Thread #575491
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Black Clover Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya Hanebado! Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-11 Jashin-chan Dropkick Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 20-25 Overlord Ongaku Shoujo Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 6-9
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I let Ika know. Jashin-chan should be off the list, right?
Yeah. I didn't clean that up quite properly.
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Don't we usually have angolmois on this particular night?
We do, it either airs on Mondays or Tuesdays. I'm not sure where it is tonight though, I'm not seeing a new episode out.
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Yeah, I thought that was it. There's usually so much good anime this night that I don't want to slot Black Clover in. okay Black Clover Overlord Chuukan Ongaku Shoujo
Well if it airs later and is here for tomorrow night we get to pace out some of the good stuff.
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I hope it airs tomorrow and it's not a thing where it skipped a week. It's one of the better things. okay black clover okay lets start!
Kuro Kusoba
This is either a really shitty encode or my download didn't torrent correctly. I'm getting a lot of skipping.
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I'm not getting any skipping. But I expect this to be a slow one since that big arc is over.
I guess she can't really just go back to being that big balloon of a guy. They're all going to be treating her differently now.
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Wow, those two lost their voice and leg. That's a little more extreme than I expected.
Well we saw the beast guy chop off the guy's leg. And it was pretty easy to guess he destroyed the girl's voice with that chop to the throat.
Oh no.
>I'm going to get my leg healed up fast Good luck with that bub.
>Both of my arms are broken That is really kind of mean in that case Yami.
Back when this show wasn't QUALITY as fuck.
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okay on to better things overlord I remember the end of last ep being pretty hype okay lets start!
Yeah, Nazarick is going to war.
Oh this prince is doing a good job of showing sociopathy runs in the family.
Everyone's calling her Chief now. Being a leader is tough work.
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Oh, those villagers. Those royal guys don't want to mess with those villagers.
Hah hah hah. These are the sweetest fucking goblins in any fiction.
Gosh. This is some doujinshi shit.
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>>575529 It's just romance!
Lupusregina could probably handle the whole of their dispatch here by themselves.
Herself even.
Congrats, ouji. You just caused the town to effectively secede from your kingdom.
Hah hah hah. Good surprise attack.
Hah hah Einz. Oh come on what was that.
;_; Poor ogre.
Oh she summoned a real battalion.
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She summoned some really good goblins this time.
What the fuck is this goblin army.
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They have goblin paladins. That doesn't even seem like something that should exist.
So she summoned a goblin army that's FIVE-THOUSAND (5000) strong. There's some real variety to this army.
Poor Ainz. The denizens of Nazarick are way too loyal to him.
Ah RIP. Here comes the clean-up crew.
Crew of one, that is.
So with him out of the way, I guess the chubby prince is next in line for the throne? I think Renner is behind his at least, I think.
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She seems to be one of the least merciful of them.
She's outright sadistic. I think it was kind of implied in the previous episode that Enri and the village was featured in that she would have happily watched the village fall and everyone in it die if Ainz hadn't told her to watch over Enri.
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I think it was more than implied, she was planning to kill everyone for fun until he told her to protect Enri.
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Chuukan! okay lets start!
it's time
That's a big wasp.
Wow if they really wanted to advance they'd have caught that ball
Oh it's a hornet. That's even more horrifying.
>Find a perfect twin for this old codger
Hah hah hah. I feel this is Fukumoto riffing on his own noses a bit.
>it's the standout Hyoudo from the OP Oh that's good
He's kind of a hippie.
Oh no they're going to mindbreak this poor hippie.
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wow, this poor man.
I wonder if Masayan is going to try to overthrow the chairman.
Yeah that sounds about right.
Wow they're going to off this body double. Oh no even worse. Abandon him at the side of the road like a dog.
I'd like to imagine he went on to start his own company that rivalled Teiai using the same mindset as Hyoudo
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They really messed Masayan up.
The allusions to Masayan being this black-suit's dog are pretty thick.
okay thanx 4 anime bye
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thanks maria ongaku shoujo okay lets start!
Time for this Queen Bee-tch's drama to get resolved in an episode. RIP Ika.
Fifteen minutes later. This episode could be almost over by now.
Being aidoru is suffering
Hah hah hah. Just running tackled her back into the carriage.
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I don't know if an attendant would really be cool with that.
If there's no real other people in line, attendants can be pretty lenient with letting you go around again, I've found. Obviously doesn't happen often, but it's within the realm of possibility.
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why are they looking so hard they have cell phones>>575583 Yeah but the mysterious assualt is another matter
Yeah, I suppose. Hypothetically the girls have been going around the park all day probably. The attendant might know they're friends or whatever these two have for a relationship. I don't question flying tackles if I know the two people are close, personally.
She's not as awfully tonedeaf this time around. I guess hanging around these music nerds has improved her singing.
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I thought we were heading toward a Hanako is leaving arc but they were just cool with it.
Kind of makes you ask "why even include it". That whole problem got resolved in less than a minute. And it's not like we haven't seen Hanako's resolve throughout the course of this series. She pretty much won Uori back over because her resolve was stronger than hers.
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Yeah, this show isn't that well written. okay well thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.