Hisone to Masotan --Episode 9-11 Caligula --Episode 11-12 Cardcaptor --Episode 19-22 Comic Girls Devils Line --Episode 11-12 Full Metal Panic! Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 11-12 Last Period Nil Admirari no Tenbin Shokugeki no Souma Gun Gale Online Tokyo Ghoul re WotaKoi
okay well I think Ika is gone probably fell asleep so let's start!
This'll probably be the finale for this one. noitaminA shows almost always run eleven episodes.
It sure would be nice to not have each episode be a forty minute experience when it could be twenty-five minutes instead.
I pinged him too but I don't know. From the looks of it he's on his PC or mobile.
>>525261 By the look of it you've got all night to grab it.
Okay Jan I was joking you don't need to take all night to grab it.
>>525262 Yeah I know how that goes. I'm always the primary target for my cat when she wants someone to chase her halfway up the stairs to get pets and scritches.
i'm finished so i'll get wotakoi real quick
>>525259 i had it a while ago but got distracted by the cat she really wants attention
What is this totally stereotypical VN music.
>>525258 He's been "online" on Steam for the entire time. Which means his mouse has been moving or his keyboard has had input in the past five minutes. Unless there's some other way of doing it that I don't know.
>>525259 she usually jumps into my lap while i'm at the computer and butts her head into my chest and digs her claws into my legs and shit petting her causes my arms and hands to break out in a rash though cute but i wish they would leave me alone
You should know better than to have delusions like that Naru. Oh hah hah she called herself out on it.
>>525266 Oh yeah, allergies make keeping pets rough. My brother has light allergies to pretty much any hairy pet. Not really serious at all but he gets a stuffed nose from both dogs and cats. I'm thankfully good with pet hair though.
tfw she finds her boyfriend dead in the last episode
i accidentally clicked the playbar what time
6:20 6:25 6:30
Naru is pretty fucking adorable.
what kind of monster gets out of the shower and gets the floor wet regardless of if you're naked in your own apartment or not
>>525274 Yeah it's just asking for environmental damage. Granted Japanese bathrooms are pretty much entirely waterproof so you can get them as wet as you please, but yeah, the living room floors probably aren't.
>The better the story, the faster I read it I know this feeling very deeply. Some books have been totally devoured because the story was just so engaging.
>>525274 Probably the kind that passes out from not eating because he was too into his video game.
>How long have you been an otaku? Honestly Kabakura's the least otaku-y of them all. Though as the seies has gone on he's definitely shifted a bit to be more in line with being one. Earlier on he was more of a normal Japanese person that reads normal Japanese peopel manga like Shounen Jump.
And now he's got shit like an Eromanga-Sensei poster on his wall.
>>525279 he's just a moefag with pleb taste entry level-kun
Well in Japanese culture his tastes would be pretty niche. In otaku culture, yeah, he's pretty entry-level. Like I said, he's the least otaku-y of them all.
This girl is pretty sweet. Maybe Nao can break her out of her shell.
They're all engaging in their otaku hobbies with passion. It feels really wholesome. I wonder what it feels like to throw yourself wholeheartedly into something like that.
Hah hah Hirotaka. Nice try.
I think the part of the credits they mention all the franchises they reference in the episode was chock-full for this one. Probably mostly because of Kabakura's room.
Those "first 2D love" references really date their characters' age.
Nao is so fucking pure. You could use him in lieu of holy water.
Well this series was very satisfying. I'm super happy it got adapted so you all could enjoy it.
wait was that the finale? wow they really made me want to see more with the final ending sketch they just dangled all those plot threads in front of my face that's so rude
It's a noitaminA show, they almost always run eleven episodes.
>>525302 Honestly I don't remember. It's been nearly a decade since I started seriously watching. But even before that I watched some dubbed stuff that ran on public TV. If there was a first one I found really attractive I've forgotten it.
>>525304 what a normie answer. i'm not really sure if I can remember my first one but I did like haruko a lot when I first watched FLCL
Were those whole cooked carrots covered in gravy? Not that it sounds bad, it's pretty delicious in concept. But normally you eat something like that alongside some roast beef or other meat.
>>525305 Yeah, if I think about it, I could maybe name Konata from Lucky Star. Maybe. Even that feels too late into my watching career for the first time though. I also got really into the KEY VN adaptations that Kyoto Animation did in the late 00s' or so. So heroines like Nagisa might've really pulled on my heart.
It did get explained to us back like in episode three or four or something. But it is really nonsense that only makes sense when you un-machine translate the Japanese phrase.
>>525316 Oh shit that reminds me. The production staff for the Uma Musume project actually posted a news bulletin telling people to stop going so overboard with lewd fanart of the horsegirls.
i was looking for an image to post and saw a sailor moon image and suddenly remembered my first 2D love was sailor jupiter she's still my favorite sailor
holy shit these cut ins
It's almost like we're watching a Persona game.
OH SHIT that shit we were seeing when she was running before was THE FUTURE
>>525323 I was thinking back to those 90s' dubbed shows when consdering my answer. Pokemon, Digimon, the very few episodes of Cardcaptor and Sailor Moon I watched. But even then I can't think of a particular character that I felt enamored towards.
Even stuff that came a bit later like Gundam or Eureka Seven, or my entry level shit like the Big Three of Shounen Jump. I can't think of any particular character that I was crushing on hard.
>he just abbreviates special week's name to spe god dammit
Wow did they all perfectly tie for the finish line or something.
yeah what the fuck who won
Manager PLEASE.
everyone's looking at him lol
Oh shit this song sounds like it could be denka as fuck.
Aw hell yes. This is pretty, er, dempa, not denka. Dempa as fuck.
>>525329 i liked eureka a lot too but i didn't watch that show until i was a lot older
Though I've got no clue how the game mechanics are even gonna work. I guess you can train your horsegirl stats or something like any proper gatcha mobage. After that is it just a stat-affected RNG race?
probably some generic collection rpg i might play it for a little while until i get frustrated with the gatcha or mechanics
Also I wonder if the game's gonna have the silly victory aidoru dances the horsegirls do. That would be a pretty impressive selling point if they've got a built in dance engine even if it's just 3D models of the girls.
this is a picture of me watching my sister play audiosurf/guitar hero/osu i can play any kind of other game alright but it's like the wires between my brain and eyes and hands get crossed if i have to do any of that shit
Yeah. I'm not great at games to begin with and new experiences can be really hard to wrap my head around at first. But rhythm games in particular seem to throw me into disarray. Something about the pattern recognition and timing is hard.
What's weird is that I've got amazing timing and can keep rhythm pretty decently in my head. But I can't figure out how to transfer that skill into games. Too much interference from the other things that take up my attention.
i'm pretty bad at games but i can persevere until i win eventually! >>525348 i can keep a rhythm with no metronome in real life but i can't even fucking beat PARAPPA
Pretty much. Maybe I should see if there's some decent rhythm game or game with rhythm game mechanics on the Switch I can practice on or something.
right now the only games i'm looking forward to on the switch are monhun and dark souls remastered which is never coming out and smash i guess but it will probably have shit netcode
a couple weeks ago i got a cool game based on that iga castlevania knockoff that got kickstarted it was great and also only like 3 hours long most of the other games on the switch shop don't look too great
Bloodstained, right? I thought it looked all right and figured I'd give it a spin if I ever got into the indie part of Switch's line-up.
I'm looking forward to Switch -to Ultimate a lot and am really excited to finally get MonHun.
Though right now I've gone back to Breath of the Wild since I ADD'd hard on that game and never actually beat it. There's just so much content to that game.
Afterwards I'm gonna go and get back into Splatoon 2 since I didn't play enough of that game I feel. IT's so fun too.
it really reminded me of castlevania 3 which was one of my favorite games for the PSP shaped handheld emulator >>525352 it's gonna kind of suck to go back to 3DS engine after World but there is just so much more content in dos equis world's endgame is shallow as a puddle after overnight rain
the combat was better than generations though but not by a whole lot really you just lose one or two cool new attacks on each weapon in favor of styles which are all kind of cool and all extremely broken
>>525352 Breath of the Wild was a good game, I should finish exploring it sometime. I already got pretty much every item though I'm just missing like korok seeds and a handful of shrines somewhere out there.
My only complaint is how easy it is and how few unique bosses there are.
>>525355 The desert is pretty cool but you'll be sailing through a lot of it on this... thing i forgot what kind of animal it is
Lost woods, you need a torch, for one. If you're observant you can figure out where to go after you get a torch. >>525356 Oh I can't read At one point I thought I might try 100% but then I looked up how many collectibles were in the game and decided fuck that
When I left off I hadn't even breached the Gerudo Desert. I hadn't really explored much of Hyrule Castle or figured out how to get to the heart of the Lost Woods either.
Oh since picking the game back up I did a bit more of all three of those things. Freed all the Divine Beasts, finished finding all of the memories, got the Master Sword, the whole shebang. I think technically I'm set to face Ganondork "properly" by the game's terms now. But I'm gonna try and get as much of the side content that's feasibly accomplishable first. Don't think I'll gun for 100% shrine completion but maybe try out the side quests.
Shrine hunting is maybe manageable, there's "only" like 120 without the DLC I think. If you go into every shrine you find just aimlessly wandering about you'll probably have like sixty or seventy of them by the time you finish the main quest objectives. Finding every Korok seed even with the DLC mask that notifies you when you're near a Korok seems absurd all the same though. I think there's something like eight hundred of them.