Thread #576275
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Banana Fish Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya Free! Isekai Maou Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 22-25 Shichisei no Subaru Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 6-9
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I let Ika know.
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schischsei free kakuriyo isekai maou subject to change if jan appears
banana fish?
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yeah If you wanna watch jan banana fish shoujo kageki schiehchesi isekai maou
okay i'll watch the first two
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banana fish! okay letrs start!
fanana bish
>Dick of the Goblins
I can't wait to see what goes from bad to worse in these next two days now.
Geez fucking louise Dino.
>>576291 geez fucking ash dino
Ash's patience is -this- thin.
ash is having a nice deito while this loser's henchmen die one after the other
Relationship dorama
they only just got married
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They'll make it through!
Hah hah Eiji please
starlight? wait we watched 10 already tilde you tricked me
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yeah, kageki which ep? okay eo 9 then then?>>576305 I just don't remember which ep we're on. oh no sorry han thanks for anime jan too lets start!
Episode ten, I guess this means you aren't caught up?>>576303 Nah man I am certain we haven't watched episode ten.>>576306 Well I'll rephrase that then. I have not watched episode nine. I don't know if Ika watched.>>576306 Yeah I went and checked. You were watching episode ten on Saturday. I'd put in episode nine when I picked stuff to watch, sorry that I didn't do it later.
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>>576305 well i hate to break it to you
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well thanks for anime i guess
>>576308 iI watched 10 too
Geez you two. I'm sorry I didn't mention it when oranging up but I -did- specify episode nine in the list.
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don't trust giraffes
In before Kagari picks Claudine.
Guess This Is Tendou Maya got first pick though.
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Feels kinda like a finale.
yeah it does
I feel there's a hook coming up though. I feel it in my bones.
Claudine is really gay for This Is Tendou Maya.
And so we return to episode one.
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I had a feeling that was going to happen okay schichsei speaking of brtrayal okay lets start!
Well it's been set up since episode one. Hikari backstabbing Karen has been a shoe waiting to drop all season.
Oh he's not quite dead. Yet.
Wow he went Super Saiyan.
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He went from almost dead to really not dead really fast.
RIP Caster.
I wonder what it feels like to hug a digital ghost like Asahi in a full-dive MMO.
How convenient then, that there's the six Subaru members. Plus this mysterious extra girl, for seven.
So she just ran away, huh. Would have been more exciting for her to get abducted in real life.
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And this is where the series ends with no real resolution.
Oh, Clive seems a bit older than the most of them. They're all in high school and he's a college student.
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He mentioned all that in a previous episode. He's the same age as them but he's a super genius so he skipped grades and is in college.
Ah all right. I must have been spaced out. It's hard to be fully awake some nights recently.
There's so many unresolved plot hooks too. And they're even dropping more in this final episode. How frustrating.
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Yeah this is a buy the vn please kind of series okay isekai maou LN VN it's all the same ikaaaaaaa okay lets start!
Well it's a LN series but yeah. Maybe it'll get a second season, I'm pretty sure the LNs are pretty popular in Japan or something. Though they might want to scuttle the animation project to avoid getting anywhere near the scandal with the director/producer/someone.
Finally something that seems to be giving Diablo a bit of a good fight.
Oh shit Emilegamesh to the rescue.
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He's a real bro
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wow he's going to enslave a demon lord
Another collared girl for his harem, huh.
Really Alicia.
I guess he officially gets three girls in his harem this episode.
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I bet he enslaves the other two.
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Well that was fun.
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yeah, that was a fun show. thanks for anime!
Mhm, thanks.