Beelzebub-jou Black Clover Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa Conception Cooking with Emiya --Episodes 10-12 Golden Kamuy Hataraku Saibou Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Seishun Buta Yarou Bunny Girl Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san Tsurune Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru
yay it's jan do you black clover, jan? ah what does he do that we can replace it with
okay then see you in about 24 min
okay let's start!
Kuro Kusoba
He does not.
>>623421 >>623423 im here i had to set up some stuff on my deskto[p
my laptop doesn't work right now >>623433 yeah i can pass on that just watch it without me
We're going way back for the recap this episode.
This Witch Queen has a perpetual "looking at walking garbage" face.
Sasuga Yami.
This series does have a pretty funny asspull mechanic though. It's easy to handwave power upgrades when they literally appear out of thin air in front of you.
>>623512 i guess in this case it's alright though, his son really needs to get a taste of sacrifice. then again maybe they're both just really fucked up. >>623518 yeah there's been a lot of surprises this season i think
the show was pretty greaty i wasn't expecting much when we started
This show was interesting, because the protagonist is overpowered as all getout but the show still managed to be interesting and was something I looked forward to each week. I'm still not quite sure how it happened to be interesting and compelling with next to no dramatic tension.
It has good side characters. The goblins and oni have been great. And the Shizue plot was actually kind of compelling.
>>623521 probably the same way Log Horizon kept attention the overarching plot growth is fun and the OP mary sue MC just serves as a device to further the changes in t he world around him
Also regular reminder because y'all people don't remember shit this show is two-cour and isn't over yet.
I wonder if Rimuru will give her a name before this is all over and she'll take on a more human-ish form too.
WOW That was brutal
Yeah. I was expecting it to happen at some point but it's still pretty vicious.
>>623580 Wow, that's cool! My uncle was born on christmas day too. He always seemed to downplay his birthday, though, maybe that's just a product of the timing.
It can probably go either way. I'm the same way, even back before birthdays kind of started getting kind of depressing. But I would expect someone who's more attention-desiring might make a fuss about the holiday encroaching on their birthday.
I feel like having a birthday on christmas makes it kind of feel like everybody is celebrating your birthday! On the other hand, though, I'd probably prefer it if people weren't celebrating on mine.
Those guys are like a really specific kind of immune cell, arne't they? It's probably some horrible disease if it's one of those manager cells and it's attacking T cells.
I think it's the common cold. Which maybe the T cells aren't generally equipped to deal with.
>>623584 I can't really say it's felt like that in particular, but I can see where it would feel like that.
>>623587 t hey're just playing pranks on the rest of the cells.
I keep expecting this normal cell to be slowly morphing into the cold cell.
>>623599 They said something about it being a cold at the opening of the episode, I think? It did seem pretty harmless at first regardless, though! He was just trying to have fun!
Yeah until it takes over the cloning function for cells and overwhelms the body with diseased cells. Pretty appropriate for the common cold though.
I haven't decided I want to do this yet, but what do you guys think about moving anime up an hour (to 9EST) and starting on time? That will put us finished a little earlier.
>>623603 Alright then. >>623605 I have no real feelings anyway. If I can manage to show up in time I will watch what I can. 11PM EST is about 30 minutes to an hour before I get off work, but don't let that stop you. I've got all the time in the world to kill.
>>623605 Do you mean 11PM EST? The current start time is midnight EST after all.
I could do that if we can all make it. I think Ika would probably be the dodgiest since he always seems to be busy or occupied or something.
Fine I'm breaking my vow to shut up >>623612 It would be late for me, but we could figu // figure something out. My point is if it's better to do it earlier for you all, then do it. I can make do with what I can get.
There'll probably be plenty of more or less filler shows that I'm sure you wouldn't be heartbroken over missing anyway.
Honestly barring me getting an absurd start time next semester like classes at 08:00 I can work with the current start time. Especially if we could strive to get started a bit closer to 00:00 rather than 00:30-40. But I'm guessing you're also getting a bit of a short stick with sleep too Rika, or some other time crunch.