Asobi Asobase Chio-chan no Tsuugakurou Cooking with Emiya Free! Grand Blue Hanebado! Happy Sugar Life Harukana Receive Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 22-25 Ongaku Shoujo Planet With Satsuriku no Tenshi Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 6-10
harukana is something you can pick up at any moment, it's just cute girls playing volleyball hmm do we have another jan show up i nthe air to slot into that first spot?
He's watched Planet With. I was just wondering if he'd caught up on his own time since we didn't have him last week.
I am caught up on planet with I don't see anything else on the list that I was watching though i'm ready
This scene right at the start here is from the OP I think. Neat that they incorporate it into the final episode.
Nya > Wan
>>577653 yeah this is awesome the OP finally makes sense
epilepsy warning
the sou // sou nd wow i really made the same mistake twice the sound design in this show is stellar as always
The big things always sound so big. It works really well.
I would have loved to see a full second-cour of this show halfway through the timeskip with Souya in college SoL antics while having to go deal with all the Kigurumians and help Sensei unite them as a singular force against the Dragon.
>>577661 I'd love to just see more of this show. It's great.
Looks like we timeskipped again.
You should read some of Mizukami Satoshi's manga works then. I know you don't really read a lot of manga anymore or even at all but he's got some really good finished series too. Spirit Circle and Sengoku Youko are good series, and Sengoku even has a lot of the interesting timeskip stuff in it too.
wow he got zapped into the past now he has to relive the dragon destroying his planet
Maybe he'll save the dragon as it attacks the planet.
why didn't he just uppercut him and get out in time
Maybe he was a bit exhausted. Didn't know if just a single hit would deter it enough, it was charging pretty fast. If it got out of that portal they didn't really have a contingency plan, and it seemed like they didn't expect to win a fair fight.
Hah hah he got the Dragon mad so that it would open its mouth.
This is a good game. I hope the demon wins though.
Those focus shots on Nagisa's knee really hurt. I've really dinged up my knee before and I know what it's like to put a lot of pressure on it in that situation.
Oh she's lost her control. I guess there's probably some dissonance in her emotions though.
this spooky ost while she's remembering everything
Oh she might trigger the win possibility. Ayano needs to find her way first if she's going to win. If she just keeps being the monster then Nagisa wins.
I feel really bad for wannabe aidoru. She can't leave that dumb commercial behind.
Giant sempai knows what's up.
this music is really funky
Yeah the OST's had some pretty good moments to it.
>Going from knowing nothing about volleyball to competing with national-level players in under a year I think this show tends to not focus much on the insane kind of progression she's had.
The amount of stamina involved in this rally is crazy.
>>577793 Well they literally incited a fire that burnt down a restaurant in the middle of the season so they've already got that much ticked off their list.
Hanako is really scary. This was a good show. THe fact that the author is female really shows through, she really understands girls.
They weren't afraid to show off the absolutely terrifying side of being a girl. It kind of reminds me of Daily Lives of High School Boys in that case, though this show certainly went far out into left field with absurdity and terrifying.
i thought it was really funny three out of four roger ebert stars
I had a blast watching. It was also the first thing in a long while that managed to peak at a sheer level of absurdity in one episode that I felt pretty disorientated after watching. So that was pretty memorable.