>>576070 Considering bodily harm for temporary relief that will take months to recover from But it'll take months to recover even if I don't so does it truly matter
I was marvelling at my damaged fingernail and how wonderful it is to see it at 90% length and went into the kitchen for food. And I opened the door to one of the rooms in the kitchen and I stubbed my toe. I thought it was just bruised or something but apparently, I SNAPPED MY TOENAIL
It was incredibly painful for a day and I had to (almost) walk a long length of track that same day. (but the supervisor left without me because he saw a track inspector there and said "fuck that guy, let's get this done and I sat on the platform all day waiting for him to show wwwww) but now underneath the nail is healed and... has completely isolated itself from the broken nail itself. I was hoping it would fuse down but it wasn't having that.
Do you want to see a video of my toe singing Lady Gaga's Bad Romance?
No? Okay.
>>576079 yeah nail always replaces the old thing if it gets damaged
i am so tired i am barely functional i guess i didn't break my fast well enough i have no energy whatsoever
I'm really tired as well, I'm having a hard time focusing. i have my desk lamp on and music playing. it's like a tiny world of just the orange lamp and music.
>>576083 not eating and then eating can fuck your system up
Kirara 🚗
yeah but
Kirara 🚗
unfortunately the world is bad and i can't take the time to recover
>>576088 the emu one? yeah im pretty mad that someone would not warn people about it
>>576090 Same, but mine wasn't even a retweet, it was one of those "one of the people you follow liked this" things and the text was innocuous and I thought it was going to be a meme like a herd of emus running along side the car
>>576087 I feel like I tell you every year to not fast. Well "ask you" or "recommend you".
Well My biggest issue is that he doesn't drink water. Because dehydration is bad for the heart. Many contemporary Jews ignore the no drinking water part and I feel that he should especially because of his heart condition.
what are you his mom I'm sure you would be a good mom
She wants information about some of my colleagues that I'm not comfortable telling her, but she feels justified in wanting that information, so she's stubbornly asking for it, still.
>>576146 Oh, so she's been asking you to help her convince me or something, huh? It's a little troublesome but it's nice to see her being so energetic.
>>576147 Nah, she hasn't asked for any assistance or anything. She did mention it though. She trusts you not to do anything but still wants to talk to that girl. I think it's an autism thing.
>>576151 She definitely still wants to be with you. She's just having trouble with the question because she's a feelings driven retard, like all women are. I think she'll be ready once that stuff finishes unjumbling itself.
a villain is roaming the world literally harvesting cocks from innocent people and we knocked him out and rummaged through his pockets and one of the items he had was a literal bag of severed, bloody dicks
That Koi Needs Therapy
>>576208 I immediately heard that really old Guess Who commerical where the girl goes "I know, it's David!" and that immediately reminded me of King David's foreskin conquest
Did he say that he anticipated it? No he got slammed over the head. >>576251 No because they didn't actually fight him they just slammed him over the head. And then they took hhis gun which is the most threatening thing about him.
He almost instant killed TN's character though one more damage would have killed them
>>576250 NNo did he do the "You may have defeated me but I am actually the weakest
Like a 1% chance. They just need to make a spooky Sombra skin, then it's GG. Otherwise I'll have to satiate my desires with another game, like Siege Fuck I want my ghost girl Hibana so bad I hop[e she comes back
If they don't give you what you want, just create it yourself.
>>576328 Oh yeah, what happened to that big cider bottle, did it even taste good?
Definitely would be if I lost my sense of smell Here's one for the Libras out there This is staight up the theme for the next 40 days >>>/watch?v=eRTlU4ly1Pk
>>576375 reminds me a lot of david sylvian or fennesz+sakamoto in cendre
>>576378 This feels like some typa uh toro y moi cruising down the san francisco bay music >>576381 Now this needs to be longer cause it almost ensnared a part of my being crazy as fuck
>>576387 fennesz uses a lot of soothing tones i don't hear usually
>>576389 ya fennesz ends up making me cry a lot tbh he's really good >>576388 sure, that actually seems very musical though it's not especially pleasing to me at this juncture in time
cylob is another one like that in a way >>>/watch?v=dk8MDHWHtfY it kind of makes sense that he's classically trained in the trombone you can feel a lot of the passion of that instrument translated into electronica
and just daily obligation here >>>/watch?v=hfPnq3i4Udw the video for this is so good it makes me wanna cry
>>576413 It's always when I sleep less when tired that the sleep is restful. Even tired isn't accurate, it's more like totally exhausted. Like I woke up an hour before my alarm was set to go off this morning despite it only being as long as it was.
If I'm not totally exhausted and I try to sleep I might get more sleep but I don't wake up feeling rested and it's often hard to drive myself out of bed through that miserable groggy state
i always sleep better when stimulated/stressed i get really deep restful sleep when i'm at full speed when i slow down it doesn't seem to matter whether i'm asleep or just lounging, it's all the same
unstimulated, i sleep out of boredom stimulated, i sleep because it feels good
I don't know about stimulated/unstimulated but I'll sleep out of necessity, knowing if I don't I'll be out of a twenty-four hour cycle or that I won't be awake enough for an upcoming period of time. But in these points of what feels like maximum exhaustion sleep is definitely a more satisfying experience even if it is in a smaller period of time.
Kirara 🚗
it feels like every addiction success story i find online starts off with someone having a loving family or they're rich and they have all these resources available and can avoid stress it's like ok so what about those of us without that are we just doomed are my clients all doomed? am i doomed?
>>576419 IN THEORY that's what government programs are for.
but you don't need to tell me they don't actually work.
Kirara 🚗
the government here doesn't even have programs haha
and yet America has one of the highest percentage rates of GDP spending on Social Welfare programs in the world
Kirara 🚗
our social welfare is just giving people like $100 a month for food and shit like that we got nothing for addiction if you get involuntarily confined due to an addition problem, you have to pay for it usually
when did they bring this in they've completely chsnged it
>>576430 Jokes on you I don't need anyone to tell me what to do.
Oh. That reminds me - I found this in a journal article I was reading today. It's pretty funny:
" Most commonly, Europeans say that the state simply must intervene to protect children against the stupidities of their parents. Indeed, to judge from my own conversations, the popular mind is vividly conscious of the problem of parental stupidity. It is a problem that is exemplified in particular, for ordinary Europeans, by the case of a French child named by her parents "Megane Renaud." "Megane" is the French version of the American name "Megan," one of a number of American names that became popular in France in the 1980s and 1990s.323 "Megane" is however also the name of a popular car model marketed by the French manufacturer Renault (pronounced in the same way as "Renaud"). Thus two bits of French popular culture came together in an unfortunate way when parents with the surname "Renaud" chose to call their newborn daughter "Megane." Local officials made a highly publicized (though ultimately unsuccessful) intervention, apparently believing that it was too much to saddle a child with a name something like the equivalent of "Camry Toyota."There are other recent cases, too, in which parents have been prevented from giving their children names that are "ridiculous, pejorative, or in bad taste."325 One Belgian woman, for example, was recently forbidden to name her newborn "Anakin," after the character in the Star Wars. "
Cus what happened with Germany was that they had their Official name register that parents had to choose one off and people who weren't native-born German were upset because they wanted to name their children something from their own heritage so they expanded it to include foreign names, as long as they're "official"
>>576437 holy shit i finally figured out who you are
>>576441 yeah but you make them PROVE it's from star wars, not just a name you like. >>576443 hey
https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2018/09/21/pokemon-go-may-have-just-leaked-a-pokemon-that-isnt-supposed-to-exist-yet/ Haha there's no way that is an actual Pokémon
kuulu can mean "to hear" in passive case so mitä kuuluu also means "what (is} heard over there?" kuu - moon luu - bone kuu luu - moon bone
mitä kuuluu would actually tl to "what are the tidings" and not hows it going >>576478 i dunno, not for me
>>576470 >tfw rook used to post here the good ol daze
2017 was a simpler time.
>>576476 then my fuckin' homework sheet is lying to me.
it is the colloqual meaning yes, but not correct one in terms of language history kuulemiin means bye/untill next time said over phone meaning lit. "untill i next time hear from you"
That sucks moon. I wish I could help you out, I know how anxiety feels - it is horrible. I won't say I'm in the same place as you but I'm here if you ever wanna just talk.
Even after the war we're still fighting >Man charged with animal cruelty over emu hit and run rampage http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-09-21/emu-hit-run-driver-charged-with-animal-cruelty/10292412
Kirara 🚗
good that motherfucker is a piece of shit
Yeah. I know but even then it's still a bit much to run them over with your car.
Er brain not working What kind of penalty would he receive
held down and trampled by emus
Kirara 🚗
spider mans has officially outsold dad of war
people bein upset by the term chairman and want it to be chairperson/chairwoman but the man in chairman comes from the latin manus for hand?? the chair hand man
the chairnoble
spiderhand and bathand
Kirara 🚗
>>576525 ive never heard that etymology for it ive always heard the man just means expert
>>576528 every commitee has to have a chair expert
>(historical) Someone whose job is to carry people in a portable chair, sedan chair, or similar conveyance. calling this person chairman is hilarious too me
my right hand chair
>>576524 spider dad, i wish spider mom was here to see us now
Collectathon games are insanely addictive. Makes sense that collectathon mechanics would be as well. The web slinging in the game looks really fun, I wish I play.
Kirara 🚗
it's so fucking fun
The employee doorbell is anxiety inducing
Kirara 🚗
employee doorbell?
Yeah it's just a doorbell for when the store is closed and you need to get in It sounds like an alarm going off though from the inside of the store
>>576562 To be fair, as some one who has not played along in the past, it can be hard to understand where all these nonsensical and seemingly contextually irrelevant words are coming from.
At this point whenever I feel there was a sudden change in tone I Google the words to see if it's music.
>>576565 That's kind of bizarre to me. I always imagined some of Telltale's stuff selling really well. Guess that was only in my own niche of the world though.
Kirara 🚗
>In 2017, Telltale Games laid off 90 employees in a restructuring of the company following years of mismanagement. In our report following the layoffs, sources told us that following The Walking Dead Telltale suffered from a constant culture of crunch that pushed employees to release games as quickly as possible. In addition to overbearing management teams that oftentimes meddled in projects, the Telltale Tool proprietary engine was prone to bugs, making development even more difficult. >Telltale is currently in the middle of The Walking Dead Final Season and have previously announced a second season of The Wolf Among Us and a game based on the Netflix hit series Stranger Things. An anonymous source familiar with the company told USgamer that a skeleton crew will work to finish The Walking Dead Final Season while The Wolf Among Us Season 2 and Stranger Things are effectively cancelled. >USgamer learned from multiple anonymous sources familiar with the layoffs at Telltale that employees laid off today will not receive severance pay. wow
this duchess was something >cheats on husband since day 1 of marriage with a philosopher in the court twice her age >prolly half of her kids are from him >half of her kids start dying off >duke is poisoned >queen regent is chosen >heir dies >queen takes the throne >is elected empress after last emperor dies and had changed legislation to allow female emperors that is so fucking game of thrones
Kirara 🚗
it is a shame about stranger things though that would have been really good
Next week, I will officially complete the requirements for my Master's by defending my clinical proficiency exam.
Usually people's friends and significant others wait outside during the defense to cheer them on. I keep wondering if I'll have anyone there, cheering me on or not.
>>576575 Nope, hah hah. There's a couple of things I've been mentally considering chewing through watching over my reading week this semester, time providing. Movies I've been encouraged in one way or another to watch, things that I've been wanting to watch but kept putting off. Stranger Things would probably end up on the final draft of that list.
>>576576 I won't be waiting on the outside but I'll be inside cheering for you in your heart!
Ah, that sucks. It's good that you were productive though.
Today I profited from the misfortune of another. The girl ahead of me for that job I want failed her certification test. I'll probably find out what that means for me next week.
Guess that's a good indicator for you. I hope you properly expressed your sympathy for her failure.
I guess. I wasn't really worried about it when I took it, I guess some people think it's a hard test. The most stressful thing that happened to me that week was being chased by black children in a parking lot one night, not the test itself.
I got frustrated with the game because some of the Homestead missions were bugging out and I couldn't clear them. Came back to the game a while later but my momentum for playing it had just dwindled out.
Kirara 🚗
i had the special preorder steel book for ac3 probably still do
AC3 Xbox was quite smooth for me. Just the usual freerun glitches but that still happens >>>/watch?v=iOSZw6u3zGI
>>576628 Looking at some online articles Ubisoft seems to be claiming some mechanical updates to the previous incarnation, but that vague declaration is as precise as they are at the moment. They're visually remastering it for the modern console/PC level, and while I don't know shit about game development I feel an engine as old as the one they ran ACIII on might not cooperate as well with modern demands. Either way it's a component of their season pass content so if that's something you buy it's provided to you already anyway.
>>576637 yeah true Odyssey is looking pretty good so far love them keeping the mythology stuff like fightin medusa
The "glitch in the matrix" style fights they had in Origins for fighting the Egyptian pantheon were pretty neato too. The series is pretty much a full on fantasy skin of Earth so you might as well have fun with things.
Kirara 🚗
did you do the Pharaoh dlc?
I still have not beat the main game.
Kirara 🚗
you are missing out on a lot
I knoooowwww.
Well I don't, but I feel like I am. That another thing I'm throwing around as reading week completion content too.
>>>/@BangBangClick/1040293077221629952 This is the creative director for AC III. With the upcoming remaster he dropped some things he would have considered as things to change if it was in his hands.
Kirara 🚗
there are big scary dogs outside barking loudly they know im a cat
Kirara 🚗
>>576644 oh yeah i read that a few days ago it's an interesting thread too bad it's not in his hands
I particularly liked >Finally admit that today, years after it was released, it was okay to change the color of Connor's sash from the crimson red of Ezio and Altair to a nice royal blue, and that it really wasn't worth having seven two hour meetings about.
Kirara 🚗
yeah haha
Kirara 🚗
it's the stuff about pacing that really interested me though
Yeah, I found it neat that he acknowledged that you kind of have to rigidly set some things up in a major game. Especially if you strive to add flourish and detail to them and then they all get neglected or thrown in the "do after I've done everything in the main storyline" box. Because that's really how many, MANY people play these kinds of games. They'll just run the main story, wrap it up in the maybe six hours of the thirty or forty hours of game content involved, and clean their hands of the game. I never advance the plot if I can help it and there's still some side quest content for me to chase after, so it's a completely irrelevant concept to me. But as far as the common player goes, if you give them the chance to ignore it, odds are they probably will.
>>576662 I would haver lOVED if they had gone with the fan theory "suicide squad joker is a past robin" and had a batman solo movie where that ACTUALLY happened with the real joker
and gotten someone like Nicholas cage as the joker
Kirara 🚗
haha that would be great
or Jack Nicholson
Kirara 🚗
keanu joker
nick cage would be a good joker he has the energy to do it and he can be scaryw hen needed
but imagine a solo movie with batman, who has led robin go solo go on a crusade to find robin and shit and it turns out joker is back, dying of old age/whatever and decided to give birth to a new one and turned the boy wonder into a new joker
Kirara 🚗
that'd be cool
they already hinted with it with the HAHAHAHA on the joker suit in I think b/S and the tattoos on the ss joker but I guess they pussied out or something
I don't think the DC cinemaverse people NEVER had a vision for their movies they just had check lists
Kirara 🚗
robin in the teen titans thing is so dumb he's just some edgy teen "where's batman?" "fuck batman" come on
on a completely different note you know how dio did some time stop trickery like polnareff's stair climbing and forcing that one guy to drive for him
now imagine if that was actually portrayed on screen >dio stops time >walks closer to polnareff >has THE WORLD >move him few steps down >moves back up >resumes time he is actually a goofball
Kirara 🚗
there's a classic gif of that
>dio's driving a car >really really really fast >he zawurdos Does the car zawurdo too? Does Dio go flying through the windscreen?
>>576689 >>576693 it is brutal but it is simply don't vote for this guy, vote for this guy rather but they don't actually say if that guy is any better
>get caught for 20mins listening to some old lady's sob story >main delivery is just a ton of soda to a petrol station >accidentally take the wrong way onto the freeway and end up driving for ages >overall 2 hours late back At least I have Plastic Love
That Koi Needs Therapy
PL is pretty much the only song worth listening to on my phone
https://tanoshiine.info/src/1537583629337.mp3 Oh and I guess this too
>>576753 I don't know. Its a chicken thing with a hollow in it usually filled with cream chese or stuff. >>576754 I want to relax, I'm having problems with intermittent feelings of intensity at the moment.
Kirara 🚗
oh you asked how am i how am i what how i am wow im out of it today
I think smoking so much weed on monday // wednesday and thursday has left lingering affects on me, I'm way too emotional at random moments.
was that your first time
Yes My friend's brother gave me a big blunt on thursday that was amazing, I apparently begged for one in the morning on thursday got a smaller blunt. now its friday // saturday and I'm still feeling affected. It feels like a normal barrier in my brain is non-functional or not so effective at controlling emotions. My sense of time is super fucked as well.
Kirara 🚗
you'll be back to normal soon
I hope so.
did you get to think about a lot of things
Kirara 🚗
you will drugs always make you weird for a while the first time you do them
Everything I've read says it just takes 5 hours to come down and then its done. I was a bit scared that it permamently affected me. >>576763 I had done a lot of things that I would never do. I was stayed at my friends and hugged them for ages, danced around their room and played VR with his VR headset which was so odd. >>576766 Its an odd thing, I feel like I want to be high forever. it was extremely nice feeling.
>>576765 i refuse to smoke so i wouldn't really know but i know a lot of people get high all the time and drop out of life moderation is important
i know a lot of people who get high all the time and are crazy productive i don't think it's really attributed to the weed but just that people who are eager to drop responsibility have a procilivity towards weed everyone i know uses it as a tool very functionally
I wish I knew how to get my own, I'm not social enough to have networks. I think I do need moderation, I realise how strong I feel about wanting more
i can't not be productive in the times i've had it,which hasn't been for a long time it makes me feel like dirty or something makes me very self conscious i feel dirty and slobbish and immediately shower and then only feel good when i'm motivated and doing things, otherwise it's a nightmare experience if i'm being lazy and degen
It really is amazing for my dsyphoria I think. I just have no idea it was going to be so powerful for me. I had smoked it before but it wasn't very effective, it did nothing to me. but smoking a blunt that was pretty long was intense. All the colours and sounds were amazing.
I feel a bit guilty talking about it. I feel like /moe/ is a bad place to talk about it.
nah it's fine really kirara doesn't do weed and rika's a bit prudish about substance use but it's not weird or anything
yeah i think everyone but rika is probably fine with it
I used to not be too fond of people talking about weed, I didn't think it was a good thing to talk about in public for some reason. Now I realise how it feels its like I can really understand how a lot of people feel about it. like its impossible to describe.
there's been a long-standing stigma that weed is some degen activity for people in trailer parks with no lives playin video games or shit it's starting to break down in the modern day though it's just simply not true there are people running successful businesses, CEO-level people, high-profile media personalities that have a lot of responsibilities, all sorts of people who are very responsible and use marijuana turns out it's therapeutic for a lot of people and published media doesn't have as big of an influence on opinion in the age of the internet to tell everyone how awful it is and how awful the people that use it are
did wonders for me really in terms of anxiety i wouldn't be like blazed or anything but i'd get feeling good from it and i'd go find new clients and be extra professional and confident was way more successful at that time tbh
I really don't know how to describe the experience just that I had lost so much of my anxiety. which is an incredibly new experience for me. I got told by my friend that I should get anti-anxiety medication rather than weed because that might be what I really need.
ya i've told you that before too they're a little bit dangerous in a sense but i think they'd help you in the good way i still take lorazepam daily some people can get really fucked up from it andnot // not be responsible or get excessively dependent but it's good for me i use my anxiety meds to sort through the problems that cause me anxiety rather than ignore them, so it builds a kind of pathological muscle memory that tempers my mind a little bit around those things so i can do the routine without feeling anxiety regardless of the meds
I will have to make an appointment proactively, my doctor hasn't got back to me in a while. I was told benzos might be good. I don't really know a lot. I'll just ask for anti-anxiety medication from my doctor. I used to smoke tabacco just to push away anxiety. I lacked sleep because sleepiness had a weird high to it.
there's a likelihood you won't get benzos from your doctor i'm not sure how the UK does things but i get my script from a psych and not a gp/pcp there are non-benzo anxiety meds a pcp will usually prescribe instead
Everything is gatekeepered by your GP in the UK, you need to have your GP arrange for psych and such first. I have never had anything like weed before. I didn't even know human beings could feel like that.
if you ever come back to the us you can try my benzos
>>576784 Heck yeah. >>576783 Is it alright? I don't wanna talk about things that are verboten. I just had an experience I haven't been able to properly process.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
haha no you’re fine you’re fine bafk when i started smokin like four years ago moe was a fun outlet also have you never talked to like Dutch before
Someone is having their house repaired. it is so noisy right now
i'd toss out the idea of trying cbd oils and stuff too the benefit of weed goes beyond the part that makes you feel high i in fact dont like feeling high but do like the other relief it offers
>>576788 Everything costs online like 200+ quid. >>576786 I haven't really spoken to dutch. >>576790 <3
>>576795 I need to go to canda and have the maple syrup. I should go to the cafes in amsterdamn >>576796 Thats interesting, I wonder if we learn more about how other animals think from things like this.
>>576795 really never thought they'd legalize squid anywhere
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i do want to find some molly ive only had it once at a concert and i had a great time
Kirara 🚗
it's hard to find i don't trust anyone because so much of it is cut with bad shit
Molly is everywhere here, you need only go to a club to find someone with it. at least that is what I've been told. I don't really want stuff like that. I do want to find someone to give me more weed. but I have no idea bout terminology. Like here you get a 10 bag, a 20 bag. all based off price. £10, £20 etc
>>576802 i have bought off the street from randos before idk i don’t think i got great deals but i eventually found someone i trusted
I can indentify the smell from other people, I wonder if it'd be alright to ask someone how to get some.
ive never really been interested in molly it seems ehh i take amphetamines already by script and i dont like em armodafinil was pretty good though even though i'm met/met already
>>576774 i dont like the smell but i havent exactly been around a lt of people who do it i probably dont care as long as im not in trouble about it somehow
>>576792 mn I saw that too. Apparently they started doing all kinds of weird shit
Help I'm getting quizzed on my sexuality
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
careful, don’t become a weedlord like i did for two years
>>576824 I remember one time a doctor was asking me a whole bunch of questions about my personal life and she got to 'are you single' and she just muttered 'yes' under her breath and moved on to the next question
I've been asked by therapist a lot about my sexuality - it feels like the questions are more for data analysis than actually helping you.
well often it's just a uniform list of questions that they've got to go through.
Kirara 🚗
for the first session at least, yeah
Kirara 🚗
unfortunately that's just part of the culture of psychology it's not too good imo
>>576827 FOR THE RECORD that was back in the neckbeard days and - more importantly - I think she'd already asked if I lived alone in some other form of question
Eating a steak so early on a Saturday morning. How extravagant. I'm just watching Netflix. I'm doing okay. How are you?
im good i wasnt reminded until i woke up last night that we were attending (as vilunteers) for te alzheimers walk today hence why were eatimg something now since we’re done