Boku no Hero Academia Chio-chan no Tsuugakurou Cooking with Emiya Free! Grand Blue Happy Sugar Life Harukana Receive Hataraku Saibou Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 22-25 Ongaku Shoujo Persona 5 Satsuriku no Tenshi Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 6-9
Well Double Decker's been on the list for a while, I just moved it down there to keep things accurately sorted. RerideD dumped its first four episode out today, I'd imagine if there's more it would start in the fifth week or the season or whatnot. Maybe.
Jan should be along in a few.
We'll probably do what we usually queue up since nothing of the stuff we have backlogged from Friday are things he watches either. Unless you want to watch less because of the late start.
okay i had to help my dad with something i am ready now
Okey dokes. So,
Persona 5 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Boku no Hero Academia Hataraku Saibou
Providing we're all good for four shows, if not we can dock something.
okay ready
Okay, we're all ready. So let's startt!
>>577134 >>577135 Have neither of you started? I can orange again if so.
>Justice needs money to operate I wonder what they were trying to say with this.
>>577146 the world is a shit is the main message of p5
i stomped this solo joker midboss at this point
Were you overlevelled or was it just not a particularly hard fight?
The slow frame rate of the screen she was talking through was a nice touch.
>>577149 i was a little underleveled compared to the average player according to the phantom theif network thing i just had a good combination of persona to target all the right weaknesses it was luck
There's also something to be said about the scales of justice being weighed down by casino chips.
>>577161 well the good end requires you go through the bad end except say the right things at the end and have sufficient s.links when you would normally get the bad end so it's going to happen regardless unless they make it anime original
Well they've got at least three episodes to tie everything together, so there's time to play around with. Unless that episode counter isn't telling the truth, hah hah.
Okay, let's all become Starlight! Yeah, episode eleven. After the scramble last week we're all caught up in the show, so it should be straightforward now.
Despite all the sharp edges in this series that's the first time blood's been spilt. And it wasn't even an attack.
evil giraffe
I guess Hikari's just gonna vanish. That really complicates the play production though. Banana withdrew from auditioning for a role so there's now only the seven of them for the play. I guess she'll have to un-withdraw.
Hah hah hah this is amazing.
Well that's a pragmatic response to Hikari's disappearance. Though waiting a week feels a bit long.
She could have just said she last saw her at school though.
Wow despite all her work in the auditions Karen is still at the bottom of the cast line-up. And This Is Tendou Maya and Claudine get to reprise their roles as the main duo.
Time really flies by, eh.
She's lost her FIRE.
She's lost her light (Hikari)
She says she made Hikari go away but Hikari's the one that made her lose.
Yeah I saw him too. He kind of reminds me of a Disney henchman or something.
All Might actually looks pretty good in his No Might mode when he gets clothes that actually match his frame.
>Midoriya and Bakugou are being treated as problem children, aren't they? I mean Midoriya's arguably so but Bakugou's pretty absolutely a problem child.
midoriya is definitely a problem child
It's just the price of having so much JUSTICE.
Wow the teachers are forcing the students to bully Deku and Bakugou.
The fight against Mirio would have been a great place to pick up a new season for this show if they had to stop airing it again. It would be an easy way to showcase the main cast's powers and personalities. That's kind of what I was expecting, and I'm still confused as to if this show is ending in this season or getting more next season. It's not on the charts but they just keep going instead of stopping where I figure the good cut-off points are.
Okay sorry for the delay but let's do Hataraku Saibou!
Okey dokes, let's start!
So Hataraku is thirteen episodes I guess. The PV from last week indicated this was a two-parter. Ah yeah it's there in the title.
There's been eleven episode shows this season and thirteen episode shows this season. How inconsistent.
It really feels like sempai is more interested in foisting this girl off on her than actually giving her responsibility.
Sounds like she doesn't really need much sempai-ing though.
Yeah this is about what's to be expected/
Geez fucking louise White Blood Cell.
Red Blood Cell is too pure.
Poor kouhai. Having to deal with Red Blood Cell might probably help her loosen up a bit though.
I guess this body is deeeeaaaad.
You know this is probably a lot more distressing for someone who's lived through a city-wide disaster and been shovelled along like they were into somewhere, with no clue of what's happened or what will happen.
Sempai mode, activate!
The music direction for the second half of this episode has been really good.
wow what the fuck rip this guy he's been through some shit
The stuff in the earlier episode might've seemed severe but that's mostly because of scale. The human body, even when it seems healthy, fights off stuff like what they've shown on a nearly daily basis. It's really only the heatstroke and this severe head injury that have been actually serious events.