists
the starving artist sure takes a lot of picture of food
Only a week left of dogsitting until I'm free
Sounds annoying.
As much as I enjoy the company of dogs, it's been a frustrating month or so
>>623264 if only i could be so grossly incandescent
Well. I did it. I wont know what i messed up until a later date And by then it wont be on our pay
No wait. Actually we might be getting paid today. Er. Tomorrow If thats the case its fine
Ordered a new drawing tablet. I'd like to get back into drawing more often. This one has a built-in wireless receiever/transmitter option which is kind of nice too.
it has four doors at least nothing worse than trying to pile into a two door car
>>623293 nissan makes good cars i guess >>623292 hey this seems familiar
it is indeed a car small cars are fun good handling and quick turns
biiig fucking woooorkday gotta buncha shit to doooo but im tired as hell so im gonna snooze for a bit then im gonna doooo my shit four ho-urs of swat blotter nothin but a lot of wooork fodder wish i was waaatching my surgical proceeeedures
can you tell the tune from the lyrics
I got nothing.
i didnt get to see the bladder construction man it's four hours long i only got through half now ive got a four hour file for work and it's gonna take TWO DAYS assuming 12 hours a day life is so unfair sometimes
Koi of Many Browsers
egg content
we've got an egg crisis on ovary street we need swat backup asap
>>623292 i was followig this guy before everyone knew about him for xenoblade and zelda
this place has a $9.50 delivery fee what the h*ck no thanks boy im hungry
That's a pretty atrocious delivery fee.
what are you hungry for /moe/ i need some inspiration im so hungry
I had breakfast not too long ago. It was just peanut butter on toast though, nothing elaborate.
https://www.grubhub.com/restaurant/joses-cuban-sandwich--deli-401-s-pennsylvania-ave-east-lansing/267546 does anything here look good im so indecisive
The El Sanguchon or The American from the Cuban sandwiches look aight. Philly Cheese is one I'd consider too.
i was lookin at the el sanguchon one that sounded good i dunno why but ham just generally sounds like filler to me i'd rather the portion all be grilled pork
p.s. did you know that el sanguchon is spanish for the sanguchon
the philadelphia stakin cheese is probably good but i can't eat beefs i think i will do the sanguchon and the pulled pork sandwich
in their beverages section they have the option of getting a 12oz "Mr. Dew"
I don't think I've ever tried Mr. Dew. Is that anything like PhD Pepper?
it's cuban so it's probably more like a señor dew
i miss rin he'd watch these videos with me i dunno if he liked em but he pretended to at least
good call on the sandwich it's not a tremendous portion for the price, but it's not meager either and it's really tasty
It sounded like a decent combination. I'm not huge on saucy or leafy sandwiches for the most part but the rest sounded pretty good, and the house sauce piqued my curiousity.
it's a touch spicy since it is cuban but i mean, im a thai food fanatic so it's satisfying the sandwiches are kinda thin really, not a whole lot of girth to them, but they're on a steamn hot sweet bun and they're full of flavor they came with rice and beans so it's pretty decent i think i get two meals and a snack out of these two sandwiches
Man I'm so tired. Guess I should have tried to sleep a bit in the morning.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWEAnnoFormerRei@mobile
At the airport
hello hello
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
good evening
Herro herro
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Kirara, the Cat
Are you guys enjoying your post-Christmas break?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it's going ok I work tomorrow and friday so I'll have to get into the rhythm of things
Kirara, the Cat
I worked today. I was really productive, though.
/moe/ i need help with something please also quads
today my close friend (and the only person i really hang out with regularly at the moment) and i were chatting in the break room towards the end of our shifts and i asked when would be best to exchange gifts she said "let me check my schedule... i have sunday off" so i said "oh i have sunday off too" and she said "oh ok cool"
and then after a pause she said "now i just need to find out if (her crush) is doing anything that day in case they can exchange gifts "
and i was like "uhh alright"
and then at the end of our shift i decided to ask for clarification "when you said you just need to find out if they're free, were you saying that you need to find out if you're going to make plans with them before making any plans with me" and she said "well yeah because..." and then i walked off because i was upset am i right to be upset here am i taking this the wrong way
Kirara, the Cat
i think what she's doing is pretty common but usually you don't say it out loud and tell someone they're your second choice i think it's totally reasonable to feel offended by it it's pretty disrespectful
I'm the jesus of lands past you shall bow down to me you mother fucking shit lickers. Momiji
it rose right in front of us shimmering down on the ocean as it did it's so beautiful
ty ty
>>623355 why does that girl have chocolate sauce dropping from her mouth it's gonna get her blouse all messy
what's wrong with messy sometimes you gotta do it throw tidiness aside
hello how are we
Oh, is something going on?
Kirara, the Cat
>>623370 I'm having the best night I've had in a long time. It's basically over, though
>>623372 it's already over all that's left is disgust
>>623373 Oh, that's really good. I'm happy you're having a nice holiday. Did something good happen?
>>623374 Ah, I know that feeling. I'm really disgusted with someone who was a friend until a few days ago right now myself.
Kirara, the Cat
>>623375 We went to the beach again tonight. We've been here like four hours, just watching the stars. I brought my camera and did a lot of cool photography. And then the moon rose right in front of us and shimmered down across the ocean. So we watched the moon rise for a while.
We're heading back to the car now, though.
stargazing with someone you're close to sounds nice >>623375 i'm a bit more disgusted in myself over here sorry to hear you had a falling out though, dealing with that kind of thing is really draining
>>623376 Oh, that is a nice night. What's the temperature like?
>>623377 Ah, I know that feeling too. I hope things start looking up. It sucks being gloomy over the holidays.
Kirara, the Cat
>>623378 67. There's a really lovely sea wind, too.
Oh, that's a nice temperature. The weather is really nice in Florida.
Kirara, the Cat
Tonight was pretty amazing. I feel more relaxed than I've felt in a long time. I kind of wish we could just snuggle up and sleep here, I'm pretty tired. And comfy.
The eagle has landed.
Kirara, on the off chance that you want to hang out I am in Florida right now. Although I'm 95% sure you don't feel like driving to the panhandle.
>>623381 Well, you can head home and get tired and comfy!
Kirara, the Cat
>>623384 Yeah, but it's an hour's drive home! Not the most romantic end to the night
Riding alone in the car and chatting with someone you like can be a nice night too.
Kirara, the Cat
I'm too dorky for it I gotta sing
I got to meet up with my friends from high school again today. Also got to see one I hadn't seen since then yet there, which was nice. It was a fun little post-Christmas party for the lot of us.
And then I got invited to a New Years bash that some more distant friends from high school are hosting. So I guess I have plans for once, hah hah.
Oh, i see. well I guess if you like singing in the car that's okay too.
Kirara, the Cat
I think I might have fallen in love again tonight.
I think Fish likes it even though I can't sing. Zhe /// She doesn't stop me at least and she laughs
>>623378 I wish I could believe things would look up but when they do I will probably sabotage myself again it's not very optimistic but pretty realistic I want to sleep for a few years
>>623395 no worries, I'll be alright I'm not going to die but it might be a little while to heal
let me know what i can do ive been having worsening communication problems so i dont know what to do about things anymore it's hard to reach out to anyone
>>623397 i appreciate it. if i figure anything out I'll let you know. for now I am just going to float. It would be nice to swim again, eventually.
please be kind to yourself sorry for being a mess
my track record on that is not so good, but I'll try my best. there's nothing you need to apologise for, though.
ive been pretty negligent, and not knowingly i kind of just dropped out of everything for a long time and forgot things ive been really reckless and irresponsible i definitely do
or there definitely is, rather
How bad is our list tonight, tilde? Do you think we can hold out another day for ika?
>>623403 Have you heard from him on whether he's a no-show or not tonight. Last I checked I think he could make tonight?
Yeah I believe we've got him.
Kirara, the Cat
home at last
>>623404 >>623405 Oh, I thought he was a no-show. He sent mes a message two days ago saying he'd be gone for two days. but that's just fine that he's here
Might be stuff coming out as early as next week. Tuesday onwards is January.
>>623415 No you're pretty spot-on. Most of the timeslots around New Years are generally filled up with seasonal content. But some times there's stuff airing in that first week.
most stuff is gonna be 2nd week in january oh maybe im wrong nevermind tilde prob knows better
new boogiepop on the fourth but im not sure how to feel about that
>>623417 Hrrm I also have mixed feelings. Although it's been so long since I last watched it that I don't remember much from it.
Kirara, the Cat
I'm exhausted.
>>623414 Wow, it's already January, huh. Is Code Geass this coming season? I haven't checked the lists yet.
>>623419 Nice to meet you exhausted, I'm FormerRei.
>>623419 The Code Geass project has shifted from a new season to at least one, maybe only one? new movie. That is set to air in theatres this season though I think.
Kirara, the Cat
>>623422 huh when did this happen the three movies they announced are recap afaik code geass is still supposed to be R3
Kirara, the Cat
oh i guess i missed the news in october that's incredibly disappointing
Yeah that seems to be the general reception to the shift I've seen. Plus the movie trilogy they released has some various degrees of retcon so the new content may also go with the stuff they change in those.
Kirara, the Cat
>The Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection dub will come out in North American theaters in 2019 but an exact premiere date has not yet been announced. you gotta be squidding me
>>623428 Uggggh I want to see it in theaters subbed.
>>623430 It might be a bit harder because you're not exactly in a big city or anything, but from what I've seen if a theatre is offering the dubbed they can also host sub screenings for things.
>>623435 >they can also host subbed screenings Yeah but they won't. There will probably be one screening per theater, thats what usually happens.
bangKirara, the Cat
ill just wait for the BDs
Hibang >>623440 You won't watch the shitty Japanese camrip?
Kirara, the Cat
Good luck avoiding spoilers.
Kirara, the Cat
it will be pretty easy because i don't go on reddit or 4chan (basically the same thing but yeah)
What about twitter?
Kirara, the Cat
twitter is anime casual central nobody is even gonna know the movie is airing and i don't read japanese so JP twitter won't really spoil me
>>623447 >anime casual central Maybe for you Depends on who you're following
Kirara, the Cat
unless you wanna follow like right winger anime twitter left wing anime twitter is casual but right wing anime twitter has no capacity for understanding anything and they're all racist so they're not worth interacting with usually and centrists block me lol
I'm sure there's /// Man why does it always gotta jump to politics Like shit all I did was bring up anime on twitter and suddenly we gotta drag in the old scales Like surely there's people on twitter who just really really like anime I dunno man I think your view of twitter might just be skewedd because you naturally gravitate to politics
Kirara, the Cat
huh that's just how anime twitter is structured it's literally structured along political lines
Kirara, the Cat
>>623451 i have an anime twitter where i only follow artists and people who post about anime i have two twitters like that actually
Why the fuck do you have so many twitter accounts?
Kirara, the Cat
why do you care how many twitter accounts i have
>>623451 everything devolves into politics eventually rather people who have conviction in anything will connect that philosophy to their social being in all facets it's frustrating to think there are swathes who would write you off as a negligible existence over a sentence on twitter but that's how people are.
time to bring up the "suspicious tablets in a plastic bag" once more
atleast I have a car this year, so I don't need to use public transit or walk
>>623534 Don't get me wrong, I am normally off today! I started drinking and then he had sent me a text about it, but I don't want to go in on my day off when I'm drunk. He'll probably just find someone else to handle it, I bet.
it's the verbiage about "I hope i get fired" that's worrying me
well, it would be a really convenient thing to blame my actions on, I guess.
well then off to indirectly cause blindness
have fun
Man I've slept maybe two hours in the past twenty-eight. I'm really tired.
yeah im very tired i gotta work for another 10-ish hours though idk if im gonna hit this deadline really working on holidays is really tough
>>623617 I believe in you! You've doubted yourself a million times but it seems like you can still pull through.
Do you get holiday pay? A lot of people have asked me about that, but I don't. It's a choice for franchisees.
That's kind of a shitty deal.
there's no holiday pay no overtime either i need to get a real job, like being a salaried dota 2 captain
And then when you're playing in The International you can invite me along as part of the entourage!
>>623619 It's all relevant, haha. I still get paid about 50% more than your average conbini slave. >>623620 >real job >video games It shocks me to think that we're living in a world where this is a thing. Even the pro players that make three or four times as much as me still joke about it not being a "real job", haha.
im actually gonna pursue it i know i'm a little past prime age for that stuff now but i think it's okay i had to put that dream on hold for five years while i took care of family and neglected myself im still in the hazy part of sobering up from benzodiazepine usage for that many years and i've already reclaimed a lot of myself and have pulled this ragtag team of low-leaderboard players to success against some tier three teams it's different now than it was in 2013/2014 too, just four years and the industry has boomed. it's now a pretty real possibility and not a fantasy pipedrem
my communication deficits and schizophrenic patterns are holding me back a bit right now, and i'm really out of shape compared to what i used to be being in shape actually matters a lot for esports, more so than you'd imagine i need to not be a crippled piece of shit and start running, quit this pepsi addiction ive started after i stopped alcohol, and i need to get my vision checked out probably should quit smoking but those are important for managing thought disorders so i dont want to do that right now
>>623624 my reflexes are way down from what i used to be i think that's probably a combination of my prior drinking and my current use of wellbutrin, but getting older definitely hurts that too my fucking carry player is literally half my age. he's a 14 year old russian kid it's really bizarre captaining a 14-year old but if you didn't know that, you'd easily think he was 20-something
>>623623 If Ben Roethlisberger can still be a top tier quarterback in the NFL at 36, I'm pretty sure you can be the pro you want to be, too. Prime age means less than raw talent and drive.
i really gotta be careful though it could really easily just be an upswing of hypomania that's gonna be self-destructive, iunno if i get full manic it'd be worse than just living sedated
no one working in this company seems to ever be on schedule
>>623623 My reflexes aren't quite what they used to be either, haha. Probably even worse after severing a tendon in the left wrist, but we'll see if it recovers. I've never really been too interested in professional competition, however, I always find that kind of environment too energetic. Back when I was 14 I really enjoyed those competitive, twitchy games, like Quake 3 and such, though.
legit pills
>>623622 are sports ever really a "real job" most have super early retirement age, really bad job security and so on
>>623627 ive actually got no competitive drive, so it's kind of weird not in the sense that other people do, anyway i've got zero interest in pushing myself to be better than another individual or feel threatened by anothers' skill, and i don't get any of that competitive high from a victory that pushes up confidence and self esteem that's all actually completely uninteresting to me
i do it because it's a stimulated environment and gives my brain a lot of stuff to do the spirit and objectives of that competition line up very closely with how i view the world from the perspective of systems dynamics and signal processing it is a comfortable and satisfying place to rest my mind the only place more comfortable is in the surgical setting but i'm never going to afford medical school and i'm way too old for that now i can't live in an unstimulated environment like my current job has, or like being a caretaker for my family has, without massive overuse of sedatives to dull my senses and be complacent im really tired of doing that and i miss myself
math is pretty good too, but aside from some sensationalism and twitter hype, there's not much to be gained there right now
Haroohee Suza Maya
>>623630 I used to find the thrill of challenging people stronger than I somewhat intoxicating. I guess I still kind of do, but there's a lack of ability now. I know my limits. I know I can't be like them.
i suppose i could still perform surgeries but it's probably going to result in bad end if i don't go the proper path and become a doctor first
If I wasn't quite as much of a waste, I would have already been on that path myself, haha. There's no real chance for me to do that anymore, though. Perhaps I could still fulfill the role of nurse or paramedic, but my conviction is severely lacking.
I wonder what the path ahead has installed for me
The sky's the limit.
The dirt is the limit. I can't wait to hit my six feet.
if you take a dirt nap you run the risk of waking up more tired than you were before
>>623639 If it means I get some rest from this, I'll gladly revive.
I sure hope I haven't got blocked ears from being in the water I've had a bit of trouble from blocked ears in the past
I sure wish it was easier to gift digital games maybe I'll make a nintendont account on pc and try that way
hey mister FBi would you be able to get me a stinger grenade by chance
Kirara, the Cat
why do you want a stinger grenade
isn't it a missile
>>623659 i wanted to try it out or put it in a collection
Kirara, the Cat
i probably can't get a live one
Kirara, the Cat
my mom called me and was telling me how great fish is and we're a good couple and i was super suspicious because i didn't understand and then mom goes "im thinking about starting a business" and i immediately saw what she was trying to do
wow she’s pretty transparent
Your mom is like a soap opera bad mom.
*villain mom
Kirara, the Cat
yeah she's really something
also the business she wants to start is one where she goes to schools and teaches children how to treat wounds during shootings
so that's something
>>623668 When you paused after teach children I expected you to follow it with "how to shoot guns". >>623670 Nice
Kirara, the Cat
also apparently she's best friends with the dude that tried to scam my grandfather at synagogue now
Kirara, the Cat
he was treasurer at the synagogue my grandfather went to and tried to scam him out of like $2k claiming he had all these fees and shit
Oh yeah One of my friend is related to a serial killer. Just found this out.
Oh wait, hes not a serial killer, she exaggerated.
This guy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Durst
hmm nearly 300 in sales today quite much more, actuall 3x than usual
ofc don't help that all tabloid magazines are filled with headlines of "AAA CHAOPS ON NEW YEAR; WEATHER SO BAD YOU MUST DIG AH OLE FOR YOURSELF"
Wait maybe he is a serial killer.
mm the premium mcd meals are quite nice too bad they are europe only thing
also power chords for phones are quite pricy 15€ for a 3m one
Koi of Many Browsers
Pushing the "Pay Off In Full" button on your loan is satisfying as fuck.
btw anyone want a game called Achron?
>>623680 i should be able to do that to one of them in the near future
>notice friend bought me a present on steam >go to his wishlist >hmm his cheapest is xcom2 >buy it anyhow >go look up the game he bought for me >less than 1€ in sale welp >>623685 per hour man
Koi of Many Browsers
I'm going to do it again next year gonna be great
Koi of Many Browsers
and my raise kicked in 23.1 -> 24.8
btw how did the paycheck paperwork go?
Koi of Many Browsers
well, we got paid today which means the deadline is actually next week not this week luckily for everyone but even so, everything seems to have gone fine
the weirdest jobs pay damnw ell in USA
Kirara, the Cat
>>623685 you make 2.5x what i do per hour and i have a masters degree
wait let me guess those are theo nes with Unions, aye?
Koi of Many Browsers
and I'm not at top pay yet
Kirara, the Cat
once i actually have my license, im gonna be making like $60k a year starting probably more like $100k if i play my cards right it's so much
Koi of Many Browsers
I did 51k this year. before tak tax
Kirara, the Cat
yeah but id be working like 30 hours a week
Koi of Many Browsers
nice the dream
Kirara, the Cat
you can come work for me and get big manny we'll start a co-op clinic
Koi of Many Browsers
I'm gonna show up with my ability to manage paperwork and I'm gonna dominate the field of managing documents and phone calls
Kirara, the Cat
i could probably get you a masters degree if you wanted one in psych you have a bachelor's so you can administer some psych tests if i train you and that experience would get you into a school easy
>>623702 what kind of self help advice do you have to give
Koi of Many Browsers
No, see, that's the thing. I don't. But when you write books, you get all your other shit together simply because you want to procrastinate on writing the book
Kirara, the Cat
i dont know if it works like that
Koi of Many Browsers
well, maybe not a self-help book. maybe something I'm interested in writing.
Kirara, the Cat
Like what?
A book on anime tiddies.
>>623704 what is this the "study for text, clean your room" meme
Koi of Many Browsers
Koi of Many Browsers
If Jordan Peterson can become a seller, then so can I
Kirara, the Cat
he's a professor and a (bad) psychologist though he has an existing platform to build grift on
Koi of Many Browsers
only because people have been propping him up as Absolutely Fascinating all his life
Kirara, the Cat
he had a platform before he started his grift though
if you're gonna do this it's gotta be like "how i achieved enlightenment while working for the MTA" or something
Koi of Many Browsers
Nah, fuck the MTA. I need a better brand. Something that's me. Something Koi >Rise and Shine Let's Boil This Egg
Kirara, the Cat
how i achieved enlightenment while removing the backgrounds from images
How I achieved enlightenment by saving manga.
Kirara, the Cat
if you want to live a good life, ignore context
Koi of Many Browsers
>Much of my successes in life have come from a desire to remove shells >Find the yolk in YOUR life. >And enjoy the egg whites in the periphery
Kirara, the Cat
im blue and so can you
Kirara, the Cat
im so sleep deprived today that while i was watching your stream you unpeeled the egg off screen and i saw it afterwards and i said "why does he have both brown AND white eggs" and then i was like WAIT SAME EGG
what the hell blue now does egg streams?
Kirara, the Cat
yeah it's the daily egg boiling stream
Daily? Noice
Koi of Many Browsers
That's it. That's how I'm gonna start my platform Boiling eggs.
get swatted for boiling eggs
Koi of Many Browsers
i'll die throwing a half boiled egg at a SWAT dude and it'll be a great metaphor somehow
i just did a five hecking hour audio file of swat comms it took me since like 7 last night
Koi of Many Browsers
Ugh, jeez
Koi of Many Browsers
I don't even think I would want to listen to that.
Goodo Jobbu
>>623731 most of the five hours was them trying to figure out how to get everyone's cars off the scene after the altercation because there's protocols and debriefing they have to go through but their cars are still sitting there blocking the shit out of everything
Kirara, the Cat
cops suck to listen to they're always being super boring or just being rude to each other
so today I carried my groceries in my hands, while having a backbag on my back, that was completely open all |_ and only noticed it once I was in an elevator must have looked damn funny
wish we had more hours, but damn do I like these late mornings
and damn did I sleep weird last night slept like 10 hours, but only in like 1-2 hour bursts had a lot of I guess fever dreams too only remember the first one I woke up to a starcraft 2 zerg unit, corruptor, creeping and buzzing above my head like a bug and then noticed a huge infestation of them all around my house so I ran around and swatted them all to death and then got knock on my door, with cops and the maintenance guys busting through my door due to noise complaints and then I am all "the fug, it is 31st and there are people literally blowing up fireworks in the corridor and you bust me for just killing bugs!?" and then they are all "yeah, but here was lot of WHACKING and that annoyes people more" and I am all "yeah but zerg" and then they are "show" and I show and then they leave and then I go back to sleep and then wake up
that was weirdest draem I have had in a long while, while being in a way very realistic.
>>623734 have you tried any white kratoms yet i got some white thai because i can't handle reds anymore this is so good
Kirara, the Cat
i dont get anything out of white
it's possible im mistaking the effect of non-sedation for the kratom who knows it seems pretty good though red just makes me sleepy and im totally not digging that anymore
Kirara, the Cat
it's probably just me whenever i take white i don't get any noticeable effect my pupils don't even constrict so im pretty sure it's not even activating ive tried like three different strains from two companies and same shit idgi
maybe you ordered kratom for white people by mistake instead of white kratom
i think im gonna go off my wellbutrins by the way i haven't been able to fragment and then i get distressed im just saying something out loud for posterity keep an eye on me if i stray too far away okay
>>623747 tactical gale?? i probably dont even want to know
I ate a kg of satsuma
i ate a kilogram of satsuki
I was playing with my cat a couple days back and I think she got her claws up on my neck. There's what feel like two thin scratches there. Thing is I don't even remember feeling getting scratched.
got her claws upon your neck
>>623752 they gave her a new weapon its green 14 mt gronnraven with a refine that gives it tactics spectrum
I wonder how much satsuma I will eat before the end of the year
>>623772 It was more of a party outing than what I'm figuring you're signing up for, but the boat was nice to be on. This would have been back during high school so my memory of what it was exactly was a bit fuzzy. But they boarded us on and sailed around the lake for a few hours or so. It was pretty smooth sailing if I remember correctly, would have barely known I was on a boat out on the water if I'd spent all the time inside. I think they had some simple entertainment and food but I can't really remember those details.
I imagine a scenic tour would be a neat way of doing something like that though.
Kirara, the Cat
>>623773 Do you think a date night on a riverboat would be fun? Dinner and entertainment.
>>623774 Well I'm a well bit removed from the intricacies of date nights, but I think I'd look forward to enjoying it, especially if it was a new route or place I'd never been. Entertainment's kind of a non-factor for me but a travelling dinner like that would have a novel feel for me.
i hate working out when I have work the next day, cuz i don't want to be all sore and busted during work but also i hate working out on workdays because i'm already tired and busted from work
Kirara, the Cat
it's $60 for the night maybe I'll do it
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
so long hats!
Now you've got a few days to code up a New Years party hat element.
Kirara, the Cat
>>623779 do you wanna come by to philly at all? we're gonna be there 2-6 tilde and i are 2-6, jan is probably 2-4, rook is 4-7, and blue is 3-6
Time for the yearly trip, huh?
Kirara, the Cat
Yeah. We didn't get to go in Summer because I was breaking down and didn't do the planning, so we're doing it Winter now.
Kind of works out at least though. I dunno if I'd have been able to make it in the summer if it had happened.
Kirara, the Cat
My mom keeps trying to get her /// get me to let ger talk to fish on the phone lol
>>623784 It'll be my first time up north in the dead of winter! I'm excited for cold.
>Philadelphia on January 2nd >High of 13C (56F) Yeah, cold. At least it looks like they're predicting a steep drop in temperature in the following days.
>>623787 jsing her assets for her own personal gain by cozying up to her and pretending to not be a horrible racist
Kirara, the Cat
>>623787 Mother dearest called me this morning to tell me how great of a couple we are and how wonderful Fish is. Coincidentally, she also wants to start a business and is looking for someone to cover the costs!
>>623790 She didn't didn't use any slurs, but she did say that Fish was very nice for a black person, despite the fact that Fish isn't really black.
Kirara, the Cat
Anyway, she wants to teach school children to treat gunshot wounds or something.
How are you today, Rika?
Like actively bleeding gunshot wounds? Treating traumatic injuries may be a little bit traumatic for children.
>>623792 I'm doing okay. I'm going back to work tomorrow. I slept most of the day today so I'm feeling well rested.
Kirara, the Cat
>>623793 Yeah, it's definitely not a good idea. Kids are already getting traumatized by unannounced active shooter drills and stuff.
Oh, that's nice. I hope you won't have a ton of work to do. I think I'm sick today. I have a slight fever and I've been feeling super hot and sweating a lot.
i think introducing kids to the wonderful world of medical treatment and some basic surgical skills is a swell idea i dont think it's good to instill them with even more fear of shootings though
im off until wednesday after tomorrow thank you based pto
because she is disgusted by the idea that her son would want to date, let alone marry, someone who is nonwhite
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
We don't play this anymore but Kirara I think this design is kind of awesome what do you think
Kirara, the Cat
im not sure i think the pose is so bad that it's hard to really read the design the concept looks solid at least
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
second form has living sleeves
Kirara, the Cat
So do I.
YuuTalesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Cat
My neighbor was shouting outside my door again earlier. I didn't answer, though.
He's really annoying sometimes. He's the one that believes in all those conspiracy theories about 9/11 and the government hiding aliens and the Illuminati controlling the world and stuff.
Yeah I can't blame not wanting to dig too deeply in there. It's often more exhausting than it's worth.
Kirara, the Cat
Right? I don't want to deal with it.
I forgot to bring a dress shirt.
My dad is going to be furious.
The only shirt I brought with buttons is a Hawaiian shirt that now smells like BO.
>>623814 He's about to blow the lid on the whole goddamn NWO if you'd just listen to him!
ive never actually watched any of the videos so i honestly don't know but people seem to like him
I'm impressed he even wears the get-up when he goes out to get the food.
I think that reviewbrah is actually a time traveller from 18th century london or something like that Which is why he goes so indepth with fast food. He doesn't realise it's junkfood
I've watched some of his videos, they're alright he has a radio thing going on to which I've been meaning to listen to but I can't bring myself to do it
>>623835 ah the finished one looks great but something about the gun's laser seems a big off
>>623844 I think it's because the twin buster rifles beam is just like, a gif on loop almost. It feels a little bit cheap, instead of being a lavishly animated laser beam Everything else is aweseom though, it's a tiny nitpick. The animation on the wings is great >>623846 It looks like something out of a professional sunrise product
>>623845 yeah that's about right, the first loop looks great but it'd be a bit better if it didn't loop afterwards the rest of the animation is stellar though for sure
my coworker got me a gift for christmas haha it's some adidas cologne i don't usually wear cologne though
That's still sweet of them. Getting gifts unexpectedly is always a little off-putting though.
yeah it's a nice thought i'm gonna use it anyways maybe they'll notice
I can't really do any kind of scent because my head is kind of bothered by them. Cologne is weak enough that it doesn't trigger that, but the close similarity is enough to put me at unease and discomfort. Must be a nice thing to have on hand though. Not like it goes bad, probably.
i generally like the way cologne and perfume smells some people use a bit too much but most wear it lightly enough it's nice
月Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
>>623781 oh, right! ok let me plan this i think it's possible
hello, how are we?
I Whoops. I'm good enough.
You good?
i'm alright witnessing some kind of mod holocaust in region chat in this game they're chat muting loads of people and also anyone who asks whats going on haha maybe someone got mod powers and they're having a little too much fun or something
they've kicked like 20 to 25 people now for various lengths including me somebody stop these madmen
Just spreading a little holiday cheer. And by cheer I mean chaos.
i tried to call my sister for her birthday and she ignored my call
>>623861 did she just not pick up or did it ring and suddenly go to voicemail? >>623863 i am not really sure maybe both if they're trolling they're gonna lose their mod powers though
>>623862 didn't pick up and didn't text back or return the voicemail either
How long ago was it?
earlier this evening i know what it is though she always does this thing and acts like im a bad person for being distant from the family but then every time i try to reach out she never responds it's really frustrating she does it to our other sister too so i know im not imagining it
Ah, I see. It feels bad to be ignored. I hope she replies eventually.
moon ive been in queue so long duo with my friend that the timer is stuck at 99:00
Wow that's terrifying queue time. Is your friend on the other side of the planet or something?
>>623965 Hi Bang I know you're responding to the previous conversation but I won't ignore you don't worry.
>>623968 he may or may not have a party mmr of 517 to my party mmr of 1800 something
>517 What the fuck wow. I've never heard of an MMR so low.
even at 517 it still net him into Crusader instead of Herald
also FUCK it popped just as he went afk
Yeah if you're going AFK just drop the queue. There's an urban myth that if you've been queuing for a long time it might be better to just reset the queue. Since the search is now pulling from people that are way too unrelated to your data that it'll make for a lousier game. I dunno how true that is though.
>requeue >INSTANT
what is dota like at 10 mmr?
Probably the same it's at when around 400 MMR or so, since few enough people are probably in that skill range. Really clowny and inefficient.
fair enough i was just reminded of this classic talking about low mmr >>>/watch?v=bfbRXGePhfU this video cracks me up every time
wow we actually won
>>623986 Honestly it actually probably looks a lot like this, just in DotA mechanics. Admittedly I have to take the worst I've seen and extrapolate downwards, but a lot of the common problems are consistent. You'll get a lot of people that once a thing fails, will just try that exact same thing next time and be bewildered that it did not work that time as well, which was pretty much what that first segment was. People will position themselves poorly which was a common theme like the congo lines and poor situational awareness. I think the biggest thing would probably be that people don't learn from failure in that area though. If you can realize your failures and how to do better next time odds are over time your skill will improve. So if you lack that you're just doomed to do the same things that fail over and over again until you get a situation where the other team fails harder and you win. Which of course does nothing but reinforce your wrong choices.
hello anime friends I fell asleep at anime night and just woke uo. up too
thanks for anime!
Wow hah hah. Guess you've been working hard lately, huh.
Actually today I didn't set my alarm and slept like 10 hours. I had the day off. You know that feeling when you sleep a lot but the extra sleep makes you more sleepy? Today was like that.
wow i actually guessed right huh
Yeah it just ends up making you groggy the whole time. Sleep is hard work.
of course now that I slept 10 hours and took a nap at anime I don't feel sleepy anymore even though i have to wake up for work in 4 hours. so life is going to be full of suffering regardless.
Yeah I can imagine. A long day awake makes the first day back at work all the more exhausting. At least it's one day before the weekend again.
only 15 characters left to complete classic on man t his takes a long time
It does get a little repetitive after a while.
>>623999 good way to get a feel for how all the characters work and what moves they have though but real repetitive.
>>624024 That looks so good. like an LP or CD cover.
Kirara, the Cat
it's such an aesthetic it's def going in my album cover folder too
>>624027 yeah just replace the band name and album name or something with what's on the sign or maybe just name the album swim at own risk
Kirara, the Cat
lifeguard off duty would be a good band name actually
Kirara, the Cat
i also got the moon
Kirara, the Cat
it was difficult because there was a lot of light pollution
>>624026 damn apparently they got these signs all over the place i've seen at least 3 different ones looking for that original thread anyways >>624032 this one looks oddly surreal with the stars in the sky and brightness the sea spray kinda looks like clouds a little bit too
>>624032 that's really cool I never noticed you captured the stars
apparently there's a new black mirror and it's a cyoa
what also how
Kirara, the Cat
i dunno yet there's supposed to be like 5 hours of video for it and maybe you pick choices and it goes to a new stream? like those old VN things on YouTube
>>624061 like a shitty comedy central cyoa er collegehumor did those i think
or like a really short david cage game
get off my house boat
what you're in a boat house?
I'd live in a houseboat that mite b cool
yeah same as long as it doesn't give me motion sickness never been in a houseboat so i couldn't be sure
Kirara, the Cat
>>624062 lmao it's probably exactly like a david cage game maybe ill try it today
i might check it out after i finally finish classic with 73 characters i'm so close just like 5 left to go
they haven't released him yet i dunno if i'm gonna get him early i think he's coming in jan or so, not that i really give a shit i'm just wanting Joker and that P5 Golden that's rumored
Kirara, the Cat
yeah same i only care about the persona stuff
Kirara, the Cat
give akechi a redemption arc
give yusuke a 9* romance option
Kirara, the Cat
yeah def add gay romance
add femc too and MORE MUSIC
Kirara, the Cat
female joker gonna be an absolute queen
Kirara, the Cat
they'd have to re-animate a bunch of stuff though i bet they won't
>>624079 >to play femc you have to play the game in P3P style VN mode problem S O L V E D
Kirara, the Cat
Kirara, the Cat
or just give femjoker the same outfit and just change face and hair in the animated portions lol
>>624082 nah gotta give her stockings boy shorts and high heels adjusting the animations from joker wouldn't be too hard he's not a very big guy
Kirara, the Cat
yeah but i mean the animated portions anime stuff
>>624084 oh i'm a dummy maybe they still have the koreans in the basement they don't cost much
maybe they're using that p5 anime monies to animate it
Kirara, the Cat
i hope so femjoker would be awesome
ALSO add a romance with sae
Kirara, the Cat
put spider man in persona 5
Featuring Spider-Man from the Spider-Man Series! put spiderman in smash
Kirara, the Cat
that would be really fun probably
>nintendo finally reaches an understanding with Sony >Spiderman, Kratos, and Dante confirmed for smash