>>577849 nah it's capcom it'll just be microtransactions for dumb shit like stickers and emotes and costumes like at least $70 worth of stupid shit like that >>577851 oh i see i doubt it will be necessary to buy them if you just play the game normally though
those "upgrade character quickly" as in moves quickly already got announced
and in that menu we discovered that players will have the option to spend real money to accrue more orbs if they wish to expedite the upgrade process and beef up Dante earlier than usual.
it is a demo but yeah we can ONLY HOPE they drop all that for the actaul release
they probably won't but i don't think it will be a big impedance to enjoying the game
so... why wouldn't CAPCOM COPY NAMCO
>>577855 IF THERE IS A DESIGN THAT INCLUDES "BUY TO BY PASS IT" it means it is a design MENT for that transaction simple as that
the very act of not buying that bypass has been made and designed so that you are tempted to NOT do it in the grindy way but rather buy the ANGELIC WING DESIGN and why by past it
>>577857 I think it's possible they could design the game to be played and completed without transactions and design the transactions to give you an unfair benefit to make the game easier than intended! Possible, but not likely!
I hate how huge the time span for postman appearing is. I guess I'll be sitting by the door for a while.
I swear the postperson is gonna dash to my door and put a "you were out notice in my letter box like lightning.#
Get a laser tripwire that plays a big noise when something steps on the front porch
I need one of trap things - the things that trap your hand for firealarms they used to have. so I can release the postperson back into the wild once I've got my mail.
Although, I do get that they are so fucking pressured for so little pay.
>>577890 What the fuck What if there's an actual fire and they're stuck there
>>577892 I think they aren't actually usually inside buildings and apparently the big metal cuff just detaches from the box and you have it stuck on you (you can still move about) until you are released from it. >>577891 Tired and waiting for mail. I have a lot of stuff to do but I keep putting it off. I was gonna practice drawing. I don't know how I forgot to get my pencils and paper.
I love how people point to shitty places and go "we don't live like that" as if it shuts down any validity to calls for improvement. Oh gee we don't live in country with less rights, guess we better shut up and not try for better in our own country.
Kirara 🚗
funny thing is that most of the rights westerners claim to have are rights they don't actually have
They are pretty much privileges that can be taken away the moment you appear to step out of line.
It's pretty cool! Some kid recently DM'd me wanting to use me as a resource for learning about anarchism and I have a ton of really cool mutuals Like I talk about tabletop games or hiking or all kinds of stuff with them
>>577917 >oh boy i can't wait to see what all my friends have emailed me this weekend >Inbox (1) >Notification from spotify >Check out this playlist we've created for you consisting of great songs like How Many Scleroses Are Too Many, Jingle Bone Rock, So Long and Thanks for the Neurosis, and 36 others
neurosis of the liver
i bet they sell that information to insurance companies too ins companies rather pay thousands of dollars to find any reason not to pay you hundreds of dollars
>>577924 man i did a bunch of transcripts of market research with insurance brokers about their telemedicine plan and listened to how much they tried to hype up the idea of getting to do doctor stuff over the phone or through webcam it's so dumb only one of them had actually used the service personally and he thought it was great but all the doctor was able to do was say "yeah you need to go to the ER" like wtf else can they do
they did actually bring up a lot of really valuable points like consultations just to get scripts and stuff and not having to take a day off of work or leave work early to do it like if you need antibiotics or controlled psych meds or something but even then they were brokers trying to sell employee packages to companies not to individuals so it was like "oh you mean my people dont gotta take a day off work when theyre sick AND it's cheaper than a full health insurance package sure sign us up"
i remember that whole package of interviews had this horrible high-pitched squealing on the recording and the interviewer was only on the left audio channel but surround on the respondent (prob from headset) i assume i only got it because nobody else wanted to deal with that shit i just cleared the audio channels and duplicated it so it was surround for both and removed the channel with the squealing it took like two minutes and it was fine although p quiet
Stuff like this is why I hate my sister coming home. She's a huge slob in the kitchen and acts like you kicked her puppy if you tell her to clean up after herself.
She's making a mess of the bathroom I use too. Unused bandage packages and emptied packages laying about the countertop, despite there being a trash can in the cupboards below the counter. She washes her hands for like a full minute and splashes water all over the counter and then doesn't mop it up, so you can't lean over counter when you're washing or you get that line of damp shirt. And again, acts like it's some deep injustice that she's expected to clean up after herself.
does she start making hotdogs and forget about them and leave them in the toaster too
Thankfully, no. I think she'll forget about egg-scrapped pans that she leaves in the sink for like half a day though.
no not pans that's no good if i were to leave pans dirty i would rather leave them dry and dirty or wipe off the debris and leave a scrub-down for when i next use it leaving it in the water is very gross and dirtier
my roommate is like weeks-tier with dishes and leaving them out i really shouldn't clean his stuff up but he's hardcore otaku so i know it'd never get done otherwise
Hey I'm a hardcore otaku and even I get my stuff cleaned up.
I will admit that I once left a mug sit way too long and fester into mold on my desk though. Which only made me put off more getting it clean. But I -did- clean it eventually.
i will sometimes put off dishes for a long time because i have a very hard time washing dishes, especially more than a couple at a time my fingers are so sensitive that the water really hurts the nerves i guess some people use gloves but i dont have any
I don't have sensitivity issues but I get distracted easily. A single dish I can really pour focus into and zone out cleaning it. But the motion of getting another dish will pull me out of that. Eventually I just get bored and wander off. So if I'm building up a personal backlog I try to keep it to only a few dishes at a time.
i also hate the smell of dishwater i hate touching the sponge and having that dingy smell i end up having to wash my hands after washing dishes kind of ironically and the dishwater smell lingers so long i have no problem with attention but tolerance wears out as soon as the sponge needs to have soap re-applied or once there's little room left and i have to let some dry if it were just me i'd have like three dishes and one glass and just rinse them immediately after using, or after i bring them back in the morning if it's a night snack but as it is, if i wash all the shit in the sink it'll be filled back up with new stuff as soon as room was made in the sink and i hate that i hate having the sink full a pan and a few utensils, sure, but when it's so full that you don't have room to wash anything and it's just gunky and smells terrible, no this whole house actually smells fucking terrible i can't stand it but can't do anything about it either
I can't wash my own dishes if other people's stuff is in the sink. I find most foods other people eat to be disgusting so I can't really wash tgeir dishes either.
Everyone here is usually pretty good Both me and my housemate manage our stuff, although he's constantly drunk so they are occasions where he has problems with food
i've said it before but i wish there were some lower abv beverages, like 2% or 3% that tasted decent i dont like sweet drinks, so something like that would offset dehydration at pretty much the same rate it provides and be pretty clean from the fermentation and tasty something low enough that you could drink it comfortably all day like was done in the days pre water purification when ale was the only clean thing to drink
Watered down vodka? Well that's probably not tasty.
>>577962 There's some pretty weak beers in Japan that are flavoured with fruit. Kind of like, I can't remember the name, but a western beer mixed with grapefuit juice for flavour. I'm not hugely fond of grapefruit juice but I had some apple and peach ones that were good. They tasted like a slightly more fizzy apple juice or along those lines. Er, fizzy and slightly more bitter, I mean.
yeah that sounds too sweet for me i'd be fine with even just like barley soda im sure asian grocers have something like that but i don't seeit >>577966 all day long? no thanks
The view from this fourth-floor reading nook I'm at is pretty nice. Would probably be better if it weren't so overcast outside. Especially since it would mean less glare and I could take a picture without my reflection in it.
and then Unbreakable union of freeborn republics Great Russia has welded forever to stand! Created in struggle by will of the peoples United and mighty, our Soviet Union!
like he wants me to teach him anarchism all ive been doing is recommending readings and helping him think things out on his own though it's weird it's probably a crazy train thing
I think he's in trig we didn't even have trig at my high school
>>578101 Your highschool was trash desu senpai. Wait actually Like for real? That's really fucked up, but i shouldn't expect any better of a Florida public school.
Kirara 🚗
everyone who wanted better math just went to college instead
Well He really should learn math through like single variate calculus.
math isn't going to stop life from sucking
Kirara 🚗
he's 16 he's got a long life to figure out what he wants to do i think i talked some sense into him though by making sure he knows that adulthood is way more stressful and he's going to be
Kirara 🚗
probably homeless if he doesn't at least get a high school diploma
On a different note where the fuck is sk?
on twitter he was getting anxiety from coming here
From what? Just coming here in general or like something specific?
Kirara 🚗
he's not coming here anymore
in general it makes him anxious to be here
That's fucked up I guess I'll see him on steam when I fix my comp.
So my dad left for the grocery store like an hour and a half ago. Still waiting for the stuff I need to make my dinner.
I think not being on /moe/ sometimes makes me anxious.
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-09-24/einstein-theory-passed-test-at-australian-lawn-bowls-club/10262944?sf198270697=1 huh, that's a bit of history I didn't know
Kirara 🚗
i saw someone on twitter saying "why shouldn't i kill myself?' and someone told them to read camus haha wtf
Why the fuck are people so anti bitcoin these days.
stuff like the findings of how much electricity it used it's associated with techbros who are socially inept associated with shady places people see it as too volatile or not much worth
>>578131 Well for one, its not legal tender whose value ia backed by a government so its not a Fiat currency.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
But I held it rei And they held it And it was appraised And each time it was a flat currency.
>>578134 Fiat currencies value is backed by governments and they're legal tender. That's their definition. Bitcoins are a commodity whose value is backed by the time and computational resources required to mint them.
You could generate enoughto coins to buy a Fiat
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>578135 You're right, the government had no say in the value of that bitcoin. However, it was still very much flat.
Had to sprint up the stairs from the subway platform and probably look a little goofy waving my arms to catch the bus driver as he was getting ready to shove off from the loading bay but I caught my bus.
If that's your idea of a god then it's still a pretty empty threat.
b b b b b ang
i didn't think about that
Wow Haruhi is getting new written material for the thirtieth anniversary of its publisher. It's a shame the series went irrelevant after the author stopped -started writing at a pace that would make G.R.R.Martin proud.
The original artist will be drawing for it so that'll be a plus I guess. They've had five years to draw other things since the last Haruhi novel.
>>578317 Is it a straight up new volume? Or is it just some sort of spinoff like yuki-chan >the series went irrelevant It's definitely never going to be as popular as it once was but I think it still has some potential to generate buzz.
I just looked up the sales for the yukichan anime to use as evidence and goddamn that sold way less than I thought it would have Not terribly, but not close to what I was expecting
A 120 page story from the original author. Yuki-chan was a different author, so if it's the original, I'd assume a pretty good chance of it being a proper story.
b b b b b ang
>we're going to walk five station tunnels >okay >finish one tunnel >emergency. We need you back, L2 >I have to go. Go back to your quarters 20m job
>>578348 >hold a member that expresses how you feel about them I feel like this was some sort of kink game that got edited at the last minute before release
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hold a penis
Hugging therapy. wow
Kirara 🚗
would you play that, /moe/? are you "with it"?
Those catch phrases were so big in the past. "are you with it" and shit like that are like the most obvious marketing ploy
Apparently chechnya has opened up concentration camps for homosexuals. my new sources at moment are fairly sketchy but thats fucked up to hear nowadays
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh wait it's maria I feel like I haven't said hi to you in forever
>>578358 they have been doing this for years now it's really bad
I knew they persecuted people but I didn't know it was more systemized like what concentration camps would imply. I don't know if systemized is the right word I mean like its bureaucratic process - sending off gays to camps to be euthanized.
gamora used the infinity stones to fold the universe in half and combined all the heroes into merges like cap and dr strange are now one person for example
Well thats a thing
>root around in garbage all night looking for a flash drive >decide to go try and crash at your ex's place peter why >>578396 out of all the possible combinations captain strange sounds horrendously broken
I don't know where I'm supposed to go for class aaaaaaaahhhh. Both weeks I've been there for class we've started out the first half of the three-hour session in some other part of the campus. This is the first week that we've had nothing special as far as I can tell to start off with. But some completely different class is in the room we normally use?
I'm so confused.
The other possible classroom we might be using is shut close with this no-window door that requires card access. My university ID might open but a) I don't know if it will and b) I don't even know if we're actually in there. The professor mentioned she had a hard time getting the room and that we'd normally use the other one.
Kirara 🚗
that's really weird it might be worth trying to open the door at least
Yeah, I figure I'll give it a try. And if it's a failure/we're not there, I guess I'll go sit outside the normal classroom until people hopefully show up.
>>578420 it started with european colonization lol
>>578421 I know that, but McMansions are still a mistake. They're an affront to architecture. Also I already knew about the global warming part.
Kirara 🚗
who cares about architecture compared to the ecological costs of them like how is architecture the first thing that comes to mind
Uh yeah I'll get one mcmansion
>>578423 I care about both. Also not all mcmansions are located such that they contribute to this issue. My main issue with them is that there are more and more around where I live.
Ah fuck Missed my train stop.
Luckily the next stop had a train in the other direction stop at the sme time.
doing mental health evaluations is pretty fun lots of different people and i only have to see them like once it's fun getting them to open up to me so they'll tell me what i need to know
Was walking to go get a tea and I saw a flyer saying "TOM HANKS IS A GHOST and I can prove it".
oh you're really close to the end though that scene was pretty hard to watch
Kirara 🚗
>>578463 i might pick it back up eventually yeah it was hard to watch
i think the payoff is all worth it, the last chapter intense // is intense and unpredictable the ending is really great too
This weather's pretty annoying. It's super fucking humid outside but not that hot, which isn't that bad. But buildings with central air are all on autumn mode and rooms are warm and stuffy. I could have probably picked a lighter outfit too. Man I hate winter but at least it's consistently cold.
i haven't opened feh in so long i did once yesterday while i was waiting for something and saw i'd have to update and just felt it wasn't worth it i chose instead to read about oxalate cycles in the kidney because that was more fun than dealing with that shit
currently autsing out about the use of the word algorithm in the clinical setting being used in reference to an approach or protocol for treatment regimens in the varying lines of treatment doctors are so full of shit sometimes i need to figure out what my problem is
maybe i shoudl find some discord groups or something so i'm not always dumping this stupid shit on /moe/ and spamming it up
I'd rather you spam your stupid shit all dayt than listen to silence
lmao your saying that you'll going to listen a silence on an imageboard nice try but it's on mute
yes valhalla is amazingly comfy and just downright good
in granblue news characters have been revalanced some entirely beatrix dark’s skillset is completely changed, rejoice? tilde
>>578483 I haven't touched that game in over a year man. The assets are top notch but the actual macro-level mechanics are garbage and no amount of skill revamp is going to change that.
yeah, i think so PTSD is hard he's got at least two traumatic experiences he'll need to work through One is combat related the other is his experience in the legal system
he's trying to come to terms with the fact that the system he fought to protect overseas will do nothing to protect him he's a good guy, really grounded in his values i think he'll be really successful in treatment
>okay I made food >but what do I eat it with >don't feel like pasta >and defs not rice >hmmm >bread? and then I fried bread, mixed it with milk and egg and fried it bit more and now I am eating it with the sauce
and it is quite good
>>578521 >fried bread What, you just cut some bread off a loaf and fried it up?
you ever try and cook hotdogs but they get stuck in the toaster and won't pop out?
Kirara 🚗
yeah, i usually try to get them out with a fork
the state wants me to pay my taxes by the end of september my doctor's appointment in saint louis is on october second i have to get my cat from my cousinin early october i have enough money to do one of these things, maybe
Kirara 🚗
what are you gonna do
my only remaining gun is in saint louis too so idk
feel like i got bad end
Kirara 🚗
how much would it cost to do all three?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
sell the gun marry your cat fuck the taxes
Got my modern decklist done. It's about $330. I'll probably have the deck done mid October.
If I trade my 3 most expensive cards it will only require $117. And i can probably borrow $80 worth (4 cards) of cards from someone so thats only $37.
this friday ill have officially completed everything for my masters and ill just have to wait until December to get that stupid piece of paper i thought it'd be more exciting to be at this point i mean it's a masters degree that's big it's supposed to be at least
i was imagining getting my masters and i was like all this stress for this pathetic, insignificant piece of paper
Isn't the real prize recognition of your ability by the institution and the paper is just a signifier of this Also don't forget about the friends you made along the way:)
Friends like pee-chan Lol
Erggh I'm too tired to shower.
>>578550 yeah it's all about the whacky misadventures
We've started Sartre for my class on Existentialism today. Though we won't be covering much on him before moving on to Simone de Beauvoir. We'll only be covering The Humanism of Existentialism by him in class, though the professor did mention in name Nausea. I've been thinking I might see if the university library has the books containing the material we'll be reading for the class. Getting fuller pictures would be nice, and I always read better this long-format material if it's from a physical book.
He's a little more dense and less ... something than Camut? Er Camus. I always hear the silent 's' as a 't' for some reason.
Camus has this flair to his writing that isn't really present in Sartre's essay, at the least. It makes Sartre feel more of an argument, but that also might be on account of the essay being in -being more or less an argument for his beliefs. There's still a definite passion and enthusiasm there, like you can really feel Sartre wanting to help people understand him. It's just a little different from Camus' allegories to Sisyphus and poetic prose.
Of course it's hardly fair to compare the two but they're the only real inkling I have on the existentialism philosophy I have to operate with. I've certainly been enjoying their writing more than the Plato books we've been doing, thought that might also be a personal preference for more contemporary writing styles. The existentialism I've been reading has been certainly more applicable for me to look at through my personal frame of reference too, I've found.
>>578563 gosh i love this girl especially when she's holding scissors maybe she's a lesbian?
>>578566 Plato fuckin sucks. Camus is definitely more literary in his writing even in his pure philosophical essays than Sartre. Sartre's kind of technical comparatively
There was a moment where I was reviewing Plato's Meno through some study questions with a friend to prep for our first test coming up this Friday. And one of the questions prompted us to explain a segment where Plato uses a slave boy of Meno's to demonstrate his belief that knowledge is recollected from some chuunibyou past lives shit through leading the boy through some geometry. Plato never outright teaches the boy how do to the geometry he shows the boy, so therefore the fact that the boy is able to come to the logical conclusions himself is an indication to Plato that the knowledge was within him all along. And as I read off my answer to my friend he pointed out how my answer still strongly indicates my belief that what Plato was doing was "teaching", because of course it fucking is. It was interesting to come to the realization that it's a certain bias that I don't know if I can really get myself over. I -thought- I was being pretty judgemental-neutral concerning the whole concept but I was proved pretty clearly to be wrong on that account.
I've been respecting some of the stuff I've been engaging with in reading Plato too but the actual content in general is completely and infuriatingly outdated.
Another thing I know about my experiences with Camus and Sartre is that my required reading for them is an extremely minute snapshot of their full depth. The assigned reading for them totals up to about thirty pages each, though we'll be returning to some different Camus towards the end of the class later this semester. My understanding is they were both pretty prolific writers so I'm really probably only barely scratching the surface here. I'm hoping I can find the time to fill a bit of that in.
Kirara 🚗
yeah, you're not even touching on Sartre's real masterpiece at least
Well like I said earlier, I'm hopeful the university library has copies. If not, I suppose I could give the public library a visit for the first time in over a decade.
There was a lone piece of glitter stuck to my cheek. I can't recall being anywhere with glitter recently though. This stuff is always so terrifying omnipresent.
b b b b b ang
Kirara 🚗
fried bread sandwiches y'all
Is the fried bread the outside of the sandwich or the inside?
Kirara 🚗
it's the bread
Okay, good. Just making sure.
Kirara 🚗
fry up some bread and slap two slices of bread around that bad boy
Get that nice crisp with delicious fried flavour and then sink your teeth into the nice and soft inside!
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i’ll take a french toast without the oeuf
What about a French toost without the oof.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
that is deeply offensive to my cultuuure
Dude I'm neighbours with Quebec it's more moi culture more than yours!
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i neva feel moah aliiiiiv
I don't get weather. It was cold or well cool and dreary rainy this morning but I let my cat out just now and it feels like a summer rainstorm. I'm going to dread the cold of winter when it comes but at least it'll be consistently COLD.
i don't really talk on /moe/ at all much these days it seems less lively though
it's really dead around this time now people don't really work around this kind of schedule nowadays i guess
Working people in North America are usually asleep at this time of night regardless of where they are on the continent. I say as three people in EST stay up to three in the morning to watch anime, hah hah.
The economy is killin /moe/ with all of its working and jobs
>>578676 lots of things they've bricked my laptops before with their auto updates and PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE
but most recently I discovered that this super annoying audio buzz that was going on in the background was being caused by some of the preinstalled Dell Support software.
Some kid from the neighborhood I was in came up to the back of the truck while I was unloading and scared the shit out of me but it turns out he just wanted to me "YOUR TRUCK'S NAME IS BLAKE and MY NAME IS BLAKE" and the he gave me a Blake sticker >>578681 Mine is a Lenovo and thought they were supposed to be good That's probably just the think pads though
because this place is technically in the arctic circle it's big draw is that it's the "official hometown of Santa Clause" and they've got a theme park thing set up a bit out of town - Santas Village or something like that and most of the shops and restaurants are Christmas themed.
Maybe it will be an interesting place to be in December.
>>578717 yeah, never >>578716 i've always felt the plot of KH was pretty irrelevant anyways i enjoy the button mashy ARPG gameplay though
me neither. maybe they aren't real
>>578718 I genuinely like all the chuuni bullshit of Kingdom Hearts and its characters It's completely sincere about its spiky haired men in edgy black cloaks locking away hearts and shit I can respect that
maybe it's fine if i don't do it all the time i'm playing the torna expansion and it's really amazing the main character is the most cutest girl in the whole series there is a system where you swap off which of the two (MC and Jin) are attacking so you can kinda play as Jin too
Oh right I forgot it's coke I haven't done that in a while
It sounded like a fancy coffee name. I've never interacted with coke and other stuff.
i don't drink soda much i have it rarely at restaurants when they don't have tea and otherwise if i'm somewhere that doesn't have tea or coffee or filtered water
I usually get lemonades or cloudy lemonades lemonade in america seems to always be the cloudy type which is nice. in the UK it is the clear fizzy stuff.
in the us we just call that sparkling lemonade the clear one i mean i've never actually had it myself though i don't really like the acidic feeling it leaves on my teeth
its just odd because I noticed that I kept getting cloudy lemonade. which is cool because cloudy lemonade is best
>>578801 this is true though it's not quite as bad to smoke the relatively small amount that most weed users smoke compared to the huge amount that your average cigarette smoker smokes way healthier and lasts a lot longer if you go to the effort of baking stuff >>578813 was it too loose and burnt up quickly?
my failed attempt to roll. went p. bad. I give up.
i thought id be annoyed by doing psych evals for the department of corrections but now i see my folly i can make the government pay for people's therapy true power
>Chicken Little is a 1943 short film created by Walt Disney during World War II. The short was closely based on the fable Henny Penny. It is an anti-Nazi film showing the evils of mass hysteria
Kirara somatic
someone told me my signature wasn't doctorly bc it was too legible so now i just do an M followed by several loops that i claim are letters
my signature has never been consistent I just scribble my name in whatever
If I am in a hurry I just squiggle lines Ive never really had a signature
I do my first name in coherent cursive but my last name is a mess with too many letters and weird ones to do in cursive like z and k. So these days I just do the first letter and then a wavy line and a dot approximately where the first i is.
Signatures are bullshit anyway. Way too much authority given to a line of scribbles.
it's a legacy of olden times.
The way I write my signature is inconsistent enough that I could easily be a fraud trying to copy my own handwriting.
>>578857 It was as much bullshit in those olden times as it is now. Maybe even more so. It's not like it got easier to imitate a few squiggly lines over time.
>>578859 yes, but back then there weren't many viable alternatives. Now there are.
but on the plus side it's in written in English and aimed at people speaking English as a second language so hopefully I've got that going for me >>578873 >natural flavors >blue
>>578875 I love anything raspberry. We've had a raspberry patch in both houses we've lived at so I've had them to eat pretty much since I was eating solids. Honestly the cherry is more of a drawback than anything for me, hah hah. I'm not too fond of natural cherry flavours.
Kirara somatic
>>578876 im sure, given consumption, blue would have very natural flavors
>>578883 the scope of the GDPR (2018) explicitly applies to personal data of individuals (natural persons). It does not cover corporate data or other legal entities.
Under the Recommendations, Personal Data is defined as Data or Information that can be used to readily identify an individual without disproportionate effort. This includes details such as Name, Address (IP/Physical) Cookie strings, employment records, and any other information that can be used to link back to a single person. This also includes data collected under a pseudonym, although it is recognized that the use of pseudonyms may be one way for Data Processes to meet their encryption obligations under the Recommendations. The laws to not apply to anonymous data as they can *it can not be traced back to a single individual.
Although all kinds of personal data are protected under the act, stronger restrictions apply to "sensitive" personal data. "Sensitive" data is information that can be used ***Sensitive Data is a special class of data that includes information that, if left unprotected, could be used in a way that contravenes a citizens personal rights under the European Convention. This includes information such as: Race/ethnic background, Religion or Philosophical Belief, Sexuality, Medical History and Employment Union Membership.
Additionally, Article 4 ss(2) of the GDPR states: "No fuck you Kirara you are the nerd"
>>578884 The overarching theme of the new Recommendations brought in under the GDPR is increased liability for Data Controllers/Data Processes. This increased liability also comes with a new set of obligations. A Data Controller is defined as The Central Authority which has the decision making power over which data is collected, and how that data is used. Data Processors are the entities that compile (either automatically or manually) the Subject's information, and disseminate it to extract usable data. Ultimate liability for a Subject's personal data is placed on the Data Controller. A Processor cannot be found liable for a breach of the GDPR unless they have disobeyed the instructions of the Controller. New Obligations of the Controller under the Recommendations include but are not limited to: 1) A clearly stated purposed for the collection of the Subject's data. This purpose must be communicated to the Subject in transparent terms. 2)An outline of what data shall be collected to meet that purpose, as well as the methods used to collect it. (This information should be communicated to both the Data Subject and the Supervisory Authority of the EU Member Nation State in which the Controller Resides 3) Adequate technical security and safeguards in place to protect the information from unauthorized access or interference 4) "Opt in" privacy designs for new products - meaning that privacy friendly setting are enabled by default without product users needing to actively change settings 5) Notifications for any third parties which shall have access to the data. If these third parties are outside the EU, there is also a requirement the receiving entity meets all requirements under the GDPR 6) Rectification or Deletion of Data collections upon Subject Request (assuming that subject consent was the Legal Basis on which the data was originally collected) 7)The appointment of a Data Protection Officer, who will supervise Data Collection Practices and advise
Failure to meet these obligations can result in a fine of up to 4% of an entity's global annual turnover under Article 84 of the act. or 20,000,000 Euros. Whichever is higher.
but if they think they're going to get a US corporation to pay that they're fuckin' dreaming.
The GDPR also requires the appointment of Privacy Advisory boards in each member state country. The primary duty of these Boards are telling Kirara that he's a massive faggot and has shit taste in anime.