the issue they are complaining about is that some enemies are a higher level than you so you can't do whatever you want without dying while you're exploring lol
What an idiot.
>>525457 I'd tell him "don't be a bitch I killed one of Origins' Phylakes when I was way underleveled. Enemies being a higher level than you doesn't matter shit when you can just outsmart NPC AI.
>>525463 >>525459 well you do know that game critics are indeed "so good" at playing vidya games
Blaze it
>>525464 Skill is variable. Both writing competency and gaming competency. I don't care if they're actually good or bad at games, but if your complaint is that a game is "too difficult" and impeding your desire to explore, perhaps a game like Origins, with regions of scaling level difficulty, is not up your alley to begin with. That or you're stubbornly dipping your toe into parts of the game that maybe you should chill out and explore other parts of the game instead. It's a big world map, there's plenty to do.
>>525483 No it's not, this one was done exclusively by fatal pulse and all official and shit which makes it different. Plus they would have used super hi res digital masters so the quality of the images is higher too.
I for one would rather go full gray than bald even slightly
Kirara 🚗
i gotta dye my hair soon
Same. I like my hair. Both the colour and the quality, but I'd take the quality alone rather than lose both. Fortunately I should probably have a good chance at keeping it for a good while yet.
>>525497 well temporary grayness due to lifestyles and stress is a thing, so wouldn't worry that much yet
>>525499 I think your face is pretty youthful still though. Maybe a bit skewed by the glasses but you'll probably stick to thirties for as long as that keeps up.
so suddenly started thinking, how do they make all the aeting sounds in foodporn anime? do the voice actors do them do they have some on stock or does some specialist do them
it's so interesting to see what my colleagues take seriously in terms of the stuff i say i made a comment about bees and their aggression and related it to human aggression, i was talking about complexity of emotion between species and someone responded to me saying that we were different from bees, and i asked "are we?" and people thought I was kidding It's funny that they can't even imagine that we aren't extraordinarily different from bees
>>525516 I'm glad to hear you've got an exciting night!
You're going to have to combat him with ways that we aren't biologically different Or rather ways in which we are different that aren't our physical structure
Bees can only sting you once, humans can hurt you over and over again
there aren't any movies in which jerry seinfeld pretended to be a human
>>525562 But I sit there and watch the thingy and it goes FWOOMP and I'm like aw shit it's something maybe and then it's laslow And then I pull the next one and it also goes FWOOMP and I'm like aw shit maybe it's something this time and then it's laslow but again
It's a shame that arena doesn't really reward you the higher tiers based on skill or strategy for battling as much as just pumping and bloating yourself as much as possible.
Yeah that's pretty wack but at least Eirikas are easier to get
Welcome to your life There's no turning back Even while we sleep We will find You acting on your best behavior Turn your back on mother nature Everybody wants to rule the world
There's a thin, about a centimetre-long cut on the back of one of my hands. Not deep, but that part of the body's pretty thin. More importantly I have no clue how it got there.
Spooky You probably scratched it on something. That hhappens to me occasionally.
I bet most of those people don't even tweet anything. The algorithm fucks up around 500 follows. It will show you nothing but negative shit. So don't allow that anymore.
If you look at your twitter and it makes you feels any sort of negative emotion, then you must know it has to be fixed. This type of social media isn't emant *meant for anybody to feel worse about their day to day. It should be adjusted to your own preferences.
I see this website pulling at all of you. I want it to stop, social media should only be meant for you to conjure positive experiences. Even for a joke, or for memes. A website should never make you feel bad.
I don't use twitter as a hobby, I do it for other reasons that are more important
>>525736 I think it's fine to use a service however you desire, but I think I generally agree with you on Twitter. It pretty much serves just to find me artwork and support my friends in their pursuits.
>>525737 How much influence do you think your twitter has relative to the other things you could be doing Not being a dick genuinely wanna know
Prey's been a pretty good game. I feel it's a bit easy though. I'm running around on hard and I'm never really impeded, except when I get messed up by the autosave system.
Neuroshock kills any Typhon. But if you want to go for an ending without any typhon abilities, then go right ahead. You migt see something that I didn't. Shotty is like good for most of the mobs, but not all of them. You'll see soon enough.
Probably, but so does my fully upped shotgun and the skills that give you bonus sneak attack damage, hah hah.
Nah it's cool. I was looking into people playing the game way back when it first came out and I think I might have an idea as to what you're talking about.
Oh, then you wouldn't need to worry. It is a game about being the Prey, after all.
And for all I know about it, like I said, it's been a pretty good game. In about two or three days after getting it I threw twenty-eight hours at it. That doesn't come about if I'm not enjoying a game. At least games that aren't They Are Billions.
That's the zombie game, isnt it. Like al l of their generated mobs will just murder all of your survivors. That sounds like some deep pain, for real.
Yeah, it's an RTS/city builder where you have to sustain against increasingly absurdly-numbered hordes that come swarming towards you. I'm joking in part about not enjoying it, but it's pretty deeply unsatisfying to put over a hundred hours into a game and not even complete the first map they give you.
There is a line. Abise by it and you will find stability. And if you're ever dissatisfied Then just find the channels. Maybe you can marry me and I wil give you Canadian health care.
i hope i find something to hope about before i die
The future needs a big kiss. Which I could provide.
For summer the nights sure get chilly here. Dropping down to 13C. Where's my comfy nighttime temperatures of ~20C.
>>525794 just realized you were sayin you were playin with your bro i thought you were sayin "i'm playin WIRH, my bro" and was googling what the acronym stood for google was like "did you mean WITH?" and i'm like no google outsmarted me this time
they gave me call of duty blops 3 for free it's the same shit game i played on the ps3 except now you can hover for half of a second and run on the wall
I never played any of the blops, I think the last one I played was mw3
Kirara 🚗
wow wall running
the first blops had a cool campaign but it wasn't long enough to be a good game just for the single player before this the last one i played was ghosts and that was mediocre
multiplayer wise the game hasn't changed in 10 years, the netcode is still shit, and the perk system has only gotten needlessly complicated
Kirara 🚗
what do the numbers mean
oh they also seem to have stolen the power weapon idea from halo >>525865 mason the fucking numbers we have to know
mason tell me
we dont have time
Kirara 🚗
alright ok 3, 2, 7, 9 those are all numbers
those are all the numbers?
>>525869 bullshit mason. maybe i'll beat the shit out of you again that will jog your memory
i like how people still have the most flamboyant names they can think of though brings back memories i almost forgot there are people out there who are known as [Hope]SniperAssassi457
>>525926 Between $200 and $600 A lot were $200~ new but they were all in relatively small production runs and they discontinued them. Well some are still in production but they get new ones to replace them all the time.
i went to the family dollar and just bought a whole bunch of shit that seemed tasty without really any regard to how i'm gonna use it so i've got like cream cheese, fish fillets, chicken gravy, uh, garlic soups and ranch dressing
and cough syrup
Well cream cheese and salmon go well together. But the fish fillets are probably more like white fish so I've got no clue how that would go.
i got the cream cheese for bagels but i decided not to get bagels i dont even think they had bagels there it's the family dollar
I'm not entirely sure what Family Dollar caters to, but I figured there was a good chance they didn't. In my experience if someone gets cream cheese without bagels, odds are there weren't decent bagels at the least.
they cater to food stamps and cheap muthafuckas they got general supplies like cough syrup and soap and deodorant or anything in grocery that they can buy wholesale for like under a dollars
Yeah, it's about what I imagined. Not sure what the parallel would be up here, if one even exists. We've got dollar stores but they're tacky shit and cheap off-brand candy.
As far as I know grocery chains are all at the least here ones that don't have wholesale stuff on the cheap. But on the other hand I've never had to experience being poor, so I'm not one to know.
there's like three bagels left from before i didnt really want to get more but it's one of those things you know
it's a greater sin to have bagels and not have cream cheese than have cream cheese with no bagels
Yeah. I'll some times have buttered bagels, or peanut butter bagels, but there's certain bagel types which it's cream cheese or bust for.
you don't gotta be poor to go there they're also just convenient for general stuff but as to what they cater to, usually they plop up in marginalized neighborhoods with lots of older populations old people love family dollar
Yeah I can get that. But even the "bargain" grocery near us is still only probably lower-income at the least.
it's not always cheaper either like the cheese was 3.50 i think for an 8oz bag i'd get two of 'em for four bucks at a big grocer it's just, you know, they make their profit off not really holding a lot of stuff at a time
Okay, I see. I still don't quite know of a place analogous to it but there's probably something similar. One of our big grocery chains has a store brand, No Frills, that might fill the niche. But even then I don't think it's quite wholesale, just a lot of cheap foodstuffs that can sit in a pantry for like a decade.
月 here's their website
oh yeah that sounds about right i dont think calling it wholesale helped you understand i was talkin about their profit strategy just buy cheap convenient brands of a variety of stuff i bet like 90% of their wares are proctor & gamble
Oh, no, sorry, I got that across proper. It's just a place like No Frills is owned by one of our big grocery monopoly companies so it's not like they're buying bulk wholesale for profit margins. They just carry the cheap-ass brands that the monopoly company owns and orders.
It does look like a more grocery and household goods oriented take on Family Dollar though, yeah. I guess for the other stuff there's normal dollar stores and Wal-Mart.
they've also got some clothes, mostly kids' apparel, and nothing special they've got beauty suppliess and things though i don't think that had pumice stones at least i couldnt find one if you've got somethin you need that's not hyper important they prolly got it
i think i'll be makin a sort of pasta casserole here with this stuff boil up some shell noodles, add some gravy and meats and vegetables and some dressing and cheese, slow cook maybe a splash of milk
Yeah, that sounds like it could turn out pretty well. I'm not huge on dressing so I'd probably cut it, but the rest sounds pretty scrumptuous.
>>525962 i like to just boil the noodles and, once they're soft enough, just pour some canned soup directly in, but like some chunky/thick soup then just evaporate some of the water out and it leaves a real hearty flavor with the noodles and plenty of veggies and meats at that point it's a little bit more like a creamy casserole so i add some cheese for consistency ima try the cream cheese this time >>525963 it's fine
I'm getting pretty hungry now too. Didn't have much for breakfast/lunch today. Don't think there's much in the way of "lunchy" stuff to make though. And I'd rather something warm than cool because it's a little chilly in my house.
Don't think we've got soup on hand. Except for maybe a can of ... some kind of soup in the pantry. I know it's been there for years now but I don't actually ever look at what it is. A grilled cheese is definitely a can-do though. I might actually do that.
Yeah it's cream of celery. I think I'm good for passing on that.
do you have tomatas slice one up and put it on the grilled cheese!
or some sauteed mushrooms mushroom and cheese sammy
I'm no good with the texture of mushrooms. If I had like some onion powder I might sprinkle the faintest bit of that on the sandwich before I close it, but alas. I'm not feeling the crunch of a regular onion today.
>>525976 I wonder if there's more remixes of 2pac's stuff like this 2pac has some songs with really meaningful lyrics, I think they'd do well in this kind of style
Yeah his kitchen is really enviable. He recently moved into it, though even his previous kitchen was impressive.
any porridge rice, rye, wheat, oats, barley or 4 grain porridge
>>525981 it's different porridge usually in the south here grits is very popular oatmeal porridge more popular in the north
Yeah, oatmeal porridge was pretty much a staple option for my breakfast as a kid. If I ever get to live on my own I'll probably throw it back into rotation for things to eat for breakfast.
>>525988 I think I'm just in a mood for slower music
>>525989 I'm mostly through season three of their cooking playlists. Season three is horribly out of order and I have to manually pick the next in order so it's been harder to put it on when I need something to do while my hands are busy eating or whatever. It's been pretty nice though.
A remix in a mellow tune of Changes would be excellent It's already a bit mellow I guess
>>525993 damn that's some dedication it's really a captivating series, but i can't quite pinpoint why it's not the food necessarily it's the craft and the appreciation, or something
>>525996 For me it's also valuable semi-research. I'm not wholly familiar with the culture of that time period right before the onset of the industrial revolution, so it helps me understand what it was like to like in that environment. Also how people cooked before electric kitchen appliances were a thing. I file all that information away for when I want to do some writing.
same, for sure, about the research bit or aesthetics of it for me i guess
the only thing i really had intuition with around that era was what i learned from elementary school when we did little colonial-period activities and while that's pretty good for a kiddo, my understanding of the richness of life has grown massively since when i was 8 years old so revisiting those periods of history, i find myself still recounting a very juvenile perspective and building off those foundations when doing some higher-level thinking within those contexts
so seeing it from a historian's more granular manner is just a very pleasing experience it feels innately stimulating and satisfying for it just to overwrite those blotches in my memory and things click so easily "oh, i never thought about that, but that makes perfect sense" idk why but it's such a simple pleasure
i've seen that damned "ball of butter rolled in flour" so many times now but had never thought of doing something like that in cooking before it's really useful
Yeah, when it comes to history, I'm not really interested in the information points. Historical events, number of people involved, importance of the event in the long arm of history. It's a focus on that which dilutes my enthusiasm for history. But stuff like Townsends, which focuses on the feeling, the immersion of being in that time period, that's fascinating to me. I can take that and apply it to creative works. Where on the other hand I can't do much with a historical event aside from imitate it.
You mean you aren't fascinated by the fact that the greeks had doric, ionic, AND corinthian architecture? that's THREE types of architecture man
Hah hah man. I do actually find architecture fascinating, and the ways each one is unique is interesting to me. Just knowing they had them though is boring and useless.
Another thing I'm interested in is stories and narrative, which is a situation where historical information does come close to being useful. Like there's this podcast, Hardcore History, which did a three-part series on the affairs of the Persian-Achaemenid empire through the lens of the only historical account we know it consistently by - the Greeks. And the guy who does the podcast, Dan Carlin, does a terrific job of detailing the rise and fall of the dynasty, interpreting the stories told by the Greek historian Herodotus in an attempt to both keep the engaging way he told them and stay a little more comprehensive and analytical. There's a tonne of fascinating history that never really gets engaged with in conventional education.
that sort of sentiment and appreciation of granularity is what really drove me to become an archivist there is so much importance that disappears when facts just get recorded the recorders of those facts know how they're connected and can unpack the whole ripe meaning, but for people distanced by the
Sometimes I feel like going back to Overwatch just because there's so many thick-ass bitches playing that hgame I need to carry them it's my maternal instinct
>>526017 yeah that's actually kinda sketch rule number one of bein homeless is don't let people pick you up it's super dangerous even though you were tryna help they can't know that
oh you know him okay my bad
Kirara 🚗
i actually do know that homeless dude i buy him dinner occasionally ive bought him dinner like four times and even bought him gloves when it was cold in like january
it actually fooled me at first, i briefly glanced at it at the mailbox and thought it was from Amazon when I got home and went to open it, I realized it was a scam thing
Kirara 🚗
it's really very strange
Kirara 🚗
it's full of car listings and says 'huge tent sale" and a picture of a Family Dollar
Probably just walking and talking. I got paid today so I might actually leave the house.
Fuck people on Craigslist who don't respond. If you don't check your email, post your phone number. These people are assholes.
i'm an asshole too then i almost never responded to emails that's part of why i became stressed by that gig
>>526039 These are people saying "hey I wanna sell this thing, email me to get in touch" and then they don't respond to these emails.
ohhh yeah so many great things i wanted that i just had no way of contacting they leave no info so i email never hear shit
what do they think is gonna hapen happen like "oh i dun put that thing up on greg's list like you said but aint nobody bought it yet!! shoot" like it's gonna happen magically and you'll wake up in the morning and your chaise will be gone and 200 bucks will be there
I want to murder some people. How can people be annoying, do they practice?
generally not some people do but most are just naturally that way
I can't deal with people who want to control everyting I do. I never though at the age of 27 I'd have to deal with such fucking controlling fucks. God help me.
>>526059 What I can eat, what I can spent my money on, where I can live, what I can do with my body. >>526061 I have my own money, they sometimes offer to pay but it always turns into a way for them to go "look I wasted my money on you" I'm going insane.
>what I can eat wtf is it because they're paying or something? Who tells someone what food they're allowed to eat
>>526063 I'm leaving in a few days so I'll be fine then but its just incredible how much control people expect to have over you. Like I'm staying with you or //for a bit, I didn't sign contract that you can control me. I certainly don't need snide remarks all the time either.
>>526064 they sound really weird Like, having someone stay with you for a little
doesn't mean you can tell them where to live
My mom's new partner, they seem to be a controlling asshole. I've never met anyone so egoistical. >will she listen to me Oh boy. murder should be legal for certain people
>>526070 Nope, I don't think I will with how little time I have now, not that I wanted to anyway. guns are terrify me.
*terrifying *to
>>526072 You should, I think it would help you get over your fear.
Its fine, I won't be interacting with guns much anyway so my fear of them is healthy enough
Kirara 🚗
it's probably fine to be afraid of guns
It's an irrational fear. It's okay to fear people with guns, but Well many fears are irrational. Fear of guns (by people entirely unfamiliar with guns) in particular bothers me because its the reason my mother didn't let me pursue target shooting as a sport.
>part of the american experience >part of the american experience >part of the american experience >part of the american experience >part of the american experience
I would like to however note that "adjustment" and "adaptation" are both steps in culture shock.
Kirara 🚗
>>526083 this the American experience isn't shooting guns, it's getting shot by guns
>>526085 We're actually ranked 31st in the world for gun violence.
Kirara 🚗
>>526086 sure, because we destabilized most of the nations with more gun violence than us now throwing countries into endless civil turmoil does that
>>526087 Doesn't change the fact that they're more violent than us.
"we're less violent than the 3rd world countries no one wants to live in" great factoid
>>526089 Phillipines isn't really a third world country.
>>526090 yeah but it's literally legal to kill anyone you want to there and the government is giving out guns to help people do that
>>526092 Plenty of first world countries are fucked up. They're just fucked up in different ways. >>526093 Well, in my defense I was using data from before that started and they were still ahead of us in gun deaths.
>>526094 Not many countries would do what Kirara said. Rodrigo Duterte is fucking a nutcase
50 cent is such a piece of shit terry crews is out there being incredibly brave and talking about this stuff and allowing himself to get emotional and 50cent is mocking him for it
fiddy has been irrelevant for about 10 years now so his opinion doesn't really matter
worth only 50 cents
>>526112 remember the time fiddy was harassing that kid who worked at the airport who had social anxiety and tweeted a video of him calling him high and shit
I need a new ringtone the current one sounds too much like the background of music I listen to
I usually just use the default ring tone.
A while ago I tried using a song I liked as my ringtone but it just made me hate the song. I still don't like it as much as I did previously.
I had a song being sung by an anime character as my ringtone and would forget I had it on and suddenly it would play in like a quiet doctors office or somewhere like that it was pretty embarrasing.
Hazukashii I had ride if the Valkyries *of As my ringtone from seventh grade to twelfth frade. *grade
my body's been super acting up lately i hope i'm just regular sick and not really sick i'm too afraid of doctor visits the stress alone would probably be more harmful to me
finances, insurance stuff, being ignored or dismissed it takes a lot of time, effort, and money to visit a doctor and especially for a first-time visit, there's no time to really go over enough stuff for a doctor to get a good figure for things i would probably have to go visit a doctor, then be given some blood test orders that i'd have to take somewhere else to have the blood taken, wait a while, be notified to come back in to go over lab results, get an mri order and have the same thing done, come back in again all in all several months of anxiety, waiting, and travel stuff
it's not a fluid procedure at all it's slow and cumbersome
Doctors suck absolutely. They can make you waste so much time, I definately feel you on this. You have explain things, if they don't believe you its a pain to try and get what you want out them and not getting apppointment letters. I wish doctors weren't such a pain, I am going to have get a new GP when I get back and I hate the idea of it, I don't know if they'll be accepting I hate it when I have to make an appointment to make an appointment and its can be months in between.
And getting prescriptions for what I need is like trying to draw blood from stone. >>526189 No, its fine. I don't know about insurance but the NHS is like being put on a waiting list all the time unless they think you are deserving of being higher up the list and people like me are generally at the bottom of list for most GPs.
I wish you best with your future doctor interactions. some of them are just fucking assholes who don't care, like they got way too jaded after doing a job for centuries.
sorry to post while you're still typing i know it's rude
it's especially bad with basic insurance the doctors there treat so many people and in order to do so you have to be treated statistically you have to schedule way far in advance get seen and, if it's not something basic, be told to go visit a specialist, which you then have to book far in advance again whatever statistically fits your symptoms is probably what they're going to treat unless you're willing to argue with them over several visits, after trying their initial first-line treatment for their assumptions, then go through the procedure to find the care you need
it's like having your internet go out and trying to call in on tech support all it does is give someone something to sink their time into it'll get fixed when it gets fixed unless it's the most basic of basic problems that didn't even require calling them in the first place
except with healthcare it gets worse instead of getting fixed if i went in and told them i suspect a bloodborne infection and/or an autoimmune disorder, they'd think in their minds, "oh, someone's been using webMD and/or google!" and dismiss it i have to literally pay money to go through a procedure that's going to dismiss me as a person and a medical expert
doctors are especially pissy about inferring others' medical opinion they will actively ignore medical opinions that come from someone else, even if they have an MD
>>526186 yeah that's pretty bad A lot of paper work and scheduling and waiting to see if you've got something
>>526189 I have a bunch of papers about what my GP is required to do and what they must help me with, because GPs can be so fucking stuck in the past and judgemental. It >>526194 Exactly it doesn't even motivate them sometimes to do what they should be doing, I don't know how to deal with GPs, I wish I didn't have to deal with them. I'm not exactly help you feel better about it all but it is a fustration I share. Its worse for you given you know what you are talking about and being written off, I have done a lot work but I'm not medically qualified to make judgements.
"required to do and must help me with" with the underlying caveat that you're able to press them to do so legally through financial leverage
no it's fine i was just explaining why i'm fearful of doctor's visits since i was asked it's a notoriously evasive and manipulative system if you've got enough money it's a very progressive system that can offer things nowhere else in the world can if not, then you just get the statistical commercialized routine based on some pretty narrow details about yourself that are filled out in the 15 minutes prior to your visit on one or two sheets of paper the meeting with the doctor is more an interactive assessment than a chance for you to explain what's wrong even if the doctors care enough to want to believe you, given the volume of patients they have to take on and the cost of malpractice insurance and insurance protocol guidelines, they're highly pressured to make statistical assessments
there are doctors who don't operate in this way, but their ability to do so depends on having higher paying clients and not depending on the insurance system you can offer a higher quality of care when you're not held hostage to those guidelines and to that patient volume but doing so means you can't service lower-income individuals
i'm not even being cynical, that's just how it actually factually is
I hate how true that is. I might even opt to go private just to get things rolling smoothly. Even just timescale is so much better going private but it would ruin my savings.
It's werid -weird to hear how sluggish public healthcare is for you. Here it's always seemed within reasonable timeframes for me. I've never had to really wait on an appointment or operation. There's a lot of myths that get stirred up with the Canadian healthcare system, but as far as I know, if it's life-threatening or critical, they address it within the necessary timeframe.
>>526197 Its alright for certain things but for my particular set of issues I have to explain things and even then most its not priority to the NHS. I don't have issues with normal things that they are used to dealing with, its usually in and out but stuff they have to think about is painful.
Hm, I guess I can see. My health is pretty free of particular issues so it's hard to have a viewpoint into that. My mother's had colitis for as long as I can remember though, and I don't think she's had problems with how the healthcare system has treated her. That's the closest I can guess might be relative, but I don't know.
I can relate to being uncomfortable engaging with doctors though. I haven't gone back to my family doctor since, man I don't even know. Early 2016? 2015? It's been a while. He's a pleasant guy but the past couple times I've gone I've felt my particular concerns have been brushed aside for a general examination and I don't like feeling like I've been disregarded like that. So it's hard to motivate myself to go back.
>>526199 I know the NHS like to minimise time you take in each sessions so it usually acts like how moon described, a common pathway that reduces costs and works for the majority. but if you have something uncommon or takes more time, it can be a pain to be forced to justify yourself to a doctor especially ones who are arseholes and want to dismiss you and control your access to healthcare based off old or misguided information.
Otherwise if I have a problem like trapped nerves or narcolepsy it works out pretty well and I get help with a reasonable time.
I finally got home Going to work doesn't suck as bad when you know you're getting paid
It certainly alleviates the drag of working a bit.
>>526202 I can't say I've ever felt rushed through the appointment, but the way my particular concerns were dismissed might be either a fault of the system or a particular of my doctor. I've only ever had one family doctor so my experience base isn't really thorough. Personally I would like to find a younger family doctor though. This one has been with my family since maybe even when I was born, and even in my earliest memories he was an old dude. Frankly I'm amazed he's still practicing.
There remains an ever-present depressive feeling of "Is this all my life is from now on?"
Yeah, I can put that feeling aside early on in some jobs, but it eventually comes creeping around. I tolerated the bank office job I had pretty well despite it definitely being the most time-occupying job I've held, being a Mon-Fri 9-5 job. But around the ten month mark that the contract was set to expire I was about ready to bail on it.
The grunt work job I had with the brewery wore thin on me fast. I haven't really brought it up but I was rather relieved when they unceremoniously stopped calling me in. I could have called them and asked where my hours had gone but I didn't really want to.
I hope I can start working on my own soon, I'm stuck in the training phase of this thing I mean I still get paid but it would be comforting to know I could actually do the job
I slammed my finger into an edge on some metal thing while lifting a box, so it's got bleeding under the skin happening Well, the pressure isn't enough to keep going now, I guess, since this was like 5 hours ago But damn it hurt Damn it still hurts if I touch it
Hey moon, sorry for ranting off on your post, I didn't mean to overshadow your post or make it about myself.
>>526218 Maybe look into some work gloves. Even something like synthetic fibers can help avoid injury.
>>526221 Go shopping for your own unless they say you can't use your own. Look for a pair that gives you better dexterity on the finger tips.
He have gloves I just don't use them when handling cardboard cause it SUCKS
>>526219 i hadn't even considered it nothing to apologize for by any means i just complained about something and naturally people are gonna have other complaints too that's why im sharing
>>526220 They'd need to be padded, precise and water proof And resistant to cold, cause I like, dig in "snow" which is actually a mix of water, oil and milk, at like -20C Regularly
>>526225 not at all i'm just an extremely overstimulated person so i tend to see the first bits of a response and already have another thing i want to add because it prompts an idea so i post while posts are still in progress it's rude i know and it bothers me too when it happens to me but my window for capturing a thought is pretty narrow so i do it when i can and, since it's a messageboard and i'm not literally speaking over someone, hope that it doesn't interfere too much
>>526226 I mean, I don't know what the Norwegian equivalent of a Home Depot is, but if you have something like it, go there and look at their glove rack.
I've checked the place nearby, and they have some good gloves for just handling cardboard, but they're no good at all the other stuff I do at work If they're not insulated and waterproof, there's no reason to even consider it
>>526227 I'm the same in a way, I find it hard not to post to a point while someone is writing a post, especially when I have a hard time holding on to a thought or feeling. plus the board moves and posts can be far apart and in the middle of all sorts of discussions
i really only try to pause my responses for tilde and saya because i know they're people who carefully think out their responses and i don't want to jump the gun for most other people i assume i can add some additional commentary fluidly without much disruption they can finish their thought and then respond to an additional point and so forth unless i'm addressing a contrary viewpoint that is, in which case i'm not going to pre-empt their point by responding early
but if it's an issue of agreement where we're all contributing towards an idea, i don't feel resistance in adding some extra content early while it's still top-of-mind
>>526229 Well I'm not sure about the waterproofing, but maybe a pair of leather work gloves would solve that. They're usually waterproofed and have decent grip with both cardboard and metal. The trade off I figure would be that they'd be expensive compartively and I don't know how tied you are to this job that you'd put down the money for a pair like that. Then again a good pair would move with you throughout any manufacturing job you do, and good leather can endure a lot.
Also the thick fucking mist of starch and the following dash of pepper we have to mix together really does a number on my nose >>526235 I'll give it a look at least Not having a million cardboard cuts would be nice
>>526232 I feel a little self-concious about it now but I agree with that. and I do it in real life, I jump about the conversation while speaking or suddenly add addiitional informaiton.
For people that know me, they can deal with how no-linear my conversation can be sometimes and how I can say non-sequiters talking about something mentioned ages ago. I'm terrible making things coherent.
>>526237 part of why i like /moe/ so much is the multiple occupancy channel vocal channels really can only accomodate one transducer at a time and there's fickleness about how the channel is respected
I like moe a lot because I can post like how I think, sometimes its good sometimes its bad. like obviously streams of conciousness can be pretty hard to understand but I feel comfortable here talking. sometimes I have a lot of difficulty posting. but eh, I usually have difficulty posting
Text conversation in general is a lot more comfortable for me since my long-windedness extends to my talking too, and it's too easy for me to lose my train of thought without the record of what I've talked about before being there like there is in text. I also don't always remember the word I want to use and that's much more of a nuisance in voice than in text. Not to mention in vocal conversation I'm not very aggressive, and when there's a clash of people trying to speak I tend to back down, so I feel like I get more opportunities to speak my mind while in text conversation.
yeah it takes a lot of energy to hold a channel open while you think of how to phrase things in active speech text you can take your time and not have too many concerns it's great
and someone else occupying the channel in the meantime, unless it's in direct contrast to the point you're trying to make but haven't finished articulating, doesn't inhibit things too much a little bit of focus drawn away and a little distraction but a lot less so than someone interrupting your spoken word
>>526242 i know what you mean it's especially bad when you want to address a point about one subject but people are moving so fast to other subjects that when finally the channel is open for you to say something, you can't regress that far in the conversation and you never had the chance to say it while it was up because you had three aggressive speakers all talking over each other, you know shit like that troubles me a lot
It is easier in text to be able to respond to things but I still find it hard to break into some discussions and sometimes I feel to anxious to respond to things even in text *too
>>526245 It's something I've learned to let it go with. I would like my chance to speak, but I don't think I have to have it, and it's probably not a big deal in the average scale of things if the things on my mind don't get said. But if you interrupt me I swear I will deliver my fury, hah hah.
And either way, it's not like that sort of conversation moving on too fast for you to cover your topic doesn't happen in text conversation. /moe/ is generally pretty laidback and the general post-size to browser window ratio is small enough that a single post of a topic rarely gets pushed away. But I've had times where I've had to let a topic go because new posts in other places were coming too fast that it wasn't worth keeping around. It's even been almost intentionally done to shut me up before, which is particularly aggravating.
>>526247 >It's even been almost intentionally done to shut me up before, which is particularly aggravating. That shit is not nice at all. anyone who does that needs a fucking kick in the shins.
>>526249 were you wanting to add me on discord or whatever? i dont really understand it all but i can add you if you want
>>526247 sometimes i get distressed by a high-energy thread when i'm not able t to commit the faculties to it so i'll create a less energetic thread for maybe two or three people who may want to attend i like being able to do that, though i think people maybe get the wrong idea that it's dramatic or in protest to something it's really just being overstimulated and wanting something calmer where i can tab between things and check back when it's (1) and it being something relevant that i'm able to anchor to when sometimes hyper-energized /moe/ can drop 60+ posts before i can even tab back and i'm not able to read them all
I usual just close moe, I can get fustrated and find it hard to express it. but moe is a great reliever of stress for me. I don't really have many other outlets at all
The pace of a /moe/ thread rarely ever hits my tolerance threshold by some times the content is stuff I just want to get away from. But some times even. And that feels a bit like toeing the line of being dramatic to me so I usually just tap out and go focus on other things. Or try to anyway.
I think my tolerance limit is more around that sort of Twitch chat culture where everyone is just spamming some single-phrase meme or emotes, or a combination of the two. It's just way too much useless information, like a digital crowd of roaring drunks. By now I just shut off Twitch chats habitually whenever I open a stream.
I haven't actually added someone in like 3 years so this is gonna be super awkward. Fuck. I'll be in my zone
>>526256 you make me think of myself a lot with that post. I find it awkward to add people and get a conversation rolling, I'm sure you'll be fine. Moon is great.
I'm feeling tired but a had a bit of a food coma nap earlier so I'm not sleepy. I've been napping in the evening a bit lately and it's kind of throwing me off too. Sleeping properly is so difficult.