I have a lot of lethargy today. Think it's probably because I drifted away from the somewhat consistent sleeping schedule I was getting into. Living is hard.
same and i don't get to have much sleep tonight either
i tried to decline some work but i accidentally clicked accept by mistake now i have to do it tomorrow i wanted to just, not, and sleep in but i guess i should be happy i have work
>>578936 I don't think the nendo will melt in a good fashion ofc the real figure would be too expensive but that could be grilled in the good old "stick over fire rotating"
you know how the mass spell in overlord ep12 is a lovecraftian reference by the game devs so this is not really a spoiler, since it isn't in any of the main materials but the side stuff, but details bit on what kind of the world our main character is from and it is something like 100-200 years in the future a cyberpunk giant corporation ruled world so it is kinda amusing how NO OTHER AUTHOR OF NOTE apparently popped up to write about eldritch abominations in those centuries that have passed since our tiem and future
>>578958 Oh, what a shame. Yeah, I mean, I'm just having a hard time. Things are really stressful and I have my Master's thing on Friday and I gotta prepare
okay so the mod didn't fix the naval fights last time I manual play them there is nothing fun about them the grouping Ai does one thing for you and other for the AI and the pathing AI always has your ships COLLIDE and when you order them to attack they just sail towards them with their guns pointing at NOTHING WHY DOES ATTCK, as in TARGET THIS SHIP AND MOVE INTO BETTER POSITION IF REQUIRED MEANS
RAM! RAM! RAM! when the game doesn't even have ramming mechanigs... dear god CA is so bad
>>578982 all these ships these 5 ships I told them to go ganbang the enemy admiral 3 of them collided with eachother 1 of them just went sailing away and never came back and one just stuck there never aiming itself correctly you can't leave anything to the unit AI HOW do you win a naval fight against the AI in this case who essentially micromanages real time each ship as if it was the only one it had to command?
Especially when the game engine is against you 100% against you
but it is so beautiful like ships catching fire and then just randomly exploding and then that cathing other surrendered ships on fire and them exploding or just ships slowly sinking
>5 howritzers >4 grenadiers I love this bullshit army it would totally get rekt by a player that knows how to rush, but... FUCK does it require you to rush...
Or how a drinking song says it "Men used to be made of iron and ships used to be made of ship making materials nowadays men are SHIT and all the ships have sunk"
>>579045 i was going to laugh but then i realized now isn't the time why don'tI go to bed
>>579044 I don't if my roommate would be comfortable middle manning me coke I mean he's given me a few lines every now and then for free I suppose I could just go straight to the source since that guy hangs out with us occasionally
>>579049 Height's all relative. I'm statistically average height but there's a lot of taller folk in my neck of the woods, so I don't necessarily feel it. One-eye men being kings and all.
If you're a manlet just move to Japan yeah You'll fit right in
>>579065 Nah I remember Imats talking about it. Wait No Her dad is five feet. But she is short. Cause I remember him talking about it being funny that shes so short because her mom is like 6'0".
That's more or less why I quit too. The rates really aren't awful but the RNG is. I'm tired of getting screwed by their banners!
Do you ever just gaslight yourself
Possibly. I'll be honest I don't fully wrap my head around the concept.
My memory is patchy when it comes to certain affairs but really reliable in others, and some times the fields blur a bit by my understanding. So maybe some times that certainty sets me up for error.
>>579087 >>579088 and bs content being dropped that renders all the love and passion put into your units completely useless
the xenoblade 2 expansion is so great it's basically a new game every dlc should be this good
Yeah, I've heard similar praise for it. I'm impressed they pumped out so much in what's still pretty normal development time for a DLC project.
I am too. I figured it would only be a few extra chapters but I'm already 12 hours in and only at the start of the game The changes they made to the battle system make it even more complicated and interesting, too adding the ability to fight as your blade means it's a lot flashier too
>>579184 would you know how well dsm5 was received in europe by any chance
Kirara somatic
>>579186 it wasn't really received at all europe has more-or-less been ignoring the DSM since like the second update from what i understand, they don't even talk about it not even in studies they just use ICD
know any big differences between em?
Kirara somatic
pretty much everything ICD is an incredibly extensive list of diseases and illnesses DSM is basically a handbook of diagnoses that exist for insurance purposes to streamline treatment financially DSM is also much more reactive than DSM and is mostly written by psychiatrists while the ICD tries to address growing concerns before they're a big problem and has psychologists helping with psychological disorders
tapiola somehow i got inro really good mood once i set foot here it has been 2 years now
the metro that was supposed to be ready in 14/5 is finally running
>>579187 yeah that's what i thought just double checking
waiter there's bees in my soup
>>579189 this is prob an ignorant question but how important is treating manic symptoms is it only like if it's really bad don't people generally enjoy manic episodes
>>579195 it's pretty important to treat manic symptoms because although the person feels good, mania has a psychotic quality coupled with euphoria and hyperactivity which generally leads to highly dangerous risk taking behavior or inadvertent self-destructive behavior, delusions, etc
hypomanic episodes are usually less important to treat though they can develop into full-blown manic episodes but many people who experience hypomanic episodes are fine because it lacks that psychotic quality although sometimes people channel that energy into dangerous activities lots of people are able to use hypomanic episodes to /// able to use the energy of a hypomanic episode productively and safely so treatment for that varies from person-to-person
>>579197 neat most of my formative development years in adolescence were spent gambling ever since the US took a dump on online gambling i never knew what to do with all my energy i realized this morning that that's also when i started drinking and, shortly after, using benzos prescribed to me i wonder if i wouldn't need any of that if i could just keep gambling here's hopin it comes back in 2019
i was asking because of a transcript i'm working on though not because of the above thx
man the tapiola station sure looks like it so shiny and sparkling of wealth sasuga top5 most ecpensive place to live in finland someday i shall return i went to say hi to an old friend, though
>>579200 Kirara's not coming but I figured we'd still do things Certain plot elements can't occur but you could still decide where to go, do things in-game, etc.
no probably tomorrow given how those announcements usually are
That Koi Needs Therapy
Dragalia Jeanne is a dragon
That Koi Needs Therapy
>dual audio
>>579241 will she still draw all the penises in the world into her like a black hole
Kirara somatic
>>579241 are you playin that i started it but the controls are horrible and not fun too me
That Koi Needs Therapy
I got used to it. Allowing motion to start from any place is kind of a bad idea but I just started to use it like one of those rubber banding type of things.
Kirara somatic
hmm yeah it makes changing direction hars hard
go f yourself you injured piece of shit
That Koi Needs Therapy
リアル okay I guess this is chart on real->fantasy and sanity-> insanity
thinkng on it more that Tiki is aesthetic as heck for my team >finally a partner for atiki that isnt red >blue dragon >armored which means that if i replace peri i get the full apectrum of movements
the only downside is shes probably not fast like Peri >>579257 oh right one of my points was >cute hoodie
That Koi Needs Therapy
Tiki is also
That Koi Needs Therapy
That Koi Needs Therapy
people are upset that shes armored but garonnisnt
That Koi Needs Therapy
TIME FOR MY THIRD REROLL TO END in like six minutes
the problem im facing is i have no irbs because i thought “theees no way they can introduce something else i want so soon”
i am under so much pressure to make a decision i don't know how to make and can't effect if i could make it anyway i really dont know what to do it feels like i'm frozen
just doctor stuff i've got a doctor's appointment in five days but it's in saint louis and i'm two states away i dont know if i can get there in time or how, or where i'd stay in saint louis once i got there or who would pick me up or anything i dont know if i need to see my doctor that badly right away or not. i could call and reschedule, but i'm wavering between feeling like i need to go urgently and discuss stuff or feeling like i'm fine and can wait. i'd have to call today to reschedule but i don't have enough time to process whether or not it's urgent
i'm having the most anxiety at the moment about the actual inability to make decisions, not about the situations themselves, so that's why i mentioned it in the context above i don't know why it's so hard or what's going on this happens a lot. i just get paralysis and can't do anything, can't think it's too contrived and there are too many variables and i don't have enough organizational resources to investigate and resolve all of them to make a decision
the problem with you being much smarter than I am is that I can't say anything that might help which you haven't already thought of.
you call it smart but i call it procrastinating so hard that i'd exhaust every other possibility before actually doing anything
im also injured and can barely walk so idk about a 10 hour train ride each way and all the traveling i'd do once there to do things and i'm also broke i could maybe find assistance with the latter part, idk, but if i can't even go anyway it's out of the picture plus i hate myself for asking for help whenever i do im worried about a lot of stuff i guess
maybe ill celebrate tomorrow by relapsing or something or maybe ill relapse if i fail i was going to decide to relapse if i fail but then i got worried id intentionally fail
Hey Rene, are their frilled lizards near where you live?
Possibly... I feel like I have seen one in my lifetime around this area then again I might be conflating that with my memory of my trip up to the northern territory and such
I'm gonna save up some can money to get this http://www.akatako.net/japanese-art/shintaro-kago-enamel-pin-eyes-octopus >>579342 >>579343 that's really cool
gah I hate currency conversion
It's one of my most immediate results on Google.
>>579346 Yeah it can go up to two meters up. So basically they can hit 99% of people in the eyes.
>>579347 imagine going convert few hundred dollaroos and get several hundred thousand back
Damn Concerts are great
I still sinned though
Welcome to the team, boyo.
Going to bed Night
I had rookie is punkd sign the booklet for the spyair CD and didnt realize until I walked away.
we're all sinners here
>>579356 Hah hah hah. Do you think they realized your goof?
THEY KNEW he shrugged it off though. The first guy looked at it like wait... and then he was like ehhh whatever okay
Maybe he figured it was the only CD you could get. UNLESS you had both already by that time, hah hah.
I would have bought their CD. But the CD + the RiP shirt was already a lot of money and I was not thinking of spending even half that originally
The shirt is awesome but it is black and the sharpie they were signing with was black so I didnt think it would read. So I took out the next best thing...
Well it's all in the past now. At the most they might briefly chuckle about it when they convene after everything's done. But they've probably forgotten about it by now. Concerts are exhausting.
They're gonna go upstairs and tell spyair that they signed their CD And I'll be the joke of the tour
it's a real DRAG get it? but in all seriousness, it's alright. It's kinda easy right now. Like really easy. I think my fumbling with controls is made up for with the ease but the one hard mission I did was pretty crazy. Using archer is a little harder than the others.
I mean I guess I can infer it involves dragging but that's still kind of vague.
That Koi Needs Therapy
oh you want an EXPLANATION uh, I'll tell you after this coop mission you drag around to move around, you tap to attack, and swipe to dodge. you can also turn into THE MOTHERFUCKIN DRAGON Which everyone usually does at the end to do a lot of boss damage
>>579477 I'd appreciate both of us are damn awkward nords and I dunno how he feels about me nowadays me being pure 1000% opposite of him ideologically but I still feel him as a friend >>579479 weird, but understandable shame
i don't think he cares about that tbh it's occupying a different sphere his connection with you or any of us is broader than ideology but he probably feels more comfortable in that sphere at the moment especially if he's anxious
but If I could just see this on its own and act on it, I'd be not-TouhouNazi and be writing my doctor's degree right now this instant and we'd never have met fuck I justm ean I not functional human bean
that's fine human beings arent very functionally optimal
>>579487 the most interesting thing about this is that they say the asexual species diverged around 13 million years ago makes me think about the systemic incorporation of it and stability over this long even though there'd be some genetic vulnerabilities due to less genetic diversity
idk i feel like that's really important, but just general UX i think anyone seeing the tweet and the article is gonna think it's some new anomaly that just started recently
Kirara somatic
>>579490 the article says they spread twice as fast as sexual species so it's interesting they weren't discovered until recently
i imagine the species was discovered plenty long ago but not the research done to find that out about them i don't think anybody really gets grants to go out hunting for new termite species
>>579500 >>579503 I sure wish I hadn't been blowing off my Finnish homework
>>579508 see >>579505 Just learn Kultapossu ja Leo Leijona *Gold Piggie and Leo the Lion and ask if any of your finnish collegues remember it and if they dont HAH "vitun jonnet"
I am trying to plan a trip down there late October or early November. Might even see if I am able to visit Estonia too. But at least Helsinki
>>579518 inform me before hand and save on hotel prices and sleep at my place sure it is ar KIRKKONUMMI not the capitaly city but say 7€ to capital vs the FUCKING INSANE prices of our hotels...
>>579549 That was after I posted on moe, lamenting how many hours I'd sunk into that game. and I got to wondering how much passive gold had generated in the years since I played. so I had to install it again. >>579545 saved
ms office adds so much obstructive crap to their stuff i can imagine how it'd be useful for like students i guess who got no idea what they're doing but man it really just gets in the way i miss corel
>>579603 sometimes it's niche stuff, and that i understand but like, what i mean isn't even entire features but more the domain of the features
for instance, i dont have a problem with spell check, and i don't have a problem with that thing where they catch common problems that you -probably- didn't mean to do like double words or lower case m when typing may 26th
but like ive got 286 pages here about surgical resection and every time i have resectable they're like HEY YOU PROBABLY MEANT TO SAY "RESPECTABLE"? like it even knows that resectable is a word but it thinks there's no way -I- would ever need to use that word! i have to actually click through each one manually if i do want to typo-check the rest of my 286 pages because there's no ignore all for those kinds of typo instances which is because ignoring all or changing all instances of a proposed typo would change all of them that might not be typos too that's just an example, but i dont know how stuff like that is introduced in the first place was it an intentional addition or was it in their statistical automation that a whole lot of people accidentally typo respectable as resectable
i get hung up on small details sometimes they disturb me on a much deeper level for some reason
I just keep all autocorrect except for capitalization turned off. Fuck that noise.
oh it's not autocorrect in fact i use autocorrect constantly just as text expanders to save typing like bc for because and srg for surgery, sgl for surgical, bld for bladder, ulg for urology, ulgl for urological and stuff it's just the spell check but it's not the red squiggly lines, it's the blue squiggly lines that thinks you mistyped something based on context clues
i mean, yeah it's not that bad it sounds like im whinin about the chore of it but i dont mind doing it it's unnerving to me how it exists more so than that i have to deal with it an existential kind of discomfort with bizarre user experiences
Oh, you know what would really shit me, does shit me is when it suggests that you be more concise.
Even when a more concise sentence wouldn't convey all the nuances of what you're trying to say. Sometimes the extra words add something.
oh yeah haha that gets me, especially because i'm doin transcripts of spoken language at a freelancing site i sometimes do work for, they have a built-in editor that has grammarly integrated with the software so you're typing along, doing a transcript, and it'll chime in with a highlighted box saying "We suggest changing this to ____" it's like, i can't change shit you jerk, this is a transcript. they say what they say and it's gotten a lot of new people fired because they think it's the company's style guideline saying "we suggest you change this" and they don't know that it's third-party software that was integrated on some engineer's whim that has no idea what transcribing is supposed to be
"So really it's like, uh, kind of like my brother has this sort of thing where he likes to sometimes go to the movies" >We suggest removing really, kind of, like, sort of >ok i'll do that >get fired for omitting content from transcripts lmao it makes me laugh thinking about how it ever got added in the first place, or even worse why it's still there a year later serves literally no purpose
and it's software specifically designed for transcripts?
>>579619 It's a lot of hard work and perseverance on your part that went into attaining it, it probably feels really good to have it pay off. I'm glad to hear you're so happy about it.
Kirara somatic
one of the people on my panel called my client "evil" and i was told that im so predisposed to finding the good in people that it biases me
That pretty fucking un-doctorly of them.
yeah that's really unprofessional
Kirara somatic
we're colleagues in that setting, so it's a little less professional more casual during that conversation
and i mean ok my clients childhood hero was charles manson and yeah he's got felonies and yeah he's shot people and sure, he allegedly put venomous snakes in a mailbox to get a mail person and he thinks slavery is good and identifies as a satanist
>>579673 Two more years, but 80% of my credits are practicum so I'll mostly be working. And doing my dissertation. After that, a year of internship, then my doctorate.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>579670 that is probably a good idea. however this one was free and outside of my control
>>579676 No, I have to work on my dissertation proposal and have it done in a few days even though my professor fucked me over with it. I'm taking today off, though. This afternoon, at least.
My professors called my client evil and said my tendency to see the good in people biases me too much.
>>579684 So my professor says. He's shot people and dealt drugs and put venomous snakes in a mailbox to get back at someone, and his childhood hero was Charles Manson, etc, etc. Oh, and he's a Satanist. You'd probably consider him evil.
>>579689 Well, he identifies himself as a "trash person" and I think it's an accurate description. But he's just one of those edgy Church of Satan satanists The ones that think slavery is cool and think corporations should replace the government
>>579695 I had a treatment plan for him that would have helped him do that, but I'm not allowed to treat him. They said he was too complicated for the clinic I was seeing him at and banned him from being treated there. It's really ridiculous.
Nefaria is wonderful once you get used to using bows. ....really, if you can get used to the ranged weapon users everything else is easy. Staff and Wand have such slow projectiles.
...two fire units into the Water Dragon mission? ???? why co-op
Kirara, M.A.
haha i barely know how to play yet
That Koi Needs Therapy
I think I ran out of the Social bonus I used to get extra wyrmite for doing coop with people i never played with before but now I don't get it at all ;__;
fish hasn't texted me all day im going through withdrawal! i wanted her to praise me for getting my masters
I need to get control of my sleep. It's starting to become a problem.
Kirara, M.A.
what's wrong
I woke up at a good time this morning, but because of how piecemeal my sleep had been that night from a number of factors, I conked out before I got out of bed proper. So I overslept and woke up ten minutes before my class today. Which was the class scheduled for my first midterm of that course. So that was a pretty much sunk ten percent of my final grade for the course because there's no way I can make it to my campus in under twenty minutes. Even if I'd bothered to go at that point I would have gotten there with pretty much maybe five minutes of exam time left to spare. As far as things go, ten percent lost isn't the worst, but like I said, starting to become a problem.
I slept through tge day of my freshman year chemistry final. I thought it was on Friday but it was on Thursday.
And then another time I woke up 30 minutes after my cs final started and I had to run through the snow in flip flops to get there and half way there my right flip flop split in half so I had to run through the "snow" (the sidewalks were mostly clear) barefoot.
I got an A in the programming course that affected my major GPA.
Oh yeah what letter grade would you get for a 60% in a course?
Oh nvm thought you were maria for a second. Anyways I remember him saying shit like 70% is a B in New Zealand. Pretty scary And like 50% was C. Really makes you think.
>>579764 Oh there's maria. Can you tell me the NZ grading scale again?
Like now, cause im getting in the shower soon and going out after that.